How I made $13K in 35 DAYS using ChatGPT (step by step)

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here is how I made thirteen thousand dollars in 35 days using chat GPT as a script writer AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we make money especially digitally by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence you can automate and optimize tasks to maximize your earnings of course an AI like chat GPT is only as advanced as the dot it was trained on but the potential of a specific AI is only as good as the user that prompts it to truly reap the benefits of AI tools you need to have a clear understanding of your goals and how to effectively use these tools to achieve them with the right strategy and mastering the art of prompt engineering you can use AI tools like chat GPT to increase your online income by either expanding a pawn or by creating a business now in my case I created a virtual agency yes just a logo and a landing page for it and then I started of course reaching out to businesses through Instagram DM LinkedIn and also using a little bit of email I would find their email on their websites or social media Pages oh I also created a profile for myself on offering the services then once I had the first eight people saying yes I simply asked them to fill out a form a Google form to specifically tell me what their needs were who Their audience was what was the use of the text or script for and then with all that information the only job I really had was to put it all into chat GPT and honestly after you do that you just check to see if you'd change one thing or another but usually it is as perfect as it gets from that I offered each one of my eight customers a 50 percent discount account in their next order with me if they referred my work for another three people they knew would need it basically in my first week I had those eight customers and by the third week counting the referrals I totalized 25 customer here's the thing I would offer them two packs either they buy writing texts scripts or a selling pitch separately or they'd buy in bulk and pay me a month in advance of the 25 customers 14 decided to pay me the full month in advance and I charged six hundred dollars for the full month of work for each totalizing eight thousand four hundred dollars then the remaining bought either two some six jobs and there was one that ended up paying me six hundred eighty dollars in the month because of the quantity of orders he ended up making it of course next month he came back for the subscription package so yeah honestly it ended up being roughly fourteen thousand dollars in one month just one guys now imagine how much I can scale this and the upcoming months to use chat GPT to write articles and sell your services as a scriptwriter you can do the following steps highlight your expertise and experience as a scriptwriter in your pitch to companies and marketing agencies showcase your writing skills by providing sample articles or scripts that you have written utilize chat GPT is language generation capabilities to generate ideas for articles or scripts and use the output as a starting point for your writing you can find you in the output by adding your own personal touch unique voice and creativity share the Articles or scripts generated using chat GPT with potential clients to demonstrate your writing capabilities and how you you can bring value to their projects offer your services as a scriptwriter highlighting your unique selling points such as your ability to generate ideas quickly your understanding of different writing styles and your ability to produce high quality content in a short amount of time by following these steps you can use chat GPT to support your work as a script writer and to demonstrate your value to potential clients writing is a very interesting skill to have everyone can write but not everyone can actually write we are not at the point where you can use a singular AI tool to produce great content research or copywriting but chat GPT can help you make your writing even better with the right prompts the AI bot can provide you with ideas and inspiration that not only helps you create better content but also offers new insights into the process that could potentially save you time in both the shirt and long-term term you can sell this improved copywriting as a service and make a great profit you have to figure out what kind of writing you actually want to sell there are many different types of writing for higher services that include writing services like social media posts and product descriptions blog posts for sub produce website content the book author or Ghost Writer technical writing script writing for TV film and theater to effectively sell writing services online it's important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and the best ways to reach them one way to do this is by using websites that are specifically designed for freelance writers and other creative professionals such as upwork Fiverr and freelancer these websites provide a platform for writers to Showcase their skills and services and connect with potential clients who are looking for high quality content in addition to using specialized websites it's also important to use a variety of mediums to Showcase your writing and reach a wider audience this could include writing sample articles and blog posts creating a portfolio of your work and using social media to promote your services and engage with potential clients by using a combination of these mediums you can effectively showcase your writing skills and attract clients who are looking for high quality content I hope I have inspired you in some way but remember we can give you thousands of ideas but none of them will matter if you don't take action on it great ideas there are many out there people acting on it and making it happen not so many subscribe like and share for more content welcome to the Hustler community
Channel: How You Earn
Views: 7,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I made money using ChatGPT, ChatGPT, AI, How to use chatgpt, how to make money using chatgpt, how to make money online 2023, how to make money, how to make money using chat gpt ai in 2023, how to make money using chatbot, how to make money as a scriptwriter, how to make money using
Id: mzo8RuTxm6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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