The BEST Passive Income Side Hustle 2023 ($834/DAY)

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today I'm going to break down how these Etsy shops are making multiple six figures in profit selling digital products then I'll show you how you can execute the same blueprint to grow a shop that has the potential of making over twenty thousand dollars a month in profit not Revenue profit today I'm introducing you to the world of etsy digital prints now this does take some time and hard work but probably not nearly as much as you'd expect I'm going to show you a few of these shops so that you can see the numbers for yourselves and then I'm going to walk you through the exact step-by-step process of me setting up my own shop so you can see the easiest and lowest skill method to get started and I'll explain the entire process and business model along the way by the end of the video I'll also have shared some ideas how you could scale out of etsy and go to the seven or eight figure range so don't skip over anything important what is an Etsy digital print well at its core it's an image that someone has listed for sale on Etsy and when someone buys it the customer gets a download link to the image and the seller gets to keep the profit with digital products you have a nearly 100 profit margin since all you have to pay for is the Etsy fees and the optional marketing costs but we don't have to pay for the marketing costs enter the first shop example this shop is called hearts in color and they're just selling these super clean prints for about four dollars and 10 cents a piece on average we'll talk about how you can get similar art in a second but for now I want you to look closely at how simple some of their items are also keep in mind that they're using the exact same mock-up for all of their products which makes these listings super easy to construct now this shop has about 76 000 sales now with that average sales price of four dollars and ten cents they've likely generated over three hundred and thirteen thousand dollars in profit before Etsy fees and ads if they ran any the next shop on our list is called North Prince they're selling vintage or rustic style downloads and they have a lot of Botanical and sketch type prints and some are a little bit more complex than the other shop now some of these oil painting type images and Landscapes really pay off now this shop has over 270 000 sales and with an average sales price of three dollars they've likely done over eight hundred and eleven thousand dollars in sales now this shop was opened up in 2020 and they got their first review on August 12th which means this shop has likely only been open for about two and a half years that means they're doing about three hundred and eleven thousand dollars in profit each year and roughly at twenty five thousand dollars a month so they've made that amount of money in just over two and a half years now if this sounds like a get rich quick they actually have really good art so if they are making these images by hand they would take an incredible amount of work this is however a proven method to make passive income online and we'll talk about how to get art in a second hopefully now you can see that this can actually be done and it is possible to make the amount of money I promised watching someone else run the business is the easy part though so let's break down the business model there are really three components to making this kind of business work you have the shop the artwork in the listings starting with the shop we have to go to etsy's website scroll to the bottom of the page and click sell on Etsy from here we can go about opening up our shop or you can sign up using my link down below and you'll get 40 free listings which is equivalent to about eight dollars in listing fees we're selling on Etsy because one we've already seen successful shops doing it and two Etsy drives over 500 million visitors each month so we don't have to pay to run ads if we don't want to but we'll need a business name to get started and if you're not feeling very creative then I would recommend heading over to chatgpt and right here you can sign up for free and simply ask it for a list of Etsy Shop name ideas that we can use to start our own business now the name really doesn't matter but I kind of like this one called rustic charm so let's see if we can make it work we should also create a Gmail account under the same name to run our business and we're going to use it for something really important later on how is that name taken bro fine Rusty charm but now that we have the name we have to create the first listing there are a lot of options when it comes to getting art even if you're not an artist and I'm going to go over three proven methods the first completely free option is selling public domain art because there isn't any kind of copyright on it and I'll show you a shop that's successfully selling this kind of public domain art in just a second we could try selling images off a free stock photo website like unsplash pixabay or pixels but we would have to be careful here because even though we're allowed to use these images for commercial use we have to add significant modification to the images which makes sense because we don't want to just steal the images from the photographers we could just buy pre-made art on a platform like creative markets but this can get expensive however these images are pretty good just remember here that even if you spent like a thousand dollars on prints that you could sell you're asking to start a business that makes you twenty thousand dollars a month so just keep that perspective in mind now those are all great options and they do work and I'll show you more proof in a minute but today's video is about mid-journey [Music] mid-journey is an image generation AI that lets you generate images like these from a single prompt now mid journey is free for the first few image Generations but to sell the image we'll need a commercial license the standard plan gives you unlimited image Generations each month and General commercial terms for only 30 bucks a month to access mid-journey you'll need a free Discord account and you'll have to download it to your computer next you'll just head to the mid Journey website and click join the beta and it should open the mid Journey server in your Discord app ready to generate some images now I'm going to chat with the Discord privatebot to make it a little easier to follow along so right down here is where we can start generating the images if I just type a forward slash key and click on the Imagine prompt right in here is where I can type in my prompt so I'm just going to type out simple palm tree and then I'm going to add a two dashes and then type AR which is for aspect ratio and python 2x3 and after I hit enter it's just going to begin generating me those images now it's really important that we generate the images with that aspect ratio CO2 by 3 so that we can use them as posters and right before your eyes it will begin painting you a completely new image based on your prompt if we don't like any of them we can just click the re-roll button and it'll give us four more options to choose from this will give us four variations based on the same prompt but if we want something completely different we could just give it a brand new prompt after we have our four Images we just hit the corresponding upscale button and it will make the image larger and once it's done upscaling the first time we will have to click the beta upscale redo to make it even larger so it's big enough for our customers to print now I'll show you several more images in a minute to show you that it is possible to get comparable art to that shop we looked at at the beginning okay so I think this one turned out the best once it's done upscaling to the beta size we just have to click on it and click open in browser now this will open it up in your web browser from here all you have to do is right click and save the image we can give it a name and just hit save now we've generated an image that we could sell and they could print it as a 20 by 30 or a two by three aspect ratio but there are some other aspect ratios we should offer so the customers can pick exactly what's best for their situation so in my web browser I've opened up this website called photo p and it's essentially just a Photoshop replacement that's completely free if you saw the AI sticker video I did then you'll already be familiar with this platform and right below the Subscribe button I'll leave links to all of these websites and platforms that we're using now the first thing we're going to want to do when we have photo P open is click and create a new project and up here in the settings we want the width to be 20 the height to be 30 and DPI to be 300. from there we can just click create and now we're ready to just drag our palm tree image or whatever image we created right on to the surface and from here we just want to scale it up next we want to just make sure that we turn off this white background layer and make sure that our design layer is selected from there we're going to come over to the left hand side and click on the crop tool we're going to change the dimensions to a fixed ratio and right up here is where we're going to put our aspect ratio now you can pause the video here because these are the ratios that we're going to be selling to make variations it's super easy we just have to set the crop to whatever our aspect ratio is so in this example 11 by 14 and you can see how it Alters the image from here we just have to click this little check mark then in the top left corner we're going to come choose file export as and choose JPEG and now you can see we have a beautifully cropped 11 by 14 inch palm tree we then just have to come back into photo p and hit command Z to undo our changes and from there we can start the process Over Again by selecting the crop tool and we're going to go through and make iterations of every single aspect ratio we're selling now that our images are prepared there's just a couple more steps to get them ready to start selling now since our prints are going to be a little too big to upload directly to Etsy we're going to use that Gmail account we created earlier and upload the files to Google Drive once you've navigated to your Google Drive all you have to do is simply drag your folder and drop it directly in and it'll start uploading now while our file is uploading we only have one final step that we have to do to get this ready for our customer to download we are super close to the finish line right now the last free program we're going to be using is called figma and once you've signed up and created a blank document all we have to do is drag in one of our images so I'm just going to drag in my palm tree right here next all we have to do is click on this text box and click somewhere on the board and we just want to type in download here then we just need to change the font size so that it's legible and change it to something nice you might add a drop shadow or something and this is going to be the download link that the customer clicks on to get all of their files so the final step is to come back into our Google Drive and with our folder right here we're just going to right click and we want to click get link then we want to change this to anyone with a link and make sure that this drop down is set to viewer then we can just click copy link and when we come back in figma if we just double click and select our text layer and hit command V to paste it in it has pasted the link right into that text and now our customers can use this as a hyperlink to take them directly to the download now the final steps here are we have to select both layers hit the command and G key on our keyboard and now when we click on export we can change this to a PDF and we can export the group so you can see that I've titled it download here and when our customer gets it and opens it up they're going to have this download link right here which they can click on and it will take them directly to the download page where they can download all of the images in exactly the aspect ratio that they need okay all of the technical work is done and now we just have to post a listing in Etsy I just have to complete all of the listing details and make sure that I'm selecting digital download for the type then I just take the PDF we created with the download link and I drag it to where it says upload file and now it's pretty much done the only thing that we have to do is create a listing image we can get a free poster mock-up by going to typing in poster mock-up and they'll give you several options here but we want to filter by free from here we can just choose one that we like maybe this one and then we just hit download it is important to keep in mind that we will have to copy this and put it in our description if we using the free version we can go back to photo p and just drag in the mock-up that we just got off of raw pixel and then in the file that says your image here we'll double click we'll drag in and resize our palm tree image hit save and now you can see we have a beautiful palm tree mock-up from here we can use the same steps as before and just export it as a JPEG and then with that image we just created we can just drag it right into Etsy and upload it as the main photo and then assuming everything else is set up correctly all we'd have to do is just click publish to our store now if you used my link down below you won't have to pay for the listing fee otherwise each listing you post costs about 20 cents and it literally just like that we've successfully created our first listing now each time you repeat the process you'd get a little bit faster and a little bit better at generating images you could use this exact strategy to grow to twenty thousand dollars a month in passive income you would just have to put in the time and the work to get good at doing this now you've seen me go through this entire process but here's how I would actually execute if you find yourself running out of ideas open up the chat bot we used earlier called chat GPT and ask it for a list of ideas or sayings that you could use if you're selling posters with sayings on them when it comes to picking a knee all of the successful shops that we've looked at have taken the aesthetic and made that their Niche but here's really my best advice on niches let the digital poster product be your Niche and not the designs for your posters I know this seems like contrary advice to everything you've heard online but this will give you the freedom to explore things like motivational posters or vintage Landscapes beaches or a lot more than just one single idea plus you're selling on a marketplace where lots of different interest groups come to shop so don't only sell to one type of interest group if you consistently implement this strategy there's no reason why you wouldn't hit 10 15 or 20 000 a month in passive income profit you would just have to do it for long enough to get really good at doing it the shops that we talked about aren't a get rich quick they're just proven methods to make money online if you aren't ready to pay for mid-journey yet and you want to get started for free with public domain art here's a shop that's successfully selling a lot of these public domain prints that we looked at at the beginning of the video now with their 70 000 sales an average sales price of about ten dollars they've likely done well over seven hundred thousand dollars in revenue and I say Revenue because they're selling actual physical prints which reminds me if you started this business model there's no reason why you shouldn't take your same images and repurpose them as physical prints that you can also sell you can post them on canvases and posters and then distribute those goes to platforms like Etsy Redbubble and Society6 this way you're earning even more passive income on the designs you're already making you'll make the designs once and if you follow this format you're literally multiplying your chances of getting the sale and multiplying your income with each product you list and each platform you listed on DM me on Instagram and for more videos like this one hit subscribe [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Alek
Views: 70,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ALEK, Alek, ChatGPT, OpenAI, MidJoureny, Easiest Business to Start in 2023, Easy side hustles, side hustles 2023, easy side hustle, AI side hustle, super easy money online, make money online, Make money with AI, AI revolution, Print on Demand AI, POD Etsy, Sticker Business, How Much I made, easy 6 figure side hustle, six figure income, online business, Alek Sheffield, Alek Sheffy, ecommerce, passive income ai, AI passive income, AI Art business, passive income side hustle
Id: nvvCCI8xj0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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