ChatGPT-4 + Midjourney v5: Hyper Realistic Photos in Seconds!

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Jet gbt and mid-journey are absolutely insane when used to separate but what would happen if you can bind these two you know what would happen if you took the problem generating aspect of Chad gpt4 and combined it with the art generating aspect of mid-journey V5 well today we are going to find out considering the fact that chat GPT has limited knowledge up until 2021 of September we need to inform chat GPT what mid-journey is what does mid-journey do what are some of the parameters involved when creating prompts so this could be a very difficult process but what I've done is I've created the six page PDF a chat GPT for X mid Journey training sheet in order to inform Chad gbt on what mid-journey is so I've created this once so all we need to do is paste this in chat GPT and it understands what certain parameters are it understands what we want it to do when it comes to prompt generation for mid-journey so if you want something that you know is going to work when you paste it in the chat GPT you can head over to my website link in description and you can enter your information hit submit and it will automatically pull you to that PDF so then you can just copy and paste that right into chat gbt so that's what I'm going to do right now in order to train chat GPT on what is mid-journey okay I've got it all highlighted I'm going to hit Ctrl C head over to chatgpt make sure that I'm on model 4 to get the best results and then I'm going to paste it in here and basically what I've done is I've given mid-journey example prompts I've given it parameters to choose from Instructions I've given a description of what is mid-journey and then at the bottom here at the end of this prompt I've said now that you have a full understanding of mid-journey with example prompts I want you to act like a professional photographer and to use descriptive and detailed information when you are describing your photo prompts include your camera setups as well what chatgpt will do is generate very realistic photos so this is absolutely going to change the way photography could be done forever and then at the bottom here I say if so respond with yes and nothing else because otherwise it will start generating a bunch of prompts that um that you don't want you know you want to be able to generate your own props so what we're going to do is we're going to send this off and if Chad GPT says yes then it's accepted the information and it's going to work so let's send this off it's reading it right now and boom said yes so it's that simple if you just copy that information from the PDF you paste it in chat GPT now chat GPT knows everything it needs to know about mid-journey and what it's going to do is generate you awesome props at your request so for example I'm going to ask it to generate me a realistic photograph of a pirate for this first input so I'm going to type that in foreign so what I like to do is I like to type generate a prompt 4 and then I put a colon and then whatever I want the prompt to be about so I want a hyper realistic portrait of a pirate and when I send this off what you're going to notice is chat gpt4 does such a good job at generating an awesome prompt for you so you don't have to do that in mid-journey so I'm going to send this off we're going to wait it out and it's going to generate this prompt as you can see it's typing already hyper realistic portrait of a pirate and then it's going to give some some adjectives here and it's even describing what camera to use the lens it's using the f-stop what kind of colors we want composition and perspective and then it even goes here to mention that we want this in version five we want this quality of two and we want this aspect ratio to be four to five so it does that all for you after you just paste in this information telling it what mid-journey is so now what we can do is we can copy this prompt and head over to Mid Journey when to copy that head over to my Discord server and now we're going to type slash imagine and we're just going to paste in that prompt and send it off and just like that the air is generating for us with the quick input of what we wanted in chat GPT pictures just got done generating and I am very excited to open this in a new link and view it in a larger image so let's do that now and would you look at that these Pirates are looking insane I mean just look at the detail on this one's face you get every little hair he's got cuts on his skin there's wrinkles from his age and the thing that baffles my mind the most is that these are not real people you know these are these are fake people generated by AI this one has a little trinket on his hat that could be some sort of pirate symbol maybe yeah that's just amazing every little thread every little detail that goes into this air is what makes it so awesome so that one was very cool and now when you want to generate another image just head back over to Chad gbt and then what you can do is I just like hitting this little edit button here so I don't have to type this in again I like hitting this little edit button and then just backspacing my prompt here and that way now I can just type in whatever prompt I want and then I can go through my previous prompts after I'm done saving and submitting this prompt right here so my next prompt what I want to do is a Gatsby house part if you've ever read or watched the movie The Great Gatsby it's basically a movie that takes place in the 20s and Gatsby is this guy that threw all of these insane parties just so the possibility of that girl that he found in his past would come to his house parties so this should be interesting what I'm hoping to see is luxury fireworks um and hints of the 1920s so I'm just going to type in hyper realistic Gatsby house party and I want to see what chat gbt can come up with let's see if it can pull in that data like 1920s um fireworks and what actually took place in the Gatsby house parties I'm pretty sure that it will be able to but this should be interesting so we are going to see this okay so generate a prompt for hyper realistic Gatsby house party I'm going to hit save and submit now this is the cool thing about just hitting that edit button is now you can just hit save and submit and you can go through your responses it's kind of a nice way just to keep your chat GPT dashboard a little bit more organized and just as I thought as I was hoping um it included the 1920s atmosphere without me having to even mention anything about it so it took Gatsby and related it said 1920s which is very cool and I'm very excited to see how this is going to turn out so we're going to copy this and head back over to mid-journey head back over to the Discord server type slash imagine and now we're going to paste it in and send it off just like that it's that quick before using chat gbt4 in mid Journey you'd have to think of all this on your own and to get the styles to get the f-stop to get the camera you want this would have taken a lot of leg work so if you're an artist or you're someone who enjoys making art then this is going to save you a ton of time I'm going to wait for this to generate it's at 15 right now and then we will make the images larger and check out how it did so the images are done generating and now we're going to open this up in order to view the full quality we're going to hit open link and would you look at this this is absolutely insane I will admit that this top right one could use a little bit of work this kind of just looks like a a wedding rehearsal at somebody's house but this bottom right one is awesome I mean as you can tell it pulls in the hats from the 1920s all the men are dressed in suits I'm gonna be honest it's not what I was thinking that it was going to look like but it still amazes me how these are all AI generated people and it can pull in an atmosphere from the 1920s for this next prompt what I want to do is generate a cool guy in the 1950s you know we're going back to that decades thing except this time we're going to give chat jbt the decade and see if it can generate a little bit better response than the previous Gatsby house party one so what I want for this one is a realistic full body portrait of a cool guy in the 50s and what I'm actually going to do is make this the 1950s just giving it that little bit of extra information and now we can hit save and submit and Chad GPT will once again generate out this prompt very quickly for us so we don't have to do the thinking we have the idea and now Chad gbt is going to generate the prompt in order for us to put that idea into the air software so it is using some interesting camera equipment here we're using a roloflex 2.8 f and I don't know what this is but we're going to see how this is going to turn out we got natural daylight soft focus a confident expression already leaning against a vintage car it's kind of what you imagine a cool guy from the 1950s would do he has a leather jacket and cuffed jeans retro Diner in the background so far this is sounding like it's going to turn out great uh but let's put it in mid-journey and let's see let's see if it does so I'm going to copy this slash imagine once again paste in my prompt send it off quick and efficient so this picture generation is complete and I'm already loving what is going on now we're going to open this up and view it as a little bit larger of an image the subject looks a little bit younger than I was imagining but this is still pretty cool I think my favorite right off the bat is going to be this first one um the reflections off the car the entire style of what's going on here is just awesome this is just wild to me this is absolutely insane how quickly it can do this and the reflections off the cars are what also make me pretty excited about this stuff like it's reflecting what would be a building on the left side of that car and if I don't like something with the chat gbt prompt that it generated me what I could do is I could go in here and I could tell Chad gbt to change a certain thing about it or make sure this picture is in color it doesn't have to be watch at gbt generates you is your final result but what this allows for is some freedom and it gives you a template prompt that you can kind of use in order to start generating the AI art you want with less thought I have a couple more prompts that I want to try out one is going to be a Ford Mustang in the year of 2070 uh let's see if let's see if this is going to be a good design or a bad design so hyper realistic Ford Mustang in the year 2070 save it submit let's see what happens it's added some holographic advertisements for the year 2070. um hopefully that doesn't affect the car we're going to now copy and paste this in the mid journey and see what kind of AI art this gives us hopefully it doesn't disappoint we're going to send it off and when you look at that it's generated these four images of what they think a 2070 Ford Mustang is going to look like if it's still looking like this 50 years from now then I'm going to be a little bit concerned with what it's for doing because I'm not going to lie this already looks like some of their models that they came out with a couple years ago but the lighting the atmosphere and everything about these pictures is telling me future that's always one of the things that absolutely amazes me is when they have the reflection of the object in water or a wet surface they even tried adding the Mustang logo right there and the tail lights actually reflect a Ford Mustang so very good job to Mid Journey for hammering down on those little details this is very cool stuff and I can always change things about the props too I don't have to keep what Chad gbt gave me but what it does is it gives me that that template it gives me that Foundation to build from in order to get the perfect picture that I am looking for so next I'm going to ask it to generate a prompt for a hyper realistic black panther we're going to hit save and submit let's see what kind of prompt it generates for us here okay so it has went into deep detail about what it wants for this prompt and I'm actually going to change it a little bit when I have it pasted over in Discord this is one I tried generating of a uh mythical sea creature it didn't turn out that great it wasn't too bad but what I'm going to do is I'm going to imagine prompt and instead of having all these filler words uh for example prowling through a dense jungle at Twilight what I'm just going to do is hit prowling comma dense jungle at Twilight glistening for when you give them a journey those um those words that it needs to understand and try to take out the unnecessary information and the unnecessary filler words that is when it can become much more powerful and that's just what it understands a little bit better so instead of surrounded by what I'm going to do is just put Lush foliage when you put a comma in between that and ancient trees and now I think this is ready to send off so let's see how Chad JPC did and this is what it came up with for the Panthers this is absolutely blowing my mind I mean every time I do this my mind is still blown these are not real pictures these are not taken by a photographer uh this is completely AI generated but it looks 100 real I have two things that I really like about this image I like how they kind of gave this Panther down here in the bottom right leopard print and I also like the piercing yellow eyes that it provided on all of the Black Panthers in each picture out of all four of these I either think the bottom right one is my favorite or the top left so this is what happens when you take a gpt4 in mid Journey V5 and you can bind those two forces together not only do you get awesome props to use but you get awesome props quickly once you explain the chat gpt4 you know what is mid-journey what does it do what are the parameters it's super powerful and it can generate insane air in a matter of seconds you don't have to think about the prompt you don't have to think about the aspect ratio camera equipment but the thing is is that if there is specific camera equipment or specific things you want within the image then chat GPT will generate out that template for you and you can replace the information where needed if you enjoyed this video please comment and let me know so I you know what kind of content to create and also while you're down there comedy and drop a like and hit that subscribe button I would really appreciate it again if you want that PDF it's completely free head to the link in the description you can teach chat gbt what mid journey is in seconds that way you can start generating awesome air with those prompts alright I'll see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 411,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney v5, midjourney, chatgpt, gpt 4, chatgpt and midjourney, chatgpt4 and midjourney v5, chatgpt4, ai art prompt guide, ai art prompt engineering, midjourney v5 prompts, chat gpt 4, midjourney 5, midjourney version 5, midjourney ai, ai art, midjourney prompts, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tips, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney v5 update, midjourney v5 release, midjourney v5 prompt generator, midjourneyv5, midjourney consistent style
Id: EJez32MtfWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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