ChatGPT-4 + Midjourney v5: Engineered AI Art Prompts in Seconds!

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about one month ago I created a mid-journey chat gbt video showing you how to get chat GPT to generate you prompts for hyper realistic photos and everyone loved this video and the idea of this video chat GPT was now creating awesome prompts that you could use for mid-journey in a matter of seconds but there was one problem and that problem was is that we were limited to hyper realistic photos only but what if you could use chat gbt to generate you prompts to get any kind of image you want in a matter of seconds let me show you how to do this so what I've done in Chad gbt is I've pasted in this massive PDF file that is six pages long and this is going to train chat GPT on what mid-journey is and down here you have the ability to enter in customized details for your specific use case if you want this PDF with all of this information I am giving it away for 100 free there is no catch so go down there get this PDF and follow along with me as I show you how to use it so let's say you want professional watercolor paintings what I could put for personality is professional watercolor painter okay so now chat gbt is taking that information it's saying okay I need to start generating props as if I'm a professional watercolor painter and here in the important details you'll see that there's detail one detail two detail three Etc this is where you need to include details that you wanted added into your prompts so what are the important aspects of a watercolor painter that I don't really know but I can put in something like style brush Strokes lighting and I can just put a period there whenever I'm done giving it the details that I wanted to mention within the prompts and if chat gbt accepts this information it will respond with yes and nothing else now it's important that you want to be using gpt4 I'm currently on GPT 3.5 so I'm going to copy this to make sure it doesn't delete and switch over to gpt4 okay so send it off on gpt4 you'll get the best results and it will actually work and when you send it off if it says yes then you are ready to start generating your prompts so now that it said yes what we can do is type in generate a prompt for put a colon and now we can type in whatever we want so what kind of scene do we want for our watercolor painting a house on a river with mountains in the background maybe we want a simple watercolor painting that we can hang in our house and we want to create that painting on mid-journey we could use the sheet and now Chad gbt is going to do the work of creating the prompt for us so we don't have to think of the parameters we don't have to think of the details that mid-journey likes to accept when adding them into paintings and we're going to send that off and as you can see chat gbt is just going on and on giving certain Styles and other parameters to use for this painting just like that now it's as simple as just copying this with Ctrl C going over to Mid Journey and typing slash imagine paste it in and sending it off and now we're done we told Chad gbt what we wanted and it did the hard work of creating the prompt for us we didn't have to think about all his parameters and now it's going to generate this awesome image and as you can see Chad gbt acted as a watercolor painter generated The Prompt for us and then we just pasted it into mid-journey and we got these awesome results I'm actually going to close out of this and the great thing about this is that jet gbt provides us with the foundations of a great prompt so what we can do if we want to change some things about this prompt is just copy it type in slash imagine again paste it in and let's say we do not want it to be delicate Morning Light but we want this to be at night time what I can do is I can delete delicate Morning Light maybe I want to go closer to the front of the prompt and maybe I want to get rid of the Serene effect so I'm going to get rid of Sabrine we just want it to be on a river we don't want it to be Majestic we just want a nice Mountain background and let's say we want it at night time so I can just put at night time or something along those lines put another comma and now I can send this off and this is wonderful because chat gbt gave us the foundation and now we're just changing it to our liking it doesn't have to be the best prompt right out of the gate but it gives us something to build off of if you want another prompt what I suggest doing is just hitting this little edit button and then deleting your prompt that you generated for whatever it may be and then you can type in another prompt here so feel the flowers I'm going to save and submit and Chad gbt will do a nice job at generating another prompt but I actually do want to try out but now you can just kind of cycle through these different prompts here okay so I've started a new chat with gbt4 and let's say I want it to generate me some different images let's say I want it to generate me nice minimalistic lion r images for my graphic design what I can do is for personality I can put in professional minimalistic line art designer okay so let's say there's somebody who specializes in minimalistic line art design what details do I want chat gbt to include within the prompts for mid-journey so what I've done is I've said include important details such as color form line shape space and texture I'm actually going to get rid of texture I feel like that's going to kind of sway the prompts in the wrong direction and I'm also going to get rid of space I feel like that might sway the prompts in the wrong direction as well okay but I think having shape line form and color would be very good so once again I'm going to send off this prompt chat gbt hopefully says yes and I can just type out my template right here so I'm just going to tell it to generate a prompt for a Rubik's Cube send it off it's going to type out a nice prompt in order to get a minimalistic line art design of a Rubik's Cube going to give its own aspect ratios and whatnot then I'm going to head over to Discord type in slash imagine really quick paste it in send it off just like that we're getting a nice image from whatever we want whatever personality you want it doesn't just have to be hyper realistic photos now we can do it however we want for whatever use case and as you can see our Rubik's Cube prompt is done generating we can open this up and take a look at what chat gbt has done for mid-journey if we want to get rid of the vibrant colors we can do so by just deleting this out of the prompt and sending it off again we can change the aspect ratio we can do whatever we want to this prompt we could get rid of the geometric Precision you know this is your prompt to mess around with now chat gbt once again just gave you the foundations now I'm going to give one more example and I have touched on this one already but let's say we want some hyper realistic photos and you want your pictures to look like they were taken in real life well what I can ask chadbt to do is act like a professional photographer and now I want Chad gbt to go into detail on a camera setup for that specific image lens type ISO so I think that looks good and now I'm going to change over to chadbt4 and I'm going to send off this prompt and hopefully it says yes usually does I actually have 100 success rate with it saying yes so there we go and now just like any other time I'm going to type in generate a prompt I'm going to spell prompt right four and let's say I want a prompt for a hyper realistic German Shepherd so I want a hyper real sick photo of a dog hopefully it gives me my camera set up and a lens and that other information that I specified earlier in the first prompt so generate a prompt for a hyper realistic German Shepherd I'm going to send it off and it does appear to be using a nice professional camera so I'm going to copy this head over to Mid Journey and I'm going to type in slash imagine once again paste in my prompt send it off I just love how fast this is don't really have to think uh it would have taken me a while to think of all this nice stuff for a prompt and I can go in and change it just like I said before and as you can see using this camera setup using this prompt it's generated some very realistic looking dogs it's included the sun casting the Shadows the alert stance the ears everything we asked it to do chat gbt delivered you don't have to just do this with animals or objects you can also do this with actual people which actually gets pretty insane to think about that those people are not actually real yet mid-journey can actually generate them so if you have some images that you are looking to generate and you've been struggling to come up with prompts and I highly suggest using my PDF that I've linked down below for 100 free you can give chat gbt a personality to generate prompts and then you can give important details that you want listed in those prompts as well now if you've enjoyed this video I would highly appreciate it if you could hit that subscribe button and drop like down below comment letting me know your feedback and if you have any questions or need any help I will try to get back to you as well thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 14,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney v5, midjourney, chatgpt, gpt 4, chatgpt and midjourney, chatgpt4 and midjourney v5, chatgpt4, ai art prompt guide, ai art prompt engineering, midjourney v5 prompts, chat gpt 4, midjourney 5, midjourney version 5, midjourney ai, ai art, midjourney prompts, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tips, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney v5 update, midjourney v5 release, midjourney v5 prompt generator, midjourneyv5, midjourney consistent style
Id: WPy4Rd8XVyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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