Character Creation || Baldur's Gate 3

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that was gross oh hell okay so as I understand it the way character creation works here is they have these pre-prepared Origins uh this play like a vampire you can play this giank lady who we saw having the thing shoved into her eyeball and some other characters but those are also characters that you actually meet as companions in the game and the recommendation from The Game's director was that you should start by creating your own character um and play through that way for for the first time and then you can try the different Origins and see how that gives you different perspectives on things uh except dark urge oh dark urge is not a Char companion okay well too bad so now ah now we need to figure out a no variant SMR oh what to do and so for those who are wondering by the way I have turned off nudity I have turned off like genital display and stuff like like none of that um just cuz I don't want to like I do need to make content out of this uh so if you want these sexy romance cutcenes I don't think we're going to get those unfortunately because of YouTube and because of twitch [Music] let's [Music] see so I have played D and D 5 I'm relatively familiar with character creation there but I don't know how much of that gets has gotten ported to Boulder's Gate okay so the lucky tra is there get dark vision of course H I'm partial to a dragon born I feel show us tling please oh uh there I believe they I actually that's actually worth checking out hang on a sec okay you have the full cuz that's like this is one of the classic things um for for D and D players is like like the rules technically say that teelings have to have like red tone skin but everyone wants to play like a blue or purple tling and some really tedious DMS who are like rules lawyers they're like no you can't because it didn't say that in the rule book and it's like there's stories about tables falling apart because of that let's see H do I want to just swing a big sword like do I just want to run a barbarian and be dumb as rocks uh it would be kind of funny in in a game that's like you've been infected with like the intellect devouring thing like the the mind flare thing right like where like these are these super intelligent monsters and you're just a dumbass kicking their ass all across the world that would be kind of funny play a wild magic Barbarian I hang on what a wild magic Barbarian I don't I don't think that's a I don't think that's a subclass for barbarians I think that's for [Music] Sorcerers wait you can be a wild magic Barbarian hang on what it's only in play test you can't pick sub yeah is that like a level three subass for Barbarians in here that sounds kind of funny so like literally you rage and then it rolls on the wild magic table is that [Music] it oh it's wild soul that makes more sense oh no that sounds like it be very funny uh let's see I'm kind of tempted to a paladin like I've always thought that like dwarf paladins are kind of funny uh or fun rather oh oh God this is going to take a million years cuz like I've always liked warlocks like I've always I don't I don't know if this is okay they have the the great old one in the arch Fay but then they do have hex blade warlocks [Music] right cuz I have a weakness for hex blade warlocks they do oh o it's confirmed that you can meet your Patron in game awesome excellent you don't have the hex blade people are telling me conflicting things uh the book is f yes shivo knows what we're talking about um no hex blade just big book a but they made pack of the blade have all the benefits of hex blade like Charisma for ah okay so it's they sort of mixed it into okay [Music] H okay so they sort of made a version of it fair enough okay ah God this is going to ah okay I heard Rangers aren't super great in Boulder's Gate yet ah I'm so cuz like I've played clerics and I have played uh a rogue in DND d and I've I've had a lot of fun with a fighter that was built around the Halbert and like the Sentinel thing ah I'm not playing wizard I want to be able to take a hit like come on Wizard is for nerds a swash bugler maybe do we want to do like a pirate thing like a really annoying like really annoying pirate Rogue oh play what you enjoy I but there's so much I like so many of the classes like how am I supposed to roll a D12 that's actually not that's actually not a bad call okay let's see like I know I don't want to play Dru it I don't want to play monk not for this and like I'd rather play Barbarian than fighter so we've got like Barbarian Bart Paladin range about Paladin Rogue sorcerer warlock so a D6 fine I will roll a D6 fortunately I have a set of very pretty dice so one for babarian two for Bard three for Paladin four for rogue five for sorcerer six for warlock ah the dice says two we are playing a Bard no idea about the subass but we'll figure that out okay see what's good for a Bard like dragon born I kind of like the idea of a dragon born Bard but halfling for the luck just to be [Music] funny GE YY bar that's kind of silly uh cuz I really like having the luck thing well that's yeah I mean I like luck a lot when as role playing thing in when you're playing table WD I don't know how much oh thank you very much marthew for subscribing I don't know how much that how much work that does when it's like mediated through a video game barred with two levels of Paladin allows you to attack with Charisma better armor and weapon proficiencies and Smite yeah [Music] H H there are not of MC ability check especially early on okay let see I mean it's very funny to be a half or part that just kill people um but I mean who plays human honestly you'd have to be some kind of freak I do like like elf and half elf for bar just because of it it always works for me cuz I remember like when I was introduced to elves as a concept right the first time I sort of knew of elves that was that was The Hobbit right and in The Hobbit like when they get to Rivendell and the elves is just like La we are elves we're singing and dancing right like that's that's what the elves are like um well not Riven um but when when they are introduced to elves in The Hobbit um am I thinking about this wrong no wait they do go to where do they go I'm getting mixed up in my [Music] head it is rivendel right yeah let's see tling Bard okay so they only get hellish resistance but they don't get you can't get the burning hands h oh [Music] godamn roll for race I might have to Fu we might have to let the dice do this let's see how many are there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay I do have a D12 here don't I somewhere yes I do okay d10 exclude human that's actually a good point [Music] oh it says dra I got a three so we are a dard so let's [Music] see we have L sworn D Dr or we have selan Dr huh why does that change my appearance curious I think I don't I don't want to be sworn to the spider goddess I want to have the option to be good uh so let's leave that out let's see canant trips vicious mock we have to have vicious mockery obviously we can't not have vicious mockery um like that's mandatory you have you have to be able to kill someone by telling them to go themselves [Music] uh let's see we don't need light cuz we have dark vision ha uh H minor illusion dancing light I don't need illumination friends maybe in higher difficulty modes the target might accuse you of enchanting them I mean accurately so this spell can be cast while you're silenced really cool see true strike don't need that that's like that true shag is so inefficient advantage on your next attack role like come on uh I mean it's got to be either Mage hand or friends right cuz like let's go with friends for now let's see spells let's see I guess healing word is [Music] probably [Music] let's see he probably got to have healing word for a while at least like until I have a dedicated healer in the party it's good to have something uh something to create some distance speak with animals I want to talk with animals I want to do that I I need to be able to talk to dogs let's see heroism Bane charm person yeah no that's a little mean uh disguise self this is thing like the thing I'm sitting here thinking is like okay I know a 100 million ways to use disguise self in fun ways in a D and D tabletop campaign how much can I really do with it in like am I like I'm not just going to be able to disguise myself as a city guard or something like oh there's a guard in front this I'll just disguise myself as one of him and then so like I don't I don't know how much like that's probably because they'd have to custom build scenarios in which disguise self would work let's [Music] see definitely Tasha's hideous [Music] laughter [Music] feather fall how again how many how many times is the game going to throw me off a cliff I wonder I mean fairy fire would be the good one for support oh or sleep actually I think sleep is probably the thing to go for dissonant is dissonant Whispers on this on this list oh it is dis Whispers is also very good cuz like I do want a damage option cuz like making someone frightened is is good aren't you going to customize the character oh yeah I'm going to customize the character but first you can wake some of up from sleep by pushing them yes let's see that's a hell of a [Music] flute H oh right I get fairy fire later because I'm a Dr that's true so I'll be fine then on that uh the drum is the silliest Choice [Music] yeah I think I'll go with loot actually okay now backgrounds one wonders how much they matter I mean obviously the obvious choice is a charlatan or [Music] Entertainer I think charlatan I think I think I think our I think our our B here is to be a liar and a [Music] [Music] cheat okay let's see it giv me like a c standard get plus two bonus on the thing 13 Constitution 15 dexterity 10 wisdom 12 intelligence I mean yeah that's reasonable [Music] got perception deception intimidation performance persuasion kind of always put in as low as possible because funny yeah well but we we're playing a Bart like we're playing like a charlott and a liar a cheat a scoundrel they need to be a little smart okay I don't I don't think intimidation is the one not for The Bard here think I'd rather have a stealth proficiency [Music] honestly or maybe Insight I mean I don't have the stat for insight so like the proficiency isn't going to do me much good yeah stealth because given that I'm a Bard I do want to be able to sneak okay PS5 version probably won't have big hog customization I mean I was messing around in the Character Creator a little bit earlier to see just what they actually allowed you to do and it didn't seem like they let you do much like they didn't see seem to be a bunch of genital customization but I'm sure the mods will come around for that like don't worry let's see body type one two three oh L okay so that's the choice of mask or fem I suppose yeah body type is not third leg mod exactly three-legged pants modded into the whole game uh see so we have slim fem slim mask uh and buff fem M tempted though I am again I want to Plate the character and this feels like more of a like a this would be a slight person let's [Music] see it shouldn't be too saturated cuz that always looks a little like something [Music] Ashen I like that yeah okay they are generous with the customization options DK tone don't think I can roll for this well maybe with a d00 I guess but I'm not going [Music] to cuz like that's too saturated that looks like face [Music] paint it's a little Annoying that all the dark tones are super saturated why can't they be desaturated just give me a color wheel like instead of this honestly give me a color wheel I can mess around with [Music] [Music] yeah that works okay oh hello oh fastened Stars lapis stut muffin subduer loops midnight tears those are bird skulls that is cool that is very cool I'm remembering that for when I roll a necromancer silver gold Gala dark moons red cintilla oo Crimson Hilt Dirks barovia fangs minor ah for the nose easy bre again this feels like it should be like a menu where you can just put everything on your face instead of being forced to choose like just one or two arch face world's commoner ring a bar Rings well that seems appropriate uh what else we have okay man I want something in the nose and the ears come on that's a little I want a nose ring too come on all right let see oh oh I kind of like that's very Sith Inquisitor yeah not to much that though that's fully Deadpool um well old Deadpool or Domino I guess H school makeup buckers curls oh oh that's fancy Starpoint glimmer flaring sword they've given them all like some of them have these really cool names like spider lip shriek mask and then there's tattoo [Laughter] 26 like whatever writer was assigned to this like like ran out after like 15 is like God what am I supposed to call these that's cool though oh oh fancy [Music] h no that's not right ooh that's quite cool but I do I do want something that where I I do want to mess with some eye makeup though so like I don't want to do I W don't want something that interferes too much with eye makeup I want something that can kind of synergize with it like these for example I kind of like the idea of neck tattoos we'll need to get her something with cleavage but uh or that like we could sort of mess with something like um actually hang on let me check what the eye makeup options even are so we can get like a dark shadow oo ah if I could get those a little T thicker that would be cool I have like one that goes over there okay so neutral and then like a Smokey and the thing like again you should be able to have both the little thing on the bottom of the thing and the big Wing surely orbital Pi thank you for subscribing cuz like we do it's a Bard we want something dramatic right like and that's like not bad but it and that looks more like it sort of becomes wrinkles like that sort of messes with the [Music] lids yes I know you can customize genitalia but I can't because I've turned off all the nudity so that I don't you know get banned okay not enough eye makeup style modders get on this cuz we want something with the eyes that that like works with whatever we do for a face tattoo so oh I kind of like kind of like the he heavy bottom of the lid actually hang on what if we gave yeah okay let's because like if we have like a very bright metallic tint ooh glossy oo uh and you can turn up and down okay so let me just hang on let me just mess around with the white for a second here cuz cuz like cuz that doesn't look good with the skin tone but it makes it a little bit more clear what exactly we're changing cuz like if we got that and like pure black just isn't going to do much right like yeah so it needs to be a color and like when we're working with like a blue skin [Music] tone it's [Music] like [Music] H yeah for something like that it would have to be like a neutral contrast of some kind huh or metallic gold oh yeah metallic gold we could try and put some metallic on it uh yeah like [Music] that yeah that kind of [Music] works okay that color might be what we're going for [Music] oh [Music] yeah but then it shouldn't be smoky in the edge it should be very clear yeah that doesn't work huh kind of wish I could get like on the inner corner of the eye like to hi again like these are not enough makeup options come on I can't character design like this where was that lower lid thing that was this [Music] one okay so hang on if we hold on to this for a sec and then we do like oh man you don't have a lot of hm [Music] yeah cuz I can't get I can't match my lipstick to my ey Shadow [Music] what come on honestly I mean I guess that's the closest I could get clearly made by straight men literally unplayable I mean I'm sure I'm sure like it's the kind of thing of like I'm sure someone's messed with it I don't know what the dependencies are or like what the what the systems are that need to be built to make sure that things don't like interact weirdly with other systems but but like come on you just give us us a color wheel surely you could just give us a color wheel you don't have to put like why is it this pallet thing give us a color wheel just let us make the colors man might be based on play test yeah I mean it could be that in play test a general audience is like we don't want to pick between 80% red or 81% red we just want red right um but the modders will get on it the modders will deal with it at some point pink doesn't quite o actually that oh like a sort of [Music] salmon that might actually work because we should be able to do that on the lip right [Music] yeah that's too dark needs to be light enough yeah okay okay so what can we do with the hair is what I want to know what can we do with the hair okay they've gone a little bit more all out on that that's good hubris let's see no that's too uptight that's giving a little bit too much Captain Marvel I think uh o that's good for aamp vampire that's also good for a vampire but if you're playing like a Vladimir cosplay let's see look at the texture on that hair though that's really nice like there's a lot of games that don't really bother doing a really good curly hair texture this one looks really good to [Music] me see Rover's tumble amongus tail ooh cool like braiding luskan Prime Bakery buns a that's cute let's see ooh I want something big and wild I think but let's just go through them let's just see all the oh it like swoops down under the ear oh that's cute that's adorable Fay wild trickster AKA lesbian I guess yeah this woman is very unhappy with the way you've made her Latt [Music] uh o I kind of like that like sort of disheveled like this gives sort of Joan Jet 80s sort of like 80s Riot girl kind of thing organ and no white dreads we don't do [Music] that huh oh cool let's see yeah that's too uptight we're a Bard we can't be uptight uh again excellent vampire hair hey oh Yu yurim CK thank you for [Music] subscribing that also has a certain glamrock kind of a little bit little bit in that see oo oh oh oh I me I kind of into that act maybe not with this character but I'm kind of into that hairstyle fence board shavings sensible extravagance D the liion loom [Music] spun [Music] w oh divorced [Music] Dad let's see wavelet Savon a highbrow moralist low [Music] moralist it is missing some anime hairstyles isn't it like some like those really big Corkscrew hair things that you get on like anime Princess Characters conqueror a Nave braid I kind of like that we physics Fair Forester why is that chrysis pod Bic inspiration oh no yeah that is that is very Bic Orchestra wings that has a charm like the little little swoop out here have you heard the narrator outakes I have not oh thank you for subscribing me Milo Ru see Willow tears that kind of works gemstone droplet ballerina bun interplaner braids rid bunches layered lob God in heaven there's a lot of good hair options oh that's very jous Joplin [Music] no no no no not the curls not there yeah that's too much okay okay oh God do I have a D100 I do I do like that there's lots and lots of hair options that is that is kind of important cuz like I imagine you don't necessarily get to do close-ups on on the face that often but the hair is going to be visible from a long way away okay I mean bald is kind of cool I do kind of wish we could have like just like really close cropped which I don't really think I saw [Music] anywhere the riv that Melody is going to be in my head forever see yeah that's more of the vampire hair I kind of like partial eclipse but it does need to work a little bit more with the makeup plus we need to change the hair color at some point actually we should do that now so like you can make the hair completely stark white but let's just take oh give us all the highlight colors see what can we do with highlights okay you can go quite loud with them but then okay let's because we're playing a dra we should have white hair right but then the highlight just do not show up very well against that oh there we go now they show up and it not the saturated ones like the fully saturated ones are a bit [Music] much I kind of wish again like if you could get like one big black streak instead of having like the white highlights all the highlights all over the place you can have like just you know like white hair with one black streak through it that would be cool yeah blue is hardly going to show but that gives it a sort of silvery it gives it a little silver shine H some hairstyles do have a single streak ah so that depends on the hairstyle well okay so let's make a really loud one where we can really really see it and let's go back through the hairstyles one more time and see how the highlights show up so these basically have nothing those have that those have this uhuh that has nothing what's this one ah I see okay yeah so here you could do like black hair with white [Music] highlights oh yeah like that that is again perfect for a vampire character come [Music] [Music] on and that one has nothing okay ooh clipping through the ears that's no [Music] good at least not when it's that obvious H oh [Music] [Music] boy [Music] H H yeah that doesn't work for her or for this character anyway the trouble is my outfit is terrible like like that's the other thing is like I want to I just but I need to be a to Al I need to give her like something cool and hot with some cleavage or something so like so that it matches her hairstyle instead of looking like she's attending a renair a really boring renair like come on okay let's see I kind of like this one carry on feathers let's remember that one and actually let's play around with that cuz like cuz I did want to do white hair because it's a Dr but then we I do want to put something in it also actually black streaks kind of maybe not that intense but that adds a little bit of texture to the hair that it doesn't otherwise have okay H what else can we do H I'm having trouble finding the thing that will match the eye makeup so that's more reddish right yeah this one would huh what about nah yellow won't work either cuz that just yeah that just vanishes against the and blue doesn't match the skin tone or the eye makeup green is too contrasty yeah I kind of want the highlights to match the match the eyes I think I [Music] do if I'm going to have them at all I could also just not what happens if you put white highlights in white [Music] hair [Music] nothing oh yeah we have the eyes as well that we can mess with all eye colors please oh [Music] River black Scara that rules oh oh stare into your [Music] soul I kind of dig that that [Music] honestly okay so that one has like that little slightly brighter and this one is like a more neutral color [Music] oh what else is there flame white oh that also [Music] okay so there's lots of options for black scar that's cool we have like the ordinary regular old and then we have the [Music] ooh okay C like I like green as a point of contrast but then the hair kind of has to around to match that okay okay just I mean this is going to be the whole stream I think pretty it's I don't think we're getting past the character creation screen today it is this this boss the mechanics man I I'm struggling [Music] okay oh you know what I've been forgetting to do I've been forgetting to record which uh is not [Music] ideal right okay I'll yeah I'll just download the VOD for that unfortunately okay so I think that eye works with the makeup and the thing and like that works with the hair but now I want to mess with the skin again cuz now I kind of want to go with a much [Music] darker skin tone if I can get that oh there's a limit to how dark dark that skin can get I [Music] guess really I can't [Music] mess but what if heterochromia no we'll be here forever will also I don't want this character have [Music] heterochromia okay so that actually matches the skin tone a little bit better with the eye makeup like that makes it a little warmer and then that matches the eye makeup but then that brings it out of face with the hair a little [Music] bit okay hang on so I cuz like black hair doesn't work for this definitely doesn't okay facial tattoos ooh facial hair what what oh come on really I can't give them like a cool mustache a I need to give them voices as well oh right we need wait you can't customize the face complete scars oh scars freckles intense freckles oh I like the freckles oh I like the freckles a lot okay uh H see we need a cool scar those are kind of cool oh yes that that the one across the lip yes yes that one see maturity I think is just like how defined the lines in the skin are yeah it's just aging essentially I do want to make them a little bit more like not quite smooth faed like a just a few lines this is basically just an opacity slider for like a texture layer over the skin oh right they also had Vito I don't think that works on a draw though but that's a very cool thing that they had in there like that like that pigmentation variation that's cool now I've only been messing with one face so far so let's see what else we have available to work [Music] with [Music] H not that much difference like there's some but again like why can't you customize that more uh let's go with non-binary by the [Music] way like I know people are tired of having to mess like drag sliders around that make a 2% difference to the actual face of the character [Music] but well I built the whole thing around this face and I kind of want to keep it now I kind of grown attached I do like the [Music] freckles the scar should be something they got from someone something mundane but they say is something much more impressive yeah exactly right like it should be a thing of like they fell and like cut their lip on a sharp edge or something cuz they stumbled over their own feet while they were drunk or something but then it's like yes I got this in a duel with a sword captain of like the the honor guard of the prince of whatever you know okay now what can we actually do with the tattoo color here cuz Okay could make them less intense for one thing [Music] uh okay uh then that really doesn't show up very much okay let's make the intensity high so we can see them and we'll mess with the color later wait that might work with black if I had if I could have if I could have if we could okay that makes the eye makeup definitely pop but it doesn't quite work with the rest of it o that actually kind of works but now the lip isn't looking quite right I'll have to mess with the lip but I do like the idea of having something oh like that actually maybe cuz I there isn't like a color of tattoo I can get that matches quite up to the well I guess this does but then I'd have to remove the metallic effect from the thing okay cuz I like the idea of darkening around the fa like face to make the eyes pop even more but now we need to mess with the lip tint a little bit cuz that's too much I guess we just make the coloration less intense [Music] but or less [Music] glossy h i mean that yeah this may be a little much [Music] but we're making a Bard so like they should be extra right like they should be way too much so I don't want to I don't want to underdo it maybe maybe blue kind of works kind of not quite but because m i why can't I have a black lip like come on again with the color options give me a wheel cuz like red doesn't quite work does it no like I you should have black lip come on like you should be able to have a black like a like what what are all the goth chicks going to do what are all the Goths going to do if you can't give them pure black lipstick what are they going to do how they can't play the game this is not accessible it's like the closest we can really get is like one of these dark Blues that's not enough it needs to [Music] be a white lip kind of but that not with this character not with this [Music] [Music] setup okay hang on so okay so we have that an option for I we could go then with a dark with a darker blue and then put I mean yeah that's that's too that's too cold we have a Bard we can't it's not cold doesn't [Music] work there needs to be warmth here there needs to be passion you know just in terms of the colors uh remove the metal no I like the shine I like the shine so H it's just that lip [Music] that's I mean we could just take the lip off I guess and like just not have a lipstick cuz then we're sort of focusing it all around the [Music] eyes yeah yeah you know what I think we just don't have a lip then like I think we just let the focus be up around like the black eye mask and the it's like it's either that [Music] or cuz like everything we do with with with lipstick is going to highlight the lips right well we can darken them a little bit with the gray and that matches with the tattoo a little bit M that's actually not [Music] bad and then we just don't make it gloss oh now we can okay that's the closest we can have to a black lip then is to make it very [Music] metallic so that works I think it works without the lip too I do want to mess with the hair a little bit more [Music] then it's like what else can I do for highlights than the red cuz like the red pink would sort of match the eye makeup terms of IT thing but this hairstyle sort of doesn't necessarily [Music] doesn't necessarily lend itself to highlights as much as other hairstyles but I want the hairstyle I've settled on that a little bit so it's a question of what can we get away with for I mean I guess we just could just kind of go with black and like turn the intensity down a bit and then that just gives the hair a little bit of wildness and texture or maybe like cuz like a green maybe could work maybe H that poor mind flare is going what's taking them so yeah no off I'm in my mind Palace leave me [Music] alone he can wait I am I'm not done I'm not done looking pretty so that matches more with the skin tone I mean I guess that would make this like a halfway compromise that's sort of that's sort of match us with the skin tone without H yeah that would yeah H okay let's take one more mess around with the piercings let's see what we can do here cuz like now that we have this hair like the piercings are not going to be that obvious on the ears unless they're sitting like on the outside I guess B Rings would be the more obvious one [Music] there otherwise it would have to be the minur ring which like that kind of rocks a little bit but the skull is maybe it the skull doesn't quite match [Music] H God like it again not enough piercing options at all you need to be able to like have piercing on like on the bridge of the nose and like snake bites like you need to be able to have like eyelid piercings if you want come on oh yeah like you definitely like the skull nose piercing is great for like a necromancer or a soul like any Warrior you want who's like who you want to be like really deadly and dangerous uh skull nose piercing is like that would work for them God I can't wait for the modders to get their hands on this to give us more options give me a color wheel that's the first mod I want in this game just want color wheels on everything I want color wheels for for all of the options so I can do the colors I want also facial hair for elves like I don't care what the DM guide says facial hair for elves where to next H let's hope the locals are friendly Hells something be wary it's opened more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed no where to next no let's hope the locals are friendly Health be wary this place is trapped it's opened more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed where to next H let's hope hell be wary it's opened more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed where to next H let's hope the locals are friendly Hells something just woke up down here be wary this it's opened I wonder what's back there voice four I guess more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed where to next H let's hope the locals are friendly health be wary this place is trapped it's more of those wretched things voice six I guess I can understand why they didn't want to like give a million million options for that okay we need to get her some better fashion though them though yeah like she they I think we'll this is a she they character optionally him they'd probably go by Heim if they top someone I think that's the kind of person we're dealing with [Music] here I wonder if I wonder if it would be [Music] possible like in terms of modding like if if someone could transcribe the whole script of everything the player character says you should be able to like mod in custom voice right I mean would be a lot of it would be a hell of a lot of work but that should be Poss anyway we need to get we need to get them something better to wear immediately like good God like I I I need something extravagant and like they like give them some C we can't have this rough around the neck we cannot have this I need we need to open up from like here and get something with a sash or like anything God but okay I think we have I think we have yeah okay where do I put in a name if anywhere I guess not here yet it's after okay ah there we go now we need a name for them trick sister of [Laughter] brick h no no no fantasy name generator no come on Dro MC drosen yeah uh let me think names names are either very easy or very hard you know um roll a d10 and just name them whatever [Music] number uh Rick Sand [Music] we'll use disguise self to turn ourselves into a pickle [Laughter] um that's the thing is like I'm thinking in terms of of this character specifically is going to be like a charlatan a liar a cheat a perform like they're going to be like in terms of of personality I want to play them as like like they're like a performer who loves showing off and like loves like getting other people to be their Ries essentially essentially [Music] uh just named them charlatan I mean you can always say it's a stage name yeah exactly um huh let me [Music] think [Music] okay I'm going through my mental Library [Music] here cuz I'm thinking in terms [Music] of I'm thinking I'm thinking music history here here like I'm [Music] thinking down by the river face thinking cuz it could go with you know what I think I know I think I know we'll just steal that straight up you need a guardian if you know you know choose one wait we have to do it again oh okay all right I thought I was oh my God it's a two- faced boss [Music] fight okay okay all right okay [Music] [Laughter] then all right oh my God okay fine but I know exactly what to do now I need we need a we need a we need her roie right like spec we need her roie in terms of character Dynamic it needs to be like someone who she makes like who they make like they make them do a lot of work for them right no dragon borns I see but so I'm thinking [Music] like like a half Ork or not with that skin tone but a half Ork or a human [Music] I think a human like a HBO human kind of [Music] thing and you like if I can't have facial hair neither can you off off [Music] uh let's see let's make you a red [Music] head give you a better hairstyle than that uh God these faces I badly need to be able to customize some of this oh no really if I can go with a dwarf then [Music] [Music] and now you have to have facial hair cuz you're a dwarf and it has to [Music] be by the river [Music] let's do that and then none of this [Music] uh Pink looks kind of nice on [Music] him [Music] see what do we got we can have all the same hairstyles or like male care oh oh big hair I kind of like [Music] that no definitely [Music] not yeah it kind of has to be this doesn't it and [Music] [Music] then yeah probably no makeup but maybe some definitely some scarring still like a less extreme burn scar I could get him I like the idea of him having like a really elaborate neck tattoo and you can't see it I kind of like that as an idea that's actually too funny that's actually too good I I need to do that no he has it's the neck tattoo he has to have the neck tattoo the really elaborate neck tattoo that nobody can ever see that that's what we have to do that's how it has to go [Music] yeah and I don't think there's any point giving him piercings uh remarkable good luck follow your in remarkable H only two voices for the companion that's fine [Music] [Music] like a little bit of that actually yeah [Music] okay can we get like I want them to have like bags under the eyes so if we get like a red so like he looks tired it needs to be a raddish yeah they are tired they need to be tired
Channel: 2BSkyen
Views: 21,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tbskyen, 2bskyen, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3, bg3, larian studios, RPG, CRPG, role playing, bard, gaming, character design, analysis, discussion, lore, backstory, story, commentary, playthrough, gameplay, let's play, lets play, gale, lae'zel, lae zel, laezel, shadowheart, astarion, asterion, karlach, wyll, blade of frontiers
Id: 7PA1l_jWcN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 25sec (4705 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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