Chandler Bing being SARCASTIC & RELATABLE

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hey hey so what happened did a forest tick you off with anything [Music] do we have any thoughts here oh i figured out i need to charge 17 bucks a jar just to break even so i've got a new plan now babies well you're going to need much bigger jars if you do come to dinner i'll love you like i do in that black thing that you like go night night bing-a-ling night night janice oh what are you going in there for you want like a number and one two three 170 pounds and he describes himself as a male gina davis you mean there's more than one of us he's so cute oh yes and that's what i want a roommate that i can walk around with and be referring to is the funny one oh sorry did i get you you didn't get me it's an electric drill you get me you kill me you seen joey what's the matter oh just this all right look if you absolutely have to tell her at least wait till the timing's right and that's what death beds are for way back in just a minute get ready for me to whip your butt okay but after that we're shooting some pool you know what it's my fault really because the couch is where we usually keep the varnish oh we were just waxing our legs off two why don't we just go on two why two because it's faster yep i could have counted the three like four times without all this two talk oh my god are you all right yeah what happened oh man he promised he wouldn't take the chairs what the hell happened how are you locked in or where the hell's all of our stuff well this guy came by to look at the unit and he said he didn't think it was big enough to fit a grown man you got involuntarily i was trying to make a sale if i ever run into that guy again you know what i'm gonna do bend over i've got pants that need to be altered oh hey chandler when you see frankie tell him julie tribiani says hello he'll know what it means i'm sure he's gonna be able to crack that code i've decided that my best man is my best friend gunther what's my last name central perk i'm funny right what do you know you're a door you're just like knock knock jokes i'm telling you this thing won't print [Music] yes i pressed that button like a hundred times you know for a hotline you're not so hot it's great all right i gotta get to work i get a big dinosaur bone to inspect no no no that's me oh right i'm getting a new brain so great things are happening at work and in your personal life how much did you guys take the super this year yeah we were going to get 50 but if you guys gave more we don't want to look bad oh actually this year we just made them homemade cookies and 25 it is he's skating tonight at the garden he's in the capades the ice capades no no the gravel capes yeah the turns aren't as fast but when snoopy falls funny oh i know this must be so hard oh no two women love me they're both gorgeous and sexy my wall is too small for my 50s and my diamond shoes are too tight uh julie yeah sorry you had a paleontologist on your face if you didn't pour the coffee no one would have anything to drink believe me sometimes that happens
Channel: Beau-Marie
Views: 1,923,475
Rating: 4.9490395 out of 5
Keywords: friends, friends tbs, chandler bing, jennifer aniston, monica geller, pheobe buffay, matthew perry, most sarcastic moments, chandler bing being the king of sarcasm, chandler muriel bing, chandler bing being sarcastic, chandler bing being relatable, friends humor, friends humour, chandler bing humor, chandler bing humour, humour, humor, comedy, comedy central, netflix, nbc, chandler bing best sarcasm & humor, chandler bing being a mood of sarcasm, chandler bing being a mood, wii
Id: q32PzqLHHX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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