46 Times Chandler Bing Couldn't Control His Sarcasm

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[Music] I'm not great at the advice can I interest you in a sarcastic comment some cheese the ring is gone wake up for this [Applause] ring you're the worst best man ever I've decided that my best man is my best friend Gunther what's my last name Central Perk okay my boss Johanna when you left she started asking questions about you like what you saw huh Doug my action did she chicken up to change her name see but I don't want to be single okay I just I just I just want to be married again and I just want a million dollars when you start a boggle tournament chili these people find out the blank spelling games over there'll be nobody left at our port I just feel like someone reached down my throat grabbed my small intestine pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck cookie I saw Rachel kissing that jerk from her office out on your balcony our balcony seriously that's so funny because I told Monica we should put lights on our balcony and she said no no it's too cold nobody will go out there and I said maybe if we put some lights out there they will go well I guess Joey went home oh and look there's still one box that I have to unpack oh my god you almost gave me a heart attack you are very lovable I'd miss you if I broke up with you you're just trying to be supportive be supportive like a guy I broke up with you I'd miss you listen I appreciate you getting me the costume I love it his favorite kids book was the Velveteen Rabbit The Velveteen Rabbit was brown and white well it was either a pink bunny or no Bunny at all nobody at all always no Bunny at all honey the Miami Vice soundtrack really they were just giving those away at the store in exchange for money but this is play right and I'm up for the part of this real cool like suave international guy a real clothes horse so I figure everyone at the audition is gonna be wearing this kind of you know ultra-hip high-fashion stuff and you're gonna make them all disappear yeah like you could find something as sophisticated as this 30 seconds all the questions you can answer I am so good at lighting rounds I majored in lightning rods all right we're gonna destroy you I wanna bet I'm so confused as to what we've been doing so far what's--what pop no whipped it's not whipped whipped is that's what I did can't do anything you guys the water is great you should really go in oh no thanks I just had an M&M Joey told you about the leg huh Oh God it freaked me out okay I know it shouldn't have but it did I mean I like her I don't want to stop seeing her but every so often it's like hey you know what why is he like well the tough thing is she really wants to have sex with me crazy [ __ ] hey guys what should I wear to a Knicks game a t-shirt that says I don't belong here saucy you're uh you're gonna leave me like this knowing you're here waiting for me okay but if you don't come back soon there's pretty much nothing I can do about it huh looks like she didn't beep its hurry after all oh I think this is the episode of Three's Company where there's some kind of misunderstanding whose little ball of paper is this oh that would be mine see I wrote a note to myself and then I realized I didn't need the notes so I balled it up and now I wish I was dead it's dr. Seuss that book got me through some tough times there is a little child inside this man yes the doctors say if they remove it he'll die you okay there I can't believe you two had sex in her dream I'm sorry it was a one-time thing I was very drunk and it was someone else's subconscious orange juice looks like cider taste it yep it's fat I drank that yeah I know I did that two minutes ago would you start again after chewing all that quitting gum I'm telling you this is just like my parents divorce which is when I started smoking in the first place weren't you nine yeah I'm telling you something that first smoke after naptime hey who's this uh this Casey Oh some guy she met at the movies oh really what what does he want with her well I'm guessing he wants to do a little dance you know I'll make a little love I'll pretty much get down if you ask me as long as you got this job you got nothing pushing you to get another one you need the fear the fear he's right if you quit this job you then have motivation to go after a job you really want well then how come you're still at a job that you hate I mean why don't you quit and get the fear because I'm too afraid relax okay I can get this open anybody got a coat hanger oh I do oh no wait a minute I took it out of my shirt when I put it on this morning well I'm really super you're smoking so I brought something that is going to help to quit nope that patch is no good with with fringe all down the sides peeps you know this you know strange things what is the boiling point of brain dear god this this parachute is a knapsack I'm an insurance I could get hit by a bus or or catch on fire I'm sorry man there's never a good time to have to stop catching on fire there's only one Banana Nut muffin left so what am i first yeah but I'm I'm so much faster give it to me no give it to me okay you go enjoy your coffee that was there when I got here alright so what do you say no just do it oh I'm convinced nope hey Chandler when you see Frankie tell Joey Tribbiani says hello don't know what it means you sure he's gonna be able to crack that code it was ridiculous you know these guys they were bullies actual bullies you know we're grown-ups this kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen anymore oh no wait a minute I have no one does it do anything you know special well yes Ross pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance to the magical land of Narnia some girl ate Monica shut up the camera adds 10 pounds so how many cameras are actually on and he was my best student yeah she was my best teacher [Laughter] [Applause] if that doesn't keep kids in school what will I'm sorry we don't have your sheep now it's not gonna make any sense what what hey Shaymin no rabies [Laughter] hold on there's something different I went to that tanning place your wife suggested was that place the Sun my family's been going to him forever he did my first suit when I was 15 no wait 16 no excuse me 15 all right when was 1990 okay you have to stop the q-tip when there's resistance you know what's sadder than this Bambi I cried for three days with that movie no wait - cuz on the third day my mother killed her so so I was partly crying for that see now that I can see crying over but Bambi is a cartoon you didn't cry when Bambi's mother died yes it was very sad when the guys stopped drawing the deer hello Yoko I've scared you I've said too much I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love whoa Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display no no no no Homo habilis was erect Australopithecus was never fully erect maybe he was nervous [Music]
Channel: Next of Ken
Views: 5,121,660
Rating: 4.9046817 out of 5
Keywords: Friends, Chandler Bing, Next of Ken, best of Chandler, king of sarcasm, chandler bing sarcasm, chandler bing quotes, chandle friends, best moments, funniest moments, friends compilation, friends quotes, friends funny, best of friends, chandler moments, chandler one-liners, Next of Ken friends, NoK, greatest moments, compilation
Id: T0VLUA8Bzoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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