MSFS 2020 | TUTORIAL: Aerosoft CRJ 700 lesson with a real world pilot | Complete Lesson

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[Music] hello and welcome to philbertflies and to this lesson in the airsoft crj i'm joined today by michael who is a first officer for a u.s regional carrier on the crj and who also used to be a flight instructor so there's probably no one better to take us through how to fly this airplane properly so hello michael and thank you very much for agreeing to do this yes hello thank you very much for having me you're very welcome um before we get started do you mind telling us a little bit about your life in flight simulation and in real world flying sure yeah my uh my aviation enthusiasm started uh maybe about 10 years ago uh when i was uh when i was uh a lot younger and my parents got me microsoft flight simulator 2002 for one of my birthdays nice and i i was very excited about that i didn't know anything about flight simulators but um i was trying to fly these airplanes around with you know the mouse and keyboard and i was having fun with it you know obviously not a serious uh flight simmer at that point but it was enough to spark my interest and then the flight simulator 2004 came out and that's when that's when my real love began you know i spent way too much money on um add-ons and i got a joystick and i was spending a lot of hours behind the computer learning how to fly these airplanes and growing the hobby and everything and so after a while i decided you know it might be kind of cool to do this for a living and professionally and so i started looking around for flight schools uh for opportunities like that and so i started building my uh flight hours after i learned how to fly became a flight instructor for a couple years and then i found myself in the airlines now and i'm i'm loving life i'm living the dream so to speak and i i can't imagine myself doing pretty much anything else for a career that's absolutely awesome that's a a path that i think many of us would like to tread or would have liked to have trodden um yeah fantastic and and how do you find the crj is this the first aircraft you've flown professionally uh yes i did some aerial photography in uh piper archers or piper cherokees and stuff like that but this is the first you know jet i've flown um and i i really enjoy it it's it's it's a blast to fly um it feels like a sports car um it's it's it's a lot of fun excellent excellent oh it's really interesting thank you for the little introduction and um so today what we're going to do is fly the crj from atlanta to washington dulles in this rather nice filbert flies livery and um i'm going to pretend that i have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever which isn't so far from the truth to be honest with you um and if it's all right with you you can take us through the whole process from setting the aircraft up from cold and dark to uh you know programming the cdus and so on and so forth all the way through till landing and and ultimately shutting it down that would be incredibly helpful i think sure that sounds good i'll do my best so here we are at atlanta's stand delta 3 2 in the cold and dark configuration you can find the flight plan and everything else you need to know to follow along with this flight in the video description down below so michael what is the very first thing we need to do sure so we're going to establish power to the airplane so we'll do the safety check flows first so we'll start on the left hand side where the nose wheel steering switch is we'll verify that is shut to off which it is all right then we'll go up to the overhead panel we'll verify that the hydraulic pumps are all in the off position which they are yeah very good next we'll go down to the landing gear lever and make sure that is set to the down position yeah that's in the down position very good then we'll slide over to the flap lever and make sure that is in the up or zero position uh yes it is all right and then the flight spoilers just to the left of the thrust levels there we'll make sure that is uh full forward and in the up position or i guess flight spoilers down but in then we'll slide down to the uh radar control and verify that the radar is turned off okay it's gonna be just below the uh audio panel there just below the audio panel here down here oh yeah and that's set to off yeah all right so the radar is off we'll verify that our parking brake is set so that'll just look like it's pulled up and twisted there we go yeah which it is and then we'll slide over to the adg manual release and make sure that that is flush and flat that looks good yeah uh the emergency flap lever we're gonna verify that that is set to uh looks like it's correct now that up position there yeah on the far right cool um then we're gonna go up to the battery master switch and we'll split that on okay and i'll just change the view to make that a bit clearer okay battery master switch flip it to one yeah and so we'll get a bunch of chimes we'll get some of the lights to come on and then we'll have two of the screens in the front on our uh panel start to show once that has been done yes cool and so uh so this is a dc power what we want to do is establish ac power uh so what we'll do now is we'll verify that both the batteries both the apu uh the battery is is working properly so we can go down to the electrical uh synoptic page and select that okay so we'll go down just a little bit farther there we go yeah and then we'll go to the full services page and we'll look back up at our screens so that's the ac electrical page and so we'll hit it one more time to go to the dc electrical page okay and then we slide up all right so we've got those green bars down at the bottom we're going to verify that those are at least 22 volts for both the uh the main battery and the apu battery there okay and they are yeah all right very good so now what we can do is if we had external power uh connected we could establish uh ac power with the external power or we can start our apu right okay whichever one you want to go with let's let's start the apu shall we okay sounds good so i will go back to our status uh synoptic page instead of the electrical page yes there we go then we'll slide up to our overhead panel where the apu controls are okay we're gonna select the power fuel button power fuel button one on the left and then we'll come down to our synoptic page and just verify that we have a couple messages you'll see the apu invite the apus will be open the apu gauges pop open and as well as the apu door open so once those four things pop up we're good to start it so now we can select the start stop switch start stop there we go and then that start light pops up yep cool so then we can just monitor our synoptic page make sure that the rpm is spinning up as it should be yeah it looks to be very good and then once that gets to a hundred percent rpm obviously the uh the apu generator which should be in the on position right now i think it usually is for the uh the cold and dark setup it'll automatically kick on our ac power okay let's have a little look for that so apu gen yep so you've got the off reset and then they should all be in auto yeah they're in the correct position okay and if we had wanted to use external power instead what would we have done there yeah so i think the airsoft crj on the tablet has an option to connect that yes um we could actually do that if you want just see what it looks like let's have a look so we'll go over to the tablet and on there it is yep so we'll click that yeah it'll show connected and then we can go back up to our electrical panel up on the overhead panel and you'll see that green available light up there yes um so if we wanted to connect to the external power we could push that button and then we could have external power without the uh apu running right okay what would you expect this button to do when we push it anything um nothing really the uh you'll notice that it would say it would go from the green available to the white and used section below it the reason why it didn't do that now is because of the ac power priority if the apu is running the generator is going to pull it off the apu generator instead i see the a3 was not running and we pressed the external power when it was there you'll see instead of the green veil you'd see a white in use right below that and you might be generating ac power from the external card interesting thank you well as we've got the apu running uh i guess we can get rid of the uh the ground power car sure okay so we've got power what what do we do now right so um this would typically be the time when we've done the the safety check flow we've got power you know we would then go through our checklist to verify we've done all the appropriate tasks okay so um i guess we could go to the checklist on the airsoft sierra day i haven't gotten a great look at those but we can just verify if we've done all the things it wants us to do yeah let's have a look yes it looks like the uh the first check is the originating check there but if we look at the airsoft crj manual we might have a safety check task so we can make sure that we've done all the appropriate things on okay yeah let's do that okay yeah so volume four normal operation checklist there is indeed a safety checklist in there so yeah let's go through that okay so safety check then the circuit breakers should be closed and they are on the back wall and i think it's safe to assume that they are all closed right in the sim i hasten to add nose wheel steering switch we checked and that's off hydraulic pumps we checked and they are off uh the landing gear lever is down the flight spoiler lever is retracted slats and flaps lever is set radar we had a look down here that's off um adg manual release switch we checked uh the emergency flap switch we also checked battery master switches on apu is on ac electrics we've had a look at and they're okay irs's all right so those actually this is where the the real world for me is actually different so the crjs i fly actually don't have the irs but what we can do is we can set those both to the nav because i believe that's how you use them those are going to be down in the the lower pedestal on the left-hand side yes there we go and i've just taken the parking brake off while trying to click the switch hopefully our trucks are still in yeah so i have to i have to ask about this so if you don't have irs's on your planes how do they how do they work yeah so we just use the gps's i think that's how they they initialize themselves there's a couple of the crjs in our fleet that have those associated but i haven't flown one of those airplanes in quite a long time okay okay cool right on with the checklist and emergency equipment we can assume we have gear and safety pins we can assume we have on board airplane dock airplane documents sorry i'm talking to an american uh checked and uh hydraulic 3a pump now i've heard different things about this what do you do with that at this point uh normally we uh we actually leave it off but that will come on later so we can it wouldn't be a problem to turn it on at this point okay all right well let's leave it off for now if that's what you do and fms initialization we haven't done that right so now that we've got uh ac power established we can initialize the fms now there's a couple ways we can do this uh normally for us that's just signing into our um our company uh charts and stuff on our tablet and that that way the company knows we're on board and all that all that good stuff um i'm not sure i think this is just talking about the initialization and not actually setting up the flight um because normally what we would do in the real airplane is do our originating check first get all that established and then we can plug in all of our our data and values into the fms after that okay fair enough so what should we do with it now nothing yeah we can just we can just leave it there um in the real world we'd have um you know our a cars and our other things that we can set up like that but in the in the sim i don't think they have uh that functionality no no i don't think so yeah yeah so we can just leave that as is and then i guess we can uh call the safety check complete and move on to the originating check all right so for the originating check we're just going to basically go through the all the panels and switches and make sure they're in the correct position for uh originating a flight so we'll start up the overhead panel in the top left yeah and we'll work our way from there so the electrical power page we've got all our switches there they look to be in the correct uh position this time dc service is off battery master is on yeah ac external power is extinguished there we've got both of our idgs or our generators those should be uh dark and guarded uh the ac essential transfer light that's off that's good all our gens are going to be into the auto position yep and i guess as a side note uh the nice thing about the crj is if you're if you're in a doing the right thing most of the switches should be dark and so that's typically a good a good sign okay so everything on the electrical power looks good so we'll just go down to our our fire detection fire x monitor test and uh if it was the first flight of the day we could uh press that button in so we can uh press that now okay and normally you would do this um before you establish ac power um but i don't think it's gonna hurt anything to do it now okay all right so when you press that in you're gonna look down on the uh the display down at the bottom and you're just gonna see that it says uh fire system okay in green on the ed2 there and then you'll also see some of the warning lights and fire uh fire lights come on as well yeah i certainly saw the green uh it's very hard to get these both in view and for some reason pop-up panels don't record on streamlabs so this is as good as you're getting all right sounds good okay we'll take that so we'll just continue down the panel there we've got our hydraulic shut off valves those are going to be dark and guarded as well so that looks good yeah um external lights we can turn on our navigation lights and if it was nighttime we could also turn on our logo lights um i guess we can leave that off for now okay um so then we'll go up to the middle section the top middle for our fuel yeah everything looks good in the correct position for that um those are just showing it up because we don't have them on right now we'll turn those on when we're ready to start the engines okay uh everything else up there looks good then we'll go down to our bleed air uh panel there yes um and the the interesting thing about the 700 is a lot of this is done in auto i also fly the crj 200 and then we actually have to control the bleeds manually which is which is a lot more work for us but the nice thing about this is usually we're going to leave all those switches and the auto normal both engine and the closed uh switch load right there so all that looks good okay next wood on the apu we've already started that um the green light is on uh showing that we're generating power from the ap generator which is good yes next we'll not slide down to the uh ignition start switches those should all obviously be off that looks good and then our hydraulic pumps um what we'll do is the hydraulic test so what we're to do is we're going to switch all of them to on except for 3a so the first and third and fourth switches there we're going to flip those to the up position okay and then we'll go down to our hydraulic synoptic page and we'll see what it's showing us there okay hydraulic all right so typically you're just making sure everything's in the green you should see about 3000 psi on each one there and all the fuel uh sorry the hydraulic temperatures and quantities look good yeah um so next up we'll go back up the hydraulic uh switches and we'll switch all them to the down position so those will be the uh auto and on position is what they call it okay so 3a will be on the rest of them will be in auto okay then we'll go back down to our hydraulic synoptic page you'll hear the chime there that's because we're getting some low pressure in the system because we just turned some of those to auto which um the they're not going to be on at this time so now we're just verifying that 3a is working that the green circle around 3a is green yes we've still got 3000 psi in hydraulic system three right so that looks good good all right so i guess now we could just we normally would actually turn the hydraulic three a pump off at this time okay we can go back the hydraulic switches we'll turn the 3a pump to the off position which is this one right correct okay and then we'll go from there we'll turn that back on um for the on the engine start okay uh necklace there so all right so now we'll go up to the uh cabin pressure yeah up there everything looks good and the right position there so we'll we can just move on from there okay um short of spelling out all the individual switch positions yeah that looks good is enough for me we've got the air conditioning panel up next so since we've had the apu running for a bit uh we should be able to turn the packs on our air conditioning kits so right now you'll look they're both off so you can press both of those in right done yeah they turn dark so that's typically what we want yeah um we can turn our recirculating fan to the on position what does it do the recirculating fan so it just basically helps to uh it's like it's not air conditioning it's like having just a fan running circulating the existing air in the system without actually having the air conditioning on so if you didn't have the apu and the packs on it would just basically be circulating air so you'd actually get air flow but it's not going to be the condition there okay okay that makes sense yeah um and then we'll slide down to our aft cargo conditioned arrow we'll flip that to the on position right in between those two knobs there we go okay all right anti-ice we don't need a whole lot of that right now obviously but we do need the windshield heat so i believe those are in the off position now we'll switch those on to both low okay the middle detent there and when when would you use high um there's been a couple of times when the windshield gets iced up um and it's it's hard to see outside and if the the low windshield heat's not able to keep up then we can momentarily switch those to high it's not going to hurt anything with it high it's just usually the low is good enough too to keep it good right okay right um cool so down the miscellaneous lights there uh we don't need the uh the dome light or the uh i guess that's the standby compass light right now since it's in the daytime and then the overhead panel that's just the overhead light so we don't need that either okay cool uh so after that we can slide over um down to the little section below the overhead panel the landing lights section obviously we're going to leave all those off our recog light is off yeah the elt switch will remain in the arm position passenger oxygen obviously is going to remain dark and closed yeah we can turn on our no smoking sign and if passengers were starting to come on we could also turn the seat belt signs on as well if we wanted to do that okay let's do it all right and then the emergency light switch is going to be into the down position which is the arm position okay great all right cool so that uh completes most of the overhead panel section right there right and what we'll do next is the i guess we can do the stall test and i'll be interesting to see what uh what the crj does with that so kind of where the uh the warning the warning lights for the engine fire and stuff like that you'll also see the uh the stall guarded switch yeah we can lift that up and press that button and see what happens oh do i keep it held in um i don't think you need to keep it held in at least in the real airplane but let's see yeah let's see if you do hold it what happens okay there we go that uh red lights flashing and then that'll activate the stick shaker and stick pusher to make sure that those are actually working so that was that vibrating sound i guess we heard yes we may actually see it if i move down a little bit oh yeah yeah there we go cool that looks like it's working appropriately yeah uh next next we can check our clocks which are the both the captain the first officer have those so on the left and right hand side um i'm assuming since it's the simulator they're both going to be extremely accurate yes and if we can go with it i don't suppose there's much we can do about it right yeah cool so next thing we can do is we can go and do our cvr test which is the copy of voice recorder test for our first flight and that's going to be that green button just below the pfd there okay it looks like we'll hold that for five seconds see if that uh green light comes on there it is it does and that's it's good that's it right easy cool uh so next we'll slide over to our standby instrument uh which in this uh version of the crj looks like they're right in the middle there yeah it looks like it's you know operating normally yeah um some some of them have like an old school attitude indicator which has to be caged or uncaged uh depending on how how things are going so it looks like since it's uh electronic everything's working well there okay good cool and then uh next we can go down to our oxygen pressure so we can go to our status synoptic page instead of the hydraulic status yeah all right then we'll go back up there let's see the uh the oxygen pressure up at the top there uh looks like it's 1850 so that looks like it's a good amount uh 1850 oh yes yeah there it is yeah okay yeah just above the cabin temperature there yeah um cool so our flow continues down to the upper pedestal so this is where you know the landing gear and all the uh the fms uh boxes are there so next we've got the uh the anna skid test right there uh just to the left of the landing gear lever so we can uh make sure our parking brake is released okay and then we will uh put that switch to the off position okay so the parking brake is down here that's released and we flick this off all right and we should see the uh two anti-skid messages pop up there which is good yes so we can split that back to the arms okay and re-engage the parking brake okay all right next up we have the main landing gear bay overheat test so then we'll just below that test we'll uh press hold at to the up position that switch right there yep and we'll hear the gear bay overheats and all those messages and everything so that looks good yeah and we'll do the same thing with the one switch just to the right of that okay main landing gear overheat fail all right okay that looks good all right uh next thing we can slide down all those uh switches there in the middle look uh look to be in the right position if you wanted to increase the brightness on those indicator lights you could make sure that was in the right position or if it's at night time when they're too bright you can switch those to the dim position um on those switches just to the uh below the landing gear lever um if you wanted to okay yes up here that would dim the lights um or make them bright sure and then the lamp test is kind of cool you can flip those to either the one or the two position and basically all the lights that are on the panel would light up like a christmas tree that's one we like to do with kids visit the cockpit just to show them all the pretty oh yeah their eyes get all big and everything so that's a fun one yeah nice yeah cool cool so uh moving on from there looks like that's everything on that uh portion of the section all right so uh next up we'll move down to the thrust lever uh section um just below the uh fms computers there okay i will verify that the pitch disconnect and roll disconnect handles are stowed uh which are those big red knobs there which it looks like they the uh spoilers and ground lift dumping uh on the left hand side there we're gonna make sure that is set to auto yes which it is there we go then we can arm the thrust reversers by uh flipping those into the up position there okay all right and then we'll check to on the uh the second display there on the right to make sure that the thrust reverse arms uh advisory message or advisory messages are up all right looks like they are up at the top now yes yes cool all right so we'll verify that the flight spoiler lever is set to the zero degrees which is all the way forward which it is i will verify the left and right thrust lever are in the shut off position yes all the way down there uh the thruster the thrust reverser levers that's a tongue twister are both stowed so those are are both down that looks good yes and verify again that the flaps are set to zero yes which they are and that and that's it for that section so now we can go down to the lower pedestal section um we can do the check the rtu the radio tuning unit and we can do the uh the tcas test there so if we zoom in on that panel i'm actually not sure if the sim will do this but i guess we can we can try it out so on the right there we see tcas auto and absolute there so we'll press that soft key right to the next of that okay and then what we can do is we can press the uh the third one down from the left that's the test okay there and see if that does anything if we go up to the mfd on the map oh there we go yeah system says okay so it does work cool it does awesome um so that looks good so next up we can go down to the stab trim and mock trim buttons yes and we push all three of those uh buttons in to engage them okay all right and then we can just verify on the display that the uh the stab and mock trim messages aren't aren't displayed up there um which it looks like they aren't so that's good good all right next we can go down to the uh the fans section down there we're just going to make sure that those are both in normal yeah yep all right so that looks good um we're going to make sure that the uh we've already put the irs switches into nav so that's good we have all right so next we can go up to the middle portion the middle upper portion uh where the aileron and rudder trim are okay and what we're going to do is we can open our oh open up the flight control synoptic page flight control synoptic page yeah all right we can actually do this from the other page as well but i like to do it from here and then we're just going to run the aileron trim and the rudder trim back and forth okay to the full direction and be able to make sure that that is working appropriately right so there are two switches for the aileron trim and and one for the rudder what's what's all that about right so there's two there's two switches on there just to make sure that you don't accidentally move one um so if you if you accidentally bump it um it's not going to actually move the whole thing so you have to make sure that you actively press both of them okay just to make sure that you know you're actually wanting to move the aileron trim there yeah okay so we'll go left first and yeah the aileron trims moving all the way to the left all right and for the sake of this video not going on for too long i think we can assume that that has gone all the way to the left sounds good the real airplane goes a little faster on the trim right so we'll move it back to the right and then of course you'll notice that the little wings are white there once it's green that means it's centered right okay so there it is going through the center and then we would move it and wait for it to go all the way to the right but let's uh move it back to the middle for now that sounds good and in the sim i believe that you can actually operate just one of the two switches um yes that does seem to be the case uh and it's gonna take me a little while to get it back in the middle somewhere close is usually okay okay there we go there we go oh i've got sorry i've got to do it they don't necessarily have to watch it but i do have to do it there we are back in the middle some green i like it all right so next up we can do the same with the rudder okay this one should be a little bit easier okay okay yep so all the way to the right all the way to the left that is correct there we are and back in the middle perfect all right next and we can just uh move down underneath that we just have some lighting uh switches if it was night time we could change the lighting um and then right below that we've got the yaw damper switches so we can push those in if they haven't been already yet okay yeah i don't think we've done that yet all right uh we're just gonna verify that all of those um switches down below those four black buttons are in the norm section uh so that all looks good yeah um next we can slide over to that cargo uh fire x uh section right there we're just gonna make sure that those switches are guarded and uh deselected which means they're just blackened out okay um yeah and then we can just uh make sure that the uh landing gear release uh buttons just or the handle just down below there is uh fully stowed and everything and just that that whole section looks clean which we probably already did during the safety check yeah still looking good i think that about does it for the uh the originating check to get all the switches in the correct position awesome well let's move back to the efb and have a quick check of the originating checklist sounds good yeah that all looks pretty good to me very good so um normally once we've done the originating check the airplane is all ready to go for our flight so what we can do next is program the uh the fms uh with our flight data for today excellent right here we are fms time all right sounds good uh so what we can do is in the real airplane what we would do um if there was a previous flight that came in and it had their old flight data in there what we do is clear out the box or clean it up so to speak and the way we could do that is we would grab our secondary database there in the line select key and place it on top of the active just to kind of swap databases and then re-swap the current one back in i don't think elsewhat crj will do that we can try it i'm curious no no yeah it's not gonna work okay well at least we can we're already starting from a clean slate so that's good yes uh so what we can do is uh we'll go to the index uh page yeah uh so what we can do first is we can go to the uh position the net page which is the second line select key there yes all right we can type in our originating airport which is atlanta or katl into that airport uh section right there right and then what we'll do is we'll hit the next page and we'll grab our gpa gps information yeah uh our line select key there we go and then we'll come back and paste it into our set position okay and that will kind of tell the system where we're starting out friends that looks good right all right next we'll hit our index go back to our index page yeah we can go to the irs control uh button there okay and we'll just verify that that's enabled and good to go which it is yes so we can come back to our index page yeah our vmr vor dme control next just below the irs yeah that uh looks good there yes these should both say yes basically should they yeah and i'm assuming so in the planes that we fly we actually don't have that page but normally what we're doing here is verifying that all the systems are throwing data to the fms appropriately okay okay so next we can go to the gnss control or gps information verify those are both enabled and good to go which looks like they are yes we can go back to the index and that uh basically clears it up from here so we can go to our flight plan page okay flight plan and we can start inputting our data now this is always interested me how often do you input the flight plan manually and how often do you get it through acas or or from a database that's actually a good question uh when i first started uh doing it we have uh company routes that can that are stored in there um but what we noticed was or what i noticed was that they weren't always accurate and so we were always having to change like minor things based off of our clearance and so in order to make sure that um it was actually accurate and we didn't miss anything that might have been wrong i've just started entering everything manually ever since that so oh that's really interesting right yeah because sometimes the the standard routes weren't updated and they'd give us something different and so just to make sure that we didn't accidentally miss something we put into manually right all right so we can type in our origin airport and our destination airport so atlanta and uh dulles yeah all right and then we can put in our flight number if we have one down at the bottom right yes i did make up a flight number uh which was fbf359 fbf359 okay and that goes in there yeah we've got that flight number in there which is pretty important so if we go to the the stat page instead of the flight control again we'll see that should be displayed up at the top uh section of that oh yes when we're doing the radios it's nice to look up there and just verify that the flight number is correct because if we're doing you know three or four flights a day it can be it can be hard to remember which flight number you are so yeah i can imagine and i've never noticed that before it's very interesting cool okay yeah so once that's there we can hit the uh execute okay knob to punch that in and then i guess we can just put the rest of our flight plan data in so that would include our departure runway and our sid and all the fixes right okay okay so next we can put our departure runway and our sid and our transition end so we can do that by going to the departure and arrivals button there okay we can select the departure which is the jack two okay object two all right and then we'll our departure runway is gonna be two six left so we can go and find that 26 left and then we can select the uh kellen transition okay and let's let's go to the legs page and just verify that that's where we want it before we execute okay so impasse so we can execute that okay execute and then we can go back to our flight plan page back to our flight plan page yep and put in the rest of our route so we can go to the next page okay all right so next we can just put in the rest of our fixes so after a calend we're going direct to buy jack yeah we can uh type that in and put it right underneath kellen there on the right hand side okay and then i see we're taking the quebec 60 route to jackson so we can type in q60 and put that in on the left hand side okay and put in jackson on the right hand side yes all right then we're going direct to dorne yeah like put that under jackson yeah and now defaults direct show all right and then it looks like dorne is the transition for the cavalier 4 rival into dulles yes so what we can do before executing that is go to the departure rival page again yeah um interesting i guess we can execute that then yeah i'm not i was expecting to see that no i mean either and then once that there then we can go to the uh left back to the departure rival index yeah uh to the dulles arrivals yep and then the uh kevlar and the dorn transition yeah and then we've got a runway i believe was ios to one right yes okay and then what we can do from there is go to our actually do they have a transition from the arrival into that i don't have that up in front of me it does not look like they do okay so it's gonna be vectors anyway so okay that looks good so what we'll do before executing that is we'll just go back to our legs page and verify that that is looking correctly okay next the cycle through to where that is we got dorne and then next again okay so what we can do is we can put dorne on top of dorne okay we can select this dorn into the scratch pad yeah go back to the previous page and put that on top of that door so that way it'll connect the arrival there and we can execute that okay very good and then we can just go to cycle next page again until we get to the approach because there should be a discontinuity there since we're getting vectors um or at least it it'll show vectors there yeah that's right yeah okay cool all right so that uh looks like that completes the route section so next up what we'll do is we'll go down to our mfd menu button um which is the uh button right there there we go and we'll just verify that these are uh the correct uh settings that we want so normally the airport's speed and altitude are selected that's what we normally fly with okay um uh depending on whose uh leg it is if it's the captain's leg to fly or if it's the first officer's leg to fly the pilot flying will have the v nav in the window section so since we're in the left seat we'll go ahead and select the window to the v-nav option okay and that'll punch in our descent planning um into that box right up there for us so we can see it there sure all right and then we'll go to the right hand side there instead of the left hand side line select key yeah and we're gonna yep oh yeah and then we're gonna turn the the pilot monitoring we usually have instead of off it's going to be on and that will give us our expected landing fuel and stuff on the uh the right hand side okay didn't know that interesting all right and then we'll hit next page here just verify that um our range to the altitude select is green so that looks good yeah all right so once we've done that we can enter our uh performance data in right so we can go to the uh the perf page which is just above the mfd advanced there yes so the advisory v-nav is enabled that's good yeah what we'll do next is we'll go up to the top right the fuel management side yeah performance mode is predicted that's good so then we can go all the way down to the back to the perf menu on the bottom yes and then we can go to uh perf init on the top left perf in and this is where we can enter all of our data for the flight cool so before we fill in this page i probably ought to put some passengers and stuff uh in the plane shouldn't i with the uh efb so to do that we're going to go to performance and i just normally change to zero fuel weight and i'll get the zero fuel weight from the flight plan and it's going to be 26 400 kilograms i know we're in america and we shouldn't be using kilograms but it's what i'm used to so that's what i'm going to use okay press enter and then fuel we're going to be taking 4.3 metric tons or um 4265 kilograms enter so we'll set the payload in the simulator and this is also where we can if you want copy the performance init data to the fms do you want to do it that way or do you want to put it in manually i'm easy yep yeah let's try it okay just copy it straight in okay that should have done it let's have a look and it has beautiful all right so i guess uh the the next step to do is fill in the rest of the boxes that need to be filled in so our cruising altitude we can toss into that box in the top right okay so that's uh flight level three nine zero so we can execute that execute that yep and we'll go to the next page next page all right so we can enter our iso deviation and our average wins okay i see our average our iso there is minus one so we can put in the uh minus key and then one into our left section there some people get confused the uh the iso deviation needs to have the numeric minus sign and then the uh the average winds actually needs to have a p for a tailwind and an m for a headwind on the right hand side okay cool so we're using the a few clouds preset today to make this uh replicable you can normally get your your wind component from your simbury flight plan but i think we agreed that we're going to assume uh a tailwind of three knots didn't we something like that yeah that sounds about right yeah so uh just a p and then three is it that's it okay right done all right so we can execute that okay and normally uh that the top wind is obviously for the climb the bottom wins for the descent so if you had those numbers you could punch them in if not you could just put the average uh cruise wind right in the middle there so okay good all right so we can hit next page go to our third profinet page there here's where we'll put in our reserved fuel and our taxi fuel right so reserves should be 612 kilograms and taxi fuel should be two to seven there we go all right that looks good uh now the next thing we'll do is we'll go to our v-nav button just below the hold button okay and we'll verify that these speeds are correct it depends what speeds you want to fly but normally uh what i do is i climb at 290 knots transitioning to mach 74 which i see is already in there yeah uh we can hit the next page to go to the cruise section yeah 374 let's bump that cruise speed up to mach 0.77 okay that's a pretty standard uh mach number for us so do i do the slash and then point seven seven yes that should that should work okay yeah that's done and we can execute that okay and then uh next page one more time to the descent and what we can do is uh we can change that target speed to mock point seven seven slash three twenty okay this is exciting i've never actually changed these figures at all oh yeah it's mainly used for you know it's in the it it calculates the times differently as well as the fuel burn right all right so we can do that yeah all right so that is just about it for the box i believe next up what we would normally do is uh especially if all the passengers and bags were on board we would calculate our performance data through a cars and then we could uh plug in our rv speeds and all that good stuff okay sounds good well we i think we can assume that everyone's on board obviously we don't have a cars yeah so i think we can use the the tablet there to the left yes we can and it's just a question of looking at these speeds and and pressing set all how prototypical are these i mean in my experience they don't change a huge amount from flight to flight they're they're pretty standard i mean most most flights will have about the same amount of passengers and cargo yeah uh but things change if you're flying an empty plane like reposition it to another airport that's when the speeds are obviously lower um or like you have a full full passengers um and you know a lot more cargo than it changes as well but usually they're around the same around the same numbers okay cool that's good to know so we'll press settle that's a great feature so you don't have to spin the knobs a bunch the whole time yeah it is it is all right and there they are and one thing i've just noticed is that we're set to hectopascals and we're in america so we shouldn't be so i will push the hpa slash inches button switches two inches of mercury right what's uh what's next sure so uh now that we have that we can also also need to set our stab trim uh for our takeoff data oh yes as well so we can verify i don't think that sets automatically with that so we'll have to remember to do that no it doesn't so we're looking for 6.5 for the takeoff trim so we'll do that now and uh for those of you who are unaware the keyboard shortcut for the uh nose down trim is number pad 7 and for nose up is number pad one okay there we are 6.5 set and one thing i've just noticed is that we're in uh hectopascals which of course we shouldn't be in the states so we can change that over quickly down here there we go cool so uh now that we've have our speeds in there uh the next thing i like to do is just verify that the the pfd is all set up and what we want so that's basically going to be making sure that the autopilot uh or flight director is pointed to the correct side so that little white arrow is pointing to the left and that is appropriate for the captain's line if the first officer was flying we'd want that pointing to the right hand side and basically what that's doing is it's verifying that the the pilot flying's nav source is what is uh controlling the flight director okay where is this little white arrow sorry i can't i can't see it yeah so on the artificial horizon there in the top left you'll see a little white arrow just to the left of the uh bank indication ah yes i see it i see that arrow is pointing to this side if the first officer was flying there's a button on the flight control panel that would actually switch that to the other hand's other side right okay so that looks good since we're the captain in this scenario obviously yeah um we'll verify that our altitude pre-select is the correct altitude for the the first the first uh limitation we have in our clearance so i don't know are we are we just assuming we're cleared the whole way or are we using air traffic control i think we'll assume we're cleared the whole way for simplicity okay so yeah that sounds good looks like the uh departure the sid we have here is a top altitude of 10 000 so that seems like a good altitude to start at yes okay um next up we'll verify that the uh heading bug is centered to the right the planned runway that we're going to use right so for two six left um at my looking at my chart here it looks like it's going to be a heading of 275 two seven five okay let's go around the other way 275 there we are all right very good um and i think that just about does it uh to set all that stuff up and then we can start running some more checklists great all right so we can look back over at the tablet and we can run our before start checklist okay so back to checklists before start passenger signs are on because we did that i remember landing elevation now this is an interesting one because we this is the second take we've done of this you were saying that in your airline you set the landing elevation to the arrival airport is that right that is correct whereas in our experience in the sim that tends to lead to quite a nasty depressurization for no apparent reason um so what we're going to do now is set the elevation to our departure airport which is going to be 990 feet so i'll do that now and what i'm going to do unfortunately you won't be able to see this in the sim uh sorry in the video is i'm going to switch back to the status page and you can see our landing elevation here i'm now going to pop out this panel with right alt and click and it's not going to show up on the video i wish it would but you're going to have to trust that i'm looking at it while i twiddle this knob to 990 or there or there abouts probably call it a thousand uh so that is now set and you can see it set over here as well so that's our landing elevation done as aerosoft requires it to be done um next then altimeters uh we have set those haven't we 299 or two yeah so as i said earlier we're using the few clouds preset so that you can replicate this trip if you want to so it's going to be two niner niner two throughout um fms checked and set irs aligned and nav radios and navaids do we need to do anything with those uh we'll just verify that uh both nav radios are set to auto which i think they already are okay our primary means of navigation is the uh the gps uh for this yeah so they're in auto tune yep with that so you can see that blue aut there oh yes yeah if that's in there that's good to go okay cool um take off briefing well we're not gonna bother with that are we gonna i'm gonna go down the runway really fast and point the nose in the sky and hope for the best sounds good good so that's the before start checklist complete awesome okay so the before start checklist is all done uh what do we need to do now before we get going all right so i guess we can close all the doors remove the chucks uh pull the jet bridge back basically get rid of all the ground service equipment okay button up and get ready to go okay so the door's already shut uh the wheel chocks have now been removed and i'm going to try and use pushback express to get rid of the jet way uh i have had some odd behavior in in the crj with jetway sometimes they go sometimes they don't this time it's going marvellous okay so jetway's gone all right great so if all the uh ground service equipment's out of the way we can just do a quick uh check we'll turn on the fuel boost pumps the left and right boost pump on the overhead panel yep uh we'll turn that hydraulic 3a pump on okay we can turn our beacon light on okay and then we can uh just we'll verify that the nose wheel steering is set to the off position uh for our push it is and we should be good to go so now we can run our uh i believe it's our cleared start checklist i think it is yeah so back to checklist clear to start here we are uh devices off i mean i'll say off it's not really apu is on we know this because we've been using the power from it electrics we checked everything we need to there i think so okay take off data we've set doors are closed and locked beacon is on fuel pumps are on and the quantity is whatever i said it was earlier uh hydraulic pumps auto and on parking brake is currently on and will be i suppose until until we actually push back that is correct sounds good so push back time is it there it is time so again i'm using pushback express for the push back and you can use whatever you like cockpit to ground go ahead flight deck we are ready for push pushback and engine start roger release the parking brakes please released pushing back i use the keyboard shortcut of control and then number pad decimal to release the brakes there and i'll do my usual fantastic job of uh driving a pushback tug now you are clear behind and you can start your engines at your discretion so we could start engines during the pushback but i guess it's better for the sake of this tutorial to focus on one thing at a time right sure you know we can start the engines after we uh complete the pushback and i won't waste all of your time by uh getting absolutely spot on that'll do us so we'll end the push back there push back complete set parking brakes please parking brake set roger okay the tow bar is disconnected and the equipment is clear we will see you on the right hand side with the pin thanks and you can disconnect and go to hand signals thanks have a good flight see you later okay so that is us push back sort of somewhere near the taxiway center line uh what now yeah so we can start our engines uh so the cool thing is all the switch positions should be in the correct uh positions already to start the engines from our previous checklist so all we really need to do is press the start switch on the right engine we typically start the right engine first okay right engine first okay right engine start and then we can monitor our gauges yep we'll see on the right hand side the r and start uh stat white status message just below the green messages yeah and then we'll see our n2 and our n1 numbers rising yeah now once the n2 gets above 20 and the itt is still below 120 we can introduce fuel into the engine okay so i'll just pull that little little red lever on the bottom up and slide the thrust lever into the idle detent okay and sounds like it's starting nicely looks like it you can see the oil pressure and temperature rising which is good the n2 and n1 are still rising again yeah the uh the starter should cut out about uh 50 uh n2 there okay there's a little bit of a delay on the message sometimes but oh yeah there it goes and then once that typically the itt rises a little bit higher and then it settles back down to a lower number but it looks like it's settled down there at 505 so that looks like the right engine uh start is complete so we can just do the same thing for the left engine okay so so the itt is the main figure you're looking at when deciding if it's been a successful start typically yes in the real airplane the the top part where it has the red line there will be a little bit lower and then once it's completed this start process the red line will jump up to that higher number and then the itt will do what we call just roll back um to where it currently is sitting at right at 505 now okay um then it looks like it just kind of hovers around there so we just have to give it a second just make sure it's stabilized there yeah and that should be interesting thank you okay so same again with the left engine 20 20 yep now i've often noticed this outboard ground spoilers warning up until the engines have started do you have any idea what that's about yes let's make it a short story it's basically just the hydraulics once the engines are started it switches on different hydraulic pumps and it activates the uh the different systems that are controlled by the hydraulic pumps i see i see yeah so once all the engines are up those messages should go away and it looks like they did yeah yeah and another mystery solved thank you so yeah what now all right so uh yeah so the engines are both started so typically now the uh captain and first officer would do their uh their flow just to make sure um everything's good there um so since i'm an fo uh what i would do next is i'd turn on the probes okay the anti-ice probes on the bottom right of the uh overhead panel there yeah all right and then i'd uh set the flaps for whatever flap setting we're using for takeoff which i think is eight i think it is eight yeah all right and then uh assuming now that our we've it's been a while since we finished the pushback the tub will have disconnected so we can arm the nose wheel steering yeah he has a nice wheel steering armed all right and then what we'll do is we'll just go to the uh we basically in the rail airplane we just run through all the synoptic pages make sure all the uh indications are in the green but the main thing we want to check out is the on the flight control synoptic page we'll verify that our ailerons and rudder and our elevator are all uh working appropriately okay so there's the flight control synoptic page yep so we'll just go full deflection to the left and the right on the yoke right verify all those arrows are going to the full yeah and then we'll pull back all the way and push forward all the way yeah all right and we'll just run the rudder back and forth looks good good yep so we can go back to the status page now back to the story yeah yeah we should be good to run the uh the next checklist okay after start uh generators are auto we could have a quick look up here to make sure they are but we know they are um the uh electrics do we need we don't need to check anything there really do we nor that was just one of the things that we checked just to make sure everything's green so we could run that if you want it's just going to make sure that and i'm assuming in the sim everything is working appropriately yeah well let's have a quick look at it in case just in case so ac electrical basically we're checking everything's green is that the gist of it right so we've got both the idg's and generators we're just making sure those green uh the green circles and the green box there there's no like white lines or anything okay both the generators are powering their uh respective buses appropriately so right okay and would you also check the dc correct okay and then the same thing typically typically everything green is a good sign yeah yeah okay i think that's i think that's the key point to take away isn't it right okay so back to the status page uh packs are on uh apu would we turn that off at this point typically yeah we'd uh turn the apu off for the taxi once the engines are both started okay so we can just hit the start stop which is the one with the green light yep and then next we'll hit the power fuel button okay and you can do that one after the other no need to wait for anything to spool down or correct okay uh anti-ice we probably don't need today even in microsoft flight simulator do we right uh nose wheel steering we have armed great that's the after start checklist complete very good and i suppose we can roll right into the taxi checklist yeah uh slats and flaps flaps eight set flight controls have been checked trims we checked earlier we set the stabilizer trim thrust reversers are armed uh flight instruments have been checked and the brake temperature i guess we'd see some red somewhere if there's a problem with that would we either either white or red okay but yeah it's all in the green and zero so it looks good okay uh so that's the taxi checklist complete beautiful so is it finally time to do some moving i think it's finally time to get on the roll good so i guess we'd want to turn the uh taxi light on at this point would we sounds good yep okay uh and now we just need to find the runway so i'll release the parking brakes basically up and right isn't it if i remember rightly say that again it's it's basically straight up and then turn right isn't it i think that's where we're going yes yeah yeah that's correct the uh the first taxiway is foxtrot uh so we can we should be able to skip that go straight on to echo okay and we'll take all the way down to the right okay and what sort of speed are we aiming to taxi at oh about 10 knots maybe it depends um yeah it depends how fast the rest of the traffic's moving just kind of like you're driving a car yeah in atlanta things move pretty fast and so you may be pressured to taxi a little faster okay um but usually about 10 knots is a good safe speed okay cool and would you normally start the before takeoff checklist as you're taxiing or would you wait till you get to the holding point or how does it work for you yeah so normally the captain's the one that does the tax scene because the the tiller that controls the nose wheel steering is only on the left-hand side right so the first officer is typically the pilot monitoring doing the radios and running the checklist anyway and so typically the before takeoff check would be done by the first officer while the captain's texting out as you're approaching the departure runway okay that makes sense yep but i guess again for the sake of keeping this clear we'll just get all the way there and do it do it as we hold sure sounds good so here we are we're holding on echo just short of two six left uh so i guess it's time to go through the before takeoff checklist yep we can do that now so we're going to assume we've been cleared for takeoff i guess for this are we yeah let's let's assume that okay so lights and strobes strobes i can do uh they are here and what else do we need to do in the way of lights probably just all three of those landing lights there should do it okay and do we leave the taxi lights on uh yeah we can leave those on okay i've seen that done in this plane but i've never seen it done in any other so i wasn't absolutely sure uh fuel cross flow all right so yeah we'll make sure that that cross flow is set to manual this one here yep okay and what's the reason for that yeah so setting that to manual just ensures that it's not going to do an auto cross flow and so when we're taking off at high pitch attitudes and banking typically right after takeoff we don't want the computer to get confused if the uh the fuel tanks are imbalanced so we're just setting it to manual just so it can stabilize once we get into a climb um and then we can uh allow it to resume auto cross flowing as necessary okay that makes sense uh transponder and tcas we haven't done anything with the transponder yet have we um i guess you would normally set that when you're getting your clearance at the gate would you yeah typically in the us uh we'll we'll have that transponder on uh as part of the before push check like before we push back um i've noticed i guess in other countries it's not as important but typically in the us we'll have that transponder on before we push right okay okay so i suppose although we don't have atc we should have a look at how you do that um so the transponder code is in here and if we wanted to change that oh if you wanted to change that yeah we just hit that soft key to the left of that yeah and we can use the knob to change the numbers in there okay fine that's easy enough um oh i didn't mean to do that how do we then change it from standby to on or out or whatever it is in this plane right so it's white right now which means it's in standby so to get it to be active and turned on right above the stab trim buttons there's the knob for it oh yes and right now it's in the middle at standby so since the captain's flying we'll turn that to the left to the number one okay and then that should turn that uh squat code to the green color and that means we're good to go ah nice okay thank you uh radar and terrain display well these aren't yet modeled in this uh this same are they uh cas which is crew alert system yeah we'll just verify that any messages messages up there are messages we're expecting uh no surprises so we got the manual cross flow which is what we set that's good seat belt signs on and then no smoking so that matches up our thrust reversers are armed and uh we'll obviously have the parking brake off but all those messages look good okay so line up i guess we can do that okay right here we are all right so now what we can do is if we're typically we'll wait until we're cleared for takeoff by the tower but we can hit our toga buttons to bring up our flight director okay tiger button there it is all right so that goes into takeoff mode which is what we want we'll verify that our current heading matches the runway heading which is what we're expecting so about two seven five i guess we set it to yes and so that's good partly just to verify that we're on the correct runway okay um yeah and then i guess we're i guess we're good to advance the throttles whenever you're ready okay okay so advance the uh thrust throttles or thrust levers what do we call them first thrust leverage trustling okay advance the thrust levers to about fifty percent of n1 till the engines are stable which they are now and then all the way forward to the toga detent looks good yeah we can verify that by that green toga right above the pfd that'll let us know that we're in the correct d10 yeah passing 80 knots we'll just verify that our speed is live there and it matches with the first officer's side yeah here's v1 you want and rotate all right as soon as we see a positive rate we'll call for the gear up okay key is going up we'll set speed mode and nav mode on the fcp speed mode and nav mode yep all right and then at about a thousand feet above the ground we can start speeding up to about uh 250 knots okay so twiddle the knob to about 250. okay so it's command here pitch down to speed up all right and then we can turn the autopilot on to make it easier for you if you want yeah let's do that okay autopilot's on all right and we've passed the one uh the t rather so should we be retracting flaps probably should shouldn't we yes uh yeah we can uh have the flaps up okay and it looks like it missed the uh missed the turn there for some reason so um if we go into heading mode yeah we can turn that heading around to maybe like three three zero three three zero okay and then on that heading if we hit nav mode it should arm the nav mode okay and then what crosses it should intercept for us okay oh yes and we've got fmsn1 flashing which i said guess means it is perfect at what point should we reduce the thrust levers to climb i always forget to do that every time yes it happens really fast in the sim as well as the airplane yeah so after the flaps are up we can do our after takeoff check okay reducing rust levers to the climb is part of that check okay i'll do it now and uh now we can do our after takeoff or our climb check so fuel cross flow will set back to auto uh bleeds an apu they're fine thrust reverses we've got to put them off i can never find them there we are there they are there you go uh and cas see no smoking yeah looks like our altitude captured there at 10 000 feet which is fine because we'll probably want to accelerate um to about 290 for our climb anyway i guess we can bug our cruising altitude and our using our knob there yep and then we can resume the climb okay by pressing the speed button again correct yep and then pressing the speed button will um basically set you into climb mode if the altitude selected is above the altitude that you're currently at okay wait it looks like it didn't for some reason but it should maybe just hit that speed button one more time yeah yeah it take it took a three presses and a long one i think there we go and now we're over speeding all right so we can just dial that uh that speed bug back down to 290 for our climb okay there it is all right and then what we can do is what we can center even though we're in nav mode we can center that heading bug on our new course that we're about to fly okay partly so it looks nicer partly if the nav mode starts going wonky we can go into a heading mode pretty easily and it won't start turning on us sure and this is something that i fail to do every single time and i don't know why i can't get into the habit of it right very good and we're on our way yeah not too bad i think we should show the nice people the view outside because it's a shame being cooped up in here i agree i'm getting a lot of stutters today i'm not sure why anyway did they have like a world update or something before or since we've flown into atlanta or like since the last time we recorded there has been something yeah there has been something um not a world update but some a couple of patches i think okay yeah and that has been since i last flew the crj actually i've heard atlanta's pretty rough on the frames um usually anyway yeah yeah i've seen other people struggling yes so i guess we're approaching transition altitude nothing's going to change because we're still going to be on 299.2 but i may as well go through the motions sure there we are i wasn't sure i was pressing the right button there but i was we can press it and find out what happens yes and that's the beauty of a sim yep but it's not why people watch a tutorial so is there anything we should be thinking about during the climb other than keeping that heading bug synced i'm trying to think typically around now we'd be considering uh turning the seat belt sign off if uh if the air was smooth um if we weren't sure uh we we sometimes wait until we get to the cruising altitude because sometimes it can be smooth in the climb but it can be bumpy up there yeah so typically typically we'll ask air traffic control for a ride report to see if there's any uh smooth air up there and if it is yeah we can turn the seat belt sign off okay let's do that uh seat belts there we are and along with that typically we just make a a pa for the passengers letting them know you know we're climbing up to our cruise altitude we've got you know 50 minutes or however long it is left in the flight yes back relax enjoy the rest of your your flight or something like that yeah nice um sometimes uh i guess depending on how long the flight is or how sketchy the weather at our destination is we can start looking at the uh the destination weather um if it was low ifr and we were concerned about getting in uh due to the the minimums we would you know be monitoring the weather stuff like that yeah but other than that just looking out the window and enjoying the view nice nice that's my kind of life i think it's a pretty good job yeah yeah so so i'm really interested you you mentioned at the beginning that you obviously were into flight swimming from quite a young age and that's what made you want to be a pilot what is the draw of flight simulation to you right now why do you still love it in spite of doing it for a living i have a great answer for you oh dear come on it's honestly it's the freedom yeah i love i love flying for the airlines i like the point to point i like having a mission you know take i like seeing the passengers as they get on i like knowing that i'm responsible to you know get them safely to their destination um i like having the constraint okay this is the mission we got to get it done type of thing but on the other side of the coin it's kind of nice to you know like pop up anywhere in the world um fly any type of plane you want set the weather to anything you want time of day to anything you want you know you can fly over your house you can you can fly in airspace that you wouldn't normally be allowed to fly in in real life and kind of explore the world so yeah i think that's that's the main draw for me yeah so basically you could do all the things that you that you don't get out of flying a real plane i guess pretty much yeah and one of the one of the other things is the external view while you're flying because obviously you're only going to be inside the plane in real life yeah yeah one day one day they'll invent a drone that can that can actually follow an aircraft and you can never play with from the cop that would be that would be pretty cool all right so once we get uh it's kind of hard to see from my view but once we get up to about this altitude we can uh consider twitching our uh speed bug to mach 7 4 for the climb okay i guess we're already at marquette so we can just set that to seven seven okay seven seven right is that our our cruise speed yep there we are max 77 very good so in the real plane does this switch over automatically no so at least the bug doesn't right um so we'd have to switch that over uh by hand okay so i'm not quite sure why it does that in the sim especially if it can't do it accurately or at the right time it's an odd little feature well let me rephrase that let me let me think about that actually no now that i think about it i think it does do it automatically and we have to switch it back sometimes okay i think it does do it automatically it's just typically at the not the time that i'm wanting it to switch and so i manually switch it back to like the speed uh indicated airspeed for example until i'm ready to switch it to the mach number and then i switch it back so that i guess that's why i thought it didn't do it automatically but i guess it does do it automatically it's just not at the time i want it oh okay okay so it is a bit like the sim then in that sense yeah yeah yeah well the same thing happens in the cj4 i don't know if you've flown that at all um no yeah it switches automatically and uh but at the wrong time oh you must you must with the working title mod it's brilliant and it's uh you know you can you can take it wherever you like really it's got such a short uh takeoff and landing run awesome so how realistic is this climb rate we're doing about 400 feet per minute at the moment that's uh fairly typical you'll notice it it sometimes starts to porpoise around a little bit um usually during the climb we'd be climbing at 7 4 so if you want you could bump down that mach number down to seven four the reason we had it at seven seven was just because uh we were already a little fast when i remembered to to switch that over yeah so that should climb right a little bit out it'd be interesting to compare i guess yeah once you start getting up above three five zero and three six zero um it starts to lag a little bit the real airplane especially if you're pretty heavy um it's it's the 700 is an absolute rocket ship you know below two zero flight level two zero zero and two five zero once you start up there it does start slowing down a bit yeah so once it's once the speed's settled it doesn't yeah it's still it's not made a huge amount of difference actually to the climb right yeah we're still in our climb detent right yes yeah we are all right and typically we're usually not all um typically we're not up at flight level three nine zero anyway but it depends you know what the winds are how long the flight is and stuff but anywhere from three zero zero to you know three seven zero sometimes okay the the dispatch will plan the flight and they'll they'll be able to see on the ground with their computers how good our climb rate might be up altitude and if it's just really low um then they might give us a lower cruising altitude if we're really heavy okay that's interesting yeah i didn't know that was sort of monitored by them yeah yeah it's real nice the dispatch gives us on our release it gives us all of our information they're tracking our flight you know from start to finish yeah um and then we can talk to them via a cars if we need performance numbers or anything they'll run it run it for us right so it's kind of unique to have i'm wondering why sim brief did give us flow level three nine zero it's it's it's higher than it's ever given me before for a crj flight and i suppose i suppose sim brief knows about the real world weather and we're not flying in the real world weather so technically we could be chasing anything yeah typically this route would have a since it's kind of northeasterly it would have a pretty good tailwind so maybe that's why it picked it it might have been the most efficient yeah maybe oh we're getting there slowly but surely yeah if it just dogs out it might be worth trying a different altitude but it's it's a long enough flight we could wait to get up there if you want [Music] i have no strong opinion really get up there eventually it just might take a while yeah let's let it get out there sure as long as we've got a bit of time to uh to actually cruise and not instantly go into the descent which i think yeah we will yeah it should have enough time i don't think the real airplane is this slow once it gets to this office it might slow down to like 500 feet per minute but it still chug up pretty good oh it's painful to watch isn't it [Laughter] 100 feet per minute yeah come on you can do it 300 feet oh maybe you can't just come to zero on the problem is once we get up there too it might have trouble speeding up yeah so we've made it i was about to say to flight level 390 the aircraft really struggled um and i've just noticed i've actually got level 393 in the altitude field um which is my my bad uh i'll dial that back down oh no let's just leave it let's just pretend we wanted flight level 393. so you can actually see us reaching our cruising altitude now which will be very nice for you so yeah what what happens when we get there michael typically when we reach our cruising altitude we'll check our fuel quantity just to make sure that um our fuel is in line with what we had on our our release from dispatch the the take off and climb portion of the flight is obviously where we're going to be burning the most fuel yeah and so once we get to cruise that's a good point to uh check our fuel and make sure we're in line if it's um a lot less than what we were expecting you know then we've got it we've got some work to do typically right about on so okay um yeah the other thing is we want to monitor that speed um just to make sure that we're we're near our uh our appropriate cruise speed it looks like we're sliding just a little bit yes um so yes it is going down and we're still in the climb detent which isn't great is it no if we went down to 370 that might that might help it out a little bit all right let's do that then give us some momentum on the way down yeah right if i actually set 370 yes i have and how are we going to get down vs or yeah vertical speed works okay it's another one of those buttons that doesn't like being pressed sometimes so what sort of yeah what sort of vertical speed should we be using uh let's do 1500 feet per minute okay that seems pretty standard um the greater the descent rate the easier it is on the fuel burn because we can pull our thrust levers back even further right it allows us to stay at cruising altitude longer but for our purposes that should give us a prolonged descent to allow our speed to increase here okay that makes sense and the speed should be set at mac point seven seven now should it yeah let's set uh yeah it's at point seven seven there i don't know if we'd already done that i often accidentally twiddle knobs while i'm trying to zoom in and out or vice versa so uh yes anyway it's set right now all right okay so we're actually passing that i guess this is the point when i want to start adjusting the throttles right uh yes okay so i'll just bring them back a bit a bit more all right then once that altitude captures uh like it is right now we'll need to add a little bit more back in but yeah okay that should do it hmm i've set thirty seven thousand one hundred there we are that's actually thirty seven i'm sure i checked it i must have accidentally twiddled it the sim might be giving you grief yeah and it's captured the altitude so we're gonna have to go back into vs aren't we to lose that and i'll add a bit more uh thrust back in speed's getting a little slow there it is and something's weird is going on with these with these thrust levers i just pushed them forward but the n1 went down interesting it is interesting yeah i'll probably want to go max thrust right now just to get it back up because if it goes too low then it's get behind the power curve yeah yeah and that's something i've experienced and i think a lot of people have experienced where they do get the power wrong and it all just ends very badly right it's hard to get that speed back up once it starts decreasing yeah especially up at the high uh cruise altitudes yeah yeah that thing with the with the thrust levers not correctly adjusting the power is a new one on me i haven't had that before it could be an issue with one of my throttle quadrant settings because i'm fairly new to this throttle quadrant i don't know i don't know anyway speeds going up i suppose that's the main thing for now yep you may have noticed that i have increased the range on the navigation display uh i did that during a section which i'm pretty sure i'm going to cut out so i'll just just show you how i did that it's just a question of twiddling this outer knob here sorry the inner knob here this is definitely the hardest plane i've flown in a flight sim i think maybe it's the exception of concorde yeah there's a lot of extra work to it especially without those uh auto throttles yes okay so we've got mac.77 let's try bringing the uh throttles back see if they behave yeah somewhere in that 80 82 to 85 percent n1 is usually good in the real airplane right hmm so i'm definitely moving them together but the n1 is dropping a lot more on on the right engine very odd anyway that's 87 and we're a little slow aren't we it's building up again now yeah just yeah use as much as you need i guess all right let's try bringing them back a little bit yeah they're not synchronized it's really odd yeah that n2 is doing some weird stuff like you said or sorry the n1 on the right engine i guess this is what you get for uh not trying your throttle quadrant out on the plane before trying to film a lesson in it bring it back a little more anyway i've definitely got the same settings for both for both thrust levers so okay maybe they're just quite sensitive and i am moving them at slightly different speeds anyway that seems pretty good yeah looks like we're pretty stabilized here yeah cool so we can just take a quick look at that uh direct intercept page on the fms okay just make sure we're not getting too close to our descent uh in there can we zoom in just a little bit on there of course all right it's still expecting us at flight level three nine zero what we can do to change that is if we go into either uh yeah let's just do v nav yeah button and we can change our uh next page change our cruise and altitude in there okay so three seven zero if that helps that's better yeah there we go two four eight so now here's the interesting thing um in the real airplane um what i like to do is use this direct intercept page on the fms to plan the descents um on an on an rnav arrival like the one that we're doing right now yes in the real airplane if there is a between um altitude restrictions so for example if there was a fix that said uh between twelve thousand and flight level one eight zero yes the if you were above flight level one eight zero that descent rate required would be to match one eight zero by that fix since that's the the next restriction down um if we're below flight level 180 it would show uh the bottom altitude so 12 000 to meet that restriction okay um and the sim it doesn't appear to work the same way um but we we can see see how it works um because right now it's showing dorne at flight level what is that two four t four right right let's hit the next page because i think the first official restriction is at perkin yes okay that should be above flight level two two zero it should and and so it looks like the v the fms is trying to calculate like the optimal route through the fixes which is nice yes um it's kind of like a uh a pseudo v nav it would appear um that's not how at least the the rjs that i fly um actually operate okay which is kind of interesting so that is interesting so what would you have then at perkin would it would it say two to zero or above or would it yeah what would it have yeah so hit yes so we can see perkin there where it says flight level two two three it would say flight level two two zero a so above flight level two two zero right and then the net rate required would be to cross two uh perkin at two two zero okay that is very different then yeah and it looks like here it's wanting you to cross 300 feet high which kind of makes sense so you can have like a continuous descent um so we i guess we could try the descent planning via how the boxes or the fms is is telling us but i guess it's a little bit different than what it is in real life and what i'm used to yeah so that's kind of the thing that is interesting let's keep going so code is giving us one seventeen thousand five hundred and the restriction is above 14 000 and below flight level two to zero so would you get sort of two two zero b and then one four zero a in the real plane there correct yep okay well on the legs page uh on this current dissect uh direct to intercept it would show the next restriction down so again if we were above uh two two zero right now like we are yeah it would show uh flight level two two zero in there and then once we crossed below that it would switch to the one four thousand and it would give you a descent rate required to meet the one four thousand there okay i see yeah so it's actually this is actually kind of nice because it looks like it's planning the the optimal descent rate through the whole thing so you don't have to uh do the step downs and stuff so that's kind of nice yeah it is let's just have a look at my speed miraculously we're doing all right look at that nice work not many times i could have looked away from the pfd for that long and nothing have gone wrong so you were talking about the fixed page which is something i don't know much about um do you mind showing us a little bit of what that's used for yeah we can do that that's right on the fms page or the fms right there we can hit that button yeah so basically we can type in any fix so airport uh navid waypoint or anything like that into there okay so let's actually try typing in the the not the next waypoint but i think jackson is that it the one after louis yeah i'm just getting more power sn j-a-x-s-n see i just increased my throttle levers then and initially n1 dropped and now it's going up very odd anyway uh yes sorry j-a-x-s-n we'll put that in j-a-x-s-n i don't trust this plane not to kill me while i'm looking at something else yeah and so you can see at the bottom there if we were to go direct to that fixed uh it shows us the uh the course that it would be uh zero five six it shows us the difference remaining on the estimated time and route and the fuel burn that it would take to get there okay and then below jackson what we have typed in there in the ref uh box or the ref section we have rad cross and disc cross so the disc cross i believe works in the sim we can try that yeah but try to put a five mile ring around jackson so we can just hit the five and then put that in the disc cross and that should put a five mile ring around that fix yes it has yeah so we can use it as a reference sometimes air traffic control will say uh descends uh to maintain flight level i don't know three five zero five miles north of jackson right right um and so if it was at jacksonville it'd be easy just to punch that altitude into the fms um and then it would give us a decent rate required and stuff but if we wanted this we could use this as a reference to know where that actually is on the e there okay it's useful yeah and and the the the uh the red cross has got a figure in it which i didn't put there don't know where that's come from right so i believe that's what that is is that's the crop the radial that you're going to be actually crossing it ah okay okay since you put that that five uh distance in there that's um once we turn northbound there that's what the the two nine the two one nine excuse me should be coming from in the real plane we should be able to put uh pretty much any radial in there and it could point us to a green dashed line coming out from the fix so we can use that as an additional reference um if we were wanted to be a beam a fix okay yeah yeah but we couldn't make that work earlier could we see yeah the sims got some different stuff in it from the airplane yeah yeah okay still that's very interesting and useful how are we doing speed wise okay just about okay right do you want to talk about descent a little bit sure we can do that um so normally in the real airplane what we'll do is we'll have our altitudes in the fms there if we get a descend via clearance uh meaning to send via the arrival we're cleared to fly any altitude or speed that's on the arrival itself anywhere in there um the the direct to intercept or the direct intercept page there will give us a descent rate required to meet each of those restrictions at each each fix yeah and so what i would do is i would look at those uh descent rates and typically um if we're trying to you know be as efficient as possible we could descend up to uh 3000 feet per minute if we wanted to do like a flight idle descent which would conserve gas help us to stay up at our cruising altitude longer or if we wanted to be more conservative and make sure that we could actually meet the restrictions we could do about 2000 feet per minute okay so that's how that's what we would usually do right now i'm starting to see um the uh what is that k hood k hood yes k hood yeah all right uh it looks like that fix is showing a 2100 foot per minute uh requirement so normally what i would do is i would look at the most restrictive um descent required and plan the descent based off that okay so that's already showing 2 200 feet per minute i would start i would start descending now at about uh 2200 feet per minute okay right we can do that yep so we want to set a lower altitude um so let's see what what's our next fix for us our next fix is doran darn okay so the first restriction i see is perkin which is after dorne above two two zero yes so what we can do is we can set in the altitude bug uh two two zero because that's as low as um we wanna go okay yep two two zero all right and then we can just uh start the vertical speed mode and start down at the required uh vertical speed to meet that most restrictive restriction okay and reduce the thrust to keep our mac 0.77 correct so that's very different to how i had been flying this that's really interesting because yeah i normally just waited for the top of descent and then tried to match each of these rates which is which is pretty labor intensive to be honest it's it's a it's definitely a fine way to do it for sure yeah and like i said the uh the fms and the sim or the the descent rate on the direct two page seems to work a little differently than it does in the real airplane or at least the ones that i'm flying um and so it may be it may be best to just use that top of descent uh bug because i'm i'm sure that works fine it's just a little different than how i personally do it yeah well it's interesting to try something new anyway yeah and so typically at this time before it gets too busy with the arrival um typically the crew would be you know briefing the weather that's down there at the destination airport the type of approach that we're planning on doing we'd get all our frequencies set up right if the weather was below or not below minimums but if it was ifr we were having to do an actual ils approach we'd know we'd set up our minimums um there we'd be getting our landing data so the distance landing distance required uh for our weight of airplane as well as setting the uh landing speeds like the vipo yeah and stuff like that so i guess we can start uh doing that stuff if you want yeah let's let's just remind me what runway we're landing on again i haven't got the chart up sure i think it's one right one right thank you yeah okay let's yeah let's let's start setting all that up so where would you start what would you do first um that's a great question i guess we can set up our landing data first uh and so that would just be our landing speeds okay from the uh the tablet i guess for the aerosoft crj yep so performance page landing speeds there vref 138 settle perfect all right and then the the next thing we can do um let's first see if the uh the fms has the approach in there um we'll just verify that one right is in there after the arrival okay so on the legs page correct yep legs page and then we'll scroll towards the end there referencing my chart it looks like the last fix should be waxing which one waxing i think on on the on the ils is the last approach sorry the last one oh yeah i'm looking at the the arrival so the last one i think is coins before we switch yes coins at 6 000 feet yes and then yeah that would that would make sense from there to vectors so yeah so i'm seeing mosby up at the top that's on the ils i believe yes it is yeah and then we've got uh all right so let's go to the previous page on the fms there yeah there we go okay perfect so we uh finish at coins yes and what we're gonna do is just assume that since we're not working with air traffic control we're just gonna assume that they're gonna give us direct to um mosby after coins yeah that i think that'll make things easier yeah so right now we have that vectors uh in placeholder fix after coins what we can do is go to the next page and then put mosby um on top of there okay on top of the vectors after coins we can confirm that execute and that should give us direct that should just kind of put us right onto the uh the fix so we don't have to give ourselves vectors yeah this is a good choice of runway i think this is going to be okay yeah um i should just say i've just noticed that we've switched over to ias from mac is i don't know if that happened at the right time probably not it it's fine for the outset we're at so we can just bug oh let's bug 300 knots 300 okay yeah normally we'd do 320 but 300 should give us a little bit more time to make sure we're all set up yeah that sounds good to me there we are 300 so i'll bring the thrust levers back a little okay so we've got our arrival routing sorted out uh what next yeah we'll just verify i our navigation radios should still be in auto tune mode so we'll just make sure that the standby uh frequency to the right of the active is uh the correct frequency for the ils that we're doing and it isn't we're after 110.1 is that the recall you're referring to correct yeah so we need to change that then do we uh yeah yeah the the frequencies i think in the crj should change automatically but we um at least in the aerosoft crj should change automatically but we usually change that manually in there okay so let's do that then 110.1 perfect and do we want to set that to active or not yet uh we'll leave it in auto tune until we're done with the arrival so once we pass coins yeah we'll switch that frequency um into the active okay that makes sense yeah all right so since it's a good weather day we don't really need to set our minimums uh for the approach uh since we're not planning to do the full ils anyway so yeah normally we just brief the approach and then uh keep the descent going okay sounds good so we are approaching flight level two to zero all right and we're also approaching uh perkin all right so it looks like at two two zero we're good at perkin yeah and a hood yeah looks like uh bentley is above 13 000 and yeah amigo is above 11 000. yeah and then cavalier is at 250 at 10 000 so that that would be our next uh hard restriction up above i'm meaning that the the next restriction that we need to be below if that makes sense yes um so we can we can plan our descent based off of that cavalier fix there okay so let's go to the direct intercept page and see if it's given us a vertical speed required to hit cavalier saying two thousand four hundred yeah all right so we should probably start down now i would think okay so altitude to ten thousand my apologies if uh this is being the edges of this are being cut off in the video uh it's very hard to judge because i have an ultra wide monitor uh so back into vs uh bring those thrust levers down getting very fast and we want to go now to 20 800 all right and i'm not sure how accurate the aerosoft crj is but in the real airplane anything towards 3 000 feet per minute is typically pretty close to idle descent right okay and since we'll need to be at 250 knots at cavalier to meet that restriction too yeah uh idle descent should work for that okay iron idle now 2 800 feet per minute set and the speed's coming back a little towards 300 so at what point would you bug down to 250 um typically we want to fly the speed that we have bugged and so if we were planning to slow to 250 now we could bug it now um usually what i do is i wait until about 10 miles before the fix where i'm supposed to slow down um just because it seems to be a round number and then i'll bug that new speed and i'll start slowing down at that point okay if you're descending at 320 knots and you need to have a 210 knot restriction obviously you might want to start slowing down before that yeah so it really depends but usually i bug the next speed about 10 miles prior to this the fixed at which it's required okay that's a good tip um so we're passing through the transition level so i will set local pressure which is going to be exactly the same okay and i guess that's actually good time we can turn the seatbelt sign back on and we can run a quick descent check okay checklists descent landing elevation we have not set uh it should be 312. all right i'll do that now we just had a bing what was the thing about uh looks like a caution uh message oh ice interesting which is surprising because it looks like we're not in any moisture at all yes but i suppose we better do something about it yeah we can turn the anti-ice on so we got the wing in the ice um we can switch on and then the cow any ice on as well yeah okay this is this is microsoft fly simulator speciality isn't it icing you up whatever the weather yep so i'm gonna do what i did on the way up uh open that pop-up window which you won't see and scroll the landing elevation down to whatever i said it was 310 ish call it 320 that'll be fine okay tcas we haven't fiddled with so i assume that's still set is it or should we be doing something with that no nothing new it's okay where it's at okay uh radar is on sort of doesn't work this sort of one uh kaz we just have seat belt no smoking and the anti-ice stuff which i presume is what we want uh landing data uh that's that's your minimums i suppose is it which we don't need today is that that's funny the yeah that's the minimums it's also the the fto and b2 go around speeds right we have that as well yes okay and approach briefing yeah which we've sort of done haven't we really nice video all day yeah follow the uh approach guidance down yeah look for the airport put the plane down at the airport that sounds like the plan uh one other thing we can do here is just make sure that the thrust reversers are back armed i noticed that during the uh the cast check there oh yes we'll want to have those armed for landing very good so we're approaching 10 thousand and we're too fast too distracted to bug down to 250 at 10 miles i'll do it now we still got a couple miles to go yeah we're still at flight idol we might make it yeah maybe with some spoilers if you if you wanted to go that far but anyway yeah we'll throw a bit of spoiler in there why not just for fun oh just look at that just hit it just like the real world [Laughter] now i better add some power cool so we crossed traveler at 10 000 looks like we can set 7 000 in for cassidy now okay which is our next fix all right there's 7 000 and uh so we want to go down a thousand feet per minute if i'm reading that right that's right okay vs press it twice for some reason and set it to one oh and i've ruined everything i got down to 250 nuts and then busted it almost immediately i'm sure air traffic control will give you a pass on that one good so another thing we can do to uh verify that our descent planning is working is we've got that that magenta banana we call it yeah we can use that that's obviously the altitude or the the location on the map at which we'll intercept the uh pre-selected altitude um given our current descent rate and ground speed right so yeah so yeah yeah it's not quite that information what you wish [Laughter] so we wanted to be at 7 000 at cassidy cassidy so i need to increase our descent rate then don't i maybe just a little bit i i think the sim isn't quite at like i think the the descent rate and the direct two page will also work okay i think it up later but yeah it's just an additional reference we use in the real world okay well the uh directory page is saying 1100 feet per minute we're doing 1200 feet per minute so we'll we'll see what happens i guess that's good and i guess passing below uh 10 000 feet we can verify that all our landing lights and stuff are on yes yes it saves effort if you never switch them off doesn't it there you go so so what we should have done of course i suppose is turn them off passing ten thousand feet on the way up and we forgot yeah i sorry as a first officer it's not something on my normal flow so it's something i easily forget oh yes yeah captain will do it yeah fair enough things are looking good yeah i suppose we can turn off the anti-ice now since we don't have that ice message anymore yes keep your fingers crossed so it's capturing seven thousand and next altitude is six thousand perfect uh so back into vs mode and again it reckons a thousand feet per minute will do us sounds good i really hope you can see what i'm doing on the video i'm going to zoom in to make it very clear i'm moving this wheel to set this figure here great and then we'll center that heading bug oh yes beautiful and then typically what i do is once we start getting close to our destination i'll start zooming in on that mfd map just so there's a little more to see there good so what i think we'll do um after we cross coins at 6 000 let's uh descend down to 3 000 okay let's just pretend air traffic control is giving us that vector to mosby now yes okay so we can dial that in now i guess can we yeah let's dial in three thousand and we'll just do an idle descent down there just to get down there quickly so we can get stabilized okay so to do an idle descent just increase the vertical speed sure that's one way to do it oh sorry how how are you going suggesting so hit speed mode twice oh this is new uh speed all right actually just the one time looks good okay okay um so hit it one more time the speed mode yeah and then one more time okay through this so you'll go and you'll see you're in descent mode now oh yeah so now director is going to pitch for that airspeed so if you do idle descent you just uh thrust levers at idle it'll basically give you the maximum distance rate you can and uh still follow that same area right i never knew that yep it basically works opposite the climb but not a lot of people actually use it but it's actually great if you need to lose altitude as fast as you can but while maintaining a constant airspeed yes and obviously it it selected the speed that i was flying when i pressed it which was lower than i'd intended to be really but i guess there's no point accelerating at this stage is there yeah that's fine usually around this speed uh around this uh spot i'd slowed about 210 okay so if i'll give it just that yep that'll give us enough buffer for our first couple flat settings when that comes time okay and i noticed we've got blue needles down here for the lock yep so let's actually start putting in the flap since we're pretty close let's do uh flaps one flaps eight and flaps twenty okay so the notch is there and let's actually make it easy on ourselves let's bug uh 1900 feet for waxing okay just keep that coming uh i missed it let's press speed again right yep yeah i'll press one more time there we go that should get us stabilized so now we can go back down to our navigation radio and punch in our uh frequency that we want okay so we've got it pre-selected so press this again is it no yes you want yep 110.1 i think right yeah that's right all right so now we'll do since we're lined up with the runway and we'll center the bug sent to the heading bug yeah we'll go into heading mode heading mode yep we're going to switch our nav source to the green needles which is the navigation radios okay yeah all right and then we'll hit the approach mode hit the approach mode okay all right so we'll see that captured our localizer there our glide slope is still above us so that's why the gs is in white once the glideslope comes down that should capture okay how it should fly the ios for us let's hope let's hope so now i guess what we can do we can get um we can put our landing gear down okay and then set the rest of our uh flaps all the way down to 45 and set our spinal straight in speed from the uh the tablet there okay i noticed my speed's bleeding off very quickly which is making me anxious so vref yes yep 138 speed okay 138 set all right very good then we just uh use our thrust levers to manage that speed okay and the autopilot could follow the uh the crosshairs all the way down on the ils okay so it is it is a known bug that sometimes it doesn't capture the glide slope um okay we'll see it's hit and miss and i'm letting my speed get a little low which is never good if you want to you could increase the altitude bug to a couple thousand feet above and then just be ready to decrease the vertical speed if you need to um and just kind of follow the glideslope down with the vertical speed if it doesn't capture okay to capture sorry a couple of hundred feet above did you say a couple of thousand people just to get it out of the way i like it when it's in cat mode it won't let you descend via vertical speed i see i see okay so if it doesn't capture here i'll look there it has it has beautiful i was just going to say because since the localizer is captured you can see that with the loc one in green on the left side of the fma there yeah um if the glycol didn't capture you could manually adjust the vertical speed to kind of follow the glide slope down visually if it didn't capture for some reason i see that's a good tip i'm with you now i was a little slight on the uptake but i'm there now sometimes we do that in real life if it's a if it's a visual and we're following an ils procedure we'll just manually um change the vertical speed just because it's a little easier for us okay that makes sense cool and then i suppose we can run that uh before landing check oh yes we should shouldn't i okay passenger signs are on flight attendance doesn't exist thrust reverses around landing dear down slats and flaps are at uh whatever it is 4 t5 beautiful now it's lost you see it's lost the glide slope a little here we're getting a bit low so i'm going to disengage the autopilot and that's the other thing it does quite often good to know sometimes the real airplanes will do some interesting stuff too and the answer is always just to turn the automation off and hand fly it if you can yeah yeah i've heard that yeah i've had the autopilot off figure it out on the ground yeah 300. and you don't want to flare too much in this plane do you that's something i've heard yep not too much or too little [Laughter] just the right amount that's something that we probably don't have time to talk through right now i suppose right 50 40 30 20. and then once the nose wheel touches down thrust reverses and spoilers i guess yeah you got it yep the ground lift dumping should deploy automatically ah yes i think yeah i had forgotten that so there's no need to use the spoiler lever after all correct the uh and some some airliners i know they have you arm the spoilers uh yeah the and the crj the spoilers are uh continuously armed based off of um the weight being on the wheels and other criteria that the airplane senses that it's landing right so there's nothing really required from the pilots to arm the spoilers okay okay yeah i did know that once upon a time uh so i'm getting dreadful stutters dreadful stutters i don't know why i don't usually maybe it's something to do with us talking and uh recording but now it's just totally frozen so you will note that we landed the plane and have exited the runway there's a little bit of a gap because my computer froze for about five minutes and i had a minor nervous breakdown but it did capture the video so we're going to continue as if nothing happened so so what do we do after exiting the runway michael sounds good so once we're clear the runway we can do the after landing checklist okay checklists after landing apu probably want to start that do we yep so power fuel and then and then start stop once we have the apu invite etc up there apu sov open uh transponder slash radar stand by and off now i guess you would leave yours on would you correct yep we'd leave it on until we get parked at the gate okay let's let's do that then slats and flaps i'll retract them uh lights so landing lights off strobe lights off and the rest as they are i guess yep probes off perfect and now we can taxi to our gate right any idea where we're going here actually first thing let's let's clear the flight director uh because it just looks sloppy when you're on the ground okay you can hit that flight director button just to the left of the autopilot disconnect okay good and then usually what we do is uh we'll switch the nav source back to white needles or the fms just for the next crew because they'll obviously depart in white needles just kind of reset the airplane there okay that's interesting cool and then there's as for your question about parking there's some regional jet parking uh if we go up ahead and take a left on kilo um and then a right turn on bravo okay uh we should find some regional jet parking sounds good look at that seems smooth as anything now just needed a breather yes could have picked a better moment for its breather but never mind i agree so while we taxi and i've got a couple of questions about the about the landing um or about the approach sorry we're taking this first left yes we are aren't we yep um we we extended the flaps in sort of two big chunks is that is that fairly standard or was that because the aircraft had got ahead of us the aircraft was getting kind of ahead of us um typically it it's it's not wrong to do it that way if we need to slow down pretty quick like that's it's completely fine right but usually we'll we'll um we'll increase those increments one at a time okay now a couple seconds after each other uh usually um flaps the first section flaps one which is just the forward slats um will come out by itself um or along with eight and twenty and then the the gear comes down along with flaps 30 usually and then flaps 45 so it's usually three or four segments there okay i just noticed the distance to go was decreasing rapidly so i was like let's let's get configured for landing yeah yeah well it worked beautifully yeah this is bravo i think okay i think looks like bravo looks like it yep you should see those uh parking positions off to the left there oh yeah these first ones yep i don't know if they're it looks like they're hard stands that's all right though do this how do we get over to them i'm not even sure no it's not clear i might just have to cross that yellow line there no i won't do it i'm gonna i'm gonna follow a line any line the pretty bit of the terminals over here let's go over here sure yeah any it's fine obviously i had to be fair i'll probably cut some of this out sure i don't think the people need to see my obsessive taxiing [Laughter] good technique thanks thanks everyone could learn from it all right maybe i'll leave it in then gotta stay on those lines uh and i guess we turn off the taxi light before pulling onto a stand do we that's a good idea yep try not to blunt the marshaller yeah this could have been made for us from the looks of it beautiful it actually is a good looking parking spot right in front of that uh part of the terminal building yeah i'll do set the parking brake what now great so i guess we can uh uh typically we'll wait for the the ground crew to give the signal that the chalks are in so i can i guess we can use the tablet to put those chalks in yeah aircraft wheel chocks in place all right then we can uh shut the engines down and open up the doors and run our shutdown checklist okay and to shut the engines down that red lever yeah that'll allow the thrust lever to come down below the idle detent and shut off the fuel supply okay open the door yeah turn the seat belt sign off seat belt sign off yeah we can turn the transponder to the standby position okay that looks good yeah um and checklist now is it yep shutdown checklist okay shut down checklist parking brake set seat belts off thrust levers shut off anti-ice off fuel pumps turn them off all right beacon and nose wheel steering to off beacon nose wheel steering great and that's us we made it we did finally [Laughter] not a bad bit of parking either right on there well michael thank you so so much for that i really enjoyed it i learned a huge amount and i'm sure everyone who's watched the lesson uh we'll also have learned a lot so i really appreciate the time you've given to this yeah not a problem it's been a pleasure and i had a lot of fun with it i'm really glad you enjoyed it um now i understand you have your own youtube channel do you want to tell people a little bit about that sure yeah my channel name is a youpilot77 um and i just uh it's it's the channel's been there for a while but i haven't done a whole lot with it yet i just got a new gaming computer and i got the new simulator um and as a current airline pilot and former uh flight simulator enthusiast i'd like to get back into it and make some videos relating to you know my airline pilot life as well as my former flight instructor years some tutorials and stuff like that so i'm going to have a lot of fun with it and i'd appreciate uh if you gave me a subscription uh for there so a youpilot77 that sounds absolutely brilliant i'll put a link to your channel in the video description down below if people want to check it out thank you once again thanks everyone for watching i hope you enjoyed the video if you did do please give it a thumbs up click the subscribe button if you haven't already and i hope to see you again soon here on phil but flies take care bye bye
Channel: FilbertFlies
Views: 51,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aerosoft, CRJ, Aerosoft CRJ, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, FS2020, CRJ 700, MSFS 2020, MSFS2020, tutorial, lesson, easy tutorial, simple tutorial, how to, full flight, how-to, how to fly Aerosoft CRJ, flying lesson, live lesson, how to fly, learn to fly, learn, pilot, real world pilot, real pilot, real first officer, flight instructor, instructor, KATL, KIAD, Washington, Atlanta, Washington Dulles, real world, real, flight sim, sim, flight simulator
Id: VMvw1_C3yVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 2sec (8642 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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