I made the World's most IMMERSIVE D&D Table...

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in this video I'm going to prove to you that my gaming table is going to be the world's most immersive gaming table now when I say that I bet the first thing that comes to mind is those Deluxe crafted gaming tables with large areas for terrain with cup holders and tablets and Minis and all sorts of cool features for eight years I have been striving to create a play experience that's intimate and immersive for the players at my table but also really immersive for content and today I'm going to take that to new levels now I'm really excited to upgrade my setup in massive ways so join me in this far too highly produced and over-resourced video where I take you through cleaning up and upgrading my tabletop role play setup because I'm a huge nerd and it's my birthday and I do what I want let's go now I'm not starting from scratch as you can see I have a very complex and very messy setup that I'm working from so first order of business is unraveling all the cables clearing all the mess and taking the table out so I can relay a brand new Foundation that'll be more immersive never I carefully mapped out all of the places I wanted a cable manage cut some holes pushed up some of the older holes and suspended a mesh basket I cut in half and put on both sides Underside the table that I could put all the cables and power plugs in the center of the table and one of the reasons I wanted to get all those cables out of the way is so we can have a turntable with modular terrain that we can easily swap in and out creating a really Dynamic opportunity for scene changes set piece and really epic dramatic immersive environments so I modded this awesome turntable I had that I found at a local flea market by laser cutting an edge that would perfectly frame some discs that I could cut multiples of to sit nicely inside basically the turntable would be a Terrain disc holder Now Dave had a stroke of Genius when I was showing him what I was working on and reminded me of all these neoprene gaming mats that we had lying in storage so we laser cut those to the same size of the Interior discs so we have a variety of easy and versatile terrain bases but that's really just a fallback but my favorite and I always want to make and use is more realistic terrain let's start off with something really really simple here basing it with a mix of glue and paint slopping that on top thick enough so I can sprinkle a variety of flocks on top color will be accentuated and of course it'll stick to the glue and soak in and provide a really stable playing base more realistic satisfying terrain meanwhile over in table top Town Murray from tabletop time is sanding the table top all right enough of the tabletop tour it's time for terrain so we have a turntable that perfectly fits both the neoprene mat cuts and a real terrain disc it is Criminal how awesome and quick you can make terrain like well way better than that sculptor mold Chuck in a bunch of water a bit of glue I like to mix it in with paint three and a half plops of it a bit of green about three Waggles and just a slob of black there you go the glue in the mix is going to help it Harden and be really really for the road we're going to have a bit more of a brown base that's all you need we pick our areas and we put down our toppings bam that took five minutes fast forward to tomorrow when we clear off the excess all right just like that we're all dry now we're going to bring it all together and I have two terrain discs so we're gonna do a bunch more of these but before we do that I've got a bunch of tech to set up so let's get to work this is the centerpiece of it all and it's been years of making and it's more complicated than I have time to explain in this video suffice it to say that it all started with one goal keep it immersive at the table with the players bring the audience in directly in the game the Prototype of this setup started many many years ago with four webcams that were between the four players directly above eye level so that the players can see each other and interact at an intimate gaming table but the viewers of the content are also feeling like they're getting eye contact from each individual player fast forward to when I brought table top time back Blackmagic very kindly provided us with these cameras and the switches and everything I needed to take it to the next level add green screens so that rather than every player being on a separate camera feed I can blend them all into one combined environment so that's what I'm doing now I need to build the whole setup from the ground up but I wanted to take the time to make the most solid foundation for the most immersive role play streams podcasts you could imagine and honestly it's more immersive when you're playing when you see yourself in a world that you're role playing in and when you see the characters that you're all playing as and with minnows are cool but the added dimension of custom art for all of our characters is a luxury I have never seen pulled off in any role play content no matter how high quality Mario and Amy got stuck into helping me out with all these discs getting it all started so that I can come in and add the final touches later at the end of the day we want all of these boards to be as versatile as possible in terms of how we can use them it's not always going to represent one place we often want these to be able to represent different scenes and places that we can furnish with different props to make them feel entirely new and different every time we change environmental scene oh all right really solid foundation and some of this cracking that just happened organically because of this stuff we hadn't used before drying amazing actually but it looks a little pristine which is where our old friend the color compound comes back in then a little bit of a spray and it's totally done it already looks quite dusty but I just want to give it a slight variety of color fill in some of these cracks and it's going to be patchy you know we want it to look organic like different streets have different effects from people walking or I don't know of course first things first a little bit of our Dusty pigment [Applause] so the last thing I'm going to do is take this Mod Podge this is glossy Mod Podge just do that just a bit of so in theory I've never done this before that will dry clear and look like a lovely dock or or Canal or something I don't know let's find out what it looks like unfortunately I don't have to touch this monstrosity of a camera and lighting setup because I did that on my last birthday last year as you can tell I am obsessed with gear and constructing really functional rigs as a result over the years I've become familiar with brands that I like and don't like and newer is the brand that I find and Associate most with affordability and really high quality for what you pay so much so that I asked them to send me a bunch of gear in exchange for shouting them out and they did and for my birthday I hope got a whole bunch of free stuff thanks newer so here's the shout out you can get 20 off of new wear items and they cover a lot quick edit they're actually already running a 20 off Spring sale but I said our Deal's got to beat that so it's 21 off so my deals better Link's in the description so from infield monitors to RGB lighting production rig equipment shoulder rigs you can get 20 off using code jazza go check them out links in the description meanwhile at the tech station I've been working on this actually for weeks and been putting it all together and having built everything from the ground up and finally having things working really smoothly I am a happy happy boy let me give you a really brief tour aside from polishing up the screens and having built everything from scratch I can swap between my screen modes this is the one with the storytelling screen so I can change the character that the cat that everyone's talking to and that appears on screen look at how awesome artwork finally getting a chance to shine really easily and I can change my environment with the Press of a button both the environment behind the players and the characters so all of that's done and really really nice and I can also finally very easily switch to our camera which is our mini cam so as you can see this is a live view of the tabletop this is where our turntable will come in useful and it's the biggest thing actually is that it's all seamless this is a really fun extra thing like if I ever really want to get in there close to the action there's this app that immediately streams from my phone into OBS so I can bring people to the tabletop literally the table top and be like hey look it's it's that guy how cool is that and I've also split into two stream decks or the camera switching takes place on one and the other is my sound effects stream deck that's that's that's that's that's kind of it the the the whole the the moral of the story The Big you had you you would you could you do I think there's only one thing that's gonna uh finish it off and make it perfect having it not look like dog [Music] hey it's time to enjoy the fruits of many years labor to make this come to life starting off with all of the minis that we've painted over the years that can finally find a home on these shelves that we haven't had the time to justify putting together properly I get to be selfish on my birthday by working on this stuff that we've been longing to to really make our role play spaces special and refinders we want to enjoy role play is one of the things I'm most passionate about with the newly stained and cleaned up table it's time to add a few more finishing touches such as cup holders headphone holders and the pistol resistance the terrain turntable welcome to the unlimited worlds of our Collective imagine I know that smell anywhere oh here we go again and the large had cranes towards you its cataract filled eye Loosely focusing on the area that you you're all standing Rusty where is my home deposit listen it didn't seem to matter to you at the time so we took it and it was admittedly a bad idea we regret it and while we can't return it because we spent it on ale it seems like you've helped yourself to a meal of our friend and uh ravaged our cart so let's call it even shall we that was my favorite treasure wait you had other treasure taverns people and the town folk are dancing and singing merrily to a single music player with his loot and they all seem to be a cheerful folk free of worry but as your presence becomes known All Eyes slowly lock on you conversation stops until even the loot player Falls silent the bartender stares at you with cold eyes I Members Only um I think this is the town we have a reputation in what they talk about you all the time man you talk about me yeah there's a really mean things about you in particular I have a reputation for being a leaders man hops is going to take a big step towards this gentleman and then he's gonna do this this is gonna go [Music] the gentleman's okay and I'm rolling your perception I got [Music] the rap [Music] rack emanate from this machine the large drone as its torso rotates not fast enough to chase bro through the barricade and as he slips out of sight indiscriminately this machine loosens a shell and as they get out of you sign into the distance you hear the echo of Screams as high fragmentation rounds I hope you enjoyed that very little taste test as to what we can now do in terms of making our sessions really immersive content for you and really immersive to us as we play seeing our characters hearing the world come to life I am really excited to take this opportunity to let some of you know what's coming up with our role play Channel because on tabletop time role play we're on the tail end of the Ring boot cyberpunk series but it is coming to a close which means in about a month we're picking up on some new massive projects the first thing is going to be our micro campaign we're going to meet some new faces and play in a DND setting really classic but very fun relaxed role play for some of you who are less familiar with our content to jump on board following that we are going to run a Pokemon mini campaign where we create our own Pokemon trainers and some starter Pokemon of our own invention we're gonna do a multi-channel collab so insert art will help do our art for our characters and we're going to enter the world of Pokemon do Pokemon battles and all sorts of things over the course of maybe eight to ten episodes of that mini campaign that will be really fun but what I'm most excited for is what's going to come after and this is the first we've said any of it anywhere I'm excited to announce that we are working on a major campaign that we're starting from scratch in a world we're calling Lucha Vera which is going to take place in a world that I guess if you could imagine the high Renaissance when Da Vinci was inventing his machines and ideas in this world those machines and ideas are the kind of thing that work like steampunk bit earlier so Renaissance Punk we've just been getting started with tabletop time role play even though this has been in progress for over eight years we are just about to start some of the most immersive and intense content but if you like the sound of some of that and like what you've seen here go subscribe to tabletop time role play and if you're feeling very kind and generous consider becoming a patron our patrons make it possible and we have the best community we actually stream every week and after party after our main role play stream where we answer questions directly and hang out with our community we love you guys I hope you've enjoyed being taken through this Vision really this video is about um what's possible and now a lot more as possible thanks for joining my selfish little venture into my selfish little worlds until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 718,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: lgXjndbA8Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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