Critical Role: Nott and Jester discuss the kiss or everyone watching Sam and Laura act up a storm

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I said I'm drinking on the deck of this ship I was on the deck of the ship to have perfect hey hey not all right hey are you super wasted I've got a good buzz on okay I gave you a question for you have you I mean I think you have because you said you are like into somebody before have you ever kissed a boy I've kissed a boy yeah was it like excuse me what was it like when you kissed him have you never have you never kissed someone no your mom has he's a master at what it was like when you kissed someone that's all because you haven't done it well I didn't know if it counted oh well what was the situation I was drowning drowning swimming and she's like oh it's kicking toward Europe okay seeing looking around still having plenty of air in my lungs I turn around and see just are starting to panic and I know that she has the key so I will reach out grab her face and bring her into a kiss and I will blow all of my air into her lungs [Music] all right she is no longer drowning but you have to making con save at the end of your turn okay fair enough since your action to do that okay well I mean let's let's take let's take a look at this your lips pressed against each other yes it meant something yeah did it how did it make you feel like I wasn't said yeah feeling I did it make your heart beat faster than then you know being completely stopped how it was I mean it's not dead if I had to if I had to if I had to do my first kiss over again I would want all of those things yes that's the best first kiss at someone you care about well I didn't know it means something you'll remember it forever I will I will remember to do that but like after part of it you know oh yes I use a little struggling at the beginning o'clock well yes well afterwards I don't know if you felt this plan you just can't stop thinking about it and and you you just sort of feel feel the sort of soft pressing against you and and and almost taste taste him just frightened little bit it doesn't go away for a while I mean he's asked flower growing back yeah what was your first gift like them it wasn't as sob romantic it was just a dare with you I don't know I don't know just just someone I don't even I don't remember too much that's weird you said you never forget I sure did it was just a you know I'm just pretty young and you know just kids just saying like oh you kiss each other you kiss each other now just one of those types of K I think kids do that sort of stuff a lot I think so do you but I don't remember a thing do you remember the softness of his lips yes it was a good day yet today is pretty cool too well do you think things will change now between you oh no I mean he might have a big crush on me now you know are you interested oh I don't know you know well sometimes boys like why am I telling you this your mom's lady of the night sometimes like it if you are a little bit a little bit cold to them afterwards like maybe they did something wrong like the play the games just a little bit of like like just keep them guessing like did I say something did I do bad kiss okay I'll put him on the defensive that's right in my journal and a lot of other awesome places on the internet you could probably find are you oh geez why don't we put you two next to each other that's actually really cute I apologize for being so snappy Tirol initiative I rolled the dice it was a 1 ever rolling [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Soda Wax
Views: 992,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Dragon Friends, Matt Mercer, Sam Regil, Sam regiel, Purvon, Pervon, Assum, Sigil, Sigel, Travis, Willingham, Marisha, Ray, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura Bailey, Voice Actor, Sound Effect, Liam, o'brien, obrin, forgotten, gems, girl, power, jester, fjord, caleb, yasha, beau, caduceus
Id: tnw_YZ4X_fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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