Delivering Joe Manganiello’s Dungeons and Dragons Table

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We're here on site right now in Joe Manganiello's home in the game room and we've got Joe with us here right now we're getting ready to lift our table in and the centerpiece will be of course Black Forest wood table so if you have been subscribed to our channel for any length of time you know that this video has been a long time in the making and we have finally delivered the table to Joe Manganiello but we're going to kind of do a recap because it has been over eight months since our last update video on this so we're going to take you through the entire build process of creating the custom Dungeons and Dragons table for Joe Manganiello but if you're just here to see the delivery we're going to put the time stamps below and you can skip ahead to when we fly down to Los Angeles and deliver this to Joe and Sofia so as you saw this slab is absolutely massive which is kind of fitting for Joe it's Bastogne Walnut from her friends down at GL Veneer and we're splitting this slab down the middle for length to create a river and something that we unfortunately didn't get filmed here is the breaking of the slab because it was so warped we had to cut a relief cut in the bottom and manually snap the piece to this isn't the break we're talking about here either there's a larger break coming up but we had to manually snap the piece lengthwise to get it flat enough so once we have this massive slab cut up and debarked we can place the pieces in the mold and begin pouring our base layer for this piece so there's a couple of reasons why we do a base layer it's typically to hide the appearance of the mounting plates for the legs because if you didn't do this opaque layer and you just had transparent resin all the way through you would see those quite obviously what it also does is it allows us to achieve the desired color that the client's looking for while still maintaining depth in the clear pore on top because if we were to pour something with this vibrant of a blue the full thickness of the table it would completely hide all of the depth in the Live Edge of the wood and it would still look nice but it kind of eliminates some of the character that you can have in a piece so here you can see a really good example of that we've got all of that live Edge in there and once the base layer is about 50 percent cured that is the perfect time to come along and pour your top layer you can wait until it's completely cured and sand it before pouring your top layer but if you wait until it's halfway cured the top layer of epoxy that you pour on actually kind of deforms your bottom base layer and you get these really interesting rippled effects it's hard to see on video but when you get up close to a table like this that's done properly it's really really interesting and almost looks like water [Music] foreign foreign so I hope you guys enjoyed seeing that pour um we were here at like literally midnight last night because we had to get that timing perfect for the base layer but you got to do what you got to do and it came out really really awesome we got this rippled effect that we were going for in the base layer I don't know if you guys can see it now but once we get it demoulded you'll really be able to see it from the end thank you here you can somewhat see those ripples I was talking about but now that we have the piece de-molded after waiting for seven days we can get this down onto our CNC machine for flattening it's going to be cool because he also like just came out with this uh full custom set of figurines like characters based on all the people in his groups yeah [Music] with the guitar killing everybody yeah I have Jose books we can do this so Joe selected one of our signature X faces to go with his table but everybody in his Dungeons and Dragons group being so big we had to make this space bigger than any of our standard sizes so we designed a completely custom size for Joe to give a finished table height of 32 inches instead of 30 inches two inches does not sound like a lot but it does make a noticeable difference when you're sitting there at that table so that little bit more will just make it more comfortable for them while they're sitting there and playing then once the pieces are S4s we get them onto our CNC machine which not only Cuts them to size but it's also going to cut the recesses for the joinery to assemble the space and then once everything has been cut on our CNC machine we can begin our assembly process so we're using Titebond 3 as an adhesive which is pretty standard around our shop even though this is an interior project and you could probably get away with using the type on 2. the type on 3 is considered a superior adhesive so it may be Overkill but we generally go Overkill with everything we do so we're putting lots of Glue on all of the surfaces and then we have some dowels that have been machined by our CNC machine they do obviously help with alignment but they also give quite a bit of strength to the Joint as well so now that we've got the large x together we can actually assemble the smaller X components onto it and to give the space a little bit more texture we're going to be charring the outside surface before we go ahead and finish it so this process is commonly referred to as shusugi band which is an ancient Japanese woodworking technique that consists of charring the wood to actually kind of give it rot resistance and weather resistance we're not so much charring it to the same extent that you would when doing traditional shizugi band we're just trying to burn off that top layer of the wood to expose some of that Summer Wood which is softer so then we can come back to this after brush it with a wire wheel and it just enhances the texture and the character of the base then once we finish charring and brushing the piece we come along with our general finishes wood stain it's just obviously the black color and we do sell this on our website as well if you want to find that we'll put a link down in the description but we found that this this stand works the best for staining things like just that consistent deep black color it does a really good job at hiding any variation in the wood grain like you can see on this piece of Ash some sections are burnt more than others but by the time we put this stain on and buff everything off we get a completely consistent finish on the grain now this is a water-based wood stain so something that you have to be careful of is if you're putting an oil-based finish over top you need to make sure you give ample time for the water-based stain to cure before you put your finish on which typically is about one week then we're heading over to Gecko and they can begin putting on the acrylic here urethane finish that's going to protect this top so for some of our pieces we do oil based finishes and some of our pieces we do acrylic urethane and it really just depends on the lifestyle of the client clients who want maximum durability they want no maintenance and they don't necessarily care about let's say leaving the wood feeling the most natural but they just want the most protection the acrylic urethane is the way to go if you're someone who you know you'll take special care of the piece you're going to use coasters you're going to use placemats and you don't mind doing a bit of Maintenance but you also want the most natural look and feel out of the piece of wood then we recommend an oil-based finish because there's no layer that goes over top of the grain of the wood and you can feel all of those pores of the wood you still get some of that with the urethane finish but not quite as much as you would with an oil-based finish this looks easy because this didn't look this hazy when it was poured this looked clear when it was poured it doesn't like it doesn't look as brilliant as Matt right and the colors are all like muted down it's probably not too many layers of sprays yeah let's see yeah that's like glass yeah I mean obviously we sanded it so it's not going to be that clear yeah but it's it's definitely more clear than this like when it was poured that's the clarity we had before yeah so we've lost that so as you can tell from the previous Clips we were a little stressed out um what's happened here is first of all I want to say it's our fault because we left this table here too long Gekko did nothing wrong here um we weren't quite ready to bring this table back and it ended up getting damaged while it was staying here at Geckos which is natural you know people come into their shop they see this beautiful table the first thing they want to do is touch it like I'm doing right now I can't even help myself from doing it that ended up in some small micro scratches and damage that we didn't want to send to Joe so gecko re-sprayed the table something that happens with polyurethane though when you add too many coats is it goes cloudy so that's what we're what we're dealing with here now we've got a gorgeous finish that is going to protect perfectly except it's too thick and it's coming out cloudy so unfortunately that's probably going to mean this table is getting sanded back down all the way to the raw wood which sucks it's a lot of work and it's just very unfortunate because when we came the first time Gekko had it looking absolutely perfectly but that's that's kind of the nature of custom work we deal with this all the time stuff happens and now we've got to go back to square one on finishing and get this redone so good thing we have time but there's a lot more work and we got to do it all over so unfortunately this did require us to sand all of the finish off in order to get this table looking good again we had to remove all of the acrylic urethane go back down to raw wood and we did have it sprayed again with the exact same process you guys saw before so to avoid the repetition we're going to move right into the polishing process so what Jack is doing now is using some Automotive compounds and our rotary polisher and this is an extra step that we weren't originally planning on doing but in the time that we were spending fixing this table we kind of have come up with this new system for a higher level of finish for the clients who want it where after we spray our acrylic urethane we polish it up to an even higher Sheen and it just makes the pieces look like a piece of glass honestly they look absolutely incredible it's a crystal smooth finish and then with the combination of our black forest Ceramics on there we still get really good durability out of this so the next step and a very important step for this table is the application of our black forest Ceramics so this is a product that we're very proud of and you know not to toot our own horn but we do feel is kind of revolutionized The Woodworking finishing industry because you're even starting to see other people coming out with their own ceramic Coatings but we are the original woodworking ceramic coating and just recently we've updated our formula to improve it even farther now all of our Coatings are completely water-based making them much more compatible with a wider range of woodworking finishes your typical Automotive grade ceramic coatings have solvents as the carrier for them and over time with repeated application of solvent-based Coatings over an oil-based finish table it is going to strip that off and limit the durability of your piece so by using a water-based coating you don't have to worry about those durability issues and another nice thing that our ceramic coating does is it almost kind of acts as like a filter for your wood so once you put it on it's going to increase the contrast sort of increase the Sheen and it gives a really thin layer of protection on there so we have three different grades of our coating we have a gold a platinum and a diamond they all have varying levels of protection with diamond being the best and then our Diamond formula also has small epoxy nanoparticles on it so it's the most durable one that we offer and you guys can check out The annotation here on the screen if you want to see an in-depth video on the ceramic foreign [Music] unbelievable you guys were totally creeped out by this there's like Rhoden or rat tracks or prints and poop as well too on the bed we're all tired exhausted and now we gotta go find a whole new place to stay the hallway here there's even some droppings on the floor oh god let's get out of here look right here look I found more did you do yeah I found more right here oh more prints down here I sat down for about two minutes I was exhausted it walked right across the bed pictures of those I don't even sit down on anything Haley we finally did it we pushed you over the edge so we're at uh we're at another hotel here and we're gonna we're gonna go get some water and stuff like that we're gonna hope that there's no rats at this point oh gosh here we go second attempt well we were hoping this wouldn't happen but it's pouring rain for the morning of the delivery so let's see how this goes we're going to Joe Manganiello and Sofia Vergara's house to deliver Joe's Dungeons and Dragons table we're here on site right now in Joe manganiello's home in the game room and we've got Joe with us here right now and he's giving us the tour around the space so we're getting ready to lift our table in we're still waiting for the crane but Joe's gonna give us a little tour here first yeah so this is kind of the before uh before the table comes in should be the first piece that gets moved actually the first piece I I can't lie the first piece is actually this if you want to catch that that's um that's an end of the last home from dragonlance I've been working with um Wizards on bringing Dragon lands to life for many years and entertainment and somebody built Main in the last time so actually technically yeah and as you can see it's 144 inches which is 12. feet by five foot eight so I basically measured out how far I could reach to the middle of the table okay and that became kind of the width of the table and 12 feet um my current gaming table was 11 feet and um you know everybody was kind of crunched didn't necessarily have enough room on it for their stuff and so I wanted to make something that was big enough like you know the Big Show Paul White plays in the game he's over seven foot oh 470 pounds so if we needed a bigger table to put all those big guys yeah I've had a really big game in your wind spawns really tall my brother's six foot seven yeah anyway big guys big table Yeah but it'll go right here it'd be beautiful you can see there's this great fish foam pattern with the wood um and then everything you know has kind of been in a complimentary color whether you've got the the Cabinetry here where all my Dwarven Forge and terrain will fit in there um we'll be able to put all the board games here like I work on hero Quest last year um I I designed the relaunch of the game with Hasbro so those like those will go here um and then all right oh every dungeon game room has to have a secret door so that's going to be some storage and things like that right in there it's all secret secret passage and then um nice wood beams will have great artwork around I'll have a dragon heads up there Whiz Kids is going to finish the five dragon heads of Tiamat by the end of this year so those will all be up there Sideshow they sent me a bunch of statues so those will all fit up on the top and you know we'll have a ton of artwork you know so I have a company death saves and I have a ton of artwork that I've commissioned from amazing artists from around the world so there will be like paintings and artworks and things like that over here we'll have a lot of my painted miniatures by Steven Oaks and Method Man those will all be displayed here and then these recesses inside of here these are uh like you know Museum Quality Painting lights that'll go up above because this will be an oil painting of my character archon cruel by Larry Elmore and then this one over here will be same thing except this painting that my wife got me of my character archon painted by Jeff Easley so those will be featured here and then you've got plenty of room for all the Miniatures two-tier system storage system and then we get all the shelves here this will be all the books all the you know the old boxes I've been collecting lots and lots of modules and all of the old like orange spine books I have all of those all the dragon Lance novels we'll be across the top so you know we'll um be able to display everything in here and the centerpiece will be of course Black Forest wood table that we've been working on for a couple of years the possibilities the permutations of what you can do and then you can build it on the table so that's why having a table this size and kind of also with the terrain I could even build terrain on it where you know the blue is water the table can be the table Yeah you can build off of that which is like a really cool you know so um yeah I mean for years I've thought about what's going to be the next table like when we move into the new house what would the next year what would I think the ultimate table be yeah and the thing about it was I wanted something that also if a random person walked in they go this is gorgeous yeah you know what I mean like like an adult table yeah yeah you know um and I looked at all the gaming tables that were out there and I thought I want um Instagram and I just kept following you guys and I was like look I was fascinated with watching the process of mixing mixing the resins and pouring the red I would just watch video after video later like all the time I was just watching different colors and I would screenshot and I made like a folder someday I was like I'm going to get one yeah for the game room and then it was time whenever we set a table down here with our Robertson Cruz none of the Americans could open it because it's not a common bit down here so we actually have to tape one on the crate so that people could have one is that fun for you to do yeah it's fun yeah we enjoy it so not only did we have challenging weather as you could see for this delivery but we've also got a challenging lift to get it up it's not just going on the main floor so Joe actually had a spider crane rented that is going to lift the table up and we have to using hoist put this thing on edge and get it through a door which it barely happens to fit through all well we're getting soaked in the pouring rain trying to keep the table dry so wish us luck thank you is that good a little wet um but we got it out of the truck yeah now we have to get it up into the dungeon yeah kind of like yeah it's like a what do they call those of her side chair oh yeah it has like a canopy over it yeah yeah that's awesome yeah yeah yeah yeah Park the crate here open it up oh yeah I've been watching the forecast here for the last week and it's gone from anywhere from 75 to 100 millimeters of rain today 25 to 30. yeah it never happens no and they don't have enough Reservoir to catch it all so it's just like a waste I think she's looking to relax I know she wants water or oh yeah oh you know what you're doing you've got the top tortoises they stick out farther than the gate okay so make sure he doesn't hit those when he goes out all right oh okay [Music] what we're thinking now if it's possible we'd like to unload the crate in here okay so we'll just have to bring the base in there we should bring well it won't bring the crate in but we can lift the base in yes once we have the top off well we're just taking the screws out from the underside of the table um and we're going to take the table off put it in the garage then we're gonna get the base put it in the garage then we're gonna strap the table and lift it with a crane and hopefully, we don't drop it already [Music] okay that side okay is that the width yeah enough Rivers we could probably just have them pull it off oh there it is okay so this side face is here yeah and that's something with the hole goes towards the back well somebody didn't call them back and so we had to schedule for this week which is all rain so now we have to take the railing out I mean I'm just saying like yeah [Music] okay so we just have to establish um which end has to come in first now uh Joe's decided which end he likes that he wants to sit at so we just got to go tell the guys downstairs to bring that in in first that looks like this yeah yeah this little hole right here so it looks like it's that side yep okay so this end is where Joe wants to sit let's go into the back of the room so this thing has to go in first three two one together [Music] go down there on the test we had a blankets no blankets [Music] it's leaning what it does head towards me where's my voice yeah bring the table to uh we got to drop it down towards me so we're gonna have to drop down and lift up tip it down oh the other one now we got it ready [Music] [Music] yeah comparatively yeah all right nailed it okay here we go we'll holler and scream and yeah you know you get my finger pinched in there and then we'll have it a bit more okay A bit more towards me yeah okay we're in we're in here it is it is [Applause] now we gotta put our bolts yeah let's see the balls let's do that and then yeah it's gonna change the room yeah I saw the colors um any more tables you need to put up uh yeah let's see we just gotta tweak it just okay we've been talking about this for two years I think at least two years yeah back and forth two years ago I reached out yeah I think we missed your message at first or something even and then I I found I sent a huge detail limit with like all these like comp shots yeah and then there was no response yeah I thought you guys were like you're big timing me or something yeah yeah your small potatoes for us Joe yeah no no and then I saw that and I actually had to do a double tape I'm like hang on hold on someone's what because for years I knew I knew we were going to move into a new one house I knew that I was going to have a new gaming area yeah my game had grown to like 12 people including maybe that's how many is in your 12. yeah so I figured like I wanted something 12 feet is it in there is this a proprietary Canadian it is yeah but six-sided but none of the sides are the same length right so you got to put it in one position only yeah that's gotta be different than Ikea so we can open it now yeah you can you can do it open up the unveiling yeah [Music] Sophia oh my God [Music] the Grand Canyon wow all right wow well okay holy [ __ ] wow man oh man wow do you like a joke yeah it's [ __ ] wild man holy hell yeah okay oh everything looks good no edges no rub marks from the straps like you can totally use this as a playing surface right yeah you got Rivers going through here and Islands it's one of the gnarliest pieces of wood we had man we'll get her dusted up this is my favorite comes from California yeah it does it's a hybrid that only grows in California yeah you see it James it's so amazing [Applause] chairs are on their way yeah they're um they're like uh they're like a tan color more like um probably like this yeah so it looks almost like a so I um I'm actually shooting their documentary right now and I develop I'm developing a TV show for them and I host a weekly game okay so in the weekly game my team my game it's like Tom Morello raging us on the Big Show the wrestler Dan and Dave have created Game of Thrones oh wow that's [ __ ] crazy amazing yeah yeah that's like yeah they're in my group and then there's like a big uh you know guy who works for the Russo Brothers like writer producer yeah um and then you've got my brother in my producing car yeah you've got um who else is in my group um Vince Vaughn oh my God it's amazing and then uh and then like James Gunn just come over and play Oh My Gosh and then like the you know it's like then there's like do you like Have Fun Spot yeah Rob Zombie you know like there's all these people a couple of the Steelers were like you're gonna show us how to play I'm like okay so so it kind of becomes it just depends on who's yeah you know and then I run games for people that either haven't played before people played when they were younger have you done it with Ted Sophia on there yet never no I'm just kidding yeah she does yeah yeah but no she didn't come near us she doesn't come into the dungeon yeah yeah exactly whatever way you want it off of here this is exactly what it should be I measured it all weekend long this is exactly where it should be okay this is the exact question we did not move this thing once we're gone this whole thing is cut because that's where the table yeah no this is it good this is where it is because this is exactly the amount that the chair fits perfect I measured it all okay I'll keep everybody off of it okay yeah you have to come back and put your lunch on it sleeping on it no nobody touches don't breathe on it you're gonna need like full-time Security in this room yeah yeah I mean I'm gonna as soon as everything's on I'm going to quote protection and no one goes in this room color is nice yeah it goes great with the different you know that each word because it's not too matchy either like it's still pops on it too I don't want to imagine yeah I want to take a guys yeah I mean it's a lot better now when everybody's out of here it's what a [ __ ] you know you walk in and it's like holy [ __ ] you know like what a [ __ ] yeah yeah you know it's like because there's a [ __ ] like adult you know what I mean like a piece of art that's what I love about it is the Judy then also the idea that the resin then there are different pores there's different you know combinations each one is unique yeah everybody's piece is specific to what they want their own need the service that it's going to be in like you know this wood knowing that that wood was going to be over here because I had all these pictures of what I kind of the wood that I wanted yeah with yellow wood and then of course my wife was like I don't want this to look like some Disney room you know what I mean so it was like in order to have it be you know functional as like you know a gaming table where we can all get around you know and hang out but also have it be something beautiful if you're showing the house they're like wow you know if you want people to walk in here and say I've never seen anything like that this is the single widest fat Stone walnut tree that's being cut out of California it's like nine feet wide and then it was so warped and twisted like we actually had to snap this piece like that's what this is we broke it and then we placed it all back together in the resin yeah yeah but I love that and that was oh it's also for the size of the table that I wanted you know that's a pretty big table yeah um but I love the character I love just the pools the islands here it's amazing you know these little pools you know the way that this kind of pops up here with this kind of slightly under but you can see the waves underneath yeah it's amazing some people have said this looks like a shark swimming through here oh yeah I didn't even think of that that's cool yeah it looks like something creature coming through yeah it's like a Orca with a baby yeah or actually it looks like a great white the way yeah that's cool yeah then you see all this kind of figure in the wood yeah yeah no I know I saw the video this morning on the job said yeah no I watched this video I'll watch the video Yeah gaming tables generally are like you know they're kind of they're like in pieces and they're modular and they have all these like drawers underneath cup holders and [ __ ] like that and I just was like none of them look like like a [ __ ] adult team like I wanted it to be like oh like to qualify as like something like this is like the standard yeah there's a there's another level like there's a level that you can do with like a bit of artistry and you know like yeah style Clash like there's uh yeah so that was the idea was that it would be you know it's like kind of another level yeah but it kind of sets The Benchmark I like it's kind of like oh if you want to do it that way and not have your weight pay your guts yeah it's so beautiful yes yes I asked her if she was going to build a throne on this side too for her yeah I said you should do like a serpentine thrown over here yeah does she ever step foot up here no I've caught her and her friends though trying to listen in on what the hell yeah yeah you know like at the old house there at the top of the stairs like I know and then yeah she had no idea until like the Game of Thrones guys when they came through then she was like hell yeah oh yeah yeah oh you all were kids who like how to do what you do by doing this thing yeah yeah oh right like it clicks yeah it was like yeah that's that's how we all figured out how to make characters right shows yeah yeah direct shows yeah long-running story telling how that works the mythology ten thousand hours yeah you know things like this always make us nervous you know especially knowing that we had to do the crane and then we actually we did a delivery a couple years ago for today that he lets me wrote the DJ um and we're there to do the deliveries no no trouble I called my shippers oh the table's in Toronto no so we had to come back two weeks later and do it all over again but you know we're talking about the rain and it was like I get lost to the the documentary on Wednesday I just go into the directing mode and then like come out yeah and then so there's no way yeah and we're talking like maybe weeks before we can do it again yeah no so this is perfect I'm actually glad we We snuck it in it I mean I was like it's like it's it's like you're in shock it's like I couldn't even I'm trying to think of like what my brain was thinking when I pulled it up it's just like you're kind of just taking it all and it just all hits you you know like wow that you look like it's just they're so beautiful so many little nuances you know what I mean like I'm gonna be sitting here it's almost like looking at the clouds and seeing things in the clouds I'm going to be sitting here just oh you'll always continually discover new things yes yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I just love how you can kind of see you know like in those tide pools where you would kind of pull out little clams and shells and things it looks like a blue hole in the Bahamas yeah it's amazing that's amazing and it's right here I mean it's just a character yeah yeah I know my mind is blown I I really I'm trying to how long does it take you to make oh there's well there's going to be a video about it there's a video but I'd say hours there's probably 300 hours in this table 300 man hours like even the polishing on this is 30 hours probably of Paul like just to polish this and get it perfect because you have to split the tree Flip It crack it I mean there's all of that yeah then there's the the sanding it down to get it to be the the right thickness yeah the two layered pour we did two airport there's the metallic pour on the bottom and then the clear kind of resin on top and then like even like you see all the ripples in the bottom the only way to get that we have to perfectly time that base pour so it's half cured and like what's causing those ripples is the weight of the top layer of resin it actually deformed that bottom layer and then it all kind of hardens but everyone has to be on standby ready to go yeah and sometimes it's in the middle of the night even when that happens but and how much resin went into this uh this one I think in total was 180 liters which is a ton yeah yeah I'm trying doing doing the math on gallons is it 2.2 for liquid yeah four points yeah it's been a while since I 40 gallons 40 gallons yeah yeah and the size is perfect too like even when people are sitting you're gonna have lots of room to go all the way around like I said like the theory was if I stand here can I get to the middle yeah yeah can I reach yeah and then everybody kind of has you know it's wide enough that everybody can they get a room and it's two inches taller than standard yeah yeah big people yeah it's great good for me my brother's six seven yeah Vince is six five a lot of big guys are down big shows like seven four something crazy so that's huge yeah we got we got some big people in the group I can't wait to see you guys I think our job here is done he said thanks for having us yeah well there could be all kinds of tables in here I think he got her number yeah yeah I'll follow you on Instagram yeah okay man Joel data appreciate ladies thank you 100 thank you it was a pleasure to get soaking wet moving your table in good production man whatever you need yeah how amazing okay and we did unfortunately miss this on camera but did you hear when Joe um was telling us how he gets stopped on the street by people who have seen our video on the table yeah he says he'll just be walking down the street and they'll say oh you're getting the gaming table aren't you well thank you guys for watching I'm gonna let my dad do his first ever outro here go ahead take the stage thanks Dylan you know that was actually one of the more exciting deliveries we got to do in poured rain I enjoyed every drop of it and you know I don't know what to say hopefully you guys will subscribe to our Channel and like our videos and leave lots of comments because I like arguing with everybody there you go thank you guys kind of in shocked
Channel: Black Forest Wood Co.
Views: 1,626,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resin, Resin Pour, Epoxy, Ecopoxy, Wood, Resin Art, Resin Table, Resin Crafts, Resin River, Epoxy Table, Epoxy Resin Table, Epoxy Resin, Epoxy Resin Projects, Project, Black Forest Wood Company, Black Forest Wood Co, Black Forest, Black Forest Resins, Rich, Money, Expensive, Woodshop, Workshop, live edge, live edge slabs, calgary, canada, Sofia Vergara, Joe Manganiello, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, Modern Family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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