#7 SLANG: Learn English | British Slang Words Beginning with G

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hello everyone and welcome to another English lesson with me Anna English here on English like a native once again we are tackling those tricky but fun slang words specifically we're going to be covering British English slang but if you're learning American English or British English then this lesson will still be helpful to you so if you are here do tell me where in the world you are watching from and say hello I have my patrons online so patrons feel free to drop me a message in the patron chatroom I also have my notes ready to go so let's get straight into it shall we the very first word I'm going to teach you today is the word gaff gaff now the word gaff means place or home it's talking about your place so if I say my gaff I'm talking about my home my place so I might invite you round to my gaff would you like to come over to my gaff I mean would you like to come to my house and the example sentence I've given here is you can stay at our gaff if you fancy it you can stay at our gaff if you fancy it and if you remember from the slang lesson which covered the F words then you'll know that fancy means to desire do you desire to stay at my house you can stay at our gaff if you fancy it hello everyone just joining in hi how are you hope you're all well do feel free to drop some comments in the comments box and I'll get round to you as soon as I can but while I'm waiting for you to all join in I'll tell you the next word similar to gaff were extending it to gaffer gaffer now there is a type of tape very thick heavy-duty tape called gaffer tape but in this lesson gaffer we're referring to boss the person who's in charge the gaffer the gaffer so as a slang term you could call your boss the gaffer and the example sentence I've given here is you will have to ask the gaffer if you want to leave work early you will have to ask the gaffer if you want to leave work early okay nice and straightforward hello everyone boom we have a hundred people watching hi fabulous so if you are here for the first time make sure you press subscribe and if you're watching for the second third floor for however many times you've been here you know what to do click that thumb button and click that share button and let's get as many people in here as we possibly can so gafe place Gotha boss what else do we have on this list well we have a very common slang term and it's the word gander gander now gander we usually use to mean look and we normally say take a gander or have a gander take a gander or have AG and it means take a look or have a look here the sentence I've used is take a gander at my new car take a gander at my new car take a look at my new car isn't it beautiful easy peasy so remember that one we use that one often ok so the next term that we have is the word gagging gagging now gagging means as a slang term it can mean desperate to be desperate for something now you do have to be careful with the word gagging because if you say I'm gagging for it I'm gagging for it this could mean that you're desperate for sex so you don't want to get confused with this one however you can say I'm gagging for a cup of coffee or I'm gagging for a bar of chocolate and that would just mean I'm desperate for a coffee I'm desperate for a bar of chocolate just remember that gagging for it means something completely different so gagging for it be very careful but you can use gagging to say that you're desperate for something else okay just so you know the word gagging other than a slang term is actually the the action of going to throw up so if you're about to throw up and you got up you're gagging or if you gag somebody you put something in their mouth and stop them from talking you gagged them all so you'll see in action movies someone might be kidnapped and they wrap something around a cloth around their mouth they gag them so they can't talk or scream to be gagged so yes that's a word that's used in lots of different ways okay here we go next one oh hello Laura you're joined in how are you and all my regulars here sky stunning that hi how are you lovely to see you all in here fabulous alright so the next word is the fun word and it's the word gallivanting gallivanting I like this word gallivanting and it just means kind of fooling around to be gallivanting to be fooling around and the example that I've given here is you won't find Jeffrey here he is off gallivanting somewhere in the countryside with his new friends you won't find Jeffrey here he is off gallivanting somewhere in the countryside with his new friends he's fooling around okay so gallivanting that's a nice one to remember the next one is something that came up yesterday now yesterday there are a lot of phrases that use the f-word and to ask someone to go away we used eff off and a nicer way although it's still not nice but a nicer way of saying it without to tell someone to go away without swearing would be the phrase to get lost so you ask someone to get lost get lost go away but get lost can also mean no no way get lost I'm not doing that no it's still not very nice so I wouldn't advise using it but at least it's not swearing and the example sentence I've given here is get lost I'm not driving 80 miles to pick your brother up he can get the train so that's just assuming you've asked me to drive 480 miles to pick up your brother and I'm saying get lost no way get lost I'm not driving 480 miles to pick your brother up he can get the Train okay so I think that one's quite state straightforward and very similar to get lost is the phrase and I find this slightly comical but it's still something I'd be careful saying I wouldn't advise using it too often but it's the phrase get stuffed get stuffed very similar to get lost but it's slightly milder still be careful when using these so you can get stuffed if you think I'm going to wait around for the next three hours so if you've asked me to wait for you for three hours I know you can get stuffed if you think I'm waiting around for three hours I have more important things to do okay all right well hopefully that's that's clear so f off is the really bad one get lost is bad but not swearing and get stuffed is more its milder but it's still a bit harsh so for example I've never told anyone to get stuffed or get lost or f off I've never used them for anyone okay alright let's move on from the nasty words so we have whoo getting off so this is a phrase you might hear from a tea it's a teenage slang it's teenage slang basically and it means kissing to be kissing so you could say I saw them getting off with each other at the bus stop I saw them kissing each other at the bus stop I saw them getting off with each other at the bus stop oh nice and straightforward and then we have the phrase give us a bell give us a bell give us a bell it means call me even though I've used the phrase us give us a bell I'm actually just referring to me is something we do a lot as natives give us a bell give us a look give us a go we tend to use us why we mean me sometimes so don't get confused with that when you find out your results can you give us a bell I want to know what your grades what I want to know what grades you got when you find out your results can you give us a bell I want to find car I want to change this I want to know I'm gonna change this I want to find out what grades you got okay nice and easy give us a bell all right I'm whipping through these as fast as I can patrons you're very quiet there in the patron room hello those of you who are joining me some of you first time seeing me live fabulous hello amazing okay so the next phrase is something I have used quite a lot and that is the phrase I'm gobsmacked and it means I'm amazed so gobsmacked is amazed I would more often use this in it's not necessarily positive so we're as amazed is always positive it's amazing I'm amazed gobsmacked I wouldn't necessarily say this was a positive thing it just means it's like someone's hit you in the mouth you're up you can't talk because some like what they've hit you in the mouth so it could be positive Wow or it could be shocked ah I can't believe it or it could be outraged ah I'm gobsmacked that you would think that I'm gobsmacked that you would do that so it's just that feeling of her to be gobsmacked and the example sentence I've given here is you jumped off a three-story building and survived oh well I am gobsmacked I almost think of it in the same way as to be speechless to be speechless to be gobsmacked okie-dokie so the next phrase is all the word rather is Ghoulies this is a funny one Ghoulies and Ghoulies means testicles or balls is the more common phrase so a man's testicles might be referred to as Ghoulies and the example sentence I've given here is his eyes were watering when he was kicked in the gurus his eyes were watering when he was kicked in the Ghoulies okay so the next word is the word gormless gormless to be without ghorm and to be gormless is like to be clueless to be completely unaware huh and I always think of someone opening their mouths and just being like what I don't know to be gormless clueless and the example sentence I've given here is I don't know what's going on but everyone seems to be completely gormless today I don't know what's going on but everyone seems to be completely gormless today okay the next one is one you should definitely be aware of and that's the word grub we use this a lot and grub simply means food so if I say let's grab some grub I mean let's go out and get some food quickly from somewhere let's grab some grub grab a sandwich or grab some fish and chips from the shop so grab some grub and in fact the example centers I've given is let's grab some pub grub and catch up so pub grub is food that you buy in a pub food that you buy in a pub and catch up means to sit down with your friend or it could even be a colleague and find out what's been going on with them recently so find out all of their recent news to catch up with somebody hey what's been going on how are you how's life to catch up so let's grab some pub grub and catch up it sounds like fun and the last all we've done this quickly 13 minutes in and I'm already announcing the last word on the list fantastic I'm gonna answer all of your questions at the end so just bear with me and I'll answer them in just a moment but the very last word on the list is gutted gutted another word that's used a lot in in modern English over here in the UK so it means extreme despair I am gutted I feel gutted so if you leave me I will be absolutely gutted if you leave me I will be absolutely gutted like absolutely devastated I'll be so upset I'll be gutted alright so if you leave me I will be absolutely gutted mmm-hmm okay so now it's time for me to talk to you so hit me with your questions one of you or a couple of you have mentioned not the phrase or the word nosh yes nosh is the same as grub nosh means food nosh means grub get some top nosh gift horse oh there's a good one okay a gift horse so that the phrase gift horse comes from don't look a gift horse in the mouth let me add it on here where are we so don't look a gift horse in the mouth I'm gonna write this in gift horse let me show you so a gift horse usually comes with don't it's free it's a funny phrase isn't it don't look a gift horse in the mouth and basically it means that if someone is offering you something if someone's offering you something mouths don't don't turn it away like don't turn it away just for the sake of turning it away I don't know how best to explain it um let me let me get a good meaning for this so don't look a gift horse in the mouth means don't find fault with something that you've discovered or been given it's a proverb so let me write this in here there you go don't find fault with something that has been discovered or being given thank you standing there for that one okay what else are you asking me for forgive me for being crude but does Ghoulies only refer to male genitalia yes you can only kick a man in the goonies you cannot kick a woman in the Ghoulies it wouldn't it wouldn't work the meaning wouldn't work how about gobble is is it a slang word yeah gobble I mean a slang word is basically just a word that you more often hear spoken rather than written and yeah gobble is not something I've seen written that often maybe more in literature my dad gave me a hundred and fifty pounds once and I said thanks and took it so you didn't look a gift horse in the mouth great okay and so if you've got any questions guys now is your time I'm going to stay around for another five minutes so do do add your questions and comments I will say a huge thank you while I'm here to all of my patrons for your continued support without you I would not be able to do as many lessons as I do offer at the moment so thank you and if you are here for first time please do make sure you've subscribed click that like button and if you know anyone who's trying to learn English then I would appreciate if you could share this channel with them there's lots of brilliant lessons coming up in the future that I'm planning for at the moment things are just a bit crazy though I'm trying my best to get as many videos to you as possible but for those of you who don't know I have recently started a new channel called Bella and beans TV and it's aimed at children helping and educating children in an entertaining way and it's taking over my life it really is okay so what does gobbl mean says a marine to gobble is to eat something fast you gobble it and actually stunning Ladd has suggested another one good is the word gobbledygook gobbledygook and gobbledygook means nonsense it's gonna add in here
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 13,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, british, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Anna English, slang, learn slang, british slang, slang words, learn english slang, english slang, english slang words, british slang words, common slang, g slang
Id: w6uHHMk9Lkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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