Packet Tracer - Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet race or activity a troubleshooting connectivity issues here we can see our a trussing table also we will go through the objectives of this packet race or activity the objectives of this packet race or activity is to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity issues if possible otherwise the issues should be clearly documented and the so they can be escalated also we will go through the background users are reporting that they cannot access the observer WWB road Cisco dot TK a after a recent upgrade that included adding a second DNS server you must determine the cause and attempt to resolve the issues for the users clearly document the issues and any solutions you do not have access to the devices in the cloud or the server wwwo to Cisco dot p ka escalate to the problem if necessary router r1 can only be accessed using SSH with the username admin 0 1 and password Cisco 1 2 3 4 5 coming to step 1 determine the connectivity issue between PC - 0 1 and webserver on PC - 0 1 open the command prompt enter the command ipconfig to verify what IP address and default gateway has been assigned to PC - 0 1 correct as necessary coming to PC - 0 1 command prompt - here we are going to use the command ipconfig and we can verify the IP address with our dressing table here we can see pcs - 0 1 so 172 dot 16.2 1.3 here we can see the IP address incorrectly assigned here they given 170 2.2 168 so the second doctor should be a 16 and here we can see the subnet mask yes it's correct and coming the default gateway 172 dot 16.2 1.21 Eurasians see that it's so here we must change the IP address of this device PC - 0 1 now we will close this window coming to IP configuration and here we are going to change this IP address so from 172 dot 168 we are going to remove this 8 and it's only 16 coming to be after correcting the IP addressing issues on PC - 0 1 issue the pings to the default gateway webserver and the other pcs where the pings successful our recorder results so ping to default a gateway 172 dot 16.2 1.1 and to observer to not 9.1 65.2 not 1 or 2 right we will do that first coming to PC - 0 1 command prompt here we are going to ping to the default gateway 172 dot 16.2 1.1 sure we can see we are getting the replay no we are going to ping to the web server here is the actress you're waiting for the replay yes we are getting the replay here up into default gateway and to observer are successful now we will go to up in to PC - 0 - then - PC - a and then to PC - be right we will do that before going to the pink coming toward a trussing table here we can see the IP address of each devices PC - 0 - PC - a and the PC - B so coming to PC - 0 1 command prompt here we are going to first of all we will ping - PC - 0 - here the address is a 1.4 yes we are getting the replay now we will pin to PC - yay your the address is 170 2.16 dot 2.3 so here we can see this mission host unreachable and to know we will try to be C - B that D so once every 2 dot 16 dot 2.4 here we can see the destination host unreachable we are not getting the replay know here the pin from PC - 0 1 to PC - 0 - is successful but - this a PC - a and the PC - B is failed coming to see used of a browser to access the web server or PC - 0 1 enter the URL www dot C squared or PKA and 10 using the IP a trusted - not 9.1 65.2 not one dot to record the results so can pc - 0 1 accessor this webpage or using the web server IP a trust we will try that coming to our device PC - 0 1 web browser here we are going to give the URL www.score.org waiting for the web page yes we are getting the web page now we will try with this web server IP address here is the actress and to go yes we are getting the web page so here we can see from can pc 0 1 access this you are using this DNA domain name yes and using the web web server IP address yes next is a document the issues and provide the solutions correct the issues is possible right we have done that initially we have seen this device PC - 0 1 IP address was assigned incorrectly now we changed that here itself we can see that previously it was 172 dot 6 1 6 8 to one or three so we changed to the correct address one seven 2.16 door to 1.3 and we have seen that this PC is I mean this PC cannot communicate with this subnet that ISA from this PC - 0 1 to this PC - a and to this PC - be you know coming to step 2 determined the connectivity issue between PC - 0 - and web server on PC - 0 - open the command prompt enter the command ipconfig to verify the configuration for the IP address and default gateway correct as necessary after correcting the IP addressing issues on a PC - 0 to issue the pings - the default gateway web server and other pcs where the ping successful recorder results right we will check that so we have to ping to the default gateway we have to ping to the web server and trivial to ping to PC - 0 1 PC - a and 2 PC - B first of all we will check the IP address on this device PC - 0 - coming to command prompt - here we are going to give IP config and - here we can see the UH trous we will match with a road crossing table it's 170 2.16 dot 1.4 yes it's correct and coming to the subnet mask it's correct and coming to the default gateway 172 dot 1602 1.11 so here we can see on this device PC - 0 - the default the gateway is assigned incorrectly it's 170 2.16 go to 1.11 so it's 100 to 1 here they are say in the 1.11 so we must change this a default gateway so coming to the IP configuration and here we can see the default gateway and we are going to change to change from 1.11 to 100 to 1 now we are going to ping from PC - 0 - it's a default gateway also we are going to ping from this device to this observer coming to PC - zero - command prompt ping - 170 2.16 dot 100 to 1 yes we are getting the replay now we will link to the web server here is the actress yes we are getting the replay now we will ping from this PC - 0 - and other pcs coming to PC - 0 - first of all we are going to ping to PC - 0 1 that receives 170 2.16 dot 1.3 yes we are getting the replay now we will ping to PC - a chartreuse is 172 dot a 16 dot a 2.3 no we are not getting the replay I know we will let try to PC - B it's address is 2.4 no we are not getting the replay destination host unreachable because timed out destination host unreachable no we are not getting the replay here we can seep into default gateway and the two webserver are successful and ping from PC - 0 - PC - 0 1 is successful but to this PC - a and - PC - B are failed come in to see a navigate to www.cpa.psu.edu or by phone 0 - web browser here is the truss and we are going to press yes we are getting t have a page now we will try with the IP atras it's a - not 9.1 65 daughter - not one or two yes we are getting the webpage next is a document the issues and provide the solutions are correct the issues if possible yes here we have done that initially we have seen on this device PC - Sirois to the default the gate today as st. incorrectly so we changed from 1 7 2.16 go to 1.11 207 2.16 door to 100 to 1 then we have seen over the ping from this a PC - 0 to 2 this Network failed that means to the species PC - a and to this PC - B now we will come to a step 3 determine the connectivity issue between PC - a and the web server or PC - I opened the command prompt prompt enter the command ipconfig to verify the configuration for the IP address and default gateway characters necessary then after correcting the IP addressing issues on PC a issue with the pings to the default gateway web server and other pcs where the ping successful recorder results we are going to pin to the default gateway then to the our web server then we are going to ping to PC - be PC - 0 1 & 2 PC - 0 - coming to PC - a command prompt - here we are going to give the command ipconfig and here we can see that a trustee will check with our addressing table here we can see PC - a a truss it's 170 2.16 dot 2.3 yes it's correct and this subnet mask and the gateway 172 dot 16.2 wrote one here we can see all the informations are correct now we will ping to the default the gateway pink 172 door 16 tor 2.1 and we are waiting for the replaying perico's timed out because timed out oh no it's not communicating with the default gateway then again we are going to ping to the web server obviously we are not going to get the pink because here we can see the ping to the default the gateway gateway itself is failed and we will try that ping to the web server here we can see that we are not going to get the replay here we can see it's failed now we will try the pink from a PC - 8 to this PC - B and obviously from this PC to the other Network it won't pink because here we have seen the default gateway itself is failed so we have to try only from PC - 8 - PC - B and from PC - a to PC - 0 1 and PC - 0 2 will be failure coming to PC a ping to PC - B yes we are getting the replay anyway we will try to one PC PC - 0 1 1 7 2 dot 16 dot its 1.3 because the message should go through the default gateway we can see its failed no we are not getting the replay here we can seep into default gateway as well as to the web server is failed only ping to PC - B is successful and to PC - 0 1 & 2 PC - 0 2 also failed now we will try to access the web page we won't get the web page here we can see we are not getting the webpage hostname unresolved even with the IP address also we are not going to get the webpage next is to document the issues and provide the solutions correct the issues if possible yes here we have seen or the address on this PC - ace correct - default gateway and to mask everything is correct but this PC - a unable to ping to the default gateway that means the IP address of this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 on this router r1 now we are going to see the address of this interface so we have to access this router r1 but initially they mentioned we have we can access this r1 with the help of SSH so we can access through PC - 0 1 or PC - 0 - we cannot access through these pieces because the default gateway is incorrect I mean the IP address service in for a IP address of this interface is assigned incorrectly so we have to check that right we will go through PC - 0 1 command prompt and here we will give SSH we have to give a ssh space - l then the user name admin 0 1 and the target it's a 172 dot 1600 - 100 - 1 this is the IP address of the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 of this router r1 right yes prompted for password password is Cisco 1 2 3 4 5 yes now we are in router r1 we will check show IP interface brief and here we can see the access of Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and here we can see it's 1 7 2 Road 16.3 dot 1 but according to our addressing table it should be the doctor that the gig that interface address should be 2.1 right so we are going to change this a truss here so we have to go to configure terminal and we have to go to that interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we are going to remove the IP address then IP address we are going to give the correct address 172 door 16 tort it's 2.1 there's something to mask coming to a step 4 determine the connectivity issue between pc - b and web server on pc - be open the command prompt enter the command ipconfig to verify the configuration for the IP address and default gateway correct as a necessary then after correcting the IP addressing issues on pc - be issued the pings - the default gateway web server and other pcs where the ping successful record the results so ping to default gateway and to the web server then we have to ping to PC - a PC - a 0 1 then PC - 0 - coming to PC - B command prompt - here we are going to give IP config and the harissa our trust details so we will check with our addressing table 1 7 to 16 to 2.4 and submit to Moscow here we can see that 2.4 yes it's correct under default gateway 16 or 2.1 yes it's correct give / all and here we can see that DNS servers say to not mind or to 165 door - note 1.4 we can see it's connected to DNS - yes it's correct now we will ping to default a gateway that is 170 2.16 tor 2.1 yes we are getting the replay now we will let ping - or web server here is the actress yes we are getting the replay also we will link to PC - a that is 170 2.16 dot 2.3 yes we are getting the replay now we will try to PC - 0 1 that is 1.3 yes we are getting the replay and to PC - zero - it's a 1.4 yes we are getting the replay yes so for here for all the pings we are getting the replay now we will sorry in navigate to WWE Dorsey Scott PKA using the web browser record the results can PCB access this domain name using the web server IP atras we will try that coming to PCB web browser here we are going to give the domain name and we are trying to access it but we are not getting the web page no choice host name unresolved so we are not getting the web page now we will try with the IP atras it's to not 9.1 65.2 not 1.2 yes we are getting the web page with the IP address here we can see this a domain name we are not getting the web page but with the IP address we are getting the web page coming to Adi document the issues and provide the solutions so correct the issues is possible so here ah be able to communicate with all the devices all the PCs and to this web server but we unable to get the web page using the domain name here we can see this PC - B DNS server atras is using this a DNS - IP address this indicates that DNS - - server may be incorrectly configured so to resolve this problem so temporarily we will use this a DNS 1 IP address for this DNS server so we will change from to not 9.16 5.21 dot do not 1.42 we will the change is 4 to 3 and we will try now coming to PCB the browser here we are going to give that domain name yes now we are getting the web page coming to step 5 verify connectivity verify that all the PCs can access the web server www.score.org completion percentage should be hundred percent if not to click check results to see which required components are not yet completed right already we verified in PC - B now we will try in PC - a yes we are getting the web page coming to PC - zero - yes and finally coming to PC - zero one yes we are getting the web page well had that's all in this packet race or activity troubleshooting connectivity issues here we can see the completion status of 15 out of 15 so it's hunter percentage so friends if you have any doubt - please comment below also if you liked my video give a thumb and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into our mail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 18,001
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Keywords: Connectivity
Id: F4OISc1Vpts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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