If Minecraft didn't have cooldowns

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I don't know how stupid this will be but uh as of right now it looks pretty good oh my God what is this what is this this is Minecraft but without a single cooldowns and as you can hear if I'm closer to the Cave the Cave sounds plays constantly because the cave sound cool down and does not exist which is super freaking annoying very nice that's that's very nice this is amazing why is my skin so ugly but yeah let's go ahead and fix that because it's super annoying but before that let me also uh let you guys hear the the pigs are like all the animals having no sound delay yeah this one sounds like ah okay so that's way better so this is also what happens if you do not have cooldowns you can eat steaks as fast as you want nice so let's try our golden apple or like inside the golden apple and then let's change itself into survival mode and see what happens if I eat this thing extremely freaking fast it's so freaking fast also same goes with the lavas and the water they also do not have a take delay meaning they will flow extremely fast as you see right here there we go same with the lava because I've also changed a lot of code that's very nice so with this mod on I gotta do a kill at it constantly because the chickens will lay eggs infinitely chickens let me show it to you guys like this is what happens they lay eggs infinitely and uh the sheaves also eat grass non-stop look at this what are you Mana they're just there's this grass eating machines and I can breed them really fast because they do not have a lot of cooldown let's just make one closer to this one so it's easier oh wait hold up so if I use an item like once multiple sheep spawn because plating blocks and destroying blocks does not have cooldowns as well so like I can do this do your freaking thing to your freak yes freak freak yes that's really fast so I can destroy Bloods extremely fast and same goes with placing blocks this is like uh the infinite CPS Auto clicker that I've made before and same goes with the damages in Minecraft so I can get damaged like 20 times per second so let's do a magma block and then let's place it down here so magma block and then I'm not getting damaged because I have a five risk I'm so stupid uh effect clear bail and then it was so close so if you guys remember I did a similar video to this a couple uh months ago but hey I'm just doing it again because it's so cool oh no that's so fast I can throw snowballs eggs and lastly ender pearls extremely fast so check this out oh that's so cool yes and also eggs dude that is extremely nice oh my gosh dude even the baby chickens are laying eggs are they supposedly I don't think so and I wonder what the Ender Pro will look like if I use them they'll be pretty amazing holy crap oh no [Music] I love this I got flint and steel and TNTs so the TNTs do not have an exposing cooldown so whenever a change it spawns in Minecraft it has like 80 ticks of cooldown but I removed that so once you ignite a TNT they explode instantaneously so this will make something really interesting uh if I line up multiple TNTs in a row so let me just do this bam and then two and three that's like not even three to six five but there we go these TNTs should be able to explode almost simultaneously because they do not have a cooldown oh no my Minecraft crashed after a bit more coding I didn't manage to make the TNT's explosion delay to about like 0.1 seconds so it's not gonna be like zero seconds but it's gonna be pretty close so let's see what happens nice this is a gigantic line of TNT's so let's see what happens if I explode them all and yeah oh that's so cool so this thing pretty much works like the end crystal in Minecraft a better condition because they also explode almost instantaneously so let's do a TNT plane like um TNT plate and this is gonna be a probably a little bit challenging for my computer but let's still see oh nice okay so this is not as Extreme as I thought or maybe it isn't I don't know maybe it's not but my fan is at almost max speed right now this is not good now I think I could also use this to dig a straight hole so let's try that I really want to try this thing so let's do 110 and nice yeah so that's what happens if TNTs have no delays now on to the next item that has zero delays this is a bow with infinity and Unbreaking and this is a crossbow and this is a crossbow but with multi-shot let me get some arrows and then show you guys what happens if I shoot a bow that has no delays nice that's so nice so check this out nice same with the crossbow it's a little bit slow because the crossbow has to load and then shoot load and shoot load and shoot okay I ran out of arrows let's just go to create mode and then show you guys what happens if I have Crossover multichotter with also no tick delays this is so freaking powerful oh this is really great okay and also let me show you guys what happens if I fight a warden with no damage cooldowns so as you see if I swing this act it does not have any damage cooldowns because I've completely removed the attack cooldown Let's Go destroy this dude it's so freaking strong oh no I'm gonna die what are you what are you mad about oh the fish okay who's literally mad about everything he's trying to pick a fight with everybody bro oh wait hold up I don't think the Lava damage is on the world anymore it does not I'm a dingus so chill chill chill my guy and there we go that was kind of easy even though I died two times with the full narrowed armor but hey it was okay it was pretty good so let me show you guys what happens if I use a gold horn with known delays and it sounds pretty insane foreign [Music] I love this I think the fishing World should also have no tick delays so I can just do this yep I'm just clicking it I'm just holding my mouse down and that's what happens it doesn't even do anything it doesn't even reach the Sheep because I'm so fast that's that's pretty good what are you eating my guy bro this guy is trying to eat the sand [Music] this is so stupid potion of harming [Music] are still made at the same time but yeah let's see uh this is what happens if I use a spawner uh bam and then that is so freaking fast so if any other sheeps uh disappear within the range then the new ships will spawn instantaneously because uh the spawners are pretty amazing all right now let me show it to you guys what happens if I interact with any of the Hostile Mobs and I'll tell you this right now this is gonna be pretty interesting okay I think I need food I have no food okay this is like really op uh tryland Trident yes Trident so so uh yeah they're pretty strong and same goes with the skeletons they can also shoot extremely freaking fast survival okay wow no okay okay okay my shield is not dying for some reason I don't know why oh my God what is happening no no no no no no no things only get worse if I reach Nether and this was a really good nether portal spawn thing like that was extremely amazing move oh yes uh hello and this is what the ghast interaction so this shouldn't be that extremely hard we got Infinity bow and we're gonna use it to destroy the Endermans oh wait oh no oh I'm an idiot oh there we go I'm just gonna pick a fight with this random Enderman because I just feel like it dude I can eat Golden Apple so freaking fast like this but I'm gonna run out oh I didn't even get to see the Ender Dragon and I died no no yeah I shot it one time okay there he goes and I don't know why that guy's not shooting at all but if I'm correct and if my code works oh no then they should also be able to uh shoot dragon balls really fast yeah let's get it oh why is it on fire okay stop returning stupid idiot okay okay really stop regening I gotta shoot my Infinity uh projectile launcher because mojing apparently canceled ah screw you man screw you I really don't want to go up there and I get the thing because I'm too lazy and I don't have a pickaxe so I'm just gonna like try to spam click that guy maybe it'll die one day ah no where's my golden apple okay there we go oh there we go we almost got him we almost got him he's running away but I can just Spam play this guy with my Infinity bow do that was so freaking easy bro I'm just good like that bro like look at this I can destroy this okay oh I can destroy this Enderman without any problem look at this there was like almost no problem oh so if you want to try this cooldown mod for yourself or even play with your friends you can because I'll be sharing a server plugin that has some mimics and features shown into this video wait what happens if I do a slash kill at e and then uh uh end the pros in survival because ender pearls can also damage the players too let's get yeah let's try this one yo yo let's go I love this efficiency level 255 diamond pickaxe let's get it this may be interesting I don't know maybe [Music] butter but where am I well holy crap look at this hole that's very cool I love this okay so lastly imagine an infinite CPS Auto clicker that you cannot turn off with also infinite reach and you get a place around them if you know more about that then go check out this video out and sure is another video that you might be interested thank you for watching and see you guys in the next video
Channel: Element X
Views: 333,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yctQNmZKbRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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