Catching up with Sis Mukbang, season 2 reality show?

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hey [ __ ] right here singers songwriter actor actors actually activist scientists on the slide the star of christine the newest mtv star a coconut water connoisseur and y'all we'll know next week when i start filming my other show and as y'all can see who's on my lab hi guys oh my god i'm so excited to eat what are we eating today princess oh my god there's black puerto rican food this is so different yeah this is very different i moved on this side of the island and i was like there's so many rest well no to be honest there's not many restaurants on this side of the island but i was like looking for a cute place to eat and one day i saw this on yelp i fell in love with the food puerto rican food is the bomb i don't know the name for some of these things but i am having a garlic shrimp my fungo and i think princess is having chicken chicken fungal this is fried rice obviously um bananas oh gondola right oh my god okay we got empanadas wings ceviches what is that princess it's like banana like i think they call it like banana plan i don't know oh it's like these i don't really know if i have any like puerto rican followers but if there's any puerto rican followers please let us know if we're eating these right if you guys like these food i guess we'll just start eating cheers [ __ ] and these are pina coladas as well virginia princess what did you do today and why did you do that i woke up this morning waking up every morning thinking about so many things i just wish things to get better so so yeah after you woke up this morning thinking about so many things what did you do after i went out my messages and [ __ ] is like you we are filming today and i was like what what no i'm just kidding i knew we were [ __ ] you better [ __ ] have no because we told you a week ago honestly i just felt like eating outside today it's such a vibe um oh my gosh so i woke up at 6 30 honestly i've been waking up at 6 30 the past three days [ __ ] and you know how i used to wake up at 6 30 no yes i used to always wake up at 6 30. now i'm going back to the google things i feel like i'm getting so many things done but i feel like it's like a longest day but you get to do a lot of things i know what you mean yeah yeah but not really because then by like 10 i'm sleepy already um you'd be having long as this because you'd be sleeping at 4am [ __ ] as long as you're resting you should be good moms don't sleep they just take long blinks like like all right that's good yeah [ __ ] that's me as a mom i just be like hold on let me sleep [ __ ] i'm up very dark after i woke up i made some breakfast i had oatmeal with a scoop of cookie butter and bananas on top and then i worked out and then i walked my dogs and then you got here wow yeah i had a really good day and now i'm filming a new youtube video like girl i'm getting [ __ ] done where'd you even [ __ ] get this it's so bomb [ __ ] speaking of where i got this it's from coquitos it's down the road from where i live which is perfect but i actually just found out today that coquitos hire like um people who are like maybe in jail before like past inmates i love that like she's really giving people a second chance like just you know and it's so cute and miss trina actually told me about it because she did a piece for them wow shout out to trina but yeah she's actually really known i went to the bank the other day and then i was like auntie where i can eat food and she goes you go no she didn't say that but in my head she did she's like oh you go down the road yeah and then you see the one that's like a hut that's how she's speaking to me and i was like oh yeah auntie coquitos and she's like yeah i stay eating over there and i was like okay would you find this auntie [ __ ] the bank i'm not the type of person to like be deadman you know what i mean when i'm like at the bank i like to talk to people i'm not just there to like here's my [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm not just there like oh here's my id i'm gonna need this much you know what i mean and then i don't talk to them like you know i like talking to people princess i heard you're why are you trying to buzz kill whoa she's like jokes and you tell people i hit you [ __ ] princess i've been seeing you a lot on tick tock these days you're a tic toc queen i love that i just be you know bored bored in the house and she's in the house board what do you got going on for the next couple weeks i go back into production life on the first [ __ ] i can't say it [ __ ] you already know the vibes like we couldn't even talk about our show when we was a thing but it's gonna be cute it's gonna be for another show that i have oh my gosh we haven't even had time to reflect about mtv oh my god how do you feel about that season everything was my favorite just hanging out with you guys being around my family was just like everything and then having the world to see like our the reality of us like not just through youtube but like like following us everywhere and like really like seeing the vulnerable and being able to see us in a different way than just a 30 a 20 minute video like this is a whole show and it's gonna continue and people are gonna like follow us in our journey period so batman how would what yeah so what was your favorite thing on mtv thank you so much for that amazing question princess man my favorite part about mtv would have to be something similar to yours i love meeting the crew the crew i meant to that's the word the crew i feel like i've said this and i don't want to sound like a broken record but the crew is really what made the show so magical than what it is like we had pas personal assistants who were like filipinos we had like local videographers even our mic guy was also local our securities were local and so i think it was really amazing because it's not just our product but i feel like it's a product of like hawaii you know what i mean they share the same stories and the same values as us and so yeah we connected with them really fast yeah and i really feel like [ __ ] the whole time where the cameras were off could be a whole different [ __ ] show in itself i was like oh it's too short like but even too so many [ __ ] funny like times in there and they didn't put it but i mean they can only put so much but every episode i was like i feel like filming that was funnier and then they're like then they'd add like a little bit of car rides and [ __ ] yeah when they not be there and they yeah because there's no producers around and we couldn't listen to music so we're like talking about everything foreign also it's been really amazing to see how a lot of people felt seen with the show and to be honest with you like when we first like did it like i wasn't that wasn't my intention like i my intentions to be honest going in was to show my life to the world and like you know literally following bretman wrong but it turned out to be so much more than that yeah i feel like and it's it's amazing that it it meant that much to like other like filipinos other gays other immigrant kids because i feel like you don't even have to really be like gay or filipino or immigrant to relate to the show i feel like some like everyone could take a little bit of something from the show like there's people who like see their friendships and us like you know there's so many comments that's like oh this is literally how me and my friends talk to each other or like how we talk a lot you know like each storyline was like somebody like could like relate to us like me as a i wouldn't even call myself a plus-sized woman because you know what i mean i'm like you're just a woman period i'm just a woman i don't i just want people to know like every size is a perfect size but i feel like i feel like if we switch places [ __ ] have you ever thought about that like if i was the girl and you were the boy i feel like it would have been gay really you'd be a gay man yeah oh let me ask you this [ __ ] when someone asks you like oh if you were brought in the world again and if you could actually pick your gender because being gay is not a [ __ ] choice [ __ ] because people really swear being gay is a choice it's not if i didn't want to be gay it would have been fine because [ __ ] it would have made my life [ __ ] easier [ __ ] like not having to explain myself to the world but i am and i didn't choose to be gay i didn't wake up one day and i was like oh my god i'm gay starting today like you really think we just wake up and be gay [ __ ] no if you were brought into this world again and you got to pick your gender what would you be i would still be a girl because i just feel like a guy can't give birth so oh oh yeah you love them babies [ __ ] i i love them kids i just it's such a beautiful experience being able to bring out a child to me i feel like it's a beautiful experience to witness i personally wouldn't because actually i don't know because i don't have like i don't really be thinking like that what about you britt to me thank you so much for that amazing question princess what would i choose if i got to come back and chose my gender i really feel like i still would be a gay man it's so fun like seeing the world as a gay person is so fun i'm sorry to you straighties watching this video but i just feel like the world will never see the world the way the gays do the experiences the gay culture like just the not giving a [ __ ] energy because really once you know that you're gay and you fully embody like gayness no one can [ __ ] tell you [ __ ] okay princess while i'm filming for my new show what are you gonna be doing so okay so i watched larry and keifer's video and i was like wow these [ __ ] really got the nerve to talk about me like that so i called up mtv and i said um can i can i react to my bloopers too and they're like yes you were supposed to be in there but you were sick right yeah but i think i think it'd be funny if it's just by myself clowning the [ __ ] ali [ __ ] because y'all got so much stuff to say i'm gonna say what i mean who's i wasn't even in that video y'all larry and kiefer so for dessert today we are going to be having some wai leia company sorbet princess what flavor are you going to be having today i have leaning a pineapple today i'm going to be enjoying some leahey strawberries they have a wide array of like local flavors i also recommend the lilly koi one that one's really good but yeah if you guys want to follow them on instagram and if you guys want to order yours it's you can follow them on instagram and order through instagram at wai leia company you better recognize here wow wow i'm eating this and i'm like i'm like thinking about my good day on my mind what are you doing after this we filmed princess we gotta go home oh i know what anyways it's low fat diet freak gluten free cholesterol-free natural flavors made with real fruits wow wow roll back the clip because i'm pretty sure this this [ __ ] said diary for dairy it's low fat diet free gluten free she said low fat dietary diary free bag but just actually i'm gonna have you read it one more time um so it's low fat dairy free gluten free cholesterol cholesterol okay natural flavors made with real fruit okay she's a scholar all right you guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video princess did you have fun today i had fun i'm always having fun with you uh not the fakeness thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you follow us on all of our social media everything is at berman rock twitter about morocco snapchat about morocco instagram everyone rock tick tock bretman rock and of course youtube at batman rockin [ __ ] you already right here you might as well subscribe please please follow me on my instagram real princess may twitter real princess may and oh and tick tock for a princess day i made a new one because i couldn't get back to my other account but anyways guys this is so [ __ ] bomb breath i know my [ __ ] all right thank you guys so much for watching we will see you guys on next week's video aloha
Channel: Bretman Rock
Views: 1,225,069
Rating: 4.9774199 out of 5
Keywords: bretman, bretman rock, funny, video, dabaddest
Id: AvvGzLuycH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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