Bretman Gets His Mom “Lei’d” 🌺 Episode 6 | MTV’s Following: Bretman Rock

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- Open sesame (previously on MTV's following) It's going to take a couple of weeks to get my house in tip-top shape. So I wanted to rent out a beach house puuuur. (gentle serene music)[Taking pictures] I'm launching my OnlyFans. And that means my sunglasses come out in 48 hours. Bitch I'm scared. Oh my God. I'm posting it. I just posted it. Hopefully it's going to sell out. You don't look good in pink. - Today is my test shoot. I would like you to like feel a little bit more relaxed. I don't really know when the agency's going to get back to me. We're going to check out your photos. - We'll, you know, kind of review them. But hopefully it's soon. My mom she's going Philippines. I don't know if she's actually going to come back. She's been trying to do that. Like just stay there. It's hard for me to even imagine what my life would be like without my mom being an arms reach away. (Bright energetic music) (opening a bottle of juice) - Bret, - Whaat, - We are here - I'm just having some orange juice. - Oh, wow. - Hey mum - Hey Bret Hey girl, thanks for coming over. I made some food. You all want food? You made it or you put it in the plate? Bitch I plated it. So I made, bitch. Even though my family stresses me out sometimes it's really important for me to stay as close to them as possible. This meal, It's just another excuse for me to spend time with my family. What you all up to today? Eating, Living life, how's your day, Today? - I launched my sunglasses today. It's almost like sold out. It's like 75% sold out. - I'm so proud of you Bret. - Thanks mom. - Did you buy one mom? - No - (laughing) - I am so happy for Bretman's big launch on his sunglass collection right now, but I just did my test shoot and I'm hoping to hear good news from the agency too. Hopefully today is the big day. - Mom. It's your birthday soon! Fri-day - Wait, mom, what do you want for your birthday? - I want this present like this house. - You want-- girl! - (laughing) What do you want now? Now? - No, no. Your 58th birthday gift. Every year for the past, I want to say four years. I have given my mom a LV bag and this year I kind of want to put more thought into her gift. I think it's time for me to throw her something more significant. Mom. This birthday of yours is going to be special because you're moving. - It's probably going to be our last time. You know, our last time here in Hawaii. So are you scared of like you know what happened in the Philippines? - Yeah exactly mum, Why are you going home? Like the, our town is flooded. - Not in our place. My mom says that she's going to retire in the Philippines but it's really hard to imagine my mom really far away at this time. Right now there's a whole pandemic going on. The world is in shambles. My Philippine home is literally underwater after a typhoon hit in November. So I just can't imagine her home right now. You think you're going to be safe? - Yeah - I hope so. I'm scared Mom, you should not go home. - No, I like go. - Go next year - No - Mom, if you go next year, I'll go with you. - No - Bretman is definitely in denial about my mom moving to the Philippines because he just has a hard time handling things like that. It's not that he doesn't care. He's just like, it's just hard to accept. - [Speaking In Foreign Language] - Why I want Philippines that's why, so - need to work over there. Yeah, but you guys, when we come over here you come over it's still a baby, kids. Not like me. - Despite my best efforts of manifesting my mom to stay. She is not budging, but maybe if I throw her the most amazing party ever I can remind her of all the things she would miss. If she leaves and convince my mom on staying. I'm going to miss you. - Me too - You going to miss us. Yes, of course. - What are you going to miss about princess the most? - Always yelling at me. (laughing) You're going to miss her yelling at you? Yeah. - What about Bretman mom? - Same with you. Mom, I don't be yelling you. I silently yell at you. - (laughing) ( gentle music) Hi Uncle! Hey Bretman! I used to work and my uncle's farm nursery. I just fell in love with plant shopping and I love it. I brought my friends today because we need some stuff for my mom's Lua. We're throwing her like a... .. a surprise Lua. Yeah, we need like banana leaves and some flowers. If you got any. Okay, so let's go. Even though I'm not a native Hawaiian I have a really great appreciation for Hawaiian culture. I really think it'd be so cute to celebrate my mom's birthday with none other than the celebration of all celebration. A Lua. - I feel like I'm hiking right now. - I love it. One more acre to go. My sister is in charge of entertainment while I plan a party that is for sure going to convince my mom that Hawaii can still be her home. Kiva, how much do you think we need? We're going to have like kumbaya and Lua. Is that the one where you like you put the food inside this? Yeah, you put it on top. We have to steam it a little bit. We need banana leaves for this party because we are going to have a nod to my Filipino culture. Of course Get the big one, Uncle! This one! Yay! We lay out a banana leaf on the table and that is basically our plate. That's a nice ass leaf Oh my God, my mom's going to be so happy. We uncle, do you have flowers for mom? I kind of want to make a lay for her. I'll go get them for you. Thank you. Giving someone a Lei is just basically it's kind of like a token of love. You give it to someone when they arrive to Hawaii, graduation, birthday, it's definitely a cute way to celebrate my mom's birthday. That's just how we Hawaiian girls do it. You all even know how to make Lei? I haven't tried, no, have you? I made like candy lays, you know the easy ones but never like flower lays for mom. Are you like sad? For mom? Isn't she like, leaving soon? Bitch! You know her ass leaves (bleep) every year and tells us it's the last time she's going to see us. Like she comes back. - But what if like, this is like? The actual last time? You should write her a poem. - A (bleep) poem? - Yeah and be like, roses are red. Violets are blue Please Mom... - I need you - Yeah! You should definitely write her like - A song! - like a genuine poem. - Do you all know who are we talking about, Bitch? My mom, bitch. She would like crack the (bleep) up. So what does she like? Like a toast. Oh, that's cute. If there's something I can help with. It's that. Writing? Yeah. I need help writing, bitch. Cause you know me and my grammar. I can make it like emotional too Ooh she said you all going to cry tonight. Can you write my um... - Eulogy? - Yeah, I'm going to be like: "This bitch really swears she's dead." - Larry takes writing. Seriously. What better way to write a speech for my mom. Then with miss Larry, maybe with his help. I can convince my mom to stay at home here in Hawaii. Yes. Thanks for the flowers. Thank you, Uncle! My mom's going to love it. Uncle, can you just put this on Bret's tab? Okay. It's A big tab. (lively cheerful music) (Writing a Letter) Larry - Yeah - Bitch, come help me I'm writing a letter. This is my speech. What do you have so far? I put "Bye Girl. You will be missed" - ( laughing) - Bitch, what did you write that with? - This pen? - Its pens' right? You didn't write it with your heart. Now you can start thinking about like what do I want to tell my mom? - Okay, So how do you start it? When you write a letter, it's just like texting someone. You think about the recipient. Like who are you sending it to? - Mother. - Oh, that's such a strong (bleep) intro Mother, - with a comma. - with a comma The comma. - With a comma Cause you got to pause, - mother - And then the first sentence is going to be like a salutation or like "Hi, Hello". - Mother. It's me. (laughing) - If Bretman doesn't take this writing seriously. I feel like it could backfire and make his mom upset and like actually go to the Philippines. I feel like it would be more from the heart. If you type it. Did you bring your typewriter? I did. Let me grab it. Okay. Go grab her. I know I'm his home girl. You got to, you know, do my deed and help the bitch. So I'm busting out the big guns. My typewriter. How does it work? - You type. - Okay Just watch if Cause shifts on there Okay. Okay. Mother? - Yes. (typing) What can I put now? - Like damn, talk to your mom or something. So what do you want to tell her? What is your initial thought? That I don't want her to leave. - I really - are really feeling. ( typing) It's really hard for me to write speeches, period. Because I don't like to be vulnerable like that. That's just how we grew up. Like we didn't really say I love you. We just kind of said it without saying it. But now with my mom's saying that she will leave it's time for me to tell her how I really feel. So, so far this is what I have don't judge i make no faces. Cause I'm getting insecure "mother every time you say you're leaving I'm always like, damn she lying. But the older I get the more I realize that it's slowly becoming more real. The world is going through a lot right now. And there's no support that I need most right now but yours", - You know what I mean? - I like that realistic view of it. I feel like this is a really strong beginning, beginning. I really hope my mom reacts well with my speech. Even though it's going to be in English I'm going to try my best to convey my feelings towards her. This is really my last hurrah to getting her to stay. What kind of people like wrote with this (bleep)? (gentle wistful music) So now you're just going to take an orchid. - Okay. - You're going to put it in there, like that. Bitch, you know where I got these flowers from? - Where? - Uncle Rod's nursery. - Oh, okay. Um, Who's uncle Ron? - The one in the nursery. - Nursery - Yeah. Everyone thinks he's my actual uncle but I just call him uncle Ron. Like you don't have to be call everyone uncle here. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh, bitch. - Mine fell. My mom's birthday. Surprise Lua is tonight. And there's so many things to do but first things first it's time to get my mom laid. Bitch are you excited for the party tonight? - I am - Oh, what is our entertainment? - Some Fire dancing and hula dance. - Are they COVID friendly? Are they COVID free? - Of course they are. - Girl mine's is so cute already. - Oh my Gosh, I hope they don't run out of flowers. That (bleep) would be so embarrassing. - I got to to incoming video call. Oh my gosh. The modern, the agent I did a test shoot with Bobby is calling me. Hi. - Hi princess. How are you? I'm doing great. - Got some time to chat? - My heart is pounding right now. This could change my life. - So you step out of your comfort zone, for the shoot. I think once you kind of warmed up, you were better upon set. So I gave you props for that, but I think you should challenge yourself more. My main concern is that if we are working together that we prepare to deliver, you know, a little more. - Okay - I'm eavesdropping on princesses phone call with this agent right now. It's none of my business, but I'm listening. - I thought that you wouldn't give me like that Zoolander look. You know? In every photo. There are going to be moments maybe when you're not connecting with the team. So, you're always going to have to decide. What if in our support system wasn't there? Are you going to turn it out on yourself? - There is so many barriers for princess to break. She is not your typical model. She's a first generation immigrant. And on top of that, she is a hardworking mom. And so I really hope that princess doesn't take his feedback too hard and it doesn't crush her dreams. - Thank you so much for this feedback. I feel like the first test shoot, I got comfortable. And maybe if you do want to work with me, I'll be better. - No, no. You're very welcome. You should give yourself props. I know this is something new for you. And I just need to you to make sure that the effort I put into you and our time and all that they do going to meet me halfway. Yes. - Yes? I'd love to work with you. - Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm blushing, I'm just really excited to work with you guys. And I thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely work on that. - Beautiful day okay. - Thank you so much Bobby. Bye. - I love your customer service voice. Thanks so much, Bobby. Bye. Oh my God. I'm so excited for you. - Wow. That's really nice. It's just a good feeling to feel like you're wanted I was able to do this, you know, without you. - Yeah. That's what I'm most proud of. Like you really did that. You're making your own moves. I don't got to tell you where to move. All I've ever wanted for Princess is to succeed. Period. I am more than proud of princess. I really do genuinely think that she's stepping into her own person and that is more than what I could wish for her. - My ultimate goal is being able to walk in a runway. - Imagine us like walking in our own outfits - Expensive outfits! How did I know you was going to say that! - Girl! Like a cute little sibling moment. - That would be really, really cute. - My goal with my sister is to hopefully one day do a modeling campaign with her. We're such a beautiful people inside and out and I just want to outshine her. Okay. Well bitch, we have a party to (bleep) prep for. So that's what this is. Oh yeah. The fridge. What time is Jaren getting here? - Two o'clock and that's it like two hours? - Girl, we got to go. (playful upbeat music) - I think we should position the table first. And then we can map out where everything goes - By We, you mean us? - Yeah. I'll tell you where to put things My mom is set to arrive in one hour and we still have to get decorations done and I really need help. You have to layer it nicely so that like the rice does not go underneath, Bitch. So these should go under that. This table needs to look like the Buddha fight of the year. - How do you want the lights set up - Nicely I have Kiefer and Larry working on the string Lights. Me and princess is digging up holes for these torches, girl, We're going full throttle. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. - Shut the (bleep) up! I'm just encouraging you. - No, It's hot as (bleep). I don't want anybody encouraging me. - You can do it. All you got to do is put your mind to it, to it. I'm tired of this. - More! That's good already. - Really on my seat. - My mom is about to get here any minute now. And we are just rushing everywhere. I hope she sees all the effort that we put into this. - Bitch, you're here already. Mom's almost here bitch. - Yeah. I get the food. Where would you like me to put em? - You can put it upstairs. - Do you need help? - Do you need help? - Yes. - For this Lua, my older brother Jr. is in charge of food. I really hope that my brother being here makes this birthday a little bit more special for my mom because all her three fabulous kids are here. Set that up and then yeah, we'll talk after. Okay. Okay. These bitches always be walking the (bleep) away! The last time I checked that ain't even my mom. ( cheerful gentle music) Oh, she got the bugonce on deck. My cousins. Right Bretman? - Yeah. - I know damn well you could've carried more (bleep) - Bitch, I'm occupied. Bitch, I can't wait to eat. This looks so good. Right? I've never surprised my mom. So I really don't know how she's going to react to this - Hey mom's right here. - Mom's here? - Yeah. Mom's here. - Let's go get her. I really hope she doesn't hate it. And we reminds her of how much she'll miss our family. If she decides to finally move to the Philippines I put blood, sweat and tears in this and I just can't wait for my mom to see that. Oh my God. I'm so excited. - Mom, are you ready? Let me show you what we did. - Happy birthday Mom! Are you surprised? - Yes. Very suprised Let's go eat. Let's - Go. Let's go mom. - I can always tell how my mom's feeling because I mean, she's my mom. If she hates it, I will know. Happy birthday mother we love you. And she's smiling right now and she's looking cute. Thank you. Yes. - Lets eat! - Who made this? Jay? We should have been an eager dual guy. Yeah. Hey, go do that. We want to go chop it down Angie. Do you did you book your flight yet? Yeah. Bretman. - First class - Bretman's mom seems to be enjoying the lua - But Bretman - That bitch looks nervous. I think it has a lot to do with just being vulnerable right now. But I think it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. Okay. Let's do a toast. I really want to do a toast. Okay. I had a whole speech written out and everything but I decided that it would be more sincere to if I spoke from the heart. I just wanted to say thank you guys all so much for coming tonight. Especially the woman of the hour. My mother Mom, thank you so much for everything that you do for all us All of your sacrifices. When we were kids, it's has finally paid off and I really owe my life to you. And I hope you know that hope to build you your house in LA one day in the Philippines. And I just want to do things that dad couldn't. So I hope you don't actually mean that you're leaving this year because that would suck. And I would really miss you so much, but I love you today. That's all that matters. I'm really proud of Bretman right now because he decided to drop the paper and the pen and he just chose to speak from his heart. I love you guys(laughing) (cheers) - Crowd (Cheers).We love you too - Thank you - My mom definitely wants to go back home in Philippines. And although I don't want her to go home that woman is going to do whatever she wants. I definitely will be FaceTiming her every night because I'm a mama's boy. And I need to know what the hell my mom's up to. - Okay guys, I have a performance coming up for the entertainment. So come down whenever you're ready. - Crowd( clapping and cheering) - I'm so impressed that this lua came together because girl, if my mom was leaving, I'd be too upset To pull something this thoughtful off, Bret is really showing a lot of maturity right now, but more important, how the (bleep) did the Princess get all the dancers Like wow - crowd(clapping hands) (playfull upbeat music) - This night means so much to my family. It's just so cute to see my mom. Very happy. If this is her last birthday in Hawaii it's definitely one for the books. (dancing and cheering) - Thank you very much to make me proud and happy for this moment to celebrate my birthday I love you all guys. See you next year. (crowd laughing and cheering) - Wait mom, you should take pictures before the sunset. Yeah. Yeah. You want to take pictures of it? Yeah. Okay. Do some over there. Like of her like sitting down Oh my gosh. You guys, can you believe we're leaving tomorrow? This was so fun. It definitely was. Cheers again. Cheers to you for all your success. Almost the last golden hour. I feel like this is the perfect time to like manifest like our goals. Let's like manifest right now. Manifest tastes. We should go in order. Yeah. Princess. What do you want from the world? From youngest to oldest. - Oh, I want to - You don't have to close your eyes. We're not praying. I'm going to own my own home. I'm going to live the life I wanted to. That's just the life I want to live honestly. I'm going to be a mother (bleep) superstar! - Because you are - With you guys. - Period. Larry? I'm manifesting... - Oh, we can manifest one more time? No, after - You're asking for a lot of the world. - Oh my God. Why are you bringing this energy into manifestation? Yeah. - There's no bad energy. Okay. Okay. Let me restart. Restart. Okay. I restarted. I want an abundant and healthy life and I just want a fatter ass. - Period. - Bret? - I think the only thing that I manifest is for everyone that I love to just be happy this past year has definitely been a lot for me at the end of the day, after all the success and all the money and all of the fame that I've always wanted. I recognize that what really matters is the people that I love the most, family and the people that I love will always come first. Because that is where my true happiness comes from - Bretman really don't (bleep) with me, but he's holding me for real. It's hard to like strech. And most importantly, I manifest a shot! Then (bleep) get it! - Bitch wasn't that so cute? If you enjoy our season finale, make sure you like and subscribe and you can relive our whole journey. Once again
Channel: MTV
Views: 4,117,206
Rating: 4.9679923 out of 5
Keywords: episode 6, ep. 6, ep 106, season finale, bretman rock sunglasses, Bretman's Party, Bretman crying, Keiffer, gender expression, gender reveal, gender surprise, gender, surprise party, Bretman surprise party, Bretman blind date, blind date, blind date fail, Larry, Bretman Larry, MTV, Bretman Rock, MTV’s Following: Bretman Rock, covid-19, corona, pandemic, youtuber, influencer, bretman rock among us, bretman rock mtv, bretman rock show, bretman rock compilation, bretman, bretman ep. 5
Id: scGJRtlhSqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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