The Toxic World of Family Vlogging Channels: How the Ace Family was able to Hide their Past

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and that's when austin the security guard the father and two other guys came into their room um so i just people watch because of the children right now between you and bryce hall man what's what's this all about i was like uh i already feel like this [ __ ] might be kind of tricky moved out about a year ago was there any type of blackmail involved in this situation once the children become adults the party's over although i suppose the children could then start their own channels and just continue the cycle forever which is a pretty frightening thought my hair looks [ __ ] up i'm tired everybody oh my goodness let's start i guess so before this video starts i do want to say that this is a three-part series this video is going to be about the ace family in a few days i'll be uploading another video about eight passengers and then in another video i'm gonna be talking about and i also thought of like putting it all together in one big video that would be probably like three hours and i don't think any of you guys are interested in watching the irishman 28 year old austin mcbroom was born on may 20th 1992 in los angeles california with his brother landon making him a male taurus so do what you want with that information he did a lot of sports in high school basketball football and baseball his junior year he's firmly established as one of the region's top point guard prospects possessing a unique combination of speed balance and vision but in a surprise move mcbroom has decided to put those same attributes to use on the gridiron this fall as a running back and receiver in the viking offense he eventually graduated high school and went on to st louis university to pursue basketball as well as a major in communications and then he just played basketball from 2011 to 2014. as for catherine she has a pretty more interesting stories 30 year old catherine was born on august 24th 1990 in montreal canada she lived in canada with her father until later on in her life she decided to go out into miami and move in with her mother so when she moved out to miami she started modeling and she actually got really big into her modeling career and landed a promotional with victoria secret at just 16. wasn't until she graduated high school that she decided not to go to college but moved to china she moved to china and she stayed there for a few years where she taught english french and spanish a few years of living there she realized that china just wasn't for her so she decided to move back to miami he became a vip manager at a nightclub called arcadia when 2014 is when catherine decided to move to los angeles and quit her job at the nightclub to pursue her modeling career and 2015 is actually when austin and catherine met so we ran into each other at a party he hit me up and he like asked me some questions a couple months later i was like oh like let me just respond because like i don't know just respond something something told me to respond i don't know what it was what she told me she usually doesn't go on dates yeah so yeah for some reason i'm like a nervous person i don't go on dates or anything but something told me to go on a date with him like later on started dating just a few months after they met about a year goes by of them dating and they actually ended up having their very first child named elle back in may 28th of 2016 and two months later on july 27 2016 is when they made their very first youtube video hey guys welcome to our youtube channel this is our first q a the beginning of their youtube career it wasn't really like how it is now it was mostly just like prank videos you know girlfriend cheats on me jk she's not cheating on me sort of thing you know the type of pranks that always lead to a very long and happy relationship they were actually called uh catherine and austin vlogs until they then decided to change the name to ace a standing for austin c standing for catherine and e standing for l their very first child after a while of these prank videos they started to gain a lot of traction and a lot of subscribers not only because of the channel but because austin was a pretty big basketball player at this point he was still playing college but he was leading his team into this division i don't understand basketball but if you do you there you go 2017 their ever so magical engagement video came out today's your birthday i have to do it and i'm in shock because i really thought that he would i never thought that he would do this in a million years this is so crazy catherine johnson pius will you marry me i was watching the engagement video austin proposed to l the child before his girlfriend i just thought that was so weird i was watching the video and he was like fake proposing to like oh so cute he's like proposing to his daughter like that's so cute but he did it in front of his wife 2018 rolls around at this point ace family has about a little over a million subscribers they're really like climbing up there as a way to give back to charity austin decides to hold a charity basketball event versus rice gum rice ricegum and his team and austin and his team were going to verse whoever won the basketball game got to win all of the money that they had raised to a charity of their choice after the fact when the team had won it was only shown on the check that they donated 75 000 when they had made well over half a million 51 000 plus thirty two thousand dollars plus four hundred and sixty thousand dollars the answer is about five hundred forty three thousand us dollars people were furious people were mad they were like what don't get me wrong 75 000 is a lot of money but compared to 500 000 like you could at least do a little better why did you only donate less than a quarter of the money that you actually raised for the event austin then gets on instagram live and he explains himself right you guys said we made 400 000 but i just told you that the tickets just for them just for the tickets they took about 100 to over a hundred thousand that's that drops at 300 000 quick that's just the tickets i didn't even really tell you how much the venue was because not one seat that was empty they said they've never had that before so not only was security expensive but we had to add on extra security right pay for for ambulance just to be there on spot just to be just in case somebody got hurt right because we we had to pay for them to to provide food for our ace family members he basically says how the stadium was taking a certain percentage of the earnings that doesn't even count the merch that they were selling as well jerseys for around 65 dollars which doesn't even cost that much to make in the first place we're just selling these jerseys they were selling backpacks and hoodies and t-shirts i do understand that this is a huge production it really was all for charity then why was it so important to get the best stadium and the best players he should have just been honest with us since the very beginning just saying like obviously an event like this isn't cheap so not a hundred percent of the proceeds but about 75 to 80 percent is going to charity and then that's that but you know they would never say that because that sounds bad so instead they just lie to us now that they're under fire everybody seems to be hating them right now what they do is that they try to divert the conversation to gain sympathy from their audience keep this in mind because this is a big trend that we see every time they get into a scandal they do something trying to get sympathy from their audience and this is exactly what they do in august of 2018 where they hypothetically stage their own house break-in now i say hypothetically because the ace family is also known for suing people and i have about eight dollars in the bank right now so if they do sue me that would suck so i'm not gonna say this is facts but you draw your own conclusions basically what the whole situation entailed was that the family was away at disneyland for a few hours they come home at about 9 30 to see that their house was broken into ace family so we just got home we've been at disney all day and someone broke into our house as you can see we have literally walk in the house the house is pitch black we're tired as hell because we've been at disney for the past six hours and i'm holding l in my arms captain's coming in behind me like i said the house is pitch black i put the keys down the counter and i hear some like glass dropping and i look over and it's a back door shattered so i told katherine the girls get the [ __ ] out of there we left had to run to the neighbors talk to the neighbors now like i said the cops are finally here um and hopefully they didn't take too much [ __ ] but like i said this is this is scary the back door was shattered a bunch of their stuff was all over the place you know like any other sane person when their house gets broken into they post about it on twitter trying to gain sympathy from their audience before the video was even released austin posts on august 16th that their house got broken into and he's shaking with fear and he cannot believe what happened right they upload the video on august 20th and fans are immediately able to point out a lot of inconsistencies with their timeline what happens is that they walk into the house and they hear some glass shattering and immediately when they heard the glass shattering they realized that their back door was busted and they walked out of the house immediately and called the police the police show up red flag number one is that when the police show up at the house they then go into the house to investigate but the ace family follows right behind them my guy right here he's helping us out he's part of the ace family also revealed that there was actually a knife taken from the kitchen as austin says on the impulsive podcast when they broke in they went to the kitchen to get a weapon they took a knife upstairs bro holy crap it was like if someone's in here we might we might do something tonight why would you bring your kids into a house that just got broken into with a theoretical intruder still possibly inside letting them roam around the house putting their fingerprints on everything as if there could not be an intruder around the corner red flag number three and probably the biggest red flag is that they post for a thumbnail they they posed for a thumbnail if that doesn't scream shaking in fear i don't know what does catherine said hey can one of you take this uh we want it in front of the shattered back door l hey l can you actually like put your hand over your face like you're super stressed yeah okay are we in okay great on three that was weird and also the fact that they were being super calm like super calm and collected throughout this entire thing they were even making jokes got to get them pictures he saved the day he's a real hero right here and i guess the cops just said tmz is already outside not even the craziest part okay whatever you're doing right now stop what you're doing and listen to me okay because you have to hear this i want this to sit with you like it sits with me are you listening okay okay august 16th is when the break-in happened later after the video was released a receipt from an online store called top cop shop where he ordered five cops five police cars and one sheriff on august 16th the same night that his house was broken into i think i just passed out life truly writes itself life truly writes itself that is unforgivably embarrassing i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna say anything because everything is hypothetical everyone's like you have to be kidding me in response to this whole thing catherine then comes out on twitter with a notepad explanation basically saying that how could we fake something like that those are real cops and you guys are the bad guys how dare you disrespect the lapd they risk their lives by going in there even though we followed right behind them why would you bring your kids in there i'm not trying to call them bad parents i'm just trying to call them bad actors apparently this whole thing wasn't all fake because they actually sent a picture of the police report to keemstar that keemstar eventually uploaded someone is making a fake receipt of like us paying for cop actors like these were real cops that were in her home like that's against the law to do that to fake a receipt to fake an invoice that's against the law looking a little bit closer at this police report why is the date of occurrence august 15th instead of august 16th the same date that you said the break-in happened is illegal so it kind of makes me think that they had this police report handy my conspiracy is that maybe their house did semi get broken into maybe the person broke the back door or maybe they broke it themselves they called the police but the footage wasn't up to their standards so instead they had to refilm the break-in but now with cops that will do what they say again because of all of this austin then gets on instagram live and tries to defend himself and show footage that they never put into the vlog of a lady coming out the next day and basically giving fingerprints of the house is pretty odd considering that he said on the impulsive podcast that he slept in the house that night week straight he can even bounce to this i was in the living room sleeping on the couch with another gun i was literally sleeping like this for sure like this slept in the house that night meaning that their fingerprints were getting over everything even on possible fingerprints that could lead to a suspect their fingerprints were now covering up why wouldn't they just do it on scene to prevent anybody else's fingerprints from going over anything else this is a 10 million dollar house typically 10 million dollar houses come with security installed into the house you know they don't come with security cameras but they come with the little baby when you like open and close the front door and then you put in the code and whatever but for some reason that was never mentioned this occurrence happened not only after the first charity ball event but it actually happened just a week prior to austin's old tweets resurfacing also it said nowhere in the police report that the intruder walked away with a weapon which is typically a really crucial part that you need to put into the police report knowing that this person could come back with a possible weapon nonetheless their audience was defending them who rahu raw life went on october of 2018 is when they actually had their second daughter so at this point they're thinking oh yes great we got our sympathy we're off the hook we're ready to go that doesn't last for long because ace family uploads a video where they have this ice cream truck with their name ace family written on the side of it these have an army they just don't know when you're ready we're ready we're ready this is the craziest thing that i've ever seen guys we did this last minute a few days after that video was uploaded a graphic designer by the name of urban trademark then makes a video claiming that austin mcbroom stole his idea he used to work at this shop where he would make his own designs and he would put it on headbands t-shirts etc one day austin walks into the shop and says hey who makes the design of these headbands because i think they're really cool his information is on the tag and austin later hits up this graphic designer urban trademark and decides hey i really like your stuff let's collab collaboration or you know let's figure that out first he was like for show so we sat down talked for like about an hour they meet and the conversation then becomes more about austin wanting more headbands than it is about actually collaborating this is what kind of threw me off where i was like uh i already feel like this [ __ ] might be kind of tricky it was like yeah bro let's let's go to the car austin keeps on repeating throughout the conversation like hey i think what you're doing is really cool but we're the headbands like i really want to see these headbands urban is like yeah i would love to do that for you but i actually like if we are going to collab then that means i would make personalized designs for you at this point urban is like yeah there's something up with this guy i don't know what it is urban then explains the idea to austin that he used to have his own shop but now he realizes that going mobile is like the big move for him like back up we could negotiate like the price and then i was out and then it just clicked to me i was like another thing with dope is i'm working on a truck that i'm about to drop that um we can like basically do pop-ups where every band that i make exclusively for you we pop up we can sell them and then you know just it's love like you know i'm saying connecting to the people they already you already said with the brand already so it makes sense so he's like yeah brother it's not hard to elaborate more on the truck so i tell him the whole get down about the truck and i used to have a store and now i feel like mobile is the new wave urban has a daughter of his own so in the works coloring book so he gives austin a coloring book and he's like hey like can you give this to your daughter like i made this for my daughter and i'm working on a bunch of coloring books right now and it'd be really cool if you gave this to her i'm gonna give a book to his daughter because i made the book for my daughter um that's what inspired me and i'm like he has a little one so i want to give her a coloring book so um on my way out when we got to the car i give him the coloring book and i'm like hey you know this is for your daughter you know just give it to her if you can you know take a picture you know just trying to promote the book for kids he was like um he's like dope that's for sure i got you austin was super on board he was like yeah yeah definitely i'll give this to her but then when urban decided to bring up the idea of like hey can i actually get a picture of you with the coloring book austin kind of felt very defensive and i was like do you mind if i get a picture with you with the book he instantly like froze up for a second i was like nah nah let's just wait man i only take professional pictures if you wanted to take a picture with a fan you would say no because you only take professional pictures like that is such a weird excuse a week later urban hits up austin again and says hey i just finished these designs how do they look austin says wow those designs look really really cool like i can't wait to collab with you another few days go by and that is when austin uploaded the truck to his channel and said that he is going to be starting pop-up shops now i'm not saying austin completely ripped off the ice cream truck idea but the timing was a little weird urban decided to make his own video explaining the situation and saying how austin had completely ripped him off and also stole his idea a couple days later i seen on youtube he had on the band some bands that looked like my dance for him and his daughter [Music] i just know my work and i was like so i kind of like i took it with a grain of salt but then when i just seen this truck i felt some type of way and that's when i was like austin's response to this was not even a response he was just making fun of him the entire time like his headbands went to the store saw some headbands hit him up want to collab he didn't want to collab with me because he tried to say that the headbands were expensive he was bullshitting he was trying to get over on me so i said you know what bruh you know what i'ma have my grandma making my own headbands it was actually trademark that didn't want to work with him which is very unbelievable to me because if you are a small creator and a person like austin with over 5 million subscribers approaches you no one is going to turn that down a heat considering that he already had the designs and everything lined up ready to go got mad it was wearing my headbands with l he was like this dude is he he tried to take my idea he took my the idea where you put the banner on your head and you cross it and you tie it and you put it in your head he stole that from me austin from the ace family stole my art and i don't like him the ace family's blowing up i'm itching for that clout pill i need that clout ace family blowing up they got over 10 million subs i'm trying to get some attention you think you are you'd invent our headbands idiot austin's response to this was extremely immature basically just calling trademark a clout chaser and not really explaining what went on it is a weird coincidence and instead of just saying it was a weird coincidence and being like oh i know this kind of looks bad but like i didn't get the idea from him like we've been actually thinking about this for a while instead of saying something like that he then just calls trademark a clout chaser after that trademark really said nothing else and that isn't also another trend that you should keep in mind for later that every time someone calls out the ace family and it seems like the allegations are true they're immediately shut down and never talk about it again they're like oh my god we're under fire again what are we gonna do we gotta figure out something to get the people sympathy oh i got a great idea let's do another basketball game you're kidding me like that went so well the last time oh but this one's a doozy let me tell you about it they come out with a video in january basically saying as you guys saw our last video was giving back to our fans and we love the ace family so much so what we're gonna do is give back to the ace family it sounds pretty easy to me if you think you can do it hit us up if you think your favorite youtuber or celebrity can do it make sure you tag them i also put the video on my instagram so make sure you tag them in the comments guys it's a 300k you don't have to pay to enter implying that okay ace family is their fans so they're gonna be giving you back to the fans again makes sense right this isn't just the normal basketball charity event that we're used to no no this is not going to be a team versus team sort of thing you are going to sign up and it's going to be randomly chosen as to who is invited into this basketball event and the winner just wins a hundred thousand dollars it and the craziest part is that he says he's like it's only for charity if you want it to be for charity although we suggest it's up to you but we suggest whoever wins donates a portion to charity you all know cath and i love giving back okay weird detail but i'll continue listening it's an optional charity event it's not an actual charity event we're just gonna say that so we can slap the title on there but it's optional as i said earlier this isn't a typical basketball game uh it's not you know just a team versus a team it's actually a person versus a person so whoever can get the highest amount of three-pointer shots in a given time uh wins the hundred thousand dollars and he also gives the initiative that okay anybody any gender any age can join meaning anyone can join but what he doesn't say is that people only that are super rich and famous can join because he uploads the contestant list and it's literally just all famous youtubers people were extremely mad that he said he was gonna give away a hundred thousand dollars to someone who needed it but on the list were a bunch of millionaires who really didn't need a hundred thousand dollars not only was the whole event not randomly selected but it was not for the fans none of the fans were getting the money it was literally just his rich and famous friends that were getting the money it's not even a hundred thousand dollars that like oh 100k goes to a charity of your choice it's a hundred thousand in your pocket and if you want to give some to charity then do it where was this money in the first charity event like why couldn't you give this money away to charity like you're giving it away to just people right now as you can see on the contestant list there are two openings and that is because austin decided to surprise us with one of his super famous and really good basketball friends in response to everyone bashing on austin saying like how could you say that this is a charity event but then make it optional and also how could you say that it's for the ace family when you're literally just putting a bunch of famous people on there a lot of people kept saying you know give it to someone who needs it like they kept saying everyone in the event you know makes a lot of money so they don't need it guys you don't know what people's situations are so you don't know how much someone makes at all which is probably i think the most tone deaf i've ever heard austin really think that people who live and pay for to be in multi-million dollar homes only drive around in expensive sport cars and only wearing designer clothing needs a hundred thousand dollars if they really needed the money they could easily sell one of their eight cars and earn a hundred thousand dollars or they could sell all of their designer clothes and easily get a hundred thousand dollars so what does happen is that the last space that i said earlier that was not filled up was then filled up by a random contestant in the crowd i picked someone out of the stands that wasn't in the contest just because we really wanted to give it away and i felt like he had a good shot next thing you know he wins the game that's though that's such a cool story but what's weird about this random contestant named austin hills the same austin hills whose mother jade hills owns a luxury real estate business has over 20 million dollars in sales this information a lot of people thought that the random contestant really wasn't so random and everybody was racking on them for only picking famous people obviously to do what they do best and try to gain back sympathy they decide to stage a random contestant sort of thing where they pull out a person in the crowd and that person ends up winning when in reality that person wasn't so random it was just a way to make themselves look better and be like oh they really were giving back it was just a random person in the crowd that is all hypothetical anyways okay moving on january of 2019. so things already weren't looking good for them ace family is like yes we got our sympathy back again we're back on track we got this charity event we got the people back on our side let's move on halt austin screwed it up we gotta go back january of 2019 is where things get a little odd basically what happened austin is out with catherine's niece and they go into what looks like a six-year-old girl that is with austin uh sees this lollipop on the wall and it's how do i say this without like it being i mean it is weird there's no way to say this without it being weird it's this big lollipop shaped as a and of course a little kid seeing that having no clue what it actually is it's just a big lollipop to them so they're just like oh my god like i want that lollipop and that's exactly what catherine's niece says to austin what'd you say what are you trying to get to do you love what show catherine what you have in your hand show catherine show her she said it's a lollipop why they're even there in the first place is like a whole nother question but the fact that she sees this lollipop and she's like oh my god like i want it and austin starts filming the entire thing he's just like oh you want this lollipop i don't think you can have it because obviously we can't have that you could just say like oh it's too expensive or that one's dirty you can't have those something like that so the kid understands oh okay i can't have this even then just say no but no no that would not be the austin mcbroom that we all know austin buys it for her are you really making me buy this lollipop right now do you really want it please bro put that in a bag right now keep that in the bag forever do not show that to anybody okay okay that's your little secret put that away put that lollipop away i'm in so much trouble but she said she's gonna steal it if i didn't buy it so it's better me buy it did he just say she was gonna steal it girl she couldn't even reach it in the first place what that was that was a stupid excuse in films the entire thing the entire thing not even really thinking that hey maybe this child doesn't want this video on the internet of her for the rest of her life that is like one of the main things that are so toxic about these family vlogging channels is that it's mostly about the kids and the kids don't even really consent to this type of stuff being on the internet and also i wanted to mention when i was like doing research for this video i found so many random compilations of austin just being extremely rude to catherine welcome back to our channel guys what's going on everybody look at my hair no good thing i don't have to know i'm going to say good thing to be on camera today okay god okay my hair looks [ __ ] up i would not film like this so just go okay okay one two three hey [Applause] what are you about to laugh where are they and what you'll realize going forward is that no matter what austin gets involved with catherine is always there by his side to defend him in a weird way doing these family vlogging channels it's extremely toxic because it's like your career is based upon you guys being a family so if there is no family there is no job there is no money everything is just gone after that so even if they were like just hypothetically really unhappy it's like they're not even staying together for the kids they're staying together for the camera has made the argument in the first place that if l didn't want to be on camera she doesn't have to but at the same time of course l doesn't run away from the camera because the camera is all she knows they've been filming l since she was three months old so she knows nothing else so of course she's not gonna run away from the camera she knows the camera as if it was a part of her family because of this situation austin really doesn't say much he just kind of sticks to himself because this isn't the type of situation where you could be like that is a rumor that did not happen because it did happen and like we literally saw it on your snapchat story which you posted publicly it didn't really say much for a response because what are you supposed to say there's no really way out of it and since there was no way out of it what they did was doing what they do best and divert the conversation to something else such as them banking a video saying that they're taking a break from youtube the title is correct the title is correct this is actually happening um we will be taking a break from youtube not telling you guys how long just yet but we are taking a break they're finally learning from their mistakes they're finally learning that these things they're doing is unacceptable and so they're going to take a little break to kind of think about what they did and all of the other mistakes that they made and then come back a brand new ace family but that wouldn't be the ace family so instead they make a documentary series trying to gain sympathy back no behind the camera [ __ ] that they don't know but they should know you came to my house at midnight with my family inside my daughter's sleeping acting like your security always picture perfect you can't say that why can't i say that you can't because then all the comments in the description it gets hard but that's because we're human and the pressure sometimes gets to us we just don't always show it i think that sometimes people forget that i'm a mom and i haven't slept in months they decided to make a four-part documentary series basically about their life and the truth of the ace family taking one for the team and what i did was watch all of the documentary episodes which was kind of rinse and repeat the same exact thing the only episode that i really saw worth talking about was actually episode number two kind of go into their controversies without actually apologizing for any of them and we've we've made some mistakes i mean like we're not perfect right but it doesn't mean that we're bad people you know and and something coming out and circulating again is literally purely just to make us look bad catherine is so close to owning up to her mistakes and saying yeah we've made mistakes in the past but we're not gonna tell you those mistakes because if we did then we would lose all of our brand sponsorships their like to dislike ratio on this documentary series is incredible this documentary series obviously took flight and then after that they never really they were off the hook again they were gaining sympathy back from their fans and that was that so was no one gonna tell me that my eyelash is literally hanging on by a thread that is the craziest thing i've ever seen in my life and i truly do apologize for that if it bothers you just uh cover the right side of the screen oh my god that that is uh incredible actually off the hook for a pretty long time but didn't last for long until july of 2019 is when cheating allegations against austin mcbroom came out by a girl named bella now this little feud actually didn't last too too long basically bella said that her friend slept with austin while in a trip in miami and austin made her sign an nda straight afterwards and the only person that she's showing the proof to is catherine this actually ended up blowing up as well as catching the attention of catherine herself basically saying post your proof the people want to see and if they do come to sue you i will pay the money after that nothing was posted nothing was said no one knows that if bella reached out to catherine or maybe bella was met with a lawsuit or something to keep her quiet and then catherine posted that tweet to make her look bad no one really knows because no one said anything after that every time someone comes out saying like hey austin did this to me they're immediately shut down with taking down their video or their tweet or suing them completely this same situation happens again in august when a guy named cole carrigan comes out with a video basically saying his two friends were s a'd by austin a security guard his dad and his two other friends trigger warning for the next part because this is actually very very intense and it's extremely hard to watch but it did something happened whether it had to be with austin or not something did go on i'm gonna put up the screenshots right here of her sending pictures of the girl to austin and him replying with that here's another one here is another one so after the girls were approved i guess after he swiped right and left like this is tinder um here is the next message of them talking about the address and if she had packed yada yada yada talking about the private jet so now i'm going to also insert a screenshot between my friend and austin's assistant i've heard saying that they are here and a link from for the yacht that they were on and then here's also a screenshot of the link that was sent so you guys know it was for a yacht okay so now fast forward two days later june 22nd when they are on the yacht picture right here of austin and his dad together at live the night before this happened so you guys have proof that the dad was there on the trip after they all had been drinking my two friends went back to their room to go change that's when austin the security guard the father and two other guys came into their room she repeatedly said no multiple times over and over and over to the point where she started crying that's when they forced themselves in her and i will insert the photos of the blood all over the bed sheets in the hotel room right here on the exact same date june 22nd all of a sudden one of his uh like basketball player friends comes in the room too and is like trying to do the same thing touching us as we're naked we're literally naked and you know we're not like pushing them off because we're so drunk we're really not even capable of like pushing them off of us but the next thing i remember is being on the bed and his nba player friend was having sex with me i don't ever remember giving him consent to looking up and austin's dad alan is there and i am seeing him unbuckle his pants pull down his pants and pull out his penis in front of my face basically wanting me to suck his penis point i remember just getting us into and all of a sudden i hear her yelling no and screaming and crying and all of the guys start rushing out but basically austin replied denying the entire thing even though there was pictures and videos afterwards of him being at that party the text message that he includes in the video by keemstar giving him hush money of five hundred thousand dollars could so i called him and he basically asked me what was going on what happened why i tweeted that and the story behind it reach out to my friend that it happened to and get her to speak so he could put a video together next day came and he didn't tweet anything he didn't upload anything so i texted him saying how much did they pay you to keep quiet and he responded with this keemstar actually comes out with a video with the real screenshots saying to cole that he was being sarcastic what i i think you're missing some texts there bro like where is the whole like i'm being sarcastic how come that's not added in there where are we just gonna act like that doesn't exist and quite frankly you've been very adamant on twitter that you are going to ruin the ace family so if they did pay me off 500k why would i tell you so i didn't mention this in the video but one of the victims that cole was actually talking about came out on instagram basically saying that she had no idea that the other victim and cole were even talking and nor did she know that her traumatic event was going to be displayed on drama alert also that austin is not to blame he did not are anyone but at the same time he was there you have two people saying that you were there even though you didn't do anything you still could have done something because you were there your father was there along with this statement she also includes a text message conversation of her and cole basically saying that since keemstar was paid off 500 000 he would split the money with the victim which is like so disgusting it's like it's not about money it's about making sure that this doesn't happen to other people that is like just that is so gross and he tried to turn it around afterwards saying i had bad intentions in the beginning but now i'm a bigger person no you're not like you shouldn't even want money you should just want your friends to be okay i hate the internet so then since cole had lied about so many minuscule things it was very hard to take accountable anything that he was saying at all clearly something happened like there are pictures to prove that something had happened it was just unclear on what i feel like it could have been a really good call for justice it was just terribly handled so none of the victims got any justice at all then afterwards cole took down his video because he was getting threatened with lawsuits same thing with the other girl and then now january of 2021 pretty recently um this girl on tick tock uploads a video of austin sliding into her dms [Music] so my video got taken down well here's a message where often is afternoon to plenty okay so i'm coming on here to explain what's going on so this is part two all of this did start because of me because i did message austin first i sent him a post of himself and i just put heart eyes i had no idea that austin was going to see the message or back but he did reply and he did continue to message me so i wanted to come on here and share this so everybody can hopefully understand the situation this happened to her it happened to me and it's probably happened to a whole bunch of other girls i'm sure a lot of girls don't tell their sides i'm sure there's a lot of people that just you know don't say anything because they might be scared that they might receive next girl post to tick tock says hey austin was at this party and he was trying to get with my friend and this is proof that he was at the party i don't have any videos of him hitting on her but like just take my word for it and all of a sudden again video gets taken down this specific video everybody was really calling out austin saying that how dare he be out in miami going to parties till 5 in the morning while katherine is at home with three children now this part is a hundred percent a conspiracy i was just doing research for this video and then i came across lauren gray's video that she uploaded a few days ago not saying she was referring to austin but it does sound extremely like him what is the one moment you felt secondhand embarrassment for someone i went to this launch party a while ago ian introduced me to a man this man i had watched on youtube i thought he was great he was looking at me weird but like whatever i got in the uber to leave the party i had this guy added on snapchat because i was like you know a fan as soon as my ass hits the seat and i'm in this uber i get a notification that this person added me back on snapchat heard stories about this person by the way this person has a whole ass family and i had heard a lot of stories but i never believe anything i see because the internet just makes all the time but i got in the car i was 17 at this point i opened a message from this person and he had the audacity to ask me how old i was i was shaking because i was so angry that this man had a whole ass family and had messaged me how old are you because i opened them like i opened the message and i didn't respond because i was like dude no also you have a family like i don't know just gross behavior everyone who i've told that story to is like yeah that makes sense he does that to a lot of people and i see stories come out all the time and i'm like yeah i believe it like now i believe it saying this is austin by saying that he is a famous youtuber he's a father he lives in los angeles and he has a history of hitting up random girls it does narrow it down a bit like i just said this was all happening this year in 2021 all of this was going down now class if you were paying attention what does the ace family do when they get into scandals that they don't want to talk about what do they do they divert the conversation to gain sympathy that is what he is currently doing he's trying to set up a boxing match with bryce hall right now between you and bryce hall man what's this all about ah this kid has all the excuses in the world man it's crazy because you know he talks about my age since when does age have anything to do with boxing right he talks about have kids what do kids have to do with boxing he keeps saying you know if we fight has to be underneath his terms he's getting his five million guaranteed five minutes i know i probably shouldn't be saying some of this [ __ ] but i'm just gonna say like i should get that far i told the team i said look i'll agree for bryce hall to fight me i'll agree to make less money than him and guess what i did i threw in a bonus out of my pocket if he wins i'll give him an extra million dollars now he's getting six million a lot of people keep asking why him right right and to be honest like i really just don't like the kid like he's talking [ __ ] about me and my family like even even behind my back and so i know there's gonna be more excuses what what's gonna be excuse now he's gonna end up saying you know i have i have enough money money doesn't matter to me that's what he's gonna say this man i'm getting whiplash at how many pets he's taking us on bryce actually got wind of what austin was trying to do and this was his response to it are you thinking about accepting it yet oh yeah no i am accepting it he met my requirement so you gonna do it for 6 million i'm sorry so you're gonna do it for sure twice yeah it's uh so i don't know if i'm allowed to discuss my deal but i'm getting five million flat wow nice one million dollar winning bonus out of out of uh austin's pocket so why the [ __ ] wouldn't i do that you know amazing amazing and do you have any special message to austin that that's that doesn't know what he just signed up for you don't know what he just signed up for so i'm not really sure update the fight is happening it was just released yesterday youtubers vs tick-tockers oh my god who's on who's even on this list tanner fox girl he's going to give the whole squad kobit you already know i think it's pronounced michelle or michael not sure but uh is his little brother gonna be in it too oh no and the fact that bryce is on steroids isn't he on steroids bryce hall i think i read that somewhere i don't know for sure but uh that is definitely something they should look into oh my god you pick me let me fight austin i would die just by walking in the door i wouldn't even make it to the ring vinny hacker wait so what is this so it's not like 1v1 it's like teams that's cool you pick oh my god are they going to pick a random contestant from the crowd pick the random contestant they're like hey you you want to fight it's like mayweather they're like girl i have 110 more things to say but we'll just leave it at that that is the funniest thing ever ace family is like that roller coaster that you get off of and you're like i can't tell if i'm scared or confused so i'll be uploading this video and then two to three days from now i'll be uploading eight passengers and then from there i'll be uploading to prevent me from getting sued or this video taken down everything in this video everything that i just said is a conspiracy it is just information okay that's it we're on the same wavelength okay yeah hypothetical me and you know what that means someone in my last video said that i should try putting on false eyelashes and i've only put on lashes like three times in my life so i try to do it for this video how we liking them in real life i look like the wicked witch of the west by the wicked witch of the west thank you guys for 50 000 why did that just hit me [Music] that just hit me in like a really weird way yeah all i can say is law of attraction read about it if you do want to watch the two other videos that i make about those family vlogging channels make sure to subscribe and yeah i think that's all if you guys have any other people that you want me to commentate on next leave them in the comments below and so yeah with that being said i hope you guys have a beautiful day and do something that makes you happy today [Music] i'm taking one for the team we taking shots till it's love don't you come around
Channel: Hailey Elizabeth
Views: 2,485,355
Rating: 4.8897328 out of 5
Id: YQuuq7qKb4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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