Deep Sea Catch n' Cook in Hawaii (Grilled Fish)

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Oh [Music] what is going on guys we are on a deep-sea fishing adventure you guys have been asking us for a long and we are finally doing it we are on Hawaii I am with [Music] and we're with who is a local lifeguard grew up here into life and then Donovan is the captain just is going to be the skipper today is the captain and guys check it out we have a full full moon right behind us it is dawn let's get fishing I would like to take my dad for putting this trip you always put the end [Music] with a bunch of big pound leader is that 300 300 pound test moon [Music] what do I do here guys just a few minutes in like literally few minutes in we have a bite all right wahooo right off the bat Mackrell oh wow just a few minutes look at that 99 you guys look at that fish guys that was just a few minutes out there like five minutes control and that does not happen because when we come every before we've done like a nine hour trolling trip zero fish so to come out here get a fish at faster scrolling is particularly amazing in why that fish called an Ono one of my favorite fish to eat I'm up here gotta be careful on this unbelievable welcome to the Forbidden Island yes everybody isis's our captain today we're gonna pull up the banking of the frame take off your clothes we're dropping you off drop me off at the Forbidden Island how many years have you been fishing out here in Hawaii on Maui huh probably actually got about 30 so we're good hands this trip guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got one that double you guys we got double I think this one came off to way he might be swimming toward us I don't know if he's swimming tortoise or if it came off I think you came home no he's still there he's on he's on his swimming straight worst day swimming right area right Peter step back check out the gap the gap No yep Wow that gorgeous water and we're close to shore guys 250 feet of water this close to shore alright guys they are now [Music] we jettison blueberries and we're headed out to a for some tuna just a little newer chain put on something small fibreglass heads I make seducer doors sweet these are for the oh no sir first opponent okay that one not on this one Chuck gotta pull these in we can lay in the fish without tangling that is probably a Marlin right here and I'm gonna pass it to Chuck okay [Music] I guys got a fight we got a bite here Pop's it to you can you open that cooler yes sir [Music] they say well there we go now we ah he does that count as an ahi no it doesn't pounding his head oh gosh that google Hossein that's your number [Music] that's crazy and torn-up guys they're gonna switch out the lure it's really crazy guys because this is line and so it sinks so you don't even need a fishing rod you just have this big reel right here with lead fishing line and that keeps the low in the water they lure low in the water and then you can have up high the regular fishing rods so that's why we can have five lines out at once I think it's that's all we got one chef left [ __ ] you yeah that was a crazy coincidence sitting there explaining the real guys check this out it's like a great big rabbit trap say the hook up ratio isn't very good on this one Chuck hit twice but we've done on both times you to switch it out right there it's a blast that's it all the bathroom by a 1 pound guys we have some small did you say some small check something hit it so hard guys to turn the maid around that's crazy whoo yeah I would bought oh great it's about halfway in pops you're doing great I know it's hard it's way harder than it looks isn't it oh yeah your left oh yeah you all right oh yeah I can see leader pop there's a few more feet yes sir I'll open up the cooler all right [Music] nice Wow you guys said as we'd come around this point out here it's really good spot again got another bite we're on what oh ye got him oh how nice look at that beautiful fish oh my gosh let him settle down a second nice that's three species on the day yeah we missed a Marlin here we are in the back what a sight again back in the harbor what is the most oh no you guys have ever gotten a date or like highest number bone my best day was on the Big Island and not exactly sure how many we got probably 30 or 40 of them Wow I got the deal yeah I'm gonna slice this yes yes stand back beautiful big stakes oh no is that a good fish you got you yeah local guys like that one cuz they like the fishy tasting fish they don't like my mind yeah they like the real fishy taste they eat fish for the fish taste and then guys we're gonna take this little guy home and these make fantastic bait we're probably sampling two or probably probably tried tasting them but we're gonna take them home and this the flesh of this fish is really oily and we're gonna try them in a bait so state to try him as bait so stay tuned for that episode thank you guys when the videos up Chuck thank you so much okay thank you have a good day yes I will guys what a day what a fabulous day of fishing that is the best day of trolling I've ever had I've gone out trolling like that several times and just we haven't had much luck in fact last time we went we got zero fish in like a nine-hour trip so to go out I catch that many fish was just amazing now we got to cook some up so I came out here on the roof of our condo because they have this sweet little party spot right up here and nobody's up here right now check out that new amazing and right over here we have grills and then right over here we have this sweet little kitchen spot where we can prepare the fish here both of these filets by cooking them in foil on the grill this is the Ono and then the thin piece is the mine that actually put each fillet in its own like little boat here so that we don't you know mix the flavors we could taste each fish how it's gonna be we're gonna put some butter real butter whipped butter okay right on there then douse a little olive oil then some rosemary then salts minced garlic and finally some basil leaf crumbles that should do it for now oh wait I almost forgot the most important part one of the most important parts some lemon over this good amount on each fish put some lemon slices in there as well okay look at that guys we got some beautiful fish now let's make this up into a little boat make sure we seal it up good to get seal in all the flavors to a flaming grill we will add both of the fish and cloves that time and now we wait while the fish cooks let's do a little giveaway here guess you see my necklace that I wearing almost every single one of my videos well they have them here in Hawaii and I cannot find these online so I bought an extra one and I will send this to you guys personally all you have to do to enter the giveaway is share this video somewhere with someone and then put a comment down below and I will pick somebody randomly from the comments section there is no signup there's no hey click here and then give me your email and phone number and social security number and everything else none of that all you have to do is share the video and leave a comment down below randomly pick someone even if this is like your fruit you're like you don't even know anything about me is your first time watching a video comment down below if you want this sweet necklace I love it so many necklaces that they sell tourists here in Hawaii they come apart really easily I've had the same one for forever so anyway comment down below if you guys want a necklace and share the video and you will be entered into the giveaway let's check this out huh done oh man guys I cannot I wish I could transmit smell through the camera I cannot this smells amazing and the fish is cooked through Oh guys look at that say a quick prayer for this amazing blessed day so many cool things guys we didn't even I didn't have the camera out this one part we saw pilot whales didn't even know the other thing we saw dolphins flying fish just so many beautiful animals out there and of course all the fish that we caught all right here we go I'm gonna try the oh no first you're the wahoo whoa how do they come up with that name wahoo there we go guys the fish is so good and then that combination of spices on it I think I'm getting I got Anza today this I'm getting better and better cooking all right so if I can take a moment to brag on myself here look at even how good that looks that with the color combination of spices right there let's try the mahi-mahi way different texture than the wahoo into ah who's like steak it's like thick and the mahi-mahi is like really very flaky so if you asked me which one I like better I would have to say the oh no the Ono's much better with this particular combination of spices I'm not to bring some to my old man later because some of you probably wondering where he is but we off that boat and he was tired and he was like I need a nap so he crashed he's probably gonna be out for like two hours so that's where he is I'm not gonna worry about him for right now I'm just gonna cook for me well guys thank you so much for hanging out today don't forget to leave a comment down below to be entered into the giveaway and if you guys want to see extra content please consider becoming a member of my channel for the price of a Starbucks coffee $4.99 a month you get to see all the extra videos from this trip thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 949,390
Rating: 4.9158959 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, ace videos, ace, videos, deep sea fishing, ace videos hawaii, deep sea, sea, deep, deep sea catch and cook, catch and cook, catch n cook, catching, cooking, lure, deep sea lures, lures, ono, wahoo fish, fishing for wahoo, mahi, mahi mahi, dolphin fish, grilled fish, fishing for mahi, maui, hawaii, Hawaiian, hawaiian fish, tuna, trolling, troll, haul, big fish, marlin, bait, reel, boat, ocean, saltwater fishing, saltwater, salty, fisherman, fishermen, adventure, tropical, big game, gamefish
Id: XPFOdInC0t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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