Bought a 100% FREE Storage Locker! Abandoned FREE STUFF Everywhere!

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free this didn't cost me anything it's the first free storage unit that i've ever had in my life oh look at that oh that's coach ready oh yeah it's in there oh this one's heavy [Music] what's up guys we just bought storage units long story short i am one freaking tired guy okay you guys watched the last probably video of the two units that we bought the insane thousand dollars that we found in cash well that same facility gave me this unit completely free so we didn't buy this one at all did i say we bought it no okay let me explain why this unit is free so you guys that are new to the business kind of know so long story short the reason why this is free and yes it is legal for them to give it to me because um they were caught up on their bill they didn't owe anything at all they this was not a lean unit they didn't owe they didn't owe anything to the the facility the problem is they live in a different state they don't live in the state of oregon anymore they move to a different state and so they only have two options come back to the state of oregon and get all their stuff or um basically let it go and see if the facility can find somebody to give it to because at the end of the day you can sell your own storage units did you guys know that like if you owned a storage unit you can sell it on storage treasures some facilities allow this they can sell it on storage treasures but the problem is they have to physically be here to give it to the buyer and and this person is in a different state so they couldn't even sell their unit they can't come get their unit so the only other option is to see if the facility will give it to a storage unit buyer like myself and since i bought this one over here [Laughter] we already cleaned it out it's in the truck we did that today this is number three for me storage unit wise today it's insane doing three storage units in one day but this is the free one guys so yeah let's do the unboxing this didn't cost me anything it's the first free storage unit that i've ever had in my life and i've been doing this for quite a few years now i've never actually got a free storage unit not even one dollar free and um you guys will see in a later video i actually got two storage units for free and we just stepped foot in there and there's collector dolls and looney tunes and everything so i got two storage units for you this is number one free storage unit okay are you ready ready okay ashley's gonna be the camera person we're gonna bring stuff out here since there's no light in there and then we're gonna um show you guys right here all right the only problem is i didn't bring my oh and you know they're going to want to know how much money we made in the last units the last unit we made over twelve hundred dollars yeah i can't believe we found this for free now it's insane bathroom stuff a lot of times they'll hide jewelry and different things in bathroom now so you have to look what's in here okay we do have some jewelry in here looks like hair ties and stuff oh some beads for buttons dude it feels good going through a freeze oh look at that oh my goodness graham adventure's gonna love this wow okay here's another one i think look at this though this is hand blown okay it feels good getting a free storage unit guys completely fine hard work pays off yeah hard work believe me i've been at this since early this morning guys i am so tired i even got sweat in my eyes like man it is brutal it's almost six right now p.m and i've unboxed so get this i've done two storage units today two filming of storage units today three storage units i've loaded and one i've unloaded and i've went to the dump all in one day today so look a little tired that's why but treasures don't stop for nobody do they okay brand new [Music] man after getting that one brand new storage unit it's almost like i used the word brand new out but i found three of these already i like the middle one and then we got obviously some christmas christmas stuff holidays yeah you're tired of christmas yeah yeah after the last storage unit oh my gosh there's a lot of boxes in here that's cool that is cool man i find oh look at that guy he's cool yeah oh you put candy in there there's another one and we have a brand new scooper i always have to buy one of those every year so now we got some halloween stuff in there every year i buy one of those scoopers so maybe i'll keep that one this year okay all right this one sits closed i bet you have clothes yep they neatly packed their clothes though look at that yeah they shoved them all yeah i'm not gonna go through this but guys it's all closed oh they're on the hangers too man they took care of them look at that i'm telling you this unit took care of their stuff guys this is all gonna go in the garage cell by the way so if you guys want this uh it's all gonna go in the garage sale so if you're local come hang out with us okay we got some more clothes yeah nobody wants to see clothes right nope okay what are we gonna go let's go through the tub right now okay oh we got makeup makeup's good yeah makeup is really good oh look at that got a little panda a little panda that's just nail polish yeah nail polish can be expensive oh yeah can't be people do buy use nail polish okay [Music] here we go i don't know anything about snowboarding i went obviously a few times looks like a nice one yeah it's numbered right here this is nice you want to zoom in on that bad boy look at that anybody know anything about snowboarding i think this is a women's board actually are you sure yeah like i think this is women's your boy wade's been snowboarding a few times am i any good no okay oh my gosh there's so many boxes let me give them a sneak peek real quick look how many boxes there is in this thing you guys see that there is a ton of boxes all free all free okay reefs a lot of holiday stuff some more reefs here's flowers this now nothing okay sorry ashley's tired guys being super quiet today okay they smell nice too you probably sprayed something on them yeah okay all right let's see let's find something else here i think we found the shoes you can sew them all together i'm pretty sure those are guys though i think that's a women's women's size pretty nice though you can kind of sell it as a set too you know oh my gosh it's heavy whatever it is i think it's kitchen they took care of their stuff so anything against kitchen no it's a bed something rattling oh yeah you're right you're right oh man no i did not cheat guys i did not cheat okay looks like they screwed him yeah this is their kitchen guys but it's not like anything crazy no except that one bowl grandma adventure graham adventures will like that huh oh it's chipped right there dang it who knows someone might still like it yeah they can always put marker over it yeah that's true that's true all right okay that blanket we already went through one thing says mom's bedroom up here we got some jeans some levi's someone will like that up here yeah a lot of this is going to be garage sale stuff but i mean it's free so what do you do you know it didn't cost me anything what do we have here this is kind of a heavy little box too like part kitchen that's nice that's home looks like it's never been used oh it's got the whole gibson china the whole set in here yeah the whole sets in here gibson china oh wow that's old too you can tell it's bleeding through so we got the whole set of gibson china let's see what else is in here oh wow another one now you got even more does anybody know about gibson china let me know so i got the whole set here look don't worry guys it's really echoey oh my gosh look at this yeah wow oh my gosh another set wow it's like really echoey in this uh corner yeah okay oh that's nice that's cool okay let me get this stuff out of the hallway and we'll be right back don't go anywhere we're back at the free units let's do this let's do this i've got a lot of boxes to do this one's going to work turkish target [Applause] it just looks like just boxes bags well let's show them okay what's under there ribbons to reviews okay we have boxes so you must use that for gifts and stuff right i like reusing my bags yeah i usually keep bags i get for christmas okay it keeps from this mom's bedroom what's in the mom's bedroom not this one okay that's a nice little thing oh we'll get a bunch of first out there we're gonna find some money these are diaries guys we're gonna give those back oh wait there this is the person never mind well we're gonna leave the personal here but they're out of state they gave this unit away so it's not like you know what i mean they're they're not gonna pick this stuff up i know it but we'll still leave it behind just in case yeah no money no money although we did get quite a bit today so i can't complain i got a worth 1000 bucks today personal personal that looks personal too nah there's nothing personal here it's gold bars or maybe that's a ceiling box oh you're right yeah there's a lot of sewing supplies in here look at that a lot of sewing supplies okay just random stuff after that okay we did get the sewing sewing box that's the best thing out of that box but you can't complain when it's free this unit's free and we're having a garage sale soon yeah okay what is that okay stick i i haven't got a pool stick in forever i love getting drunk we have had a few yeah oh yeah it's in there this one looks nice guys wow i love the green look at the green handle on this thing this is gorgeous guys wow this is nice who likes playing pool and who plays better pool when you're drunk huh a little drink little drinks that was our first few dates was playing pool my dad was really good at pool actually yeah our first few dates were playing pool huh who's there playing pool i don't know of course it's me yeah my dad was a shark though he was really really good that's nice guys look at that that is a beautiful pool stick that's worth it right there okay i want to get see what's in mom's uh sorry i keep wiping my eye it's hot it's hot in here yeah it's hot outside and i've been uh man good i need three days off guys i get three days off kind of forces you to when you're like an hour and a half away you know all right this is all kitchen yeah we do have another oh we have two more of these those are nice two more of those not bad what's up it's a kitchen i see another box that says kitchen oh really we show everything we got some bags in here oh that's coach really that's a coach bag guys hopefully it's in good condition yeah yeah this is coach right here that's a real coach oh yeah this is a real coach guys oh wow it's in really good condition no look at that no makeup marks guys this thing's in beautiful condition and i've seen enough of coaches to know when they're reeling they're fake and this is real guys this is beautiful look at that coach purse beautiful condition like there's nothing wrong with it i mean my goodness guys that's a beautiful purse little red thing here okay oh it's hot isn't it what the heck that is that's a nice looking purse whoa that's nice the coach purse i would say just paid for the unit but the unit was free i think everything paid for the unit yeah so it's all gravy baby yeah all gravy okay oh i wonder if they worked with dairy queen yes there's a dairy queen that's heavy there's something else there's something else in here it's really heavy oh this is their this is their kitchen oh yeah this is all their plates and stuff that's nice oh it's broken oh wow all right we're gonna leave this all in here guys because i don't want to drink more open it up here there's probably more but yeah i think i don't think it's like anything vintage but they still look nice okay this is kitchen we don't want that we don't want that what's it mom's bedroom oh this is heavy this is that mom's bedroom oh is that mom's bedroom no mom's bedroom you really want to know what's in mom's bedroom hopefully it's some jewelry wow you can also do mad things yeah that's true i haven't got any naughty stuff in a while though close okay beauty player now there's something else oh here we go oh man you can't make this up look at that ps2 it's got all the power cords is there more under there oh my gosh so we got a coach purse that's beautiful a ps2 system here what else did we get pool stick which is really cool snowboard with shoes that was really cool oh those are some nice little shoes there [Music] so what else are we going to find in here oh what the heck hit the thumbs up button that's kind of cool mike's hard lemonade okay that's it in here wow that was a pretty pretty good box okay i'm all about the unit now it took me a second well it's free yeah it is honestly it's such it's a very rare circumstance how you get these free too very rare it's about timing really niceness yeah being in the you got to be nice to the managers guys and this manager was incredibly nice yeah okay here we go here's mom's bedroom that you've been waiting for so i bought two units from this location and i got two free units okay here we go this is mom's bedroom guys mom are you a gamer are you a gamer mom i've seen some moms that are gamers dvd cd player what is that oh just some books okay it's kind of a weird i think that i think that this is like the box that they found reused maybe it's a reused box i don't see how that can be mom's you know some moms are hip but yeah that's [Music] true kitchen not very special no we'll we'll spare you with the kitchen okay spare me okay sometimes you go through boxes i'm like okay i think they've seen enough this is personal personal again i'm gonna leave it here but they're not gonna pick it up they gave this unit away because they couldn't come get it so i think this is close yep it's just not very heavy not very heavy okay ooh this one's kind of heavy ready boom there's something else in here oh it's all closed look how beautiful they kept their stuff though be great proof no this i'd pull it out and sell it these aren't clothes this is um this is fabric yeah this is fabric brown yeah they've not hung up their sheets and stuff yeah that's all fabric guys yeah there's more fabric in here yeah this is all fabric this will do really well with the garage sale we have a lot of stuff for like last garage sale it was like more for men but this is gonna be more for women and we all know who has the money it's the women right let me give you the lay of land guys this is what we're working with right now we have a lot of boxes left some say fragile so let's see what we find let's see what we find close they're in beautiful shape though like they really cared about their clothes we're not going to show you all the clothes just to save time but you want to put that over there a little bit exactly sure okay beautiful people [Music] what's in here you think so oh i love these oh these are that's nice yeah we actually found one of these recently cut your paper okay not a bad little suitcase that's a bad little suitcase okay what's in these right here oh something's rattling hands you think so oh yep yep good call again poker oh it is poker it's a nice little set these will do well outdoors they were into a little fun poker pool sticks playstation 2 snowboarding yeah snowboarding this is just like a camping pad i think we're going to find miscellaneous you peeked miscellaneous some makeup i don't know what that is but just a bunch of random stuff hair dryers in here oh food these are nice actually preserves your meat it has the corn and it has the corn all right well that's not a bad little yeah if you get like salmon or meat or something all right we're gonna take a quick break because we've got to get this stuff away make room we'll be right back don't go anywhere oh this is what happens when you do three storage units in one day i need a back scratch tonight you think that's possible backroad maybe let's see i'll see i see some shoes okay i'll let you have the shoes for a backpack okay are they in there though that's the question no they're not i can feel it well not all trash but let's see what's in here this one's heavy oh this one's really heavy a paper oh photos it's so sad because you know they're not gonna get those suckers okay envelopes envelopes we can use those and this one is sealed guys let's see more photos yeah we don't like to show the photos we want to respect the family unless they're like really really old photos like black and whites from the early 1900s or something but a printer a huge printer okay this is really light i wonder what this is close christmas man what's up with christmas we're gonna have like the most christmas stuff ever christmas in july [Applause] oh yeah christmas everywhere between both storage units that we picked up today so much christmas this is just a blanket guys okay man we're going through these quick aren't we christmas oh okay all right well there's that oh that's a little that's beautiful are these oh okay are you just gonna keep opening it yeah i'm like i'm not doing that i'm not falling for that trick that's a box some of these though are good for shipping so i'll keep some of these boxes that's a good idea and you've got this is a tree topper angel empty empty this is not empty what is in there oh it's little shoes an ornament a glass ornament that's glass guys that's beautiful okay up more glass ornaments we have to be really careful with these wow look at that that's hand blown hand blown glass there oh my gosh look at that better be careful with those yeah i'm surprised they're not broken already to be honest oh my gosh guys there's a ton of old ornaments in here oh wow there's a ton of old ornaments in here i'm surprised none of them are broken they're all intact look at that guy wow is there more ornaments in there oh yeah oh geez yeah candy cane one this is a nice little box here is there anything in that one oh yeah that name looks familiar a pickle a pickle really you always have to have a pickle on your tree weird that's a thing white last [Music] okay all right we gotta be careful about this i'll entrust you with putting all this back uh the angels right down here okay all right well ashley's putting that back what box do you guys want starting to get dark in here guys so we have pitchers household clothes that does not sound fun a lot of it says kitchen we're still gonna open it though okay all right those are really we're gonna just yeah just do this we'll put more in there later just because of the uh we don't want to break any of those ornaments because some of those are nice we're gonna have the best christmas sell right great just gonna go box the box of the box how about that mommy what do you got kitchen what's this kitchen positive yep yep that's kitchen plastic kitchen with some envelopes mixed with ox that was not exciting okay that this this says promise to it this has promised angle yeah it folds i like to see you wiggle wiggle for sure my money don't jiggle jiggle it full careful you might get any longer that's true oh christmas these are letters oh no that's that's photos personal photos in that one oh this one's heavy okay we found some silver yeah baby okay completely free storage unit did i mention that already maybe like five or six times yeah this is silver guys nine two five baby or sterling sterling but look at this okay so this is definitely silver this is uh 1948 this is i think it's either 80 or 90 silver somebody correct me if i'm wrong um 80 or 90 silver on that one look at that big old sucker oh here we go it's a liberty i this is a 1986 1986 liberty that's the year i was born 1971. look at those guys that's awesome oh we have an old old this is silver too get a silver 1935 buffalo and then some foreign foreign stuff okay i like to see your jig object oh that's personal that's personal you know what i thought it was oh yeah it couldn't be yeah we've been finding a lot of uh coins in units lately okay that's all christmas all right let's put all that back not bad not bad not bad find it silver guys actual silver nice okay let's pick out a box should we do this one right here okay what's in there what is in there let's pick this sucker out shall we okay now you got the blood flowing a little bit okay those are a nice shape you know what they took care of their clothes and shoes and purses you know what i mean get some nice shoes and some other purses nothing too exciting but garage sale somebody will enjoy those mom stuff okay well last time mom had a keyboard what else did she have she had a keyboard and she mom likes electronics doesn't she wow in movies yeah maybe i thought these again mom likes the movies and she loves electronics okay hold on i'd like to see you under there so careful full show okay oh yeah this so looks like we got a bunch of cds we will lock these up and probably auction them off guys yeah there's personal photos back here and i don't want to show them there's a bunch of them guys yep personal photos personal photos okay there's personal photos and they're they're recent photos so i'll put those in here full show i'd like to see you dribble dribble i'd like to see you later okay what do we got here more mom stuff oh mom stuff those are nice flip that around right there look that may be grandma stuff there look at that that's beautiful well there's no stains or nothing it's gorgeous some of this stuff can actually be quite expensive [Music] that handmade crocheted let me know in the comments if anybody crochets [Music] oh what is in here it's kind of an awkward box do we have any gift cards this is a wedding box photos photos photos yep this is all their wedding stuff yeah toast set loves a toast oh yeah there's some photos down there let's just i'll see if there's anything oh yep gosh you're good look at this wow look at that guys that's pretty they did pick out a nice dress i mean look at that that's gorgeous i don't want to get it open but look at that guys that's beautiful okay all right so we're gonna take a quick quick little uh break here get this stuff in the truck we got a lot of boxes left so we're going up don't go anywhere all right guys we're back take a couple trips back to the house and we shall continue there's a big spider on that one of course he's dead i don't want to get bit this box is heavy oh my gosh it's like an old box what's that little plushie okay oh that's why i was having movies i'm waiting for the ps2 games but i've never seen harry potter yeah oh what yeah oh my gosh that's what we're gonna watch okay super natural i love that show we're gonna watch harry potter yeah okay okay i love some harry potter okay we're looking for the playstation 2 games that's all we're looking for playstation 2 games oh yeah this one's heavy books oh okay this is breakables this is breakables that's pretty okay let's see where that grand adventure is gonna love this if it's in here okay i'm thinking we find the whole set in here what do you think oh look at this this is no glass guys this is beautiful look at that oh my goodness now that is gorgeous oh it even has a design in there it says w anybody know what w means wow that that is gorgeous okay let's see okay now i'm talking my language okay oh there's stuff in here oh oh sorry wait we don't want to show the family in fact if you guys know i'm growing a little family area here so we got a lot of boxes we're gonna put that's the thing is they didn't pay for it or they didn't they relinquished it so i don't think they're gonna come back for this stuff to be honest okay okay what's this that that's another more pictures okay oh that's really beautiful i haven't seen anything like that milky before okay oh oh my gosh oh wow that's cool graham adventures is gonna love this what what is this i've never seen anything that milky before wow it's old guys that's really old that's insane okay this is heavy i think this is in here oh it's in here guys snow man motion ocean lamp wow okay and then an old cutting board okay let me move this over here i do not want to break that stuff guys i cannot believe look at this no chips these are old ah grandma mitch is gonna love this but oh that's where it goes okay that makes sense no chips they really like their whatever they're doing this is china that wasn't a bad oh box one's heavy too let me find my keys here see nothing about that's over here you guys ready oh what's this oh is that the that's a quibbler from wizard wizard oh it's in there um i think disney world yeah and you can that's cool you want to keep it we can try it when we go yeah yeah it's up like the um i have to look at it but i think it's not like the harry potter area that's really cool okay okay [Music] excuse me so we got nintendo advance and then we have this let me remind you guys it is this is a free storage unit oh man oh and then look at this look at that that's cool hey this is in beautiful shape by the way and it's in there they don't make them ipad or um ipad nano it's in there too look at that guys it's in there my hands have put that in my mystery box maybe okay that's a good idea yeah okay a bunch of books not that we don't care about books wow this is definitely i would have bought this unit like without getting it free you know okay all right oh i put those in my where did i put the keys are they there oh no oh i'll use these that's how i lose them now ready okay i think this may have personal on here let's see yeah yeah we're going to give if you guys look over here there's a lot of a lot of personal that were giving back guys so even though they probably won't be able to get it um probably won't be able to get it we're gonna give it back because they're in a different states or maybe they can mail it maybe the facility will mail it to him at a cost you know yeah this is all personal guys yeah maybe the facility maybe they'll have the facility box it up and send it to them more than likely that's maybe what they'll do is this off of us oh yeah oh my gosh they had a lot of personal in here huh yeah this is all photos family photos okay well that box made it easy there oh my gosh more photos you still gotta check though because you know but it's all personal i think yeah yep oh personal this one says vodka on here would it be nice if there's a bunch of vodka looks like clothes for a beach trip yeah but it felt kind of heavy so i'm wondering if it's something under the hose okay ready nope personal inbox is it books yep yeah all books okay not all personal good for girls yeah [Music] oh look at that it's a rugby a rugby ball that is huge i've never actually found a rugby ball before that's fine i've never found one before okay we got more what is this oh a tablet more books yeah books in the tablet and a rugby ball is his kitchen looks like kitchen oh yeah that's kitchen that's kind of cool though [Music] there's a lot more in this unit than i thought okay i'll do this box real quick guys and i'm gonna switch out the battery on the gopro all right we got a new battery and what the heck is this it's a blanket that's a really old crocheted blanket okay this person interesting oh you called it you called it yep yep smells like cigarettes yeah okay well that wasn't very exciting give me something else nothing just books okay well they got a lot of personal in this unit okay guys kitchen yep oh this is a nice that's a nice pyrex pie dish but yeah it's all kitchen all kitchen all the regular kitchen nothing too fancy yeah okay you guys weren't impressed frame pictures hold on i got brain pictures okay oh there's an airplane i wouldn't oh wow oh wow wow oh there's a little i'm gonna have to repair the the wing on it someone will still like it but wow look at this thing this is really cool i feel like this would be good in cade's room he we have airplanes in his room but we gotta we gotta fix that little thing okay let me get that unstuck what we have these are beautiful candles these are huge [Music] they go on your door like that or them all or the wall those are probably the frame pictures yeah i'm not going to put the plane back in there because i don't want it to break that was really cool hopefully it's in there because that would be awesome we don't have any cats but i can see this being popular you can use different cats too yeah it's not in there oh is there more pictures oh my goodness guys this is personal this is personal wow there's a lot of person on this unit deadly sketch still got the thing it's one of my favorite shows crabbing we do have some scissors here i always like superbs yep you can use those these are personal okay all right ashley's back with the second one our third load actually um i put all the personal over here while she was gone because we had to um unload the truck to make more room because we put we had three storage units it didn't all fit in the box truck all right let's see what we got here today [Music] oh there's keys right here if we need them i'm not good with the keys that one's got okay oh this is medical emergency oh oh okay [Music] sometimes if it's brand new i'll use it but yep that's not a very exciting box [Music] it's not nice though [Music] okay not bad though for a free unit since fireball okay hopefully it's in here oh yeah just from hp printer not a bad not a bad one i have a hard time selling printers sometimes yeah i feel like once you buy a printer it kind of loses its resale value yeah oh yeah it's like yep people sometimes now they don't get eat cartridges they just replace their okay so we have a they have a lot of crochet blankets in here and more books books and crochet this unit's got a lot of personality [Music] okay oh hopefully they can get it back there's something good in here guys there's something good in here i hope you ready i think it's breakable oh okay this is kitchen oh there you go yeah this is kitchen oh look at this guys oh wow that is a beautiful milk ball or milk ball sorry guys it's late uh milk glass look at that it's pretty so i'm gonna put that over here grandma adventure's gonna put that on our site probably that's beautiful oh that one's gorgeous too look at that and some spices some spices oh this one's just bathroom um not the exciting stuff either come on where's the we need the ps2 games guys we need the ps2 games okay all right but all this will do good at the garage sale people will love this stuff so this is all except that's a nice knife set guys look at this guys that's a beautiful knife set oh there you go that's nice okay okay well we'll put that over here yeah that knife set do well okay this is now now we're talking about massager oh is it a fun massager it's a wood one that's nice okay what we got here this is a purse nothing nothing going there i have a feel like we're gonna find some personal yep personal i'll give that back the family there back scratch i can always use that you find a lot of oh this is cool i didn't see that in there look at that guys that's a music box that is gorgeous i'm gonna put that over here grandma adventurers will want that but look at this guys that is beautiful and a really slim camera calculator nothing really else in here okay let me put this stuff away real quick in the truck oh it was heavy but it just stuck you know each box gets heavier as the night goes on okay what's in here oh wow what the heck huh [Music] that one's beautiful look at that guys i'll give that to grandma adventures to put on her sights man looks like some more clothes and stuff oh man these feathers they kind of go everywhere [Music] okay i like how they put this here so people can't you know oh it's all books they really like their books is this household kitchen yep awesome oh yeah okay we're not even looking at that let's see what we got is it it felt kind of heavy we have a rabbit oh close oh these are cool how cute look at the little ladybug yeah anything else in here okay you know i like my chest oh of course and of course i put stuff on top of my keys here okay there's some personal down here that's gonna go back to the family oh harry potter pictures and pictures yeah okay and some photos all right some of that's gonna go back [Music] did you get dust in your face flew out careful don't make them 16. oh it's it's it's bathroom oh my god it's been a long day guys it's been a long day holy moly three storage units in one day i can don't ever do this if you're a new buyer because it will kill you all right so that being said guys hopefully you guys like this hit the thumbs up that unit was completely free so everything in there was completely free it wasn't like a home run unit by no means but you can't complain when you didn't pay anything for it so besides time you know uh and a lot of it's gonna go in the garage so we got the truck here because the box truck is full so we got my ford here because my box truck is full so all right guys thank you so much for joining the next vid the next storage unit is going to be fire guys it's all collectible stuff looney tunes barbies all in the boxes and it was a free storage unit and there's a ton of that collectible stuff in there so i can't wait hope you guys have an amazing day thank you for so much for stopping by we'll see you next video guys peace
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 104,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bought a locker, free storage locker, free storage, free storage auction, storage auction videos, self storage, storage auction, storage locker, storage unit, storage wars, buying storage units, abandoned storage unit, storage unit buying, free stuff, free videos, free stuff videos, storage locker finds, storage wars videos, storagewars videos, storage unit videos, storage unit finds, free money videos, abandoned items videos, storagetreasures, storage treasures
Id: YgXvaaqDbx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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