Abandoned! Everything was left behind We bought the contents! what's inside!?!

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[Music] thank you hey guys and welcome to today's episode as you can see I'm on the move because uh today is day one of our next house clear out series and this one is kind of a little bit of a mystery because it's not the usual sort of situation um in this case yes somebody has passed on uh but it's not the family members that got in touch with me in this case it was a law office who was asked to get the house cleared out so they could sell the property um so my understanding is the person passed away the only living relative lives in a different country and they aren't able to come and manage it so they've asked for everything to get cleared out of the house so that the property can be sold and moved on um in most cases as a learner was telling me they actually have to pay people money to come and empty the house out in our case we actually made a fairly strong offer on this property uh in fact just north of twenty thousand dollars uh the reason for that is that I'm told that there's some vehicles that are left on site that are included with the purchase I'm not sure what kind of condition they're in um whether they're roadworthy or not but um there are apparently a few vehicles on site and there might be uh some interesting motorcycles I don't know it's always a gamble with this sort of stuff but we are gonna go check it out I don't get the keys actually for another uh another couple days I'm trying to remember what day it is today I don't I don't get the keys for a couple days but I was given permission to go and look in the yard and kind of assess things out a little bit before I get into the house uh in the garage and stuff so we'll go check it out this morning uh we'll go look in the backyard poke around a little bit and uh this should be an interesting series I'm gonna go back there on the weekend with my wife and kids and kind of start getting a plan put in place boy try saying that three times real fast or ten times a plan put in place uh so that we can get this place emptied but let's go check the house out and do a little walk around to the yard first and see what's there I have arrived front yard looks pretty clean not a whole lot of stuff there let's go have a look in the backyard though I can see already at the end of the sidewalk here that looks like an old Crown Victoria or something there not super exciting but we'll go have a look back there and see what's in the yard for vehicles they've had somebody taking care of the sidewalk so thankfully I don't have to worry about that but well yeah we've got a Ford Crown Vicky pretty snowed in oh there's a truck back there all right oh there's okay three vehicles well they're newer they are newer than I thought they were the truck I was told was kind of like an old beater but that's a mid-2000s F-150 4x4 this is a Cobalt four-door same kind of thing tires look like they're kind of Frozen in the ice there [Applause] yeah there's like a foot and a half of snow that I'm going to have to clear I guess out the back I'm gonna have to shovel all this snow out of the way because if there's stuff in that garage it's gonna have to come out as well and eventually I have to put a dump bin back here somewhere but vehicles are gonna have to come out first I have no idea after sitting what 2021 license plates on all three of these vehicles so after sitting for you know a year or two I doubt whether the battery's gonna work you know what that looks like a police car that Crown Victoria doesn't have the trim extending onto the door that's a Telltale sign of a police interceptor and it's got the blacked out Grill if that's the case if that's a former like being in those colors that might be a ghost car that it would have the uh better engine in it better suspension and all that stuff but uh well the Cobalt's not not beating up it's got a little scuff on the bumper but otherwise it looks pretty clean I'm gonna try and step oh this is hard so this is the type of snow look I can actually stand on top of it which means it's going to be a little difficult to shovel yeah no accidents or collisions on this side of the car so three vehicles right there which would be good I'm gonna grab my shovel and uh I guess start with this back section there and then start creating a path because this is going to be a bit of a job getting this stuff out of here seriously this truck has a big lift kit on it like my friend Josh's you can see it's got mounds of snow all around it might be here a while we've been shoveling for about an hour I got the uh driveway pretty much done that was about a foot of ice a lot of chipping but that gate has to swing in to get the vehicles out the truck is more or less dug out I just have two cars to go and that one back there that's gonna prove to be a big problem because it's quite a bit off the driveway this black Cobalt here shouldn't be too bad and I don't even know I haven't even looked I haven't I don't have access to house I don't know if I've got keys for these vehicles um I don't know if they have Motors I don't know if they run uh having fairly recent license plates is a good sign uh I'm uh gonna take a peek over at the truck I'm just catching my breath you know some of you might say hey Alex why don't you wait until this all melts off you know another couple months it'll be nice so I don't have the luxury time the whole reason people get me to clear out houses like this is because they need the stuff gone now and I gotta move fast um the other thing is um I don't know if you've ever played Grand Theft Auto before but you know when you're in a neighborhood and it's all nice and there's palm trees and Corvettes driving around that's not this neighborhood this is the one where they might be like you know a tractor a donkey and a guy running around with a knife so I want to make sure that this place is cleared out pretty quickly because I think um uh if the neighborhood kind of understood that this place was uh kind of abandoned um some of the stuff might start to go missing and I want to get it out before that happens so I'm going to keep shoveling and uh come back uh later with Melissa and uh hopefully the keys to the property and we can start figuring out what to do with these vehicles here well that's two vehicles dug out should be able to pull that one out this way out the gate and the truck should be able to come out I am gonna I walked over here earlier and I'm pretty sure the drivetrain is intact but it sunk right in it looks like everything's there lift kits aren't uh cheap to install either so somebody spent some money on this it's an F-150 XLT Triton see what the interior is like oh he's good seat covers on there uh and there's that so my thoughts with this car are to dig a path to where this truck is if the truck comes out that'll leave this grassy spot that's already clear and then I've already cleared behind that so all I really have to do is clear from this to that but that's still like 20 feet of snow I almost quoted a Nick Cave song 20 feet of pure weights now uh anyway um I guess I'm gonna have to get shoveling here I should probably leave some of this stuff for my kids since I've got two boys that claim they want to exercise all the time but I'll see how I feel boy every time I do a reverse view of myself I'm looking more and more red but look I've got the path done for the Crown Victoria the path is done for the truck the path is done for the car so with that all done I think I'm gonna explore the rest of the yard now and then wait to come back again let's see what's hiding around the corner okay on this side we have some boards and kind of a workbench and a pipe oh I see a wheelbarrow down there that might have come in handy a few minutes ago oh well I mean obviously the vehicles are good that's gonna be about half my money back just between these three cars in my market that's about five forty five hundred five and probably nine or so for that truck even with the rust so actually it's getting close to my money back on that so really anything else I find we'll put us in the uh in the black on this deal from this point out locked up Shed Barbecue last barbecue I found I gave to uh Patrick make sure there's no Stakes left on there nope this needs a cleaning lawnmower yeah we'll get the kids a Chipotle Yard Machines lawnmower wheelbarrow and a couple of patio chairs and two kayaks hard to say what kind of shape they're in but there are a couple kayaks back here so not too much of the yard thankfully not too much cleanup extension ladder right there but I'm curious to know what's in the house obviously and in the shed and in the garage but I said with what I paid I'm already seeing almost my return back already so we'll come back again so once we have the keys to get inside well we got the keys today Melissa is behind me there uh we have a box of keys and they're not not I guess they're somewhat sorted but some of them say gate key maybe etc etc so um we're gonna go try the keys out make sure they work the other thing is um we did check and there there are no liens on any of the vehicles so that's good news too but uh first things first we're just gonna check on these cars oh I forgot to get the charger out of the back of your Char I don't know if we need it yet let's let's try we'll try the keys first and we'll see if anything starts so now you can see all the shoveling I had to do and uh the the Mounds the that's like four feet of snow I dug out there it's a lot of snow um a lot of very hard snow we'll have to see if there's a brush there I did find the keys for the truck so first order of business we'll see if this truck starts and if not I brought my charger um uh Melissa's asking if the windshield is cracked yeah it's cracked it's pretty typical for him truck windshield though oh it smells like coconut in here car freshener has been doing their trick okay it's the Moment of Truth guys it's been sitting I'm told for a year I have some power oh almost I've got power hey look what it does it works it works okay uh we'll let this one warm up for a minute let's see if we can find the keys for the Cobalt I'm not going to close this door just in case I do need to find a snow brush though us there's stuff in the back seat clothes and stuff I'm just gonna crawl in here see if I can find a snow brush didn't think to bring one the clothes darn I've got to get the uh snow off of the windscreen oh that's a long way down wait crepes a lift kit on there you got the keys okay that's one we got running so far yeah okay let's try number two okay we're gonna try the Chevy now and I've got nothing this one's dead okay I'm gonna get the charger well I ran into a bit of a problem with this one truck started up no problem this car is dead which sure it's been sitting for a long time I understand that it's dead but apparently these Cobalts have an issue where the key gets stuck in the ignition and that's what's happened to us so that okay well that's all right we'll we'll charge up the battery we'll drive it home figure it out problem is the battery is in the trunk and the trunk release is electric so if your key is stuck you can't use the the hole to get the trunk open and you can't use the button to pop it so Melissa's jiggling the key right now I don't know apparently there's a button under the steering column that I couldn't see it there's the access panels off so somebody was trying it while you're looking at that Melissa I'm gonna go and see if the Crown Victoria starts okay I found my way into the police car former police car you can see where the lights and stuff went up through there um and yeah it's the battery appears dead so I'm gonna pop the hood and again no snow brush in this one either and pop the hood it might be frozen shot with all that snow on it and see what's going on well thankfully Melissa looked up a video and there was a a button underneath the dash to push and we were able to get the key out which got us the trunk open which now gives us access to the battery which is uh and was still is disconnected the other terminal isn't on there I just put that one on a second ago and I'm looking for the ground which should be right around here somewhere there it is so with any luck maybe we'll get lucky and this battery will have a charge hey well I had a little bit of action but it sounded like a dying R2D2 so I think we had to put a charge on this one and that nothing happening with that one um so I have to clear off the snow and figure that out I'm gonna run out to the car and grab the charger and then we'll actually look inside the house and oh yeah we need to find a snow brush too oh okay we'll use yours watch your step on the ice it's really slick around here charger set up but I don't have power I'm going to try running to a different spot on the house I think okay I got the charger working how's the snow clearing going up there I've lost to Melissa you want to go look inside the house are you gonna get the last of the snow off without me no I'm not gonna go without you you don't want to yeah no I won't go without you well could not get the hood open on that Ford so that'll have to be another day's project the reason why I'm doing the car stuff first is because they're in the way they've got to move so a dump bin can come here presumably I always need to dump in yeah let's try the door [Music] oh it's bolted shut I guess we're not going in the back okay you ready yep get some lights on in here well there's a desk a big giant TV um let's see if we make some that light is super damn um well let's leave them closed for now there we go some light garbage so it's not super duper full it's like normal housing in here so let's just do a little walk around and see what we have to work with here what Melissa said it smells a little bit like natural gas in here I can't smell oh look there's a booster pack that would have come in handy I don't know when that was there and a crowbar got some garbage to take out water cooler fan regular household kind of stuff dishes are still left here from when the last person was here it was normal sort of dishes and things so every time we do kind of a clear out like this we make sure that a lot of the household stuff that can be uh giving away goes to the right kind of charity um Oh I thought that was another cupboard you think there's anything in the fridge not much expires 2022 has expired somewhere last year some Jamaican rum back there okay so we'll deal with that later you want to do upstairs first or oh wait there's a what is that a Swiffer so a little bedroom on the main floor oh there's a guitar there's a light switch okay so I see a little amplifier down there right corner it's just a little G deck oh there's two oh there's a Fender Squier right there it's sort of your entry level Fender it still has the stickers on it so maybe we'll find the cases or maybe we'll find other guitars is that a TV yeah that's another TV down there bedding and stuff Mr Noodles all the Mr Noodles a person could want okay well so far the inside of this house doesn't look like it's going to take terribly long to clear out the bed that's a bunk bed I believe right yeah I'm pretty sure because look it's stacked twice as high believe this is a bunk bed so there's a bunk bed there's some weights to be careful not to trip on that and this is for uh weightlifting too for refreshing your barbell on okay oh is that a Dyson stick nope it looks like a Dyson but it's not boxing gloves down there so normal normal household type things let's yeah it's not it's not terrible you know uh I was saying earlier that I thought well a lot of our money will come back from the cars that are back there yeah and so even if there's not a whole pile in the house I mean there's still the backyard there's a shed in the garage but um yeah it's sort of an oak cabinet sitting there okay let's walk upstairs who off the steps this is a tiny little staircase I wouldn't want to have to bring big things I guess that's why they have this cut out here kind of reminds me of Betty Jones a little bit oh yeah remember how it had that sort of half wall there oh look Steven will be happy look at all these weights their kids are obsessed with weights oh oh it's a PS4 limited edition PS4 Call of Duties empty but we might find it what do we have in the closet we'll do uh well there's a computer down there fishing rods this Sniper Elite crossbow but it's just the Box but there are fishing rods there and there's a motorcycle helmet just checking the back of the closet because for me that bullets hang on it looks like ammunition nope bear Banger cartridges Center fire oh those are signal cartridges for pen type signal launcher hmm oh and there's the launcher is in there okay suits and things close can be donated Club you know for when you just need a have a club kicking around arrows that's probably for the crossbow maybe maybe we'll find it somewhere in the house uh some kind of leather like low slung bed oh actually that looks like a rifle case oh it might just be a BB gun but it looks kind of like a 22 or something beaming let's see what does it say on it okay well I'll tuck that back away time being investigate that further anything else under them no but the fact that was under the bed tells me that nobody's really going through the house too much this is a fluffy mattress let's see what's down this little hole back here I don't see anything I'm going to turn the light on it doesn't look to be too much it's like a little secret kind of storage area but you never know what's up in these Rafters are kind of hidden up top perfect place to hide something right behind your bed and a hole like that oh okay let's go check out one of the other rooms is there anything in these drawers yep just what you'd expect socks darts yeah dash cam Maybe I'm moving on into the other room I mean oh look attic lots of little places to explore okay there's Mario what is this GTX precision oh number one for gaming so maybe somebody was really into gaming controller or something this is like Halo guys Star Trek a few little Collectibles and things it's quite the headgear I wonder if that's for some kind of uh what would you do with that it's got all kinds of lights and cameras on it and stuff Harry Potter stuff okay it's like a hostel oh well that's kind of cool it's a fossilized tooth doesn't say what it is but that is an ancient fossilized tooth almost looks like a giant shark tooth doesn't kind of look like a shark tooth oh that's neat you never know when you're gonna walk through a house and find something that's a million years old that's not me and there's a little uh relief plaster relief Harry Potter wand it does if I wanted to oh Xbox 360 sitting there I mean it's not worth the whole pile what goes back in here oh I almost fell over remote control car there's another little mystery door there yeah there's another door like a it's closed we'll have to figure out how to have a look in there it's one of those nice uh oh snap on LED light snap-on's good stuff that's a good light that'll probably make its way back to my workshop amp shops Sherry Lewis hey Melissa do you want to see what's in here nope it's like a cell phone oh it's a PlayStation or like a Nintendo DS this is another one oh is there two in there but this is a small ER okay cool this bed actually looks almost like new it looks like an IKEA bed it's the hemnes style except it's queen size huh and we were just looking for a queen size bed for our kids not that long ago I can see so iPod a couple iPods and an old iPhone in there but of course if they're locked to the user's account they're I mean not much good to anybody interesting little storage cubby there we'll have to come back and look through this in more detail kind of as we go room by room oh look money quarters just a little notepad Okay well let's go check the basement out so far I mean the house doesn't look like it's gonna be daunting no I'm gonna open up the curtains up here though a little sunshine in foreign I don't know what they were so worried about they said they they were stressing that about having to clear all this stuff out but I mean to me this isn't that much stuff mind you we haven't seen the basement or the garage or shed yet so we'll see but uh I'm not seeing a whole lot of value inside the house right now but there I mean there are good things that we can donate though which way to the basement but through the kitchen we went down that other Hall yeah here we go oh in the cupboard check what is under the cupboards olive oil cleaning supplies and stuff I wonder if the dishes were yeah the dishes are still in the dishwasher they are clean okay um I don't see any lights down here I think there's lights let me oh well there's a light there it's got to be a light let me turn the light on on my camera okay well there is some stuff down here where the heck is a light okay hang on well there's this thing here so I can figure out how to turn it on It's gotta be a switch oh there we go oh there's records Elvis records so there's a punching bag with its holder where oh yeah that's the crossbow I just thought that it was on look another Snap-on thing I definitely didn't scrimp when it came to tools but it's a Snap-On charger at least anyway is this a that's a snap on uh uh torque or uh oh look it still has power in it okay like that is Snap-on is not cheap so some of those things could be like hundreds and hundreds of dollars so the fact that we're finding if you snap on things is good crossbow pipes lots of fishing rods holy cow there's an ax here you know what this is like a compartment out of a vehicle or something lots of uh those little portable heater we've got uh safety vests and snowboards raw signal Ross and all snow snowboards there's three snowboards back here weights tools a little saw okay you know start getting a little closer to seeing uh our full investment back I mean we'll have I mean moving the weights is not going to be much fun they see some comic books over there where the shot all over on the other side okay oh look there's a battery charger over there too okay I'm gonna walk around this side first we've got Elvis a little musty looking Charlie Pride there's a battery for something stereo stuff it looks like the stereo is set up and the gear was here so you could kind of listen to music while you lift weights few comic books X-Men Messiah it's not really old but hang on I'm just gonna move those out of the way you know that's paperwork okay I see bicycle wheels just you know some decent things down here did I tell you um what we're doing with the furniture yeah we found um company that pretty much well any of the furniture that can be reused it's in good condition we found there's some families that are coming from Ukraine that are coming here with nothing there's a local apartment complex that's giving them free rent for a while but they're Furnishing the sweets for them so we'll probably do a trip I'll get some help to load up the furniture and we'll haul that stuff over there which would be good always nice to help out a good cause the meantime I'm going to kind of dig around down on this side and see what's over here basement CDs that's the battery charger I saw there and lots of tools and stuff oh yeah there's a little tent up there that looks like a that's for doing Bodywork that little kit there it should be a hammer and Dolly set I think or no actually I know what that is it's going to be a soldering gun guaranteed yep soldering gun I have one just like it at home bike tire repair kit lots of fishing rods holy cow it's a hankel knife block in here with one knife and there's bags that are closed up I said future episodes we'll go through this stuff a little bit more I've said that a couple times now but for anybody who's watching you're like go through the bins look through the bags this is just me getting an overview with Melissa before she turns into a butterfly and floats away hang on there's ladders pressure washer folding ladder pressure washer there okay let's go see what's in the shed I mean some okay stuff like if this was a storage unit full of cars and stuff I mean I would have been content thinking we'd see our money back out of it so far but let's go see what else is there oh yeah alternate layout yeah just having them peek around the living room there's a monitor there's a computer there's a fairly new looking laptop right there and looks like the owner is packed for the truck TV sharp aqueous so there's the PlayStation The Limited Edition PlayStation there with the controller somewhat sensitive opening these drawers because I don't want to have a bunch of family photos or things pop open on us and any of that personal stuff we are going to send back um to the person who's receiving it's the IMAX ultimate collection hmm if your headlights and things okay well this will take a little bit of sorting but too bad the couches are kind of ripped up they're we're leather at one point well I guess they still are but you can see they put some green patch tape and stuff on them so those might just find their way into uh dump it I don't really see a lot of garbage though so far it's mostly just like normal like you're just in somebody's place okay let's get the lights off and let's go outside and check out the rest okay I've been eager to check out this garage and I've been sort of saving it for later because I was told there might be some motorcycles on site and I'm really hoping they're here Moment of Truth oh I see a motorcycle wheel and we've got one two well two three try the light switch we got light oh there's tools but look oh there's an engine here what is that from well there's a Harley Softail here newest looking um so I'm glad that was actually in the garage and you know Harley is a nice find but that is a Hercules dirt bike back there um those are German and actually super rare um I don't know what model that is though they made one that was actually a rotary engine which that might be I'm gonna see if I can get over there look at the size of these tool boxes there's a yeah there's another big one right here by my feet oh my gosh okay well Harley uh there's some kind of little mini bike here but that's I think that's just like a generic little mini bike still cool though that'd be fun at the acreage and it looks like a rooftop carrier all kinds of tools on the wall and that hurt how am I gonna get over there I'm trying to find well that's a motorcycle lift uh I'm gonna try going down that side I'm a little bit worried that there appears to be a Ford engine sitting here I'm thinking that might have come out of that Crown Victoria Police car hoping not a couple batteries uh uh I'm just kind of having a look it's hard not to be a little bit Snoopy while I'm filming as well because well why wouldn't you be well we own a Harley now or somebody will be able to buy it from us Herb Alpert Tijuana Brass record it's like there's kind of no Rhyme or Reason okay what brand is this toolbox Beach that's an old this is actually an old toolbox yeah it does it has tools I'm just looking to see what brand they are um because brand snap on no I'm looking for Snap-on Tools because okay those are mass uh Mastercraft oh no maximum oh those are Snap-on I'm just kind of getting a sense of what we have for tools anything Snap-on is going to have really good value Mastercraft torque wrench gosh there's a lot of good tools dude quote Tim the Tool Man Taylor but these are going to be really heavy to move oh look there's some kind of weird storage locker thing change-o-matic oh is this like from an airport like where you would pay money oh no garment dispenser on your side oh is there anything in there yeah is it look I'm like a distracted squirrel oh yeah Sanders liquid starter all kinds of WD-40 and stuff maybe some carburetors okay but I am trying to get over here around this corner Tire's a little low on the bike uh it's missing the seat I'm hoping it's just sitting around here somewhere um because you have to take the seat off to get to the battery so it makes sense if the seat might be off do you want to have a little poke around and see if you see an upholstered seat it should kind of be shaped like this like it'll come up on the back of it I'm just gonna probably somebody watching at home right now is going oh you just you just went past it that's the little motorcycle there um unless the seat's in the house you'd think like if it were me and I was working on this bike I would take the seat off and I'd set it right right by it oh it no that feels like it's garbage in the bag okay you have a look for the seat and I'm gonna have a look at this bike these are these Hercules bikes are incredibly unusual and they have not a regular piston that goes up and down it's a rotary engine really unusual and and rare is hen's teeth but I don't know what the model number of this one is I think it's like a 502 or something like that I can't remember I know my old bike somewhat but I'm not 100 perfect but this could end up being um a pretty good find a really good find it looks to be in really good shape the seat's nice the the Tank's not all dented up I'm just gonna see oh okay does have a a little bit old gas in there but it the good thing is the gas is almost full which means that air didn't get into uh oh I was gonna say Aaron didn't get into rusted I think I see the seat over by the door yeah hang on let's get over here oh if I can just barely reach it oh there's a John Deere or something over there I don't know what it is but there's a maybe like a snow blower a rototiller or something but there's my seat I knew it wouldn't be far I wonder why it migrated its way all the way over there though okay looks like I've got a complete Harley so that concerns me the engine there because maybe that police car doesn't have its engine he might have just bought it for the engine because the people use those police car engines to put in hot rods or fix up cars because they're kind of a hotter engine but uh but we got wow this is a stacking tool kit beautiful that's the lower part truth be told that tool kit would be pretty nice in in our garage I have been working kind of off a smaller one that I actually got out of Betty Jones basement and uh that'd be a nice upgrade the Boating stuff but there's no boat made in Western Germany gosh I'm trying to figure out what the model number is on this thing but if that is a rotary powered like a wankhole engine in this which judging from the weird shape of this engine oh yeah it sucks that this is a Winkle that's uh pretty rare and valuable bike so I'll be sure to try and get that one out of here before too long and these tool boxes and all this other stuff but I can see why they were probably a little overwhelmed overwhelmed with this garage because of how messy it is so I can see I get it but look a Harley and a dirt bike and some other little bike that might just be fun to scoot around in the yard on what fun what fun I wonder how many miles are on this Harley is there is there a key in the key box maybe check and see if there's a key we didn't even search through the keys to see what there was is it and see if you can throw it here see how good my catching is okay that's probably smarter because it'll end up down in the abyss there okay let's see if the key does anything well I got the key the key turns the ignition um but it appears to be it appears to have a dead battery probably one of the reasons why the uh seat was off to charge it back up again something I'll do later okay well this garage ended up being pretty much the uh not just the icing on the cake this is the cake Harley uh wankel-powered Hercules motorcycle if anybody's watching at home and you're into old dirt bikes or old motorcycles you will know what a gem that darn thing is I have only seen one other time in my life of Hercules motorcycle uh locally and it was like a moped kind of thing the guy didn't want to sell it he actually showed me because he thought it was super rare and cool that's how I know about these bikes but um I've got all kinds of tools I've got tool boxes uh and I don't know what kind of tools are in these toolboxes but judging the fact that they're Snap-on Tools lying around in here I'm optimistic there's going to be some other great stuff but there's still one place I haven't looked yet and that's the shed Melissa is talking to her daughter but she's going to miss out the unveiling whatever's in the shed okay doc um maybe oh no never mind bicycles oh look oh well okay there's a little Suzuki dirt bike another dirt bike so that's four motorcycles three bikes High ten those two match and then that one's kind of like the odd duck out but there's three good bikes in here uh oh yeah well a snow blower right at my feet that would have been handy to have yesterday when I was digging out all the cars mind you who's to say this thing would even start well it's pull started I mean it probably would go oh look a chainsaw we actually need there's a chainsaw and we need one of those uh seat out of one of the vehicles maybe uh inner tubes there's another like maybe a little BMX over there and a stack of tires that look like they'd be for the Cobalt those are probably the summer rooms but chainsaw assuming it's in there I'm actually I shouldn't assume anything because it could just be an empty case no it's in there it's heavy uh see there's bikes but look at another dirt bike it wouldn't be loaded up I'm gonna have to make some room at the house for uh oh I didn't even think of that yeah for this stuff while we get it sorted to sell these are door panels off of something no I'm good little knife oh it's a k-bar that's an American made it's actually not K bar is a pretty good brand okay I'm gonna have to start really planning out what the next steps are gonna be here um so I think all we can do today uh well let's try and start the uh let's try and start the Cobalt see if that will go a trick here I'm gonna get this closed up and then we'll go start the car while we're inside the car was charging oh so close go check my connections give me a bad ground okay success the car started it's got a little under half a tank of gas I got my booster off of it see if it stays running yeah I was able to get the uh Chevy Cobalt started which is great the problem is the front tires are completely buried in ice so I've had to come to Walmart to grab ice melt and luckily it's kind of getting near the end of winter so they've got a lot of the summer stuff out and the ice melt was on sale I'm gonna try dunking that in front and behind the tires and hope that that ice melts off I probably could have pulled the car out you're probably thinking you got a 4x4 there why don't you just use that to pull it out because of where the snow is and everything I think it actually would have ripped the back bumper off so I'm gonna try some ice melt hope that works and uh yeah hopefully I'll be able to get that car out or made it home it's night time now I don't know if you can kind of see it ah you can't really see it but anyway the truck made it here just fine it got here uh safe and sound um wash it up a little bit and it's actually seems to be a fairly decent vehicle um I got settled in for the night and cleared some space in the garage for the motorcycles and I realized I couldn't find the house keys so I spent hours and hours and hours looking for the house keys for the property only to go back to the property to find out that I left them dangling from a padlock in the backyard good thing I got back through when I did luckily nobody had been back there so had a little bit of a stressful evening but tomorrow um and what will be the next episode for you guys I'm going back to the house I'm going to start loading up the bike start emptying the garage start making some room and the clear out will begin so stay tuned for next episode guys um this was sort of like the uh the Walkabout the teaser and um I guess we'll see how this clear out goes and see what we discover along the way I'm sure there's always some kind of surprise along the way so have a wonderful night guys we'll see y'all soon and don't forget to subscribe and tune in for the next episode and see what we find in this house bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 1,757,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OWd34NG4wjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 54sec (3054 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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