SHOCKING STORAGE TREASURES Found In Abandoned Storage Locker

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just picked up a storage unit paid a thousand actually over a thousand dollars eleven hundred and fifty dollars for this thing by the way we are at the most beautiful extra space facility I mean come on look at this guys they're wrapping their stuff with stone I mean this is some this is one beautiful facility so if you're not check this bad boy out maybe you should rent an extra space beautiful facility all right so we got the truck here we're at the truck here let's go ahead and get to the storage units and I'll show you what we spent some money on I think we may have overpaid hopefully not but I'm I'm thinking we did all right let's put in the code and open this bad boy up man this is a nice facility folks go and get one of these carts you always want to grab at least two of these carts if you're buying storage units all right and let's get the elevator coat in now she's here helping guys today it's wifey day right oh is that working okay all right it's an interesting stuff but it's beautiful if I owned a storage facility it'd be this one it's like it's like a hotel for your stuff yeah where's the butler at oh that's all right am I Health in there am I helping everybody else decide all right [Music] oh oh which one was it oh this one I can't remember are we back on it is it this one right thank you it's close to that yeah that's true here we go we have not gone through any of this stuff guys we actually paid for yesterday shut the door and that's it so I think we may find hopefully we find some good stuff in here a lot of wicker wicker baskets you notice that I mean there's a lot of liquor baskets in here I saw that on the video or on the photos but uh all right so this is our game plan we got to make a hole so we can start going through this stuff so we're going to kind of make a little hole in the middle here and then we're going to start filming what do you think good plan good plan okay um and that's what we're gonna do guys so let me make a little hole in here but I just wanted to show you what it looked like before we touched anything I think this is going to be a good unit we spent about 1200 bucks 11 150 after fees in here so luckily where there's no pets or animals in there oh my God yeah because sometimes there actually is people leave pets and animals in the units but I think this may be a good a good unit so all right let me uh let me make a hole real quick and we'll start bringing it out here he'll be right back all right guys we're back we're back we're back we're back this is the next day I had to leave yesterday we had to pick up the kids really quickly so we didn't have time to film so we're filming the next day so if you're seeing us in different clothes that's why the unit looks different yes a lot different than yesterday all right so we have a lot of baskets they're all really nice these are really really nice baskets guys um and that one's freaking huge these are wicker baskets that was a heart basket by the way yeah that is sick a bunch of small ones here guys look at this one that's cool that one is really really cool also we have some um other I love the horse one here we have some others here guys and a wheelbarrow that probably somebody had some plants in or something anyway so what we're gonna do here's one too oh that that you put your uh jug alcohol in and I'm joking uh all these will go in the garage sale so we will have one more garage sale probably in the next 30 days so we're gonna put these in the truck real quick and uh that's obviously my favorites but we're gonna get these guys in the truck real quick and then we'll get out some more uh more tubs but these are really really cool wicker baskets guys and some of these are probably vintage all right let's get these in the truck we'll be right back people are saying they love your Disney Shirt By the way are they how do you know let's put the first tub done we have a lot of tubs to do today so it's gonna get insane hopefully you guys like this these uh the storage unit and before we go any further let me know guys do you think it was worth 1100 here oh wow what is it's from my Planet of the Apes it feels weird it feels like a rubber like life like oh my gosh can you guys see it yeah oh it's kind of dark in here actually it's tough because I want to do this in the hallway but there are speakers playing music right now so it's like man look at that that is crazy what the heck hey let me see if I can pull that out I can't uh let me let me pull down the light actually I mean come on it feels like rubber eyes look like real too that's scary we may have to auction this thing off maybe because somebody wants it oh it doesn't take batteries it does take batteries all right well let's we'll have to check that out I see more monkeys oh this is like a monkey unit what the heck oh it's got It's not shipped it's got a couple like areas that needs to be repainted yeah I think this is uh where's the third monkey it's usually monkey see monkey Joe oh monkey here oh okay well uh something we have some gold oh is that real uh it is actually real 24 Karat but it's gold flake that that is real kind of solution oh Another Monkey what the heck is going on dude units like this it's it's they're weird units but oh what the heck these are BB guns guys yeah these are BB guns they're BB guns they're not yeah because it doesn't have the magazine yeah oh it does normally as as a real gun yeah yeah these are BBs but you know what I used to play with the BB gun when I was like six years old it's crazy here's another one so we got two of them so we can auction these off if anybody wants them just let me know in the comments um but these are actual BB guns and they have straps too to them so maybe actually a good unit actually yeah all right let me put these back in here amount of stuff we moved out I wasn't very hopeful yeah let's see uh they like to think for monkeys made in Portugal and does this come off oh it's a drink yeah they had alcohol in here that's cute yeah somebody's gonna want that if you guys want any of these monkeys let me know I'm curious to see if he wants them another one oh oh These are gorilla oh that is cool they're Gorilla Glass I think there's a few of them in here yeah that'd be good to auction off too oh yeah it is gorilla thank you there's another one yep they're rocks on both sides these are really nice glasses by the way what's in this I'm curious it's probably a uh camera yeah this is a Nikon and people pay for these still guys so if you find them um they're still they're still worth money here's the Pendleton oh oh does this go up to the chip this baby goes to the chimp it almost does it go to the gym yeah it says it has Chimp on it oh my gosh I don't know we're gonna have to check maybe we'll check and see if it passes through certain things maybe it goes to the chimp I think you're right oh my gosh [Music] oh he is cool this is Made in India it's probably brass or something but it's a it's another heavy heavy monkey do we have dog food in here there's another uh oh no what the heck what is this a bell these are Bells these are old brass Bells Maybe no we're not keeping that we're not keeping enough to call me okay oh those are cool that is cool let's see if there's two in here yeah the other ones in there two of those all right oh we did find some crafts in here too we always like brand new crafts all right well let me put these monkeys away and we'll do the next here's the next one boys let's go Barbie everyone's been asking for Barbie oh they're in there boys and girls this is from the 50s Maybe you think it's from the 50s oh yeah look at that hair uh can you check a date on there because a lot of times the back of them will have dates she needs more clothes oh man oh oh hey we're a family channel honey Family Channel is there a date on these they look old 1968.60s okay I thought I thought it was the uh here can I put her oh never mind maybe not yeah yep so it's the 60s check this one around here real quick and just see because that one looks older actually is there clothes in here oh there's a ton of clothes in here yeah I can't remember who was asking for dolls do you remember we're gonna auction all this stuff off guys remember go to Wade's or sorry I click the link below in the first comments of the description of this video or the first comments you guys need to sign up for what not folks uh that's how I'm gonna sell all this stuff it's an auction platform it's completely free it doesn't cost you a penny to sign up you can sign up with your Apple or Android phone or computer and you can watch me live sell all the stuff we'll sell these Barbies on there but anyway she doesn't have a date are you looking at her butt let me see yeah oh I don't see a date on here either it just says Barbie Mattel on there huh does that mean she's the first Barbie it says ten one zero huh we'll have to look up these Barbies you want to put her butt away sorry guys all right let's uh let's move on to the next uh we have a random I might be keeping which you might be keeping and more fabric folks all fabric baby so you thought the fabric was done yeah it's not here's more fabric this is all fabric folks from uh Joanne's store it's really nicely folded I'm gonna leave it in there like that so we'll sell probably the whole tub just like this but you thought fabric was done let's see oh oh kitchen kitchen and toasters uh yeah let's not waste time there we've seen oh let's all right let's see what we have here and it has the instructions which was pretty rare yeah Yep this is a wooden pan I don't know it's a wooden box see oh wow those are really cool that I I did not expect those did you no we have another pin here this is a Parker pin here yep okay this could be silver right here that's cool 925. I'll have to get it tested I don't see any markings as of yet but we'll get that tested you know I love these baby oh these are Sterling pretty pretty oh maybe they're not they're steel I don't know let's take a look at those but those are really pretty okay what is this I've never seen this before Oh no flip it on the other side other side oh this side oh let's go come on what is the earrings in a ring yeah also all to get these things tested this is beautiful wow that's pretty that is pretty somebody's gonna love that I've never seen a cases yeah I know I'm going directly for the rain boxes whoa what is that that's cool I've never heard of that before have you is it like a I obviously it's old it's even got the original tag on here size six oh it says 14 karat gold maybe it's plated gold-plated I'm not entirely sure 14 karat gold plated or something anyway somebody will know let us know in the comments that's a really cool find all right more jewelry we'll get these things looked at guys looks like there's more jewelry in here this could be a jewelry case here what the heck is this cool glass just random glass in there I see dollar bills this looks like gold to me let's see this is 14 karat guys this is 14 karat gold and that's not that's not gold plated by the way that's solid I'll get it tested but this is 14 karat gold right here so we'll have to check and there's some writing in there but it's 14 karat that's 14 karat gold and what else we got in here well we have a dollar and another ring I mean that is that black onyx yeah I think you're right it could be black onyx on that one that's a beautiful ring guys and some change making our money back yep oh wow a sharp friend oh The Body Shop yeah these are actually collectible these Pearl knives and then there's a ton of change in here so there you go let me put all this stuff away real quick we're gonna break this video up a lot because they've got stuff going on the background so we'll be right back Okay so we've got a lot of stuff to go up over here by the way I didn't notice [Music] that we're gonna crack this at the very end that's cool uh it is shut it's shaking I think it's shut yeah so we're gonna crack this at the very end of the video but I I gotta do it outside so I can hit the concrete with it yeah uh not inside but we'll go through this stuff I did notice this as well just now I love the box and big reveal yeah he's empty these are empty I can still use these uh to ship off oh what's that oh okay I didn't even notice that a lot of quarters in there we're going to check and see if any of those are silver but we do have this I don't think it's gold but I'll have to double check still cool it's got shit's real shiny we lot a lot of jewelry up guys so we'll sell a lot of the story all right a lot of this is wrapped oh these are a lot of paints we can uh Ripple saw that this is all wrapped stuff that's cool oh that is neat is it Mexico I don't know we're going to Mexico that is pretty cool huh this is wrapped as well this could be another Mexican thing oh oh pretty yeah no there's no chips guys there's no chips on that a lot of times there's chips on that stuff that's cool here's another kind of Mexican oh these can be quite expensive these um maybe not this one yeah uh but some of these old bonsai trees that are made of crystals and wire that's time yeah oh yeah these are really cool yeah I like those those are coasters with quarks on the back all right so let's see what is this oh it's candle holder yep yep candle holder here's a another big old candle holder yep it's freaking huge I think there's a theme for this one yeah oh that goes with the candle holder what is this okay you put that over your camera oh is that what that is yeah if you rest your candle on to make your the basement [Music] oh it looks like we shopped at the good old wheel here some of these went to a Good Wheel all right you can find some great stuff there yeah uh what about the guys the guy that found the egg at Goodwill that was worth like 2 million or something really yeah you found an egg at Goodwill were two million dollars those are cool okay well can you imagine like you're strolling through your Goodwill and all of a sudden you're like no uh I don't know I had to read the whole thing oh that's cool why do you think people go to garage sales all the time is to find gyms same thing with Goodwill because a lot of the workers don't know what they have yeah so here's another Angel yep and there's no chips really good shape last one no the other ones are stuck oh here's the stuff now I've got two of each [Music] an angel oh shout out to Grandma Ventures you guys remember dreamsicles if you don't you're not watching my videos if you guys know dreamsicles you've been watching Wade's Venture for a long time we found a unit full of them it was insane all right let me put all this stuff this breakables away and you know the drill it's a nice little table oh do we have food do we have food that doesn't look like food no this is in there by the way it's sealed you may want this Maybe not maybe we'll see put your uh put your corn and stuff in storing things oh that's good oh this is good oh juicer we could use that yeah a lot a lot of times too I'll throw this in the garage so yeah because we have some really good stuff in our garage sale so let's just double check and make sure this stuff's in there yeah something oh no it's in there and it's brand new it's in there and it's brand new I mean all this stuff people love it at the garage sale you know and it's brand new I had the best garage sales guys and we're gonna have one more before the end of the year just one more all right oh let's go oh man dude if you guys if you guys that was with the dreamsicles yeah it was actually it was I forgot about that stands and dreams I mean come on guys we paid 1100 for this unit so let me know in the comments as you're watching the video do you think we got our eleven hundred dollars back okay all right let me put this away real quick we'll be right back yeah I think it looks very nice oh is who is this I can't see it's like marked or something I can't see it either something mold but this is a really cool those are so pretty hand painted remember Christmas is going to be here before you know it I mean literally I mean three months it's gonna be jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way feels like we just put the Christmas tree let's do right all right I've been dying to see what's in this thing I thought it was empty oh there's something in there what the heck oh I see Legos and kids toys is it yeah Oh My Little Pony yep oh my gosh Legos yep that's a huge lot that's like three or four pounds oh my gosh they're all Legos [Music] oh my gosh it is all Legos all right this is probably 10 pounds of Legos in here yeah this is like 10 pounds of Legos there's a bunch of those little guys too is that Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow yeah this is all Legos in here wow we found about probably 15 to 20 pounds of Legos here guys that's cool we might lock these up sell them in one Big Lots all right dang that is insane oh this thing's heavy Rockstar is it a random box maybe oh those are cool little Avenger stickers what what is one we're getting what is this yeah oh what the heck like what is going on okay now this is fake it's just a toy but it is a oh it's a lighter this is a lighter it doesn't have any fluid in here yeah it's a lighter that's cool yeah hmm I'm just gonna make a room over here is this like the most random box ever yeah a lot of random stuff in there oh dog you're gonna use both always use those I think I'll see what's in here this thing is sealed foam for something okay we'll open that in a second I got a good a knife for it some it's a lot of glitter yeah got dog pins I don't know dog pens bobby pins bobby pins sorry I saw the dog or dog and cat I was like huh yeah looks like some crafts in here which doesn't surprise me oh we have brushes oh these are brakes no it doesn't feel like Brakes in there oh yeah yep here's some more paint oh gotta look through everything yep if you buy storage units [Music] and it's silver guys nine two five silver this is turquoise this will sell on our auction yeah wow nice a lot of the turquoise mines they shut down here in the United States there's not too many of them left this you should open this and maybe there's more this is right here is 80 to 100 piece guys it's 80 to 100 bucks right here it's beautiful yep it's a lot of turquoise yeah it's a lot of turquoise I'll put it back in here all right let's see what's in here although I need a knife I don't have a knife I don't have a knife all right let me uh put all this away and we'll open that box up real quick oh man lady holcans let's see how long it takes it feels like a film like this oh wait I don't want to touch it people are saying I touch it before you touch it so go ahead even though I'm just trying to show the camera yeah it's fun foam for crafts all right let me put all this away real quick uh before we show this I mean you guys want to see something really old um I haven't got back here yet but this thing is so beautiful it's solid wood and it's actually not made to look old it is really old actually you can tell by the wood in there this is a really really old piece so it's not made to look old it's old so I'm gonna have to open this thing up and see what it looks like inside see if there's anything in here is there something in the drawer [Music] is there something in there no nothing in there I don't know I thought I felt something all right let's go to this this tub is like magically hoping something [Laughter] I'm like what okay Hammer that's an old looking Hammer right there and we have oh look at that that is really cool oh tools yep some random Tools in there what is that I don't know yeah I've never heard of that before oh what the heck cool oh they they love their Collectibles didn't they it's actually a pretty good unit we got some glass in here flashing glass Transformers remember we found those old Transformers that was insane 1987 Transformers guys but we found some random candles candles those are floating candles are they oh when you want to get romantic with it yeah I got a dog big old eyed dog [Music] oh sorry uh oh what the heck it's got one of those uh weird handles from like the 70s yeah it looks like yeah it does work it does work okay it's a nice old box recipes nope flashcards completely different stuff in there just a bunch of books some weird frogs it's a random random tub a little better homes than Garden handyman book oh yeah it is cool yeah I mean they have some stuff in here that's quite old tools too so well okay let me put this way let's go I've never heard of the brand have you Rosetti I don't know it looks nice though yeah we have a brand new brand new Fitbit guys nice want to see what version of that is going on here it's like a oh this is a tea infuser yeah I think it's a tea infuser I could be wrong new baby that's ego a looks like it's a vape pen thing it's brand new it could be expensive I don't know how expensive those are but and we have I don't know what this thing is the wild goose Studio black yeah I guess it's the wild goose Studio they had a lot of these collectibles in here looks like that's pretty that's really nice looks like that was burnt yeah it's cool oh it is yeah that was burnt you can always use these oh this area 51 out of this world uh let's see do we have a knock here oh this is a Winchester multi-use tool yeah we have Winchester all right oh we have more knives it's so weird when you find a lot of something do you remember that unit that we found like tons of um those pocket knives oh yeah that was insane I really wish I can find that same unit again that was like such an insane unit well there's brand new tools that was an album oh looks like we got some brand new bras that's swimsuits yeah that's it okay rituals a lot of these all either light up or sell or what the heck what is that a germ thing Sprouts I don't want that who wants a germ I don't know I know what that is what is this is that a dog toy what is it let's keep it for the dog is it a dog toy yeah from BarkBox is it yeah oh okay put that over there we'll keep it for the dogs so our battery said it got too hot so we had to switch the battery out so it died on us but uh I put a new battery in guys and we were leaving off with all these days look at that I think that's turquoise these are old lighters Guys these are all old lighters so what we're going to do is probably auction off all these in one big lot but I haven't found very many cool lighters like this in a long time those are awesome look at the dragon too oh yeah that is a sweet fine oh here's some more yeah there's they must have collected lighters or something because there's another one there's a foot yeah a foot lighter we've been getting a lot of Lighters and tasers lately yeah it's like a nice one that'll go in the garage sale people oh here's some more fabric uncut fabric guys there's a ton of it in here so we can know it oh let's go let's get a bunch of squares a bunch of squares here so we can auction off all these squares I know you ladies love them look at all those squares man and that can make one massive quilt and we found more squares it looks like a whole kit over here that's cool I'll never forget that fabric unit we'll probably find another one before before I stop buying storage units but these are all fabric as well that was insane look this is a foot therapy we may give this away as a free gift remember on whatnots I give away like anywhere from 5 to 15 free items per live show so just by watching you could win a bunch of free stuff and I pay shipping and the item is free so anyway I'll put the link below guys if you want to join my next live show if you do not have one of these get one yeah freaking get one soon uh so it's on oh oh my God I almost just shocked the crap out of me I didn't know it was on Wow but these will zap what you do is you click the button right here don't hit yourself with it they will sting you and you just and these flies will die so quickly so make sure you get one of these they're cheap they're cheap guys is this another utility knife yeah American camper oh I don't know what happened in the package but that's cool and uh we may have a gift card here Chevron ten dollars I'm gonna turn off the battery real quick and get this stuff in there all right let me show you what we found it's in the hallway have you ever heard of this brand before it looks nice I have never heard of that brand before guys it's a folding table it's even got the measuring tape which is really good condition man uh this I've never heard of this brand before have you no maybe that's for the foot pedal huh all right we have this really cool sign from tnp Co and of course Texas outlaw we did find this massive painting here looks like it was from Douglas 1992. anybody knows who that artist is let me know we found that um now I bought so many storage units where we've actually it's sad where we find the actual pets I don't think it is we found dead turtles dead snakes people leave their pets in there don't leave your pets in storage units it's 85 to 90 degrees in this unit right now they say climate controlled it's not it's 85 to 90 in here it's hot what do you think was in there probably a lizard or something maybe a tarantula but you know what I could do though is I could offer this free like we did last time yeah and kids that want to get their own pets that but can't afford it you can get it change the last pot leaves in there yeah they were having a lot of fun they have some pot leaves in there they're fake yeah um because last time we donated we found a couple of these and we donated to a kid he was me yeah and those are not cheap all right we also have a typewriter that's cool Oregon and typewriter code yeah let's go looks like it's in great shape actually that's pretty cool I don't do too many buttons needless looks like it's in pretty good shape I wonder if anybody uses typewriters anymore you know one kid you know one kid in college the professor said you can't bring computers and so what did he do this was like yeah a couple months ago he brought a typewriter into class and was typewriting uh we do have this really cool piece right here as well those sell for like 50 bucks all day long this is the pride and joy baby this thing is old wow that is very old and it's thin so it Portland people will like it because it's small but it's old I'm not entirely sure how old probably I want to say 50s maybe 40s 50s maybe maybe older I don't know this is new they put this in new maybe 40s 50s but this is a beautiful piece oh oh grab that I don't know that's a really old whoa what is that whoa oh it's for the temporary is it for no no these are too big for that this goes to something different I don't know what those go for is this let us know what these are for guys are these old stamps somebody's gonna want that interesting anything else in there no okay all right well let me get this a truck let me know what you guys think let's pull the back I'm just curious to see such a beautiful piece they don't make furniture like that anymore I think some kid's gonna really like those by the way yeah all right let me get all this in the truck guys we'll be right back but really cool finds let me know what you guys think [Music] you remember that remember that one unit that we did that's all silver this is all silver a lot of this is silver plate but you still got to be careful because some of this could be silver oh my gosh yeah um the best silver find I found was that silver set that was um it was like teens yeah oh wow that is nice that's really pretty this has probably got a little bit of gold trim on here yeah that's nice that's a good Gene actually oh that's let's go oh wow it's 1992. 98 98 sorry 1998. wow can you believe that was like yeah almost 26 years ago makes me feel old silver silver shiny this thing is big and there's no chips in anything oh looks like it's hand painted oh maybe not it's in Thai made in Taiwan the date looks older yeah I mean it is hand painted but I thought it was maybe like somebody made it but oh I like it oh it's chip that's the first thing yeah that would be sick half your watermelon in there 20. okay uh wow that's nice hopefully we find this is Royal I hopefully we find the top to it it's got a little chip right there still but pretty cool [Music] come on baby cute oh these are numbered oh it's a fits and oh my gosh yeah these are expensive it does have a tiny chip right there but you can't even notice yeah I mean that's a really really good shape for the age wow I expect that to do it uh let's see they really wrap these ones up good this is a Floyd too oh it is 1993 that is it's a foil yep 1993. oh it's an Indian and there's no chips on this one boys and girls that's really cool wow that is that is nice that is so cool let's see is there anything else in here oh yeah there's more in here oh maybe the top is in here wow that is really pretty that's cool a lot of detail yep I think this is the top for it maybe oh no oh my God my grandma used to have something like that this is a hot plate oh no no it hinks on the wall but it could be use it technically we gotta find the tops of uh actually a bit hiding in there there you go oh wait here oh this is the top I was looking for something flat what is it it's a basket it's cute not the other wrong way turn it over it's a purse it's a purse okay somebody's gonna want that that's cool uh remember Grandma Ventures has her own YouTube channel guys just type in Grandma adventures on YouTube and she sells all this stuff so this stuff I won't sell Grandma Ventures will sell so just go to Grandma adventures on YouTube and she does live auctions on her YouTube channel and you guys can buy this stuff so all right go subscribe to Grandma Adventure she's already got almost 6 000 subscribers all right here we go what do you guys think this is the second box this is a really cool box I did not think no that was a purse by the way Fitz and Floyd all right well we gotta wrap these up carefully so we shall be right back oh yeah I wasn't expecting we got patterns in here oh look at those buttons oh my gosh those are actually nice buttons somebody's gonna like that just like that okay um those are cool we find a lot of them actually oh okay I think these are regular games let's do one more let me hit the garage sell these yeah oh there's of course light cool oh that's kind of cool oh I like that let me know let me know in the comment guys are you Coors Light or Bud Light fans are you neither oh these are all Coors Lights those are in great shape [Music] so are you guys that Coors Light or Bud Light fans let me know in chat guys Coors Light or Bud Light fan you're a Moscato fan I think these are all oh Portland Timber oh no oh they're all okay they're Portland Timbers soccer okay it's the whole set in here yeah somebody's gonna want me okay I did find this right here that's cool it's sealed my grandpa when he passed away he had a whole wall of seals what did you guys do with this they they just sold them [Music] here's some yarn Grandma Ventures is making a lot of yarn for you or a lot of blankets so she'll have a lot of blankets done for you guys so if you want to buy an actual crochet blanket done by Grandma Adventures I think she'll have them ready yeah probably in the next like two months all right let's go let's go this is a service dog training small we have a uh Spiderman routine let's go so there's actually two of these they stack kinda actually really nice I think they're made in Japan or Hong Kong they're big oh here's a dog no chips I'm surprised they didn't wrap him up as far as they didn't wrap them up and we have a bear plates three the three little bears a little cast iron oh two oh this is your ComEd here yeah interesting and some sort of sprinkler system right hanging kits we have um we have uh some random cords in there everyone comes and this is from Ikea this way real quick gotta take a load of the truck all right so [Music] now this is what the unit looks like now with all the furniture out there huh um so they looks like they made some tables maybe Canada interesting that wood is made in Canada but they made some tables they're not very sturdy tables though um so I don't know you can see there they made two tables that's what we're using right now all right let's see what we got look at that let's go look how beautiful she is man they did have some they did have some good stuff dude this is cool look at that that's really cool oh yeah and by the way these are Miss Me jeans these are expensive Miss Me jeans but you gotta be careful because some Miss Me jeans are faked yeah so oh Harley Davidson Zippo lighter that's cool you can add it to the other one wow it is nice it's a Harley Davidson Zippo lighter that's sweet and it's got the original box yep yep so now cool you've got a bowl and it's nice it's nice where where's Legos oh um remember when we got all that oh yeah that's a lot there we go oh wow cool there was a lot of move on in there it's like a random box again oh do you want to dye your hair okay well actually here we go thank you let's go now where did that go es gentlemen back me out put guys yeah they will the ladies always take our money that we find in storage units huh oh look should we give it away as a free gift that's kind of a cool there's some patches in here [Music] a lot of patches that's kind of weird it's like a random box nothing in there but it's kind of a cool box yeah they probably had a sewing box we'll find a lot of these we put them in the garage sale we put those in the garage it's a puzzle holy crap does it really it's a 3D Puzzle Oh I thought it was Legos no it's a 3D Puzzle I've never seen a 3D Puzzle before have you Cool brand new I wish I have random stuff in there got one knife in here it's a USA knife nice I can't I don't want to break myself yeah what's in there okay oh these are all just all right well that is the storage unit guys a few other things we can show you but it's just like clothes and shoes and random stuff uh what do you think do you like the swords you know we are going to show them oh we are we're gonna yeah I gotta remember I Gotta Throw That safe on the concrete and see if there's anything in there did you like the units yeah it was decent was it worth eleven hundred dollars uh probably maybe it's yeah I mean it wasn't like a home run unit you know me I picked the best units in town but uh still it was fun it's fun to go through we've got dog toys and stuff anyway we got some tools these are some tools down here we're gonna give away as well so all right love you guys make sure you're subscribing if you're not subscribed if you're just watching me subscribe hit the red button because we're going to be doing a lot of these treasure videos plus I've only got two more months before Vegas so I've got to get a lot more storage unit content in before we go to Vegas oh by the way if 9-1-1 call grandma or Grandpa so shout out to all you Grandma and grandpas out there I'm not sure oh there's some more money shout out to all you Grandma and Grandpa's out there I know I've still got an amazing Grandma and Grandpa and you do too so all right guys love you see you next time much love I got a lot of quarters
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 131,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage treasures online auction, storage treasures, storage auction, storage wars, treasure hunt, storage auctions, how to make money, make money, abandoned storage, storage locker, treasure hunting, storage lockers, storage unit finds, storage videos, auction hunters, storage wars videos, live auctions, auction videos, live auction videos, making money, work from home, online storage auctions, storage unit buying, storage wars full episodes, treasure videos
Id: ywfQRiXlwsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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