1000 FNAF vs The Most Secure House - Minecraft

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what a nice day let's go for a walk our village is so peaceful well another day another walk IES whoa what um I have no idea what's going on run Mikey get inside oh what what is with the puppets the puppets weren't about to attack us but I have a bad feeling okay I'm gonna take another look what are they doing here they're behind the house too let's get back inside oh man why now oh I hear oh a news alert it's an emergency uh turn on the TV whoa there's an outbreak of dangerous puppets that attack at nightfall take Extreme Caution what huh Mikey it sounds like all the puppets will attack us tonight you mean our house will be able to stand up to their attacks they aren't attacking now it's daytime but we don't have a choice Mikey our house wouldn't survive an attack so let's build a tougher house while we still have time let's do it I have something prepared for emergencies like this that's so responsible I just pulled this lever and what's that I have a secret chest with plenty of stuff inside let's split it up there's iron blocks and shovels oh and some lava too I see it's full of security things I've had it all along nice now then is that everything we're gonna use all this to speed build our security system let's hurry up and build world all right wow really bad vibes I wonder if they'll stay docile until night how long the sun oh there it is oh wait it's already going down it's setting oh no no we have to hurry let's start here we'll build our house out of iron of course iron is really strong like this yeah build it up just like that I doubt the puppets can break through solid iron blocks if it was Stone and wood it would totally get torn apart but iron should be safer yep we're building a tap house there's no way anything's getting in yeah this is a very strong start definitely okay that just about does it that should be enough right we don't have to worry when night Falls not even close really totally come on first we need a door let's put it over here how's this we didn't have a way to get inside but now yep we install a door then oh nice a button I see to open it oh they're not getting in one door should do yep we don't want to leave any openings for those puppets Mikey do you have any pressure plates I don't yes thanks I'll put it here yeah oh nice they're not getting in so are we done no way Mikey oh this should be enough we need to strengthen our security so okay we're gonna dig a trench why just wait and see all the way around the house well I don't get it you can figure it out just think about our house yeah it's tough but there's no offense it won't hurt anything yeah you got it ah a lava moat if you get close it hurts oh I see nice do you have any lava yeah I have some good okay uh Mr spot is this good no whoa that scared me the love is a bit thin in places but the house has a moat now our security is a lot stronger and we have offensive power wow nice I'll adjust this this is it strongest secure no sorry Mikey we still have something to do we do we both have some armor with us right yep we both have laser rifles I think we need to make a device that equips everything for us all at once oh luckily we have some dispensers with us well we do perfect over here in this corner here we place the dispenser okay [Music] that's good now then load them up with equipment I'll put mine in okay now it needs a bit of redstone dust and a button it's done yep now when you press this button it will instantly equip all of our weapons and armor so cool wow we built the perfect security house let's wait for the sun to go down we might be all right with our equipment prepared but look outside Mikey what what I'm worried about is the number of enemies wait I want to build something that will use as a last resort sounds serious it's way lower than it was earlier the puppets will attack soon come on let's hurry it's almost night time let's start building our last resort hurry thank goodness we have so much TNT ready awesome let's start Mikey dig let's do it faster keep going now what well now we're gonna self-destruct whoa that's the plan yep it's for the worst case scenario okay let's build hopefully we don't use it why it's just in case we can't destroy all the puppets if that happens we activate this and run away we'll let the explosion handle them I see oh it started raining anyway let's hurry think this is deep enough yeah all right let's fill it up yeah just like that it's looking good load it all up with a ton of TNT it'll be a huge explosion totally blow this security house up whoa I don't think we'll need this last resort weapon I hope you're right I don't want to use this kind of weapon try not to ignite any of it okay be careful don't worry JJ [Music] to top it off I'll cover it with this right be mindful of all the TNT under here now an Escape Plan oh good idea hurry the sun will set soon so we have to build it now I think I have enough rails oh and the levers to use on the rails right okay make this section yeah just like this keep going like that what next this is our escape room so let's do it sweet I'll start [Music] this way yeah there yep yeah we're using powered rails to make a quick Escape [Music] down this way where's it going to we're here [Music] that should be good anyway Mikey whoa the sun is really low let's hurry up yeah is this good yep let's send it straight through this house let's hurry we're running out of time I can always count on you Mikey let's go come on hurry okay thanks Mikey yep [Music] yes that's perfect uh-oh it's almost night time that's bad just focus all right okay we need to hook up all the rails more [Music] this is far enough if we make it here we go the rest of the way on foot right we have our Escape Route map the explosion won't reach that far so we'll be safe now we just have to place our mine carts easy we'll have to place the mine carts ourselves all right so the escape plan is to place the minecart on the track and go as fast as we can and it should work out just fine okay good our Escape Route is done and the self-destruct mechanism is ready good use the self-destruct right Mikey look the sun is almost set look at the Horizon that's bad [Music] no Mikey no what we forgot to do something come on follow me we're building uh now we forgot the self-destruct lever and we didn't build a second floor we can do this seriously but the sun is almost down right so we better start building I'll put the ladder up then wait Mikey it's a good idea to put on our equipment first huh they could attack at any time now right thank you ready okay go in here to be safe than sorry it's your turn Mikey oh let's build okay just start anywhere some here some there oh man this is bad how many there are Focus they're not attacking yet but we're running out of time this is serious faster okay go we're close wait no no what is it they're moving they were still in the middle the lava should take them out yeah our moat we'll be fine we have nothing to worry about really absolutely they're all burning they're on fire is it working it isn't hurting them huh no our lava mode is pointless seriously how impossible Fire doesn't hurt them but lasers might shoot them our rifles work really well yeah we can slay them all with our laser rifles all right I'm going in we got this yeah maybe this wasn't a good idea there's so many we're surrounded this is so overwhelming what's hey Mikey let's get to the security house okay this is insane I can barely help myself right now this got out of hand let's meet back at the security house It's gotta get inside yes all right Mikey there's just too many this is impossible you're right there's even more there are too many we have no choice we have to use the self-destruct right first eat a golden apple once I pull that lever escape to Safety in your mine cart ready I need to get a heart do it fast got it okay here we go oh man ready yeah I'm pulling the lever let's go three two one come on right away I'm right behind you whoa whoa it worked that took out most of the Mikey we can take care of the last ones we can handle this many yeah don't let up shoot yeah nice there's so many more incoming we're so close okay yeah we got this that explosion took out most of the creepy things we just have to hunt down the remaining few there's more Claire here's JJ this guy oh I see him we got him nice was he the last one whoa really let's check out the village good idea [Music] uh huh there's a penguin I don't know if he's an enemy or not but bye bye there's another one here bam huh all right whoa did we get them all Mikey nice I think so but we did it we beat the puppets awesome if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 13,885,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: aLarjS4kwkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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