Caroline Myss - Anatomy of Your Soul

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and the consciousness below your waist and i i i might i might need to jump around but primarily that's there so we are describing this world and um in a in this in actually if i were to draw it back into this world it's how you see life in the first first floor second floor third floor of your building so you can kind of connect a full trinity here okay so when you're in the first floor of your building you know it's like how you see your whole world remember when you're when you're in the first floor and you look out so you actually see a little this is all you see and you can think that this is the whole universe and in fact you do and in fact you do and you base the world and all here's your first fourth second third four five six seven eight nine ten okay you base the whole universe on this world which is your first power center on um physical senses this is a literal world for you you take everything literally here this is a place where your consciousness is the thickest the most dense and this is why in this world power is so upside down from the real power that in this world more is necessary than less so this is where wars are fought you got to have a whole lot of power here because nobody has any power and because it's the biggest center of illusion so this is why when you're in the first chakra the bigger the house the more you have nothing is ever enough this is the world of the black hole nothing's ever enough in this world and as soon as you start thinking that way you are in your first chakra you are in the first floor psychic field of your own being you are here and as soon as you start talking and the words come out of you like well yes well i live in that part of town and as soon as you feel that starting in you one ups we call it one upsmanship as soon as you feel yourself feeling badly about what little you have compared to how much someone else has you're here you're in the first floor where you start measuring your self-worth by stuff stuff everybody understand the word stuff junk stuff how much stuff do you have i have a lot of stuff how much stuff do you have where'd you get your stuff does your stuff have a label on it because unless your stuff has labels it's not as good as my stuff you have a lot of stuff where's your stuff is your stuff on that side of town or is your stuff on this side of town that's of this first floor conversation that conversation would never happen up here there's no such thing as a stuffed conversation on the sixth seventh eighth plac there's no stuff up there for one thing okay you're up there but you can't take your stuff up there don't won't go it won't fit in the elevator only solo fits in the elevator elevators this big so you have to leave your stuff behind so if you still need your stuff you're going to stay down here this is where you lose yourself over trying to calculate how to get stuff what are you doing calculating how to get more stuff i'm thinking about my stuff okay more stuff what are you doing i'm praying for stuff where's my stuff i have to have more stuff i can't sleep tonight why not i can't figure out where how to get more stuff i'm running out of stuff okay i got stuff for christmas okay so now tribes go to war over stuff so long as stuff is big a big deal we will have war there's no such thing as stopping war by screaming peace stop it what a bunch of nonsense that's why i would never join a peace movement i'll join an anti-stuff movement but i mean stop with the stuff stop enough stuff but i won't join a peace movement it's just nonsense to me it's all nonsense because it's not about peace it's about stuff no more stuff okay this is what what will you do for stuff how important is your stuff and what you will anchor in what kind of stuff do you absolutely have to have stuff this is what we kill over in this in this part of you and you might think if i got you up to the fourth floor and we were all kicking back and talking and feeling love show me the love show me the below you wouldn't need you wouldn't feel a connection to your stuff and then as soon as you found out something about someone maybe getting the dress you wanted down you go and all your consciousness is so like out that window you know i had in my teresa experience when it was active and i was riding entering the castle and i was actively in the most exquisite exquisite interior time of my life and i have a spiritual director whom i've been with for 14 years i see him every monday for two hours and um i said i had had a really beautiful tiny micro just a beautiful mystical just a beautiful inner experience just exquisite and i was high on it i mean i was just often in orbit in la la mystical spiritual la la land and i was just blissing out and feeling like life was going to be perfect from then on in i had crossed into nirvana i had become like in the and i'm talking to him about it and boy did i need a good yeah i needed my head in the toilet for seven minutes and it happened i get in my car and i'm driving and boom someone wasn't driving fast enough and it wasn't like the way i needed the world to be and this is where you need the world to be your way so here i didn't realize i was just boom and in short order i was just ready to ram this person off the word because it wasn't the way i needed it to be when i needed to be there la la la la and i was gonna ge and i almost ran this woman off the road and i just popped myself and i to this day i think that was an angel just because i almost ran this person off the road and if it wasn't for like the grace of god i think this person would have hit a tree and i i i really thought oh my god and it was a real bad dose of a real bad dose of me and a real bad dose of no matter no matter how bliss the moment you touch base with the part of yourself that has to have it your way and and you're always engaged in that part as long as we're alive we're engaged with that part of ourselves we got to keep an eye on ourselves all the time all the time so it's not about mastering yourself forever it's about keeping your eye on yourself at all times at all times about when you are losing the the spiritual art is about recognizing you will always lose yourself and catching yourself faster and faster and faster and knowing i'm going to anc i could anchor myself here where you're going to lose your power how fast and getting it back getting it back and realizing i could anchor myself here this this i'm getting weak need read the signals learn to say a prayer that says put it put a um put a field around me this is where i put myself in my castle the issues here are family the stuff with your family at the same time we all need family you are not good alone without somebody you're not good you don't travel well in life without people without people without being rooted in so many ways my friends are my family i have family as well and i'm very close to them but i am very mindful of friends of mine who don't have family and i know that this you need this part of you anchored somewhere you need to be anchored in your identity and i also know and this is archetypal that somewhere in your 40s your identity is going to go into a collision i can chart it i can chart it you will become discontent with your identity it's simply a given it's not you there's nothing unique about it but it will happen your your ego identity will become insufficient for the rest of your journey it's not enough because your ego is about what it can take it's in this world and you'll develop an appetite for what you can give and therein lies the collusion you will go from what you can take to wanting to discover what you can give but that requires that you wake up your interior self because the ego simply wants to take and you have to retrain you have to train your ego not retrain it train it smack it so that it becomes the servant to your soul so that it becomes a it becomes the the watchdog at the gate of who you are so that it represents you with integrity you need that part of you you need that part it needs to become the bark needs to become the part of you that protects your integrity that can snap at you when you come when you so that you can walk and be in the world but not of the world so that you can deal with wealth you can deal with power you can deal with this but you're strong enough to bite yourself and bite others if they if you feel yourself losing power so you could walk in a tribe and be mindful and and be able this is the part of you that you deal with your pride and prides poison if you don't the other side of pride is dignity the positive side is is having a reverence for the sacredness of your life in the life of others but the biggest obstacle is your own pride and i'm going to hit a pause button here and how many anchors do you have because of moves you've made out of your pride because uh your pride had got the best of you you know you can't talk to me that way cried i'm actually asking you i'm not talking to myself i could talk to myself it's been known to happen but i'm asking you since you're here what kind of tribal trouble has your pride gotten you into do you ever buy something because now you're stuck and your pride won't let you not buy it well it could but you get yourself thinking you ought to because the person's looking at you okay people marry because they their pride got them into a situation they don't have enough backbone to say i can't get out of this i got to get out of it and i can't my pride's involved that's how strong this is what else right right i don't want to be a i don't want to be humiliated i'll take the humiliation right right what else we got because it creates anchors for you big huge ones the other thing that happens is this is the center of humiliation now i want you to picture a door here see a door see the door of your first floor and your issues with pride can be so intense that they create a fear of being humiliated and that becomes the reason you won't leave the door the first floor you won't go out into your world you won't make decisions about your life for your or anything out in the world you won't follow guidance in yourself you won't dare you won't dare to to present yourself to the world now pay attention to me as a healthy person for fear of being humiliated instead you present yourself as a wounded person so that you won't be wounded further you'll go out in the world if you're wounded so you officially put up the white flag and you say i'm wounded i'm wounded i'm wounded i'm wounded so everyone says okay a wounded a wounded bird wounded bird coming and this way it actually guarantees what you're actually doing is it's actually a way of saying now nobody would dare humiliate me so what you're really doing is you could have healed but you're hanging on to the wound as a way of guaranteeing you won't be humiliated and you're playing that wound for everything you can so you could have gotten rid of it you could have gotten over it but you have every intention of hanging on to it because it's the shield to prevent you from being humiliated and rather than getting over yourself getting over your past getting on with it and and daring to have your reverence for yourself and dignity move take over and say you know what if i get i'll be fine you don't want to risk it so you live the life of a hum wounded bird talk to me i see a lot of this when it comes to forgiveness some people just don't want to forgive some people don't i see it that they're ready to forgive but they're just holding on to it because they're afraid of further getting wounded or the wound actually just protects them from something well the wound gives a person power to punish that's what it is it's not that they're afraid of being hurt they don't want to be able to stop hurting others it's got nothing to do with the fear of being hurt it's got to do with the permission to use the wound to hurt others to use the wound to be able to come home from work and not get to so that others will i can yell at you and i've had a bad day and it's worse than your day and if if you say anything then i can scream louder and then i'll pull out the wound well i saw someone that reminded me of and then you say oh man i'm sorry then you end up apologizing to me for not letting me be wounded it's perfect what a strategy and then next thing you know what can you do for me who would give that up my god who would give that up you'd have to be crazy to give that up this is why people don't heal because there is not a strategy to match that i mean if i came home and i if i was actually healed if i felt good about myself and i came came home what if i just said would you mind just taking care of me because like i'm exhausted and i don't want to i'm going to go claps on that couch i need a i need a big pot of tea and i don't want to do anything because i'm feeling absolutely lazy and i'd rather see you do it and i don't care if you've worked all day actually i'm in a mood where i don't care and so don't ask me a thing because that's how i'm feeling and what's worse is i'm having a bad ass attack of entitlement and i don't care if you do don't talk to me look this is how i feel about you so that's how i feel and i don't want to actually admit it i'm feeling very selfish and i don't really care about you today it's all about me so rather than actually say that i'm gonna make up a big huge lie and tell you i saw somebody who put me in a flashback about a wound i hadn't actually thought about for years but i haven't used it so i'm going to dust it off and say oh my god it just was a bad flashback took my breath away oh my god will you sit down who's going to give that up who is going to give that up why would you get and we have a culture a society that so coddles the wounded that we've taken the backbone out of us why would anybody heal the bad behavior yeah and that there's no there's no future in healing there's absolutely no motivation to get a working backbone that's why i have to it's like oh stop it yeah if you choose not to deal with somebody like that which i do so is it's not your pride for choosing not to deal with somebody like that is it is it the same if i didn't want to participate in that game and uh and the only option was for me to um apologize for being myself or something like that is it my pride for not doing that what are you not doing wait a minute i'm i'm you're too vague here apologize for being yourself what do you mean um someone pulled out the wound card on you right to play that game right and so if i chew if i don't want to be involved even if they're dying you know and is it my pride i don't know is it because it can be anything you're dealing with you're dealing with an actual case why don't you spell it out because every case is different with people i'm not going to do a general answer here but in spelling it out there's an archetypal pattern so you're obviously talking about a relationship that's in your life yes and it may be is it your mother that's dying or is it who's dying my mother died because it feels very mother to me and i hadn't spoken to her in two or so years before she died at her insistence and i didn't go to no you didn't know she was dying no i didn't know she was i wasn't told okay so and you chose not to apologize that was your choice um yeah okay that was your choice right okay so you and that was out of anger well no i kind of felt like it was the right thing okay so i didn't feel bad about not apologizing but i felt like i was in this choice so it felt like that wound you know that my only choice was to to let go of what i felt was right but my what i'm questioning is that just pride can i just go it doesn't matter and just what can you live with let me ask you what you can live with and choose that path well i have to live with it what is the path that is soothing and healing for you because both are available you're at a crossroads what can you live with why would you choose the path you cannot live with choose the one you can they're both there it's not a right or wrong it's wise or unwise which is the path that you can live with she's not here anymore right so which is the path that mends your heart which one i honored her well then there you are then there you are all is well all is well there's nothing else to to to think about so then you have to assume she died very peacefully but from where she is now all is well and all is healed with her and there's no reason for you not to understand that or see it the same way she is no longer your mother she's also her eternal self she has shed that identity and with it all the rage that that issue doesn't exist for her anymore that is something you have to understand she's not processing this anymore it's gone so do yourself the favor and let it go as well it's gone from her don't hold on to something that's gone it's gone it's all gone yeah if you think she's this spirit is holding on to the it's so gone she she's that soul's very clear about the illusion and nonsense that was in earth school it's gone don't hold on to something that's gone it doesn't exist anymore it's part of a life she's gone done with thank god yeah so so let it go you should have a good laugh and a drink to her well goodbye i'll see you later meet me when i'm there and all will be well okay yes thank you okay good which is and such a lesson and such a truth should give you a perspective from the soul's point of view of what is worth anchoring to and how to pull up an anchor if you're holding on to anything with someone who's past the issue is gone and the life is over that's not so easily done for some people it's not but what's ever unfinished hasn't to do with them it has to do with a way that they see themselves and what they want to do with that and how they're using it separate and apart from the soul that's gone on and that they have to examine in themselves identities are told what a wonderful question gold star okay you've earned a gold star gold sir no it's not gold stars you got a gold star um identities are very much anchors because um you can crave in this world because this is a world of where you construct your identity where identities become power or powerlessness where you feel like because you're you this is where you where the world you are born into either gives you an identity first floor or not where's your pedigree you're well pedigreed or not or not you know you're either legitimate or you're not legitimate you know you know watch downton abbey you know this is that pedigree it's an identity you know you either this nationality or that nationality this this is part of that identity here where it's all about that what religion are you this is that part of you it's what you what is the obvious that you wear your body is whole or it's not you have a straight back or not if all your body parts are not if you don't you have to prove you are better that you are still that you can function as well as those who have two legs and two arms identity is an anchor okay it's a big you can be anchored in some event where you lost a leg here's the anchor you're anchored in something that happened you were once this now you're that that's a big anchor great big huge anchor pre and post cancer pre and post what you know these are anchors great big huge did that help you yeah yeah thank you thank you i just wonder well roots are that you know i come from this place i come from this family roots are what give you power what give you strength what gives you stability what gives you your values what or not the absence of it i'm not a wanderer i know where my home is it's very important for me to be able to go home it's very i i roots gives you tradition or not and some people and but the fact is everybody needs traditions everybody that's archetypal your first floor where the traditions from your family come or your tribe and if your tribe didn't give you tradition you will start something that's tradition and you will this part is what activates our rituals every one of you has rituals every one of you and part of the rituals are from your tribe or the ones that you definitely don't want are the ones you've left from your tribe okay my my my rituals are very tribal based on tribal because i love the rituals of our holidays and our sacred days i love them and we and joyce and beth have been part of the holidays and our rituals we we we have singing and we have all we have very rich participation of of that's a mixture of of of my ethnic background and my my religious back religion background not religious but religion and it's and i love that and it gives us roots so that's roots it goes back generation after generation these are deep roots generation it's generational and and there's a strong habitus maximus in my family that's le it's latin and and and from from the your hobbitus maximus comes the habits of the heart of the tribe the habits habitus maximus the great heart the central heart of the tribe you take care of the elders we don't have elderly we have elders and they are attended to period the family members are attended to when they are not well period there is no question every cousin every this every that a habitus maximus the greater heart takes over that's all there's to it there is no question there is no question everybody goes on hospital detail food detail the wires are out who does what where we go but these are habits that are passed down to the next generation there is no option for them they do not get to say we have plans if an elder is down no no adult cares about their plans nobody cares about their plans they it is their obligation to care about our plans as we cared about and that's how we learned and that's all there's to it who cares about your plans tonight you get to the hospital that's how it works that's how it works the values are passed down and that's actually what's going on right now in my family that's exactly how it's that's exactly how it goes that's exactly and that's very the roots it's never not been that way through the deaths of all the children that's just the way it is and everybody checks in with everybody every other day just this whole big huge network the nieces nephews check in all the time jack when i say i have a niece i don't mean way down no no no i mean in my email on the phone all the time in my house in and out all the kids i'd ring their neck if that wasn't the case i would ring their neck yeah okay habitus maximus you do not offer an instruction book at age 22 you're obligated to call me either you instruct them day to day on this on the habits of the heart or not you don't start yelling at him at age 22. where are you you're neglecting me this is the weave of the tribe okay that's the that's the roots that's the roots and the rituals go with it because i tell you something you have your first chakra has that pulse i need a ritual here i need a ritual here when a soul comes into a family it requires a ritual because heaven says did you catch it now connect it to its physical form connect it it needs a blessing the soul needs to be connected you just don't grab it throw it in a diaper and keep going it needs to be acknowledged that something sacred has come into form we got it just like you don't die without something sacred saying do you have anything left behind is there anyone you need to close have closure with then go with god and go to god okay these are all first floor rituals and when they are not observed you feel it you feel it you do feel it there's something missing and you know it and all rel this is where religion comes in religion is the keeper of ritual and it doesn't matter what religion i'm not talking about the politics please please please i have no use for that but the job of religion is to take however the peoples understand the holy and to ritualize it and to put it into community to communalize it leave the politics out i have no use for the politics of any religion because the politics are dangerous that's where they take and try to make money off the power and scare but the actual origin of the rituals if you look at the origin of the rituals of christianity they were really beautiful until christianity ceased to be persecuted so long as it was persecuted it was a really high functioning religion because it wasn't yet a religion it didn't become a religion until constantine made it the official religion of rome but prior to that when the christians just had to meet privately and in secret they were doing a good job of it they were ordaining each other praying together being kind to each other and and they weren't making things up and doing bad things like starting a political network they were being in community with each other and that's what people want and and and that's what this is about this idea of know thyself so i guess building off of off of that if identity is an anchor the idea of know thyself is that something that is separating me or am i splitting my own atom in that conversation i guess there's an aspect of know thyself which is knowing like the archetypal powers and knowing you know know that self on that level and then then to know myself on the identity level and so that was just a question that i was just no because let's go through the door of buddha let's bring buddha in how would buddhism address buddha would say know your illusions let's break your illusions because your illusions you should not be controlled by illusions of reptiles in the dark know your illusions so that you are only controlled by truth so that you could follow the noble path become a noble soul that's the intention why if you think that this is your path and all of you represented my illusions in order for me to get to the camera i could walk it in five seconds two seconds but if all of you were my illusions it could take me the rest of my life to get there if all of you were my if i dealt with all of you as my illusions and this was the speed of healing without illusions i would heal everything from my cancer to whatever i had in two seconds but because i have so many illusions it would take me 20 years to heal what i could heal in two seconds if i didn't have illusions because i know i because of the nobel pa noble path but with illusions like the doubt i'm going to fall every time i run into one of you you'll throw me off balance i might believe for example that unless i clear things up with with a soul now who's long gone i can't i and i'll tell my story again and again it's an illusion there's no truth to it now there's no truth to it at all that soul is gone that soul doesn't even think of me that's always going on to become someone else doesn't even have that same identity anymore doesn't even have that identity anymore shut it just like you'll shed this when you die gone i have to pull it back to be that illusion and when i die that soul will greet me but not as my mother but as a soul who agreed in this lifetime to be that and i will not greet that soul as her daughter not even as a her but as a soul who agreed in this lifetime to play that role and we will embrace each other because we did a good job well done us we pulled off another journey together but if i am all twisted in the illusion it should have been this way she didn't want me to talk to her what were you thinking let it go and say well done so choose the path that heals it's all done she did okay so in buddha you heal know thyself what are my illusions name and illusion pick one pick any of your illusions that i have to be acknowledged yeah okay that's an illusion by whom because they can't be acknowledged by everybody so pick who you have to be act now be very specific because illusions are specific so who do you have to be acknowledged okay by your dad so you have to be acknowledged and recognized by your dad to feel okay you absolutely have to that's an illusion but here you go here we go and that's a good old-fashioned tribal illusion did you tell him that does he know okay and so does he play games about it um well i i picked that one but i my relationship with that illusion is now different but i just picked that so i'm kind of not angered by it anymore well give me an anchor i'm not interested in something you're not anchored by give me something you really struggled with okay i have to um my body has to look a certain way what kind of way do you want it to look um and who's looking at it me by my standard okay and if it didn't look that way what would happen here comes the illusion yeah so then i feel unworthy of no you have a target in mind unworthy of what i'm worthy of i'm trying to decide i would start with the others any kind of special others male over females because females don't care yeah okay get specific i'm gonna don't don't ever not finish a sentence with me he cares what you look like like that yeah i would say and i think that i've also created like my my love relationships i i i well okay i can see my work hand right now most of my love relationships actually haven't been as judgmental as i have been about myself so that's why i talked about the self-love piece like they're much more accepting than i am of myself let me ask you something is there a part of your love relationships in which the physicalness plays a major role like if something happened to you would that destroy your relationship if something happened to me you know if something's happening physically yeah um maybe maybe i don't know okay all right okay so here's here's something i'm going to recommend just for fun just for fun um tell your dad i'm just recommending this all right tell your dad here's something that i changed and that's my caring about your opinion i care about you but i've cut off caring about your opinion it's very liberating very liberating i discovered i could really love you more but i'm not interested in any of your opinions anymore it's fabulous try it i would recommend you don't care about any of my opinions either so let's meet on that ground let's care deeply about each other but never again about each other's opinions change the rules this brings up another question that i had self-knowledge about my anchors understanding my anchors the way that i'm understanding this conversation is that i might be able to have knowledge of those anchors but that i lack the power to be able to pull those anchors out like that i need the sacred i need an act a power greater than myself would pull that out bingo i love what you're saying but i don't think i have the power to do that on my own you don't and well done you gold star and i think that's two you got you're leading the pack but here's the thing that's that's the brilliance of getting this which is exactly why ev all everybody that's why ins in looking at all the information that's been passed out that's been revealed about how attitudes influence us and influence health and all this stuff about you know in order to heal do this and do that and eat this way and run and sit and jump jog and all this other stuff none of that will help you here none zero it might relieve pain you get a little relief from pain you'll get a little relief here but in the long run it can't heal anything at all because it doesn't have the the capacity to actually change what's happening in cell tissue and by cell tissue i also mean the cell tissue of your physical life at the larger sphere the in the first chakra i want you to imagine it's the external body of your life and your cells are this big so here's your dad and your cell and here's your mom and here's the environment this is the external cell body of your life it's the environmental cell like can you picture what i'm saying to you so to heal something in the external cell what you can do is bring a level of conscious but you actually can't detach and heal you can have healing conversations that might shift the current a little bit but you'll never get out of the issue ever which is why what people say to me is we've talked about it we've this we've that we've this we've that we're processing we're working on it these are the kinds of conversations you have but you never get out of it you never get out of the orbit to actually get out of the orbit you got to get up here you got to get up here you've got you need the graces you need to work the laws you need to clip you need to transition okay and that the bridge up here is you actually need to invoke grace you actually need to pray you actually need to understand that i have to work with different cause and effect i have to make some very different choices and i can't look back and those different choices are going to change this world and when you're in this world you don't have the power to do that and but you have to pull up anchors and make very different choices and when you say i don't know that yes you can do it but sometimes you have to build up the momentum god grant me the courage to the fortitude the fourth chocolate grace to i i really need to do this and what happens is the realization grows stronger and then the appetite to do it appetite down here second we're gonna your appetites in the physical world begin to change instead of having an appetite for his attention you start developing an appetite for liberation and that's how grace comes in that's how grace comes in you start developing a different the other appetites that are in your second field that you haven't discovered because there are other appetites in the second field second floor you thought where do these come from it's not unlike when you start getting yourself start changing start changing your inner life your appetites your physical appetites for food shift that's the second chakra is an appetite for food you start you start you made you may find yourself developing an allergy to this and a craving for this and you can't eat this but you want this and that's very that's what happens on the second floor as you start cleansing yourself from this you realize i can't eat this junk food anymore but i i really want clean food i want clean food and you never really were mindful full in your mind of what you were eating and now you you are it's very important for you it becomes a value for you to be very mindful of what you're putting in your body it makes a difference because you realize it does make a difference it does it becomes you want live food you want fuel you want it because now you actually feel you're developing a different relationship with your form that as you're becoming more conscious you actually feel the cause and effect of food in your body i eat this it does this whereas before you just you may have just jammed something in to fill the hunger pains and now you're actually feeling you know if i eat this i feel this way if i eat this i and now you realize i'm getting allergic this is the second this is your second chakra and it's quite astounding because this is the center of relationships how do i relate to what i'm eating what i am who i am with you realize you know when i'm with somebody who thinks like this i get crazy when i'm in this relationship field i'm very comfortable what were you saying when i'm you just described i think with you you said very motherly very calming did you not say was lit was that not you lynn she said when she was with lynn when christina said when i'm with lynn i feel very calm everyone's going to grab you now uh oh but lynn has a very tranquilized and you do you have a very tranquilizing field but you start noticing fields around you don't notice it here in your first floor but when you get to the second your second floor consciousness you begin to notice fields around fields around food fields around atmospheres fields fields around it starts to make a difference who you're with and that's when you start to pay attention to the quality of relationships the quality like i don't like the impact this person has on my health not just my wealth but it starts to make a big difference these are factors you start to consider i'm not calm around this i'm very calm around this person brings joy to me joy becomes a factor you never had a joy factor before not enough joy not enough joy not enough joy okay see how this works it's so delicious and you realize i think joy is an issue for me and i think i thrive better in joy and i need somebody who is joyful and i don't want someone who drains me of that because i need to dwell in these kinds of fields of grace and if i don't it will deplete how i feel i'm discovering that about myself and i don't want to be without this kind of grace it's very delicate and i like it okay i'm going to send us all i'm done lecturing i'm done i'm i've given it all today i'm turning it off
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 22,811
Rating: 4.9204545 out of 5
Id: C0qXfbFl2bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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