Caroline Myss - It’s Time to Imagine Something New

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hi everybody welcome to third session on on prayer and thank you for joining me you know today i had a um an interview and it was one of those interviews that was absolutely enchanting and i want to i want to open this program tonight with um an anecdote a little story from that because it it sometimes someone shares something with me and it's so delightful so we were talking about prayer and this this interviewer who's a young woman said that she said i have i actually wrote it down because it was so cute she said that she saved prayers for special occasions because she thought well they were so special and so powerful that she could only pray on special occasions and i said what and she said yeah no they were they were they were they're so powerful i i only i only prayed on special occasions and then she told me and this is leading right into the prayer i want to talk to you about first of all which is holy imagination and she said um that she was in a job and it was just awful and she felt [Music] she was with people that weren't nice and and she felt that she was stuck and she had children and and so she didn't feel particularly mobile so it was time to pray because it was a special occasion because she was in bad shape and she said and i wish i could duplicate the way she she told this because i could just imagine how she prayed in this kind of incredible sweet innocence she said to she said i said to god i don't know how i got myself into this situation but can you help me get out and there was something about the way she said that that i thought if i were god i would have just swapped down right away and made everything better and and so she said in a in a couple of weeks she got fired and so she said to god i don't think this is what i meant i'm telling you i was hysterical i don't think this is what i meant but all right shortly after that she got her dream job it was more than she ever anticipated more than she could have quote imagined it was exactly it was perfect but um i mean even her response well this isn't what i had in mind but she went along with it i mean what can you do i just thought that was enchanting saving prayers for special occasions i love that i wanted to talk about holy imagination because it's something that i want to infect you with i want i want you to kind of really understand the power of your imagination at the sacred level at the sacred level um you know when we're kids and we encounter imagination people will oftentimes you're just imagining that you're just you're just how often do we hear that how many times you're watching a movie and something they they see something and someone says you're just imagining that so that the idea of imagination is that it's not real that whatever it is you're dealing with is not real it's just somehow or other an image that you've self conjured up and you're it's not real when in fact it's it's what is possible it's what could happen i how many times i have worked with people who are confronting crises or illnesses and i i sometimes can get this sense of how they could work their way out what the possibilities of how you could get out of something and their response is i can't imagine that i can't imagine myself doing that i can't imagine myself saying that when when when you're in a a situation where you are losing your power to something losing your power to someone in a power struggle somehow and you've got to break that you've got to break that current between you and that other and you have to separate from that you have to figure out a way to say something and i've said to people why don't you say this why don't you think this way i can't imagine i can't imagine saying that i can't imagine being that person who can do that i can't imagine so that their imagination of what they can imagine themselves doing has is so limited and yet where people don't limit their imagination is in the dark side where they imagine fears doing all kinds of things to them what theresa vavila would call reptiles there we don't parameter our our imagination at all think about how controlled life is by fears by what you anticipate happening about all you imagine that could possibly happen that never does about decisions you want to be how you think about your life that what could be button because of what you imagine happening that absolutely never does but you imagine it of what you imagine could happen in a relationship if you were to change the power dynamics so it never does or you imagine yourself alone so you never do this that this or you imagine this or you imagine that so all of these imaginings in your in the dark side of imagination keep you paralyzed you imagine what people will say if you fail you imagine all of these things and in this theater in your head of imagination you play out scenarios that never see the light of day they never manifest they never happen but all of this is in your imagination think about how many times you imagine disasters losing all your money if you get close to god oh well i can't do that because god will take all my money i mean the nonsense people come up with but that's the power of imagination on the dark side but rarely do people over to the holy side to the cosmic side of imagination to the sacred side to holy imagination to wondering i wonder what things would be like if i engaged the power of the sacred in the things that i'm doing i wonder how that would change i wonder how things would be different if my allied ship was with the invisible world in in one of the questions this reporter asked me today she said you know how do you pray i mean how how did about surrender she said do you do you ever i mean surrender what is that for you and i said well you know when i can't figure something out the way i i pray is that when i go to bed at night i will say i don't know what to do here i'm surrendering this to you figure it out i'm going to sleep that's what i do and it doesn't occur to me that it was isn't going to be figured out by the morning i surrender it completely and in my imagination i don't i realize i do not have the imagination that's wide enough clever enough cosmic enough to come up with a solution to this left to my devices i will just imagine things familiar and a lot of the problems we have in life require something unfamiliar something new something we've never thought about before that's why we need an allied ship with the invisible world and that's one the prayer that's here you do this you figure it out i am going to bed i can't i can't anyone think about this anymore i'm and that's it i need a good night's sleep you deal with it good night and that's the prayer and i go to sleep and then in the morning i fully expect somehow or other that that day some resolution is going to come into my life and as i pointed out to her when you pray with surrender you don't get to say to heaven oh by the way before i turn the lights out don't tamper with this don't do this don't surrender is surrender you don't get to put parameters around surrender is truly a prayer of faith that says it's not about giving up and saying i i just am defeated it's about saying i don't have your imagination i surrender uh you know what i don't have your i don't know what's going on here so you take charge of this i really don't know what's going on here you're uh and and i'll tell you here's a clue now i know that when things when when situations get complicated or and a lot of things start going getting difficult at the same time you know this breaks down that you get fired you does everything at once that's one it's we're likely to really really collapse and think i just can't take anymore that's an ordinary way of responding and i've been there many times until until one day many years ago i took a look at and everything was going wrong what we think of is wrong because what the aka it wasn't going my way i sat back and i thought no human you know you know we could what is normal is to say it's your fault this is going it's your fault and it's your fault i finally looked at everything and i thought you know what only heaven could mess up my life this much this is not a crisis this i know it's not my version of guidance i don't like it but something else is going on here i don't like it this isn't my preference i would rather a letter a fedex something but obviously it's time for me to do something and so i'm just going to let the walls of this building fall and then i'll take it from there when nothing when there's nothing else you can do get out of the way and surrender to what's happening just get out and let everything collapse and then walk in and say okay now what do you want me to do and and believe me the threads gonna be there and that's what surrender's about when some when it's that big when it's so obvious that i can't i can't stop the walls from collapsing get out of the way and let them collapse let them fall and that is believe it or not participating in okay this is what's supposed to happen and that's what i have i have since lived by that creed so that's what i said to her was i just i just turned it over and and i do not tell heaven don't let that wall collapse don't let that have collapse i'm like whatever because if you're going to take it it's going to go so just make sure that when i wake up in the morning i'm pointed in the right direction and i'll take it from there because what what humans what we have to understand is heaven will not do our work for us heaven will not do what we are meant to do what we are designed to do heaven will never intervene when it is up to us to do the task we can get all the guidance in the world but we'll never be told what to do guidance will never heaven will ever do the task for us so i want to read the prayer of holy imagination because i really i really wrote this because i wanted to i was thinking about exactly that which is to have an allied ship with the invisible world what could happen if your imagination was cosmic in proportion if you could allow the unimaginable to be part of your imagination if you could allow something and say look i can't i need a solution here that i cannot imagine i can't imagine how to get out of this so i'm turning it over to you i can't i'm i'm out of i'm out of solutions so i need i need the holy end of this to take over because i can't do and it is a part surrender and it's part realizing that i've imagined as much as i can and i need your help so help me out here that's what holy imagination is and and and that includes the possibility for example of saying i can't imagine you're intervening in ways that i don't see i can't imagine you helping me out here i'm i i can live in that truth i can live there my imagination is big enough to include your presence in my life at all times so wherever i am i'm not going to say to myself that i am living an accident or a mistake so i don't talk to myself that way so wherever i am somehow or other you're going to get me you're going to be with me and get me through wherever i am so let me just read this prayer and there was one i picked to go with it i know i'm only supposed to do a couple but i never pay attention if i made up the rules i can change them so this is holy imagination the older i get lord the more i marvel at how you designed us i am deeply enchanted by and in awe of the capacity of my soul to imagine what my mind cannot comprehend i sometimes just observe the way my mind works left to its own devices it wanders back into my history rummaging through the mysteries left unsolved wondering why things happened as they did in reviewing unfinished conversations it's often not a pleasant experience lord except when i go back to collect wisdom what did i learn what will i never do again i'm not sentimental about the past lord and i have few attachments to it but i do want to gather the knowledge i've gained from my life and put it to good use and it seems that knowledge and wisdom are currency in my soul they fuel my liftoff into visionary altitudes where i can dwell and wonder about what is unfolding in the world below in my soul i can comprehend the fluidness of creation and how rapidly humanity can collectively shift an outcome that is our power yet we fear intimacy so we collectively push away the truth that we are one mystical body all breathing together the buddha saw this and jesus taught that but somehow it is the ultimate threat to our five senses and so we live in physical bodies in which we are constantly communicating to our cell tissues to act aggressively toward each other that we are one another's enemy the message we transmit to the planetary community is identical to the one we absorb in our physical bodies we just cannot manage to live the truth that what is in one is in the whole so simple so obvious and yet so terrifying we could heal so many illnesses in an instant by uniting the power of our soul's imagination and grace if only we were not so afraid of our own wholeness and the same power in others now when i when i was writing that i realized that part of holy imagination is to imagine what we could do together what what humanity could be like if we actually lived the sacred truths that were taught if we actually started to live those if we actually really began to live what is in one is in the whole if if if and it's really as simple as that why why are we so afraid to imagine a planet getting along together imagining that why are we so afraid to imagine that everybody can actually cooperate together why are we so afraid to imagine and equalizing of power why are we so afraid of that but we are but we are it's somehow or other we can't seem to bring ourselves to imagine something at the cosmic level that big that's that incomprehensible that's where we get into imagine now that could never happen know that why not why not we can why can't we like it's like for example if a person can heal their illness if an illness let me say it this way if an illness can be healed rapidly if an illness can be healed that faster than ordinary time this is what's called a miracle they call it a miracle because it's healed faster than in ordinary time and because it's usually considered unhealable but it does happen and if that can happen to one person why can't it happen to a collective experience like an epidemic or a pandemic why couldn't it just happen that a number of people shift the health of the whole because it it is it is the workings of law if enough people we are the collective immune system if enough people united their soul power it could happen this isn't like new age la la nonsense this is the technology of the soul this could happen in fact this would happen that's it takes a whole lot of i think collective belief take your life you may be dealing with an illness or you may be dealing with a situation that from an ordinary point of view doesn't have an ordinary solution but what if you opened up to your holy imagination tonight and you said that's it i can't i'm i'm out of solutions what if you had a prayer that said you know what i can't um do this anymore on my own so i'm going to surrender this to you i'm going to completely surrender this prayer this situation to you and i'm going to sleep so you take care of it and you work it out and i don't know what you're going to do but i have no doubt it's going to change my life and i'll deal with whatever changes you put into place because that's the bargain you change it because that's what this change requires and i'm going to sleep and go ahead and say that prayer try that one out and watch what happens and and by the way when you when you pray with that kind of faith and that kind of prayer where and you wake up in the morning this isn't santa claus don't look for a gift under a tree when you wake up you wake up in the consciousness that that prayer has been answered and that forces are in motion behind the scenes within the holy atmosphere in which you live that that prayer is in motion this is something hold this thought in your head for the rest of your life another question i get asked quite often do you believe every prayer is answered well of course every prayer is answered it's how it's answered that it's worth understanding a prayer is not answered like like a mathematical problem like here's the problem here's the answer here's the prayer here's the answer it doesn't work like that prayers are mystical um mystical conversation they're they're mystical and and so is the way they the response is and it's um now this is going to take something to hold in your head but the way prayers are answered somehow or other includes you and includes more than you and it includes the whole of your life and it includes other people we don't we we don't stand alone in life and when we pray we oftentimes don't think about that we oftentimes don't get our interactions with the whole we can't comprehend that we can't comprehend the cause and effect of the flow of our life in in the whole of our life we don't have that view we we just don't have that view and and we don't have a divinely organic view either of how things have to unfold and the way in which our choices our choices interact with the answer to prayers simultaneously so for example you might i hope i can say this right i have to do this right you you're praying for something and and then at the same time you're filled with doubt and despair or or you're making choices that somehow are contrary to how the prayer can be answered um so heaven has to kind of work with that energy work with the the the energetics the holy energetics that you're generating it's almost as if heaven if he could come in and sit you down and say will you just stay positive for an hour so we can get something done will you just stay positive and for one hour one hour that's all we need is one hour of you staying positive and having a sense of faith and having a sense of trust we can straighten the wires and the laws of cause and effect will flow more freely and and everything will flow a little easier just stop with the doubt stop with the despair and we can get things going a little easier does that make sense to you it kind of works like that so that's a little bit how uh prayers and and what i will leave you with with holy imagination is that when you start imagining the worst of things when your fears get the worst of you remind yourself that you are going down that track of the power of your imagination and that you are actually now actively imagining the worst of things the worst of times the worst possible things that could happen and stop yourself and that's when you hit the grace button that's when you should say whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm doing this i'm doing exactly what carolyn said i'm just dousing myself in dark imaginings and this is what i have to say i need some badass grace i need some grace here i need some serious grace i need to imagine myself i know i'll imagine myself filled with faith until i get filled with faith i'll imagine myself not frightened i will imagine myself with and everything's okay i will imagine somehow or other i get through this i will imagine that everything's going to be okay i will admit start a prayer like that and then say i will i will turn this over to grace and just sit with me god i'm not going down that path okay that's holy imagination and really when you get good at it and um if someone ever said to me you're just imagining i'm like a damn right i am and there is power in that there's power power power you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 50,198
Rating: 4.9407859 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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