A View from Your Soul: Understanding the Power of Your Mystical Nature

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good morning everybody and good morning to all of you I really like to start my workshops with a sort of a prayer meditation focus and I hope that's okay with you all of these selections are from my my book Holy language and it's not that I'm promoting my book not at all but I I've grown accustomed to the way I talked to God so that's what we're going to do and I think it's in keeping with the way I teach because I think that we're at a time that's changing our relationship with the cosmos and a new dialogue is is being born some thoughts Lord are small and others are cosmic sighs I had a cosmic epiphany today that I require the energy that breath the breath of all living creatures to sustain me suddenly instantly I felt gratitude and vulnerability colliding within me from inside this cosmic lens I experienced the whole fabric of life as a living breathing organism moving through me and with me this is the sensation lasted for just a microsecond but it felt as if the observational view through which I had always looked at everything suddenly shattered I was no longer an observer of life but a particle participating in the energetics of creation I will admit you Lord that I wanted to dwell on that perception a while longer I felt as if I was experiencing the breathing apparatus of creation itself instead of just looking as an outsider at the flowers in my garden once they had bloomed my mind cannot comprehend this experience some experiences I'm learning Lord belong only to the soul I believe you graced me today with allowing me for microsecond to melt into the truth that all life breathes together life would be so less fearful if people could only touch the power of that one truth for a microsecond no no you don't you don't clap at a prayer you just let it go in I sometimes I don't know how to enter all that I want to teach these days but I am going to start with saying everything that I want to teach is about how to bring you into the phenomenon of what I believe is happening today its if anyone had ever said to me honestly wait a minute I had four chairs and now I have none wait and you know everything makes me laugh that's a good thing okay david says I can't teach without a pen in my hand and you know what I realized it's true okay so not stole if anyone had ever said to me that I would spend the rest of my life that there would come a time when I would spend my life teaching about prayer spirituality and the the power of the soul honest to god I would have said they were not so I would have said they were nuts and now I can't think of anything more important that I could tell you there's nothing more important that I could give to you as the rest the legacy of my life lived then what I have come to believe is true about what I what is happening in the world and what is happening to you within you and around you and what I believe is taking place in the world today and how important it is for you to understand the significance of everything that's happened in your life in you biologically in you intuitively in you spiritually and everything that is happening around us that the moment we are living these that there's a reason you're alive now and you can't miss that reason you can't misinterpret that reason that the idea that there's such a thing as retirement is nonsense that what you do is you retire from your old ways you retire from thinking that age renders you useless that money renders you helpless the lack of it that conventional occupation is the way to be empowered but that the way to be empowered rises from the cleverness of what you can perceive rather than see that you come to the realization of what ordinary Minds think is powerless you come to understand is the most powerful tools you have that it is that power lies in your capacity to choose one word carefully and when to use that one word or one not to say a word that in fact your capacity to see through a myth or an illusion to know when to use your power and when not to use your power to know what power really is to know how to handle yourself in such a way that you are so empowered that you can withstand an illusion coming towards you and not as they say in Taoism get caught in a spectacle dancing in front of you but allow that spectacle to move on whether that spectacle is a fear and someone says oh my god the market is collapsing you have to invest your money in this you have to do that some fear that is being put out if you don't do this then this is going to happen that you're able to discern clearly that that is the archetype of the hysteric coming towards you and that you can clearly put put around your boundary declare it literally detach your consciousness and become in that moment impersonal impersonal and that you know that impersonal doesn't mean what an ordinary mind would think which is I don't care impersonal is that state of empowerment that says I am I am detaching from this so that I can see clearly do you want my pen I'm in no I'm not being funny have you been sitting there saying I never mind what she's saying I want that pen I want that marker and I want you to just focus on that right now I want you to deeply focus on that because that's what impersonal feels like I want you to have a marker in you and imprint so that you know that's what the sensation of impersonal feels like it feels like that nothing it's not that you don't care there's no care about it at all it's just nothing it's not dismissing it is that it this has absolutely no authority over you I can throw it this way I can throw it that way you can never see it again and it wouldn't matter to you would it if I decided to use green in the next hour or blue it would not matter to you at all it has no power over you you will never think of it again if I didn't even mention it you would never have noticed it and yet it is an object just like a Tiffany diamond just like your house as Buddha would say excuse me it's just it's the it's in Buddha language what is the different one object is an object is an object is an object what is the difference from Buddha perspective what is the difference is sighs the difference this is what Buddha means by illusion one object is yet an object is an object is an object the difference which is something we'll talk about the difference is the power you give to something that's all you've decided one thing has power and one thing doesn't it's all perception this is this is the moment this is the era this is the time in which we are realizing wait a minute I'm the one that's giving this thing authority over me it has no authority over me unless I give it a thority over me now that's power that's power and when we started at the first floor of my of your house on the first floor of your house though and you're looking out the window the first floor of your world is stuff it's stuff here look that's the first floor that is the first floor right there this is a perfect room for this workshop because that is what that's actually the view of the first floor it's small it's limited and from the first floor of your house this is about as much as you see which gives you the illusion that you are the center of the universe that your world is across the street and it's not very big and that you are very important in that world and that and and and you can develop the idea that stuff is very significant in that world so your first level of power your first concept of what power is is going to be tactical stuff I got to touch it yeah it is that also substances I'm going to repeat the question I am going to repeat your questions because this is being recorded and we have an audience and they won't hear you so I will always do that yes but the big point that I am trying to make right now and then I'll put it in micro points is that among the many many profound changes that are occurring at this time is that we the people of our time have become obsessed with power the study of our power becoming empowered the power of our words the power of words said to us the power that experiences had on us in childhood the power of our wounds the power of everything we are on power quests everything is about getting back our powers if we ever had if you ever had your power you wouldn't be searching for it if you were ever truly empowered there'd be no such thing as going looking for it but the fact that power is forefront in every one of your lives a major journey for every single one of you not one of you is is not on this journey every one of you is I don't even have to because that is the nature of the journey at this time so you could call it a spiritual journey you could call it a conscience you could call it health you cannot recover your health unless you're on a spiritual journey unless you're on the journey of power you can't be in a healthy relationship unless you understand power you can't function at a job you can't do anything unless you understand power it's just the way it is now this is such a big deal so if to back up and introduce the where did this come from when did this become such a big deal and I have to keep drinking water here what is that I mean do you know for the first time ever in a hotel room I had I actually woke up in the night and I had to drink water what is that here is it that dry is it really that dry I never ever had that ever ever look I have you all now reaching for your water but I have never ever experienced that ever okay so I need to I want to take you back because my my a characteristic of my style is the larger perspective and I think the larger perspective is delicious because you need to appreciate the time in which you're living and that you have to know that you're part of an evolutionary drama that includes everybody and everything you have at you I cannot encourage you enough to be able to develop that lens that allows you to stand still open your eyes and include in your life journey everybody else and all the events taking place and to wire yourself in so that you remember this this is you at the basic level just your basic tribal tribal me level but eventually this is all you at the personal this is going to be a trick but eventually as you get up the stairs the floors of you you make the transition into the impersonal level of your own life you become impersonal about you now your soul is impersonal now your spirit is personal spirit but your soul is impersonal that's a defining character that's a defining difference between your spirit and your soul here's another one your spirit you will use the word energy to identify your spirit but when we get to the soul we will use the word grace now the spirit in the soul has its own vocabulary and they each have their range of power and authority now Teresa of Avila henceforth known as Teresa she's got one of her great teachings one of her delicious great teachings you you all know who Teresa is right anybody not oh ooh let me introduce you very quickly she was a 16th century Carmelite nun and I'm madly in love with her my book entering the castle is about her genius she wrote a book called the interior castle she was a mystic a saint she was so much so much more I happen to be very fond of her Saints are real and sometimes very close to us her teachings changed my life personally deeply profoundly rerouted my life directly I wouldn't be here at all had I not encountered the teachings of Teresa I came to believe and everything I'm teaching you is the result of this belief that as a medical intuitive eventually I went from you know helping norm someone asked me today if norm was my husband no no but he's as close to his soulmate as I will ever get meaning that if it wasn't for norm the calling of my soul is not something I would have followed I think God sends us certain people who we require to animate to help us activate something we didn't know we had inside of us and and while I well my my mind my skills I chose to educate myself as a writer and a historian and then a theologian because that's where I saw my skill and so and I had a passion to be to becoming something I have no talent for write a fiction author but my genius my soul was an intuitive healer medical intuitive something I never heard of you have to appreciate when you've never heard of something what that does mean it means that you you you start responding to your life instead of projecting your life I never anticipated a thing I never thought oh with this you know what I could write books and I could if you don't even know what you are or what it is you've you're doing you don't create someone said to me I've been asked so many times did you know this would make you well know did you know if you don't even know what you're doing how can you turn around and anticipate you're going to write books or teach about it when you don't even know what you're doing nothing nothing is a more absurd question nothing when I studied theology I studied mysticism I studied the great mystics I studied how it is that people are called what was that what what did they hear well what did they hear what were they going how what was that come when people would hear the what were they listening to and how come some people went mad and others became great healers and and were able to heal people and and become vessels through which light flowed and other people were healed because of them or they could buy lo que Padre Pio and Teresa she could she would become so filled with light something I'll explain later so filled with light that her body became more like than matter and so she levitated which explains how Jesus walked on water it explains how gurus levitate it is the law of science its mystical science but it's science because God is law it is the same thing that happens in what you call a miracle where didn't where's this I put it up here I'll get to it it's what's happening in you is vertical consciousness timelessness that is the phenomenon that's happening in you and I came to that through healing and we're going to go through that today and tomorrow we're Kairos which is hour by hour time is shifting into vertical time which is timeless thought into form and this is like this arc and that is exactly what's happening to us to put it in technical terms so what's happening to you that is what's happening this is thought into form just like that you're now wired for this that's the intuitive shift that happened in the nuclear age this is the wiring it's happening it this is what's happening to the whole human species this is light consciousness this is technical consciousness this is your internet and your internet and every one of your experiences can be explained by us by I'll be right there dying by accommodating you getting you to perceive light before matter you seeing through illusions versus the density seeing the truth which is light versus the density of illusion what I realized with as a medical intuitive was that in the beginning in the beginning I was simply reading you to figure out what's the matter with you and you realize in theology I we would talk about the soul going way way back as a Catholic nobody told me about the chakras nobody described it know that this is not part of Catholicism ok so now I I get wired and I'm doing readings and I'm thinking what is this and here's perception perception is different you have to I was using the language of the five senses which is completely inappropriate we need to have an energetic language part of the reason we go into states of madness not insanity madness is because we lack the language to describe our contemporary mystical experiences someone asked me at breakfast tell me your name again Kate Kate Kate asked me at breakfast if I thought I was ever you know losing it growing up because I told her that the others I said I'm too old now to keep secrets I never ever thought I was losing it I thought you were I thought you were I was always so comfortable in between in between worlds it was the most natural place in the world for me the unnatural place was here the unnatural place I sought a spiritual director to help me live in this world not to help me cope with that one I - I tried to marry four times to get me into this world until I realized that's never going to happen and then I figured out what the hell just accept Who I am I couldn't make myself normalize in this world to ground myself here and then I figured I'll screw it and that and I said I said to my I've never been happier than the day I accepted that I did it that and I've been in a happy bubble ever since okay so but when the language is missing so we have to kind of get this language straight and we need to talk about that put that down language so I don't forget now when I started to do readings and this may be a track for you perception is different than sight so be advised that perception operates within your whole field not your eyes your whole field you are so accustomed to living forward right in front you are so accustomed to thinking your world is just in front of you but it's all around it's behind you it's above you it's you are living in a hologram that don't fall you are living in a hologram you've got to step into like this picture here you're living in an active hologram now and you can't see it and you're gonna forget it again and again and again so this is one of the jewels in your pocket now you have to have to have to imprint that she you have to imprint you are now residing both of you in a hologram which means you're getting data from behind you here here and and we have to talk about what is this this is your soul is an active hologram now if it will help you if it will help you think of the hologram as draw what the image was when you learned latitude and longitude do you remember that draw that and put yourself in the center of the globe so that the lines of latitude and longitude become animated for you as a communication system so that you have something visual here and that you know you are in a 24/7 animated communication system this is high soul technology now this we need a language we need a language and this is going to have to do to the higher thing comes along but you need to image that you are constantly constantly picking this up now come down here in your first floor when you look out the window on an ordinary day you will not see your hologram do you get that you cannot see your hologram you can only perceive it and sense it if you go over to your neighbors and sit down and have coffee with them in their first floor and say I'm having a bad hologram day my soul hologram I'm on Soul overload which by the way and incidentally is a real condition don't expect that they will say I know what you're talking about do you understand me put down sole companion we'll get to that don't let me forget these things they occur to me as I talk you cannot be that foolish and you cannot be that needy you cannot be that needy you need a spine made of titanium to endure the journey neediness is not allowed you have needs but you cannot be needy there is a difference okay so much so much so much I can't even write it so much now back right okay beginning so when in my early days as a medical intuitive I was only interested in what was wrong with you physically but through that through that I learned this familiar drawing alright I can do it in miniature that you've all seen but it's I have to you're gonna all right but it will work for now now I have an excuse for my poor drawings okay all right what I didn't know in the beginning was how bloody effective this was going to be because what I was really learning to chart what I thought early on when I was charting was at first I thought it was stress that was the word I was using because that was the popular word in my god when I started the 1980s right there was the that was the word oh my where are you losing power were you losing stress yet et to death so I developed the human energy system energy based on stress okay but every part of me thought this is so inadequate we can't be it can't we're not that simple as oh I have stress here and I'm losing my power and this person is losing stress in the lower pack of their body because of financial issues which are true by the way but it can't be that simple it can't be that simple okay come over here that's this house right here one of the crisis points that is now being crept through is the way we think in terms of polarity our model of consciousness that for every one problem there is one solution that you are either right or wrong that for every illness there is one cause that you are if you're good bad things don't happen there is male and there is female and nothing in between there is left and right there's Republican and Democrat there is the east and there is the West and there is nothing in between polar ISM and polarity is a model of consciousness that is now disintegrating it is disintegrating even as we sit here the boundaries of sexuality are melting the boundaries of what our feminine and masculine are melting the boundaries of auto right and wrong are melting one of the reasons I stopped doing readings is because I came to realize that there's no such thing as one reason for why anything happens and to begin to explain I was going from the flat world into the world of hologram consciousness and I couldn't convey that anymore that either I got you into the hologram that that was what I had to do we were no longer in a world where of problems were one problem has one solution we have transitioned into the world of predicaments predicaments don't have solutions they take us into transformation they are not resolved by a solution by a solution melting glaciers are not a problem they're a predicament that demand we change they will not change they are taking us with them the environmental crisis is not a problem it is a predicament that demands we change we do not write a treaty and say to the glacier sign this it is our arrogance that's on the line we do not say to nuclear weapons to Fukushima to all of this and the lies they tell us that it's under control which it is not there's only so many human beings you can threaten by saying don't you let the truth of this out that it is nuking the water waves nuking the fish nuking what you eat are the plastic in the ocean either we transition with this global predicament were in because who pollutes their own home we have no place to go so either we change or we perish and we cannot cannot continue to be so naive so blind so arrogant as to think we have time to put this off it's not our responsibility if we don't watch the news it won't happen to us know if you're alive now you are responsible that's the only sentence that better sink in if you are alive now you are responsible because your consciousness is participating and that is the high soul truth that what is it one is in the hole that we are all active ingredients in everything and this is the new theology it's organic God has gone organic and that is the truth that's the new theology God has gone organic move over Whole Foods the new theology is organic its bio spiritual organic ecological that's the new theology and we have to live this with every powerful choice we make and I promise you that if you understood truly go into yourself you will discover that every suffering inside of you is coming from the whole speaking to you personally you no longer suffer alone and if you look at yourself and you say what's wrong with me you have to say now what's wrong with me and us or you'll never get to the root of your crisis ever and if you treat yourself as a victim you'll never heal ever no more and there is no pest you have to rise out of your own ashes one of the things I realized as I was doing my medical intuition is that this this business of healing was getting boring I'm thinking I got into wound ology and I thought Jesus these people use wounds like Street currency and the fear of not wanting to heal blew me out of the water why would someone not want to heal how could someone not want to heal I mean how naive was I thinking everybody wants to be healing then dang the light goes on it wasn't about healing was about power it was totally about power now we're moving up the ladder here it was about power and what is it about power that made the journey of becoming whole so incredibly frightening what was it because hit the pause button here hit it simultaneously there's all these power gigs surfacing walking on fire and and and learning to say don't you cross my boundary and and yada yada yada all this silliness that was surfacing all over the place so there's quest for empowerment was books on being powerful how to be power how to say your needs haven't in a while the real journey of power people were running away from like scampered rabbits how to be empowered in the capacity to look to go deep in yourself and confront truth to plow through illusions to listen to your inner instruction to actually become aligned and congruent now doing the readings I hit this place where I began to realize that the the incredible number of people who are depressed the anxiety unbelievable I'm thinking this is so incredible really here we are with all this health stuff get healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy and we're not we're getting sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker we're tumbling more into the unconscious and the darkness of conscious just when we have more tools to get conscious what is that about how could that be happening how could we have this increased thing in going darker into consciousness while having all these ways to get lighter into consciousness what will be putting the brakes on but in fact in the world of mysticism you don't go into the soul and escorted what was happening was we'd opened up the world of behind our eye and we had plunged into the depths at the same time we removed holy language the very tools we needed to plunge into the soul so we went into our wounds without the soul without prayer without reflection so that every pain that came up we saw as a threat instead of an arrow that said go this way so instead of going through the pain and saying I've been expecting you come sit with me come sit with me come let's break through this we had to go find some of the blame it became a Search and Destroy mission and if it got too bad we went for medication we medicated ourselves so instead of using the tools of the mystic and that's when I saw oh my god everybody's in a spiritual crisis not a psychological one a spiritual they didn't even recognize they were banging on the doors of the soul because they didn't have the language for it ergo my book the power of holy language we'd tossed out that language so we couldn't get in there anymore so people were in spiritual crises and all the while the tools of your soul were trying desperately to wake up people were going this high but not getting in not actually getting to that level of vertical consciousness because without the tools without recognizing that you're going through a mystical transition a mystical transformation you're going to go the other way and you're going to hover in depression you're going to hover and feeling you're isolated but that guidance system is going to keep on you're going to keep feeling more and more remote and your sensitivities are going to increase now could any of you relate to that yes right and your life keeps transitioning and you will continue to feel more remote about your external world while your internal world keeps rupturing deeper and deeper and deeper and you will continue to feel I have to find a something's happening something's happening and occasionally in the quieter more peaceful moments your soul surfaces and you get the sense of a soul worldview of yourself in something and maybe you'll have what Theresa calls a profound moment of quietude where something rich and sweet and filled with grace takes you over when God gets into the walls of your soul for a moment a second a microsecond and you think I'm okay I'm really okay even but then what happens is when you come back down here because your five senses you're not yet strong enough to sustain the altitude and what what you give into is this idea that God still has to be practical you have to convert it to some kind of practical occupational something or other in the real world and so you came into some kind of frightening need for some kind of physical groundedness of the divine because you don't yet trust how this remarkable power that's trying to come up and you and say look I don't play by those rules you got to trust me I have outrageous rules I have mystical rules I play by when you need me I'm there rules I am vertical I'm not this way so stop looking ahead I am right here right now as you need me I am like johnny-on-the-spot you got a trust I am a hologram in motion I am right here you I am light in motion I do not give you tomorrow's sunrise - this morning you got to trust me I am here but I will be there I've never failed I've always risen in the morning haven't I you got to trust me I'm johnny-on-the-spot I have to tell you heaven never fails never not once never you have to stop expecting it to look like that world it's hidden in that world and this is where your transition comes this is where your journey is from this world to this world and it includes all of those and that's what's happening to you you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 72,642
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Id: mjD8R0rMJnA
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Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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