Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss

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sounds true presents sacred contracts with medical intuitive and the author of anatomy of the spirit and why people don't heal and how they can dr carolyn mace session one what is a sacred contract with carolyn mace [Music] what is a sacred contract a sacred contract is an agreement you make with the universe before you're born the agreement is based on this paradigm i want you to imagine that before you were born you had an opportunity to discuss with a team of guides how you would serve humanity and yourself in a lifetime and after that agreement was made you began your descent into physical life and during that descent your spirit began to divide itself into different fragments those fragments found their ways into the let us say the spiritual containers of other people for them to hold on your behalf it's with these people then that you have your contracts because you don't have contracts with everybody your contracts are very selective and they're very specific you have contracts with certain people you have contracts to be certain places you have contracts to accomplish certain goals you have all of these contracts which combined together i want you to imagine form an enormous solo single sacred contract a sacred contract is an agreement you make to be a part of the creation and the manifestation of some part of life that will enhance the awakening and the making whole of your spirit and serve the whole of life at the same time now let me angle that yet again contracts are based on or a reflection of the process of creation this is a planet where free will comes together with destiny we do have choice on this planet but we also are destined we also do have promises to keep places to go people to meet that's not an illusion you really are scheduled to meet people an agreement you might have with someone a contract you might have might be to get together with someone because that person has the chemistry has the certain electricity that brings out in you a part of yourself a talent that you didn't know you had you meet that person because it's exactly that soul who has what it takes to activate in you a desire a burning desire to fulfill a part of yourself that never knew you had what it took to want to be an artist you have a contract with someone who can wake up that spirit in you and if you look back not everybody could do that it was that one person you have a contract with someone else who brings out new a shadow one aspect of your shadow who makes you look at something in yourself that you never realize that you could be competitive with somebody who seems to have a talent you don't have no one else made you feel this way you have an agreement with that spirit with that person now i want you to imagine before you're born that you're a soul you're not a personality contracts are very baffling sometimes but only to the personality that would like them to be logical because the one thing they're not is earth logical they're spiritually logical but they're not earth logical and that's by design and this is the reason a contract a contract is meant to challenge you in terms of how you want to control and order your physical life because left to our own devices we would make all of our choices in life based upon our need to control our external world because we're afraid of life we're an interesting species we're afraid to live and we're afraid to die and we're afraid of everything in between and so most of the choices if you look that we are prone to make in life are almost knee-jerk reactions to wanting to control the outside and what the outside is doing to our inside what happened to choice well necessity is destiny these two are one in the same thing but here comes choice choice says look what i'll do is this i'm going to set up circumstances that are contracts that's it they are not negotiable but you have a choice every time and that choice is how do you respond to a contract how are you going to act it out how are you going to integrate it what are you going to do about it how will you take charge how will you relinquish how will you be within certain setups you will always always always always have choice now it's an incredible thing to realize it's so incredible it's incredible imagine that you have a macrocosmic mind and you have a microcosmic mind it's very easy to see the choices to pick out the choices to recognize the choices you make that are big in your life i mean like the choice of where to move where to live where to go to school what job to take who to marry who to divorce that's obvious but you know these are these are big choices in life they're not little but you don't realize the power of the little choices you don't realize how tiny a choice might be to be kind to someone one day who might be desperate for one act of kindness and that that one act of kindness might have stopped that person from committing suicide now you think well carolyn that's a dramatic example you want to know how many times i've heard that from people do you want to know how many times someone's come up to me in a workshop and said if it wasn't for the fact that this person i don't even know who this person was said this person to me if it wasn't for the fact that this individual came up to me and said something nice i think i would have jumped off the bridge were they meant to meet um yeah i think so because you know what i think i think that a person who had a contract to send hope to be hope was directed in some way to be with that person at that time and that in that moment there was an exchange of that precious energy of hope and it made that person hang on now you know i think that there are just to give you a sidebar because i suspect you would ask me this right now so i'm going to answer it right now and that's we do have contracts with individuals and we also have contracts like with this person to be like pied pipers with our grace in other words anybody who had the contract with hope with the grace of hope could have served this woman it could have been you or it could have been someone else who had the gift of hope the grace of hope there is a level of contracts that play out just at that general human life level but then we upgrade to the contracts of specific relationships and specific tasks okay but back to what i was talking about which is you have no idea of the power of everything you say you haven't got a clue and to that i'm going to jump you right here into a sidebar once again and i'm going to remind you that you are a student of human consciousness you are someone that's incarnated to study the creative power of your spirit within the world of physical matter that's why you're here that's exactly why you're here and your contract is the system the thought forms the organizational pattern within which you're going to study that now part of the journey of becoming conscious is to learn how creative how powerful each one of our perceptions and thought forms are to take you backwards thought just think about one perception such as the word freedom how freedom changed the world that one word that one word that's not a big word but it represents everything look at your thoughts listen to your thoughts become so ever mindful of your thoughts this is part of your contract everyone you're with everything you do is a reflection in some way shape or form of what you should be learning about yourself and of your own creative power from now on think so very clearly that no matter where you are no matter who you're with every thought every word every energy you generate has the power to bring that person down or to raise that person up because you know what that's truth it sounds incredible but it's truth and i personally believe that we are so powerful that if we truly recognized how powerful a thought form is we wouldn't let ourselves out of the house no really i'm not being funny we wouldn't let ourselves out of the house because we cannot manage our psyches yet we cannot manage our psyches we can't even manage our attitudes we can't manage our spirits we can't manage anything and it's for that reason that we have contracts we can't manage our lives we have to have places to go and people to meet and schedules to keep because we are completely unmanageable so it has to be scripted for us because left to our own devices who knows what we do down there so back we go up the stairs up up up i have to assume you're following my wild way of teaching you have to be aren't you all right up we go we are back with the guardian of choice back again with helen keller annie sullivan we're talking about choice now once the spirit of helen keller descends and she becomes helen keller she's really not going to remember this agreement she's not going to remember that once upon a time before she even came down she agreed to give up to live in this way that's where choice comes in choice says you're not going to remember these things so i am going to set up circumstances well where does compassion come in here comes compassion the guardian of compassion says this i am always going to provide something in your life in every moment in every second that's going to remind you of the better choice it will always be there something somehow will always be present in some way that will remind you of the better choice to make in every second in your life now that's a phenomenal thing to say to you but i'm telling you it is absolute truth and again i'm going to say truth not true it's true you're listening to this program but truth which means it's eternal and that's that there is always always always a warning an intuitive signal that something's about to reshape itself in your life and in that intuitive signal that's the energy of compassion coming through that's the energy that says look alive look alive look alive it's time for you to sense change now i am a fountain of intuitive babble i suppose somebody would say but intuitive information i can't teach people enough to pay attention to that part of their psyche there's no way i can and part of the reason i am so enthused and passionate about it is because your intuitive system that slight and delicate part of you that subtle body that just surrounds and embraces you that part of you is able to sense the guardian of compassion that sense that says energy is now on the way of incarnating into physical matter an energetic thought is vesseling through you into form it's reshaping your life stop sense it becoming conscious is all about sensing yourself and your life and your world at that level your contracts are all about sensing you are in a contract with someone for the sake of integrating your spirit for the sake of heightening your awareness for the sake of becoming a fuller spiritual being this is why you have a contract with someone you're there to help them create more for themselves to enhance yourself you have a contract in order to enhance human evolution to be a part of the expansion of human consciousness you make contracts to rebuild cities and this planet rebuild life you have contracts to set up healing centers or to set up businesses you do we do make contracts for all of this and where compassion comes in where all of these guardians come in is that they establish parameters through which you accomplish these agreements compassion says when you are about to make a choice what is consciousness it's that you become as conscious as you can about why you make the choices you do two what you're responding to three whether or not you're making a choice out of fear out of what is your reason to act and make choices as you do contracts are set ups for you to make choices they are all setups and the lord of necessity puts you into situations which will always another difficult word always and never you know that but will always always always contain one thing that you didn't see coming one element one rock in the road one surprise and by surprise i'm not talking about one frightening thing i'm talking about even an opportunity where did this piece of luck come from it will contain one thing that you did not chart into it and that one thought phone call person accident anything that comes from your contract and that right there when the uncharted thing happens right then right there even being delayed for your flight like missing an airplane flight that's not uncharted that is very charted you stop and before turning into a wild person i'm now talking to myself what you do is you stop and you say this could be the most compassionate act in the world this could be the guardian of compassion i can now choose to respond to this with either wisdom or woe i can say this is the worst thing or i could say something's going on here and then sense quiet yourself quiet yourself right away take a deep breath and go into yourself and think where where's the energy coming from i've just been downloaded something's moving in my energy system what is it what do you feel go in and read your system because you're about to make a choice you're about to make a choice you can either decide this is awful whoa or you could say i don't know what's going on and you can quote and here comes the big word the big word i'm going to repeat several times surrender you can surrender and say i don't know why this is happening maybe there's a reason maybe there's an agreement i don't know maybe it was scripted i haven't got a clue i'm going to assume that it was i'm going to take here's the word you're going to use the posture that it is a contract how can you possibly have a contract to be stopped by a train it's not a train contract listen to me it is a contract to be held in a speed zone okay until something else is ready for you to meet down the road let me put it this way what if that was the day you were scheduled to meet somebody who was going to be extremely significant in your life extremely significant only you'd been speeding and if you got to the place that fast you'd miss him or her you had to be slowed down so you somehow or other were directed to take a street that a train was going to go over and it slowed you down you had to keep your scheduled appointment these types of divine interferences that's the guardian of compassion coming through saying i'll help you out it's a phenomenal arrangement that heaven makes for us a phenomenal arrangement regardless of whether or not it makes sense that it doesn't make sense is irrelevant it's absolutely irrelevant and this is a choice you get to make you get to say to yourself why do i need to know the reason this is happening right now in order for me to stay empowered that's a choice that's absolutely a choice but by making that choice you don't realize what you've done you have no idea and now i'm going to tell you what you've done let's say you have a contract i'm going to set the stage for you we're going to leave helen on the side we haven't forgotten her leave her right there we'll be back helen and let's go here let's go to something that's realistic in your life let me ground this let me take this down to the grounded grit level of life let's say that you're working at a job and you've given it a lot you really are putting your time in and they hire someone and they hire someone for a job that you were going to have or you thought you were going to have or you had another dream and you got disappointed and boy you put in all of your energy and how could that happen how could that happen now in that moment you already have in your head and i know that i don't even have to look in your faces to know that i know that each one of you already has in your head in your mind the thought form things happen for the best even if i don't know why they happen for the best i just have to trust and it's because you believe that that you have a choice of wisdom or woe in that moment to rely upon what you believe to say wait a minute here what if this is a contract what if something about this moment was agreed to before i got here what if i'm not supposed to have that job because something else is going on what if that's true i get to choose whether or not this is a contract or whether or not i think that human being has the power to disrupt the whole of my life now which one do i want it almost sounds preposterous when you listen to me say it doesn't it what if you said whoops this is a contract time to go enjoy the job obviously it wasn't for me let me take you out for lunch i'm out of here now think just for a moment if you made the negative choice and you decided no i'm going to resent i'm going to be bitter i'm going to be angry i'm going to be all of that think while knowing simultaneously that that's a negative way to respond that that's completely anti what you claim to believe spiritually think about the decision you've just made do you see what i'm saying to you whereas what if you decided in that moment i haven't got a clue why this is happening i don't like it it doesn't feel good and as a matter of fact it scares me but i do have the option of thinking maybe i've agreed to this for some reason and i don't know i don't know the agreement but what if i decided to play by those rules i have a contract with this i'm going to agree to that it hurts i'm frightened but i'm going to play by those rules this is called surrender now let's return for the last time to helen and let me complete that for you once helen incarnated of course you know that she became a phenomenal figure she became an incredible figure and that she and annie met at age seven when she was seven years old right on time and through the years of course she learned to read braille in multiple languages and she became a writer and of course a tremendous healer a planetary healer she healed and just she had a contract as a healer and that's the shape it took and she chose again and again and again to take the courageous response to a challenge that could in many ways have scared many people to the extent that they would have remained in their home hiding for safety and not just scare her because of the vulnerability of not being able to feel your way in the outside world but there was also a degree of shame and humiliation and all of that kind of embarrassment that she had to confront this woman was brave this soul was incredible and compassion provided so much for her it provided friends thomas edison alexander graham bell they loved her isn't that interesting that two people whose whole life was communication grabbed onto this woman an interesting series of contracts compassion again and again and again ways were found methods were done and helen reached the world this is how you look at a contract as an agreement you make that always has elements of necessity to it it always has elements of choice and it always has the presence of compassion now i wanted to take you up yet another notch because this is a very important introduction at this point we're going to be talking in this program a great deal about archetypes archetypes and mythology mythology plays a tremendous role in your life whether or not you realize it mythology fairy tales folklore when i do readings on people i can tell for example that they have an alignment to a certain fairy tale that they're actually living aspects of that fairy tale what an outrageous thing to say yes it is outrageous and you know what if i take that fairy tale and sit down with them and i'll say come here snow white look at this and you can see that they are truly living aspects and there are seven dwarfs in that person's life and they may not be literal dwarfs but there will be seven helpers oh yes there will and the outrageous reason the heavens here is again the guardian of compassion has set up folklore and mythology and such incredible stories mythologies is because they serve as a type of magnetic spiritual path all right and what that means is they get you to where you're going because you don't know where you're going and these mythologies these contracts what it does is it kind of locks in a certain way that you roll through your life and the more conscious you become of yourself and of the power of your choices the more consciously you can write the endings to these fairy tales are you with me on this okay so upgrade we go and when i was uh looking into a larger perspective on contracts i discovered that the romans and the greeks had a god named mithras a very famous god the greeks and mithras was called the god of contracts and they believed and it was understood that before you incarnated you had a conversation with mithras and mithras handed you a task and more or less the understanding was don't come back here unless that's done or until that's done and it was completely understood that your birth was no accident that it was a divine command a divine purpose that it was completely divinely ordered and that you had to live a life accepting every day as essential to the whole of your contract that it just wasn't one task to reduce the purpose and significance of your life to one action that might happen sometime when you're 41 years old is preposterous the whole of your life is a contract and this perception of incarnating and making agreements is older or is as old and as far back as we go which means somehow there is truth to it we do make agreements we are on assignments here and we aren't with each other for casual reasons now i want to share with you something that's absolutely delicious and that's that there is a myth about a place called the river of forgetfulness and you're meant to take a drink from this river before you incarnate now this river is mythologically known nate it's recognized the same cultures the greeks that had mithras had this river they knew somehow that once you got your assignment that it wasn't permitted that you incarnate fully aware of your assignment because then the test didn't count nothing counted then why bother going down it would be too easy you would not be able to face your own polarities it would be too simple i did two readings in the whole of my career in which two people told me and these people didn't know each other so i want to emphasize that these two people told me identical stories about how they ran jumped over this river because they just didn't want to do it they didn't want to drink from the river and they flew over it and descended into physical life without having followed orders and as a result here's one story one man said he never became consciously prepared for the limitations and parameters of human life rather his psyche has remained huge now he said that he had full memory of being in his mother's womb and of waiting to be born and how horrible it was waiting nine months to get out he said that he remembered the birth canal he said that he remembered that he was a very alive alert old being in a new body well of course we're all old being what kind of news is that the only thing that's changing is we're finally recognizing that children are conscious it's not that they're suddenly old beings it's that our light bulbs have gone on but he said that he was limited by the limitations of a little body he couldn't make it talk at six months even though he could hear at the level of an adult so he described these years of being miserably frustrated and incredibly unhappy but the worst part for him was that he knew that by not going into this deep state of human unconsciousness of allowing his unconscious to put the veil on he had prevented himself from having choice in his life he had taken it away and choices perhaps the most profound power we have in life in fact it is from my point of view the core power even greater than the power of love because true love is a choice now your contracts in life are all of them each one of them they are meant to increase that sense of awareness as to who you are as to how powerful you are as to the creative force you are as to how powerful each one of your thoughts is how incredible life is and how much of value every task you have to do in life is so as we explore contracts further in this program i want you to hold in your mind the perception that absolutely everything you've ever done and everything you're doing is a value i want you to hold in your mind the fact that it's very difficult for you to hold in your mind yourself the majority of you is rarely in your body most of you all the time is anywhere but in the moment you're either in your past or you're worrying about something that's other than the now you're worrying about the future you're anywhere but in the moment and because you're anywhere and everywhere but in the moment you devalue the value of the moment and that's why you can't see the contract being played out in the moment or the significance of it that's why you eclipse the value of what's going on in this minute in your life as we continue the assignment that i want you to hold what i want you to do is stay as much in present time as you listen to this program as you can and when you feel yourself slipping note that note that stop the program and start again note when you start slipping because that's going to show you how little attention you pay to your own life and this is why you have contracts because left to your own psyche who knows where you'd be what exactly is a contract and how best should you understand it two images come to mind as the best way to put a visualization in your head so that you can follow with me as i describe what could have been your descent into physical life the first image i want to take you way way back up into the heavens and you haven't yet come into your physical body but you're armed with information you've spoken to the beings of necessity of choice of compassion you have a sense of direction you're about to incarnate on an experience in which you're going to integrate creation you're going to explore how it is you have the power to create form influence the flow of matter and how within that experience you can enhance the growth of other people of other souls you're about to learn with every single life you live that that's what life is about it's about discovering that there is no difference between you and another being and yet you are fully yourself that in fact the journey of life is all about giving up life for the journey of the spirit you're about to learn that and each one of you is in your backpack of life you have a detailed personal intimate map as to how you're going to accomplish that so now your spirit holds that map and you begin your descent and then you take that map out and you take your spirit out and it begins to sparkle and fall apart shredding itself shattering itself into a thousand pieces now each one of those pieces think of it as a sparkling unit of light it's you it's a sparkling piece of you a part of your spirit that's going on an individual journey and you're going to go and find that peace and your job is to retrieve that peace from wherever it is but in order to get it back you have to have an interaction with someone or with something or you have to be part of an event you have to co-create some type of experience you have to earn your spirit back and that's the way i want you to think about it and so now your spirit travels and it finds its way to a very selective group of individuals not everybody's going to get a unit of your spirit now imagine that unit jumps into their backpack and it's waiting for you it's waiting to find you and it begins to beam just like a wave and vibrate because you can feel yourself you can feel your energy all over the place you can sense where you are and you can sense where you're not you can walk into a room and feel this is very familiar to me or you can walk into a place and feel i don't know where i am i'm very disoriented here you can meet somebody and think this person is like an old friend to me or you can meet somebody and think i can't be anywhere near this person point being you have a response and sometimes the response is completely illogical i don't even know this person but i feel as though i've known them forever completely illogical responses but not if you held in your mind that maybe this person is someone you agreed to meet before you arrived in this physical body now let me give you another image and that other image is that i want you to imagine that your spirit is like or your soul if you prefer is like a server in the internet and it's a very conscious kind of a mechanical device because in a sense your spirit is a mechanical device in that it is subject to the laws of the universe thought equals form whether it's your spirit or mind that law applies that's its mechanical aspect cause and effect for every thought you generate you will generate an effect that's a mechanical reality whether it's your spirit or mind that law is real so there is a mechanical or very ordered aspect to your spirit so here you are as an internet server and you're connected to a number of individual computers those individual computers are you each one is one of your spiritual fragments or spiritual units in fact this is a very effective image because what's really true and follow this because it's an extraordinary thought but it's a real thought is that every one of these units is filtering back information to the server all the time and this is real every one of your units of yourself is actively working somewhere on your behalf even though you have yet to meet somebody or have yet to experience something that may be five years down the road for you believe it or not in some way even now today you're preparing for that you're preparing to meet someone or be a part of something that has not yet happened so all of this energy is happening simultaneously believe it or not because it's absolutely the way it is and think about this everything you learn today right now you transfer that learning to all 1000 fragments of yourself wherever you are so all of you is learning simultaneously and impacting and influencing all of you wherever you are now that's an extraordinary thought it's a positively extraordinary thought but then life and creation is an extraordinary adventure and let's put it this way that to begin to think in larger more energetic more extraordinary terms about who you are and why you're here actually helps you to realize that is the reason that to reduce the thought that you're here to do just a job on this planet is to eclipse all of the contributions you make as a being because you reduced yourself to a doing machine and while that is a very western point of view to measure the value of your life according to what you do that is also a very painful illusion and we pay for that because we struggle a great deal with that illusion you're also born to become and what you're born to become is a whole being as a way of introducing that perception i thought it would be of great interest to take you into the contracts of four people that you're going to recognize whose lives we consider to be more divinely oriented than ours and that's why i've chosen them because what you're going to see is that they like all of you were born not knowing their contract they were not born knowing how powerful they would be if they surrendered their personal will to a higher source of wisdom and we'll talk about that as we move on so i use them because they illustrate the divine pursuit these beings are jesus buddha muhammad and abraham and these four spiritual masters share these following characteristics and i chose them because they completely illustrate the generic way of a contract and let me remind you that i'm now talking about the umbrella contract under which all of your individual experiences of life are gathered so let's begin with abraham i'm going to reduce their lives to a very bite-sized proportion and i need to say that because let's face it i mean i could keep you here forever telling you about the extraordinariness of their life journeys so with abraham remember that here's this man who's wandering around in the desert and he hears a voice and the voice says hey abraham well it was abram actually in the beginning and he said i want you to start a whole country and his response is who is talking to me now do you understand what this is saying it means that he had no idea first of all who yahweh was they hadn't met before so he hears this voice and it says start this country for me will ya now his whole response is lord beat it go away i don't even know who you are think about this think about a command he was not born knowing so as somebody would say to him what are you going to do with your lifetime and he didn't say i have a command to start a nation he grew into this and he had to be tested like do you have what it takes to follow that inner power now hold that in your mind because again and again i am going to refer to two aspects that i introduced earlier choice and surrender you have a choice you have a choice whether or not you're going to follow me your inner voice that inner direction will give you guidance but again and again you have a choice as to whether or not you're going to follow that so abram was directed and and haven't had to find out will you listen to the guidance i give you will you surrender will you listen unconditionally this was a test all of these teachers had that same test abram's test you know what it was to take his son to the top of the mountain and to listen as the angels said slay your son yahweh wants that so he pulled out a knife and he was about to kill his son to follow this command only to find out the angel said you don't have to do that all we wanted to find out was could you listen could you surrender your will here's the key please listen to this carefully without needing to know why now this is another characteristic that your contracts in life will lead you again and again into these mysteries that say i don't know why i'm doing this i don't know why i'm with you i don't know why i have to be here but i do know that my choice is either to fight this or to surrender and the surrendering is what i want to drop into your soul and into your mind again and again a contract is an experience a relationship a challenge a mystery that will always hold a question for you can you surrender to the outcome that you can't see coming and i will tell you that every one of your contracts in life will challenge you in this way for example let me take you down just a tiny sidebar so you can relate a little bit more to this think of a relationship that you love deeply or that threatens you the most because those are the two that you're going to want to control the most you're going to want to control them because these are the two kinds of relationships that can pull the rug out from under you so they're the ones that you're going to want to control the most somehow or other it'll bring out the most manipulative side of you or the darkest side of you you have a contract these are contracts so that you can find out discover how frightened you are how insecure you are how unbelievably unable you are to say to god i'm taking my hands off this relationship i don't know why this person's in my life except to say whatever it is i'm supposed to learn with this person experience maybe this one will be with me forever maybe not but i'm going to say i will enjoy absorb learn from this as much as i can and when the work is done which may be tomorrow or it may be to the end of my life i'm going to have to trust that the length of it and the endurance of it the wealth of it the challenge of it is in your hands i don't know many people who can say that prayer even though that's the truth so returning now to abraham he was able to say that i surrender i surrender now let's jump into the life of buddha here's buddha when he was siddhartha and his father wanted to protect him from what the outside world looked like his father wanted to what make all his choices for him protect him keep him in this beautiful home so that he would never see this is very important the shadow side of life he would never see the shadow he would never have to think that maybe maybe maybe the gods the heavens had two faces a face we didn't understand how could i be so wealthy how could they be so poor how could i have such a full belly of food how can that person be starving is there such a thing as a contract that one would starve does that make any sense well does it make any sense that a person would have a contract to have so much what is the difference from heaven's point of view obviously nothing this is important for you to hold in your mind contracts are neutral there's no such thing as a wonderful contract and a horrible contract there is just the nature of a contract which is that it is a journey of learning and it has challenges to it it has faces to it it has events to it it has a cluster of experiences to it all of which unfold according to how you direct them you can take a contract like this one individual that a friend of mine met on a bus in chicago this man lost his leg in some kind of accident he said you know what they could have been worse i could have lost both legs and you know what i think people look at me and it's hard for them to look at me and i notice that so what i do is i always say to them it's really hard for you to look at me and i think you've got to get over it because a lot of people look like me and he said i think that's my job i think it's part of my job is to help people get over looking at people like me now you could think look at that do you realize what a gift that is and for him he says i think that maybe that's my role i look at people i look at them looking at me and i feel like there's another person i gotta talk to now that's a man who lives contracts do you understand he lives it as he pulls together every single person he spots someone looking at him he feels what i'm going to teach you about animation he feels their response you can feel someone responding to you get that electrical charge that's animation and when he feels that he knows i've got to go make that person look at me and make that person get over the discomfort of looking at me and thinking that if i look at you anymore you who doesn't have a leg or an arm i'm not looking at you because i have that fear that that's going to happen to me and i got to get over that fear and so he says i make people look at that fear and that's how i heal them so who's the the person with the leg or without the leg is this not divinely paradoxical that's the language of the divine so let's go back to buddha buddha is about to be pursued by heaven buddha says i gotta get out of this place it's too perfect there's gotta be another side of life this doesn't make any sense it's too perfect there's no polarity so he sneaks out and he finds the world and then he discovers oh my god there's people starving on this side there's people hungry and lost and they don't look anything like the perfect world i come from who's in charge of this world who who's ordering this so what does he do he goes on a search and heaven pursues him now the pursuit begins what's the pursuit feel like the same thing you're going through it feels like what am i supposed to do with my life where should i go what is life what's the meaning of life exactly how should i fulfill my life how do i know when i'm fulfilled he asked all these questions do you think you're the only one asking these questions you're under contract to ask those questions why because they stir your electricity inside your soul they wake you up these are the questions that wake you up these are the questions that make you explode and want to go sample feel seek touch taste life you've got to ask these questions you begin in confusion and i got news for you there's a real good chance that you're going to live a lot of your life in confusion why because confusion moves you it moves you it makes you ask the next question in life what if you got what you asked for i want you to imagine something what if you said well what am i supposed to do here and where do i belong in just tell me everything i want to know i want you to imagine something you go to bed one night and something wakes you up and says wake up i got the answers to your questions and you sit up in bed and said what look this is what you're supposed to do and this is who you're supposed to become this is where you're supposed to go let's get this over with number one you think you were born just to do a job like oh i don't know start a healing center and just be perfectly and totally happy and you say yeah that's what i want that's the information i want uh-huh that's what i want i want my job i want my retirement i want my pension program just make sure i'm always happy will you do that for me uh-huh right so then you say and by the way while you're at it who's my perfect soul mate lover perfect happiness perfect person so i will always be perfectly perfect so then you get that one oh yeah so then your angel says okay so your perfect person is this one so then you get to say so now i know what i'm supposed to do and what i'm supposed to be so then your angel says yeah that's it so now you get to say well what am i supposed to do with the rest of my life and your angel is gonna say oh for god's sake i'm out of here what more do you want the journey is to fill your own belly with the unknown don't you know you're here to fill the unknown with yourself do you know that most of the questions you ask in life are never going to have a reasonable answer because they're not supposed to they're supposed to lead you to wonder and to wander this is the journey to fill in to make choices when you don't know the answer and then after you make a choice suddenly suddenly you know a contract is complete because your belly feels full of power that's when you know you've made a right choice so let me continue let's go back to buddha just a minute because we can't leave him under the tree because that's where you know buddha ends up he moves he walks he's searching he starves he does everything to try and make life logical to try and make sense out of life and you know what happens it doesn't get him anywhere and he finally decides that's it i'm done i'm sitting here until god talks to me that's it i'm not moving because life isn't logical and i demand logic so there he is who knows how long he hung out there there's myth there's legend there's folklore some say he hung out there for years who knows doesn't matter not at all what matters is he finally wakes up enlightened now i want you to think about that word with light full of light what does that word mean it means that all of the fragments i talked to you about all of the parts of your 1 000 spiritual units of the self he had managed to collect while sitting under that tree how do you do that how did he do that let's just play what if because i'm not enlightened so at this point i want you to understand i am standing a great big huge distance away from buddha i'm about to offer you a speculation but in my heart something tells me that maybe maybe maybe some part of this is accurate what buddha did was surrender buddha decided i don't know the mind of god so i'm going to stop asking god to tell me the mind of god because i'm not sure i have a right to know that two i'm going to live according to this perception that where i am is where i'm supposed to be and that there is value in everything i do in every place i am and it's up to me as to whether or not i'm going to see that value number three i'm responsible for the manner in which i conduct my psyche my soul my consciousness i'm responsible for that i create i influence i am and it's reflected in the way i use my spirit number four there are commitments i need to keep on this planet i have to live in that assumption i have to live in the assumption that if someone reaches out to me for help that's not random that's scripted that if someone falls in front of me on the ground that's not random i have to pick them up and if someone doesn't fall in front of me i have to look perhaps bless them but they're not for me to pick up except with a loving blessing because they fell in front of somebody else and that's that person's job my job with them is to bless them and keep going my job is to attend to the tasks that seem to come into my life and the ones i'm sent into sometime the gods will send me on a task that says we want you to help run this business it's important because you've got skills you've got a genius at strategy you've got the kind of strength that inspires people take up this task and run other people are going to be given a task you are so creative please please please use that creative ability of yours and inspire people with creating quilts so do anything but share that creative ability other people you have got a heart so warm we have got to send you on missions to embrace other people to love them a little bit more where others have not loved them enough there are so many missions that you're sent on these are missions these are tasks that only you can do it's up to you to choose whether or not you're going to value them buddha would teach there's illusions in the world this is where part of your contracts send you they send you into your illusions your contracts send you into illusions what do i mean by that i like to call these the buddha contracts these are the ones that send you into situations in which you're going to find that what you thought was power has no power what you thought was a big deal turns out not to be a big deal here's a contract i want you to think about someone whose approval you're desperate to have but whose approval you never get i want you to think about that surely there must have been one person in your life or one person in your life and if there isn't i can tell you there will be one person in your life that you meet whose approval you are desperate to have and you won't get not at all and that's a contract why because it's going to engage you in wanting to pull back a unit of power in yourself to empower yourself so that you don't need that person's energy to feel good about yourself because that's what empowerment is about and you're gonna know it when one day you say you know what i feel so strong today that i actually can look at you and say whether or not you like me need me approve of me want me no longer matters and you have no idea how good that feels and that's when you know a unit of your spirit a fragment has come right back into you and you feel that fullness and you feel stronger and more vibrant than you felt before that's how you know you have a contract and that's what it feels like to have it complete well let's go back buddha was pursued until buddha decided to surrender the need to ask questions and to trust that there was order in life and that everything that was put in front of him he was to see as having divine power built into it that it wasn't for him to judge the value of something but rather to assume it had value and to act from that posture let's go to another one let's move into the contract of jesus this is one of my favorite contracts all right now jesus arrives at the temple let's just get to the temple let's bypass everything else i don't know what he did between birth and 13 who knows but let's get to the temple and in the temple he has an epiphany an awakening he's 13 years old he's going to get bar mitzvah anointed he's at the temple and he tells his parents don't you know now it's time for me to get about my father's business this is very interesting because where does that come from now watch this watch this it's so extraordinary i'm going to jump around his life because i have to weave pieces together to make sense of the contractual motion and oftentimes you're going to do the same thing because a contract holds together pieces of your life and not in a linear way but in a isn't it fascinating tomorrow feeds into yesterday and then there's today and you'll see if i can get you to float way above your life and look over it you're going to see like a hologram how all of the pieces connect in this beautiful pattern simultaneously so i want you to descend right back now we're back we're in jerusalem we're in bethlehem we are 2 000 years ago we are back in time and we're looking at this young boy who's just awakened and he knows in his heart in his gut that he has to be about how fascinating a word his father's business well that's intriguing what father he had a father he means some grander source some hugely cosmic divine source that he recognizes he's descended from let's have a question here does he know the full extent to what he's doing well there's some clues along the way that he does know some things but he doesn't know others now that's the important thing why because here again we have the chemistry of choice and surrender the chemistry of the unknown choice and surrender so he goes about his life and he vanishes as we all know from age 13 to 30. we suspect now maybe he wasn't a mystery school probably he wasn't a mystery school let me say i believe he was being educated in mystery schools but you can think what you want nonetheless at age 30 he returns and he emerges into the scene with a baptism intriguing in the baptism what does he do he accepts the power of choice ooh this is fascinating he goes through a ritual and he accepts the power of choice and he's anointed what does this mean think think of this just flow with me as i talk about this and i want you to flow i want what i'm saying to you to flow into your system i don't want you just to hear me i want you to feel what i'm saying i want you to just let this flow in you picture this i want you to picture yourself standing in water now remember water's emotion he is standing in water you are standing in your emotion you are knee-deep in it and something forceful comes into you and just basks right over you it just moves right over your head and down over your body and into your being and somehow a force moves in and you feel yourself feel your spirit i want you to just feel the animation of your spirit and a question is put to you the deepest question that can be asked and it's will you consciously use this force now will you accept responsibility will you accept the responsibility for the conscious use of your spirit now can you do it will you do it and he says yes and he wakes up he wakes up he's been anointed think this is what being conscious is about and now he sets about the task of consciously using that spirit what does that mean look at how he used it he consciously used his spirit as a vessel to heal to teach to treat every human being with such dignity and he also laid a template that that is the way to treat others in this lifetime did he know that he was supposed to do that i'm gonna have to say i don't know i'm gonna have to say that maybe maybe in that experience of that light coming through him that's often illustrated as a dove above his head that that dove and the bodhi tree of buddha were similar imageries that there was a moment of a great awakening in which he realized you know what the highest contract is to serve those that my father in heaven his name for it puts in front of me and i will vessel i'll channel whatever energy needs to come through me in order to accomplish a task and i do not need to know what that task is i don't need to know why all i need to do is to repeat this i've chosen to serve i don't know what the outcome is i have no idea why it's me i don't even need to know why all i need to do is trust that if i'm with you and i feel that certain energy what i need to do is act according to higher principles and not be attached here's your clue not be attached to the outcome never be attached to the outcome now we're mixing an interesting chemistry here we're mixing the chemistry of buddha and the chemistry of christ act in present time act with love act with brotherhood and buddha don't be attached to the outcome i am telling you how to interact with your contracts and i'll get to the grounded level but not till i have you absolutely templated so you know what to do once i drop you on the earth because i'm not going to leave you on your own until i carve you with this precious information which is the contracts of the masters who have gone before us now then here's a part of the contract of jesus that is perhaps one of the most extraordinary features and that's there he is having taught and he wanders about and he heals and he teaches and he teaches and he heals and think about one unbelievable healing experience one oh think think think there is a scene in the scripture and it's one of my favorite where he's teaching and the apostles are all around him and there's a crowd in the crowd screaming heal me this that touch me heal me give give give give give me and you know what let me tell you something the more conscious you become in life and you can expect this as if we're all going to be that conscious oh please let's just hope we get conscious enough not to run each other over when we get to a stoplight okay that's about as best as we can hope for let's none of us flatter ourselves but suffice to say that there comes a time when just when you think you've become so enlightened you're going to be tested great big huge test you're going to be surrounded by people and smashed and squashed just to see really if you've got such a forgiving heart or if you really have developed such a generous spirit so here's the thing jesus is in this crowd and here he's not even looking behind him and this woman wants to be healed and she says just let me touch the hem of his garb and all she does is extend her two fingers and touch it just a tiny touch what does he say who touched me peter says are you nuts there's a thousand people around here what are you talking about he says no i felt the power go through me did you hear what i just told you i felt the animation go through me i felt it i vesseled it i don't know who i touched i don't know why but some force went through me bypassed my own will i didn't choose to let that energy go through me a greater choice than my own was made i was used it flowed through me i didn't look at her and decide whether or not she was worthy it just shot through me that experience captures so much of what i want to teach you that a contract with someone bypasses your reason many many times and it is an exchange of energy and it's an exchange of your spirit that if you trust in the context and i'll describe this in a very earthy grounded way but i want the principle to get into your head that your interactions with people in life and where heaven might send you or where you've agreed to go there's a real good chance that it's not going to make sense to your conscious mind and that you might never be told why your position is again and again simply to say i agree i agree i agreed to this somehow before i got here i don't know why i'm here i don't know why i'm part of a situation where my house was burned down i don't know i haven't got a clue i don't know why i was in a situation in which i won the lottery and i'm suddenly worth 400 million dollars i have no idea why i agreed to that i haven't got a clue all i know is it's an event that happened and i need to work with that how do i work with that well i'll take it one choice at a time and i have to trust that i made agreements with people who'll help me deal with this whether it's to rebuild my house or to share my wealth or to invest my wealth to grow my wealth all that i need is going to be provided because i provided for that before i incarnated i will not choose to lose my spirit to continue to shatter myself into a thousand pieces by worrying about tomorrow that's not the wise way go find in any scripture any spiritual master who says leave me alone for a while i've got to worry about tomorrow i want you to find that teaching you won't you won't i'll buy it from you if you find that teaching you will never find a teaching where a spiritual master says i need a retreat so i can worry about tomorrow with a lot of precision it's not going to happen what they teach you is don't give it up you're under contract everything is taken care of all your needs will be met will you please stop jesus says will you please look at the lilies of the field what is wrong with you stop it stop losing your spirit don't invest your energy in such trivial negative pursuits but here's my very favorite thing to close on the life of jesus so we can move on at the end of his life you know that he went to the garden of gethsemane as we enter into the crucifixion drama of his life now the most important part perhaps or shall we say one of the most important parts significant features is when he's in the garden of gethsemane gets on his knees and he says a prayer and he says why do you want me to do this i don't want to do this and then he says but if it's your will i'll do it do you understand how significant that is let's dissect that for a moment did he say i'm not doing this until you tell me why no he didn't say that and number two he just said i don't know what i'm doing i haven't got a clue why i'm doing this it's gonna be ugly and brutal and savage i haven't got a clue do you understand he didn't even know his own contract a part of it perhaps the greatest fulfillment of it he still wasn't revealed here's the wholeness of why you had to live the fullness of your life still that wasn't told to him and yet let's turn around real fast whoosh and go back he had a contract with the 12 men that he chose as his apostles and indeed the 13th mary magdalene this wasn't an accident he chose these people very specifically they incarnated to be his team he had contracts with him they all formed bricks underneath this roof of his house which was his sacred contract each one was a contract an individual one that served the whole each fragment you collect is an individual contract peter matthew james john andrew all of them mary magdalene his mother joseph all of these people simon judas every one of them a contract all right now let's jump from jesus let's go push over to muhammad now here's an interesting one i love this muhammad of course was left to his own devices until he started to hear voices allah was calling him and he thought oh i'm getting out of here and he started to hide in caves he'd go anywhere to not hear these angels to not hear the voice to not hear a calling to not hear his calling he was not born knowing that he was going to be a great prophet that he was going to bring a text through to bring teachings through beautiful beautiful teachings a beautiful scripture he didn't know that he had no idea and he fled he fled but the angels pursued him until finally he gave in gave up and gave way he did all three things and with that he was sent his helpers and his life began to come together now muhammad was tormented in the early years of his teachings he wasn't embraced he was tormented and he had to fight and he had to become strong now there's an interesting thing here there's an interesting fact in this part about muhammad's life like there is perhaps in the lives of all of us when you deal with the illusion that if you're on course in your life it should be easy no no when you're on course with your life sometimes you go through the most difficult things in the world this is when i so often hear people say to me i must be doing something wrong i feel so lost i feel so empty even that is a part of your life's journey don't you know we just don't know how to value emptiness we've decided there's no value in it and we've decided there's no value in being lost but that's of the greatest value and we'll get back to that in a minute let's jump back to muhammad we've left him in a cave then you look and you see somebody who's absolutely terrified of these angels pursuing him and he realizes that not everybody can come to the light at the same speed that maybe we need to help each other out that maybe there's a way that we serve each other by the way in which we live with each other that maybe let's add muhammad's contribution to this extraordinary chemistry of all these great masters that maybe we have to recognize that other people's way will be very threatening to us and we to them that maybe our becoming strong in life is not necessarily going to be embraced by other people and that's absolutely true now i'm going to take you down from way up here in the heavens with the masters and i'm going to drop you back on earth and i want you to picture yourselves sitting in a classroom with me and that i'm pulling down a oh let's say a screen against the wall and i'm going to say all right this is you and i want to show you something i want to show you what a template looks like inside of you because one of the values one of the many many many rich values that come from studying lives of the masters is that they represent what's in you but it's not animated yet and this is a very very important thing to understand you're working according to an unconscious program it's an archetypal program we're going to go so deeply into archetypes as we continue but for now let me say that you have a program in you and their lives illustrate that program it's a template and so this is the one that's in you that was in them this is why you look at a master you look at any spiritual master and there's something about them that just makes you feel so empowered and so full of hope they make you feel full of hope they make you feel loving they feel your heart they feel your spirit what is it about them that does that it's not their personalities it's that their spirit does not lack one fragment they've pulled together all their fragments they are one they are whole they are that which we are trying let me say this again they are that which we are destined let me say this again they are that which we are programmed to become now what's the template look like let me describe the pattern because what they did is happening to you right just as they were born we're going to have to trust this at a particular time place in space it wasn't just any accident like let's drop a spiritual master into the middle of nowhere this is timed similarly your life is timed it's not an accident it's so well timed that it's timed now once you are incarnated just like the masters look at these four look at any each one went through a process of awakening they didn't just know who they were they didn't just know why they were here they had their own questions about what specifically the logic the order the purpose of life and where they fit in to the whole scheme of life they weren't born knowing that do you understand they had to go on a mission and discover that here's the word mission they had to go on a journey they had to wander through the desert buddha wondered jesus wandered muhammad wondered abraham wondered they all did they just didn't sit back and say i want to know why i'm here who i am and what i'm supposed to do come on let's go it doesn't work like that they discovered and on the way to discovery they realized that even the way to discovery was purpose you're under contract to wander get used to it that is as much a part of your contract as is perhaps your ability to heal somebody or to participate in that or as is your ability to become somebody who nurtures people by the way you prepare your meals in the kitchen to nurture and send light through food do you understand you don't even realize what you're doing all you need to do is to accept what you do very well and do it and to accept what you don't do very well and realize i'm not animated there's no electricity with this this isn't for me i need to walk away back to the template the template that's in you you are programmed your life includes the wandering journey just once no you're gonna wander several times you're going to wander every time you finish a stage of empowerment you're going to be set off wandering again because part of what life is part of the rules are you can't sit still you can't stand still you can't be still until you are still oh how confusing it's not that confusing let me keep going here it's so much fun because once you kind of get the rules it's all right i mean you kind of get the rules and you realize we're all playing with the same rules and that's why we're in this together okay so now you're off wandering around what's the next phase of your template the next phase is that when the awakening comes in you when you finally say wait a minute i wonder what the real purpose of life is what happens when you ask that question because i have to assume that everybody who is listening to this program has asked that question or is at least afraid to ask that question and it's too late if you're listening because you've already asked that question so what happens is and listen clearly at the moment that jesus and muhammad buddha and abraham decided to follow the voice to follow their interior in that instant they went through a reversal a reversal they want from living life in which matter was more important than their inner world to recognizing the inner world is more important than the external world let me say that again because it's so incredible that i can hardly stand my body when i teach this in that moment and this is called transformation this is transformation this is it where you reverse yourself you go from living a life in which you see the outside world coming toward you and then you realize wait your inside world comes first and it shapes and it forms the outside world well what's so big about knowing that i'll tell you what's so big about knowing that it's great big huge it's so big everything in your life is different when that finally drops into your being you are being downloaded with the largest epiphany because from that point on look listen feel this just feel this i want you to put something in front of you that really has your power think about something think about someone something some unforgiving thing everyone listening that has something in their childhood that they're still wimping about or crying or some wound that you have yet to kind of sell up just get there now i want you to just hurt i want you to just turn up the steam on that wound just turn up the fire i want you to picture that person looking at you and saying i don't care if i hurt you you're nothing to me i want you if you're afraid of someone's abandon you i want you to feel you are as alone as the day is long i want you to be in the deepest part of your fear and now imagine that i walk up to you and i whisper in your ear listen to me there's no truth to what you are looking at at all watch this and i'm going to tell you take a really deep breath take such a deep breath and in that breath i want you to just pull that fear into you and now look just for a tiny little look at that shadow that illusion that you're looking at and realize you know what i gave that person authority over me what was wrong with me how could i have given that one person the power to control the whole of my life i'm the one who determines who has power and authority over me nobody was born to control me i give that away if i want to now that is an extraordinary thing but you have to learn that there comes a moment when we learn that and let's go back to the masters part of their lives if you look at it part of their lives is that they learned that and they had that moment where they finally realized power comes from within and then here we go one last step as if that wasn't enough that's the step at which they chose this is the choice step at which they decided to say aha i'll follow you abram went to abraham and said okay i choose i will go to israel. and jesus said okay i'll choose i'll choose i will choose to serve in this way i will choose to die in this horrible way i don't know why i agree let's go i choose to agree and buddhist said i choose i choose to wander i'm giving up all that stuff there is something else everyone muhammad said finally to the angels all right all right all right i'll choose to follow this voice i'll meet allah all of them make the choice what happens when you make the choice the next thing that happens is you develop a very different relationship to every one of the experiences you have in life this is when your site gets elevated and you start thinking in terms of contracts before this point everything looks like it's casual it's awful it can hurt it's this we think in terms of luck you got bad luck you got good luck you've got no luck everything looks like accidents this kind of thing now i'm going to yank you up by the shoulders i'm going to and i'm going to sit you down and now you're at the level where you look at life and you realize oh my it's not an accident i've made agreements i have to rethink about every single relationship in my life i have to rethink about why i can't have a relationship with this person no matter what i've done nothing seems to engage contact maybe i don't have a contract with that person and this one this person and it just fell together and our friendship feels like it's 35 000 years old maybe we did agree to be together for some reason in this lifetime maybe there is some purpose maybe that purpose is just to love each other and be each other's best friend maybe we agreed to be on the journey together because we have what it takes to support each other and we all need that you do have contracts like that and that's the purpose of them to be a support to somebody's heart not all your contracts are to build great businesses or to do great jobs sometimes a contract you have with someone is to be a loving support to them and what greater contract can you have you would know it if you need that in your life if the moment ever comes when you think god i need to be loved right now i feel so alone what would you rather find out that you have a contract to go start yet another business or what do you need in that moment is someone for your spirit very interesting how you value contracts in the moment but let's go back now where we left off with the masters and where that template is in you and at that level you have choice and what are you really choosing but to see life very differently from now on like them you're going to decide to see that you have choice but you don't get answers because that's part of the template why don't you get answers here's part two what did they all do that you have to do they surrendered every one of them every one of them said i don't know why you want this i don't know i don't know why life is the way it is i don't know any of that stuff all i know is there must be a source of wisdom reason love compassion that is far greater than me it does not owe me an explanation as to why things are what they are as they are where they are why they are all i know is that my task is to incarnate to learn how to use my spirit how to maximize the use of this force that is my spirit i see from their lives that my spirit has the ability to become a vessel for healing for service for light for shadow for everything and that if i look at the choices they made and i take that template of what is wisdom what is love what is compassion what is not and apply that to every circumstance situation event relationship i'm going to have in my life the result will be that all my fragments will come back to me as their fragments came back to them and that i will be i will aim i will accomplish some stage of enlightenment because a fragment is light and i take more of my light into my system and i grow in enlightenment this is what that means in every one of the situation circumstances challenges beautiful all my talents all my opportunities all my everything every one of these is a contract that serves the whole of my enlightenment all of it in this you are the same as me i am the same as you all right now that it brought you back to get down to the nitty-gritty day-to-day what is a contract anyway in my practical life long before i'm a master i want to know what to do with it here on earth i'm going to give you a tool as your beginning point and that's called animation and i talk about that as the word that represents the electrical the energetic connection that we have in life that i think your spirit is a source of animation it is animated it's a life force you know if you look back and read the book of genesis for example there is the scene where god takes the dirt from the earth takes the earth and he breathes life into it uses the breath to animate earth and from that life comes now that is animation your whole breath is animation now that's your trigger point a sensing device as to what who where you have a contract you can feel something now you know i have spent a long time teaching people about the nature of intuition but what intuition is truly is your ability to sense animation that's what it is and someone like me i sense your animation at a distance that's all i do but anybody can do that the only difference between me and someone else is that i know it and most people don't believe it but it's as simple as anything and you are always sensing the animation of other people you're always sensing for example the animation of people you have a contract with whether or not you realize it it's just that you are not recognizing that that energy that you're sensing is that so let me ask you about something just to think about as i talk about animation and that's when you meet somebody you can sense right away whether or not you're animated with them if you like them dislike them this or that you know it right away now that's a signal that you have a contract you also know when you have no animation at all don't you you know exactly what that feels like it's like flat soda it's like nothing it's like nothing you don't remember them it's not that they're unimportant hear what i'm saying it's just that they're not energetically connected to you so it'll be very hard for you to remember them or it might be very hard for you to get any specific fix on them that energy is not there whereas when you do have that energy with someone you can only be with them for a second and you remember it and in fact sometimes it won't ever leave you can you think of someone in your life where you just met them for a few minutes and you just they have stuck with you and you hope that you'll see them again that's what i'm talking about one person i know said that she met a gentleman that she wanted to get involved with in a personal relationship and she felt what i would call animation of course you can call it whatever you want but i mean she said she was very animated toward this person kind of thing and she wanted a long-term relationship with this person now that's not how it unfolded they did have a long-term relationship but it didn't unfold in a romantic way it came in a different way in that they started to work together she of course always held in her mind that it would shift to a different kind of role but it never made it into that direction he felt a connection to her but he felt it in a different way and when they put their chemistries together they had what it took they were scientists they still are they do great work together they're phenomenal with the chemistries of their two brains and their insights and their intuition you put them together and they seem to compensate for what the other one doesn't have one is a very sharp strategist the other one has a fantastic gut response intuitive for the record the man's the intuitive and she's the strategist she's this brilliant mind she wanted it to be something it wasn't contracted to be so the animation didn't go there but when you put them in the laboratory together this is where they were meant to be this is where they agreed to be this is where they agreed to find each other and that's where they agreed to have a path of service in life how does this other factor play in i'm going to walk you through this because it's important important to know that i'm going to call this person just call her the letter a let's say that a really did not feel good about herself and needed this person to make her feel good about herself she felt great about herself as a scientist she knew she was brilliant but she didn't feel good perhaps in the partnership way whereas she wanted this man to fill in that space this man couldn't do this now here's where the important part comes in and i want you to follow this carefully i want you to imagine that he had a unit of her spirit in his backpack and what he had in his backpack was a unit of her spirit that she had to not need from him so that he could finally give it back to her let me say it this way because that could sound confusing until you get it right did you ever say now that i don't need it you can have it you know that expression she wanted him to approve of her so that she wouldn't have to approve of herself if he could give her that approval then she would be okay he had a contract with her that read never give her approval because if you do she'll never develop her own so his role was never to approve of her isn't that outrageous but that was the contract i'm not supposed to approve of you otherwise you will never become strong enough listen to this not to need me and you must become strong enough not to need me because then we can be together as equals so here's how it played out they were very bonded as scientists had great respect and in that role because they were equal because they empowered each other equally neither of them went through those insecurities of thinking what if he left me what if she left me it was a completely different relationship but in this other world she wanted something from him and he was under contract not to give it to her so there was this tight kind of lack of emotional animation that was not coming back he could not do that and then one day one day she was able to say to herself and realize i cannot reach to this person for something that i should generate within myself and from that point on she was able to accept the relationship as it was scripted as two scientists she had empowered herself and you see how she became more whole from that there was no animation romantically she had to become strong enough to recognize that it was a fantastic story a fantastic story this is how contracts play out on the earth these small individual tiny ways but i haven't even begun to go near what does it look like to wake up to your talent do you know how many people are sent into your life to wake up your talent to make you come alive to all the empowerment you have you haven't got a clue there are so many people that come in your life to protect you so that some harm doesn't come to you an extraordinary amount of interesting roles and contracts you have and then they're the ones you have don't forget what you're doing in other people's lives the point is what i want you to learn is this how to recognize animation and then how to interpret it how to interpret your contracts how to recognize how to know what to do with them and how to interpret them and we begin that by entering through the archetypal world which comes next and now we're going to jump into the realm of archetypes i want to set the space i want to set your inner space i want you to run upstairs again with me you are on the mystical plane you haven't incarnated yet you're packed in your backpack with your contract you're about to descend but i can't let you go just right yet not completely on your own because you have to have a team you have to have a team of guardians i can't let you go immediately on your own this is where i take you to the archetypal room so i'm going to take you by your hand we're going to go down one level and here we are in a realm that exists between what we could think of as divine eternity and the human unconscious here is this space it's almost like the psychic ozone or the unconscious ozone and in it are patterns universal patterns of consciousness that we all every one of us recognize and that's an archetype let me give you a feel for one if i said to you that person is such a bully do i have to describe bully to you all of you would more or less define it the same way or if i said that woman is such a nurturing mother and then then if i said to you define nurturing mother all of you would at least come up with three words that were identical in your definition now this is so intriguing i want to push you into this more because it's absolutely fascinating an archetype is more than a definition or a pattern it's kind of an interesting discussion is it a being is it an angel is it what what exactly is it so i'm going to give you a sort of half being half angel half pattern how many halves can i have equation well third let's divide it into search okay colleagues of mine would suggest that an archetype is a neutral pattern just a thought form but it's larger than an ordinary mortal thought form it's a grand thought form that we all recognize a kind of a mothership and that it beams identical waves into every one of us that has that same pattern i think there's a lot of truth to that by being neutral it means that an archetype is neither a positive nor is it a negative force it simply is a pattern okay some other of my colleagues not talking about people who are professionally trained like jungian analysts whose field is archetypal studies would suggest that archetypes are actually beings and should be considered beings and i think well in a sense i could accept that too now i want you to follow this because it's so exciting if you and i if all of us shared the same archetype which we do we all have a child archetype now i want you to imagine that there's a grand ship called the child archetype so all of us are doing two things simultaneously we're sending feedback to this huge child archetype about how our personal child is evolving we're checking in okay this is not unlike the image i gave you earlier which is to be a server in the computer system in the email where the child could be the server and each of us has a computer we're all working from the same program that program is called the child program this is better so every day i type in how my child experienced the day and if my child got angry and if my child was happy and if my child was abandoned and if my child this and what my child learned today and what my child is struggling with and then i hit the send button so that sends up to the server called child now all of us are doing that simultaneously through this the grand child archetype evolves this is how evolution occurs because all of us feed our own individual patterns into this larger one and the larger one continues to shape and reshape itself according to what we're doing does that make sense to you okay in this way you could say well is an archetype real is it a being in a sense it is alive in a sense it's mechanical in a sense it's intimate in a sense it's completely impersonal it's all of these things but the one thing you can count on is that it's real it's a genuine genuine force the first thing you do when you meet somebody is you sense their archetypes believe it or not long before your eyes focus on their body and face and your ears attune themselves to their voice long before that your animation frequency that part of your energy has already reviewed their energetic system and you've already picked up their archetypes you've already sensed them listen to everybody from now on i want your ear to tune up listen to the way you describe people listen to how often you said that person just reminds me of a fill in the blank what do you think you're talking about you've just picked up an archetypal pattern you could say that woman is just such a princess you're picking up a pattern you're picking up an archetypal pattern as i talk to you about these what i'm talking to about is material you've always known you've known and you've always known you've grown up knowing it's been in your instincts it's been in your field of sensory systems you've always been able to sense this what you've perhaps never known is how far back and how intimate your connection to archetypes is what role they really serve and how to consciously engage with them so up we go come back up with me we're in that place where i'm going to walk you down and i'm going to say now then you have this distinct contract in your life and a lot of small ones that are going to make up the whole you need a team to help manage that you need archetypal guardians that will script hold maintain and refine your consciousness to the maximum that helps you see reality interpret reality approach reality in a way that suits your life's work okay having said that let me take that definition down to an even more grounded way so we look at archetypes and you think in this lifetime i really need to do a lot for people in the area of helping them heal from wounds that's my role so i would say to you well then you know what you need to have the wounded healer archetype you need that one so i would go to the wounded healer file i'd open it up and i'd take a stencil you know what a cookie stencil is i take a stencil why am i using that image i chose that very consciously because a stencil is a specific pattern this stencil say it looks like a gingerbread man to give you a visual right now it's an empty stencil of a gingerbread man i have a million of them and they're all identical but how you fill each one is going to be up to you so this is where you share the identical stencil the same parameters the same boundaries the same everything but how you fill it is going to be up to you so i give you your wounded healer stencil and i say come on let's go figure out the next realm so we keep talking and we decide that you know what another archetype that would be really beautiful on your life's mission would be the artist the artist works very well for you because you have so much artistic talent and you think that's good yeah that's going to work so we give you the artist and then we start filling out how many do you get well first how many archetypes are there there are an endless array of archetypes in fact this is kind of an overwhelming thought but the whole of life is an archetypal experience everything in life can be seen approached understood worked with dealt with symbolically and that's what it means to see it archetypally everything has its symbolic purpose its symbolic angle and when you decide to see something symbolically you convert it from its physical form to its highest level of purpose at that point you're seeing it archetypally so from that point of view we could say that the entire world is an archetypal journey which it is all of life then when you say well how many archetypes are there they're endless and they keep reproducing let me give you an example of some new archetypes that never existed before one's the networker and another one the computer geek we never had those before but watch if i said that person's a computer geek would you imagine somebody with glasses on uh-huh and would you imagine someone who looks like carrie grant i don't think so right alfred newman absolutely mad magazine you would see somebody who does not have high voltage sexual libido if i said computer geek because in our minds we've already decided these two things don't go together we just don't think they go together and then we have an archetype that emerged called the networker what's networker how many people jump on their computers and do emails the moment after dinner they get home they have dinner and boom they're in the basement and they connect with that machine and that's their companionship for the rest of the night they date via email they dance via email they live down there they get on those chat rooms that's a networker this is a real pattern and you realize that emerged out of our culture that is an archetype and i can assure you that before you're born you get this cluster of archetypes and they are more intimate with you than all of the other patterns that are available in the human unconscious having said that i want to add something here and that's i said earlier that the fundamental law of the universe is that what's in one is in the whole what's in the whole is in one this is law and as such i can say to you that all of the archetypes that exist the whole of the archetypal realm does exist within your unconscious yes that's true but are they all as prominent no they are not this is where that sense of prominence that sense of importance plays itself out in terms of a match a direct match for what your life's work is and it's so interesting you know what it's like to look at someone and say wow i would love to have artistic talent like that person does and you just don't and no matter what someone would say why don't you just take a painting class paint the walls do anything you hold that brush in your hand it falls it slips you can't do squat you are so not in that archetype it's not funny so i get away from there don't even go near it you have not got it but if you have let me show you how penetrating it is there is such a thing as the starving artist archetype absolutely and you know what it's like when somebody says how many times have you heard someone say you're the artist you know you can't make any money till after you're dead there is almost an assumption is you go shopping in an art gallery and you say this is lovely is the artist dead then i don't want it i only buy art from dead artists but it's true i know somebody personally who has an enormously strong artist archetype this is a very good example to use an incredibly strong artist archetype and he chose remember i was talking about choice and surrender it was his choice to not pursue the artist archetype in a welcoming way i'm going to explain this in great detail so you understand what i'm saying it's very important rather than look at his own talent his own artist his own precious ability that he'd contracted for his whole life would open up in such an exquisite way had he followed this artist it doesn't mean it would be without challenge it doesn't mean that it would be without effort but it would be exquisite no matter which route because he would discover that artist in him he'd plunge deeper into his talent but instead he hooked in to the starving artist and he absolutely hooked in to this belief it paralyzed him the belief was that if you want the way of art you wouldn't be able to support your family you'd never make any money and he believed it that archetype took hold of him do you understand it just gripped him and he had to find some other way of manifesting this artist and he did he manifested it in going the route of cosmetic surgery so he brought his artistry into cosmetic surgical medicine so to speak but you know what he's miserable he's absolutely miserable and this is important because you see he did use it he did manifest it it had to manifest he had a contract to explore part of his life as the artist but he chose the path of fear and so it came through that way it's absolutely intriguing now let's roll back for a minute and the question obviously is how many of these intimate companions do you have and i'm telling you that you have 12. well where does that number come from did i just whimsically pull it out of my head no like all other material that i offer people it comes from years and years of seeing patterns duplicate themselves when i first started to do readings and began to pick up archetypal patterns i started to notice one or two sort of three maybe reading something like that but i didn't notice twelve because i was just learning how to pick up an archetypal pattern to start with oh have i got stories about that but anyway i have to give you an example this is just a fun story but i did a reading on this woman and to show you how strong an archetypal pattern is she came in for an appointment with my colleague norm sheely the physician that i work with and she came in because she had what's called a phantom pain in her neck sometimes referred to as a phantom goiter norm couldn't find anything and he'd put her through tests and he's a brilliant doctor if he can't find it it doesn't exist so he calls me up and he says carolyn i have this patient in my office and let's just make up a name let's say the patient's name is susan and he says susan at her age is 30 and those are the two stats that i need your name and your age and i instantly got an impression of a woman in a pirate's outfit now i have to emphasize something at this point i don't know much about archetypes if any so i'm thinking that this is really what she looks like okay i'm not yet to the point where i'm reading symbology so i see this woman and she's got a long skirt on and she's got a belt down and she's got that sort of scarf around her neck and she's got a sort of a sword on the back of her and i'm in this imagery and i snapped out of it and i grabbed the phone and i said norm why is she dressed like that and he's looking at your basic southern missouri housewife and the jeans and the top right and he says i don't know maybe she likes it i closed my eyes i'm looking at a pirate and i said didn't your staff say something when she walked in now mind you let me explain something she can't hear me because i'm not on the speaker phone right i said how i don't understand why your staff didn't say anything and he says norm is very sort of direct what are you looking at and i said a pirate a pirate norm what have you got in your office and he says a housewife i'll call you later click well so he and i talked about it and i told him that i saw this woman in her head being chopped off with a sword now what's fascinating here because since this time of course since that time your archetypal imageries tell me stories about you and they try to tell you stories about yourself so i'm going to get you into yourself as soon as i get you intrigued about what you can find out about yourself so as we talked about it i said in the imagery her head was chopped off by the sword question what does a pirate tell you if i said all right tell me about your associations with a pirate what would you say you'd say wild on the seas you would say buccaneer pirate they mean the same thing you might say there are thieves on water you might say they live wild island lives and bury treasure etc okay now stay with me what's a buried treasure i want you to think about in yourself you are a buried treasure you your inner life is a buried treasure not out on the water you start thinking well if i have the pirate imagery i have what it takes to be completely wild to race and be an incredibly wild person because i don't want to look at my treasure i'll bury it because if i looked at what a treasure i was i might have to land and make different choices that show reflect a higher evaluation of myself but until then i think i will bury this gold because i'm not yet ready to value myself because if i do i have to make choices of a higher quality that makes sense to you so we worked with that image because this is what that woman was dealing with she was encountering an archetype that had come close to her psyche that said this is why you're suffering you don't want to make certain choices oh well look at her the fifth chakra the throat the goiter she was dealing with will and choice do you know how norm dealt with this i think this is hilarious he says to this conservative person he suggests that they do some imagery but what he really means is past life regression but he's not going to tell her that and he says let me just sort of relax and give you some imagery he says you're on the water and it's blue and and it's beautiful it's sort of caribbean and you've got warm breezes and the next thing you know she saw this ship being attacked the buccaneers like a pirate and there she was and you know what she saw she saw her head lopped off by an axe it was a duplicate image it was a duplicate image and could it mean that it literally happened who knows who cares what's important is she saw she recognized she made contact with an archetypal force that completely embodied one of her life lessons which was to choose make choices that reflect and allow her own empowerment to come out this is how an archetypal contract works its way out this is how your archetypes work with you now back to the question of where did i come up with 12 well the more readings i did the more i started to make note that in fact people seemed to have more intimate connections like the one i just described with susan and the pirate but i didn't see a martyr in her whereas i saw a martyr in someone else so you start making notes and then with susan i saw other patterns and with someone else others and pretty soon it appeared that people would have kind of a complex of 12 very close archetypal patterns and the rest were very distant they weren't certainly as directly involved in the day-to-day construction of your life as other archetypes are now all of you i'm sure can imagine if i said do you know what a victim is can you feel a victim in yourself because a victim is something you have we share four archetypes each person has a victim a prostitute a saboteur and a child everybody has those four and i think of those archetypes as the four archetypes of survival where did that come from well again i'm going to turn you back to my laboratory and say that as i did research and i'm talking years maybe 10 12 years of this those four archetypes repeatedly have come up and they represent collectively the challenges every one of us faces to see how well we ground ourselves and whether or not we fear or feel safe with this thing called life those four archetypes contain our own fear of survival and we will face lessons we will face challenges with each one of those archetypes now i want you to hold that thought and quickly jump back i'm going to bring you back to the masters just for a little bit just for a visit and show you that even the masters encountered the prostitute saboteur child victim quickly jesus was the divine child incarnated into the divine child archetype when we think of that child we think of the divine child an extraordinary archetype that absolutely came in perfectly because that archetypal form gave birth to the template of what something that had never existed before the holy family never existed before i'd hold that one here comes the archetype that they really challenge which is the archetype of the prostitute let's see how they dealt with that one abraham how'd he do with the prostitute he didn't do very good i'll show you what he did you know he got stuck in he had to flee and he took his wife and they fled into egypt and abraham was a wealthy man and he had slaves and he had property and he had animals he had all kinds of things he was no poor person this guy was a wealthy little cookie so he goes on into egypt and he's a frightened man he's also a coward he's got one of those archetypes and he gets in there and the pharaoh says like who are you and what are you doing and et cetera et cetera and he wants to cover his backside so you know what he does he says to his wife look i'm going to tell the pharaoh you're my sister and you go sleep with him and i'll be safe the prostitute now what's rich no pay attention don't you see get excited about this what's so rich is that what you realize as you come into your archetypal patterns is that there's nothing heaven can't embrace how incredibly non-judgmental the gods are no matter which way abraham explored the prostitute it was okay so long as he explored the prostitute because as i emphasize to do something wrong is to learn how to do it right you cannot not learn it's impossible so if you said to me carolyn can i fail my contract how can you fail failure doesn't exist you can decide you didn't meet your own mark but you cannot fail you can only learn whether you learn this way or that way you can only learn okay so so much for abra of course you know what happens eventually there's all kinds of trouble in egypt and that's when the pharaoh says this isn't your sister it's your wife you creep get out of here and the pharaoh decides that that's the reason why egypt fell apart and had a famine so anyway so much for that but look at jesus let's go with jesus he's been initiated do you understand how exciting this is he's been initiated he's already gone through the high marks he's a master but now comes the test and you listen carefully because if you think you're not going to be tested again and again i told you i'll say it again and i'll say it again every time every single time you can count on this this is an archetypal pattern you learn something about your own inner power the first thing that happens you'll do it even if i tell you you can't avoid it because the archetype is stronger than you are the first thing that'll happen is you'll feel in some way arrogant or you'll feel in some way special or you'll feel somehow or other that you've outwitted watch my words you've outwitted the whimsical nature of god you've outrun chance you fools the next thing that happens the next thing that happens is something comes out of the clear blue and tampers with your power and visits what your ego so long before your new power becomes truly absorbed into your spirit your ego is going to get a knock on the door and this is what it looks like we're back we're back in jerusalem we're back in the desert we're right outside nazareth we've left the essene community we've just gone through initiation and now we're going to go into the desert we have to fast for 40 days how come biblically by the way let me plant an archetypal question in your head what is everything 40 days 40 nights floods tests think there's a reason there's a reason i'll give you the answer later i just want to make sure you keep listening so he has to be in the desert 40 days and 40 nights he can't have water can't have food he has to go through a test of this now listen carefully the test is can you finally make your spirit stronger than your body can you make your inner world outrun the external world is your spirit strong enough to maintain life no matter what happens on the outside world or will you sell yourself when there's a challenge when you're afraid when you're weak when you're hungry when you're down this is the prostitute and the prostitute will come and test you i'm telling you again and again and again the moment you become empowered and as soon as something even in the smallest part of your life even in your family even in anything you get a raise at work i promise you some part of the tribe you work with if they didn't get the raise they'll try to negotiate some kind of power play with you because people don't celebrate your raise if they didn't get one it's just not the way we work so here comes the devil here comes satan and the satan says to jesus i will give you every single material object on this earth if you give me that power your soul now has i want that power and i'll give you this power will you sell yourself for me and he says get behind me satan beat it get out of here this looks like a test do you think oh just god could do that you don't understand that's an archetypal test and you have the prostitute and i can say to you because you have that archetype be on the lookout you're going to have this test you're going to have it many times do you understand how rich it is to recognize that have you any idea if you know that you could be in a financial crisis let me just reroute you for one second whether it's a financial crisis or or or let's say it's the opposite way let's say you've got barrels and gobs of money you've got so much it's coming out of your garage it's here it's there it's falling off the roof i know you're rolling your eyes back saying please god give me that house but anyway let's just imagine that someone comes up to you and says how about a business deal and begins to talk to you about you can make this and we could do this and these nonsensical plans of instant wealth overnight it's also the prostitute that alerts you to ding ding ding ding this person is trying to buy my punch this person is trying to buy my will this person is trying to buy my reason the prostitute in you is an ally if you learn to sense it that's why these things happen so you could learn to sense when someone's after that part of your power that part of your power it's extraordinary so that's why i say all of you have the prostitute because i've seen it again and again and all of us have the child and all of us have the saboteur and here the saboteur is that archetypal pattern that has a great deal to do with making you face the fears in your life that would cause you to sabotage yourself remember let me put you back on track in its most generic form each person's contract is about empowerment and is about getting us to become as whole and integrated as we can but at the same time and here is an archetypal irony you are as afraid of becoming empowered as you are being disempowered you are terrified of becoming a whole person you're absolutely terrified of it why because you were born knowing and this comes in that spiritual backpack that you were given before you descended in that spiritual backpack you were born knowing that if you became a strong whole being your life is going to change it's going to change enormously and it's going to take down a lot of relationships that you have that are based on weakness if you become strong a lot of weak relationships disintegrate if you become strong there's a good feeling there's a good chance rather that a lot in your life is going to shift gears and many times people are not ready for that to happen so they sabotage opportunities that come to you in your life so when i say you have the saboteur i mean that every person will have experiences in which they have to confront whether or not they sabotage their own empowerment and of course the child we've already discussed victim everybody knows what it's like to feel victimized and you learn to stand up for yourself now these four archetypes lay your groundwork as to whether or not you can manage physical survival can you manage taking care of yourself financially with other people establish boundaries the victim and the child lay down boundaries when you finally decide i'm not going to be victimized anymore you go through these tests they're universal but then you have to collect the eight other archetypes that fill you out and it's so much fun because i can always tell when i'm dealing with someone who's a king i'll give you a great story this is such a true story i went to a christmas party one time and there was a man there who was at the time very successful and he was known for being two things successful and arrogant but not ordinary arrogant courtly arrogant and apparently he signed in one time at a hotel and he signed the king now the thing is you could laugh and say what an attitude but that's not an attitude that's an archetype talking because if you stood back and you thought just listen to me you stood back and you could spot and recognize an archetype and we'll work with this as we move forward if you could spot an archetype you could go step two what is a king's pattern you think well a king has to be in charge has to rule okay check that means this person has to rule and that this person needs a court fool all kings do and you start going right on down the line and describe the characteristics of a king and you're going to find that in some way shape or form they've manifested in that person because that's how closely aligned we are to our archetypal patterns so as i continue to do my research it seemed like 12 seemed to be the embodiment of our own personal life contracts and of course i looked at the fact that there are 12 tribes of israel 12 signs of the zodiac 12 disciples 12 seems to be the number of completion so it began to make a lot of sense to me and then one day as i was teaching this and this was quite some time ago and with me the way oftentimes the way information comes to me is that i'll be teaching and i suddenly have one of those lights go on experiences i don't hear like bells and whistles or that kind of you know those experiences you hear intuitives have actually i'm quite boring as an intuitive goes you know dull i'm not boring but i am dull but anyway i was trying to explain two things one i was trying to make a point that power manifests in many faces and that for example the reason why cultures created many gods like the greeks or the romans and this is critical to what we're talking about is because they sensed a bountiful nature of shall we say god so much so that they wanted to name all the many aspects of power that they could grab onto they could see that there was a fertility aspect of god and they so they decided to give it a name they called it demeter and there was a heroes aspect of god there was a part of that energy that made them feel like a warrior there was a part of the energy that made him feel sexual hello venus aphrodite they thought there was a part of that energy that made the woman feel very wise let's go sophia they named every one of their own powers not only did they name this power they built a whole mythology around it a whole panty and a whole reality they were naming the forces that were active within them but you see all of these forces had to be separated into individual units because altogether if you put all of this energy and all of this power together your sensual power your hero power your intuitive power your healing power your goddess power your all of this into one of our psyches without some kind of boundaries we would implode we can't contain that so when we incarnate we take a sample of it and say let me just work with this power and i'll integrate these powers in my life and then i'll be able to take on a little more and then a little more just let me work with a little and let me become integrated and then i can take on a little more okay you're with me you know what i'm talking about all right so what happened is that i realized that in trying to show the integration and the separation and the organization of cosmic power i took a look and i just drew a circle and i put in like a pie and i put in 12 slices in this pie and i realized unconsciously i'd drawn the wheel of the zodiac which is itself an archetype okay now for those of you who aren't familiar with the astrological wheel it is of course obviously a wheel it has 12 slices in it and each one represents a different aspect or characteristics of your life and just as a little bit of a background on this astrologers have existed forever and so this astrological wheel is itself what you would think of as an archetype it's a template it's recognized and it contains like any wheel of wisdom like king arthur's round table it speaks of a structure that contains faces and phases of power that reflect and embody a whole human life so you look at it you can see that there's an aspect that reflects what your personal life is going to be like and what your relationships are going to be like and whether or not you're going to have children and how you're going to behave as a child and what your financial connections will be like an astrological wheel in short covers every area of a human life and what i realized was that in this circle of 12 and in duplicating the wheel of astrology i had literally mirrored automatically organized the power the aspects the many characteristics of the human being in accordance or as a reflection of what's called the houses of the zodiac now by house i mean one of those slices of pies is considered a house in the language of astrology and in my language i look at it as an archetypal aspect of your power then of course i began to wonder if the archetypes were matched to these houses in a very specific way and i had to think that that was so because to date i haven't discovered anything that's random so i thought well maybe this is very specific and what would that look like so first i want to explain to you i want to give you a flavor of these houses and what's in each one of them then we could talk a little bit more about the archetypal construct because truly in order to recognize your contracts this is the third building block you need you want to be able to recognize your archetypal pattern and then well what part of your life does it go with i mean if you have a victim is there an area of your life where you're more prone to be victimized than another area and the answer is yes and what this does then is it gives you a real hands-on practical way to say here's an area of my life what are the archetypal patterns that i'm going to be most vulnerable with or strongest in in this area of my life it gives you a beginning point of foundation a rich texture through which to understand the fullness of who you are so let me describe the 12 houses and i'm going to do this fully and i want you to do this let me walk you through them i don't want you to just listen i want you to walk i want you to imagine yourself walking into this great big huge circle and it's got 12 houses just like a watch just like a big huge pie and you walk in the first one and you sit in there and you think this is my house of personality this is my house of self this is how i feel about myself this is how i look this is the house where see me first it's about your persona it's about how you project yourself and how other people see you in an archetypal way not just physically i mean obviously people can see that you're five foot two or five foot nine or whatever but they also sense you they sense your animation and what they pick up in your animation is your archetype and the archetypal pattern you have on the first house so when you do an archetypal wheel and we'll talk about what that is and how to do that the archetype that lands in this house is the image you give to people that they see before they see you now come on to your second house your second house is and look at the logic of life once you arrive and you have your ego and your persona in your first house the next thing you're going to do is walk into your second house and you're going to say now that i'm here what's mine your second house what's yours it's a house of beauty of values of stuff of what's important to you and that's in this house and so when you look at the archetypal pattern that's on this house it's going to be directly connected to the fears the choices the strengths you have in terms of your relationship with the physical matter of life now let's go to the third house when you get to the third house and you've already accomplished now who you are where you are what's yours the third house is communication it's how you want to express yourself and this is a big deal house because expression is choice expression is power expression is the manner in which you conduct your spirit into matter this is a big deal house i've seen every kind of archetype imaginable in this house and each one is so different one time i saw the archetype of the vampire on this house and this is a fun archetype to talk about see your eyes are opening up thinking oh my my my but vampires archetypal vampires are very real they're very real a vampire archetype and i'm going to explain this and all of you are going to say to me i know at least 10 of them a vampire is someone who's got an energy that has to live off the energy of someone else in order to exist now there's an aspect of the vampire that needs to be introduced here and that's that vampires as a rule have a very erotic connection they're nocturnal they're erotic they're bedroom characters you don't see a vampire coming in at night into the kitchen think think of the movies you've seen that's not where they show up they come in through the bedroom window or they're invited over the threshold into the erotic zone that's a very important aspect of it so that what i'm suggesting here is that if you look at vampire a modern day psychological term for vampire is called codependent because that's what a codependent relationship is there's an inability to live without each other it's lethal on one hand desperate on the other that's one form of the vampire relationship another form is when you find that you're in a relationship with somebody or in a situation and you know you're with a vampire when after you've been with them you're so exhausted you want to fall on the floor it's as if they've sucked all the energy out of you now i'm sure you know what that's like and one vampire technique is complaining vampires complain and what a vampire does when they complain is what they're really doing is they're saying can i live off some of your optimism today will you give me a shot of some of your hope because i just can't generate it by myself and if i don't get any hope or optimism today i'm going to die and after a while you think if i don't get away from that person i'm going to die and i'm out of this nightclub and the thing the vampire never wants to do is look at itself the mirror because to look at itself is to suddenly have to face the light and vampires don't want to do that this is a very real archetype this is a very real archetype and it's fascinating so to continue let's just for fun play this out so remember i want you to get a feel for how absolutely on target an archetype is and that if you have an archetypal pattern you need to take a real good look at it because it may be exerting more authority over you than you possibly can even begin to realize and in keeping with that what is becoming conscious all about but to be able to look at an archetypal pattern and take charge of yourself and release the cookie cutter the stencil and say i don't need you operating in my unconscious anymore i'm finally conscious enough to take charge of the energy that was once maneuvered by you through my unconscious let me say this again when you are unconscious of your own behavior of why you do what you do of what your fears are what that means is there's an archetype there's a pattern stronger than your own conscious mind that's making choices for you this is why i work in my workshop and i'll say why are you doing that and so many people will say i don't know and i won't let them get away with it i'll push them harder and i'll say what do you mean you don't know you're too old not to know yourself you're too old now push push yourself into your unconscious and don't let yourself get away with something as five-year-old-ish as i don't know and i push them until they will say i have a fear of or i really am jealous of and they begin to pull this pattern out from the behind their unconscious because once it's out that pattern cannot control you like a puppet on a string anymore okay so let's keep going fourth house the fourth house of the astrological or what i now call the archetypal wheel is home the archetype that lands in this house has the closest patterns to what your home life is like both the home you grew up in the home you're in it has that kind of feel to it now let's go to the fifth house the fifth house is the house of children it's the house of sexual affairs it's the house of luck it's the house of benevolence it's the house of what you want to think of as indulgence it's just the playhouse of the chart that's the only way to put it so it's fun it's a wonderful house and it's a great thing to see what archetype you land on here it's just great fun the sixth house is your house of health and your house of occupation i find that to be a very interesting match because of how many times people will say my job makes me sick and they don't realize what an archetypal statement they've just made they are unconsciously automatically connecting two forces that go together in one house and there is a relationship between what you do and how you feel and how you use your energy all right the seventh house this is your house of relationships and partnerships so it's not just marriage it's all partnerships it's one-on-one partnerships all right the eighth house is the house of legal matters of inheritance of death of rebirth now i want to talk about this one for a minute because i want to expand your mind in a kind of an interesting way here and that's this is also the house of what i would call dna patterns and the patterns you inherit from your family biologically it's also the house of the inheritance of psychic and emotional patterns and of karmic patterns right so this is the house of inheritance no matter how large you define it and when someone says you know that archetypal expression the apple doesn't fall far from the tree that expression absolutely reflects that there is an inheritance factor and the inheritance is not that the apple is going to be a duplicate of the apple tree we know that if you hear that expression do you assume that it's characteristics that are being inherited or shoe size characteristics and yet think about that that expression does not say the shoe size doesn't fall far from the tree or their emotional characteristics we assume that we are talking about psyches don't fall far from the older generation psyches souls somehow or other we hand down certain traits just like the sins of the father are visited upon the child somehow we have recognized archetypally that there is a dna inheritance that to put this in huge archetypal language that we every generation after another after another inherit unfinished patterns evolutionary patterns that have to be continued from the generation before that need to be worked through and resolved and woven into our own individual lives therefore you're not just living for yourself you're living for countless others through you and that's a phenomenal phenomenal thought the archetype that falls into this house is the one that illustrates or reflects the type of power issues and empowerment characteristics you have in that area of your life it's very interesting when you see somebody who has a warrior there or a very strong monk or a nun the qualities people bring to this journey of how they carry through the energetic patterns that are larger than themselves it's just fascinating let's move on the ninth house is your house of spirituality and it's of course your house not just of spirituality in terms of do you meditate you're a buddhist you're this catholic christian whatever when you think of spirituality think about the whole of how you relate to the spirit entirely think about how you see your spirit as a force outside of spirituality do you ever give your spirit attention as the verb of your life as just the creative portion of your life or do you and can you only think of it within spiritual terms do you ever just think about it as this neutral creative entity it's very interesting if you listen to people speak they do speak about their spirit as a separate entity other than themselves my spirit is sad well then who are you i mean who are you if your spirit said are you happy what what's going on here i don't get it are you spirit phrenic i mean what are you talking to me about you know you and your spirit are one but by that very sentence you're saying you're not isn't that intriguing you never thought about it have you see caught you but this is the house where you engage in thoughts about the spiritual nature of life the unconscious nature of life this is that house your 10th house is your highest potential now this is worth chatting about in terms of the whole of a contract and everything we're discussing this is a great big huge great big huge house what's your highest potential mean if i ask you to do that like an exam like all of you write down your highest potential and send it to me 90 of it would be vague and meaningless answers highest potential is to find something that makes me real happy that's always fun here's another one highest potential to become peaceful what does that mean to become happy get out of here to become fulfilled what you give me vague meaningless useless evaporative words what is highest potential you know what it is this is what is true your highest potential is to act choose in every moment where you recognize a choice is present its highest possible outcome let me say this again your highest potential is a bite-sized grainy thing it isn't one great big huge thing and all of the grains eventually make a great big huge castle in the sand every choice you make has a polar opposite you can choose negative you could choose light dark light dark light in every moment you could choose the highest potential possible that you see in a circumstance that's your highest potential it's not one thing it's a configuration of how you manage power in every single situation the better way to think of it is can you manage the highest potentials of your life put an s on that word put an s on it it's your highest potentials you just don't have one what is one if i let you get away with that word you will think it's a job and if i whack you left right and center and scream it's not a job you'll still think it's a job and you'll still say but you didn't tell me what my job is you have to stop defining your life in terms of an occupation it means your life is worthless after eight hours it means everybody who isn't working has no spiritual purpose in life you've got to stop that your life is not a job what you do in terms of occupation or job is a reflection of what serves the integration of your spirit and for that reason no matter what you do whether you're the ceo of a company or running the most wonderful magazine or this that and the other it holds an extremely high potential of contributing to the process of human transformation how do you know who's going to be picking up your quilt and thinking this is so wonderful and that triggers from something else you have no idea how the network of life is laid out none whatsoever you haven't got a clue but if you were to take a clue if i were to lead you into the archetypal library where clues are found and mysteries decoded i would sit all of you down and i would say listen i want to show you something why do you think someone like oh let's pick someone out of the hat why do you think a teacher like oh i don't know maybe someone named jesus was born in a manger what does that have to do with anything now of course historically at the literal level it has been suggested that the manger was the name of the nursery where all of the women who were part of the essenes had their babies having said that there is also a symbolic meaning this is another point everything in your life literally i want you to take to the symbolic world literal you're just gonna go nuts symbolically you're gonna get into clarity at the symbolic level it means this that power comes in humble packages power comes in humble packages god sends power in on the backs of fools and little children always always always because they look harmless the most harmless task in your life could be the most powerful sometimes it comes in a very harmless package to save you from an ego confrontation to save you from getting out of control sometimes it's to protect what you're doing from the energy of other people sometimes the most powerful thing you do needs protection so that no one else comes at it with negative thoughts so it looks harmless or it looks foolish you have no idea but the highest potential means that you like in a contract except that this is something you have to do you don't know why but it's not for you to say that what you're doing in any given moment is worthless because you don't really know the reason and so the greatest choice you can make is to decide i'm gonna bless it i don't know what i'm doing here but i'm gonna bless it and let the gods work through me in whatever way they need that's how to live the highest potential of a contract now does that make sense to you all right let's keep going we're in the 11th house in the 11th house it's how you see the world it's how you look at the world you know how some people see the world optimistically or pessimistically and they develop ideas of reality no don't be silly god would never do this or it's like that or things would never be this way or don't be silly life has to be all bountiful and all wonderful etc whatever ideas you have about reality will live exist within the energy field of this house but let's move into the 12th house the 12th house is the house of your unconscious it's the house of secrets it's the house of dreams it's a fabulous fascinating house because the dreams your dreams will tend to expand and open up speak to you all the more when you start to work with your archetypes why because you've given them a language that's what's so incredibly rich about pursuing yourself to this depth because when you start to think about yourself in terms of well you know what i really have been working with the judge archetype all my life or i've been working with this or i can see where i have a serious network or archetype or whichever one you pick listen you give your psyche a language a word a means to reach you that you didn't have before your 12th house is your dreams your dream house it's that rich unconscious place it also represents your unconscious fears it represents parts of yourself that you have yet to learn now i've given you the third building block of this particular program on sacred contracts the first one of course was to introduce you to the guides of necessity choice and compassion and how you coordinated your sacred contract how you pulled it together and how you prepared to descend into physical life the second is to introduce you to the lives of the masters and how their lives were templates for the expansion of the spirit in the process of awakening and in fact richly to the way heaven pursues you so that you will awaken and now i've introduced you to archetypes and this structure called the archetypal wheel well what are you going to do with all of them we're going to put them together and in putting them together now you get a complex moving rich lens like a mandala through which to understand yourself physically emotionally psychologically and archetypally you are that complex and as i said it's time for you to learn how to actually utilize this material and feel its guidance that's where we're going to move next but wait one minute we're going to end with a little bit of a what did i mean by 40 days what's the significance of this pattern well there are people who believe and now we're sort of in the area of folklore mythology that would suggest that 40 days is the incubation period through which the spirit manages to become stronger than the physical world or to say it differently it's the maximum in initiation that the spirit can move can endure to finally beat the restraints or the limitations of the physical world 40 days is considered the time zone of initiation now whether or not they mean 40 literal days whether or not they mean 40 mythic days 40 astrological days who knows but it's considered the length of time mythically folklore or symbolically of the process of initiation so let's use that just for fun let's imagine that you had a really deep and rich question and you wanted to have a revelation not an answer but a revelation that's a different thing a revelation is more like asking for a true epiphany a true changing the thing about a revelation is you have to be able to act on it you can't ask for that quality of data and then just shrug it off believe me you can't do that so you said i really want some guidance on how to move forward with my spiritual life what am i supposed to do what do you want from me next you don't have to be asking out of sorrow you could be asking out of the place that says i'm ready i really am ready to serve life in a different way show me what you want reveal it to me write that in a prayer write that as a request and put it away for 40 days and literally say i am doing this in the belief that 40 days is a period of my incubation i'm not going to pray about it again i'm not going to think about it i did i put it away i'm putting it in your hands for incubation and i'll await the answer in 40 days and i am going to assume let me add something let me pull you in so that you start thinking and using contracts that between now and then things that happen frighten anything that rocks your boat you are going to look at as an integral part of the answer to that question you're going to see it as a contract not as an interference not as a nuisance not as luck but as part of the groundwork for the answer to that request to that revelation all right it's contract time you
Channel: Your Miracle Self
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Length: 210min 55sec (12655 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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