Caroline Myss - Guide Power of Your Soul

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i've chosen an opening prayer that i think is how i would like us to enter our time together i would like us to enter in this spirit i'm  going to read the prayer i would like you   not to look at me when i read a prayer i'd like  you to look into yourselves it's not about me   a prayer is about you a prayer is something  you enter close your eyes go into yourself take a breath leave me out of it i'm  not the object of your prayer you are   you are however you image your interior chapel  your inner sanctuary the holy place that you go don't look at me when we enter prayer my lord god i have no idea where i'm  going i do not see the road ahead of me   i cannot know for certain where it will end  nor do i know myself therefore i will trust you   though i may seem to be lost and in the shadow of  death i will not fear for you are ever with me and   you will never leave me to face my perils alone  then the priest has said speak to us of prayer and   he answered saying you pray in your distress and  in your need would that you might pray also in the   fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance  it is enough that you enter the temple invisible i   cannot teach you how to pray in words god listens  not to your words save when he himself utters them   through you and i cannot teach you the prayer of  the seas and the forests and the mountains but   you who are born of the mountains and the forests  and the seas can find their prayer in your heart   and if you but listen in the stillness of the  night you shall hear them saying in silence   our god who art winged self it is thy will and  us that willeth it is your desire in us that   does we desire it is your urge in us that would  turn our nights which are yours into days which   are yours also we cannot ask you for anything  for you know our needs before they're born   you are our need and in giving us more  of yourself you give us everything and that opens our field of  grace welcome to our workshop and so and our in an opening to um a retreat workshop like this the opening  evening is something i like to keep in a larger context i like to lay the  foundation lay the groundwork this isn't   the evening this isn't the time to really  start the deep interior work you've traveled   you're tired it's nighttime  and nighttime is not the time   to do all the heavy lifting but rather  to tell you about your heavy lifting so what we're going to do is enter into  the exploration of the spirit the soul   but my part of what i deeply feel is  my challenge my calling and now how i i would and how do i say imaging my work my my interaction  is that there's a difference between   discussing the divine and  engaging in an experience of that part of what i really believe to be true is that  we are living in such an exquisitely unique time   in which we have released a comfort zone  with religions it doesn't mean we don't   still feel some kind of familiarity  with our religion i know i do   but it doesn't fit anymore like an old  style that we once thought suited us   but we know we really won't ever wear  it again but we keep it in our closet but we know it doesn't fit but what does fit what  what what is it that does fit where is it that   we we need to go now see this is the undefined  territory that has yet to be articulated yet to   be identified we call it that we are seeking but  we haven't even figured out what we're seeking and part of the nature of the search is to know  actually to have a little bit of a sense of   you know what what we're looking for  what we're looking at what we are seeking part of what finally teaching  a spiritual directions course   has awakened in me is the realization a lot of  realizations that i never articulated before   among them that we are seeking but  we've never actually put it to language and to and and there's a lot of ends here um  another is that what we have become that we   have not articulated either now this is going to  sound kind of funny so i have to say this again   we also have to look at what we've  become uncomfortable with and why one of the things that we've become uncomfortable  with is truth we don't like to hear it we don't   like to speak it we don't like truth very much  and curiously the spiritual path is about truth   so herein lies a collision herein lies a very  interesting collision and as a result of that   we've kept the spiritual path a very mental  one because that allows us to kind of   keep it at the idea level but not the experiential  one are you following this you know we we um we have an anomaly that's characteristic of  us but it never existed before it's an anomaly we have an inner self we speak about our  inner self we'll say you know what my   inner self tells me i'll say what does your inner  self tell you tell me what your inner self tells   you and your inner self if you pay attention  to it always speaks more honestly than you do   so the inner self is actually something  we've invented as we grew uncomfortable   with truth we manufactured a part of us that  could speak the truth but not be humiliated it's a manufactured part of ourselves that we invented that could represent truth  because we can't speak it directly so instead of   saying actually this is what i'm thinking we say  i got it on the inner and who can argue with that   oh well in that case well  in that case but then say   but if you bypass that and said you didn't  get it on the inter this is just what you want   don't tell me that because that's  too raw and that's too honest so it's a very very interesting time in that  the spiritual path the real path is about truth   and in fact in this kind of mind-body spirit  thing we've actually gone the other way we've   we've so clung to mental ideas and mental debate  that the part of the truth aspect is not something   we actually really look at but it's something  that needs to be looked at which is where   does that play a role so that when somebody  goes to what i would call their inner well and asks a question about what what am i what  am i feeling what is it i'm searching for   when someone when all the great master  teachers say you you really do know   that is the truth you know far more than  you realize you know because it's in your   spiritual nature your spiritual intelligence  which is what we're going to talk about to provide you with more guidance 24 7 to provide it to you all the time so you actually  are always receiving a level of inner guidance that kind that is inherent to your biological  spiritual makeup your spiritual dna   it's not a special treat to get guidance it  doesn't require a diet it just really is in   your nature it's in our design another part that i  think we need to to go back to not go back that's   not even the right word we need to understand  is our relationship to nature and the role that   that plays in our spiritual makeup and by that  i don't mean that we need to go out into nature   this kind of thing i mean that we are ourselves  a product of nature i mean that we are ourselves   subject to the laws of nature that we are  not a exemption from the behavior of nature   we are not here to study and dominate nature we  are subject to the laws of nature we are in other   words a species no different from any other animal  none zero which means that one earthquake strike   and storm strike we are as likely to be taken down  by those storms as any other animal that's outside   and they do not say oh look at those poor innocent  deer say the other deer looking at them but we do   that we make up narratives in our heads we make  up phenomenal stories that we tell ourselves look   at those innocent people they didn't do anything  to deserve deserve what to deserve that tsunami   to deserve being in the path of that earthquake  to deserve we make up stories in our heads   deserve has nothing to do with an earthquake  earthquakes happen that's the law of nature it   is about balancing nature according to the logic  of the story of deserve what it means then is that   some part of us believes that uh oh an earthquake  is coming let us empty the prisons and take   all the good people and put them in some place  protection because according to the death quota two hundred thousand people are scheduled  to die let's find all the bad people but that's what it means if you buy into this  notion all those poor innocent people you are   completely missing the truth  here's the operative word the truth that death has nothing to do  with good bad innocent guilt zero accidents and in fact that's not even a tragedy  nature balances itself storms are normal   they're part of nature and if you're caught in  the way of a storm if we if if places are flooded they happen and species die and they are  replaced how heartless no i am making   a really huge point that needs to be  made and that's that we have removed ourselves from the from the truth  that we are a species of nature   that is subject to the laws  instead of exceptions to it   we think we're an exception and so when something  happens we say we're innocent we didn't deserve   that law what law and we believe that there's an  off-planet god that operates by our court system and these types of stories create the foundation for a theology   in people that is fundamentally  erroneous from the core upward so when as a medical intuitive when somebody  would say give me the one reason why i'm   sick and i'm thinking one one this is why  doing a reading now is out of the question   it's out of the question the fundamental  wiring in a human being is rotten to the core   the entire wiring is rotten it's not about a  belief anymore it's that the whole mythic wiring   is simply rotten it's got nothing to  do with the it's not even personal it's impersonal the whole wiring has got to go and whether or not you realize  it you are renovating your wiring and and it's and it's just an  extraordinary journey to do that part of it is actually i don't i i don't  believe we have any choice it's not a choice   everybody is on this evolutionary path absolutely  everybody we have entered an age of energy we've entered it that's all there's to it you  spend most of your time in the invisible world   now whether or not you get that you are connected  to the internet you google all your communications   there's very little of you now that's in the  physical world except what has to be there   even to get you to exercise requires now  that you dress yourself up in clothing so   that you can i've got to force myself into  the ground you have to find a gymnasium   and pay for it to get yourself to move your  body because you can't trust that you will   push yourself into the world and just walk we  don't call it walking anymore we call it exercise   and we have to get dressed up  and hang water bottles on us   because we no longer can even make it a  block without putting something in our mouth a starbucks with low milk soy   then a little almond milk or coconut water  something but it can't be just coffee anymore i got in heaven what if we become okay  yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah this   is how and you wonder and why why am i falling  apart here what do you think what do i think where do we start okay but you can't even imagine  how much of you is not even on the ground anymore to say this differently how much  of you is in kairos or timelessness   the internet is a dimension of no time and no  space no speed you are in what's called the   kairos world the world of the here and now that's  the mystics domain your body is in physical time   the rest of you the world of ideas the world of  communication so i'm going to translate this in   a little bit of a different way because it gets  a little bit more it gets vastly more intriguing um i don't think we could stop the search for the significant  and the holy if we tried   i don't believe we could do that i don't  believe we could we could stop i i feel like um   once you put your focus on the kind of  question that says for what reason what   what's really going on here what what  is my inner world about once that starts it reshapes the whole of who you are and while you don't get that the rest of  your world has begun to change everything has now we have yet to create this world  and figure out this world we're going to   but deep in ourselves we know everything's  different we know it we just haven't figured   out how to chart chart our way  we know deep in our intuitive god   that however we have understood god is  not the way we want to understand god   that there is the god we talked about anew and  then there's the experiential nature of the divine the mystical the awakening of the mystic inside this is what  i believe is the journey that you are on that   we are on the shift from the physical to the  energetic the mystical the kairos domain even in   your spirit to your spiritual  intelligence to your cosmic spirit   believe that even our survival is dependent  on this believe it or not but that aside let me just put it in terms of science let me  just put it in terms of of of basic energy reality   we are now you know even in science  we know that look at your internet   your internet and now think of it as your  internet that they are one in the same thing that your internet operates exactly like your  internet and you're connected to everybody   like you are on the internet so picture that  everybody on your internet is actually a   sole companion and that the emails you send  are actually prayers or or thoughts or whatever   that you really are connected  in that instant in that instant   and now grapple with this because it's great big  huge it's so huge it's unimaginable and yet it's   actually happening we're past the  imagination point and that's that years ago not so long ago we lived with the  illusion that we thought was true but then   we found out there was no truth to it along at  all but we lived with the illusion that whatever   country we were in kept us safe from every other  country that's that that we that whatever happened   in like whatever happened in tasmania or whatever  happened in bolivia had nothing to do with what   happened in russia which was we lived in this  world let me put it now that's the macro let me   put it in the micro that would be just like saying  i lived with the belief that what happened in my   kidney didn't even affect my heart and didn't  affect my spleen and didn't affect my bones   there's no difference what's in my little world is  in my big world are you following me here and then   all of a sudden that illusion was  thrown out and it was replaced by this concept a higher truth of holism  where oh my what is in one   is in the whole whatever i do to one organ in my  body i'm doing to all the organs in my body agreed   so whatever is done to one nation has to be  done to the whole so now isn't it the truth that   an event goes on over here in  one nation something horrible in   syria or jordan and the next thing you know  the price of oil you wake up and the price of   oil is different how does that have to do with  this who knows but it affected your pocketbook   immediately this affects that affects  this in a microsecond a microsecond   this isn't about oil and that this is about oh  my every single thing seems to affect the whole   every single thing which means everything  you do affects the whole everything   everything that you doesn't do not see this  doesn't change the truth does not change the   truth what it does mean is that every single thing  that is happening everything around everything   affects each of us every second change is  universal it is immediate we used to believe   that what happened someplace takes years to affect  us throw that out now you know whatever happens   anywhere affects us instantly we're seeing it even  in the banking we're seeing it in the military   we're seeing it ev we're seeing it with viruses  find someone in africa that's got the ebola   they want to shut down the all of a sudden your  security is threatened no matter where you are everything is affected which means every one of your thoughts everything in your  body that you regulate through your mind through   your thoughts through your spirit affects the  whole of your body affects the hole in this room   and it means and here's a thought i'm  going to ask you to take with you to bed which one of your feelings your thoughts your  attitudes which one would you say is insignificant but you'd say well this one doesn't  matter this one doesn't affect   anything so this one doesn't  matter which one of your feelings   which one would you say does not qualify for the  word profound if you know that every one of your   thoughts affects the whole and here's something  to really get twist your knickers in a twist about if every one of my thoughts about you affects you that i have to really think that  every one of your thoughts about me affects me   i have to turn it around so if you think that you  have negative thoughts about someone or negative   pulling anything you have to realize  that that's an invitation to someone you   may as well go up to that person and say  would you do me a favor and hate my guts   because that's what i'm doing to  you and then it could be mutual because i'm transmitting the worst  visions of you every day across the wires these are dark prayers   if you believe you can send grace to someone you  can do this we'll get to this over the weekend which means oh my everything  that i do everything is profound   now all right let's leave  all that and come back here the reason i i so believe that i'm  going to kind of put this into a   tone of spiritual direction this weekend  plus everything else is because what what   i believe people are looking  for i really do is a way of working with the sacred working with  holiness working with that that is no longer   in the traditional form and yet we  want to access the a mystical life   we want a mystical sacredness without the  superstition without all the la-la-la-la   and yet it gives us the rich deep guidance  that allows us to go very deeply within   ourselves but bypassing all the superstitious  ritual nonsense that we don't need anymore   yet we have prayer we have a sense that  there is something greater than ourselves and i think that that is what people are seeking  and within that are the questions of but is it   possible what is healing what is what is you get  past and through the superstitions and you become   to understand that yes healing is absolutely part  of the nature of the human spirit but it's not a   magical thing it is part of the laws governing  the nature of the spirit there are laws that   govern the human spirit and it's just like the  tao as we put ourselves back into our nature   and follow our nature healing is  part of returning to our nature   it is in our nature to be able  to heal it is not an exception we we we can't treat what is native to us natural  to our our spirit as being an exception because   it's not but if you understand your nature like  if you put yourself in any kind of extreme you   will swing the other way you in order to balance  you will swing the other way in order to balance   you can expect that because that's how nature  does everything even in us if you know this and   you think i have to live in balance the object is  to live balance with balance because that's what   human nature needs is balance it's not my nature  it is human nature now how do i find my path of   balance given who i am what do i need what will  keep me in balance and that becomes part of your   spiritual path does this make sense to you  what do i need to maintain my spirit's balance and that's where your own inner search comes in  i'm going to hit a pause button here and ask you   if there are any uh questions so far because i  have a few for you oh there's a mic behind if   you want to take the mic because this is going  to be recorded anybody have a question anything i got to get my glasses i can't see anything mark um i'm just wondering i didn't agree  with what you're saying and i look out at   i'd say it's called energy the world or whatever  and i can grasp that things are what they are and what's my involvement then what  is my purpose and i think you hit on a   hitting the inner spirit thing but you know my  question is is what is my purpose here then if no no no everything is not behaving as  it should no no wait a minute there's   there's a difference in what i'm um i  said nature is as it should be no no no no um we are we are part we are a species of nature  so we are uh subject to the law of gravity of   cause and effect of uh we are predators we  are hunters we are there's there are certain   there are the the laws that absolutely govern us  that govern nature we we um but there are also um qualities that are unique to  us that quote define us as human   and perhaps that is our questing for this idea  that we each have a unique purpose for being   born which is something we cling to like  like you know rafts on a on a rough ocean i judge everything if i'm judging what's going  on in the world and everything's happening it's   coming through my filter so that's not that's  not a pure moment no let me let me let me i'm   obviously not saying this i think i'm going on  two paths here so let me maybe say this again maybe through this door one way that i would express the purpose  of human creation is in fact i just   i just had this on my um class  is that it's um to participate   as to to discover to explore to experience  co-creation with the power with the power of the   human spirit that every thought you have sends  energy into motion that every choice you make   sets wheels of creation into motion that this is  when someone says what is the purpose of my life   what is the take the my out and thr now we ask  the question again what is the purpose of life it's not that simple because if if it were just  like robot stuff do this do that do this do that   it's not that simple because we would not have  conflict if it was that simple and more to the   point we would not have conscience and the battle  within us between what is good and what is evil   what is right and what is wrong we would not have  dilemmas over i could choose to tell you the truth   or i could lie and there would be  very different consequences to both   and i set one set of consequences in motion or  i said another and each of those paths have very   different futures for me depending on which one  i select and that will become part of what's when   someone says what's your purpose my purpose is  to learn the cause and effect one of my purposes   there's no such thing as a purpose there's no such  thing part of what gets woven into my learning   is that the choice to distort truth sets in motion  a dynamic of cause and effect that does not quit   does not quit there's only one  truth here did you drop this or or   did you drop this yes or no yes truth ends there  truth has one answer one a lie goes on forever   never stops uh uh the part of what we learn in in  part of our purpose is to learn these tools do i   tell the truth or do i lie and that begins to form  life and how we then experience it it determines   the quality of relationship the quality of how you  see life the quality of how you engage the quality   of how you receive guidance you bow your head and  you say help me out let me see my higher purpose   and your in and your and what happens when you say  a prayer like that is your whole system shuts down   because it says higher purpose higher purpose what  are you going to do with a higher purpose let's   get you out of the way you're so baffled here we  have to get you clear so that you trust yourself   you get you to we'll start with your purpose  being able to trust yourself again you don't   trust yourself you don't you don't you you  don't even trust yourself what's it like to   live your life when you know you don't even trust  yourself how can you trust a fellow human being   right how can we give you do you realize how many  human beings do not even trust themselves how can   they be given a larger task to caretake others to  have others trust them when they do not even trust is to go themselves that would  be the higher purpose it would be is to scaffold yourself and really it begins  with power to say wait a minute my my first task   is to take charge of what is truth and what is  not to be able to command myself in front of   an illusion to say i'm not giving my power away  because i i won't give my power away to to to and   uh uh something that's not true i won't i won't if  someone says to me oh the sky is falling i realize   that's not true i'm not gonna you know suddenly  become hysterical and attach myself to that   rumor i'm not going to you said that you judge  everything judgment should evolve to discernment   where you you become very discerning  and decide there's no truth to that this   is worth looking at where you hold every one  of your emotions every one of yourself really   in check so that you look at everything but  nothing has an emotional reaction it doesn't   command judging then you just is  what it is it's that's where i'm like   why do i care about him no no no no i'm  asking you about discernment i am extremely   discerning i can be ruthlessly judgmental  which is why i decided to become discerning pardon that's why i'm here yeah then you enter into the world of i  just want to understand i want to   you know and i want to learn i want to observe  i want you observing without judging is clarity   what's the archetypal pattern maybe  there's a higher observational deck   you know when you when you when you get to the  point when you know when someone judges it's   because you look and say you must have some  purpose for me or you have no purpose at all you know you must you must wear your clothes  the way i like it or or everything you wear   is just foolish and that kind of thing and  that's what judgment is about when you realize   i'm judging because i think everybody should  that everything should mean something to me to me   that my standards are like these the gold  standards by which and that's when you say   excuse me i'll be right back and you put  your head in the toilet for seven minutes   and you come back and say i think i'll release  my standards who am i and that's your first day   of walking humbly on the earth that's your  first day and your first true soul lesson   i bow my head and i walk humbly on this earth  i am no one i will not judge and it becomes   your first true soul lesson and when and that's  your first day of truly walking with your soul   the day you say that's it i give it up i am  walking humbly on i look at everybody now through   equal eyes and i see god in them that's enough  i've you could do that i'll take your workshop anyone else because i i have a  question i can have homework for you   okay and then i'm gonna send us out of bed okay i would like you to spend some time i know  it's late and you're traveled you probably   want to go unpack or just unwind but  i would like you to spend some time   you know there are 10 significant questions  that we're going to go through this weekend   and you probably thought i'd give  them to you all at once but no i'm going to dot them through so the first one  is tonight and it's what has meaning for me   what has meaning for me what is meaning  for me followed by what does not what has meaning for me in life what has  meaning and you're not allowed to say my family   that let's that's nonsense of course this  is about you and yourself this is about you it's about you and yourself hardcore you and yourself what do you really get as meaningful because  what happens is meaning changes with you and   for you and it changes you if you're not  aware of this wheel grinding inside of you   you won't feel it grinding you won't realize  i'm i'm in a crisis of meaning and purpose   you're not searching for it you're in a crisis of  it there's a difference there's a big difference   when you're asking what's the purpose of my life  you already know that you already have that you've   already been engaged in that you're having the  wheels are grinding yet again they're grinding   and they're shifting they're there there's  a redefining of what meaning and purpose is   you just haven't been directed  to ask the question again again   this is what spiritual direct let me  direct you go in go in to yourself and saying and i i would like to to borrow  something from my spiritual direction class   i don't think my students would mind would  you mind if i share the well and the pebbles what how we begin our class how we end our  class what we use throughout the class now   is a beautiful beautiful image of that you have a well inside of you and i think how i began the class and it is   i if this image takes inside of you  you'll carry it for the rest of your life what i was profoundly taken by i read  the old testament a lot i love love   love sacred literature and i love the  old testament and part of the reason   i've come to love it even more is because i  think a lot of those stories actually happened   now i wouldn't have said this years ago  but i'm going to say it now i think a lot   of those stories actually happened exactly  the way they're told and i say that because those stories took place before doubt  was created the way we have doubt   before fear was created the way we  had fear you have to go back and be   that time and that place you have to we have to  undo all the harm that reason and fear has done   to us you have to stand on the earth where there  was just earth and sky and nothing in between but   sand and and the armies of the canaanites  and the and the israelites and the egyptians   what was in between nothing  they didn't sit there and say do you think there's anything out there  they knew when abraham was visited by   two angels he said we've come to talk  to you and he said get my guests food   show them to my tent that really happened i think  i think it really happened he didn't say oh sarah   sarah i think i'm losing my mind get me a cold  towel no and i'll tell you another reason why because once jesus came and that  next wave of consciousness came   because jesus was all about the inner  and the old testaments about the outer   the laws jesus was about inner laws the  old testament is about outer laws the   ten commandments the how do you behave out  here jesus is about how you behave in here   like buddha jesus didn't see any of them he  saw elijah he had those outer visions but but there was a very different form of  apparition yahweh spoke directly to moses   yahweh did not speak directly  to jesus he had to go out out   to the desert to go into quiet prayer he had  to go in the inside he'd go to his inside   he didn't have those kinds of visitations  they were so common in the old testament   and then as you go through those centuries and  christianity evolves all those kinds of ways of   the apparitions in the physical form that you know  jesus did see the prophets and he did have the   apparitions but after that it stopped after  his ascension that the kind of the fading   away of that began until i mean and not until  and as you get to like the last great really   great outrageous mystics ignatius layla john of  the cross teresa of avila all of whom lived at   the same time all of whom were spanish they all  lived in spain and here's teresa writing about i saw an angel today but she didn't  tell me what realm it was from   but it wasn't it was like a vague apparition  it wasn't materialization these angels in the   old testament materialized they weren't but jesus  the angels that came they were light angels like   if you you see what they talked when they talked  about the angels in the new testament they were   apparitions of light they were already fading into  a different dimension but in the old testament   they're as real and hearty as we are it's too too  fascinating to me absolutely fascinating so when   i look back and the way yahweh called his prophets  the way he called abram or the way he called moses   the way he called them he would say fear not  for i am the lord thy god and i am calling you   they probably heard exactly that and this is how  the ancients were called and they always said i am listening lord your servant  is listening i am listening lord   i am listening i am calling you fear not  have no fear of me but i am calling you what a way to go to prayer in yourself so the  image is that you have a well inside of you   and you've been called to  that well you've been called you've been called and that you are  responding to a call that says fear not i   am the lord however you image that for yourself  and i am calling you and your response is i am listening lord your servant is listening and your your whole task is not to show up  with a grocery list full of can i have can   i have would you do this no that is not  the role anymore it's how a child prays   that's how a frightened little child prays  no no no no more now your task your cho   is to stand by you well and say you've called  me that's why you're at a workshop like this that's why you are in despair that's why  you're you're you could be upside down in   your heart and your body and your mind wondering  where to go that's what a calling feels like   what do you think a calling is like the phone  rings no a calling has always been disruption   of the self an eruption a disruption you've  called me i'm listening i'm here i'm here now   and then image that you have a very small pebble and you get very very quiet very quiet no  phone on nothing you're by yourself you're   very quiet maybe you go out and look at this  fantastic sky and and you drop that pebble and you wait you wait and you wait and you listen  for it to make the tiniest sound as it hits the   water that water is in you you say i'm listening  i'm listening that's all i'm listening and you   may just feel like it's enough you and me finally  i just want to be here i've made it i'm listening   that's all so close your eyes get very still get  very still get very very still imagine that you okay imagine that you hear a voice and it says fear  not for i am the lord and i am calling you and you walk toward the well in yourself and you say i am listening lord your  servant your servant is listening and you drop a pebble in this  quiet well you drop it and it falls and it's very very sun you listen  very carefully very carefully very very carefully and it makes a small sound at the bottom ask anything and god said to me my mind and my heart thought deeply for a  second and then replied with one word when   god's arms then opened up and i entered  myself i entered myself when i entered   the sweet grace of god and having learned  compassion compassion i allowed my soul to stay stay at your well inside of yourself  with grace all things are possible okay okay okay everybody come on back it's a lovely lovely first evening
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 28,045
Rating: 4.8986177 out of 5
Keywords: Caroline Myss, Self Help
Id: 6bL6izRe5jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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