Caroline Myss - What is the Meaning of This Chaos?

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listen to this a singing cleaning woman a leaf says sweethearts don't pick me for i'm busy doing god's work i am lowering my veins and roots like ropes with buckets tied to them into the earth's deep lake i'm drawing water that i offer like a rose to the sky i'm a singing cleaning woman dusting all the shelves in the air with my elegant green rags i have a heart i can know happiness like you isn't that exquisite i mean if you ever wanted to feel one with nature that is such a prayer i have a heart i can feel happiness like you i'm doing what i was created to do i absolutely adore that i adore that i adore something for you to use i absolutely adore that the microcosmic how can you think that even i don't have a place on this earth i'm cleaning your air synthetic exquisite and that is the mystical perspective a singing cleaning woman the subject tonight is love i adore this book i do it i there isn't a thing you've ever given me that i'm not madly in love with not a thing you know me all too well you know i thought um change happens in the blink of an eye and we are at a very critical extraordinary point in the history of the evolution of humanity so i thought that i would speak about that as we enter into the subject this weekend i would take that entryway because one question that every single person is asking well i think it's more than one but it begins with one is what is the meaning of this chaos what what is going on what is going on what is my place in all of this how will it affect me because we know it will how do i respond how do i respond so that i don't panic how do i best interpret and understand the perspective so what i i want you to picture is that you are in a type of uh building and from every floor you're going to get a different so there's the penthouse suite and from that perspective you get an enormous overview and if you're on the lower level you get another view if you're on the ground level and on the ground level is the most isolating the most limited and the most panic driven it's the street level if you're on the penthouse i remember one time visiting a friend of mine in manhattan and manhattan is a very loud city as all of you know it is very loud and i think it's 100 million times as loud as at well it's typical of all cities like hong kong or or uh all crowded cities with tall buildings where the sound is contained it's not like chicago where there's more air space you know so when you're in manhattan and all the cars are just always screaming at each other the cars are continually screaming it's like 24 hours a day you feel you're like your ears are going to burst so when when you are in silence in new york you hear that silence i mean you actually hear the silence you are so aware of it and i visited a friend of mine who lived lives in a uh penthouse a top floor i don't know if you call it a penthouse she lives on the top and she's got a small treasured balcony uh you know where you walk out a deck a deck and i don't know what floor she's on i have no idea 20th who knows whatever it's the top of the building with a deck and here's the point when we went out there you couldn't hear any of the sound you were out of the pressure and you actually could feel a subtle shift in the pressure from being out of the tightness of the buildings to on the deck and away from the noise you actually couldn't hear it and the difference in not being oppressed by the influence of chaos versus being controlled by the influence and the weight and the density of chaos within the same building i.e within the same experience is a phenomenal reality everybody in the building is in the same reality some and now i'm going to say the building is you and depending on what floor you choose to see the experience through will determine whether you are oppressed by the reality of it or whether you can observe it in silence from a penthouse and from that position of silence from a penthouse you get an overview and in that overview you get a perspective that allows you to discern symbolically i.e with mystical consciousness or the consciousness of a mystic through mystical reasoning what is happening in the evolution of humanity what is happening now is not unexpected it was never unexpected what's taken us by surprise is us is our unpreparedness it's not that the changes in our um are the evolution what is uncharted that we are not in we are on in uncharted waters in how the changes are expressing themselves and perhaps in our [Music] inability to properly prepare ourselves but that we are entering the shift from the split of ages to holism is something we've been talking about for decades that it has finally hit a level of the collective economy the collective geography the collective politics that it has finally gone from the control of the holistic clinics to lamb blasting the global economy is simply shocking you and yet at the same time you've been a student of what is one is in the whole for decades you just didn't think it would hit your bank account so the unpreparedness is you and the naivete of belief of not realizing and not really believing the laws the mystical laws of the universe what is in one is indeed in the whole you cannot have holism simply be a clinical principle in a holistic laboratory or spa you cannot say what is in one is in the whole and have that apply to your nutrition or to your health habits and not think it isn't going to absolutely hit the political interactions on our planet the social the climatic the geographic the financial markets how can it be otherwise you cannot say micro and macro and practice it in the set in it you practice it conveniently and then be hit with a shock wave when you see it hit the markets you should be awestruck by god when this happens but not in shock but rather from the point of view of wow we wow everything i believed is real i'm looking at what's in one is in the hole and it is hitting heavy duty instead of saying what do you think's going on here you know exactly what's going on you know you are these the ones who should know what's going on of all people what have you been studying you of all people should know exactly what's going on the question we should actually be asking ourselves you as students of mysticism as students of the laws of mysticism should be asking yourself how now do i respond how do i work with this how do i act so that i don't drop to the level of panic and fear because i i should have seen this come what was i thinking for what reason are you studying this all this time with teachers screaming screaming why are you trying to become conscious of what are you trying to be you were working to become conscious of the laws of the universe so that you can use them so that you can spot them working the cosmos so that you could see them in action so that you could realize they are in charge they are in charge they are absolutely in charge but the advantage of being able to read archetypally to see what's actually going on now if somebody asked me all right give me your story with this how would i tell the story of what's going on now how would i do that and from a larger point of view starting how i i see it through the world of according to garp this is the world according to carolyn and i emphasize that because it is the world according to carolyn this is how carolyn sees this and i and i have to say that so i'm going to take you into my head because this is how it works for me from my point of view you know how i have taught you we're going to go how i've said as we've learned about since i've been teaching [Music] how we can become too uh caught up in need in our need to have reasons for why things happen as they do and that's just a small part but we're going to track that back to the beginning of the enlightenment so let's go backwards a bit let's go backwards you're here with me because i developed a passionate interest in mystical consciousness in the role of learning to perceive rather than think to be able to i should say to be able to perceive as well as think to be able to blend mystical reasoning with the best of your intellectual skills people like gandhi did that people like martin luther king jr did that people like mandela did that people like i believe einstein did that they took the i think abraham lincoln these people took the best of their intellect and they merged it with interior skills that could only be listed as mystical capacities to see beyond the ordinary to see and envision what an ordinary human being could not envision and to hold that vision and use the best of their intellects to scaffold a way to get there and to be able to and they had to rely on their mystical instincts and the profound stamina of their soul to maintain a vision where other people would challenge that vision and bring it down this is what all of these people and many like them sadat many great people had in common whose vision what they shared in their vision is that their vision always was to better humanity and that is a signature of the soul of a mystic their vision their passion is always to better the life of others and even one other to better the life of another and the reason you need a passionate faith a passionate trust is because the obstacles of chaos are great they are great because you're bringing in the new against the old you're bringing in the new and to put it to take you just to the lower level of your building just bringing in new furniture into an old apartment is difficult the obstacles of a old carpet in a and and and bad rotting what do you call that stuff wallpaper and getting that off the chaos of getting the old out so that the new can come in even that hard core chaos is difficult but the chaos of facing the force of other human beings who recognize that a new vision will change their way and especially when in their gut they know that new vision contains changes that are essential and inevitable they will fight you and you're seeing that now in our country as what barack obama represents versus the old guard the old guard you i mean as many of you know i love the study of war i think the study of the military and the study of war has given me a perspective on the study of evil and the study of why we have we are predatorial why we have this need this compulsion to destroy and destroy and destroy and we simply can't stop we simply as a species cannot stop taking from the other destroying killing there is something in us and i think about when i look sometimes at the way things are happening in our world the war that comes to mind the most is world war one and the western front and how the western front came to be when i look at for example our congress and senate and i look at obama and how his vision because he to me has the elements of the mystic he has what i'm talking to you about the visionary with the best of a refined intellect confronting an old world when i say to you what's going on now that is getting dismantled and it's not just america it is a global dismantling that we are living in you i want you to see it clearly i want you to see it through your penthouse soul i want you to see it clearly so in world war one one of the reasons the loss of death was so it was such a bloodbath was that it was the first time weapons advanced to a automatic level they were holisters and these huge huge weapons that just shot millions of shells millions of of of uh bombs and the first time weapons flew they introduced the airplane the red baron and all of these characters mythic characters legendary rather and they had machine guns and rapid fire weapons but but the generals and the strategists were trained at a time when they had the cavalry when they didn't have weapons like that they were trained in strategies from a different era with different weapons and so all they knew was how to march the men across how to line them up and say forward just march right into that so all these young men were ordered to march across a field with automatic weapons they dropped dead they murdered hundreds and hundreds of thousands millions millions because they could not would not out of sheer stubbornness recognize that their time was over as generals that the world had advanced past their capacity to be leaders that it was time for them to take their toys and go home that in fact the problems now and the challenges facing the world in 1914 15 1617 had advanced beyond their strategic maps in their head that they were trained at in 1860 in 1870 when they when sending in the cavalry was still the strong arm of the military well sending in horses against hollisters proved to be more than ineffective and sending in horses against mustard gas proved and barbed wire proved to be more than ineffective and so they built ditches long long ditches stretching from one end of france to the other and the soldiers sat and rotted and rotted and rotted for years some of them as close as i am to some of you in this audience and they picked up their heads and on occasion fired a gun to each other and then lowered their heads and died of of of of trench foot which is where that came from trench foot because they could not recognize that the strategies were now completely out of touch with where the problems had advanced so let's talk about where we are now and i want you to see it from the penthouse what i learned when i got when i first now i'm going to say this differently as a result of working discovering teresa of avila teaching her work and all that has opened up from that which is my understanding of healing and a mystical perspective blended with archetypes blended with healing blended with where we're going in this particular workshop together into what it is to defy gravity to go even more deeply into the powers of your soul into the capacities i should say that of your soul what i've come to realize is that teresa lived at the end at the ending time period of the um to say differently she lived at the beginning of the enlightenment and the end of what would call the dark ages now that's a very critical turning point in europe very critical turning point because as the enlightenment we call the enlightenment the enlightenment was a time they called the light comes in and what they meant by the light was that the intellect was given rain over a very different way that humanity thought in europe and the way it was before the enlightenment was a far more it wasn't that there weren't intellectuals because there were superb intellectuals they had peter avalarde and they they had uh extraordinary they had aquinas they had very they had into an intellectual culture but it was sporadic and it wasn't inventive in the same way it wasn't scientific in the same way but once the enlightenment kicked in it became a penetrative it penetrated excuse me it penetrated in a way it became mainstream and the superstitious mind that was fearful of the church began slowly to take a back seat and the reasoning rational logical mind began to take slowly began to gain more and more ground as the idea of science and the whole idea that there was a reason for all things as they happened all the there was a reason that reason could solve everything and this is the important part that i need to take the piece that i'm going to put in front of us that is you want to highlight that reason could solve everything that we could find a way through all problems we could reason our way through all problems so of this discussion about the enlightenment i need to take this critical piece that we could reason our way through everything no matter what happens we could find a way or or no matter what happens we could fabricate a reason for why it happened which is the shadow side of that we could fabricate we could make people believe that this is the reason why things happened as they did which is the shadow use of reason so as the centuries went by on the positive side we had an adoration of reason and a great quest science advanced medicine astrology evolved into the more sophisticated science major league of astronomy all kinds of advances and then we came to the quantum shift and the signal that the age of enlightenment oddly enough in the language of the divine paradox irony the way god plays with the universe and plays with us in my the way that in light tin mint light and i'm going to take that word and put you and put it in front of you and i want you to circle the word light a quantum light the beginning of the nuclear age which of course was oppenheimer and without a doubt we were always going to evolve into the nuclear age yeah madame curie and radium i mean we could say that but we'll leave madame curie and the discoverer of radium over there uranium over there but let's say the splitting i want to go with weaponry the fact is we entered into the nuclear age formally the weapon of mass destruction age we entered into the age with the conscious intention to destroy life to kill once again to kill enlightenment we took this light the light that was created by splitting atoms and we said kill we infused it with the consciousness of death now we could have that moment could have been born with light because as we know nuclear power is also a life-giving force but what we did was in its on its birth date on its descent to earth we said kill and we celebrated it we said well done us well done this now you're still in the penthouse you must see all things symbolically to stay in this altitude it is very very easy when you are looking at historic events or any event personal or macro or micro quickly take the elevator down to a personal floor to quickly pull out personal facts to quickly take a position on the personal front and to say well you don't understand my and as soon as you put the word my in front of an event you've lost your footing to which i would say now you've lost your ability to see clearly and i have to send you back to the kitchen to peel potatoes as teresa of avila would say you've now lost your capacity to hold a position of what buddha would say impersonal the impersonal position
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 12,534
Rating: 4.9051385 out of 5
Id: JgFF3lW0YuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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