Caroline Myss - Navigating the Cosmic Change

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welcome to c-med welcome to c-men um i uh i gotta find my glasses before we proceed and uh i wanna i wanna welcome you to a really a program that i'm especially delighted to do because i'm sharing the stage this weekend with one of my dearest friends in the whole universe who also happens to be this gonna is going to sound like braggadocious but it's not she also happens to be one of the leading astrologers in the world and um i think many of you are familiar already with who she is and her work with for those of you who are not lynne bell is one of the most poetically magnificent teachers but her scope of understanding of what's happening of first of all the planet how did andrew describe her someone who knows the music of the spheres and the planets fluently and and truly it's astounding and so when lynn and i this is live when lynn and i conceived of this relate a workshop um and i i i think we met 18 years ago long time ago long time ago her birthday was just two days ago so and here's two yours yours is today nancy happy birthday to you anybody else and it's your birthday we have two birthday girls okay well um when uh by the way do you have a archetype board that i could introduce okay um when we when we conceived of this workshop it came out of discussions about um the fact that there's so much change going on in our world but it's a different type of change there's a different type of impulse that is unlike anything that has ever been i think a part of the human experience before and and what we're going to do is explore that this weekend from several different perspectives one is the cosmic perspective one is one that includes the planetary influences one is also archetypal the emerging new archetypes archetypes that are also shifting archetypes that are familiar to you but the way in which they are shifting as they themselves undergo a transformation archetypes that are in fact i think dismantling and bowing out for example the end of the princess night which i think was completely the diana charles dynamic and i think elizabeth is the last great queen in england and the last great monarchy and you can see the folding of the british empire as it goes into its denumer so you can see so many of the archetypes that were so powerful in the piscean age are literally bowing out and stepping back and other archetypal forces are reshaping themselves and stepping forward that didn't exist in a previous age we never had a networker we never had for example a geek we never had a hacker we never had the archetypes that will be solar based or energy archetypes and these are emerging these are emerging they are emerging to also take charge of the mythic world in a way not to take not to necessarily replace the major arcana but as the pawns on a chess board of the cosmos there are certainly participants in a replacement of the myths and simultaneously there's a collision of the gods taking place a collision of these sky gods of the mythologies of our world religions that are all colliding with their armageddon stories or the end of the diaspora the jihad the they're bringing their end stories to bear upon each other the rapture the end stories are all coming into collision we've even gathered at the tigris euphrates river valley so one of the one of the subjects we're going to look at is how to read events not on earth but from the sky from the archetypal position because what what i feel is is happening is we are at that critical turning point now whereas there was a time when i taught about a future time but we are at that time we are at that time this is the time we talked about coming and we are here now we have arrived we can no longer say there is a time that's coming we can no longer say there is a time of change we are living that time of change we can no longer say many things and we we can know there are many things we can't postpone anymore okay so the agenda is about change the agenda is about understanding the nature of change the agenda is about understanding how dramatic this change is going to be is is going to continue to be and on the other side of that is how powerful each person is but not when you look at ourselves through ordinary reasoning so i'm going to route us through the mystical laws and through looking at ourselves through a lens of archetypal reasoning through the soul through a world you've been preparing and um examining thinking about visiting doing your visitations in in a sense but perhaps not actually residing in as thoroughly as strongly as and i'm choosing this word deliberately faithfully as and i mean that two ways faithfully as devoted and faithfully as in faith as i think what is perhaps be required of us now let me give you an example of what i'm talking about and i was saying this to lynn yesterday and that's that a few years ago i was teaching a workshop in england and this you know it's the funniest little things that make the pivotal difference in your insight where you where someone says one thing and you get a whole thing because of what one person says a whole big thing comes together for you and and one of the challenges i've had in this field is is trying to get people to understand this journey of what it means to be conscious conscious of what what are you being what what are you trying to become conscious of and what difference would it make and what are you supposed to do with this thing and what are you actually looking for and all the the jumble-ness of words we may as well be looking for jabberwockies right i mean what are we actually you know if and if i said to someone well describe the journey you're on and where are you going and what are you looking for and most people then look like a blank face yeah i don't know what i'm looking for i mean i'm just here where you going you know i i like the people i meet you know i mean you know the food's good i mean it's this but i mean it's really it amounts to that right then this one man said he says i know that um i'm learning about inner loss says i know that i'm learning about my responsibility toward my health in a way that that my attitudes affect my health that my thoughts have power he says i i i know that that's true he says i know that i'm learning that forgiveness is an essential of health i know that that's true which means let's take that further which means that if you learn something like that it's not an option not to live with by it okay let's take that further it means once you're exposed to a truth once you digest it once you eat it up scoop it up and digest it your ego takes that truth and says you know this is a very good idea let's discuss this but the oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you but the um the soul in you would say the part that teresa would call your castle that deeper part that part in you says this is not an idea it's a truth an idea is i've got an idea let's go to lunch there's no truth to that it's simply an idea here's a fact this is a candle that's a fact an idea is i have an idea less pain on the wall and then there's a truth so we have potency here a truth is forgiveness and health our team okay so we're going to go into this realm of truth and and once you ingest a truth that truth begins to pulsate in you and your soul animates and says ooh and it has a power chip in it like a computer that we're in which you've just downloaded a new program so let's use that analogy you've just put a new operating system into your computer and now that computer's operating on that system and whether or not you've booted it up to use that is irrelevant it's now operating on that system it has access to all the truth that's related to this program called forgiveness it now is attached to every disease that has anything to do with the inability to forgive it's now absolutely programmed whether or not you're conscious of it does not change the power of this teaching it is not an option for you anymore the program's been downloaded you ingested it you can now argue with it you can sit at your computer and say i don't this program's a problem for me this program is a problem you can argue with it you can sit at your computer and say i don't like this boom send and it can absorb that but it doesn't change the program you downloaded it and the program sends back deal with it because the program wins the program wins the truth wins you ascend to the truth it is you who yield not the program you will never be the exception to a truth you accept the truth not exception and everything about our lives is the struggle to be the exception to the truth and if you want to define the struggle to your life it is simply that you want to be the exception to a truth and you are not and that is the humbling nature of truth you are not the exception to a truth none of us is and the suffering we engage is that you long to be what you are not which is the exception to a truth you think you can get by with being unforgiving and you can't you think we think we can get by with being something we are not which is divine before our time and we cannot that we can be excused from things and we cannot and so what this man said which is what i love so much is you know what i get it i can't be the exception but he said i'm not ready to be that forgiving no i am not he said here's my bar that's as high as i'm going he says because the truth with me is i still need to be angry i he says if i if i get to be this forgiving if i get it if i go this high then i have to be more forgiving than the people around me and i can't live with that he says that i'm the one that has to absorb all their rage because i have to be more understanding than them and wait for them to catch up and he says i'm not loving enough to do that he says i'm not i just don't have enough love to do that this is i don't i still need to get back i still need to get even and i still need my vengeance he says i can't do it he said this is where i draw the line he says i'm simply gonna he says i'm gonna stare out the window now because i can't afford to hear anything else that you're teaching the most honest person the most pinpoint accurate he captured it he did it he captured exactly why people go like this it's not it's that's it that's as high as they can go what's your bar right this is a rich fantastic question how much can you handle because what's true what's the truth is though we say to each other to ourselves that's as far as i'm going here that doesn't change that this truth is okay let's say that you're an addict or you're you're too tall or you're too short or you have three left hands it's about time someone told you that or or the fact is you you're an extraterrestrial and someone's got to tell you that and someone says well i i have to tell you something personal you're not from this planet and let's just say you've you've intuited it all along you knew something was different your head's shaped like a light bulb you know and no hats fit and you just you know you just kind of know something different you can't explain it finally someone thinks i better tell them why they you know they have these things coming out of their head or whatever but you don't actually really want to know now here's a here's a dynamic you're going to relate to and later today and tomorrow you are going to go into exercises where you're going to balance what you know and what you don't want to know what you know and what you don't want to know so you have the two voices of what you know and what you don't want to know and how they're both talking to you all the time so someone says i have something to tell you and the moment they say that to you what you don't want to know that voice is loud and clear so that goes to show you that voice that you don't want to know don't want to hear is the loudest voice you actually do here and it tells you how incredibly intuitive you actually are and how clear you are as an intuitive you are as clear as a bell except that you don't want to own it because of this door that it's coming into it's kind of like laundering money you don't want it you'd never admit how much you have because the door it's coming in from so what you what when if someone says to the extraterrestrial i need to talk about your parents the sense you have starts revving up you're about to hear something you already know but don't want to know you already know it but you don't want to know it and you don't want to know that someone else knows it so now you're in a real dilemma so now you're in the dilemma of i know i know it i don't want to know it i know i don't want to know it but i know it and i know i don't want to know it now if it comes out you're going to make me know i know it but i don't want to know it now you're going to make me know that i don't want to know it but i do know it and now you're going to make me have to mouth it and make contact with you and then i'm going to have to be angry at you because my only way to go back into this cesspool of denial is to punish you shoot the messenger is to shoot the messenger i'll have to take you down and shoot the messenger and that way i maintain the bar of how much truth i can bear to let into my life are you following me now where we're going in this workshop is all about how much truth you can bear to let into your life because you're the regulators of this you're the regulators of this and there are many many pathways in which truth comes into your life one is how is the war of the realm of learning to speak archetypes which of course i absolutely positively adore so i'm going to talk about you know the archetypal map of history archetypal interpretation of events but your archetypes as well so that you have this sense of how you are you speak archetypes fluently and that what you have to understand about you now is that you've become this porous psychic intuitive being that's crossed an an intuitive rubicon and that in in a sense how i see us now is that we're living in two worlds simultaneously we live in a five sensory world and we live in an intuitive world simultaneously the value systems are different the rules are different the diseases are different the treatments for the diseases are different the sensitivities are different everything about these two worlds are different this is what you could think of as the fossil world and this is the solar world and and out you know we need to describe the difference between these two worlds because you we've been building a bridge to these two between these two worlds for since we detonated we split the atom in the 50 in the 40s since openheimer split the atom what happened miss bell madden bell when oppenheimer anything significant planetary ones wait a minute i got to get you i have to get you a mark because when i hung wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't have glasses on this could blow up oh my gosh is on it could still blow up oh there it is there we go um well actually it's it's when the first controlled nuclear reaction happened which was early in the 1930s pluto had just been discovered so i think most people connect the nuclear age with the emergence of pluto into our consciousness and when that controlled explosion happened we had uh saturn and uranus were coming to a conjunction so again this this these cycles happen over and over again but when a new planetary body emerges into our consciousness something emerges that we that for decades or for centuries we are still trying to integrate so i would put it more to that than to the exact date of the explosion uh thank you no no that's yours that's mine um i'm on uh rach this is my niece rachel my wonderful stunning star rachel and what she's gonna do is uh run around with a microphone so when there's times for questions or when you want to respond because this is being taped she's uh our our winged goddess mercury so to speak hermes and she's going to be uh wait for her to bring you a microphone if you would yeah mercures mercedes okay what i want to emphasize is there the the tools with which you are awakening with which the tools through which you are as we cross this rubicon the tools of the soul the tools of the soul the inner visionary skills our skills we've been scaffolding for 50 years tools like understanding the significance of that the planets breathe with us that we have an intimate relationship with planetary magnetics and not a distance distant one but an intimate one if we were to go on a picnic lunch right now and journey to way way way way off this planet so we could shrink the milky way galaxy down to something that could fit in our hand and now talk about the relationship of those planets to our soul and if we could shrink the galaxy down to the size of our hand and then put it in our solar plexus and imagine the galaxy moving in our solar plexus then it would not be so hard for you to imagine or feel or sense that the force of those planets and the sun was moving in you that the force was moving in you like a collective of molecules in fact you could actually with a little push in your imagination feel it generating like an engine moving in your system you could actually feel their fire and their force and their moons generating you could feel chiron or you could feel all of the energies of all of them with a little imagination you could feel it you could feel a square hitting you on a bad day you could feel an eclipse you could feel them moving in you like a phone like a phone like a phone that in buddha language it is illusion that this universe is not in you and you are not in it because we won one of the truths is the mystical laws what is in one is in the whole now for an ordinary mortal who approaches who approaches life just through the five senses where everything has to be reasonable physical tactile the universe is a distant place and that is a that is a moon and that's out there and maybe it affects the tide but that is simply gravity and who knows what but pluto way out there in saturn way out there and jupiter way out there and mercury who knows but they are simply planets they certainly don't affect my moods and they can't affect events and those events aren't i don't coordinate myself with those events and there aren't any archetypal meanings to those events and there's nothing symbolic about those events and i'm not part of the symbolism and mythology of those events and that's not how these stories are written that's just too much how could it possibly be that all of that is part of every single event it is and whether or not you're ready to see the cosmos in such an extraordinary way does not change the fact that the universe is that extraordinary tapestry you may want to say i can't i can't bear to hold all of that in my i can't i can't hold a picture that way i can't do it well that's fine then shrink it down to what you can hold but that doesn't change the fact that what is in one is in the hole now you may need to take it at a bite-sized level and still apply that law to only the people you are blood related to what is in one and in my family is still in the whole of my family all for one and one for all but only if you're blood related that's as big as i can take that law right now i can't extend it to some psychic principle where i have to extend it to my thoughts where i have to manage even my thoughts because even then i have to think that that i'm affecting the whole of the whole of the whole of everything that i that i have to even think in terms of cycles that i set in motion that that a crisis in my life is the result of a cycle i may have set in motion from a thought that i had maybe one thought from 10 years ago another from 14 and a half years ago another from 10 minutes ago and all of a sudden they're all colliding at once i have to sit down i can't so that when someone says to me what's the reason this happened i prefer to go to my five sensory world where they believe there's one reason for every one thing oh i can handle that i'm gonna sit here just give me one reason just give me here i love this phrase one good reason i don't want a bad reason i want one good reason all right i'll find one give me my box of good reasons in fact i think that would be one of the funniest things ever to do is a box of good reasons you want a good reason i'll give you a good reason what can you want a big one a little one what kind you want bite size what kind of good reason do you want on the flip side is one bad reason but it doesn't matter because they're all illusions because if you come and cross the rubicon over here that's that's nonsense in the world of a higher truth there's no such thing as any one event that is attached to any one cause that is the most preposterous reasoning in the world so in this world this is all linear thinking but here the holographic world where all things are attached to all things and picture the globe with latitude and longitude to give you a visual where all things just keep spinning into each other cycles upon cycles upon cycles upon cycles so if you said where did this cycle begin how do you find the first spin of a wheel of a bike where do you find it it's like saying to someone you have a negative thought and you better find out where your negativity began i want the first i want the source of this negativity you have missy alrighty then well let me see was the first time i had a negative thought it's gonna take some doing okay what's the first time you had a positive thought what's the first time for anything you've lost first base a long time ago there's no first anymore the cycles you have to think in great big hugeness now you don't even know what put you together you haven't got a clue from the size of the hologram you don't even know who you are you don't even know your parts and that's where you say whoa whoa i'm out of here i'm going to go right back here to small fragments where i get to say my mother did it my father did it i'm the way i am because the nuns beat me up and i know the one that did it so i'm back to one equals one because i can handle it down here i can handle it down here it's real simple down here i know who to blame who to shame who to yell at who to reward i got all my pieces in a row i can control everything i know how to organize and explain world events i open the newspaper their fault i don't have to know the history of anything i don't have to know the history of the middle east to understand why they're the bad guys and we are always the good guys i don't have to have know the history of religion the history of the crusades the history of christianity the history of islam the history of anything why were people without history the only history we have now is our own wounded history is the only one that counts in our world we've tossed out civic history country history wisdom history we don't even know what kind of the year the country was born because it's of no use but i can tell you the first day someone hurt me that's the history that matters in our country carolyn you you as speaking of history you asked me five minutes ago when the first when we split the atom yeah and um it's very interesting because splitting the atom is very different than dropping the first atom bomb and that's why i had i had this moment of confusion between two dates so i just i went online listening to carolyn simultaneously right and in 19 in 1931 these scientists were in this laboratory and they were bombarding an atom with radiation and in 32 they actually succeeded and this was a search for a transmutation of energy that had been going on for thousands and thousands of years this was in fact like the alchemical holy grail and what they did is they transformed one atom an atom of lithium and turned it into a helium atom and that is the actual beginning of the atomic age and when that happened in 1932 we had almost the exact lineup that we will have this summer at the end of july and what and what's very important to understand about that is that these gateways of energy which carolyn is talking about is that on the one hand it isn't that isn't the beginning moment again the first time a human being said how do we change this into that how do we transform the world as you're saying history is both that isn't the beginning moment because the first time we said how do we penetrate matter and how do we change reality it began something the day that we exploded the first atomic bomb all right is a totally different picture in the sky because that's a decision of another order that's a decision it's not a decision to penetrate and transform the universe or to open up our understanding of how that moment when they bombarded the atom wasn't done to make a bomb right it was done to expand our awareness as carolyn is talking about it was done to have to it was a search for a kind of multifocal consciousness that you're talking about it didn't have this now what are we going to do with it and how are we going to make it work and then we collapsed it into our own aggressive intention we narrowed it into this much narrower world and what carolyn is talking about again it's very very important as we open up to the energies that are coming through is to understand that it's neat that it is it's much much bigger than we can imagine that it there isn't a linear people will say to me what's going to happen do you see the difference okay so that's the answer to the question and i think part of an aspect an aspect of what needs to be emphasized again and again and again and again and again is here again going over to this side of the rubicon with the this world of mystical law and higher truth is that when you look at something like anything from the dropping of the bomb at hiroshima nagasaki by that time you're dealing with an event that was a long time in the making that started out as the pursuit of higher knowledge how many decisions were between that and this that at any time could have been routed in a different way we could go left we could go right we could go left and maybe until the last moment there was someone saying don't do this do you understand we're going to change the course of human history we're going to change the course of human history okay at the same time what we learn and one of the truths that's that is has been revealed to us and i think it's a source of great suffering for people it's one of those truths that people do not want to activate do not want to have activated in its full measure in us is that you can make a difference is that you have the power to make a difference is that you are much more an agent of change a vessel of grace that being passive that caving into fear is not an acceptable choice but that it doesn't it this is not you know the the choice to cave into feeling bad for yourself to self-pity to fears about you know uh i can't what will people say whatever whatever stuff we tell ourselves you know the excuses we give ourselves you know the excuses what will they say how will i deal with this it's the same excuses whether i read you teresa of avalon in progress of the soul and what she said about facing the possibility of the inquisition and literally being burned at the stake or any fears i can read you at any time that people have felt this is a time when uh that impulse of the consequence of crossing the rubicon into mystical waters was something that people were once called to the journey you were once called to a journey of eating at the table of truth this is what i'm this this is the mystical journey in every you know when when you read mystical literature uh whether from the east or from the west but particularly from the west christian because christian literature because of the suffering nature of the christological journey and the biological life of jesus has a theme of suffering resurrection healing and transformation those are the the themes of the the christian the christological journey themes that are not emphasized of course in buddhism because buddha was not a suffering figure in the same way or or muhammad um did not suffer in the same way for others but you you know that so in the christian theme that suffering plays such an essential role but in the mystery the mystery the mystical aspect of it is this transcendent theme within mystics in which when they write about their suffering it is not personal though if you don't understand it you will see it as the result of getting in touch with deeper truth is that you're going to get the crap beat out of you you're going to suffer you are going to have things taken away from you you are just going to be abandoned you're going to have the worst physical life and for what you're going to be lonely and broke and abandoned diseased who knows what when in fact what these mystics are referring to is that there is such an unbelievable ecstasy and the release from illusion oh my god there's it's like the the being lifted away from the burden of fear that controls the ordinary human being at the same time the swap is i will alleviate you from ordinary fear but in exchange you have to carry truth it's one burden in exchange for the other the difference is this is an authentic burden and this is a false one this burden serves others this burden serves nobody this one is destructive this one is constructive nobody gets a pain-free life it's the type of pain we carry that matters nobody gets a pain-free life so just gird your loins and if what you are choosing and looking for is a life without pain call it a day but what we what we get is the recognition of whether or not the choices we make are ones that give us stamina and what we carry on our backs are worth it whether they make or break us whether they bring us wisdom or make us fools or make us weaker or whether what we carry teaches us to see this universe and work with it to get it to get that it's an archetypal tapestry in a story of transformation of which we are a part that the universe does not yield to us because we've had a bad day in earth school that no matter how much we scream and yell scream and yell there's nothing unique about our story but there could be something unique about our contribution our story is not unique the gift we give as a result of it might well be but that that is up to each of us at what point along the road you say this is as high as my bar goes and teresa of avalor whom i'm madly in love with says it's okay i paraphrase her now i get i get to do that this is half paraphrased half teresa you can tell which i bet she says it's okay to call it a day and to say this is as high as i go and she says then tell your sister your fellow sister to go into the kitchen and peel potatoes but do that with compassion direct cook now i'm going to jump off into me because but it's still theresa because um we take ourselves as far as we can go but go as far as you can and be fully that be fully that one of the great sufferings is stopping and setting up housekeeping where you are no longer either where you can't be fully in this world but you are no longer in this one were you leaving a world you no longer trust but you cannot be fully in a world you have yet to trust when you take the values of this world which are fundamentally productive and financial and you apply them to this world and you demand i will not trust the intuitive world until you are as productive as the physical one until you serve my vanity i will not follow the intuitive instincts until you serve my pride and my vanity my financial pocket my safety net i won't follow the intuitive hits that come at light speed this is a light speed world so what i'll do is i i come here and you reduce the high level truths of this world to the lowest common denominator which is occult sciences divination you go to astrologers and say just tell me what's going to happen just tell me what's going to happen instead of the highest which is help me understand myself then i'll take it from there i'll take it from there give me the wisdom and then i'll make wiser decisions what do you mean tell me what's going to happen who do you think is calling the shots what are you doing and that is the victim in you going to the astrologer the baby the child okay so we're going to go into these worlds this is my contribution to say to you you are already pulsating with this information so we're going to look at the world this way we're going to learn mystical laws we're going to learn something about the archetypes you're going to learn about the astrological cycles you're going to i'm going to talk about world events we're going to go up and down up and down up and down and then we're going to have intuitive exercises about what you are already feeling what's already coming through you what do you feel both what do you feel in terms of creativity what you're being told to leave behind where you're being directed to go what you know is changing all the things that are happening in you what guidance what the grace is what counsel you're being given because this is happening all the time this is part of your inner inner life one of the emerging archetypes of this time what i call the solar entrepreneur the energetic entrepreneur you know um if you look at one of the patterns of the day that now as we go from one type of world to another we are on an extraordinary journey and truly truly truly if i had a wish i've often thought because of my passionate passionate love of history that you know people say well if you could go back in time that's a frequent question what time period of history would you go back to for a week or whatever and i used to think well i would go back to you know the renaissance then i changed it and i thought no no i'd go back to the american revolution i have to see the boys i have to i have to i have to look at thomas jefferson i have to look at ben franklin i have to see them i have to see them i have to see them witness the signing of the declaration i have to i have to but that's not what i do anymore now i would go forward because i want to see what they were going to write about this time i would read a history book on us on us and what the historians would have to say about how we lost this country how we let it slip right out of our fingers of how this world managed this time that we are living what were they thinking would be the name of the history book what were they thinking what were they doing what were they doing the end of a great nation the end of a planet what i think this time is part of what we are feeling and where we are journeying together which makes this time of discovering uranium again so to speak is that we are literally leaving our familiar planet together you realize that we grew up on a planet of great abundance a planet where none of us grew up really wondering about the fact that our environment was poisoned or that what we were eating was poisoning us we never heard the word organic we never ever ever had to worry about whether or not the chickens were poisoned the meat was poisoned the vegetables were poisoned or going into a store wondering if half the substance in there was toxic if our grocery stores were toxic waste dumps much less the golf much less our water who ever heard of bottled water growing up italians growing up growing up whoever heard of it right this country is so sleep at the wheel so is sleep at the wheel that it tells itself it's hygienic and healthy while having the most toxic food toxic water toxic fuel toxic grocery stores in the market while telling the rest of the world you're not eating your five vegetables a day whereas half of ours aren't edible i mean it's like you are not we are not awake we don't get we think we have freedom of the press while having all our media is so screamed when was the last time you actually watched foreign news it is unbelievable asleep at the wheel totally asleep at the wheel so if i were to go forward i would go forward and look back and read about how we left this period and how somehow our other we the global village came under a spell came under his spell and went to sleep as the archetypes got dismantled somehow somehow what causes us to go from one state of consciousness and fully and totally asleep i watch americans who are capable of getting angry but not active they're angry sort of but they're not active something's taken their activism they used to have the rebel archetype where is it it's gone it's anesthetized it is fascinating to me but now what's on the what is emerging in its place an emphasis that lynn has the most delicious presentation and then i'm going to take it from another which is the new barbarian which is an archetype that is presently filtered and will be with us for some time the other side of this you can feel this in you and around you so what i emphasize with us is that every choice we make matters now more because in this world of the hologram in this world of spirituality if you trust nothing else you have to trust what you've been telling yourself in reading and learning all these years which is every thought makes a difference every prayer makes a difference every act of grace makes a difference now the problem is your five senses don't believe a thing about that because you're somebody who longs to see the results of your actions you want to taste them you want to see them and you actually don't believe that thoughts and prayers matter and where's the difference of your thoughts and prayers i want to see the thoughts and prayers with my name on it that made a difference to what project and unless i see that don't tell me to pray for people i don't know i'm not that charitable i'm not just going into prayer 20 minutes a day no way okay but in this world in the world of those who bow their heads for those with no names in that world in the world of mystical law that is the world where you get that what you're doing is you are absorbing the psychic free radicals in the world and you're balancing them with grace you are dissolving the psychic dark psychic radicals and three radicals in the world that are generated by all of us shooting dark thoughts having dark negative thinking and dark actions that generate just as much shadow just as much and that energy has to find its way into the creation of events as does positive as does positive and the way that that is balanced is that prayer and grace you know i was telling lynn yesterday that um the catholic in me absolutely love stories of of the madonna and her apparitions because you know when you're growing up catholic in our day no more but in our day um i mean i have memories of the may crowning it's really quite pagan because they would crown statues i mean it's v you know it is susan i mean it's just like the roman temples with all these little virgin girls crowning a virgin statue it's totally roman pagan but what the heck we did it it was fun and and and you know and you sing around a a statue i mean it's it could be an athena it could be right it's no different nevertheless the difference of course is that our statue worked so but the stories of the madonna were always so fascinating to me and her um apparitions like you know lourdes and fatima and all this but what what i used to wonder about was you know with um fatima for example where she would say this she she left a prediction she said there's going to be another war fatima was 1916 i believe her 17 1917. she said there's going to be another war and it'll be during the reign of the pius xii which is referring to world war ii she said it's going to be even worse than this were and it can't be averted here again unless people pray you have to tell them to pray now that particular vision is something that i just went back to and read about again and again at various times in my life because of the two things one is a sense that that other side could see events forming and two they could be diverted but it would require this dynamic called grace and prayer whereas i thought well what the hell just you know kind of pick up the bad seeds go there and say you hitler boom you hit that boom with a couple of you guys and all you republicans boom right but but you know i used to think why can't why can't you know what if i ran the show you know a little objection here it's about time castro you are so out you know i mean with this the guinness book of world records here but then if you just go you know the more i and now it was only until recently recently recently like my teresa years that i actually got into this area of the paradoxical dynamic of the universe the divine is a force that is simultaneously it's almost almost an antinomial possession in that both truths sound like they x each other out but they coexist is both enormously intimate and enormously impersonal simultaneously the universe is as it is the laws are in place the planets have their cycles and they are intimately connected to you the laws are in place and the laws of creation and the laws of energy are in place thought comes before matter energy before matter whether i have to think about knocking this plant over i think i'll knock this plant over it requires certain amount of energy if i hit harder it'll go to the wall if i tap it goes here there's a relationship between cause and effect force and motion there are laws no matter who we are those laws govern us the same thing coming over here in this world of mystical law the laws govern us except for one great big huge exception prayer prayer is the factor in this world the graces maneuver these rules it's the graces and that's what the mystics understood which is where their endless ecstasy came from they got that in this world it was a continual inner dialogue not from reward like well now that you're one of us you get to do what the eagle over here which is i want i want i want i want that wanting shadow can never access these rules these laws cannot because the shadow is self-serving and motivated by vengeance and greed hubris and power this one after you what it takes the beating it takes to cross the rubicon the quote suffering of whoa i'm really like that yes i gotta get that out of me again and again and again the dark night that it takes to get over here and the the visions that emerge in a person the humbleness with which one says oh my god that's how this universe is the little truths that awaken that totally cause a person to say i'll take my shoes off on sacred ground for the rest of my life prayer is not a discipline i don't know what else to do i simply bow my head you are everywhere what was i thinking here you pray when you run out of stuff here you only see abundance it is everywhere hear you say can you tell me what's going to happen because it's all about me hear you say for what reason was i born give me my instructions i am about you who can i serve in this world you want to be served two different universes this is your soul and this is your ego completely different completely different in this world that world of great tapestry this is the world the dalai lama says when someone says to him look at what all those people have done to your people in tibet don't you just want to get them truly they've asked him this and you know if you know the story the interviews of the dalai lama you read them and his response is i feel compassion that doesn't mean his heart isn't broken or that he doesn't grieve that he just isn't weeping but he's weeping for the whole of it not just for his monks who've been slaughtered in the tibetans but for the whole of the humanity and the foolishness of both sides and the hate the whole of it for the whole of wholeness it's both sides for the wholeness that is shattered because what is in one is in the hope and what you do to another you do to yourself and when you actually really get that you stop it you simply stop it even if the other does not and thus turn that other cheek if the other one says fight back and you think why don't i just swallow the ark poison myself i can't fight i not the way you think i'm gonna fight back not the way you're asking me to not at this level i'm not done fighting but not at this level you won't see my weapons now i'll still fight it's just that you won't see my weapons now i'm going up to a different altitude oh i'll always fight i just i'm more selective about my weaponry now in order to accommodate the learning of all this lynn is going to do this brilliant presentation on the cycles of it well she'll do it take care of her but part of the fun is is that you know uh that i have done for years a sacred contracts game a tool i'm going to call that the tool and the sacred contracts tool that i created that goes along with the class that i started to teach years ago that sacred contracts tool was designed to helps students um explore and examine the 12 archetypes and eventually 24 and then 36 that have a governing authority in the patterns that were assigned to you before you incarnated okay now part of understanding who you are and your place why your life changes as it does and understanding the difference between an ordinary crisis and a mystical crisis a bad day in earth school and a dark night of the soul is the level at which you understand yourself whether you get that your ego's in crisis or your soul how deeply do you want to know yourself and here's an example of the difference if you if you insist on seeing yourself only at the ego level i'm telling you it's just a bad day it's just a bad day in my life there's just a problem at work there's just something going on in the outside it always allows you to treat your problem with drugs to blame another person to go into therapy and look for the cause in your history in your history i'll find it back there it's because i didn't get the support i wanted as a child it's because of this this this this you'll go on a who done it you still won't find it but it'll make you feel good and cost you a lot of money okay there'll be some benefit because you'll find out more about yourself but what initiated it okay the other hand if you said to yourself this isn't a psychological i'm in a soul crisis i'm in a spiritual crisis this this has nothing to do with my past this has to do with who i am becoming this is a present day situation whether or not i go backwards or not has nothing to do with who i am becoming who i am becoming who i am today and what i'm being called to do and become today if i never looked back at all it would not change who i am being called to be today today sometimes a dark night is required the person you are being called to become today is a person of the soul merging with a partnership with the best of your ego self and the best of the soul a whole being not one that's afraid of your deeper self but one in which there's a union of forces a union and that to me is the very definition of what it is to be mystically conscious okay someone who has a sense of their archetypal patterns and knows i have to do this because i'm fundamentally an artist i'm fundamentally my archetypal patterns my archetypal nature is whether to know that you were you have an agreement that's part of the reason you were given life is to be of service you recognize you have an archetypal pattern in you that is fundamentally strategic you're a strategist that there's something in you that's just a genius at strategy it's got to be used or it backfires it backfires that you've got to explore these parts of yourself that they they are stronger than you are part of your archit part of your intuitive and and part of what you have to acknowledge in yourself at this point is that one of your strong suits is that you do intuitive readings on everyone you meet at lightspeed at lightspeed you may not do a medical reading on them but what you do is an archetypal the second you meet somebody is the second you categorize someone with at least one archetype that person's uh you might say that person's are really a jerk the person's a bully that person's a sweetheart a sweetheart that's an archetype it's an archetype back sweetheart okay that's an archetype okay not quite but it's let's say it's an extension of the lover okay an extension of the lover an expression of the lover okay that's but if but if you looked at someone said the person's a sweetheart everybody knows what you're talking about that girl's a princess that guy is a prince okay everybody knows what you're talking about within a second you size somebody up in a second in a in a nano second that's a new energy word nanosecond you see the language my niece is teaching me i can't even repeat it it's being taped okay okay these are these are things that you do and you don't even realize you're doing it but you're going to because the game you're playing and the game you're playing is part of this and it's going to be fun this is a different version an evolved version a game table game version whereas the sacred contracts tool is the one of exploration into soul contract this is a board game it's called identity pursuit and in this one uh you're going to play uh probably four is four at least four at least four how many can you play you can do up to eight okay okay but i'm not going to give the instructions ellen ellen is and she's going to be on lead but i've got a whole team here ellen tracy john bronwyn julie we got a whole team who have worked on perfecting this game and what you're going to do is you're going to be doing archetypal readings on each other with these fun game cards and i i i'm not clear enough exactly yet on the rules but one of it is that you so you are going to be giving your archetypal impressions on whether or not an archetype that they read a card they read wait wait wait wait let's see if you are going to vote whether or not this is me this is what you're going to do now some of you may have impressions of me so it's not quite fair but now what you have to do is what in order for me to win is that i don't think it's winning is the object it's not winning what it's validation in order for me to feel validated or any plan a player if that's the word in order for you to feel complete to complete the game that would be the phrase is that it complete for all of for each of you to complete the game um the people you're playing with have to validate four archetypes i mean all of them have to agree that that that is you and what you do is you get these these archetype cards the number on like i'll take number uh okay i'll take let me see here we go i get number 31 and i read it to the people i'm playing with and you get to decide whether or not this is an archetype i have and i'm going to read four possible descriptions one of which is a close one to this the others are not okay one of which really does suit this one and the others are kind of like not quite so first of all you have to kind of have a sense that this is that a description that's right on target for the archetype though you don't know which one it is i'm just giving you descriptions and you have to see you know what i think that is something that suits you so you have to go on your intuition but what you don't realize is you've already made that decision about me just like when you're sitting with everybody you're going to discover you've already made these decisions all you're doing is pulling up as you play this a bank account of information you have already put into place and that's what's really really because what you'll find is as you play this you become very ah that is not true where are you getting that from where are you and you will be feel absolutely you're crazy that is not true you've never met that person yet you will absolutely go to the go to the mat because what you are dealing with is an intuitive hunch that you are absolutely convinced of and maybe politeness will hold you back but you absolutely will have this sense of and then what the person does will tell you then i will tell you what the archetype is and unless you are all in agreement it's not mine if you're fragmented i have to move on to another one okay so take them out i can see myself donating time to a local organic farm teaching soccer to first graders this is going nowhere starting a letter writing campaign to ban pesticides taking a class in wine appreciation all right are you all in agreement on any one of those can you see me donating time to a local organic farm teaching soccer to first graders it says going nowhere starting a letter writing campaign to ban pesticides yes taking a class and wine appreciation okay so are you all in agreement on any one of these yeah three three three three you can't how many of you cannot see me starting a letter-writing campaign so you think i'm four pesticides why don't we call it an email writing campaign or just it doesn't matter let's say a letter writing email i mean to ban pesticides you can't see that i can see that i can see that okay well okay okay all right but the point is you're not all in agreement i have three people who would say no okay so uh this is the archetype of the advocate okay you're playing with a smaller group yeah i'm okay this is you know i'm i am i am um but as you know you're playing with a smaller group and i would have to say most of you are probably in harmony with my nature i would i mean look i write for the huffington post i take stands on things i advocate you know um but it would but it would have to be something in particular that i would yeah wait a minute i need a microphone where's rachel get on it baby doll hi my name's diane rhodes um wouldn't all those options be possible yes because we're looking at trying to define uh which ones would be possible based upon our current perceptions of you that is such a beautiful question so i'm going to turn it around and i'm going to say to you in life aren't usually 12 choices possible yes okay but equally the challenge is that we are inclined toward let's say you have 12 choices out or even let's make it easy four okay your four choices my experience is that um the oh come on guys come on my experience is that we have appetites that are dominant all the choices are equally part of our nature given certain circumstances given certain circumstances i would be more inclined to do this in a chinese restaurant i would probably order chinese food but in general i don't eat that but if you put me in that circumstance i would take it but as a rule i won't go there i won't go there so at home in general i won't eat it i won't order it in general i won't look for it i don't buy it from stores but if you put me there i'll choose it oh come on you could you could do it girl you could do it okay so do you see what i'm saying so all of it is valid all of it is valid and i think that's what you learn about about archetypes that you can relate to all of them under certain circumstances all of them but as you narrow it down the archetypal patterns that you look at in yourself are the ones that are absolutely consistent i am consistently a teacher not only in a classroom but you know i end up in that kind of situation in my house with the kids i'm that role kicks in it's the teacher in me that'll go to a bookstore i pick out books because i'm feeding a teacher in me there's something i love to be taught i'm always looking for that kind of info information so that's a consistent part but it's also a part of me that enrages when i read the newspaper and see teachers who've negotiated their integrity in order to get funds and have cheated on tests in order to get money for next year so they have lied on behalf of their students it other people will read that and say you know those stupid me it goes to my god it goes right into my gut it goes into my gut that i think sports figures should be paid more than scholars and teachers i go off the charts i go off the charts okay so you have to look at what is absolutely consistent consistent and you have to you have to really understand the depth of an archetypal pattern in you to understand that it actually activates your struggles activates your appetites draws you to people that you are attracted to or can't tolerate being around that it may just be one pattern in them that you can you can't when people say to me why am i always attracted to the same kind of person a bad boy of this and i can't get out of it it's like being blinded you know can't get out of it can't get out of it can't get out of it gamblers find gamblers find addicts a match made in heaven can't get out of it i and i or or and they fall under spells and you look at them and you realize this person's soul is gone they are under a spell they're under a spell you can't even talk to them they're under a spell and to recognize when someone's under a spell to see things through this world and to realize this person's soul they're under a spell one of my neighbors was taught we stopped by and we had to talk about contemporary politics and blah blah blah and i i realized this person was under a spell everything she was saying was not backed up it doesn't matter which party it's not an even an issue anymore it's a matter of whether or not what comes out of somebody's mouth is just rooted in either common sense or research or some kind of truth like where did you get that fact is it a fact or whatever instead of emotional hysteria but what you see in this age of the crumbling of a nation the leaving of familiar territory is that the high risk we run including in ourselves is and this is where the the need to trust your inner world becomes even more critical than your outer is that you could fall into letting your fears call the shots over your face your common sense your intellect and you can start believing drinking the worst kool-aid out there because barbarians are very powerful don't kid yourself and you forget the previous barbarians are the ones that started the cycle and they truly at the end of the day holding on with this is a this is a time that we've been preparing for for a long time and no one ever said this time is going to be easy but we thought it was we thought this time would be extraordinary and fun and and and magical and and full of like fun choices i remember going to finhorn it's going to be big gardens and big vegetables and it's not transformation what we are experiencing is the beginning of a global dark night of the soul shall we put it that way and maybe when i come back for my next session i will will enter into what a global dark night and the night of the senses looks like and i'll go into the night of the senses as a global dark knight you begin to see it from that archetypal perspective how a global dark night and the breakdown of the five senses in a collective society in the end of the age of reason because the reason and the five senses and the dark night iron union so now what we're going to do is take a break and then shift to the wonderful scholarship of lynn bell thanks everybody thank you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 33,744
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Id: FW0Ze9jjjWI
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Length: 97min 3sec (5823 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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