Caroline Myss - The Power of Prayer

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hi everybody thank you so much for being here we're going to talk about prayer tonight you know i have to say that if anyone had ever told me that i was going to go and teach about prayer women i would have said that that was never going to happen but it's obvious that sometimes heaven has a mind of its own with you um so you know we only have a little bit of time this evening and we're at one of those places in human evolution where i could keep talking till breakfast but because while because there's so many extraordinary things that i would like to impart and i've reached that stage in my life in that age where um i no longer edit myself the way i used to right and you know what else i i no longer how how do i say this allows someone the absence of faith in other people prevent me from talking about what the abundance of faith has brought me you know what i'm saying so other the doubts that other people have no longer um determine what i share with you so that's kind of nice so with that we don't have much time so i'm going to cut to important things that i want to impart with you and that's first of all i think it's really important for you to know that it's a very extraordinary time to be alive this is not an ordinary time in human history by any means that there are times in history when i think um certain forces come together that cause a kind of alchemy that shifts evolution for example when buddha came when jesus came evolution changed when they discovered fire when they discovered the wheel these types of discoveries or these types of births of people moved human the human condition it put it on fast forward in a way that ordinary evolution like discovering a fishing pole wouldn't do in that same way entering the nuclear age has happened at the same time that that i don't think we get how many changes are happening in the world or what they are and how this relates to god and how that relates to you so when a magical weave i'm going to try and do something and pull it together let me see here let's see if i can pull this off i have no idea if i can do this but one of the things you may have noticed is that people don't go to church very much anymore they have a lot of anger with things like with with the subject of god or agreed yes where are you okay but here's something that you probably don't think about do you know how rare unusual if ever before there was ever a moment a time on earth where the the majority of people had an issue with god never never you're living at a time when the majority of human beings have an issue with god okay now just for the heck of it i need you to just think about that that until us until us human beings just accepted that the divine was up there and we were down here that somehow that was the nature of life and that was the order of the universe it would never occur to people it would never ever occur to people to question the celestial order of the universe like that and now that's all you do now that's all anybody does it would never prior to these generations of us and maybe our parents the people from the nuclear age on roughly the 60s on people would never have thought i'm not going to go to church i'm not going to go to synagogue i'm going to just i'm just going to go my own way nobody would have thought of it now that's all we think of it and and so that's number one i need you to just put that and think hmm how about that here's number two number two is that ever since forever ever since forever we human beings have two little wheels in us two little wheels we have two little kinds of um we could that there were two little wheels that run our engine and that's the need to survive and the need to create so that no matter what kind of obstacle humanity has ever been in at all from the great flood to any kind of wars to plagues to you name it the nature of the human being is that we have always always always been able to create something boats planes something penicillin for vaccines we've been able to do anything to find a way to survive whatever obstacles have come our way until we entered the nuclear age once we entered the nuclear age and created weapons of mass destruction we outdid ourselves and we discovered that we don't there's nothing we can create at all that can outrun what we've created to destroy ourselves absolutely nothing nothing we have finally outdone ourselves and what that has done is it's morphed something in us it's morphed for the first time in the history of our own evolution the first time ever our only way our only way that we will ever survive what we have created in our darkness is to advance our light is to become human beings incapable of using the destructive force we've created and that has called us into this path of evolution spiritual evolution that all of you are a part of and as part of that spiritual evolution that has brought to order a need for us to understand god very differently the god of our elders is not the god that works for us and it is not the god that is somehow or other going to work for us as we move ahead in the years to come in the 21st and 22nd centuries as we move forward so what is happening to you is a very profound profound evolution that is by design also a mystical revelation one of the things that's very true about us is that we do not know ourselves very well at all we don't know how we work we don't know what makes us sick and we don't understand how we heal after all these centuries of studying ourselves we still don't know those basics we know that if we drink bad water we're going to get sick but essentially understanding what the deeper part of ourselves is still a great mystery to us i'm going to hold this is there any way to to dim the lights in my eyes just a little bit is that possible so i can see people a little better or is that not possible huh or can you turn up the house lights a little bit or is that at all possible to balance the lights may i ask that favor of you because i'm really going a little bit blind here with this light in my eye and it's very unpleasant so i'm just going to ask if you can do that i wonder how i wonder how entertainers do this you know i mean it almost makes me want to break into a song and you don't want that you really don't want that okay can i move my chair forward no this this thing is right there move in there in the corner okay well i'll just keep going i'll hide back here okay um now house lights up can you put the house lights up can you put the house like he's probably thinking will you please let me do my job but the answer on that's no we're your we're your light committee okay so let me get back to what's important with you um as you begin to appear in front of my eyes i hope you're not showing up anyway enough let me just carry on because there's too much for me to tell you um so how do i begin to tell you that you're turning into mystics out of monasteries how do i begin to tell you that that this is what i think is happening i think we've come to the end or we've come to the beginning of the end i should put that that way of the abrahamic religions and the thing about that is let me hit a pause button if i had a if i had a drawing board behind me i would draw a picture of a building with several floors on it and i use this to illustrate some of you may have been in a workshop with me and you've seen me do this before and so i'm going to give you this image and i want you to hold this in your head and use it for the rest of your life i want and i want us to work from this image so picture a building with 12 floors and you're that building and once a building is built once a building is built you can't move that building anymore once you're born you can't move anymore except inside the building oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you say hello everybody oh how nice is that okay so once a building is built you move inside the building and that's really important because once you can get this image in your head once you get this visual in your head you realize that and this actually happened to me i went to visit a friend of mine in new york it was a hot august day and new york city on in on a hot august day is hot and it's loud and it in it's fragrant and and and and we were on the first and and on the first and i walked into the building on the first floor and you could you could smell was you could smell the city and you could hear the city and she lived on on the top floor and it was i don't know 20 23rd or 24th something like that but when i got to her apartment she had a tiny little balcony that was no bigger than this but in new york city terms this is big real estate she had two little chairs and a table and we sat out there with an iced tea from that from that floor in the same building in the same address i could see the hudson river the air was cooler it didn't have any of that those taxis screaming i couldn't smell the trash i i could i could see the empire state building and as the sun began to drop the lights of the city went on and suddenly it was the most beautiful place in the world now if i was on the first floor and i said to someone who had never seen this same address i'd say do you know you live next to this and you live next to that and you live next to to rockefeller center and you live next to the empire state building and the and you live right by the water they could actually say i do not because they can't see it from there now here's what's important you have a first floor in you and you have that penthouse and that's what i realized is that this is how consciousness works that every time we move up a floor just like in a building we get a different view of our own life and that's what consciousness is it's moving up and getting a different view of exactly our own life and that we we don't change addresses but we move up one more floor and we see the very same place we've always been but it looks incredibly different and every floor of our reality is more expensive because it costs more money to move up in our lives it's more expensive it's more it's it's expensive to sh to change inside it costs you and that's what you're so afraid of it costs a lot to change you know that when you see your world differently there's a real good chance that your neighbors aren't you're not going to be able to explain to your neighbors on the second floor what the view from the fifth floor looks like because they haven't seen it and especially if the people on the second floor are your family members and they say what the heck are you talking about there is no hudson river there is no empire state building there is no rockefellers what if they said you there's no mount baker i've never seen those mountains what are you talking about and someone who lives on the first floor could say to you absolutely there are no mountains because they've never seen them and they would be right do you get that they would be right because from where they sit they can't see any mountains and this is really important to get that that is the way reality works for us that we are all moving up our buildings one level at a time and every time we move up the view gets more extraordinary but more risky more expensive and the people below you can't verify you can't validate you can't prove what the view from your windows look like and i have to emphasize that you cannot take a window out walk downstairs and say look through this because they'll simply once again see what's on their floor so there's you can take all the windows out of your 10th floor bring them downstairs and say look and they will see only what's on the sixth floor there's no there's nothing in the window itself it's you that's looking through that glass you're the one that is able so it isn't the glass it isn't the window it's you and i and i it is so important to understand this this analogy that i'm giving you this pers this this perspective because you can use this for the rest of your life when you think what floor am i on here what floor and i'm going to apply it to something here as i shift gears with the subject of prayer and i shift gears with the subject of god the most the most powerful floor in your building is your penthouse and the reason it's so powerful is because in order for you to get to your penthouse that journey requires that you strip yourself and that you get stripped of your own identity that you are no you can't get into your penthouse as who you are you can only get into your penthouse as an impersonal soul you can't be who you are the journey to your penthouse is a journey into nothing and i'm going to say this again what makes this moment so extraordinary that we're living and if i had you here all day oh my god even the events of the world can be explained through this prism every single religion is fighting for its life every single myth every single everything is fighting for its life right now because the changes are so profound that we are going through our biology is changing our psycho-ecology is changing we are morphing going from one type of species to another the abrahamic religions are all based on the idea that there is a half god half man image of god the messiah the son of god and the holy prophet are all half-god half-man figures it may well be that we've come to the end of that model of god and that what is happening in the western world is that we are releasing that model in order that another experience of god another our capacity to recognize the next level of god can come through i'm going to say this differently and i'm going to say it through your health instead of speaking through theology i'm now going to talk through your health one of the laws and it's going to be very simple how many of you accept the idea that of holistic health does that seem logical to you so if i said to you you know you're very sick and i have your your heart's very sick and i have some heart medicine but it's gonna blow your kidneys to hell but how many of you would say i'd prefer something that works for my whole body all right so what you're saying in other words is this you are now living the truth the mystical truth that what is in one is in the whole is that not so would any of you argue and say no no no i don't accept that i don't accept that at all but i accept holistic health any of you okay let's follow this now i'm going to take you to the next level in your apartment building are you ready all right move up you are now the next floor now on the next floor you're on the third floor so now you've accepted the idea of holistic health you think it just applies to your health but it doesn't it is a mystical truth and you've just applied that mystical truth to your health but you've never applied it to your whole life holistic life you've never applied it to the cosmos what is in one is in the whole isn't that what jesus taught isn't that what buddha taught isn't that what every great teacher taught what is in one is in the whole well isn't that how your body works isn't that the law of nature isn't that how nature lives what is in one is in the hole so i want you to hit a pause button here we are on your third floor you're in your living room with me and i'm going to introduce this truth to you if this is a high mystical truth what is in one is in the whole what that means is anytime you believe something that causes you to separate from the whole your body is going to be poisoned let me say that again if you believe what is in one is in the whole then any belief you have that separates you from other people will be poisonous to you that includes religion that includes a religion that says our religion is superior to that one that in order for you to believe in this god that god's bad are you with me here okay so follow me here on this floor because on the first floor of your building this is where we cling to our religions and we cling to god and god looks like us god's a man an off-planet god who looks like us and thinks like us and is a man a white man okay and i might add and you have to remember and this is what people have they never really think about they never really think about that for thousands of years it's been men the men who have and by the way this isn't like a sexist male thing you need to hear it differently but it has it has been the fact that it has been the men who have formed the way god thought and they told you it has been men that have given the vocabulary to god it has been men that have decided god has to be a logical legalistic creature okay it has been men who have formed the scriptures and wrote the scriptures and interpreted the scriptures and decided women were inadequate to do that now this is really really important to understand that from a different point of view the the whole cosmic power has been dominated by maleness what this moment is about is that the balance is tipping not in favor of the female be very clear here this isn't a male versus female it's about finally coming together in androgyny in wholeness in wholeness it is a time when the force of life itself is rebel is is coming into balance and so how it's being manifested is that the way in which we have related to the stories of god through maleness we have become disassociated with we can't relate to those stories anymore how many of you relate to those stories just the way you always did anybody okay number two how many of you still want to relate to something anybody you have to what are you doing in this audience okay right and yet that those stories don't seem to fit but something has to fit something has to fit what we are living in this in what in this time that we're living is we're between the stories of heaven the stories that are no more that the lights are going out the old myths of of jesus of buddha the messiah i mean of of of the the half god half man stories and the the story of how heaven of how you will understand the nature of god that is emerging in us what i believe is this first i i think in my own life i've had my backgrounds in theology my graduate works in theology and yet the way i've come to understand the nature of god is through working with you and doing medical intuitive readings of all things of all things and eventually getting into healing and eventually wondering why don't people heal and are there miracles and etc etc so of all that here are my conclusions you like this i used to be able to teach logically but then there was so much to say and i had more than an hour but here first um when i god is law if i get you in the apartment building and on the 10th floor in your pa in your penthouse there is no off-planet god that looks like us and i think for a lot of people that's going to be a hard thing to let go of but here's what's true we are living in the beginning of us entering the galactic era where we're going to be joining a galactic community of human beings or galactic community of living creatures we are not the only planet with life the idea of god's stories where god is earth-centric and looks just like us has to go so one of the things that are happening in the unconscious of our soul is that these stories are getting demagnetized in the cosmos and different stories are happening one of the one of the part one of the um stages of evolution that's happening is that a thought form's been implanted in all of us a holy thought form a very mystical one every one of you has a thought form in you that your elders did not and that thought form is that you somehow participate in the creation of your reality every one of you has that you were not taught that by teachers you were not taught that in any kind of a official way at all and yet all of you have had that downloaded into you and not just downloaded but that one thought form is one of the core ingredients into who you are that is a mystical truth it's not an idea it's not one of those things it happens to be a high voltage core mystical truth we do participate in the creation of our reality but how were we to experience that truth you don't learn a truth without a hands-on experience we are experiencing it through our health through creating and discovering we're responsible for our health or healing our own illness so just as we discover that we this truth is downloaded into us we become obsessive about healing it was our body is the our working laboratory to take this truth and stretch it out and see how it works do we create our reality well how does it work within our attitudes how does it work within how we feel how does it work within our life we are learning in fact that thought in fact does become form we are learning that in fact we have an influence over but not that much influence but not that much we are not we do not choose everything about our life but we co-participate so we're learning something this way here is what is truth the nature of god is law because the nature of your body is law the nature of you look around what is happening is the nature of god is revealing itself within you and what you are learning about you one is that your body is totally impersonal though you are very personal in a personal relationship with it so let me say this again so that you get what i just told you your body is very impersonal there's nothing personal about your body its chemistry was created long before you you couldn't stop your body from going into puberty if you tried or menopause it's got a cycle of its own do you understand me your body decides to go gray when it goes gray you can't stop it it's impersonal you are dwelling in a very impersonal machine that is subject to the laws of aging not to you it is not subject to you it is not subject to your temperament to your likes or dislikes you can abuse this this body you can do whatever you want to it but but you be mindful that you are dwelling in a very impersonal machine that you've named and if you understand that you understand a little bit more about the nature of god god is completely impersonal but you have a personal relationship now if you understand your body a little bit more you get that your body's totally impersonal it has nothing to do with whether or not your body likes you but if you over eat it will get sick and it has nothing to do with whether or not your body likes you does it you've broken the law now the same goes with how i unders you understand the nature of god what is the nature of god like god operates now i want you to get to the fifth level of your building most people will say when they're in a crisis how could this happen there must be a reason for this how many of you have ever said that and what kind of reason are you expecting exactly just for fun something for your benefit okay something logical something to support you something to your benefit am i agreed and you think there's an off planet god that's got that reason you think there's like an off right and how many of you think that that here's another how many of you believe that if you're a good person something bad will never happen to you hands up two people all right this is an example of superstition you are not admitting it because you're afraid god's watching that is the truth that is the truth like i'm not going to admit that i'm not going to admit it no do you believe that i'm not going to admit it this is your fear of god how many of you are afraid of god oh wow two people you're the most amazing now stop it all right three how many of you are afraid that god's going to take your money come on put your hands up how many afraid god will see you if you admit it you guys are you got it bad you've got it bad okay okay okay so all right so maybe you'll find this good news god could care less about your money if you want your money if if the divine wants your money you're going bust this comes from the christian idea that you suffer in order to get close to god do any of you have that in your history right yeah when i was a baby catholic i remember um that we used to have like saints of the day and and and i remember the nuns telling us these stories and of course i loved i loved every minute of my catholic childhood i'm not someone who had a bad catholic childhood i adored it and and they would tell us these stories but i remember some of them you know where the saints were burned alive and i was like oh yeah yeah and that's love i mean you know but we're going to get to that in a moment um what this idea that has developed in us is that god behaves like us but times 100 so that if we are loving god is all loving if we're fair god's all fair and if we play by logical legal democratic rules so does god so if something happens to us and we think we didn't deserve it well poof and then if we suffer we're owed something how many of you think that if you suffer you're owed something come on you can tell me it's just the two of us hands up right yeah you think it you really believe that as if somehow or other i there's the comeuppance i'm owed this right and that is all that christian god's judeo-christian thread that says somehow god is or i've i've had people say to me who've been saved they've had car accidents they've come out of this god must have saved me for something special it's not enough that you lived you you now need to get something special living wasn't good enough what do you what all right no no no no no people no here's what this moment's about we are learning that we create our own reality that somehow or other we are participants in what's happening within us and around us at the same time this idea that there is this off-planet god that behaves like a parent is kind of evaporating in the distance but what's emerging is this picture of this idea that you are responsible that i don't like that that every choice you make has a powerful consequence and that power is the nature of god in you that that is the divine that somehow or other and that sounds like it's not very like uh holy or sacred but this is what's true god is very impersonal it god is law the law of gravity the law of sensation the law of cause and effect the law of magnetic attraction god is law there is nothing absolutely nothing personal about the nature of god one of the things that's changing are these religions that cause us to separate from each other are evaporating we will none of us in this room will live to see the end of that but we are living to see the beginning of the end eventually i believe what is going to happen is a bio spiritual theological ecology where we get that we are our we are micro earths and that our micro earth is a duplicate of the macro what is in one is in the whole and what makes this world intimate with god is prayer that somehow in some way that i cannot explain and it's not my role to explain that every single thought you say every prayer you say is immediately heard that that you matter more than you will ever ever know you don't matter because you suffer and all this kind of nonsense and nothing's owed you you matter because we are interconnected and woven to each other you matter because you are you know i i think i oftentimes hear people will say to me well you know god is they think god is love and i've never heard a more inadequate answer in my life because if god is how many of you would say yeah that's something you believe you believe god is love how many of you well you know see i'll tell you why i have a problem with that and that's because the thing that most people go to therapy for is love they haven't got a clue how to love they haven't got a clue what love is they're afraid to love they're afraid of being hurt and yet they think god is love so where do you how does that work for how does that work not very well at all not what i mean it doesn't transfer well it doesn't do well most people haven't had a very successful experience with love so how can they then possibly think that god is love when they can't even relate to it at a human level i don't even go there i wouldn't even begin to say that the way to understand the nature of god is to begin with faith and to do it this way it's been my experience that most people can tell me with greater conviction what they do not have faith in than what they do have faith in that they can tell me i'll tell you what i don't believe and they can go on and on about i don't believe this and i don't believe that and that church and this and those priests and they can tell me what they do not believe in but they cannot tell me what they have faith in but they actually really do have faith in and i'm going to jump here and when you don't have much less do people when you don't have faith in and you could point to the church but what i know they're really saying is the inability to have faith period transfers to and i don't have faith in you and i don't have faith in me and i know when someone tells me that they don't know what they believe about god they're also saying to me and i don't have faith in myself because it inevitably follows that if you have not established a sense of having faith in something greater than yourself i promise you you don't have faith in yourself you will break your word to yourself oh yes you will and you will break your word to everybody else it will be impossible for you to keep your word impossible because you don't have any faith in yourself you'll say to yourself i'll start my diet in the morning but you won't how can you possibly have faith in anything that you cannot see when you can't have faith in something you can see it's not possible it is not possible i'm sorry but it's not it is not you're imagining things you're just totally imagining things faith is everything never mind love put that in the end of the tunnel you have to start with faith you have to and you have to begin never mind faith in god you're just making it up you have to start with faith in yourself you want to find god start with faith in yourself start right there and i am not kidding you you start with having faith in yourself by saying you know what i'm going to keep my word to myself because with that you will feel the beginning of grace come in you'll feel it if you you makes you you make yourself a promise that says i i have to have faith in myself that if someone says will you keep your word can i borrow some space in your heart because i i'm carrying something and it's so it's so dense and so heavy that i need i i may i confide this in your heart you finally have enough faith in yourself where you say i will keep my word i will i will i will and in order for you to keep your word you give to that you will not tell somebody you won't use it as a piece of gossip for attention you absolutely trust and have enough faith and trust in yourself that you can give someone your word and for 24 hours keep it you say to god all right it's you and me i have to do this give me some grace and little by little you start scaffolding faith in yourself by keeping your own word and once you start scaffolding that grace in yourself you start scaffolding your self-esteem and then when you say you know god help me god help me then when you hear guidance you have enough respect and faith and trust in yourself that you realize that i i i did get a message i'm not imagining i trust myself you have to earn it and that's how you find god it's not given to you it's not given to you and it's certainly not given to you when in fact you spew it all over the place you start with earning faith in yourself and that's how you find god that's where it begins never mind love you'll get to love that's nonsense finding god is hardcore it's underneath your fingernails it's the dirt and grime in your life it's helped me get help me get through this i need to keep my word i need to not lie today i need to not tell somebody something that's not true hold me accountable you need to be you need to pray as though you'd the grit depended on you when i was when i the first time a healing took place in one of my workshops i'm talking the real thing a woman with arthritis and her hands opened up and they had just been they'd been just awful but they opened up and uh i was so you know it's a funny thing when i was a youngster i never not had a very close rapport with the the non-physical world ever always i always did and you know when i was older then and got into this field and i would hear people say and i heard this voice and i thought i was crazy you know what i thought you were crazy i never thought i was crazy i always knew i wasn't i always knew i wasn't and i always thought everybody else was and if not crazy i always thought everybody else i would wonder how in the world do they leave the house so frightened how do they survive in their world they're so scared how could anybody survive so afraid or still wondering if there's a god or still wondering if if they're if they have purpose or meaning in life how what do they think do they think god's just ignoring them what's the matter do don't they understand how life is set up what's the matter with those people and and you know i i i always kind of came from this like how how is it that you think life should be set up that you there shouldn't be pain i grew up in a house where every one of my elders lost one of their children including my mother i didn't grow up in one of those households where everything was easy and fair or anything like that it was just it was the way it was it was the way it was it was i didn't grow up with a god where everything was easy it was like this is the way it is heaven has reasons and you don't ask and you don't treat it like you should be an exception to anything nobody's an exception to anything what a great lesson nobody's an exception to anything so get it out of your head never tell yourself you're some with somebody special because you're not get it out of your head get it out of your head one of the worst things you could tell yourself is that you are special and i'm not kidding yourself never tell your children that they're special to you but there's no cosmic structure around which specialness is guiding their life do you understand that someone would say i don't get trust me they're going to be better off when you say here's what's true there's nothing special and every prayer is answered that's what they need to know how are prayers answered they go like this every one of you has angels not these non-physical angels where these people can conjure them up on stage and do readings it what garbage okay oh okay now angels are holy messengers ladies and gentlemen they are holy holy messengers and put the word holy back in your vocabulary they are holy messengers you have an angel near you and that and and the way angels work are this you're never ever eclipsed you're never told what to do heaven will never um this is how it works have you ever had this experience where you are about to say something that's really not nice maybe once or twice right but but in saying something that's really not nice you you're really going to hurt somebody and then you hear a voice and it says are you sure you want to do that did you ever have that experience where that voice comes out of nowhere and it says are you sure you want to do that that's how your angel works your angel won't say don't say that what a bad thing to do because it's not apparent one of the things heaven will not do is eclipse your will but it will do what it can to direct you to to not make a stupid choice to not make a harmful choice to not make hurt so it will save you are you sure you want to do that the nature of heaven is that it works within your bio spiritual ecology when you're shopping when you're what no matter where you are you'll feel it moving in you when you say should i eat this and your body says no that is also your guidance system that's divine organics divine organics one of the things i learned when i was in in in medical intuition and healing is one of the greatest things about one of the most essential challenges we all go through all of us all of us is that we all have to develop self-esteem all of us self-esteem is our great holy spiritual turning point that's it self-esteem is our great big huge big deal and now i'm going to jump to miracles and i'm going to put these two together when i when i first observed healings and miracles i'm talking people who healed within one workshop i thought you know what what is that about how could some people heal so fast other people heal not at all but by this time i also knew that's what that self-esteem has become a major core in our lives self-empowerment self-esteem it's become a major part of who we are and in previous generations it was never the word self went with selfish but now we take the word self and it is very important for us to discover the inner self and who we are and everything that goes with because it's a doorway into our soul it's a path into the power of our soul who's in charge of your creative power your inner self is the first stage of you taking charge of the power to co-create your reality that's your battery your sense of self-esteem is essential for you to have this sense of i am actually in charge of the creation of my reality you have to esteem yourself to be it is the essential ingredient and in the development if you if you don't have that sense of self-esteem who is creating your reality for you other people other people and if other people are creating your reality do you understand you cannot heal i am here to tell you something you cannot heal because they are they have more influence over your immune system than you do you're like toilette cologne and perfume unless you are in charge of your sense of self-esteem the other people are the ones who are controlling your immune system you are not why am i making such a big deal out of this because what is a miracle a miracle is something that happens in your penthouse it is something that happens out of ordinary time it is something that that people say cannot happen but it does happen so they say somebody who's got very crippled hands can't heal and all of a sudden they open up a few years ago a man who was completely blind goes to my college in terre haute indiana and he he went and prayed by the uh in the church it was founded by the sister sisters of providence the the nuns that educated me back in 1840 it was founded by mother's sister mother mother theodore guerin and a group of french nuns who came over from outside paris and this nun obviously she passed away over a century ago century and a half but through the years healings have been credited to her and this was the last one this man went there about eight years ago now he was blind he had gone to his doctor in the morning to see if he could have one more eye surgery and the doctor said look we could do it it's difficult and you might get five percent back but you'll only see shadows and as he had these awful cataracts and growths on his eyes on the way home he said to his wife can we just stop at the church and i'm saying he wasn't catholic but he heard about this this uh nun so he goes and this is exactly his prayer he said i'm not catholic or anything but i could use some help so if you if if you could put in a word for me i'd appreciate it that was his prayer he woke up in the morning and nothing about his eyes had physically changed the gray filter was still over but he had 20 20 vision which he still does he ended up going to rome and it was declared a miracle now that happened the day i started my book tour for entering the castle which is my has all to do with my relationship with saint teresa of avila and this was also the college that i went i went to school at that particular day was filled with miracle stuff and you know and that day a miracle happened in my book my book tour that was the day the miracle happened also i thought what is it and it was just a few days later like one of those downloads and i realized that you know a mirror miracles are not about how many candles you light or any of that nonsense whether or not you're a catholic or or a buddhist or a martian but it's about self-esteem it's about whether or not you can endure and i do mean endure whether you can endure an experience that god gives you that isn't given to anybody else that you can't explain whether you can endure the doubt of other people coming at you saying that it could never happen but it did happen and it happened to you whether you have the self-esteem and the power within you to maintain your center when you know that you've experienced something you cannot prove that is more real in the world behind your eye than in front of it when all the doubt of people coming at you with their windows saying i can't see this and it doesn't happen on my floor but it did happen on your floor and the truth is most people can't do it most people and this is where self-esteem comes in and this is where it just duplicates with healing most people need to live their lives at the pace of their watch most people cannot bear to have god come in their lives and move their life at light speed instantly they can't bear it it's too fast it's too fast you how many of you have deliberately slowed down an intuitive hit you got a hit you got it you think you walk in and you say i wonder what's going on here instantly you know that person is is doesn't feel well or or this is going on or that's going on but you don't want that information you don't like what your intuition said or you think what's wrong here and you you instantly know this is over i've got to go i don't like it here or i'm unhappy and you know it's instant but you don't want that information your angel said what do you want me to tell you and your angel just tells you the truth but you don't want that so you don't you actually don't want it at light speed so you have to start puts putting some narrative in it that's not true you have to start telling yourself something else you have to say no that's really not no it's not i'm okay you have to start mixing deception denial and you have to work that in and you think you have to get two or three years worth of denial in and slow down right and then what happens is inevitably inevitably inevitably that moment will come when in fact you leave or something breaks up or the marriage ends or whatever and then you will say i knew it all the time how many of you have been through just exactly what i'm talking to all of you but you didn't want it at the speed of light when you ask how god works that's how god works at the speed of light what god does not do is compensate for stupid heaven does not compensate for stupid so you don't pray like it don't pray like you know like this this person i just human beings make me laugh i tell you what this person said you have any prayers at work what are you gonna do with that and i just looked you know and then another person said i will never forget this so long as i look she said you know god can't hurt me my money's in a trust fund what human beings believe is beyond my comprehension it's beyond my comprehension it is unbelievable it's unbelievable this is what is true now your bio spiritual self is receiving guidance all the time all the time you are just wired in all the time every single part about you is receiving guidance all the time what heaven will never do is tell you what's going to happen so don't be stupid don't act like well if i only knew what to do i'll do it no i'm sorry that's not the way to go here's what's true about heaven when you when you ask for guidance you will never be told how things are going to work out so don't wait for that don't wait for proof of anything ever but when you know something is wrong when you know when when you when when you when you say to heaven you know when you wonder how should you pray pray like you're crazy that's what i always tell god tell everybody pray like you're crazy let heaven show off let heaven show off just say you know what i've i just take over take over and i'm going to sleep you heaven gets the night shift and you get the day shift and that's how you have to think but don't be filled with doubt don't be filled with doubt don't think that heaven works like you do think of all the wonderful things in your life that have happened and if you look at it how much of those wonderful things did you actually have anything to do with and you'll discover very little whereas all your problems have your handy workload you know am i right i'm totally right your fingerprints are all over your difficulties and all you have to do is look at that very clearly because you overreact and you're frightened and you're suspicious and you're insecure and where has that ever gotten you no place absolutely no place and most of your problems most of the things you're most afraid of have never come to pass and yet you're obsessed with it you're obsessed you're obsessed by fears and things that actually don't happen you're nuts you're absolutely crazy now yeah really am i right or am i right i'm totally right you know years ago i had the experience of encountering the voice of teresa of avila i was on a chair just like this i was lecturing just like this and i thought i was going into a grand mal seizure in front of a group of peop students and i and i heard her voice and she said follow me daughter i never saw her but i heard her that's what started all my work and missed it that's what started the work i do today and will do for the rest of my life i ended up writing entering the castle and i ended up doing everything writing a book on prayer writing i ended up i ended up going this route that that day as i sat there on this chair in front of people i knew my life was changing forever i knew it i knew i in that micro second all of these things ran through my head like there was a part of me that felt oh my god and there was a part of me i thought oh my god because the catholic in me knew what this meant the deep mystical catholic in me and the other part thought oh my god oh my god it's just oh wow and then the other part thought oh there's no getting out of this now when i went home after that weekend here's something that happened i was going to lecture on um i hardly knew the work of teresa of avila and that morning i was going to do a like a 15-minute 20 minute lecture on what little i knew about her and then going to john of the cross and ignatius of loyola who i knew a lot about and then in the afternoon i was going to teach roomie but what happened was her work downloaded into me as if i had been a scholar of hers from from oxford as if i know all her work and i lectured the whole weekend on teresa of avila it just poured out and i there were moments where i was actually watching myself thinking holy mackerel i could not get over it i couldn't get over it i i just i just couldn't get over it was as if i'd known her as if i'd i i i couldn't get over it i was never exhausted i couldn't stop teaching her i could i it was right and um my whole relationship with what i knew to be true about heaven and the presence of angels and the presence of god in our lives shifted not that i ever doubted it but i never thought i would talk to you about it i never thought i would be the one to say to you prayer matters don't ever doubt it prayer is power i never wanted to be the one to bring this message to anybody because i liked my own privacy in this but what i want to say to you is that i'm telling you now there isn't a breath you take that heaven doesn't know about and you never get away with anything if you think that you have one secret you're crazy i'm telling you you are crazy and every act of kindness matters but every act of darkness is noted duly noted this is not a world where you can sit back it's so easy for us to sit back and say how can this happen how can that happen how can this happen look heaven plays the long game haven't plays the long game we don't we think every life we have is so important and every day we have is such a big deal it's not it's not you have to get over thinking you're so important we're not we're not this is divine paradox we're very important and we're not important and both are true simultaneously both are true there's always another human being that's coming down the pike to replace us we are easily replaced and yet totally remembered both are true the greatest gifts you can give yourself is do not hang on to your past there's nothing back there if you think that what that you are serving yourself by thinking if i only can reconcile this if i only knew why things happened as they did you are mistaken imagine that some angel said to you okay this is why it happened because it did now what do you want to know now what do you want to know what what will be accomplished by you knowing any of that do you get to say to someone don't i hate you for hurting me okay now you hate them for hurting and now what and now what and where do you go from there i want to kill you okay and now what and now what do not tell yourself you're trying to forgive when in fact you're working on being vengeful tell yourself what's true and get that stuff out of you don't waste your life being being hateful do not wake up angry do not wake up angry don't base your life on what other people are doing this world is filled with so much darkness now because we are at this vulnerable stage we are between myths of god and we've never been more vulnerable ever this is the time when every one of us feels like we have a story to tell we are all channeling something you are discovering how powerful you are how powerful your soul is i truly urge you get a prayer life learn to say to god i don't even know how to pray but i'm here every day i don't even know how even if all you ever say is keep me in a field of grace and everyone i love help me to do no harm at least that help me to do no harm help me to have faith and at least start with yourself help me have faith and trust in myself and i'll work from there what you need to know when you really got to get this is we are all connected on the internet inner net we are all one and what we do to the least of any brethren we are doing to ourselves these laws that buddha taught that jesus taught that the mystics taught the what we are living now is that these laws are finally becoming the laws of our biology the mystical laws that jesus taught the laws that buddha taught they're finally becoming the laws of our bio spiritual ecology we are one all life breathes together we are one living organism and that's the new theology this is the new living god among the way god is and we we you can't get away from it it the divine is everywhere it's in every one of your cell tissue and every person you see it is everywhere and if you need a miracle what a miracle is is needing god to operate faster than in the speed of light instead of the speed of instead of hour by hour hour by hour you want god in the speed of light and so what you say to god is look i need you i need you and you take your hands off the steering wheel you don't get to say to god i need i need healing but but listen i don't want to do this i don't want to do this and i don't want to do this you don't pray like that when you need when you need help you pray and you take you surrender so you know surrender has been badly bill wilson introduced surrender in the um alcoholics anonymous i mean i know a lot about that my brother died of alcoholism and the surrender is you know the way alcohol the way it was you know like i just give up i surrender to you just bleh but that's not how mystics surrender that's not how i want to offer you a different way of surrendering that's not how francis of assisi surrendered or teresa of avila or john of the cross or padre pio or buddha they surrendered because they thought oh my god i'm so powerful i can't trust myself i entrust this to you what do you want me to do with this power i surrender it to you talk to me that's surrender where you realize i i have become such a power i am such a powerful instrument where you finally get that every choice you say every word you think every thought you have every heartbeat in you is so powerful you can change the world because that is the truth and it's in it doesn't matter that you don't get how you're not in the business of go of needing to know how you're in the business of faith of deciding you know what and i'll i'll tell you how go through the back door if you don't think i'm telling you the truth then ask yourself think about this this is the reason why you're always so afraid to make a decision because you know how powerful every decision is because you know damn well that is exactly how powerful every choice you make is which is why you're always so afraid to make any choice at all because you know exactly how powerful a choice is you know exactly how powerful what it means to give your word locks you in for eternity eternity absolutely so when you get up in the morning and you say to god okay good morning what do you want me to do today figure it out i'm going to take a shower that's how you pray i'll see you in a minute that's how you pray you pray as if heaven is your best companion your dearest friend your most intimate other because that's exactly right there are so many times i'm not kidding you i'm not kidding but i'll be talking to someone and i can feel myself losing it and i'll say to them i'll be right back but i don't go anywhere except behind my eyes and i'll think you better download me with some grace i mean like now and then i'll say i'm right back i'm back i'm back i'm big back yeah i'm back i'm back yeah because and i fully expect i fully expect exactly the help i ask for and i'm not imagining and sometimes in my prayers i'll say you know i think people think i imagine you and then i'll start laughing because sometimes i'll say i wish i did imagine your life would be so much easier it would be so much easier i want to just pour out faith and grace to you i'm going to tell you that there isn't anything that cannot change in the blink of an eye the power of god you have no idea just don't take your hands off never tell yourself i just don't see how this could be it's not your business to see anything remember how inadequate you are just remember that remind yourself you're inadequate you wouldn't be in the problem you are am i right if you weren't so inadequate and that you wouldn't have those problems and that's why heaven comes in and that's where you just say look i have to go to bed figure it out i'm going to bed and fully expect by morning something will have been resolved i have never been disappointed never and remember something truly i have to say heaven is not in the business of happiness heaven's in the business of truth heaven's in the business of strength which doesn't mean being happy is not part of it but heaven is in the business of you becoming whole of you becoming strong of you becoming trusting so that you are not afraid to be fully alive in the life that you have can you possibly want more than that and when you when you really when you close your eyes and say god grant me the grace grant me counsel here i need to hear what do you want me to do grant me counsel and download it and when you get that feeling and you trust and have faith enough in yourself to act on it this is the nature of god this is the nature of god with you every second of your life that's exactly what it that's exactly what it is now i have this book coming out next year next year it's called the power of holy language prayer grace and guidance and i brought a prayer that i thought from the book that i would end our evening with tonight is that okay if i kept you a little too long okay i don't care i don't ever get to see you so so what okay you know i i shared prayers with um my book has a hundred prayers that i wrote and i shared prayers and this woman came up to me and she said i just i don't know why you said the word lord and i said well look at this face i'm an old catholic and i said put in anything you want and that's about as sweet as i got with her shut up i could have said that which occurred to me but i didn't but i didn't so lord today my prayers i breathe with all living creatures i'll dwell in the mystical truth that i share the breath of creation with all sentient beings i'm beginning to comprehend the rules of co-creation little by little i observe that each choice i make sets divine light into motion or into darkness i'm not alone in this universe even though sometimes i feel that i am my thoughts and emotions belong to everyone and somehow in some way the energy of all beings passed through me like wind through a cheesecloth i realize we all share this earth and participate in the creation of every event and nothing could be more preposterous than to believe that any of us is separate or safe or immune from acts of creation or destruction what is in one is in the whole and i wonder lord why we are often so repelled by that sacred truth why do we not want to be one with all beings if i could see clearly lord i would see that my energy is everywhere i've left millions of tiny particles of my energy like cosmic crumbs in every country city town and home i visited not to mention every street i've ever walked down the same is true forever for everyone else we are always blending together a great cosmic weave of living power no wonder the great mystics finally surrendered to you they wanted you to take charge of this immense power of creation that is set into motion with every breath we take today lord i breathe with all creation and i dwell in the truth that i am one with all life and all life is one with me and for that i am so grateful amen so thank you everyone wouldn't it be fun to stay here until midnight do you have any questions can i ask any questions before we go you got anything yeah go we are powerful and inept both are true isn't that amazing this is where you know this is where we are incredibly powerful in that by design energetically energy to matter we are always creating we are always creating and where we are incredibly inept is that we don't get it and we don't trust it and we don't believe it and we don't live it and and i could say the same thing is true with we are incredibly powerful and that we are born intuitive we're born it's not a gift we're born your intuition is up and running before you're even two months old and you're just we are wired we are wired and yet we're inept because we don't listen to it do we how many times do you know most of your suffering is because you don't listen to your intuition because you betrayed yourself because you betrayed yourself or you betrayed someone else and then in order to live with yourself for betraying your own intuition you got to take it out on someone else you have to punish them you have to spew it out on someone else that's how we are so i call that inept am i making it clear yeah anybody else yeah do you have a question anyone else yeah go talk about prayer for yourself yeah prayers for others uh always pray for others but don't tell god what to do which is you know don't say oh god you know like protect them and then change their mind and make them this and make them that make them stop drinking make them dead stop you butt out nobody's life was born to take serve you or stay with you that is a real big pill to swallow nobody was born to stay with you nobody everybody was born to leave you isn't that frightening but it's the truth it is the absolute truth who was born to stay with any of us so the only thing you can do is like god help me to serve them and whatever it is you cannot take another person's life journey from them because it makes you feel better so one prayer is help me get my act together i am so screwing it up down here does that help you does that help you here's another prayer help me stop lying i have a bad time with the truth any of you if you don't think that that heaven pays attention you better think again because heaven pays attention you don't get away with a thing you do not get away with a thing and there's no such thing as a small lie and let me tell you something your body breaks down when you don't tell the truth it is like poison people think oh smoking's so bad and blah blah blah you want to see bad lie lying is poison in your immune system you could eat cat food and smoke and it's better than lying yeah what about praying for dead well you know it's a funny kind of thing like um i think this opens such a crazy conversation well um this is a big conversation not a little one this is you know every tradition worth its salt has a ritual a sacrament i prefer the word sacrament for helping someone to pass over to make the journey home um my soul sister is here and she's part of the threshold singers who help to sing people across the river back home which i think is a holy sacrament and in all cases it is extremely important for everyone every soul the essence of extramuction the last rites is to finish your unfinished business before you go that you collect and you collect all the the parts of your soul to take with you so you leave nothing behind you leave nothing behind this brings up what is the crime of murder what makes murder a crime what makes suicide a crime what makes these crimes because the soul was prematurely that the journey of the soul was prematurely aborted and the soul often leaves and doesn't exactly know what happened to me what happened there's a reason why in the in the in this the sacrament of preparing for you to go over is so important is there something like a purgatory yeah is hell eternal no do prayers yes and what happens is that what what is a prayer a prayer is a unit of light of holy light and think about that prayer of holy light going into your energy field and what it is is like it's it it makes your energy feel just a little bit lighter a little bit lighter a little bit lighter a little bit lighter and if you die in a state of sorrow if you die in a state of darkness then imagine that you die and you are in in you are greeted still you are you have a life review and in a life review you're shown everything that could have been had you been more loving you're shown everything that you could have chosen that you knew at the time you knew this but you chose this what what is a sin for example what is a sin in my book the power of holy language one of the things i talk about is i reintroduce the i talk about the problems that we are suffering from in ourselves because we've removed language we need we don't use the word sin anymore we don't use the word blasphemy we don't use the word sacrilege we don't use the word sin you know what a sin is a sin is when someone knowingly knows knows this is going to hurt you if i do this it will hurt you and i know it will hurt you and even though i know i know consciously it's going to damage your life but still that doesn't stop me that's not a boo-boo i don't get to say to you i never meant to hurt you because that's a lie on top of it in fact i knew it would hurt you and even in my knowing how dark it was what makes it a sin is that i used my will my power of choice against a human being to harm their life and that is something heaven pays attention to you better believe it you better believe it and that is why forgiveness is so difficult when it is attached to a sin you can forgive someone for saying oh i'm so sorry i was late you know blah blah blah blah but when you consciously when you think when someone says oh i never meant to hurt you and you think and they think why don't you forgive me i said i'm sorry and i never meant to hurt you when it's attached to you know what you knew you knew you did this consciously if they said to you you know what you're absolutely right it was conscious i knew exactly what i was doing and i have sinned against you if they used the right language and they said i'm i i'm asking your forgiveness i have sinned my soul has wounded your soul and i am so sorry now we're talking but because we don't use this anymore we don't acknowledge sin we're in therapy for 25 years because you know when someone says i'm certain i don't know what's the matter with you why aren't you forgetting why aren't you letting it go you can't let go when you're not at the level of the soul because it's not just for it's not about just let it go because no you so why do you say why do we have prayers like this because when you die i think and you have a lot of that kind of stuff in you it needs to come out and that that last writes when someone says do you have a confession you need to say i have sinned against people i have i and i want this out before i journey home i have to let you journey home i'm kidding i'm sorry i i wish i could stay longer but i'm getting the i'm getting the evil eye okay i'm just i i have to i'm so sorry good night everybody thank you thank you wonderful being with you thank you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 114,633
Rating: 4.8535471 out of 5
Id: BX8cGgyW2W0
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Length: 102min 25sec (6145 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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