CARL Discord BOT - HOW to Setup & Configure: Permissions etc (CARL Bot Setup 2021!)

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yo what's going on guys and welcome back to a another video on the discord storage youtube channel it's me here and today we're going to be going ahead and showing you the complete setup process my personal opinion again saying we've done for dino and me six this time it's gonna be uh car what now uh carl's a bit different in my opinion and how you know the setup should be i'm going to show you a few things kind of commands uh logging reaction rolls couple of things about car people don't know about um i'm hoping so today's friday i'm hoping this video is going to go up about an hour or two it's 10 30 right now um i'm hoping that the kind of next kind of um schedule for this channel because it's been very bad um i realized that you know a couple of videos have started to get a bit of traction uh whatnot i feel like i wanna dedicate a bit more time to this channel i'm thinking for now i'm gonna set an upload schedule of uh 6 p.m bst um every friday now likely that i'll move on to two to three days a week when we get down the line and now i'm saying you know friday once a week so that you know we don't have many many weeks without content anyway uh my little ramble there we're gonna go ahead straight into it first uh thing we're gonna go ahead and do is show you the dashboard this uh link for this site will be in the description otherwise you see simple as click login it lasts you you know to verify mail you to login if you haven't logged in before you know once you've logged in it will save your cookies or the site and it'll be all good then you just kind of click the server you want uh sorry about this is a pop-up here that you can't see just the way i've got you just basically click on the server you want click continue give the perms i recommend if you're going to be using this as a modbot uh give it admin you know it's totally not an issue done it will give you into the uh into the uh dashboard and then you know you can kind of uh kind of just make sure that it's in your server which obviously is so that's not an issue um so first kind of main page it gives you recent actions is just a log of any recent actions made within the dashboard on the bot so you know if you've got admins about with it you can see what the hell they're doing nickname self-explanatory change your nickname prefix can have any prefix here i recommend using a prefix which doesn't interject with other bots you have so if you have dyno for example dyno generally uses the question mark prefix so you could delete it because by default it uses the exclamation mark and the question mark prefix so that any command pulled from carbop will uh reply with eva so if you've got dino recommend deleting the question mark or if you've changed i know and it's an exclamation mark delete it or go fully custom ad whatever prefix you want now to be honest i'm only really gonna be showing you uh commands the moderation logging and reaction roles levels is a premium service however personally i wouldn't recommend going with this i would recommend using arcane for that which of course i'll have another video on that however straight away i'm just gonna go into auto mod to begin with now auto mod is you know same as any other thing if you don't want links invites bad words to be used etc etc you know this is your place to do that um your first kind of thing is a log channel this will be where if something gets deleted or something gets banned blah blah blah it will go here it will tell you what's happened drama channel is anyway it's premium only yeah but you know as you see it will show the punishment to post in a channel guess people can kind of argue about it haven't really seen this been used uh not too much i wouldn't bother mute role you can either select a mute raw or when you go ahead and mute somebody generally it will make a role for you uh you can do a command to kind of select it in there in the server it's not to issue white listed channels basically means that if you've got a channel here um say you say you've blocked links for example but you want a self-promoter channel you can whitelist that self-promo channel and the links will be allowed and they won't get deleted for example same for whitelisted roles if you want your staff roles to be able to bypass the uh auto mod again you'd put those role here media only channels basically if you've got a media or a memes channel you don't want people to be able to text in there but you want them to be able to send pictures images videos you'd select that here and it would delete any text or anything else make sure that only media is sent uh delete scary files so that if a dodgy file is sent uh if card detects it as being a dodgy file it will delete it make sure everyone's safe in terms of links here again you can choose your kind of link mode blacklist will obviously blacklist them uh blacklisted domains you know say you don't want say pornhub or whatever to be shown you'd add that link here you can choose the punishments for whichever which you know there's a lot of here i generally would do delete message and perhaps one or ten permute depending on your server it's the way i do it you can choose how many links it punishes in how many seconds between each link etc etc save it bad words spam self-explanatory add your words it will delete it you can choose the punishment again same sort of thing same for spam one in threshold will mean that after a certain amount of warnings say it's the five whatever then after five warnings you can tempt me them but however long or you can select whichever and punishment you deem necessary for your certain situation and server mention spam someone spams at everyone or at a load of people whichever attachments kind of self-explanatory i assume you get the gist of it uh moderation again log channel reports um band settings will be when someone gets banned you can choose to send you know the name who did it or just not to dm them this can be uh you know how many message how many days of messages get purged when people get banned because when people get banned their messages do get deleted one mute 10 ban again you can customize what happens uh how long you know et cetera et cetera i've seen it's pretty self-explanatory and you can kind of disable and enable these as you wish um kind of how it is now personally i don't use any of these commands in uh cardboard i don't because i don't like cardboard for moderation however if you've got dino dino does go down every now and then so if you want to use car was a kind of secondary bot for that it's possible to do so obviously i'd make sure the prefix has changed as i told you um but depending on what you want you can kind of just go to the settings and set up each setting within each of these permission sorry commands i personally disable them it's just me i don't like them however there are a few which are pretty nice for example a lot of people have joined in a certain amount of time you can basically uh do a command to see the recent joins and you can just ban them all in the event of like a raid for example it's kind of pretty self-explanatory and what you want to do what you want to do with them again personally i disable them just because i don't use cardboard at all for this um i don't really use cardboard anymore actually for anything but i used to use it for logging because the logging feature is really really good i've personally kind of switched over kind of fully did i know so i use dino for that now but carbot logging is really really nice i recommend turning all of this on again channels are created roles uh server sort of stuff your default vlog channel is where all of them would go a member log channel will be any of these server logs will log all of this into one channel i generally separate i have a server log channel a member log a message log and i don't really like voice uh voice events but you can i would turn these on which are message events uh stuff like that voice defense if someone joins moves or leaves the channel you want to put these on it will be good if your server's pretty big then voice voice logs are going to get a bit hectic and pointless to actually search through stuff but again it depends on your your use case scenario for members joining and leaving if you need to have that set up then you know go ahead and do so but essentially that's it here ignored channels won't log anything in that channel so say you've got say you've got a log channel for all your staff to see but you don't want to log anything new admin channel you know you want that to be secret to your admins or whatever then maybe you would ignore the admin channel for example or you know another channel which you don't want all the staff to see or you want it just just to not like at all because nothing's gonna happen you could put that here you know you don't need to select every single channel for whatever but that's what you would generally do um i've gone pretty quickly i'm sure if i have then you know you can go back and slow it down all of that the last thing i'm going to really show you is reaction rolls now reaction rolls is so so simple um i personally would use an id i think it looks a little bit more professional i think the embed looks stupid stupid as hell now i'm gonna uh sorry i'm gonna just make a quick roll let's just make it you know uh you know whatever make it test give it a yellow color you know whatever it doesn't really matter then we're gonna go please react here for the test roll now make sure you've got the id of the message which can be done by going into appearance okay so yeah so make sure you've got the idea of the message that enable that you need to go into advanced and turn on developer mode used to be an appearance but it seems they've changed it to advanced make sure you've got that turned on and then you should be able to right click and copy the id now what you're going to go ahead and do is put in that message id here select the channel i think it was general yes it was there are many different types of reactions generally you're going to want to do normal if you choose the verify one it will make sure that the reaction stays at one you react get it get the members roll however you've got it set up and they won't be able to unreact to remove it um you can kind of uh change uh customize this so if you if you want only people with a certain role to actually get roles say you want to make it so then only members can get wrong you put in that role here or maybe you don't want somebody to be able to get a role so maybe you're muted role you don't want anybody with me to be able to react and get a new roles you'd put that in here again depends on your use case scenario i'm just going to go the tick here um just because i just made the rollers you know i'm gonna refresh obviously you know make sure you've got your roll down before doing this i'll probably be okay anyway yeah i don't know why i'm not even showing up not the role that i just made even when refreshing but you know typically i refresh and signed out and i don't know why it's not working it's probably just not cached it yet but anyway generally what you do is do you use id put the id in choose your channel uh add your emoji whatever you want it to be your role would be here you click it um if you want it just be a normal reaction where they click it they get the role there they click it again to remove the roll when it's done you then click create obviously that's created a reaction with no roll uh but because i didn't have the right didn't actually save so you know you would kind of just click it it'd give you the roll click it again it remove it um yeah i don't know why it's not so not the role but it's probably just glitched um but yeah um that would kind of be the main things i would personally think about using cardboard for you know what i i did i did go very quickly in the video so you know if need be you can you can always go back and uh slow it down read back on what i suggested hopefully it was kind of simple to understand that was the idea of it and it should should be all good in terms of cowboy again i will be doing uh i'll probably do something like arcane next a level uh bot at some point perhaps next week or i may do a kind of moderation tips video i'm not entirely sure but yeah that's kind of it from me today hopefully you guys have a better understanding of cardboard after this um but yeah until until next week i'll see you guys later hopefully you guys have enjoyed if you have make sure that slap the video like ring comment down below what you thought any suggestions on the channel uh videos etc etc make sure i subscribe to the channel if you guys are new and until next week i will catch you guys later peace out
Channel: Discord Tutorials
Views: 120,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord bot, discord server, discord tutorial, how to discord, discord server setup, carl bot discord, how to setup self roles on discord, reaction roles discord, carl bot discord setup, discord reaction roles, discord rules bot setup, how to setup discord, discord carl bot, discord bot tutorial, how to make a discord bot, how to setup discord server, how to setup rules on discord, how to grow a discord server, how to make a discord server, discord carl
Id: 7AIh7b5Fx-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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