Discord Server Permissions and Roles Tutorial | Member, Moderator, Admin Role Setup Guide

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This tutorial will teach you how to setup  roles and permissions in your Discord server.   You can use the video chapters to skip  to parts of the video that you need.  First, we will be explaining how the permissions  work. If you don’t care about the specifics then   you can skip to the next chapter of the video. There are two types of permissions,   role permissions and channel permissions. Server role permissions are fairly simple and   only have two modes, on and off. These permissions  are server-wide and include additional settings.  To make things as simple as possible we recommend  leaving all server permissions disabled for   most roles. The only roles you will want to have  server permissions are moderator and admin roles.  Channel permissions have three modes and  override server permissions. The cross will   disable the permission, the tick will enable  the permission, and the slash will follow   existing rules from the server or channel  settings for other roles the member has.  Channels also have an everyone role, which  are the default permissions for the channel.   Any role permissions that are added will  overwrite the default permissions that you set.  It is also important to note that if a member has  two different roles with conflicting permissions   then the enabled permission  will always take priority.  We will have examples on screen  of how the permissions will work.  Categories also have permissions. The category  permissions are the same as channel permissions.   If a channel is synced to the category then they  will use the same permissions as the category.   This is useful for adjusting permissions  on multiple channels at once.   If the channel is not synced then it  will ignore all category permissions.  There are different ways to  set up your server permissions,   for this tutorial we will be showing  you the easiest set up for each role.   You can also use our text guide  linked in the description if you like.  Start by clicking on your server title. Open the server settings.  Switch to the roles page. First, you will need to understand how   Discord server roles work. The roles are set up  like a hierarchy, with the top roles having power   and permissions over the roles below it. Because  of this you will want to have administrator,   moderator and bot roles at the top of the list. Select the default permissions option at the top.  Clear permissions. Save, then click the back button.  The first role we will be creating is a member  role. A member role is given to all new members   when they first join the server. Typically the  role is given using an auto roles or reaction   roles system.Our tutorials for setting  up both of these systems will be linked   in the description below. Once the member  role is given the user will gain access to   all of the channels in the server. Choose to create a role.  Give the role a name, I'll be  calling mine “Member” for simplicity.   If your Discord server has a theme then you  may want to name this role appropriately.  Next, set a role color. For your member  role you will want to choose a color that   is easily readable but isn’t too vibrant. I  like to use one of the default blue colors.  You can also click the eyedropper  box to choose a custom color.   Use the bottom slider to choose a color,  then the top palette to pick the exact shade.  Scroll down and enable the “Display  role members separately” option. This   will create a category on the side of the  server for everyone that has this role.  Make sure the “Allow anyone to  mention” option is disabled.  Switch to the permissions tab. Clear permissions.  Ensure that the member’s role  is at the bottom of the list,   just above the everyone role. Save changes then go back.  Next is a moderator role. Create role.  Name the role “Moderator”  or something of that nature.  Choose one of the vibrant colors for the  role. Again you can use the eyedropper to   select a custom color. Scroll down and enable   the display role members option. You may also want to enable the   mention option, this will allow members to  mention the moderator role whenever someone   is breaking the server rules. Switch to permissions.  Start by clearing all the permissions if needed. Select the search bar and type “timeout”.  Enable the timeout members option. This will  allow moderators to prevent a user from typing   in text channels or connecting to voice channels. We also recommend enabling the view audit logs,   change nickname, manage nicknames, mention  everyone, manage messages, mute members,   deafen members and move members permissions. You can also enable the kick and ban   permissions if you like, however, we  don’t recommend this for server security.  Drag the moderator role so  it is at or near the top.  Save changes, then go back. Now we will set up an admin role.  Click “Create Role”. Name the admin role as you would like.  Select a vibrant color, I like to select  a custom color using the eyedropper tool.  Enable the option to display the role separately,  and make sure the mention option is disabled.  Switch to permissions. Clear all permissions if needed.  Select the search box and type “Admin”. Enable the administrator permission,   this will enable all server permissions  and give additional abilities.   Make sure that only yourself or very  trusted people are given the admin role.  Drag the role so it is above the moderator role. Save and go back.  Now we will create a bot role. Most bots will  create their own roles and permissions when   being added, this role is just used to organise  the server and give all bots the same color.  Choose to “Create Role”. Name the role.  Give the role a color. Scroll down.  Typically you will want to enable the  “display role members separately” option.  If you don’t want bots to be easily seen in  the member’s list then leave this disabled.  Also make sure that the  mention option is disabled.  Switch to permissions. Here you have two options,   you can enable the options you’re happy with bots  possessing, or you can clear the permissions. We   recommend clearing permissions. Drag the bot role so it is just   below the moderator role. Save changes and go back.  Next we have a friend or VIP role. This role will  be used to give access to private server channels,   without giving any moderator permissions. Choose to create a role.  Name the role, I’ll be calling  it “Friends” for simplicity.  Give the role a color, usually,  something fairly vibrant is recommended.  Scroll down and enable the  “display roles separately” option.  Keep the mention option disabled. Switch to the role permissions tab.  You can leave the permissions  blank, however, you may want to   enable the change nickname and move permissions. The change nickname permission will allow them   to change their name in the server, and the move  permission will allow them to drag users from one   voice channel into another. This can be useful if  you’re using a private channel and need to drag in   a member that doesn’t have permissions to join. Drag the role so it’s below the moderator role.  Save changes and go back.  Next is a muted role. The muted role can be used  by bots to punish users that break your server   rules. Anyone that is given the muted role  will lose the ability to send text messages,   or speak in voice channels. To get the most  out of this role we recommend using Dyno bot,   a link to our Dyno bot tutorial  will be included in the description.  Create a role. Name the role “Muted”,   the name is important if you  plan on using the role with bots.  Give the role a color if you like, typically  you will want to use a dull or grey color.  Scroll down and make sure that  both the options are disabled.  Switch to permissions and make  sure there are no permissions set.  Drag the muted role so that  it is above the member role.  Save changes, then head back.  The final roles that we will be setting  up are booster or subscribtionr roles.   Discord will automatically create a booster  role when you get your first booster.   If you are a streamer then Discord may also create  subscriber roles for your stream. Use the same   permissions for subscribers as you do boosters. If you don’t have these roles yet then skip this   section, and come back to the video when you do. Select the booster or subscriber role.  Rename the role if you want, then  assign a custom color or leave it as is.  Scroll down and enable the option  to display the role separately.  Switch to permissions. Start by clearing all permissions.  Move the booster role up the list  so it is above the member’s role.  Save changes and go back. Make sure that your roles are in the   same order as mine. If they aren’t, then click and  drag on the left side to move them to position.  Save and Close.  Now we will be setting up the  channel permissions for the server.  Right-click on the side panel  and choose to create a channel.  Select the channel that you want to make. Give the channel a name, then create.  Hover over the channel and click the gear icon. Switch to the permissions tab via the left panel.  Expand the advanced permissions. Text channels and voice channels have   different permission settings and each channel  can be set up with their own unique permissions.  Categories have options for both  voice and text channel permissions.   All of the channels in that category can be synced  to follow the same permissions as the category.   If a channel isn’t synced then the category  permissions won’t affect the channel at all.  To try make channel permissions  as simple as possible we have   separated the channels into types. The first type of channel is server   details. Server details are text channels  that are open to everyone in the server,   however, no one can send messages in them. This  type of channel is typically reserved for rule,   announcement, and welcome channels. For the everyone role you will want to enable   the view channel and read message history option. You may also like to enable the create invite   permission, this is optional. Disable all other permissions.  Save changes. For most channels these will   be the only permissions needed. If you are setting  up a channel that requires bots to interact with   then you will need to make some changes. Click the plus icon and add the bot role,   or the specific bot you want  to have access to the channel.  Enable the add reaction and send messages  options. The send messages permission is needed   for welcome channels, and the add reaction  permission is needed for reaction roles.  Save and close to update the channel permissions. Next, we have general channels. General channels   are voice and text channels that can be  accessed and used by all members in the server.  Select the everyone role. For text channels, disable the options to   view channel, manage channel, manage permissions,  manage webhooks, create public threads,   create private threads, attach files, use  external emojis, use external stickers,   manage threads, and send text-to-speech. Enable the send messages, send messages   in threads, add reactions and  read message history permissions.  For voice channels disable the  view channel, manage channel   and manage channel permissions options. Enable the connect, speak and use voice   activity options. Save changes.  Click the plus icon and add the muted role. For text channels disable the ability to send   messages and send messages in threads. For  voice channels disable the ability to speak.  Save changes. Add the members role.  Enable the view channel permission, then save. Repeat this process, enabling the view channel   permission for all other server roles. Next are moderator channels.   Moderator channels are only accessible  by server mods, admins and bots.  Disable the permissions to view channel, manage  channel, manage permissions, manage webhooks,   create public threads, create private threads,  attach files, use external emojis, use external   stickers, manage threads, and send text-to-speech. Enable the send messages, send messages in   threads, add reactions, and read  message history permissions.  On voice channels disable the view channel, manage  channel, manage permissions, and connect options.  Next, enable the speak and use  voice activity permissions.  Save changes. Add the moderator role.  Enable the view channel permission for text  channels, and the view channel and connect   permissions for voice channels. Save changes.  Repeat these permissions for  both the bot and admin roles.  Next, add the muted role.  On text channels disable the ability to send  messages and send messages in threads. For voice   channels disable the ability to speak. Save changes.  The following steps are only  for moderator voice channels.  Add the members role. Enable only the view channel option.   This will allow your server members  to see the channel, but not join.  Save your permissions. Repeat this with any other   roles in the server that you don’t want to  be able to connect to the voice channel.  A friends channel is only accessible to friends  and trusted roles. If you are a content creator   then you will typically want to use the friends  voice channel for making content. This way the   other members in the server can see who you’re  making content with, and when it’s happening.  Select the everyone role. On text channels enable the   send messages, send messages in threads  and read message history permissions.  Disable the permissions to view channel,  manage channel, manage permissions,   create invite, create public threads,  create private threads and manage threads.  For voice channels you will want to enable  the speak and use voice activity permissions,   then disable view channel, manage  channel, manage permissions, and connect.  Add the muted role. Disable the speak permission for voice channels,   and the send messages, and send messages  in threads permission for text channels.  Save changes. Add the friends role.  Enable the view channel option for text channels. For voice channels enable the view channel   and connect option. Repeat these settings for   any other role that you would like to have  access to the channel. Typically the admin,   bot and moderator roles will be added here,  however, this may vary depending on your server.  If you are setting up a voice channel  then you will want to add the member role.  Enable the ability to view  channel, then save your changes.  Next we have special channels for  VIP’s, boosters or subscribers.  For the everyone role, disable the permissions to  view channel, manage channel, manage permissions,   manage webhooks, create public  threads, create private threads,   attach files, use external emojis, use external  stickers, manage threads, and send text-to-speech.  For voice channels, disable the  view channel, manage channel,   manage permissions, and connect options. On text channels enable the send messages,   send messages in threads, add reactions,  and read message history permissions.  On voice channels enable the speak  and use voice activity permissions.  Add the muted role. Disable the ability to   send messages and send messages in threads. On  voice channels disable the ability to speak.  Save. Next, add the role that   you want to have access to the channel. Enable the view channel permission for   text channels, and the view channel and  connect permissions for voice channels.  If your server has more than  one special role then add them   all with the same permissions just mentioned. Also use the same permissions for the moderator   and bot roles. This will allow for mods and  bots to still see and moderate the channel.  The next type of channels are bot and log  channels. These are text channels that only   bots can type in to keep a record  of what is happening in the server.   Moderators have access to viewing the logs,  bot not the ability to make any other changes.  With the everyone role selected, disable  the options to view channel, manage channel,   manage permissions, manage webhooks, create  public threads, create private threads,   attach files, use external emojis, use external  stickers, manage threads, and send text-to-speech.  Enable the send messages and  read message history permission.  Save. Add the moderator role.  Enable the view channel option, and  disable the send messages option.  Save. Add the bot role.  Enable the view channel option. Save and close.  Finally, we have promotional  channels, which are used by members   to promote their videos, content or servers. Start off with the basic everyone settings.   Enable the read message history  and send messages permissions.  Disable the options to view  channel, manage channel,   manage permissions, manage webhooks, create public  threads, create private threads, attach files,   use external emojis, use external stickers,  manage threads, and send text-to-speech.  Save. Add the muted role.  For text channels you want to  disable the ability to send messages,   and send messages in threads. On voice  channels disable the ability to speak.  Save. Add the member role.  Enable the view channel permission. Go through and add the other server   roles with the view channel permission enabled. Save any changes then switch to the overview tab.  Locate the slow mode slider, this controls how  long a member has to wait between messages.  Drag the slider up to the time you  want, we recommend 30 minutes or higher.   Having the slow mode enabled will prevent members  from spam promoting their videos or servers.  Save changes and close.  Your Discord server roles and  permissions will now be set up.  To make the role and permissions set  up easier we have created a simple   Discord server template that you can use  if you are starting a server from scratch.  You can use the server template by clicking  on the link provided in the description.   Alternatively, copy the URL, paste it  into the address bar and hit enter.  Name your server. Click “Create”.  All of the basic server roles  will now be set up in your server.   You can change the colors of the roles by  going to the roles page in the server settings.  You will also notice several categories  in the server. Each category is set up   with our recommended permissions for  each type of channel that we mentioned.  There are two ways that you can use the  categories to rapidly set up your server channels.  The first option is to click the  plus icon next to the channel.  Select the channel type that you want to make.  Name the channel. Press “Create”.  The new channel will now be set up with  all of our recommended permission settings.  The second option is to drag in a  channel you have already created.  Choose to sync and your current channel settings   will automatically be replaced  with the settings of the category.  You will now be able to set up your Discord  server role and channel permissions.
Channel: SlurpTech
Views: 107,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to set up Discord server permissions, setup Discord role permissions, how to set up discord role permissions, discord permissions explained, discord permissions, discord permissions tutorial, discord roles tutorial, roles for discord, permissions for discord, roles and permissions, discord server setup, role permissions, channel permissions, server permissions, how to make roles on discord, how to make channels on discord, discord server permissions
Id: LSkPwZ0x6hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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