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This is like my third time recording this video. So it's 2023. It is time for you to make a brand new Discord server. Maybe this is your very first server. Maybe you have an old server that's dead and you want to start over again. Either way, in this video as fast as possible, we're going to create a server, we're going to set up categories, we're going to set up roles, we're going to create channels. We're going to make it look good, easy to navigate with some esthetics. We’re even going to create a profile picture and some panels to make the server stand out even more esthetic wise. Once again, we're going to be going as fast as possible, so slow down the video if you have to. This video is sponsored by the oxygen that I'm breathing. Let's get into it. Okay. So this is an example server that I created uhm yesterday, basically. And this is the type of esthetic that you can expect from this video. Basically, everything is color coded. Everything is very visible. Everything has an emoji. This is another server that I'm working on right now. It's actually my my private server. And this is what the esthetic looks like. We're going to be doing all of that good stuff. Okay. Okay. So step one, create a server. First thing you want to do is go to your left here and click Add server. It's going to ask you if you want to create your own click, create my own. And then for now, going to click for me and my friends and we are going to name it. If you are an influencer, if you're a content creator, you want to put your name in the server, right? Is going to be recognizable for the profile picture. You if you show your face, if you have a logo, those are the things you need to show want. Put some random a galaxy thing and call it something random. It's going to blend in with every other server that people are on. They're going to have a hard time finding it. If you're trying to just make a community server, you can find a cool name and call it whatever you want. One of the examples that I used was the Arcade, and we are going to have a couple of things that are going to be arcade themed or retro gaming themed. We're going to make the profile picture a little bit later and will create Congratulations. You actually created a brand new server. Now automatically you're going to have text channels as a category and voice channels as a category. We're going to change all of that. So first thing you want to do is edit that text channel category and think about all the categories that you want. I'm going to edit this one edit category and here I can put whatever I want. So since categories and channels are different, basically you will find a channel within a category. You kind of want the esthetic to be very visible so that they don't blend in with the channels. Right. This is why in this server here, what I ended up doing is having those squares basically determine, Hey, that's a category inside of the category. You're going to find channels, right? Very visible, very clean. And this server, for example, the distinction was that all categories are just one emoji and full caps, and then the channels would be emoji this dot and then the name of the channel with some spaces. By the way, that's something that you're not supposed to be able to do, but I'm going to show you how to do it anyways. So I did that first text channel and we're going to start with the categories. Basically, usually on top, we're going to have some sort of welcome category, we can call it welcome. You can press Windows plus period in order to have an emoji menu if you're on a mac. I don't know what to tell you. We can scroll down the emojis and pick some sort of distinctions instead of going with squares. Let's go with those round ones. Another thing you can do is use websites like this one, for example. Honestly, you type like discord symbols on Google, you're going to find a bunch of websites. This is just one of them where you can actually click and copy stuff to just add to the esthetic of the server. For example, you can see here those type of text and stuff that could be your categories. Just remember to test those things on mobiles because certain characters will just not show up on mobile. I don't personally like going too wild with it, so let's let's just copy this one or maybe that one go back to Discord. Paste I don't like it. All right, Save changes. Nice. This is what it looks like. And now all you have to do is just continue creating categories. You can right click here where it's empty create category, or you can just modify the ones that are already there. All right. Going to create all of them. And then we'll be back. All right. So we created all of our categories here. We have welcome, General, is where you're going to have most of your channels, games is for several bots that your members will be able to play games with. And also we're going to add like an epic store game that will tell you games that are free machine is for people who want to level up. Basically it's the bot spam channel that's where people can interact with bots. And also we're going to have a private channel in there where the bot will tell us every activity going on in the server, such as whatever the mods are doing in the server. For example, if someone leaves this server or if the mods ban someone, it will all be logged in there. VIP is for our VIP members. And then voice is going to be for voice chat right next to each category. You're going to see a plus and that is the create channel. When you click Create channel, ask if you want it to be a text channel or a voice channel is where you choose. Basically. Now you give it a name and then you create the channel. I usually create one channel in my duplicate set channel to go faster. Under the first category, we already have a channel, a text channel called the General. We're just going to modify it right click added channel and this is going to be our Rules Channel and this is where we kind of want to decide on the esthetic of the channels. Considering how the categories are displayed, we actually want them to be a little far to the right. Keep them simple, use hard words so we find an emoji This is the same thing that we copied earlier, and this is what I'm going to show you. Basically, if you want to have different fonts, you can go to a website like F symbols dot com. There's also a cool text generator. I think if you type that in Google, you'll find it. It's basically those websites where you can type something and then it will allow you to copy another way in. For example, for caps is something that you're not allowed to do in text channels in Discord. But here, if I copy this, for example, or actually I want the actual name this to be called lobby Boom, and I paste it here. Now I have a full caps text channel, the website we use earlier actually also has something that is very special. It is an invisible character right here. If you click copy, Invisible character, and you go back to Discord, let's go back to editing this. We can actually add spaces in between those, which is pretty cool. The thing is, it adds 1 to 3 spaces and now I can select this copy and just replace stuff with actual spaces. So your lobby is really going to stand out. Let me add one more for that and see how that looks nice. Now keep in mind that there's a limit here, so we're going to have to be very careful with the length of the names of our channel. And I just realize this is not a lobby. This is supposed to be the rules Channel. There we go. We have our Rules Channel and right click and duplicate. And this is where you can create another channel in this case is going to be for events Windows period. You can actually type what you're looking for megaphone. All right. Not bad. Now we're going to do same thing for the rest. I'm going to delete that voice channel that is in general because we don't need it. And I'm going to add a text one. Okay. So just like that, we have all of our channels. We have under welcome, we have rules events under general, we have chat memes, pics, video games, music and games. We have Pokémon. I'm going to show you which bot will allow you to play Pokemon. We have trivia. I'm going to show you a trivia bot and then free, which is the free epic game Stores Games machine is going to be levels for people who are trying to level up by typing and being active in the server music is to type commands for the music. But I'm going to show you which one logs this for moderators only VIP. We have one VIP text channel, one VIP voice channel, and under voice we have lounge just a chit chat games to play video games together, theater in order to stream whatever you want to stream afk. If you are just afk. All right. So the next step is to take care of roles. We're going to click up top, we're going to go to server settings and we're going to go to roles in our server. We don't want the @everyone role to have any rights at all. We want them to only be able to read the rules which we're going to set up later. So we're going to click here and when I click clear permissions, that means that they have nothing zero permissions, save changes. Click on back and then click row. Let's create some rules. Bottom. He had created a new rule, click edit, and we know we're going to have some mods We're just going to put mod and we're going to pick a color. I like going with light colors like this. That's pretty nice. Under permission, you can pick what they can do now. They can view the channels. They're going to be moderators. If they're going to be like big moderators, that really, really want to take care of the channel. Anything that says manage, basically you want to give that to them so they can add emojis, web hogs. You may not want them to manage the server like change the region and change the server name. That's completely fine if you want them to create invites, change people's next name nicknames, kick members ban and then send message. Of course, all of that good stuff. Basically give them everything except for administrator, go back, create another role and the channels we know we're going to have some VIPs, nice permission and then you decide what they can do. So we want them to view channel. We don't want them to manage anything. They can invite people if they want, send messages, create threads. I don't want them to be mentioning out everyone create a new role. This one I'm going to call regular. And this is for someone who's already established there want them to basically view the channels and then be able to send stuff in the channels, create another one. And we're going to call this one newbie. That's for people who just joined. They read the rules, but they're not a regular yet. With this one, you can be a little more restrictive. You can be like, okay, they can't use external emojis or stickers. They can create invites because they just got in, they can post links, but the link will not generate the thumbnail. You can make it so that they can't livestream, for example. And we're going to create one more and that is going to be the bot role. And in this one we kind of want to give it pretty much all the permissions, maybe not manage server and we're also going to give it administrator save changes. There you go. You have a bunch of rules. Now next step is to go by category. Basically, when you change the rules, the permissions for categories, for example, edit categories, permissions, it's going to sync up every channel that is underneath it, unless you have some exceptions. For example, the rules, you might have some exceptions that you're not going to have for events. But usually those two channels here, you don't want people to be able to type in them. You're the only one who can type in them right? So under the welcome, I'm going to go to edit category click permission. We want everyone to actually be able to view this channel. We want them to read the message History boom. And then for each role, we want to make sure that they cannot send messages in there except for the mods znd the bots. So VIP should automatically be able to see it. What we want to make sure is that they can't send messages nor create threads. Same thing for regular and newbie. All right. Save changes and if you want to test out basically if it's working, you can go to server settings roles, click on whatever role. For example, newbie scroll down, click view server as role. Now you're viewing the server as the newbie role, right? Right there. And as you can see, it says you do not have permission to send messages in this channel. That means you did it right. You can uncheck this to view it as everyone as you can see, everyone can only see rules and events and they cannot send messages in them. But a mod will be able to send messages and we'll see. We'll have access to the whole server. All right. Keeping that method in time. Basically, you're going to go to each categories and you're going to set your role permissions. If you have to set raw permissions for a specific channel, for example, you want people to be able to use the levels, the music, but not the logs. You can right click on it and then added channel and then permissions. And this one will just not be sync with the category as it is right now. All right. I'm going to do all that and I'll be right back. All right. So this is pretty much our server with everything collapsed here and we have all of our permissions per category, including our logs here. You're going to see that little thing. Basically, you can right click, edit, channel permission, and you can click on private channel and then you can add which members or roles you want to have access to that channel. Get us the VIP VIP chat. Not everyone can join Voices Limited and then we have the voice channels. Everything seems to be good. Let's set up that AFK channel real quick. We're going to go to service settings and right here in overview, we're going to go to inactive channel and we're going to find the AFK one. So if you're inactive for a while, basically you can set it up so that it sends you to that channel. Everything that's important here is system message channel. If anyone joins, basically it'll send a message in a channel. I actually don't like that in my servers because I have bots that do that for me, so I'm going to turn that off completely. If you want to create a separate channel for that, you can do that too, and then just set it up right here. That being said, though, certain things like send a message when someone boosts the server. I think it's good for you to be aware, but I personally like when it's just in general chat or you can put it in that logs channel since this is basically your channel to keep an eye on what's happening in the server anyways. So let's do that. Save changes and we're good. Okay, so for the bots, you really want moderation and then you want things like reaction roles. You want a bot that can do pretty much everything. I like using Carlbot because it's about that allows you to do things like reaction roles which is something that we already have our server basically prepared to do. So if you go to, you click add to server, it's going to ask you which server do you want to add it to and you can click the server that you want. It's going to go through the setup. It's very intuitive. One thing that you do need to know, one big tip since we created a bot role, is that we need to uncheck a bunch of boxes when we're adding it because otherwise it will create its own role and then you won't be able to manage that. Click continue. And there you go. You want to turn off everything and then click Authorize as soon as it joins your server. Once you confirm here, before you click get started, you want to go back to your discord and you're going to go find Carlbot right there. When to right click on his name and go to roles and bot boom. Okay. Now it should have permission to do everything, click, get started. And then again, we're going to have a setup here. So there we go. If you want to welcome if you want to welcome people, you can set that up here. You can set all of that later. I'm just going to click next if you want Reaction role templates. That's something that you can choose here. We're going to have our own custom reaction role mute role We're not going to pick that which channels should modlogs be posted in? We have a specific channel for that. It's the logs channel. There you go. Automatic moderation. You can set that up if you want. I'm not going to. I prefer a Dynobot for moderation, but that's really up to you. Invite Piggy to server, no click skip and go to dashboard. There you go. And basically you have all of this option, all of those options that this bot can do on your server. Keep in mind though, that some things are premium reaction roles We're actually going to set that up later, but I want to show you that post embed, it's going to post something and you can select which channel you wanted to post it in. Usually rules. That's the only channel that the everyone role people without rules, basically. And then you can put something like React, the react emoji. If you read the rules, you can add which emoji they can choose. I like the checkmark and then under the new emoji, what you want to do is actually select the role that you want people to get. So usually people will get the newbie role right, You can add more emojis for different roles, but that's all we need to click Create and it's going to create it in our server. So let's go back in under rules. We're going to see all of that. Now, one thing that I messed up here on purpose is to show you a lesson about the rules is that they actually have an order. So here I created the bot last, so it actually has less priority than the other one. So we need to bring that all the way up. There we go, click Save changes and now it will be able to actually give people permissions or roles. Actually, I can go ahead in the lead that okay, when it comes to more bots, it's something that you have to pick and choose. We all know that we created those channels here. Pokémon Trivia and then the Free Epic games. I'm going to show you which bots they are and I'm going to put the links in a description and you can go ahead and play around with them. So for the Pokémon bot it's Poké and you can just invite it. You really have to kind of learn the documentation because sometimes it will spam stuff in channels that you don't want to. You need to learn how to restrict it a little bit or the music. But I love using BMO because it works really. And basically you can type, Hey, play this song and it will join the voice chat that you're in and start playing it just pretty cool. You can have playlists, you can skip, you can do everything. Like a normal music bot basically TRIVIA bot is what I use. I used to use at least it's pretty cool. It has a bunch of options. Same thing. You can just put it in that trivia channel. People can just play around with it or you can do it like event nights and then is the bot that will tell you every time epic games or the epic story has free games in which games they are now, the last thing that we have to do is the logo and then the what I call the headers, right? So for the logo, I'm going to open up Photoshop real quick and I'm going to do something, let's say 800 by 800. That's fine. Again, if you're an influencer, if you're a content creator, use your face, use your logo, use something, use a face. At least try to stand to stand out. A lot of streamers use their emotes. Unfortunately, if you join a bunch of streamers stuff, all the emotes end up looking the same. It's it doesn't stand out. You want to make it more accessible. I'm going to use I'm going to click 800, by 800 I'm going to create. Let's go back, click hold Ellipse hold shift. Duplicate is the same thing as Photoshop really. Except you press control alt T instead of control T alright. You're going to click on the text tool. Click once we're going to type A for like arcade nice So like that. Oh wait, it's putting it inside my circle as the lead that picture. We don't have the circle selected. Click once. There you go. Okay, select that and bump up the size by clicking on the word size. I want it to be on top of everything else. Click on the Move tool. All right, that's not bad. Control Alt T make it bigger. And basically that's what I want. And I'm going to hold alt on my keyboard to create a clipping mask in between the two first layers. Nice. You can see that little arrow there. And then boom, there we go. Now they are confined to that one specific, which is the bottom one. I'm going to hold ALT to duplicate the A double click on it and change the color click. Okay, move tool control ALT T, control minus to zoom out and I'm going to reduce it like that. Okay. Press enter. Go to Effects go to stroke here you looking at the results bump that up. Okay, not bad. And then let's go to outer glow, turn that on color. We want that to be a blue ish and the mode we want it to be linear dodge. Size, You want to pump it up until it's visible. There we go. OK Blue doesn't seem to be working. So let's go back. Let's try out a couple of colors. Actually, blue is not that bad. That's pretty rad. Okay. All right. Lower the opacity a little bit and add a drop shadow. Like I said, drop shadow. We want it to be a linear burn. I really don't like the look of it. Turn off the stroke. It looks a little bit better. Maybe play with the outer glow color a little bit more. Yeah, I think purple. Purple looks a little bit better. Chad, what do you think? Or maybe it's the yellow and underneath that I just don't like. There you go. I like that. I want to duplicate that bottom a hold ALT to drag down this time I want to control alt t on photopea to transform. I want to bring that up like a lot around here. Press enter and we have our logo. Basically. Let's turn that off right here. Never mind. Let's export this and just get done with it. Okay, So we're going to go to file export as PNG, save. We're going to save it logo and save. Now in this we're going to go to server settings, click on Change icon here, find it where we saved it. Click Save. All right, so this is our color scheme. Now we have black, white, orange and purple and a gradient between purple and orange. So when it comes to things like headers, it's basically little images that you can add within your text to make things look better. Let's go back to Photopea and actually open a new file. Okay. New. And this one, we're going to make it a thousand by something like 300 click create. See what that looks like? That's actually pretty good. I'm going to click on that little lock here on the background so I can turn it off if I want to. But one thing that's very important is that I need to go back to my old project and I need to save that logo or just drag the image and drop it. I can press Control A to select the whole canvas control shift C to copy everything that is within that selection and control. V okay, we pasted it in control alt T Let's drag that down and let's place our logo right here. Nice. And now we can play some text, click on t click once and this is where we're going to have things like rules. Double click on the T here to select all that and bring that down. Or just drop down here and bring it down right there. There you go. Click the move tool, move it around. You can also control alt t i’m gonna double click on that. See, I'm actually going to have this called welcome so I can kind of gauge the size that I want control alt T Again, and I want this to be in the middle here. Okay, that's nice. And if you want, you can actually add a background. I'm going to click on the background here and I'm going to go to my Shape tool and I go to Rectangle up there. I'm going to have of, I don't know, 50 pixels of rounded corner and I can actually create a background in a press control A to select everything. And with the MOVE tool selected, I could center horizontally and vertically. Nice. Let's make the background a darker gray. And then for the welcome, I'm going to click on it. I'm going to click effects, I'm going to add a gradient overlay, click on the gradient and we're going to give it the colors, right? So our colors were orange. Double click on the white one here and purple. Nice click. Okay, the scale, I want that to be super wide and I want the angle to be a little bit different, which you can also do is click and drag, I believe. There you go. So we can place the gradient wherever you want. not a huge fan of the color in the middle here, it's kind of muddy. I want to try to add something like a blue. Just click here in the middle, double click and find a color that transitions a little bit better. This red is pretty good. Reminds me that's pretty much literally the Instagram color scheme. Not bad. Click okay. And now we can play a little bit more with this scale if you want to, but I don't. That looks dope. I would actually want the logo to have more of that, but that doesn't matter. You can add some extra decorations if you want. I'm going to create a new layer on top of that background. I'm going to make it into a clipping mask showed you how to do that already with the brush tool, I'm just going to add some random brush strokes. Nice. And I'm going to lower the opacity all the way down. Cool. Now, the advantage with this is that you can click file export as png You can create a new folder if you want, but I'm just going to have this be welcome, save double click on the T, I'm going to call this one rules same thing file export as PNG save this one can be about the roles to explain people. Okay, here are the rolls we have and what they do rolls and whatever else you want to put in that rolls channel. So I advise you have your text ready. I'm actually going to delete that reaction thing because we want that to be at the bottom. So people should be able to read first. We're going to double click on the plus here. We're going to add welcome. And so if you already have your text, it's going to be like, I'm going to post this, so it's going to be welcome. And then we can add the rules, right? And then for the roles that by the way, the way I type back to back is shift space. You can type some things, shift space and type like that. So you can add like a paragraph in return to line basically. And for roles you can type add and then you can just list all the roles mods. So there's better ways of doing this through what is called embed, but I'm probably going to make a separate tutorial on that. This is like an easy way to get this done and have it sealed. There. And then at the end you can ask carlbot to post that reaction thing when the lead, the one that we have, when I create a new one, if you read and agree with all the rules, click on the checkmark boom create. And there it is. Most people want to actually come here and get a role and have access to the server. They kind of have to go through here. One thing I probably did, I did, I say that in the beginning is I'm going to create this as a server template. I'm going to go here server settings in server template. And when I created as a template, I'm going to name it and I'm going to put a link in the description so that you don't have to do all the things that I just did. If you like the way that I set up my server, it's not going to copy the bot, it's not going to copy the messages, but it's going to give you all that structures, the channels, the roles and the structure of the of the server in general. So you can have that as a starting block. If you want to change the whole esthetic, you're going to have to go channel by channel. Good luck. Or you can start from scratch because I just taught you how to do all of that. Okay. In total, doing this very simplified version of a server took me about one hour for your own server. You usually want to take a little bit more than that. I'd say 2 hours, maybe 3 hours if you really know what you're doing. If you're brand new to it, you know you want to spread it out, you know, take a week, get some people in to actually test the server. I just realized you can't even see all the things that I type here. Get people to actually test the server, get your friends to come in, try different rules, try giving them different rules and let them test what they can do and what they can't do by Hey, can you see that channel? Can you join that voice chat and stuff like that? Right? You're going to make mistakes no matter what happens. You're going to have some troubles with some bots. I know I had problems with the Pokemon bot. It was posting in every single channel and that was annoying. I tried to restrict that one channel. I finally found a solution which I don't even remember. Creating good Discord servers is a kind of a tedious thing to do, but once it's once it's going, once you get it going, we have the basics. Everything I showed you here basically you're going to have some feedback from the people that are using it and you're going to have to adjust little things here and there until the server is running smoothly. So hopefully you enjoyed that video. If you want to learn more about Discord, I have a whole playlist. And yeah, also follow me on Twitch because I stream there. If you want more Discord tutorials, please leave that in the comments section below so I can know to make more. If you have specific things you want to learn to, just let me know exactly what they are and I'll look into them. Anyways, thank you so much for watching. Go out there, make me proud. Gael Level out.
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 646,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord server, discord server setup, discord aesthetic, epic discord server, create discord server, discord template, discord template aesthetic, discord template tutorial, how to use discord, discord server tutorial, discord 2023, discord bots, discord roles, discord categories, discord header
Id: 7Thx3fMd7-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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