How to Add and Setup Carl Bot on Discord | Auto Roles, Reaction Roles, Welcome Messages, Mute Role

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This video will teach you how to add  and use Carl Bot in your Discord server.  We will have chapters enabled  so you can skip through to the   sections of the tutorial that you want to follow. Start by heading to the official Carl bot website,   we will include a link in the description. Click “Invite” at the top of the page.  Open the drop menu and choose the  server you want to add Carl bot to.  Continue. Next you need to set the   permissions for Carl bot, you can adjust these  if you’d like, however, it may result in some   features not working correctly. Scroll down and authorize.  Verify that you’re not a robot. Authorize.  Select the server again. Carl bot will now be added   to your Discord server and you will be  redirected to a tutorial setup process.   This can be useful to set up some moderation  settings and reaction roles. We prefer to do this   all manually to get the exact settings we want. Click skip if you don't want to follow the setup.  First, you will need to choose a prefix.  The prefix is used before a command   so the bot can identify the difference  between a message and a command prompt.  By default, Carl bot will have both  exclamation mark and question mark   set as a prefix. If you are using a bot  that already uses one of these prefixes   then you can delete it by clicking the bin icon.  You can also click on the text box and add  a custom prefix to be used for Carl bot.  If you are watching this tutorial in the future  then Carl bot might have switched to using slash   as the command prefix. Switch to Discord.  Click on the server title. Open the server settings.  Go to the roles page. Drag the Carl bot role above the member’s role,   typically you would put this either just  above or just below the moderator role.  Save changes then close. Switch back to the Carl bot dashboard.  For this tutorial, we will be showing you the  basic settings that will work for most servers.   You can always come back later  and adjust things as you like.  Switch to the commands page  using the panel on the left.  Carl bot commands are separated into categories  that are accessible via the top panel.  Select the Automod tab. Click the “Disable category”   button at the top, this will disable  all of the commands on this page.  Repeat this process for the rest of  the categories, only leaving fun and   moderation commands enabled. Switch to the moderation tab.  Here you have a list of commands that  can be used to moderate the channel.  Click the “Manage Category” button at the top. These are the settings for all of the   moderation commands. Locate the “Require one   of the following roles” input. Expand the drop menu and choose   your moderator role. This will make sure  that only moderators can use the commands.  Move down to the “Bypass Discord  permission requirements” section. Add the moderator role to this setting as  well. This will allow Discord mods to use   commands with actions that their  discord permissions don’t allow.  Save. Disable the category to turn off all the commands.  Go through and enable any commands that you  want moderators to be able to use by clicking   the switch. Personally, I don’t like mods  being able to ban or kick users to ensure   the server doesn’t get cleared. Instead, you  can use a mute or timeout role for moderation   which we will cover later in the tutorial. Most of the commands are self-explanatory,   and some have descriptions. I’ll be leaving all  of the moderation commands disabled for now.  Switch to the fun command category. Disable the category.  Go through and enable the fun commands  that you like. Some of these commands   can be entertaining for your server  members, and help grow an active server.  Some of the more popular commands that you may  want to enable are 8ball, coin flip, and aww.  8ball allows users to ask questions  and get the typical 8ball responses.  Coinflip will flip a coin and give  a result of either heads or tails.  Aww will post a random cute picture. To keep your server clean and professional   you will want to set the fun commands to  only be usable in specific Discord channels.  This can be done by clicking the “Manage Category”  button to control all the fun commands at once,   or by clicking the gear icon under one of the  commands to edit a specific command’s settings.  Select the “Require one of the following channels”  drop menu and select the channel you want to be   used for the command. Save.  Now the command will only work  in the selected text channel.  Next, we will be setting up the moderation  settings and logs. Logs will track all mod   actions in your server, such as bans and kicks. Switch to Discord and create a new text   channel by right-clicking on the side panel. Name the channel “logs” then create the channel.  Right-click on the logs channel  and choose to edit the channel.  Switch to permissions on the side. Expand the advanced settings.  With the everyone role selected disable the  ability to view the channel and send messages.  Save. Next,   click the plus icon next to the member’s  list and add your moderator or admin role.  Turn on the view channel and read message history. Disable the send messages permission.  Save changes. Click the plus again then add Carl bot.  Enable permissions to view channel,  send messages and read message history.  Save and close. Switch back to the Carl bot dashboard. Select the “Moderation” tab on the side panel.  Open the “Modlogs channel” menu  and select your new channel.   If you don’t see it then refresh the page. Adjust what logs you want to receive from   Carl bot. I’ll be leaving all of these enabled  so I can see exactly what moderators are doing.  Save. All the settings on   this page are fairly similar. The top drop menu  allows you to select if the person will receive   a message when a mod takes action against them. I  like to set all of these to “do not dm offender”.  You will also have the option  to set durations or purge days.  Duration is how many hours and minutes  someone’s disciplinary action will last.  Purge will delete all of the user’s  messages from the selected amount of days.  Be sure to save whenever you change any settings. Switch to the Automod tab via the left panel.  Select the log actions menu and choose  the logs channel we created earlier.  Locate the whitelisted roles option and add any  roles you don’t want to be affected by automod.   Typically this is only server moderators. At the bottom of the general settings,   you will see a switch to delete scary files. We  recommend turning this on. If you have any issues   with carl bot deleting your attachments  then you can always turn it off later.  Save. Locate the bad links panel.  Under the blacklisted domains you can add websites  that you don’t want users to be able to link to.  For example, if you add  and press enter then any links to   YouTube videos will be removed. You can also have server invite   links removed by adding Next, you can set the punishment by   clicking on the drop menu, by default “Delete  Message” is selected. This is the best option.  Set the “punish after” settings both to 1. Save.  Next, find the “Bad Words” setting. Use the top input to add words that you want to be   banned, being sure to press enter after each word. Next set a punishment, because your banned words   will probably vary in severity it's  usually best to set it to delete.   If you have a punishment you don’t want then  you can click the cross icon to remove it.  You may also want to have Carl bot  send a message to the offender.  Save changes and move to the spam settings. Leave the punishment set to delete the message.  The “punish after” settings will  depend on your personal preference.   The first number is how many messages  must be sent for it to be considered spam.   We recommend setting this between 3 and 7. For seconds, set it between 7 and 15.  This should help eliminate spam  without removing consecutive messages.  Save. The remaining automod options aren’t typically   used so we will be leaving them disabled. Next, we will be setting up a welcome channel.  Head to Discord. Right-click on   the side panel and create a channel. Name your channel “Welcome” then create.  Drag the welcome channel to  the top of the channels list.  Hover over the channel and click the gear icon. Switch to permissions.  Open the advanced settings if it isn’t already. Make sure the “everyone” role is selected.  Enable the options to view  channel and read message history.  Disable the ability to send messages. Save.  Switch to the “Invites” tab. Choose to create an invite link.  Edit the invite link. Set it to never expire and have no limit.  Generate a new link. Copy then close and close again.  Paste this invite link somewhere safe. This is  the invite link you will need to use to invite   new members to your server. Switch back to Carl bot.  Select the “Welcome” page from the side. Expand the “Welcome Channel” drop menu and   select the channel we just created, if you  don’t see yours here then refresh the page.  Save. Locate the “Welcome Message” panel,   here we will enter in the message we want Carl  bot to send whenever a new user joins the server.  Write out the welcome message you want,  there are some code options to source   information from the server. Open curly bracket mention   close curly bracket will mention the new user. Open curly bracket server close curly bracket   will include the server name in the message. You can also include channels and roles in your   message using IDs. A tutorial on how to find  the IDs will be included in the description.  You will need to enclose the code in  angle brackets like shown on screen.  To link to a channel use a hashtag  followed by the channel ID.  To link to a role use the at symbol then  an and symbol followed by the role ID.  Once you’re happy with your message click “Save”. The Leave, Ban, and DM messages can also be set up   the same way using the panels on screen. Next, we will be showing you how   to set up auto roles with Carl bot. With auto roles setup Carl bot will automatically   give a role to people when they join your server. Typically you would want to use a member role,   if you don’t already have one then you can  follow our tutorial in the description.  Select “Autoroles” from the side pane. Select the auto roles drop menu and choose the   role you want to be given when members join. Save.  Another way to give a role to  new members is reaction roles.   Reaction roles will have a role assigned when the  person adds a reaction to a specified message.  For this tutorial, I’ll be showing you how to  set up simple reaction roles with Carl bot.   We will include links in the description on how  to make a more professional reaction role system.  There are several different options when it comes  to reaction roles. The three most common types are   self-assignable, color and verification. Self-assignable allows users to assign   multiple roles to themselves. This  is typically used to customize which   channels they will see in the server. Color roles determine the color a   member’s name will be, every color will  have the same permissions in your server.  Finally, the verification role will award a single  role to all members that apply the reaction.   This is typically used to verify that an account  isn’t a bot, or agree to the server rules.  For this tutorial I will be creating color roles.  We will link our in-depth reaction roles tutorial   in the description. Switch to Discord.  Click on the server title and open the settings. Switch to Roles.  Create a new role. Name the role.  Set the role color using the presets, or click  on the eyedropper to select a custom color.  Switch to permissions. Clear all permissions.  Move the role where you want it on the side,  typically color roles will go just above the   “everyone” role. Save.  Repeat this process with all of the other roles.  Go back to Carl bot. Switch to the reaction roles page.  Click the button at the top  to create a new reaction role.  Leave the mode set to post embed. Use the second drop menu to choose which text   channel you want the message added to. Show embed builder.  Add a title, this will appear  in bold text above the message.  Enter the reaction role message  into the description section.   You will want to include any directions and  the emoji you plan to use for each option.  Emojis can be added by pressing  the Windows key and semicolon.  You can then find the emoji  manually or search for it.  Click “Add Emoji”. Select the emoji you   want for the first role to be given. Open the “select option” drop menu and   choose the role you want to be given. Repeat this process with the   other roles you have created. Next, you need to set the message type,   this is how the reaction roles will act. For color roles you will want to use unique   roles, this will make sure only  one role can be held at a time.  For verification roles you  will want to use verify.  For self-assignable roles use normal, this  allows a user to have multiple roles at once.  Leave the last two options blank. Create.  Switch to Discord and your Carl bot  reaction roles will now be set up.  Next, we will be setting up  a mute role with Carl bot.  A mute role will allow moderators to  mute a member, preventing them from   sending messages in your server. This is a  great replacement for kicking and banning.  Open the Carl bot dashboard. Switch to commands.  Go to moderation. Click “Manage Category”.  Set the required role to your moderator role. Save.  Enable mute, muterole and unmute. Switch back to Discord.  Select a channel that Carl bot has access to. Put your prefix, the default prefix   is an exclamation mark. Type mute role as one word,   then put a space and write “create”. Add another space and put the name you   want to be given for the role, if no name is  given then the role will be called “muted”.  Send the message and Carl bot  will make the role and adjust   the permissions on all channels in the server. If you add any new channels in the future then   you will need to run the update command by  typing your prefix mute role space update.  Send the message and the new  channels will be updated.  You can also use your own custom mute role if  you have one. We have included a link to our   tutorial on a timeout role in the description. To use your own role type your prefix mute   role space then the role name. Moderators will now be able to mute a user by   typing the prefix mute space then the username. The final feature that we will be   setting up is custom commands. Switch to the “Triggers” page   via the menu on the left. Create a new trigger.  Select the top box and enter the command or  trigger term. It is best to include a prefix so   the message is only triggered when called upon. I’ll be using exclamation mark as the prefix.  Switch to the response box. Type out the message you   want Carl bot to respond with, be sure to  include any links you want to be displayed.  Set the match type to exact. Create.  Carl bot will now be added and set  up to work in your Discord server.
Channel: SlurpTech
Views: 193,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to add and setup carl bot on discord, how to add carl bot on discord, add carl bot on discord, setup carl bot on discord, setup carl bot welcome messages, how to add carl bot, setup carl bot reaction roles, setup carl bot auto roles, setup carl bot, add carl bot to discord, add carl bot to discord server, setup carl bot in discord server, carl bot, carl bot setup, carl bot aut roles, carl bot reaction roles, carl bot welcome messages
Id: Bvk10Bn_AkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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