The ULTIMATE Discord Setup Tutorial 2023 - How to Setup a Discord Server WITH Bots & Roles!

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if you're trying to make a new Discord server and you're completely lost with how to do it this is the perfect video for you over the last few years I made a few different Discord tutorials that have helped millions of people around the world be able to create their first Discord server in today's video I'm going to create an updated guide on how to set up the perfect Discord server now three quick things before we start the first one I've actually gotten a lot of requests over the past few years to create a mobile guide for how to set up a server on mobile so I'm happy to say for those of you guys that are warning that that is in the works and that'll be coming out within the next few weeks possibly the next month so if you don't have access to a computer and you want to learn how to do this on mobile make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that secondly if you're the type of person who doesn't really want to do this yourself and you'd rather someone else do it I actually have my own Fiverr gig that I'll have linked at the top of the description if you guys want to check that out I'll actually personally make your server for you myself so if you want to reach out to me over there you can happily do so with the link in the description lastly I do want to ask if this video helps you at all then please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel so we can help spread this video to others if you happen to enjoy gaming content you can check out my twitch and my gaming YouTube links down in the description and follow me over there without further Ado let's learn how to make your first Discord server so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create our server so what we're going to do is you're going to look on this left sidebar depending on how many servers you're already in this might be towards the Top If you're not mini if you're in a lot this might be towards the bottom we're going to click add a server once you click that it's going to give you a pop-up giving you the option to create your own from scratch or you can start with a template like gaming school club or study group so I can give you guys the full in-depth experience I'm going to do create my own and we're going to start from scratch after that we can choose if we're going to do it for a club or Community or for me my friends I'm gonna do for a club or Community because we're going to be designing This Server based off of a group for your YouTube Community much like my own personal server is based on so we're going to click that sort of our server name we're just going to do YouTube tutorial and for the image we're just going to skip the image for now we're going to click create and that's going to give us our brand new server we're going to have two channels as of right now we're gonna have a general text Channel and a general voice Channel and that's how you create your server so that's the end of the video guys I'll see you guys in the next one I'm totally kidding that's not the end of the video so let's dive into this so the way we're going to structure this video is first we're going to create all the channels that we want second we're going to jump into all the roles we want and lastly We'll add in a few Bots to the server and show you how to configure some basic features on bots so what I like to do first is get all the channels laid out so to create a new Channel all you do is come up here to your category click the plus button on Create channel and then type in what you want so first channel we're going to do is a welcome Channel we're also going to add in a rules channel so you can display the rules of your server we're going to create another Channel we'll do a updates Channel and you'll notice whenever you go to create a channel in the pop-up you're going to have the option to choose if it's a text Channel or a voice Channel there's a couple of things different besides it just being a tech one's a text one's a voice Channel you'll notice if you create a text Channel you can't do any capital letters even if you hold down shift or do caps lock if you press the space bar it's going to put a dash instead of actually putting a space Now voice channels are a little different they let you actually use spaces without the dash and you can also capitalize the name so I can put a capital u there a small quick thing I thought I'd notice in case you guys are wondering why you can capitalize on voice and not text that's just the way it's set up so what I'm going to do now is go ahead and create all the channels that we're going to need so if you guys want to pause the video here and set up your channels along with me you can go ahead and do that and then once we're done with the channels we're going to organize them a little bit and then we're going to jump into the rolls all right so now we've got a brief list of channels laid out as you can see on the left side of my screen here now what we're going to do is we're going to organize them a little bit into some categories you'll notice you already have two that you started out with text channels and voice channels these are called categories think of it as a folder for you to put all your channels in so the way we're going to create a new category is we're going to come over here to the left sidebar and we're going to right click and then create category you'll notice you can also create a channel this way if you want to so we're going to create category we're going to name the category so the first one I'm going to do is a welcome category and then we're also going to go ahead and create another category this one I'm just going to name a gesture this is going to be where my since this is a YouTube community-based server this is where I'm going to share all of my content so my videos my streams whatever else I want to share that's what that category is going to be for now obviously depending on what you're setting up your server for your categories and channels will vary but this is what I'm setting up for this one so now I want to organize these channels into the proper category so all you're going to do is hold down your left click and you're going to drag it into the category you want so we're going to take the welcome Channel and put it in the welcome category along with the rules along with the updates and also along with the giveaways now that we have the welcome category set up we're also going to come up here and drag the videos into the gesture category and we're going to drag the streams into the gesture category as well we're actually going to create one more category this one is going to be the mods category and I'll show you guys how to set up the permissions for this a little later in the video for now we're going to create the category and we're going to drag the mods channel in here this is basically going to be a channel for your moderators to chat privately where your regular members aren't able to see in Access we're going to reorganize the structure of the categories a little bit now that you have your channels in the categories you can drag everything at once we're going to take the welcome category and put it up at the top we're going to take the voice category and drop it down here to the bottom we'll have the text channels in the middle and then my gesture for all my content right underneath that now towards the end of the video I'm going to show you guys how to add some cool Flair to your channels like you see in the screenshots popping up now but I want to get everything else handled first and then we'll touch on that towards the end of the video so now let's jump into the rolls the first thing we're going to do is come up here to the top left we're going to click the drop down arrow and we're going to go to our server settings now you're going to see a lot of stuff in here unfortunately I'm not going to be able to touch on every single thing because that would be a two hour long video I have a lot of videos on my channel that cover pretty much everything related to Discord so if you guys want to see some of this other stuff check out some of my other content you can probably find it in there so like I said rolls on the left side you're going to see the rows tab right there all you have to do is click on it and for now you're not going to have any roles what we're going to do is go ahead and create a few so we're going to click create role after you click like that you're going to get a bunch of information displayed on your screen what we're simply going to do is change the role name we're going to name this one member this is going to be a basic member row that we're going to give users when they join Underneath Your Role name you can set up a roll color so you can either choose between some of these preset colors or you can come into custom color and really kind of fine tune exactly what color you want to be so we'll just go with a nice uh turquoise color there we'll save the changes it's something you want to make sure you do on every row that you create is you want to check this box that says display roll members separately from online members when you check that make sure you save changes and just to show you guys what that's going to do if you go back to the home page of your server on the right side you're going to see right now I'm just listed under online now if I come in here and I give myself the member roll that I just created it's going to change the color of my name to the color of the roll and then also it's going to change me from just being under online to actually being under the member roll this is going to be a really helpful feature as you grow your server if you look at my server for example it kind of organizes the hierarchy of your server and how everything's laid out so at the top we have me the owner underneath that we have the Bots organized and their their own role underneath that we have my admins my mods my twitch Subs so on and so forth just to show you what happens if you don't have that checked if we come back into our roles here we go to edit the role we turn that setting off we save changes we come back I'm now I'm still going to have the color of the Roll But I'm just going to be listed under the online members again so if that's something you want if you just want to have online members and you don't want to have it organized like that you can keep it off but I never recommend that I like to have it organized so you want to make sure you check this box on all the roles that you create so now we're just going to create a couple more rolls we're not going to do too many we're going to do a moderator roll we're going to give that a purple color we're going to display it separately save our changes and then lastly we're going to create a admin role if I could set the type that right uh we'll give it a red color we'll display it separately so save changes and then after you save your changes what you're going to want to do is drag your moderator roll above your members and make sure your admin role is at the top what this on your left is called is your role hierarchy you want to put your most important roles towards the top and then your less important row is towards the bottom since member is just going to be a basic role for basic members they're going to be towards the bottom and our more important roles are going to be at the top so you can decipher who's important and who's not not to say that any of you guys are important but you get what I'm trying to say so now we've got some basic rules set up if you want to create some more go ahead and take some time to do so I'm only going to create these three so it doesn't drag the video on now that we have the rows created what we're going to do is jump into the permissions so firstly for our admin role we're going to click on permissions and you're going to see there's a ton of different permissions that you can enable and disable so for the admin role the way I set this one up as far as the permissions go is I give my admins access to everything in the server the only thing that they can't do is delete the server so if you set Yours up this way please be sure that you only give this role to people that you absolutely trust because they like I said they can literally do everything that you can do as the owner besides delete the server so if you want to set it up that way instead of going through and just checking every single box for the admin role all you have to do is scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll notice down here at the bottom you have an advanced permission called administrator if you read it it'll say that members with this permission have every permission and will also bypass all Channel specific permissions or restrictions and it even warns you that this is a dangerous permission to Grant so like I said if you do this be sure you only give this role to people that you absolutely trust but for this video we're going to go ahead and turn that on and we're going to save changes so you don't have to worry about going through and setting up any more permissions for the admin role now we're going to jump into the moderator roll the way I like to set up moderators is I want they want to be more of a server upkeep role so they can do things like delete messages time out users but they're not going to have full access over the server that's why I over in my server the mods are named internet janitors because that's basically what they are they're cleaning up the server so so for this we're actually going to go through and specifically set permissions so the first thing we're going to check is manage nicknames this is going to allow your mods to change the nickname of other users in your server in case they set something really inappropriate we're also going to check kick members band members and timeout members we'll also let them manage messages this allows them to delete messages or pin messages and will also enable manage threads I think that's all we need to do all right there's a couple more we're going to let the mute members deaf and members and move members this is going to let them if there's someone being really toxic in a voice chat this is going to let them kind of shut that person up they can mute the member in the voice chat to where they can't talk anymore now that we have all that set up we're going to save our changes and that's all we're going to do as far as the role permissions for now next up we're going to jump into our Channel permissions and there's actually a really cool way I'm going to show you how to do this it's actually going to save you a good bit of time so first let's talk about the goal of these permissions and what we're trying to do with them so let's look at our gesture category for example the goal of this category is for me to be able to share my videos and share my my streams in an organized fashion without people coming in and cluttering it up with random chat messages but we want people to still be able to see the content in the channels now to edit permissions for a channel there's two ways you can do it you can do it individually by clicking the cogwheel right here or right clicking on the channel and going to edit Channel and then going into permissions but an easier way to do it is if you have everything organized by category so for example I want the videos I want everything in this category to be synced up the same to where people can't message in it but they can only view it you can actually right click on the category and go to edit category and you'll notice you have a permissions tab there so you can actually edit the permissions for that entire category so every channel in that category will sync up with the permissions for that category I don't think I've ever said category that many times in a matter of 20 seconds but here we are anyways so this is if you want to do it individually Channel by Channel you can but just know it's going to take you a little bit of time and doing it this way kind of future proofs your server so in the future if I want to add add in two extra channels to the gesture category I don't have to add in permissions for them all I have to do is create the channel in that category and it's going to automatically have the permissions that I set up already now obviously if you want to set up your channel permissions a little bit different based on what type of server you're making you'll want to go through these and look at them and maybe choose what you want to do differently but for me I just want people to be able to see the channels but not be able to post in them so what we're going to do is click the green check box on view channels and we're going to X the Red X on send messages and that's literally it you click save changes and just like that you're absolutely done and you'll notice if I come in here to uh if I go to the individual Channel and I click edit Channel and I look at permissions it will now have the permissions that I set up for that channel if I go into this one as well they will both be the same way and you'll notice at the top it says permission synced with category gesture so we're also going to do the same thing up here to the welcome category because we don't want people to be able to message these this is for us to share important information as well so we're going gonna check the green and X the red on send messages and since we don't have any special roles since this isn't like a subscription-based server like a locked server you really don't even have to check the green box on view channels I'm just doing it just to do it you only have to do that if you're setting up a server like with a verification system or a subscription-based server or whatever the case may be now again just like in math class you can go back and check your work if we look at the welcome Channel permissions boom just like that synced with category and obviously the other ones are going to look just the same now last thing for channel permissions for this server in particular we want to set up our moderator channel to where only our mods can see it so we're again going to right click on the category and go to edit category permissions we're going to make it where at everyone cannot view the channels and then we're going to make it to where the moderators can view the channels and we're just going to click save changes and just like that you'll see up here at the top who can access this channel only admins and moderators and then myself since I'm owner you'll notice now the mod channel has a tiny little lock symbol in the corner of it that means that at everyone which is basically anyone without a role they cannot go and see that channel only a specific only people with a specific role can be able to see that channel in this case the moderator roll so I think that's a really good overview of how to set up your permissions for channels and categories next up what we're going to do is actually go ahead and set this up as a community server which is going to give us access to a lot of new features to do this we're going to go into our server settings at the top left and you're going to notice down here under the Community tab we have an enable Community button now like this says right here if this server is just for you and a couple friends you really don't have to worry about going in and setting this up but for us since I'm setting this up as a community server for my YouTube channel I'm going to want to set this up to get access to these extra features and even get access to server Discovery and much more so all we're going to do is Click get started we're going to where you're going to have to check all these boxes you're going to check that it requires a verified email to join the server scan a media content from all members you click next now it's going to ask you what is your rules Channel and what is your community updates channel so the rules Channel we already have one set up so we're going to click rules Community updates Channel this is where Discord will send relevant updates for Community admins and moderators so this needs to be your moderator or your admin channel so we have one of those set up already so we're going to click the mods Channel and we're going to click next and the last thing it's going to tell you and this is why I do recommend turning this on pretty much for everyone it's going to go ahead and disable the ability for anyone in the server to add everyone in at here which basically sends out a ping to everyone in the server it's also going to set the default notification settings to mentions only which means users aren't going to get a notification for every single message which could obviously be extremely annoying they're only going to get notifications if they're specifically mentioned so all we're going to do is Click I agree and understand and we're going to finish setup and you're going to notice right off the bat you're going to get about five new tabs of extra features that you're going to get in your server so just to go over a few of them I'm not going to touch on every single one of these again because of time constraints but we're going to go over a brief overview of everything the first tab you're going to have in our community is the overview tab which is basically going to show you kind of what we just set up if you want to change your rules or guidelines channels ever your community updates Channel you can add in a brief description about your server and you can even uh it'll give you a little pop-up of things you can do now that you're a community server for example the welcome screen so if we come down here to the welcome screen category basically what this is is it's a nice little pop-up that users will get upon joining your server where you can kind of recommend them things that channels that you want them to check out first so if we go ahead and set this up we can pick a channel that we want users to be able to view right away we can say rules for example what do people do in this channel be sure to check out the Rules of This Server all right we'll do it to read read over the server rules and we can also add an emoji so for example we can just do this pencil and paper we can save and then we can now go and add in some more channels so we'll do a couple more just for example we'll do our videos channel and say check out my most recent videos and for the Emoji it will give it a little movie clip Emoji um yeah this one works right there save and we'll add in one more uh we're gonna do the introductions Channel and we'll say introduce yourself to the community and we'll pick another Emoji uh for example for this one we can just do the wave Emoji save you can also add in a brief description up here to say be sure you subscribe to the channel so now we can preview this and this is what it's going to look like when people join your server whenever they join they're first going to be immediately greeted with this nice little welcome screen where they can click any of these and go immediately to the channel or they can click this to just get the pop-up to go away and freely browse whatever channels they want so if you like how it looks all you have to do is Click enable and now you're welcome screen set up now for being a community server there are some other cool features you'll get access to but you won't get them right away for example the discovery tab basically what this does is it puts your server on the server server Discovery page where users can kind of organically find your server and you can try to grow your server organically through Discord now you'll see down here at the bottom obviously as a brand new server we're not going to meet any of these requirements like a thousand members and the server needs to be at least eight weeks old and you'll also have access to the partner program which again you have to meet certain requirements for and then lastly you also have server insights which is basically just going to be a bunch of analytics about your server cool so now we've got our server created we've got our Channel set up we've got our roles set up we've got our permission set on our channels and we've also got our server set up as a community server and you're going to notice also after you set up your server as a community you're going to have this new events tab up here where you can publicly create events for your server members to be able to join in on as pretty self-explanatory on how to set these up I'm not going to go into it because that's not what this video is for it's just to show you how to get your server set up so there's a couple more things we're going to do we're going to add in some cool Flair to these channels like I told you guys about and then lastly we're going to set up a few bots in the server just to get some basic uh bot features going to show you what that looks like but before we get into all that I want to give a quick shout out to the amazing sponsor today's video wow flop is a platform that allows internet entrepreneurs the ability to monetize their Discord communities with WAP you're able to set up your own storefront where you can sell multiple different levels of access to any of your Discord servers your store will then be listed on their Community Marketplace where you can grow your server organically and users can leave reviews on their experience with you check out WAP today via the link at the top of the description and if you want to learn more feel free to check out my full length video going over everything with WAP that I'll also have down below for you thank you again to and now let's get back to the video okay so like I mentioned I want to show you guys how to add a little bit of flair to the server so what we're going to do if you guys don't want to do this feel free to skip past I'll have everything um time stamp down below for you so you can easily skip through the video if you don't want to see this but if you want to check this out basically we're going to set your server up to look something like what I showed you on the screen earlier in the video and right now we're going to add a little bit of flair and pop to it with some emojis and some symbols so I'm gonna have this website linked down in the description for you guys where basically it's just a ton and ton of different symbols that you can copy and paste and then directly put into your channel names one of the most popular symbols you guys are going to see in servers is this vertical bar symbol basically it allows you to be able to use an emoji and then give you a little bit of spacing before your channel name as well it just looks really clean I'm actually not going to be using the vertical line the one I'm going to be using is this bullet point that I have from my server and I'll also have this symbol linked down in the description if you guys want it because I don't believe it's on this website anymore so we're going to come back to our tutorial server and what we're going to do now that we have this symbol right here already copied and pasted all we're going to do is we're going to go into each Channel and we're going to edit the channel and we're going to add in an emoji and then we're going to add in the symbol and it's going to look really clean so if you guys don't know if you're on a Windows keyboard or a Windows computer you can hold down the windows key and press the period key and it'll pop up the Emoji an emoji keyboard for you and all you have to do is type in an emoji you want so let's just do the wave Emoji for the welcome channel so we now have the Emoji in there and then we're going to paste the symbol I'm going to click save changes and you're going to see that looks really it adds a little bit of color to it so it adds a little bit of pop and then it's really clean having that symbol in there just to show you guys what this will look like without the symbol if we just do uh for rules let's just do the paper emoji and then say and then do a space and save and then we can do one without the space so updates let's come in here and do the megaphone and then click save obviously you guys can see right here out of the three which looks better the one without the space the one with the space which is going to do that dash symbol that Discord does or the one one with the symbol that gives you cool natural spacing and doesn't have any dashes in it I think all of us can agree that the first one is going to look the best so that's all we're going to do is we're going to go through all of our channels and just add in a little emoji and then add in that symbol to give it a really nice clean and professional look I'm gonna go ahead and do go through and do that for all my channels if you guys want to pause and do the same and then we'll pick back up once I have all that done all right so now that that's done we have all of our channels set up with Emojis and the cool symbol and I think it looks really clean and professional so the last thing we want to do is we're going to like I said we're going to set up a bot in the server to give us some basic bot features and let you guys see what that looks like now in previous years I've always recommended the me six spot because it's really easy to get into and it's the most popular bot on Discord but I'm going to change it up for this tutorial and I'm actually going to show you guys a different bot called libertas now I actually did a video about this bot a few months back so if you guys watch my channel a lot you might have already seen me cover the spot but I think they offer a lot of what me six offers and if you want to pay for the premium they don't charge an arm and a leg for the premium and you guys are actually going to see there's a really cool way you guys can get free premium with a referral code that I'm going to give you guys that you can put in if you use the spot so I'll have the link down in the description but the website is all you're going to do is go there and it's probably going to ask you to sign in with this quit at first I'm already signed in so I don't have to worry about that after you sign in you'll get brought to the selector server screen where you can find and select your server that you want to use you guys might not see as many servers as I do because I'm an admin in a lot of servers but we're going to find the server that I'm setting up the YouTube tutorial and we're going to add libertas to the server you're going to get greeted with this pop-up and basically the server it's going to let you change the server if you want but it should already be inputted down there click continue we're going to give it access to all these features and we're going to click authorize you're gonna have to verify that you're a human and then after you do that what's really cool about this spot like I mentioned is they have a affiliate referral program where you can basically input a code if your friend referred you and you can get 15 days of Premium for free in your server if you guys want to do this then simply click yes and I will have you can copy and paste the number I'll also have this number down in the description now I do want to mention I'm not getting paid for this at all this isn't a paid promotion or anything this is just a way to give you guys free premium in your server so if you want to take advantage of that you can copy and paste this down in the from down the description click submit and after you do that you're immediately going to be taken into the bot dashboard where you can configure all the settings now with how long this video is already getting I'm not going to cover every one of these features if you guys want to see every one of these features in action I'll have the video I did with the spot down in the description for you guys to look at an in-depth review of it but for now I'm just going to get you guys quickly set up with a couple things so for example the embeds this is a really helpful thing for you to display your rules in a really clean and professional way so if we come into the embed feature what we're going to do is we're going to add a new embed we're going to choose the channel that we want to add it in in this case we're going to set up an embedded message for our rules if you guys want to copy and paste these rules um it's just a basic rule set you guys are welcome to do so you can even join my server and if you guys just want to copy and paste my rules you're more than welcome to do so so we're going to give a name to this embed this is just going to be our rules and we're going to make sure we click check the embed box and now we're going to be able to actually set up the embed so what we're going to do is the title field we're going to set up server rules and then we can add in our actual text so I already copied the rules so I'm just going to paste these in right here and you'll get a live preview over here on the right of what it's going to look like you can change the color of the embed if you want so we'll do a nice little green color then some of this really cool about this bot is you can actually add in a hyperlinked buttons to your embedded message so for example what we could do with this is we can add in our social media links so if we click add new button we can name the button YouTube and we can type in a URL we can basically just type in my YouTube url gesture and then we can also add in and since I'm showing a stream channel in my server we can add in my twitch Channel um if I could type slash gesture so now we'll have two hyperlink buttons if we click confirm this will then save our embed right there and if we go look in our server in the rules Channel we'll notice that the bot has now sent the channel the message into this Channel and it has two hyperlink buttons at the bottom that if we click it'll say this will take you to gesture and just like that it takes us immediately to my channel so I think that's a really cool way for you to be able to link up some of your social media accounts or whatever you might want to link up to an embed message it's really cool so that's how you set up the embedded messages with libertas and there's a lot of other stuff they offer so make sure you take your time look through all of these like if you want to set up button rolls which are also known as reaction rows you can set those up there you can create custom commands you can set up a verification system any of this stuff you can do and I like I said if you guys want to learn how to do any of this I'll try to link as much as I can down the description so you guys can easily go down there look at what you need for example if you want to know how to set up button rolls I'll link a video for that if you want to set up this I have videos on all this stuff so I'll do my best to link that up for you but the last thing we're going to do is we're going to set up some Auto moderation with discord's new Auto mod feature so if we come into our server and we come to the top left and go to our server settings you will find over here on the left side you have under the moderation tab you have the Auto mod feature basically we can set this up to block spam content commonly flagged words or we can set up custom words so what we're going to do is block mention spam is automatically going to be set up because I believe we set up as a community server we want to commonly flag words so if we click setup we can if you want to block out severe profanity you can do that insults and Slayers or sexual content you can block out all of this stuff and then under that you can choose a response which is going to allow you to do you want to block the message or do you want to block the message and send an alert of the message that was blocked after you set it up to your liking you click save changes and then you'll now notice you have a check mark on the commonly flagged words if you want to set up the other ones like the spam content we can also set that up if the message is suspected of being spam you can just click save changes after you set it up how you like and it's really cool and this is actually a really nice feature usually you had to use a bot to have some type of Auto mod protection but now Discord has actually introduced it themselves which is really cool and I think that's the end of the video um hopefully I don't know how long this is going to come out I think the total recording time is like 45 minutes so I really hope it doesn't come out to being 45 minutes there's a lot of dead air that I can trim out like when I was setting up my channels and stuff or whatever but that's the video that's how to set up a Discord server in 2023 hopefully I did a good job I feel like I may have rushed through a few parts um I just wanted to make sure I covered everything without dragging on the video to an hour long so if you guys have any questions please drop them in the comments below or if you want to join my server in my server I actually have a channel dedicated to helping people with Discord so feel free to jump in my server the link is in the description and you can ask me any questions that you want I usually check this Channel at least two or three times a day you guys are welcome to come ask me anything and everything and if you have a more complex server that you want set up something that you're not sure you're able to do yourself again you can check out my Fiverr store and I'd be more than happy to help you set up whatever you're trying to set up thank you guys so much for taking the time for watching this video and hopefully it helped you set up your first Discord server I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next one peace
Channel: Gehsture
Views: 207,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z8ND1XcUomU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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