Car emergency kit - MUST HAVE SUPPLIES!

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yeah as welcome back to the channel I get a lot of questions about what type of emergency gear do I keep in my car what type of car kit do I keep just so you guys know this is a 2020 toyota 4runner TRD pro pretty reliable car that doesn't really mean anything it doesn't prevent flats it doesn't prevent emergencies from happening so I just want to show you the back of the car I got two things right now in the back of the car that are always with me no matter where I go sometimes I have a lot more but right now it's these two main items actually three no there is one other item hiding back there which I will show you the first is this tool kit which is not really just a tool kit there's a lot of stuff in this toolbox and we're gonna open it up and dive into everything in this video the second item in the back of the car and I know I've said this before but I am a New York State emergency medical technician I do keep a lot of medical and rescue gear in the car so that jump bag will be for a later video and the third item that's kind of hiding back here not the umbrella but it's this giant breaker bar let's go ahead and grab it so you can see just how big this is this breaker bar is bigger than the entire toolbox reason for the breaker bar you get a flat tire you don't want to sit there with some flimsy tire iron especially in a truck like this you want to be able to take that breaker bar and break these lug nuts off right away get get the get the spare on and get out of there so without further ado we're gonna take a quick break and when we come back we're going to be inside in the studio and we're gonna go through this toolbox and see everything that is in here why it's in here and you know maybe it's line that will help you guys alright see you in a second we're in the studio now which is really my table I've got a towel here to kind of protect the surface from all the items in this emergency vehicle kit we're gonna go through it one at a time I want to start out by saying this is clearly a hard shell toolbox a lot of people say well why don't you carry the backpack in the vehicle and keep the emergency stuff in the backpack that way if you break down you could load it up and go I think as I got to be honest if I break down I've got to head out on foot I'm not carrying half the stuff that's in here these items or to keep me able to fix my car and and survive in the car I've got to head out on foot I'm not carrying a backpack filled with tools it's not really gonna do me any good plus I like the fact that this is a hard case it limits the space that I have it limits what I put in here so I don't fill it with too much garbage because let's be honest most of the time in our survival kids in the car in our bug out bags and anything else we fill it with lots of stuff that we just don't need so with that being said I got this toolbox on sale at Home Depot I think I paid 20 bucks solid toolbox it's made by husky it's actually traveled with me through multiple vehicles so I mean it's worked out through the years I've had no issues all right let's take a look let's dig into it we've got two compartments on the top here so if I flip this first compartment up what I have here is a portable am/fm radio this is nothing great I think I paid about maybe 10 or 15 bucks on Amazon but this radio is very valuable because if I'm stuck maybe the battery of my car has died maybe I need to hear the weather forecast I want to know if a storm is coming maybe there was some significant event that caused me to become stuck I want to I want to be able to know what's going on and this radio allows me to kind of keep in touch with the outside world also here in the top compartment I've got a couple of hand warmers you never know when you're gonna need this maybe it's the wintertime you break down you've got a head out on foot you've got a flat tire you've got to get out there in the snow and change a tire you've got to do something outside of the vehicle hand warmers are always a good thing to have we're gonna move over here to the other side the other upper compartment these are items that I need to just grab quickly I need to grab the radio I need to grab the hand warmers on this side we've got an emergency poncho I've got two of these this might be useful maybe there's a rain storm and I've got to exit the vehicle maybe I just need this in general maybe my car didn't break down and I'm just going somewhere and I don't have an umbrella these are great you can also use this to make a shelter if you need to so I keep to emergency ponchos in the top I've actually had to use these before also up here in the top case I've got a couple of sharpies you never know you've got a hat your vehicle's broken down you're unable to fix it safety reasons or whatever you need to head out on foot you need to leave a note for someone I've got two sharpies I could write on the window if I need to these are great to have in an emergency I can just leave a note somewhere or you know communicate with somebody via writing all right before we get into the main compartment here there's a little place here for a lock I don't need to lock this it's already in my car but I did put a carabiner here which is great because it gives me an extra carabiner which you could do a million things with you could hang things from this you could tie a rope to it you could throw it over a tree branch endless endless amounts of things you can do with the carabiner so I keep that on here it also kind of makes sure that this stays closed should the latches you know spring open for whatever reason right I hope you guys can see this on camera I'm gonna take these items out one at a time this toolbox which is another thing I really like about it it comes with a lift out tray so I'm gonna lift the tray out I'm gonna put it here I'm gonna take all these items out we're going to talk about them and then we're gonna get to the the main contents of the box here I keep an umbrella you never know when you need an umbrella I can't tell you how many times this umbrella has come in handy when I've been out on the road and I forgot my normal everyday carry umbrella if it's raining in here we've also got an emergency blanket again you don't know when you might have to camp out in your car maybe there's a catastrophic problem maybe your car got for a big coat on fire and and you could just grab this tool kit you're able to grab this and run you couldn't extinguish the fire you're stuck in the middle of nowhere you never know when you're gonna need a blanket oh so I always keep this in the car as well these are a couple of plastic valve caps for your tire maybe you lost one of them and you need to replace it I keep a crescent wrench in here this is personally coming handy a million times for me and you know I just want to back up for a second and say most of the stuff in here while it is for the car you know if you're on vacation if you're going on a road trip and you're staying in a cabin somewhere you're at a hotel or a motel or camping or whatever having these tools in your car allows you to have these tools wherever you are when you're away from home if you're in a hotel if your upstate if you're at a cabin in Vermont and maybe there's some small thing that breaks down maybe the faucets leaking maybe you know a bolt is loose on some piece of furniture you don't know having these tools allows you to just kind of make your life a little bit easier you don't have to call anyone you don't have to go anywhere just go out to your car you get these tools and they're with you at all the time so crescent wrench great thing to have I've also got a screwdriver here this is a all-in-one screwdriver so it's got Phillips flathead on a large size and a smaller Phillips in a flathead you can reverse it you can also just take this out and use this on a lot of screws so this is great this is invaluable I've personally used this many times when I've been away I carry my bicycle with me when I go on road trips and I go places and I've used that to kind of tune up the bike box cutter you never know when you're gonna need a box cutter you got to cut something you got to cut a piece of rope you got to cut a piece of paracord maybe you got to open a package you have no idea maybe you got to cut a seatbelt - really quick in an emergency you can't find your seatbelt cutter you're trying to rescue somebody else in their car you never know when you need a box cutter this could also be used in self-defense if you've got to head out maybe you're in a little bit of a dicey situation and you don't have anything else you can always use the box cutter for self-defense a roll of electrical tape because why not you have a leaking hose you have some wires that are frayed you know whatever you may need electrical tape always comes in handy again maybe not even in the vehicle maybe you're in this cabin in this hotel in this motel and a friend's house somewhere you need some electric tape why run out to the store when you've got it right here in your car maybe you can't even go to a store maybe it's a grid down scenario I keep a couple of more tools in here and a couple of pliers some wire cutters another smaller crescent wrench I picked these up I think I paid a couple of dollars but you know what they're invaluable to have in the car because when you do need it you're going to wish you had it tire gauge backup tire gauge you always want a tire gauge you're on the road you get a low-pressure light coming on is it a faulty sensor is it prom with your tire you don't know the cages are cheap they don't cost a lot of money I think I bought this one in autozone this might have cost me a dollar this is magnetic as you can see but with the low cost comes the fact that they could be faulty they could break so why not have to I paid a little bit more I think I paid about fifteen dollars for this one this is a good one but I like having to you also may lose one you never know in an emergency you take it out you're using it you're checking that tire you had a flat you got to put the spare on and you leave it behind then a couple of days later you have another problem oh crap you lost your tire gauge nope you have it back up so it's always good to have two of these this is a tool that came with the Leatherman that I had bought them and there's a little like a wrench on here it's got a bottle opener it's another carabiner again something small something valuable maybe you need to set up camp somewhere in you're gonna take this in the carabiner that was holding the lid shut and you're gonna string a line across and you're gonna make a shelter you don't know what you could use this for but it's great to have it and it takes up no space next up our trusty can of wd-40 this is super awesome it's a penetrant it's a lubricant you've got a squeaking door hinge maybe again this hypothetical scenario you've gone on vacation it's a road trip you've driven somewhere there's something wrong with an item inside the hotel the house the cabin the campsite you never know why not have a can of wd-40 maybe your lock froze on somebody else's car or your car no idea I always got the wd-40 this so this is a size 21 this is a socket to fit the lug nuts of my vehicle the Toyota 4runner TRD pro and this is a half inch size which mates up nicely with the breaker bar in the back of my car that we saw earlier if I get a flat somewhere I am NOT around with that tire iron that came with the vehicle I'm taking out the heavy-duty breaker bar it's heavy-duty socket and I'm gonna have those lug nuts off very quickly because I'm not gonna waste time on the side of the road I want to get that tire change and I want to get out of there being on the side of the road is not safe you don't want to be there you want to get it done and get out next this is my backup Leatherman this is actually one of the original leather ones and I keep this in here as a backup I have in the main compartment of my vehicle but this is a backup one I don't use this this just lives in the tray because I know if I really need a Leatherman chances are the one that I keep in my car all the time I've used and I've left it somewhere so I want to know that I always have one I'm just gonna move this out of the way here and guys we haven't even touched the surface and look at all this material that is in this case just from the top compartment in the tray so you could see what I'm saying the toolbox layout is working pretty well I hope on the camera that that we can see all this stuff's on unfortunately I'm probably not gonna have room to lay everything out so I'll show it to you and then I kind of move it out of the way next up here it's a cable that I got a long long time ago and I had a Jeep Wrangler it was meant as kind of like a cheesy jump starter you plug it into the cigarette lighter of one car and plug it into the cigarette lighter of the other car you can kind of charge your battery do I really trust this no but would I try it in desperation absolutely why not I've got nothing to lose if I'm using this the battery's dead to begin with so I didn't want to throw it out I felt like I could find some use out of it so it's in the kit here reflective vest guys I've said this before in my other videos I'm a New York State emergency medical technician I have responded to hundreds if not thousands of calls for motor vehicle accidents through the years I have seen people die I have seen trucks sideswipe people that were standing on the side of Interstate 95 you don't want to be on the roadway and not seen I mean I literally saw somebody have their legs severed you want to wear a reflective vest if you're out there on the road for any reason you got to exit your car and step onto a interstate a highway a roadway you want to have a vest on you want to have safety you want people to see you being safe is more important than fixing the tire or any of these other issues trust me on that one kind of going with the reflective vest some road flares I constantly have to restock these I use these road flares all the time not just for myself because I don't really break down a lot knock on wood but I go out and I rescue a lot of people I got friends that call me all the time and say hey man my car I got a flat I got stuck I got this I got that so I'm always going out there to help others if they need help and the first thing I do I'd on the reflective vest I light a couple of road flares I strategically placed them and then I'd try to help them but look at this 599 is your life worth 599 it's certainly worth more than that by a couple of packs of these road flares I always keep six with me unless I've used them and then I try to replace them right away alright moving on into the kit here it's a little pouch that I just kind of keep in here and in this pouch again keep some more sharpie some pens another mag light I did a quick review on this mag light in my EDC carry dump this is a great light it's to uh to triple A's I've actually had this in this patch for probably about six or seven years now these batteries still work great it's a really high-quality mag light I really recommend it I also keep a little fire starter kit in here this is waterproof it's got waterproof matches I've got some tinder in there and another striker I should I need it the other thing I keep in this kit and I'm gonna tell you guys you really should think about doing this so keep some extra cash in this kit so it's always in the car it's in a kind of inconvenient spot so I don't use it on everyday right if I'm going to a drive-thru and I'm getting some lunch or some food and I don't have money it's very inconvenient for me to get out of the car and go all the way to the trunk and take this whole kit apart but that's the purpose I don't want to spend this money I'm keeping some cash in here in case I really need money I'm broken down I'm somewhere in the middle of nowhere and you know what cash talks I can't hand somebody a credit card in the middle of the nowhere they're not gonna they're not gonna care so it's good to have some cash also you might be driving god forbid there's a grid down scenario you're in the summertime power grid goes down maybe it's the heat maybe it's a hurricane a tornado terrorist attack you have no idea but you want to be able to use that cash immediately to get some items what do we have next we've got some safety goggles believe it or not many years ago in the Bronx when I was working on an ambulance somebody went to jumpstart at the battery we were stuck at a hospital my partner went to jumpstart it boom the whole battery blew up my partner got badly injured we were already at a hospital so they were able to treat him but I'm telling you when you're jump-starting a car put those safety glasses on those batteries they build up sulfuric acid it starts to get into the fear you hook up that terminal run you cause a spark before you know it you're gonna have an explosion trust me I saw it I will never forget it safety glasses all the time some zip ties various sizes these are great you got a leaking hose clamp maybe there's some wire that's dangling maybe your bumpers falling off maybe your hubcap is falling off who knows but I'm telling you these are gonna save you I used to have an old diesel Mercedes many years ago I was driving and I heard this bang and I all the scraping basically what happened was an old diesel Mercedes there's this giant rubber ring that kind of holds the exhaust system to the frame of the car it acts as a buffer well over the years that rubber rotted and just fell apart I was able to use some zip ties fix it right on the side of the road and I was good to go those are very useful right here we've got a weatherproof adult poncho I know we've already got two Poncho's there this isn't even nicer one again you never know you're in a hurricane you're in a storm situation you're driving it's a beautiful day out of nowhere a storm approaches that's some valuable stuff to have jumper cables everybody should have jumper cables you see these are all nice and shiny and new I keep them that way intentionally for when I need them I usually keep a crappy pair in the car in case I got to stop and help somebody else but I want to know at all times that I have jumper cables from my car these will not be opened unless they're for use on my car anybody else will use the extra ones because you know when you use jumper cables you don't get them back you forget them I'll give them back to you later you never see them again when you need them so this is always from my car an air horn this is great you may need to signal for help you might be somewhere where your vehicle's dead you're stranded or maybe it's a self defense scenario and you need to scare someone an animal who knows this is great to have a small portable boating air horn in your car paracord again I hate to sound cliche because why not everybody needs power cord everybody uses this stuff it's great you got to tie something down to the roof rack you got to tie the trunk open who knows but power cord is great pardon me the box is starting to fall a little bit here gloves you're changing that tire you're working on the car you're fixing that bumper you're fixing that exhaust system you're on the side of the road it's dirty you don't want to get cut you don't want to become injured keep the pair of gloves on you these are from Home Depot I think I paid a couple of bucks but they're really strong they've got a rubber backing here they're not cut proof but you know what I would use these any day of the week over my bare hands all right we've got two more items left in the box this kit right here from smittybilt what could this be good question let me tell you this is actually a tire repair kit so guys for those of you that don't know I do a lot of camping I do off-roading I go into the woods I go places where help is not easily accessible if I get a flat tire sure I've got a spare if I get two flat tires I'm kind of in trouble so with this kit it comes with tire plugs it comes with valve stems it comes with the tools to insert tire plugs rubber cement some pliers patches a knife everything I'm going to need to patch my own tire and if you don't know how to do it it comes with instructions as well this is my last resort if I get a flat on the side of the road I'm not getting out on Interstate 95 and patching my tire but if I'm up in the woods and God forbid I get a flat or somebody I'm with gets a flat and they don't have a spare and it's either fix it or you're stuck there for hours I'm gonna fix it so this is a relatively inexpensive kit I think I paid like 30 bucks for it but you know it in my opinion that's worth its weight in gold if you need it finally the last item in here and I'm going to close the lid so this box doesn't fall over I've got an air compressor this is made by a vac light I bought this on Amazon this is like 25 bucks I did my homework on it got all positive reviews this is not a fabulous professional air compressor here but what it is is it's a I'm gonna save you because you're stuck and you need air in your tire air compressor it's got a plastic piston so you know this is not like professional use right this is going to break down at some point and one of the reviews I read that the person had a good point they bought two one of them they tested they inflated their tire they have Airtours bicycle all sorts of stuff like volleyballs and everything worked out great but the person said the second one I'm gonna keep in my car and I'm not gonna test it I'm not gonna do anything I'm gonna leave it in there until I need it because if I only get one use out of it that's good enough for me and I'm kind of of that same mindset it's a pretty good compressor you set the pressure to what you want it to be and you turn it on and it fills up that tire that beach toy balloon volleyball basketball bike tire whatever you want it fills it up and then it turns off once it reaches that desired pressure it's got a super long cord like I said I paid about 20 bucks 25 bucks it's made by vac light vac life I'm sorry all right it's a jello so in case you see it on Amazon or if you would like the model number just let me know you know I'm happy to look it up and tell you but I think this is great I think this is great to have it's also got a built-in light and you know what I'm not gonna use it if I need this it's because my tire is out of there it's because I got a flat on the side of the road and my spare doesn't have there it's because I got an a on the tire and I'm far from home and it has a slow leak and now I need it because that leak has reached a critical point it's great to have I would recommend you guys have this as well one item that's missing from here and you would say Wow why did you not talk about first aid you're an EMT well the reason I didn't talk about first aid here is because I don't have a first aid kit in this bag I actually have an entire first aid jump bag in the car which we will get into in another video I do highly recommend you guys have a first aid kit I actually have a separate first-aid kit right here which was from another video it is not included in this kit again I do have a large jump bag in my car but this is the Maxpedition I think this is the Fatih organizer and I've kind of built a small first-aid kit here for when I go to the range with some basic trauma supplies gauzes tapes you know stuff that I might need god forbid an incident occurs no and I would definitely recommend you guys keep a first-aid kit in the car again I have a very large first-aid kit a jump bag in my vehicle and we'll do another review on that but if you are not an EMT if you're not comfortable with a larger medical kit definitely keep a small one I'll do a review on this as well on my channel that way you can kind of get some ideas in case you don't want a larger one so I hope this video has helped you guys please like and subscribe it really will do me a huge favor I'm trying to build the subscription based on the channel here and I'd like to know that you guys are watching that you like it alright have a great day
Channel: Tactical Prepper
Views: 17,443
Rating: 4.7534246 out of 5
Keywords: emergency, car, kit, vehicle, survival, tactical, edc, toyota, 4runner, trd pro, supplies, prepper, suv, truck, wilderness, camping
Id: 8qtx30nJnV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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