Armageddon Response Bag (Survival Kit for Life's Crises)

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I think its called "Survival Porn" :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/qsek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 29 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

That's not a BOB, that's an overnight bag/fanny pack.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/x-ryan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 29 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] it's such a beautiful day outside I thought I'd come out here and you know spend some time outside and while I'm doing that I thought I'd do a video for you guys showing you what I carry with me every day now a lot of people call these bags by different names some people call them bug out bags or get home bags or EDC bags I like to refer to mine is an Armageddon response bag is a tongue-in-cheek joke what it is is stuff I carry with me just about every day I would say it's on me 95% of the time except in the cases where it's illegal to carry it and even sometimes then I have it with me this is stuff to make your life suck less or enhance it in a good situation and really that's what I use all this gear for to make my life a little better in all life situations or make it a little easier now I want to show you guys what's in every pocket of this bag and everything I carry keep in mind that this bag has evolved a hundred different times over the years in fact in the three years I've done YouTube videos this bag has changed multiple times and become different bags it has changed 90% of the gear in one way or another and I've kind of got it down to a science what I like to carry stuff this efficient stuff that's lightweight and stuff that will last forever these tools will enhance your life when you're out and about if you need to use them you can rely on them and I've tested every bit of gear in here there's no bright and shiny thing in here save for one or two things that are one use items everything else has have been tried and tested and you know for the most part abused until I got it right so let me go ahead and show you guys what I got in the bag first of all let's talk about the bag itself this is a great bag this is by hazard 4 it's their plan B bag it's a narrow bag and I really like that feature of it when you put it on your bag it slings across like any other sling bag except you can see how narrow it is but the length is the same as most every other backpack when you put it on it just feels narrow on your back if you're walking in the bush or something like that like I like to do a lot I'll go hiking you're not going to get caught on branches and you're not going to get caught up on all sorts of things you could be getting into and for me that's really important also you notice the size of the bag a lot of people will have bags that are you know 100 pounds or you know 50 pounds or whatever and they're big and huge and hard to carry I don't like that I like to be fast I like to be sleek if I can't sprint in my bag I don't want it because if I ever need to go someplace I want to be able to take it with me but no problems whatsoever so that's something I really like keep in mind when I'm picking out packs and this one fits the bill for me all right let's talk about the outside of the bag they'll see this everly stock little gear thing here what this is really is just little pockets I can put my deer tags in my elk tags in my fishing license or some other type of paper or important stuff I need to keep with me I always carry it in this little thing it's just on some Molly someday that might get changed I'm not sure yet I've had this for at least a year and a half you can see it shows very little wear on it it was a great pack thing to have the next thing you'll notice is this bench made tool here made in the USA the OD green just like my bag when you open it up here is a cutting tool this thing is still razor sharp I've used it for a lot of different things I mean it's really a seat belt cutter but I've used it on game to zip them up and you know got them really easily it's fast and easy and really easy to keep up I'd only keep a light oil on it and it's lasted a long time also in here I keep a needle and this one is just a little sailing so needle you can use sew something up which I've had to do a few times it's great to have now let me flip it around here right here is a little solar light and see the solar there and I've used this a lot it's made by Swiss tech it's really easy to keep up I mean it's been abused pinging them on the outside of the pack you never have to replace the batteries it just works and for me I love that about it right here oh I got it open I forgot to add my done in here just so you guys know Glock 26 might as well get that out of the way I've got some Hornady ammo in it a holster I made out of hi Dexter gloves ago and I really like that too right here we've got some Ranger beads or pace beads whatever you want to call them anyone who's in the bushcraft or has been in the military probably has to use this at one point or another in their life right here I haven't had this one used yet this is a little light key fob light that goes on to know your jackets or whatever I still got the little Taggy in there I've used one this one I'm keepin version until I need to use it so that's like that let's just get this back pocket here since it was already open I wasn't messing around with one of my guns in the earlier I don't keep too much in here once in a while if I'm going someplace where I feel it's pretty dangerous that I'll take two clocks tick bags and those are 33 rounds of 9 millimeter so right here we've got a GPS this one is a Garmin 60 qsd see it's probably the best GPS in my opinion for outdoor use a lot of people will say it doesn't have a touchscreen for me that's more of a hindrance when you're out and about in the woods especially when it's cold like here in Montana if it's 20 below and you're out you know cross-country skiing you don't want to take your fingers out of the glove to press the buttons so you'll see that and you know you could hit Auto geotags when you take a picture which I love I've got you know all sorts of waypoints in here they know how to use just about every single feature on this GPS which for me is just a plus it works it's fast efficient battery lasts a long time and I've got spare batteries and stuff that I can use at any point that I need them so I'm gonna set that aside here the next thing you'll notice is I have a little ham radio set up yes I'm a ham radio operator we've had my license for a couple of months now and if those of you who want to talk to me I'm kg7 DPL up here in Montana so I love to hear from you I've also got the HF and VHF antenna attachment for this one I need it I love that G a Soviet 7r I mean for me it was all about having something that was indestructible and versatile for that and I'm always going into places that aren't so people friendly in the fact that there's a lot of mountains stuff a lot of you know things I could get into that are probably not too great for gear this one is completely submersible the battery lasts a long time it's easy to change out the battery when you need it and it's just a great tool I'll probably do a review on this later in the future as well as a GPS in fact anything on this bag you guys want to see it review just let me know I'd love to do something I'll zip that up man next thing we'll go to is this pocket right up here which is my first aid kit now I believe all first-aid kit should be tailored to your needs you're not gonna have a one one size fits all with them you might have certain medications you need to take or stuff that you might use more often than other people and that's how I approach the situation when I made mine so first we'll see quick lock right up top and I've had to use this stuff you know a lot of people have it not very many people have had to use it it really sucks in a bad way when you when you feel it it's good when you use it because it stops the bleeding but it gets so hot against your skin it just burns you never want to use it again when you have it but I recognize and even to carry it set that aside I've got some gas that's here anyone who's been backpacking or hiking and has had problems with their GI you do not want to have that situation again it's always good to have something like that we have some alcohol on a bottle here in this little now jean 2 ounce bottle I have little pill carrier this I use all the times believe it or not I've let advil in here of different types I've got some meclizine which is a dizzy pill some sudafed some prevacid aspirin some allergy pills and a few other pain pills in there it's great to have something like that Taylor chair needs I have some scissors here which have been used in to be used you can really see that great ones I'm not sure brand they are they were in a sewing kit I got a long time ago general neosporin this is just a triple antibiotic and it's just like the Walmart version of neosporin works great anyone who goes out into the backcountry knows you get cut all the time or know somebody that has I've got some birds bees wax this one has mango butter on it and you know I'm not really much of a lip balm but I do go out in the winter and it's a plus to have that kind of stuff with you next we've got some tweezers two different types these are the best think they're by lacrosse they're just you know above and beyond most tweezers when you grab something really small you can actually pull it and I've got slivers all the time and you know many little things I needed to use these for even for a tick pulling one of those off they were agree we've got some vicks vapor inhaler a lot of you guys would probably like to have this especially those of you with allergies like me when you put it to your nose and breathe in it really does clear the passages I usually keep a fresh bottle in here every time and change it out any time I have to use it so that's good to have got some fever nail clippers you can never have too many of these laying around your house or in your bag you know at one point or another you're going to need to use them I highly recommend carrying them and then we've got this little EDC pad it's in a waterproof little box here from Walmart doesn't cost very much but it does work great I don't think I'm going to take it all apart but I'll tell you what's in here first off you'll see you know little scalpels in there that are sterile we've got superglue got a little SteriPEN which are great for stopping blood I've got some of these nonstick you know compression bandages and gauze that you can use in a situation and some band-aids that's all that's really in there that's my first aid kit now let me go ahead and get to the next part here which is kind of like this general pocket so when I open it up I've got a bunch of random things in here one thing is a fishing kit this one I have all sorts of little things I use this all the time it has a seeker some lures some fake bait some hoaxes one of these ends two cloths you know stuff you might need when you're fishing I've got some spare rechargeable batteries user power X one of the higher ones they're great for doublea's some Kevlar thread and OD green I guess all of 50 yards of that I've got my titanium fire steel you know most of the time this is around my neck and you guys have seen a review on this made by oxo tack it's great gear expensive but for other reasons it's really cool have some more of those little towels and a water proof you know just medicine bottle these are great I forget what they're called probably like pill towels or something like that but basically you throw one of those in the water and you get something about the size of a washcloth with each little tab there and you can use it for just about anything right here I did this myself I got a gift they're called twisty ties there we go I laid it down on the table took a roll of duct tape put it around there and made a little spool of it I love to have the best duct tape none of that cheap stuff and you know comes in handy all the time this is great here to have I've got a little water filter straw here got a pen and a pencil I've got a wd-40 dispenser I guess wd-40 pens these are great for your knives and stuff or anything you just need a little lubrication on I've got a diamond rod here for sharpening I don't use it that often but I've used it before to touch-up stuff I'd rather use a stone but that does work speaking of stones this is from a long time ago k-bar Arkansas stone and Ivy's it to sharpen a lot of things I even still got the really old instructions in there pretty cool I've got stuff for my Leatherman just a little tools and bits and I've got one of these hot pads for gloves or your keys or whatever got a signal mirror and I've got some tin foil right there there are a few things missing from here I've moved into another pack one being one of those little magnifying Fresnel lenses you guys have seen those before I've done a video on them and you know not so long ago I did a review on them so let me go ahead open up the big pockets pocket I should say this bag does have straps to tighten stuff down which I enjoy a lot of times if I'm going fishing or something I'll throw my collapsible pole in here in this pocket or if I'm going up to the woods I'll put my pronounced Forest Brooks axe on the other side and I just have to loosen these again you can see even my bags beat up everything's been used nothing's been sitting here forever so when we open it up one reason I like this bag it's very you know compartment organized there's a way to separate everything I think first we'll start with the top of the bag right here and pull this back up I apologize for the noise I'm out here in the wind and you know at my house my backyard and as close to a street so I've got a little journal here all weather journal you know you can write stuff down in here will not be affected by the weather I've got a map of the mountains that most visit which are the Beartooth Mountains here in Montana in fact every summer you'll be probably really likely to run into me one or two times on some common trails if you've gone there I've got some little clothes pins here this is more or less my fire pit I don't think I'm gonna take everything out of here I've got another little fishing kit here I've got a fishing line here that's a cable or holding push down on the bank or doing whatever and it's covered by Ranger bands I've got some candles right here I've got some magnesium my favorite fire skills which are the light my fire fire state I've got another little fire starter here I'm a big believer in carrying more than one option for fire and then the rest is filled with flat fire switched I've done reviews on and done tests on you want to look them up and I've got some bobbers in here so we'll set that aside get to the inside pockets right up here those of you who are into going down nature should have a pair of these some Swarovski's these ones are an 8 by 8 by 20 s it basically has the clearest glass you can get I mean you stare into these it's like staring into something you wouldn't believe like you're right there now if you're lucky enough to get the larger pairs those are great to you but I mean you're talking to the $3,000 these ones were spending enough around 800 bucks so you're not going to get into these cheap but if you do get them you'll be able to hold onto them for life so let me set that aside and I'll do a review on those two I've got a towel here an MSR towel it's been used a probably should be washed and I carry with this with me when I go backpacking as well all the time I've got a Chaumont here no as far as the gear goes this is probably the one piece of gear I haven't had to use much I think I used it once for filtering water that was it I'll set that aside here we got a tarp this is just a I think a 10 by a tarp it's very cheap one but it does work I thought use it more on more than one occasion when I go fishing this one is one of those one used items I told you I you know haven't really opened except for one previous one to look at it's a sleeping bag towel or not towel a sleeping bag heat blanket there you go in here we've got my compass this is a Brunton and you know you can use this for just about anything this one you can use it as a kilometre in fact I'm really big in the navigation I know a lot about it I've taken so many classes on it and you know at one point I made my living at it so it's always great to have the best you can see it's I'm missing all the little pieces that's been used but it hasn't failed me great to have right here I've got a little titanium pot this one is by far go I believe I think it has a 40 milliliters or something in there big enough to make them see I've got a sponge in there too little expandable bags this one expands into a little backpack this one expands into a little carry bag and on the bottom I have a sham while we're cleaning it so I love that now let's get to the very bottom pack in effect this comes dividers you can separate them out any way you see fit this is the way I like it I've got some oatmeal here I carry with me you know everything I have can be used with the pot and the tools I have so anyway my favorite apples and cinnamon when it comes to at Mel's got some gum here orbit this one's a lemon line I've got honey most people don't realize but honey is like the the most multi heats item you can have as far as food goes in your pack it's pure energy when you take it it tastes great if you get a cut or a spray or something like that you can put it on top of your cut and it'll help you heal it'll help you with allergies if it's a local honey it's just you know the best item to have I think in fact I'll probably get a larger tube here and keep it with me this one's been great so far I've had to replace the honey maybe once and you know it gets used and throw it in your your food to make soap taste better but it always tastes great I've got some toasted bars in here these ones are my favorite you get these at Sam's Club it's just from their nutrition they taste good double chocolate yogurt peanut crunch you know that's what I like here another double chocolate crunch good food got some more gum in here some winter fresh I love having gum I've made some from X's this one has mangoes papaya and has bananas almonds and cashews I think that's what this one yelsin apricots I do have a dehydrator and made this a long time ago put it up here it's been in the bag since I got it haven't had to open this one yet but I know I like it this one the same thing this one's a when you can buy from Walmart I think that M&Ms almonds peanuts raisins you know basically Corp good stuff to have right here is a very important part of my bag I do have the pot to boil water if I need to but this is probably the one thing that I stress everyone have in their pack in some form or another it's more than just a straw belt or like that one we just saw this is a katadyn purifier that means it'll take out everything not just filter it it purifies it as a charcoal filter on the inside and ceramic whining I think I had an updated filter in it it's basically a squeeze bottle open it up use it when you need it and you know it's probably the most reliable I've got an extra straw for it you guys should look into this I think it's Canada in my purifier bottle or something like that they make five different types different colors this one's just my favorite color got the little elk here next to the tree 750 milliliters good to have clear pack lightweight and when you can't carry a big bowl filter that's the next best thing so let's get in here we got some titanium forks these have been used a lot in fact these who have been with me everywhere I've gone backpack in the last three years since I've had them you can see it's scraping off stuff but easy to clean I love titanium utensils and you know they're lightweight and strong can't be theft right here we've got some garlic powder and onion powder mixed and some salt and you can see it's time to change out myself put a little more in there it's always good to have that and I'm more than just about breakfast in my life breakfast like that old mill I believe in having meat and food this is rice what it does have stuff in there you can't see it has onion powder and garlic powder some stuff mixed up neither like dehydrated carrots dehydrated onions and dehydrated Tomatoes all in the middle of this it's just Minute Rice with all that stuff put in it I've replaced this once before used it out in the field when I needed it and it was great to have in my bag and I've got something homemade jerky here cut-up and freeze-dried and put in my pack this is just regular beef nothing special but it's great to have anyway guys it's basically everything I have in my pack you have any questions you know shoot me a message sorry for the long video but I have fun doing it I'm sure some of you did too my favorite videos are bug out bag videos or you know bag videos EDC bag or like I said Armageddon response bags like this they're great to have I love to watch them I love seeing other people's ideas so if you've done a video or you want to do a video leave a video response and I'll definitely watch it so leave me some comments guys and rate the video so I guess I'll talk to you guys later I just realized I forgot to show you guys a strap of the bag now there's three important things I usually have with me up here one being my little 22 Magnum pug a lot of times I set it between one of the little Molly pieces when I'm walking around it's easy to access it acts like an open-loop holster it just works or it's in my pocket another thing being is flashlight which I've done a review on it is a solar flashlight lasts a long time if you guys look at my old videos you'll see the review of this I call it my ultimate proper flashlight and you know it's just a great flashlight and that was just hooked up front here I've got to show you that and the most important thing I forgot to tell you and it's very embarrassing is a guy who loves cutlery is one of my custom knives I usually have on the front here and see to be hooked up here and as a carbon fiber Kydex sheath on the front it's just an 18 knife with my parting handles and it's milled out in the handle the store or some survival gear I've never done a review in one of my own knives but I might do it on this one you guys might like it maybe you guys would be interested in it anyway guys like I said rate comment subscribe talk to you guys later mm-hmm some fresh raspberries I don't know that are all over the place and black raspberries some cherries doesn't get any better than that
Channel: Legend'sJourney
Views: 1,402,884
Rating: 4.6956973 out of 5
Keywords: wrol, shtf, tactical, legend, legendsexy, bushcraft, survival, camping, hiking, fishing, backpacking, prepper, doomsday, ARB, bob, edc, armageddon response bag, gear
Id: cDVWMLgAvdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2013
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