CapCut Beginner’s Guide 2024: Learn EVERYTHING in 25 Minutes (PC/Mac)

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if you're looking for one of the best video editors in 2023 moving into 2024 capka is this video editor it's free to use is super beginner friendly and has a ton of different tools that you can use including AI tools and I'm going to go over all of it in today's video so by the end of watching this video you're going to be a pro at editing with cap cut and you're going to be ahead of most of the competition so with that being said let's dive into this tutorial and go over everything that you need to know about cap cut in 2023 this is what cap cut looks like when you first open it up so on cap cut you can insert footage audio and photos and to do that you simply click import and then have some sample footage here that I'm going to import so I'm going to press it and press import once the footage is inside of cap cut you see it over here on the left and up here in the top left you see that it says media so when you have that selected you'll see all of your media here including your footage audio and photos so this is basically home base for all of your assets capcode allows you to preview your footage by simply taking your cursor and dragging it over the footage and when you do that you can see in the middle there it's playing the footage it doesn't play any audio but it helps you in case you have lots of footage here you can simply just scroll through them and see which one you're looking for also it's kind of hard to see but in the top right it shows the duration of the video which can also help you recognize which footage is what now that we have our footage inside of cap cut let's go on to the next section now that we have our cap cut project set up I'm now going to give you an overview of the layout of cap cut along with going over the timeline which is one of the most important parts of the cap cut layout so the timeline is the big rectangle you see at the bottom here and it's the biggest section of capcut just because it's the most important part because this is where you're going to edit your video so to start we're going to take our footage and drag it down to the timeline and now just like we were able to do up here I can now drag through the footage and see it without audio the first thing you should know is how to zoom in and zoom out on the timeline I'm going to show directions on the screen of how to do it depending if you're editing on Windows or Mac but another option you can do is simply go over here to the top right of the timeline and you can press this zoom in button and it's going to zoom in on the footage now up here on the top you can see the time stamps so it starts at 0 seconds it goes to 2 seconds 4 6 8 so usually when I'm editing footage I'll have it where I can see around 30 seconds of footage because it gives me a good amount of space to work so let's talk about some of the tools that you have available for the timeline you're going to see the undo button and the redo button right here next to it is this button called split so for example if I click somewhere in the footage and I go over here to the split button it's going to split my footage in two just like this now is also a good time to show you how to layer footage on cap cup to layer footage you simply just drag it upwards and let go so now you have two different tracks playing and you should also know that the footage above is going to be the one that you're going to see so if I was to drag this footage on top of this footage beneath it what's playing right now on the preview in the middle here is the top footage and the bottom is hidden so that's just something to know when you really start editing you're probably going to have multiple tracks going you might have one for footage one for text one for photos which really helps to organize when you're editing also up here you're going to have the trash can which is simple if you click on it it's simply going to delete the footage that you're currently selecting and to bring the footage back I'm going to press the undo button and I have the footage back now there's some other tools next to it such as this one which is going to flip your footage so if I click on it it's going to flip it I can also rotate the footage and I can crop it so if I press the crop button it's going to pull up my footage and I can let's say for example I want to drag the top down press confirm and now deleted the top part of my footage while also centering the footage so there's an even amount of space on the bottom and the top and I'm just going to undo that next if you go over here to the right side you're going to see a microphone and this is called the record button so if you press on it you can actually record a voice over that you can use in cap cut so that can be super useful in case you don't want to go out of the app to record an overlay you can just do it while editing in cap cut now while I've been talking you've probably seen this white line right here and this is simply your selector so if I drag it down the timeline you can see that my footage at the top is going to start playing and this is just going to show you a preview of the footage that you're currently selecting now the last thing I'm going to show you on the timeline is these tools down here so in the bottom left there's a little eyeball and if you click on it it's going to Simply hide the footage if I click on it again it's going to make the footage appear again and you can also mute the footage if you'd like and unmute it so that's the basics of the timeline once you know all of that stuff you'll be ready to go for editing but now that we've gone over the timeline I'm just going to give you a quick overlay of cap cut so there's four main sections you're going to have this top left part which is basically the elements that you can add to your video so like I said this is the media section where you can add your own elements such as footage audio and photos and then capcut also provides audio to you you can add text it provides stickers and effects Transitions and you can also add filters and adjustments we'll get to the this stuff later in the video but basically this is all stuff that you can just add to the video here in the top middle is the player which is going to show your footage and so if I press the play button it's going to start playing my footage any edits you make down here in the timeline are going to show on the player over here you have the details tab which we'll get to later in the video because once I click on the footage it changes to this tab which is basically where you adjust the footage but like I said we're going to get to that later on in this video in the bottom here is the timeline so now that you have a solid overview of cap cut let's move on to the next section where we're going to start editing footage I'm first going to go over the video panel of cap cut which is one of the most important sections when editing your video including zooming in and out and changing the size of it and to get to it you simply click on your footage and you see this white outline appear around your footage so whatever you do in this video tab up here is going to apply to whatever is in the white outline and that includes video audio speed animation and adjustment and for now we're just going to focus on the this video Tab and beneath it you're going to have four sections called basic cutout mask and enhance now basic is probably the one you're going to spend most of your time on I'll also go over these three sections but I'll spend most of the time talking about basic the first thing you're going to see is called scale and this is just how much you're going to zoom in and zoom out on your footage so if I move it up it's going to zoom in on the footage and if I move it down it's going to zoom out on the footage you can use the sliding bar or you can also type in a number beneath that you're going to have position and rotate and for position you're going to have X and Y X is going to control left and right Y is going to control up and down so if I wanted to move my footage right I'd go over to the X and I would put in let's say 200 for example and if I wanted to move it up I can go to the Y and I can put in 200 also and now my footage is to the right and upwards you can also put in negative numbers so if I do -200 and -200 in the X and the Y then it's going to to be in the bottom left and to center it again you're just going to put zero for both the X and the Y you can also click and drag your video and that's also going to allow you to move the video and wherever you let go is going to update the X and the Y position beneath that you're going to have rotate so for example I could put 45° and it's going to rotate my video 45° pretty simple zero is just going to be your default and then beneath that is going to be your video alignment so if my video was off center so if it's like down here then I can Center it by pressing in the center button for the x coordinate and then center for the Y and now my footage is back in the middle so beneath that is going to be your opacity so if I decrease the opacity my video is going to be more seethrough and when it's at 100 it's going to be solid so nothing can be seen through it now beneath that I'm going to skip these because these are pro features for cap cut and I'm not going to go over them in this video but at the very bottom here we have another tool called canvas so canvas is basically the background of your video so if I was to make my video smaller the black color around it is actually the background so for the canvas I can click this arrow and I can click color and now I can change the color of my background so I can choose white for example and my background is now going to be white I could go back to black or I could change it to a red color and there's also other options you can choose such as blur style and brand backgrounds so if I went to blur and I choose one of these options the background is just going to be a blurred version of the video and you can also choose how blurred where you want it and to hide the background you can just make your video full screen again and I'm going to turn off canvas so that's how you can change the background of your cap cut video so that's it for the basic section of the video tab now let's move on to cutout cutout is going to have two main tools I'm going to tell you about and that includes chroma key and auto cutout chroma key is going to remove a color from footage so this is useful if you have footage with a green screen which I'll show you an example of so I just added to my cap cut project this subscrip describe animation and as you can see in the preview here it has a green background and in the video I'm not going to want that I just want the animation so I'm going to drag it onto my timeline and I'm going to select the footage and go over here to chroma key so to remove the green background I can simply select chroma key and then choose the Color Picker and choose the green color when I do that I can adjust the strength so I can increase it and also increase the Shadow and that's going to remove the green color so now the animation no longer has the green color so I'm going to get rid of the Subscribe element and now I'm going to talk about Auto cutout so Auto cutout is basically going to remove the background behind me since I'm not in front of a green screen I can't use chroma key so this is where you can use Auto cutout so I'm just going to choose a smaller section of this footage to show you an example with so I have my selector right here on the footage and I'm going to go up here to the split tool so now I have a smaller section of the footage so I select it and if I go over here to cutout and go down to Auto cutout I'm going to press it and up here you can see that it's applying Auto cutout and just like that there's no longer a background to the video so now I can add elements behind me and I can also change the background which means I can go back to the basic section and I can go back down to Canvas and I can select it again and go back to color and let's say I want it to be red and now I have a red background so that's a simple way of how you can use Auto cutout all right back to the normal footage so that is how cutout works next to cutout is called mask now for mask I figured it's going to be easier just to show you what it does instead of explaining it so if I choose Circle you're going to see that it's going to cut out a part of the footage that's a circle and I can expand it I can decrease it and I can also move it around and there's different shapes that you can use such as heart and star and that's just another tool that cap cut offers and then lastly you have enhance enhance is where you can change what you look like so cap cut is going to automatically detect your face so if I turn on this face category I can increase the smoothness of my face I can brighten my face so you can use that if you'd like and it's another tool that cap cut offers all right so that's it for the video tab we've gone over basic cutout mask and enhance now on to the next section of the video now that we know how to adjust our footage let's look at how we can change and adjust the audio along with speeding up or slowing down the video so to open up this tab like I showed you in the past we're going to Simply click on the footage in the next video is going to be audio and speed there's also animation and adjustment which I'm going to get to in a second but first audio so what I want to point out first here is in the timeline you're going to see beneath your footage are these little bars I'm going to zoom in more so you can see them better but right here I'm circling is the audio now the higher these bars are the louder the audio is so if I go over here to the audio section and I turn up the volume by just sliding the slider upwards you're going to see these bars increase and eventually turn orange now when the bars are orange that means the volume is loud and if I move the slider back down again you're going to see the orange bars disappear beneath the volume is fade in and Fade Out so fade in is going to affect the beginning audio of a section of footage so this section of footage which again is the white outline so the beginning of it right here if I turn up the Fate In to let's say 2 seconds which you can see 2 seconds right here it's kind of hard to see but the audio is now curving so it starts quiet and then it slowly gets louder I don't use it much for my voice over but when I use music I use it quite a bit and I'll get to music in a second but if I wanted to do Fade Out I could go to the end of the footage which is right here and turn up the fade out and now you can see the audio is curved downwards so as it nears the end of the footage it's going to get quieter and quieter you can check out these three tools beneath the volume and fade in and fade out but for now these are the ones that you should know so I'm going to show you a another example of fade in and fade out with music all right so next my footage here I have imported some music now music is going to be another layer of your timeline and it actually goes beneath your footage so when I drag the music to the timeline I'm going to place it beneath the footage and now you can see it here now as you can see it's currently louder than my voice because you can see the orange here which means that the volume is loud and up here the volume tab I can drag it downwards so it's going to get more quiet if I turn up the fade in you're going to see it better here where it's a curve and the music starts quiet and gets louder and louder now I can extend the fade in if I'd like by dragging it upwards and now you can see that the fade in is extended all right now that we've gone over the audio let's go to speed next speed is going to be very simple so if I drag the slider upwards let's say I bring it to two times speed well now my footage is just going to be twice as fast so I'm just going to mute the audio here and play the footage now and you can see that now it's two times speed you can also make it faster if you want it goes up to 100x speed I don't know why you would ever need that but hey if you want to do that you can do that and along with that you can actually also make the video slower and it goes down to 0.1 speed so if I was to play it my video is going to be obviously very slow you can barely see it changing right now it is playing but the speed is just so low that you can barely tell so that's the speed section you can use it if you wanted to do something like a time lapse that's where changing the speed would be useful and on to the next section of the video now one of the most popular things that capcut is known for is creating short form videos as it has a feature called autoc captions so in this next section I'm going to go over what autoc captions is and show you how you can add text to your cap cut video to access it you're just going to go up here to the text tab next to the media and when you click on it you're going to have multiple options this includes add text effects text template Auto captions and local captions so if you just simply wanted to add text to your video you're going to go up here to add text and just press the plus button and down here you can see in a new layer of the timeline and added text also what it did was it opened up this panel here similar to the video panel so this text box is where you can type new text so for example I can type hello and the text on screen is going to change here I can change the font so I have all these different fonts available I'm going to choose this first one and beneath that is the font size and you can change that here there's also a box around the text you can see here you can also change the size by pulling the corners now beneath the font size is style and here you have bold underline and metallic so just some ways that you can change how the text looks beneath that is color so you can change the color of your text here so I can make it this red color I can make it a yellow color I'm just going to leave it as white for now and here you have character so I can increase the space between the characters and decrease it and then I can also increase and decrease the line spacing so if I was to have two lines of text I could increase and decrease the line spacing between them and then also there's alignment beneath that so that's the basics of changing how your text looks but capka also offers preset Styles so for example I could choose this one where it's a blue text color in a black outline or I could choose this yellow one with a black outline and as I go down here you can tell there's a lot of different options for the text which I really like about cap cut because text can play a very big role in your video so down here you can change the position and also rotate it just like we could with the footage and then also opacity you can change and down here you have an option called stroke so stroke is the outline of the text so if I turn it off you're going to see this black outline go away so it's going to make the text easier to see you can also increase the thickness of it and decrease the thickness here you have an option to add a background to the text you can change the color of it opacity you can make the corners rounded you can change the height the width of it I'm not going to go over all of those but just know that you can add a background to the text and going down here you can actually add a glow to your text as well I think this would be easier to see if I turned off the stroke so if I was to increase the glow intensity you can see the glow around the text here let's say I want to make it white now you can really see it and you can also change the range of it all right in these last two tools you can also add a shadow to your text so if I add the shadow you can see there's now a shadow to the text you can change the opacity of it the blurr the distance and also the angle you can also change the color of the Shadow so if I wanted it to be red you can see it better here so you have a lot of different options to change how your text looks and then also you can curve your text to make it look like that and you can increase the strength of it and decrease it all right so that's all the options for the text you can tell you can do a lot with your text and make it look however you'd like so also with the text Capa allows you to add an animation to it so next to the text section I can click on animation so let's say for example with the text I wanted to have an intro animation which I have the option to do just beneath the animation here you see in out and loop so in is going to be the intro animation and out is going to be the outro animation so let's say I simply just one of the text to zoom in when it pops up on screen so I can go down here and have all these animations to choose from and here I see the zoom in animation so if I click on it you can now see the text Zooms in you can also change the duration of the animation right down here so if I wanted it to be longer I could just increase it and now the animation is going to look like that now there's all these different animations that you can choose from for example I can choose this type animation and I'm not going to go through all of them but there's a lot that you can choose from same with the outro animations so yes lots of different animations that you can choose for your text there's also different tabs under text such as tracking text to speech and also AI characters I'm not going to go over those because you're probably going to be using the text and animation tab the most but they're there if you want to check them out one other thing I wanted to show you with a text is something called Auto captions so especially if you're creating short form videos you're probably going to use this quite a bit because then you don't have to type out the captions for the entire video so I'm just going to delete this caption I have right now and zoom out on my timeline so I can see the entire footage so if I go over here to Auto captions I can press create and it's going to go ahead and generate the auto captions and now I'm not speaking throughout the whole video so that's why you see these spaces here but when I am talking you can see that it automatically created the captions also it has all of the text selected meaning that I can change how the text looks and it's going to apply it to all the captions so if I went over here and let's say I changed the font and I also increase the size it's going to do that to all of the captions so I would definitely check out this tool because it can be super useful especially for short form videos now on to the next section of the video one of the most crucial parts of your video is Transitions and luckily capcut has a wide variety of transitions that we can use on our video so let's look at how we can add transitions to our video and the different ones that cap cut has to offer but before you use a transition you need two pieces of footage so I just have the piece of footage here that I've been using and I'm just going to go ahead and split it in half so I have two different pieces of footage so now you can see that there's a split right here so up here above the media is a tab called Transitions and capka offers a ton of different transitions for you to use for this example I'm just going to use a simple one called left and you can preview the transition just by sliding your mouse over it and you can add it to your video by just clicking it and dragging it between the two pieces of footage so now when I play the video you're going to see that transition and to get rid of the the transition you just click on it and press the backspace let's say I want to use another one so I can use this black fade transition so I'm just going to drag between the footage and go ahead and play it and just like that so you can see transitions are super easy to add to your video and like I said there's a lot of different ones that you can choose from and I recommend when adding them to a video you stick with just two or three throughout the entire video just so you stay consistent and not using a new transition every time but obviously do whatever you think best is for your video now that we have a very solid foundation of how to use cap cut I'm going to show you some of my favorite editing flows that you can use where we combine multiple cap cut tools together to create certain sections of the video so in other words this is a practical use section where I'll show you how you can practically use some of the tools that I've showed you so the first one I'm just going to zoom in on the footage here so I'm going to use a combination of a text animation and a zoom in so to start I'm just going to go up here to text and add some text to the video and I'm I'm just going to say hello and I'm going to change the font and also add a stroke so it's more visible so our text is now here in the bottom middle and for this editing flow I'm going to want the text to go upwards so to do that we go up here to animation and I'm going to do an intro animation and use this one called slide up and I'm going to combine this with a zoom so when I say Zoom I'm not talking about a transition or an animation but it's something new called key frames so key frames are going to be super important when editing videos in cap cut so I'm making sure to mention it in this tutorial so to show you how key frames work I'm going to go ahead and click on the footage and you're going to see these little diamond shapes and if I hover over one of them it says add key frame when I press this button it's going to add a key frame to the footage which you can see because it has a little diamond right here so I just added a key frame for the scale of my video which is at 100% currently so what I can do is I can move to a different part of the video with my select ctor so I'm just going to move it forward here in the timeline and I can now add another key frame so now I have two different key frames one right here and one right here now if I change the second one to be different from the first one then the video is going to make that change between the key frames so for this second key frame I'm going to increase the scale let's say to 112 meaning that this first key frame is still set at 100 but the second one like we just set is at 112 so now when I play the video it's going to have a zoom in effect because I added those key frames and whatever the last key frame is so for this example it's 112 for the scale it's going to continue to be that way throughout the entire video and anything before that first key frame is going to be whatever the first key frame is set at which is 100% scale so all of this is 100% scale and all of this is 112% scale so back to this editing flow here I'm going to take this key frame and I'm just going to move it down a little bit which to do that all you have to do is hold down on it and drag it so now the video is going to look like this so as you can see it zooms in and also the animation for the text goes upwards so it's a smooth way to zoom in on the video while also adding text now talking a little bit more about the key frames these can be used also for different parts of the video such as the position the rotation Etc and something else you can add a key frame for is the opacity and I'm going to use that for for this next editing flow so to start off I'm going to make a key frame for opacity at 100% And then go forward in the video a little bit add another key frame and make it 50% so now between the key frames is going to go from 100% opacity to 50% so now something I can do is go about a third of the way through between the key frames and I can add an overlay so I'm going to do this because when the overlay pops up on the screen the current video which will be the background is going to be darker which will allow more attention to go towards the overlay so I'm just going to use this overlay of a forest and drag it here I'm going to zoom it a little bit more so you can see it better so we have the first key frame here and the second key frame here and my selector is about a third of the way through so first I'm going to make this overlay smaller so I can see the background and I'm also going to remove the text I'm now going to add an intro animation for the overlay so I'm going to go up here to animation and go down here and I'm going to choose one called Zoom one so it looks like that so now when I play the video you're going to see two things happen first the overlay is going to zoom in and second this screen is going to get darker so more attention goes towards the overlay and it looks like this and you can see if I was to get rid of the second key frame and make the opacity 100 again the overlay doesn't stand out as much so that's why I changed the opacity now let's say I wanted to add an outro animation to the overlay so to do that I'm first first going to make it shorter so I'm just going to click on this part of the overlay and go over here to the split tool and then delete the second part and I'm going to click on the overlay go to animation and go to out which is right here so these are all the outro animations and I'm going to choose the slide down one so that's what the overlay looks like but also when it goes down the opacity is still set at 50% so to change that about halfway through the animation which you can see with that white Arrow right here I'm going to start making the opacity go back to 100% so I'm going to click on the footage go down here to opacity and create a new key frame and then when the overlay finish is going down I'm going to add another key frame here and change the opacity to 100% so now between these two key frames the opacity is going back to 100 so now if I play the entire thing together it's going to look like this so that's just a simple way that you can use key frames to add overlays to your video I really hope you enjoyed this capcut tutorial if you enjoyed this video please drop a like on it and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Carson Crockett
Views: 5,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut, capcut tutorial, capcut for beginners, how to edit on capcut, how to edit youtube videos, capcut beginners, video editing tutorial, video editing for beginners, capcut tips and tricks, how to use capcut pc, capcut 2024
Id: FKGFQdxxhks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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