5 INSANE CapCut Editing Tricks You NEED To Try!

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so you have been using the capcut video editor and you have decided that it is time that you start taking your editing more seriously and take it from you know intermediate to actual Pro well in this video I'm going to show you five amazing capcut tricks and tips that you can Implement in your own videos as well so they will start having this more of a professional feel and look to it now you want to stick around because again these tips are going to help you massively so without any further Ado let's jump right into the first one so this first trick and cap cut is going to be the face tracking and in general tracking feature now this is something that I think is super cool uh cuz it's way diff more difficult to do this in other softwares so what you want to do is you want to select your clip and then uh I'm going to go ahead and come all the way down here to camera tracking I'm going to uh click this and then you can select face body or hand tracking okay and this is especially good for example for Clips when somebody is up on a stage maybe talking and the camera is kind of uh you know not following them along well using this feature you're going to be able to make the whole video look a lot more Dynamic by kind of creating this you know uh camera follow look uh within the software so I'm just going to select my face and then I'm going to click here on start tracking and then as you can see now it's processing this uh entire clip literally and you can see that now it looks a little bit weird because we are uh seeing so to say on the side of the of the video as well so what you want to do to make sure that it doesn't look like this is you want to click your fit to Canvas and it's going to zoom in quite a bit but that's fine um and um you can also click the lock object size if you want to do that um you can also adjust this shake thingy here but now if I watch this back you can see it's uh literally tracking my face across the entire video which is pretty cool in my opinion so yeah here's how you can create this face tracking effect now another way that I like to use tracking a lot is to actually track a text or an image to something on the video so let me show you an example of this so I'm just going to come here to text and actually create a new text layer here um so I'm just going to you know customize this a little bit let's make it uh like this okay so now we have our text right here as you can see and I want to put this actually on my palm so what I'm going to do is I'm going to again select my text layer I'm going to come here now to tracking on the top and then you want to click on motion track okay and then here you can have a couple different options uh first one is whether you want to you know just track it um forward from your clip or backward I'm going to select both uh here with this uh yellow box you are actually able to select what you want to track so I'm going to uh put my palm within this yellow um or yeah yellow kind of box and then it's going to be actually you know uh tracking my hand but if I put it on my face it would you know track my face whatever you want to put inside that box is what's going to get tracked and then you can choose whether you want to the scale to be adjusted as well so for example if my hand got closer to the camera it would make the the scale of the text um layer in this case or otherwise the image is well bigger um and you can also you know track the distance um so yeah okay I'm just going to keep both of those tick right now and then I'm going to click here on start as you can see it's tracking uh my movement at the moment and this is the final result that we got so as you can see it's actually following my hand movements fully accurately and all it took was literally a few clicks to create this effect so if you thought that this was pretty cool let's move on to the next one and get ready to get your minds blown so the second feature that we are going to go into is the cutout feature so I'm sure you have seen movies where they use green screen in the background to put something else there which isn't actually there right well in cap cot you can actually create uh this almost like green screen cutout effect without actually needing to use a green screen so all you need to do is have a clip where you have a person in there and then you want to come here uh to cutout and then here you want to go all the way here and then click on auto cutout okay so I'm going to turn this on as you can see now it's analyzing my entire clip and now if I play this back you can see that the entire background is cut out and it's only me in the video so if I were going to put something else in the background which I'm going to do right now just like this so I'm just going to change up the layer order and make this on top then you can see uh it looks like I had a green screen behind me so if I play this back now you can see I'm pretty perfectly cut out from the background um and uh yeah I just created this really weird weather report kind of uh thing so as you can see this was also super quick to to create and uh it creates a very professional look you can use it for so many different things like you know obviously I could put different backgrounds behind me but I could also put text behind me I could also put uh different images layers whatever it is so if you're making talking c videos this can be an amazing feature to spice them up next up we have voice isolation this is a feature that kind of blew my mind also when I first uh seen this so with this what you can basically do is just have any sort of song or you could even use it on your own voice right and you can basically isolate the vocals um or if you're using it on a song You could also use it to do the reverse of it and create kind of like a karaoke or just an instrumental version of any song here I have a song from epidemic sound and I'm just going to play it for you so you hear how it sounds all right so it's a pretty cool rap song as you can hear so I'm going to select this now and then I'm going to come here to voice isolation so I'm going to turn this on and as you can see now it's analyzing the entire uh song as usual and then we are going to be able to make the adjustments to it so let's see what we can do with this song so this is what we got now what we have selected in the voice isolation effect is to keep the vocals only so here's how it sounds let's see how you doing depress I've been W this forever been in whatever they throw at me brush it pick up moving on better so this is pretty crazy if you ask me I mean we just completely got rid of all the instrumentals and sure the you know voice isn't fully clear but it also had some autotune in it in the first place as well but I think it's very impressive uh what we could do with just under a minute and just the click of a button we can also click on remove vocal and then we will create kind of the opposite of this where we will just have the instrumental mental and none of the vocal so uh let's see how this sounds now can you believe this like we just got a fully clear and usable instrumental version of this song with the single click of a button now tell me what is this if it's not insane what you can actually do with basically a free software in 2024 okay I get it right now you might be wondering Vince this voice isolation effect was abs absolutely amazing where can I get songs like this one which I can actually use in my own YouTube videos and social media projects as well without getting it taken down because of copyright well I got you because this video is sponsored by epidemic sound and epidemic sound is a service which I've been using for over 5 years at this point for basically all my personal projects and also my client projects and they are a subscription based service which you can use for all your song and sound effect needs for whatever you are creating you just pay a small monthly subscription fee and you get unlimited downloads and access to their insanely big library of songs and sound effects they are all super high quality and well produced so if you want to try out epidemic sound for yourself then you can click the first link in the description below and you are going to be able to try it out for yourself see if you like it and then go from there so the fourth feature which we are going to talk about is chroma keying so here's how you can use this okay so what you want to do is you want to have some sort of a green screen uh video right you can find these all over YouTube uh so I have this one for example now which is basically just a green screen explosion so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually uh put this on the second layer and then I'm going to put this layer uh of the cut out of me on the third one and so it's basically between a video of uh you know me just regular one and the cut out of me and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to click on this I'm going to come back here to cut out out and then click here on chroma key and then what you want to do is after that you want to click here on this little uh icon and click on the Color Picker and then I'm going to click on the U green okay and as you can see now if we bring up the strength of this and we give some Shadow on this maybe then we actually have a fullon like green screen explosion happening in the background obviously we can make this bigger as well if we want and boom just like that we were able to add an explosion into the background so if you are wondering how to actually use green screen videos this is how you use it you just go to the chroma key you just select the color and then boom basically you're done all right and last but not least a technique that you definitely need to learn if you want to become a really good editor is key framing so when it comes to key framing it is something that you can use on pretty much all sort of different effects uh and uh yeah it is a pretty pretty important part of editing so let me show you uh how it works on a very simple um you know example so here I have this clip right uh of me I'm going to get rid of the tax now and uh what you want to do is you want to come here to whatever uh kind of property of the clip you are trying to adjust so for example I'm going to adjust the scale of this and then you want to click here on the add key frame button right now which is going to create a point uh in the clip and then we are going to go further ahead in time for example here I'm going to you know change the um amount of scale and as you can see it created a key frame here as well and basically now the change uh of that you know property of the clip between the two uh points is going to be animated so if I play this back right now you can see it's actually zooming into my clip and the cool thing is that you can not only use this this with the zoom but again almost all sort of different effects so if I wanted to animate the rotation of this clip I could just click on uh you know my clip wherever I want the rotation to start for example here I'm going to go ahead and add a key frame here I could go where I want the uh the animation to end for example here I'm going to you know change the rotation so let's just make it uh whatever like a full 360 turn actually and as you can see now if I play this back boom there is a full rotation happening and it's animated so I think again this is something you definitely need to learn if you want to become an amazing editor because this is something that you can use with all sort of different effects all sort of different uh parts of your video and again it's just super important so let me show you another example of using it for the opacity for example so if I wanted to fade from you know dark to Bright well I can just come here to the beginning of my clip I can put the opacity to zero click on the add key frame I can move forward in time where I want it to be back at full opacity I can just raise it right it added the new key frame and now if I play this back you can see it goes from dark to Bright again and uh it is animated so these are five tricks and tips that you want to learn how to use in cap cot if you want to become a better editor this year so I hope you enjoy this if you want to see more content like this and if you want to master video editing and social media go ahead and check out video editors. I my private community in the description below hope you enjoy this and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Vince Opra
Views: 13,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut tutorial, capcut edit tutorial, capcut video editing, how to use capcut, how to edit in capcut, capcut for desktop, capcut edit, capcut tips and tricks, capcut hacks, video editing, capcut tips, cap cut, how to edit on capcut, capcut cinematic, capcut editing, cinematic video editing, how to use capcut video editor, tiktok edit, capcut edits, capcut tutorial edit, capcut transitions, capcut tips for beginners, video editing apps, capcut tricks, vince opra
Id: cuw593lGNNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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