How To Create Cinematic Zoom Effect in CapCut

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wondering how to create something like this in cap cut take a look at this video to find out how the process is super simple in cap cut and it'll give your edit that professional touch really ready to give it a shot let's get started let's open cap cut I'm going to be using the desktop version of cap cut here the process should be pretty much the same for PC and mobile you can't use the web version of cap cut for this tutorial as some features are missing you need to download cap cut and install it on your computer to download cap cut just go to the cap cut website once you've opened cap cut import the video and drop it onto your timeline for this tutorial we'll be using two video footages I downloaded online I will link in the description where you can download stock footage for free by the way to make this effect more epic you're going to need a video where the subject is distant from the camera and the other video is close to the camera let me drop this first video in the timeline and this one I'll trim the second video make it the same size as the first video let's add some transitions to these two videos let's click on the transition Tab and search for mix this is the transition we will particularly use for this tutorial in order for the effect to work let's zoom in a bit by dragging this Zoom slider here select the first clip and let's put a key frame at the start and end of the transition then move to the end of the first clip make sure to hit the left Arrow key to move back one frame then line up the first clip with the second clip make sure that the first clip is still selected and then using the scale slider let's make sure that this guy from the first clip is lined up with the guy on the second clip just follow what I did here once they're lined up select the first key frame let's zoom in so we can see the key frame clearly click on the speed Tab and then curve then select Flash in so we can smooth out the transition if you are using cap Cut Pro try using e in instead I don't know why mine doesn't have e in options then try to move this just a little bit to the right to make the transition a bit longer as you can see it's starting to look good now our transition looks very smooth now to make this look even more cinematic let's add a sound effect a perfect sound effect for this transition would be the whoosh sound effect I will link in the description below where you you can download this sound effect for free let's add our sound effect now put it between our transitions let's trim this down to make it shorter let's export this first and let's name it smooth Zoom once your video has been exported click on file and then new project just click okay if you see a popup let's add the video we just exported and drop it onto the timeline zoom in so you can see where the transition is and cut the video where the transition starts and also cut it where the transition ends select this part of the video and scroll down here and look for motion blur you can play around with the settings but you can also follow mine let's see how it's going isn't it that cool it's like what we see in the movies right who would have thought that something like this can be done in cap cut let's add some final touches here let's go ahead and search for some cinematic background music let's not go anywhere let's look for background music here in cap cut click on audio and search for cinematic music let's listen to some of [Music] these I think I like this one let's add it to your timeline trim it then put some fade in and Fade Out by grabbing this little handle here let's play from the beginning and there you have it our smooth Zoom transition effect in cap cut make sure to apply what you learned here in your next project if you found some value in this video please don't forget to hit like comment and subscribe to my channel your support means a lot thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: In The Know
Views: 10,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -sLHz5LwLGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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