How to edit a cinematic video in CAPCUT (FREE) basic and advanced editing tutorial

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program nothing overh helming just easy to learn well in this video I'm going to show you how to edit and cigrate in cap cat which is absolutely free this [Music] sequence cap cut is super easy software it is available on smartphone I'm going to be using desktop version let's cover Basics and more advanced editing transitions color grading editing to music and sound effects okay let's open up cap cut I'm going to create a new project and import all Clips then I can drag them all onto a timeline and move move them around to organize them in the order which I might think would work for this sequence there is a little problem all those clips carry a sound sometimes I was talking sometimes you could hear other people around me talking and I don't want that I need to silence all Clips on this track because I only want cinematic music to play which I will add shortly on the left are controls of this track I'm going to select this one which says mute clip Audio One Click and all those clips are muted now I'm going to add music which I picked earlier and also import it please note that cap cut has music in the library available but it is licensed to Tik Tok not to YouTube so if you want to use Music you need to use other sources I use epidemic sound link is below one very cool thing about capcap is that they have this very helpful AI feature called outo beat so you don't have to listen to it and try to find the beat yourself let me show you I'm going to select the music and go here to the left top icons this is out to beat here you can select if you want beat one or beat two beat one is going to show you less beats and beat two is going to show you more beats I prefer beat to let's hit that now you see these yellow dots on the music track when you play the music you can see the Beats on those yellow dots what I love the most is that you can just go to any area of the clip and it nicely snaps to the yellow dot then you can make a cut how do you make a cut there are a few ways of doing it you can move to the point where you want to make a cut and then hit this icon you can also use delete left or delete right icon when you click for example delete right the right side you don't want will be gone you can also draag the side of the clip which I like to do or you can also use shortcut Control Plus B on your keyboard I already went ahead and I cut the clips to the music you don't want to always cut on the same beat you can change it a bit so it's not repetitive if you need to move Clips around you just drag the clip to a different place this plus and minus button will zoom in onto the timeline or zoom out let's add some transitions the music starts very softly building up so how do we start the sequence from black frame revealing the sequence but it has to be very slow I'm going to go to the clip control panel on the right here you can do all kinds of stuff with your clip at stabilization resize and all that I'm going to go to animation I'm going to select fade in animation once you click that it will be automatically edit and as you can see it is quite short now and I need it longer there is a control right here where you can increase the animation click Arrow or slide to select the length you need now it's much longer it looks way better transitions are on the right side I want to add some slide movement to the transition I'm going to go to movement and here I see slide to the right slide to the left as the second clip has pan movement to the right I'm going to select slide to the right if I select slide to the left it's not going to look right as this is slow paced music I want to make the transition longer I can drag the sides to make it longer or shorter I can also control the length here with the slider let me quickly show you another transition which I will add it's slide down which is located in the same movement section here again I'm going to increase the length of the transitions to fit to the whole music there are absolutely no rules here when you edit do what you want listen to the music and try to experiment try different tools and see what they are doing believe it it experiment be curious this is how you learn how to edit videos and this is how I learn all the time to use all kinds of stuff here and there I break few things but oh well that's life okay we have basic cat we have some transitions there we need to add sound effects but I like to do that at the end because I love how it just pulls it all together um and suddenly is the whole thing is complete it's this satisfaction effect let's color grate those clips how this is the clip I want to color grate I'm going to go to video section and here at the top select adjustment there are three sections here basic section where you can adjust things like brightness and contrast next one is hsl panel this is where you can tweak individual colors last one is curves where you can adjust brightness and contrast let's start with the basic I'm going to make the clip a bit warmer the clip is a bit too purple to me so I'm going to tone it down and bring it to Green tones and I'm going to bring down the highlights a bit that's it nothing too drastic now I'm going to go to hsl panel and tweak individual colors it is a bit too Red I would like to see the Rocks having a bit more natural color so I'm going to make it a bit more golden I'm also going to bring down the saturation a bit I find it a little bit too colorful next is orange I'm going to make it a bit more golden so bring it more to the yellows and brighten it up and now I'm going to continue with all colors until I get something like this this part really depends on your taste what colors you like again no rules here now that I'm done if I really like the look and I want to use it in the future I can save it as a preset I'm going to name it Sunrise Beach look if all your Clips look similar you don't have to do this color grading process with every single clip you just can hit apply to All I'm going to select the next clip and show you how to use the curves panel I'm going to add two dots and bring the Shadows down I'm going to drag the highlights up and there I just created a bigger contrast on the clip I can also drag the blacks and make them darker or lighter the same goes with whites at the top some of you might ask how do I import Lots I purchased which are now saved on my computer it is quite easy on the left side where you see media go to adjustments first of all here under the presets you can see the color presets which I saved before and below is section lot this this is where you can import LS which you have saved on your computer I already imported mine here they are those are LS I designed I'll link them below for those interested all you have to do now is choose the L you like drag it onto timeline on the clip there will be new adjustment layer which is the L you can adjust the effect of the L you can tone it down or leave it at the full strength if you want to tweak it further you can go ahead with all the tools in the color panel Channel you can also drag it over all Clips if you want the same look for all or you can select different LS for different clips and that is what I did this is how my timeline looks like now as you see I have different looks on some clips there are two things left to do adding cinematic bars and sound effects how do we add cinematic bars select the first clip go to video panel click basic here you will see mask tap hit that and then select foam strip drag them to make the size you want once you are done you need to do the same with all the clips I already did that for all the clips you can see that the black bars are all over what is left to do sound effects and ambient sounds again I got them off epidemic sound imported them they are all here ambience sounds are sounds of the water of the Lake of the Woods town city those sounds will pull you into the location so I'm going to add Lake sound to the first clip but bring the volume down a bit so it's not too strong you want the sound there but realistic not too loud always edit with your headset on so you really hear it well I have it set to minus5 DB there are some transitions which also need sound effects and the same thing I'm going to drag it below the clip and adjust the volume so you can hear it but it's not overpowering very last step is to hit export I always go with 4K resolution and higher bit rate to get the best quality I'm going to play the final result in this video you learned how to do basic edit how to add transitions how to edit to the music how to add sound effects cinematic bars how to color grate import Lots good [Music] stuff [Music] give it a thumbs up subscribe for more let me know in the comment section below if you want me to create more videos like these maybe editing with more advanced tools and don't forget to check out one of those videos next ciao AO
Channel: Zdenka Darula
Views: 54,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut, how to edit, video editing, tutorial for beginners, zdenka darula, zdenka, how to edit in capcut, capcut tutorial, free video editing app, free video editing software, best video editor, ai video editor, basic, advanced video editing, cinematic video, capcut desktop, capcut app, tips, tricks, best video editing software, free video editing program, free editing, cinematic bars, color grading, how to color grade, how to edit to music, transitions, capcut 2024
Id: 9DvLfj7HKSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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