Mind-Blowing CapCut AI Features (2024 Tutorial and Review)

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what's going on guys you know creating content and making videos is getting easier and easier and apps like cap cut desktop are are almost making the professional softwares look kind of dumb kind of silly actually because um cap cut has so many features packed in it so today I wanted to talk about my four favorite AI features that are inside of the cap cut desktop app so let's get into it so the first feature I wanted to talk about is called transcript based editing so if you guys haven't heard of this it's where uh editing softwares will use AI to actually edit your video for you they'll remove all the filler words and the pauses and things like that so this is how this one works so I have a project open I created this clip just for the purposes of making this video so let me just go ahead and go up to transcript based editing it's right here you can also rightclick you can go to transcript based editing right there but let me just click on this icon and it's going to analyze for a second that probably took like 20 seconds to analyze this quick 30 second video let me go ahead and show you guys here the transcript and right here in this video I'm just trying purposely to add ums and O um but you'll see here that it gives me the option here to remove filler words I can also search for any word I want inside here if I wanted to you know say I had like an hourlong podcast or something like that and I wanted to search for a particular part in the episode or if there was this certain words that I wanted to cut out and I already knew that going into it I could go ahead and search for those words but let's just go here and go to remove filler words it's identified this 2C pause this 2C pause and these ums and this long pause at the end and if you go down to the timeline it's actually great out here where those long pauses take place so if I was to select delete it'll make all the necessary cuts for me and I don't actually need to edit anything on my own it's fantastic so this this is just a quick and easy way to whip together and edit for those of you guys who don't like messing with the timeline all right so next up we're going to talk about uh the enhanced audio feature and the vocal isolation feature inside of cap cut all right I'm at an intersection here right outside my office you can see here's some cars over here you should hear some some wind as well I'm just using the onboard mic on my iPhone here to sh this and now I'm going to select the enhanced voice option inside of cap cut as you can see here it has really cleaned up my voice and you know sometimes when we're shooting listing videos we're going to have you know planes flying by overhead we have motorcycles whing by you know we can't really choose what's going on at the property where we're shooting the video but cap cut uses AI to really strongly reduce that background noise so all right so this one is really easy to do I have my clip down in my timeline in the upper right hand corner I'm going to select audio from there we're actually going to scroll down and you're going to see here where it says says enhan voice and it has vocal isolation so if I was to select enhanced voice it'll actually process a little bit and as you can see here it's taking a few seconds it'll probably take like a minute for this 40 second clip and you can see that it's still uh a little bit noisy so you can go ahead and you can increase this to 100% here right outside my office you see here's some cars over here and then pretty much took care of all of the noise the other thing that you can do is you can go into vocal isolation this is typically better for like if you wanted to remove the vocals from a song but occasionally I'll go in here and I'll select vocal isolation instead of enhanced voice and sometimes that'll actually do a little bit better job than even the enhanced voice will but with my experience with enhanced voice if it's not super windy um like it was in this clip you can go ahead and reduce this down to like 25 or 50% and it'll do a really good job of enhancing your voice but yet you won't have that super robotic sound that you get when you use uh this enhanced voice feature at 100% but overall I think it still did a really good job considering how noisy it was and how much traffic noise I had in the background all right so number three this is one of the craziest AI features inside cap cut and it's called relight so let me just show you guys how this works all right so now I'm just set up in my office I have the normal overhead light on I have a practical light behind me and these are not professional video lights but now I'm going to use AI inside a cap cut and I'm going to relight the scene so this is how it looks normally and here we are relit using the cap cut desktop app let me know what you guys think uh how' this turn out cuz if you ask me AI is pretty amazing I'm going to go ahead and throw down my clip here and then you're going to see off here to the right under video and basic I'm going to go down to relight I'll select relight and then you'll see there's three uh features here facial ambient or creative we're going to stay in ambient and I'm going to pick uh this teal and orange one because it is pretty extreme and it gives you a good idea of how this is going to look typically takes a few seconds to process probably 30 to 45 seconds but now you'll see it's completely processed and it used three lights we have light one and two here pointing in directly at me or behind me I should say cuz you can see here it's pointed at the background and then I have light three here which is actually pointed at me and you can actually select uh for any of these lights you can have it uh point at both the background and the person or just the person or just the background so in this case we'll leave these two colorful lights as this the background and then I'll select light three and I'll make sure this is like my key light so I might increase the intensity a little bit so then I'm going to add another light here and I'm going to use this kind of as my fill light so I move it over here here I'll have it point at people and I'm going to go ahead directional so it's pointed at my face and then I might increase the intensity a little bit on this side as well and now we have a pretty decently lit scene compared to what it looked like before okay so the fourth and final AI feature that I had to bring up inside a cap cut is going to be the auto captions and let me just show you really quick how this works so here's my clip inside of the timeline and then it's just as simple as going up here on the left to text and selecting autoc captions then from there you select your language I'm going to go ahead and select English and create it's going to think for a few seconds all right so now we have the captions here but as you can see they're very plain they're just white very very plain font but luckily inside a cap cut now we have over here templates now so we can go ahead and we can change how these captions look so first thing you want to do is you want to select apply all cuz you want all the changes to be made to all of the captions not just one set of words and then look at all these different options we have so I'll go ahead and select this one and then you'll see as I play this back in a fixer upper while they might require attention those that one's pretty good um let me check out one of these other ones let me check out this one and additional cost fixer uppers offer flexibility and the opportunity to custom so you can see here that you have a ton of different templates that you can use and they come equipped with colors and different fonts and animations so it's really fantastic it really is it's making my life really really easy it's literally almost too easy to create content now inside a cap cut it's it's getting ridiculous this is supposed to be a nonprofessional uh editing software but it's getting better than most of the professional editing softwares that are out there all right that's going to do it for today hope that you guys enjoyed that video if you did be sure to hit the Subscribe button like the video share it with your friends do all the things and if you'd like to see how I create real estate videos inside a cap cut be sure to watch this video right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here
Channel: Real Estate Agent Development
Views: 14,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut ai video editing, capcut ai voice, capcut tutorial, AI video editing, Voice Isolation, Auto Captions, VIdeo Relighting, Content Creation, VIdeo Editing, Video Editing Software, Enhance Audio Quality, Transcript editing, CapCut Desktop App, Video Editing Tips, Transcript Based Editing, realtor, real estate, real estate content, social media marketing, realtors, real estate video, real estate video editing, AI features, Capcut AI features, premiere pro, final cut pro
Id: osMGgH-koS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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