How to Film Yourself and Look Cinematic

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all right it's happening today let's  talk about how to film yourself whether you are an aspiring filmmaker content  creator or just generally want to document your   life better knowing how to film yourself can  be one of the best skills that you can acquire   over the course of my Creator Journey there are  two reasons why I wanted to learn how to film   by myself I didn't want to bother anybody  and they didn't want to rely on anybody   we can unpack that later truthfully it can be such  a pain when all you want to do is create something   but you constantly have to wait for help it was  a huge point of friction for me that I knew that   I had to figure out if I not only want to keep  sharing my work on a consistent basis but also   for the sake of just not putting a stopper  whenever I would get a spark of creativity   the last few years I've had my fair share of  trials and tribulations trying to figure out how   to achieve the vision in my head while shooting  solo and create a process around it most of the   videos that I shoot on this channel are by myself  so today I want to share a few tricks that I've   learned over the past couple of years creating  content filming solo for my own videos and keep   it simple enough that you can Implement them  today in your videos if you want to we are going   to cover gear lighting and even how to use your  visuals for better storytelling let's get into it   all right so we're gonna film most of this in my  house today because chances are if you're watching   this you don't want to go outside but anything  can be applied to wherever you decide to film   things you will need a camera this is the  question I actually get most on this channel   recently about a month ago I got the Sony  fx3 it is literally my dream camera and I've   wanted it for so long but up until getting the  fx3 I was actually filming on the Sony a7s II   this is literally seven or eight years old at  this point it's so beat up on the brink it is   hanging on for dear life things are coming off  no flip screen scuffs and scratches this thing   has been with me through the trenches and I was  filming with this up until around a month ago so   if I could film on this you can film on anything  as for lunges I like using the 24 to 70 when I   have to go get b-roll it's just a very versatile  lens I'm gonna need a tripod of some sort I like   this one because you could also do a top-down  shot with it so right now all you need is the   camera and a tripod and you know a lens if you  have a DSLR so now I'm going to show you some   things that I personally use you don't need them  but when I'm filming alone I use them all the time   since we're filming by yourself a good thing to  get would be some sort of external monitor this   one is just a cheap one off of Amazon there's  also other options if you are capturing audio   if you're talking to the camera or you want to  get some sounds you're gonna need a mic of some   kind I use this teeny one from Sony this is the  E CM P10 you can also use a lav mic like so this   pack comes with two let me show you how it works  so you can stand as far from the camera as you   want I'm literally in the freaking corner right  now and you can hear me pretty good usually you   just like thread this through your shirt all right  next up if you're a baller then you can get one of   these this is a motorized slider and this one is  from GBM I have had this for the past maybe three   years it has served me well I use this all the  time it's hard when you film by yourself and you   want some movement so I invested in a motorized  slider they come in different lengths as well if   you don't have that much like storage room it's  basically you get one of these there's a cable   that connects to this and then you just set your  speed and whatever else and you can also use it   manually as well it's my assistant when I need  help on videos and no one's around I'll link   all my gear in the description below Philly  of course if you want to support the channel there are so many aspects to filmmaking story art  Direction composition tone and of course lighting   so once I know where I want to film the first  thing I look at is lighting this is my office   literally I clean it out for this example not  very bright in here at the moment but there is a   very strong light Ray focusing on lighting is the  one thing that is going to transform your footage   and give it that cinematic quality maybe this  means waking up early for a soft Morning Light   or catching golden hour in the late afternoon if  you invested in some lights then that's great but   sometimes it can be as simple as placing your  camera in the right spot today we are going to   use a window which everybody has access to so for  our example today I'm sitting in front of a window   I'm on my 24 to 70 lens 50 millimeter focal length  right now and as you can see the window is blown   now not a great image however just by changing  the placement of our tripod we can go from this   to this and it is already a world of a difference  it's obviously not perfect there's a lot more   things that we can do you can add some diffusion  to soften the light even more but this is a good   place to start and A good rule of thumb when  you are say on location or in a place where   you don't have a lot of gear with you or no  gear at all so this is an easy way to get a   more cinematic feel just by moving our camera  placement we can create more Shadows all you   really have to pay attention to is the angle  in which the lighting is hitting you so this   is more of like a 45 and this would be better for  like a talking head if you were to film something   like that but yeah if I'm filming like b-roll  or something this is really good learning how   to light can be intimidating in a whole Beast of  its own it's a little harder to rely on natural   light but it's great once you know how to shape  it and frame for it now let's talk about coverage   this means getting a variety of shots for the  scene you are filming I'm not gonna lie this   takes a long time I'm preparing you however it  is always worth it because this is what is going   to immerse your viewer into the scene get that  long shot that medium long shot that Medium shot   that Medium close-up that close-up different  perspectives things in your environment do not   Overlook that stuff when you are visually telling  a story whoever is watching needs context where   in the world are you in an easy way to do this  like many movies before us you can start with   an establishing shot this can be a wide shot  it can also be an aerial shot and if you're   like me and you can't fly a drone to save your  life then you can also find aerial shots using   storyblocks is a stock footage and media  library that creators can access with a   monthly or annual subscription and they are  also the first ever sponsors of this channel   so thank you storyblocks I can't tell you how  many times using their subscription has saved   me both time and resources when creating videos  with one subscription you have unlimited access   to all the files that you need including stock  footage sound effects motion graphic templates   and more even film textures to overlay on  your videos such as a personal favorite of   mine whether you are a Creator or freelancer  or business they have a plan for everyone all   royalty free and safe to use no matter where you  distribute your projects getting a variety of   shots while filming on your own is the one thing  that is going to take ages so if you're looking   to save a bit of time while still adding that  production quality to your videos then you can   check out the link in the description and head  over to life of Riza to sign up at the end of the day filmmaking  is a tool to help better convey the   story you're trying to tell every shot  should be purposeful if you're talking   something then show it if you decide to move  the camera then what's the motivation behind it   make creative decisions that Aid what's already  going on in the scene these are visual cues to   let whoever's watching know how to feel or what  to watch out for I know it sounds cliche but   learn how to enjoy the process often you hear  people say it's worth it when you see the final   product but genuinely I have learned to love the  filming process of it because it takes up so much   of my time especially if I'm filming by myself  if I'm trying to figure out things for the first   time there's always going to be limitations when  filming yourself but there are ways that you can   make it more enjoyable find what works for you  and the way you like to work and I promise it   will be such a better experience when you take the  time to figure out how you like to create you're   not always going to get the perfect conditions  or the perfect lighting you're gonna miss some   shots and have to go back you'll wear the same  clothes for four days in a row and run back for   your camera countless times but eventually you'll  be more Adept to thinking these things on the Fly   the more you shoot and the more you edit being  a filmmaker is also being a problem solver and   trust me there will be a lot of problems you're  gonna have to solve and now I have found a system   where I actually find it quite relaxing to film by  myself there's something almost meditative about   it I put on some music and I set up my lights  I set up my frame and I get to it enjoying   it just makes it easy to get into flow and  sometimes you'll even capture some magic foreign
Channel: Life Of Riza
Views: 2,751,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to film yourself cinematic, cinematic, filmmaker, how to film yourself, behind the scenes, how to make a cinematic vlog, how to take cinematic videos, how to film yourself easy tips, how i make my videos cinematic, life of riza, life of riza vlog, life of riza camera, sony fx3, cinematic video tips, how to film yourself and look cinematic, how to film yourself by yourself, how to film b roll by yourself, filming lighting tips, how to film b roll of yourself
Id: mob4RkUFIAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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