In Depth CapCut Video Editing Tutorial - Mac & PC 2024

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cap cut is the best editing program for beginners in 2024 and in today's video you're going to get a step-by-step tutorial covering all of the important aspects so you can create amazing content for your social media your YouTube channels and maybe even commercials for your brand let's dive in all right so to set the stage for this video we're going to do a full walkthrough of how I edited this video that you're seeing right now I posted it on social media to basically promote this YouTube video and even though that's a real that you're seeing right now what we talk about will completely translate over to YouTube and really any other form of content to start we're going to quickly cover the layout of cap cut so you know where all the important features are then we're going to dive into what I'm calling just a level one basic edit if you're completely new to cap cut this section will be perfect it will get you up to speed creating professional content that you feel proud to Post online and then finally we're going to kick things up and not and do a really Advanced edit of the same video showing you exactly how to replicate a lot of those cool trends that you're seeing the pro editors do online and that's it so let's dive into cap cut here on my computer and to start we're just going to come up to the top and select new project so cap cut is made up of these different windows in the editing program a lot of them have multiple tabs which we'll dive into throughout this video but to start we need to talk about this media tab up here this is where we import our footage so we can click on the plus button or hit command or control I then navigate to our computer where the video we want to edit is stored Okay so so I found the clip selected it and now you can see it is here in the media pool so when you click on that video in your media pool it will start to play and you can get an idea of what it looks like but this brings us to the second most important tab in my eyes which is the timeline down here this is where we actually assemble the footage to create our final video all you need to do is take the clip that you want to edit drag it down here onto the timeline and now you can see in a left to right fashion we have the video that we're going to be editing today now some basic control scolls with the timeline here if you ever want to zoom in or zoom out on the timeline you can come over here and drag this bar which will allow you to make fine-tune adjustments to your videos you can also hit command plus or minus on your keyboard most of the time though what I do is I will hold the command key on my keyboard and then use the scroll wheel on my trackpad or on a mouse if I'm using one which will let me zoom in and out if you want to make an adjustment to your clip like trim the beginning or the end you can come over just drag that trim it and the same thing with the front and the back if you wanted to cut a clip and maybe delete a section you can come up to this tool right here which is split or you can hit command B which is the keyboard shortcut you can see that's now split the clip into two different sections where I could maybe delete one you can hit command Z to go back and undo anything you might have done and for the time being that's really all you need to know as we continue editing the video more features will become apparent now you'll notice when you actually select the clip on your timeline in the top right corner corner of cap cut we have this tab pop up which is the video tab with this tab we can make a lot of changes to our video like we could increase the scale we could mess with the rotation if we wanted to lots of things that would become more relevant as we continue editing but we have other functions we can control our audio here and maybe increase or decrease the volume we can make our Clips faster or slower in the speed tab in the animation tab we have some built-in animations within cap cut all very self-explanatory that we'll dive more into as time goes on now if we deselect a clip on our timeline so basically click anywhere so that the clip is not highlighted you'll see this window changes into our project panel where we can see some of the important settings of the entire project that we're editing for the most part you can leave all this stuff as is the only thing I will change for right now is the name of my project I will hit modify and we'll just call this best free editing software and then hit save moving across our screen here in the player window self-explanatory this is where our video is going to play back there isn't too much to talk about here but I will say if your computer is struggling to play the videos back and it's lagging a little bit you can come up here and then change the preview quality to Performance priority if you wanted to change the aspect ratio of your video from vertical for maybe Instagram or Tik Tok to widescreen for YouTube you could come down here and select ratio and change it to let's say 16 by9 and of course with this clip we have the black bars on the left and right we just have to zoom in and make it fill up the frame for the time being though we want to stay in a vertical format so we'll just go back to the original and then I know we already touched on this top left corner but I do want to point out there is a lot more functionality built in here we have the media pool which is where everything we've imported will live but we also have a tab for audio and music text stickers effects and Transitions and a lot of other things that we will use throughout this editing tutorial okay so that does it for the basic overview of cap cut I think it's a lot more valuable to see these things in you so that's what we're going to dive into right now with the level one edit now there are obviously tons of different types of videos that you could create right now we're focusing on a popular style which is just a talking head reel which will also mirror a YouTube video one thing about this video we have one main talking head clip so the primary video exists in just one clip let's say on the other hand you were doing a travel video and you had multiple clips that you wanted to piece together the only difference here is your media pool would be filled with other clips and you would take those clips and you would again drag them onto the the timeline you could grab the clips rearrange them you could take the clips trim them to shorten them down and only highlight the sections that you want and that's honestly how you create a very basic video but we're going to go back because we only have one clip here and now the first step in my editing workflow is to make sure our clip is framed up properly we'll do any minor color correction if that needs to happen and we'll also edit our audio to make sure it sounds good now with the clip that we're looking at right now I think the framing is all set so I don't need to change anything there if I wanted to I could zoom in and just use my mouse to like reframe and position the subject wherever I wanted it to we're not going to do that for now and then as far as color correction and audio is concerned same as before I'm pretty happy with how it sounds and how it looks but just to show you if we came up to the audio tab we could bring the volume down or up depending on how it already sounds we could do a loudness normalization which will basically auto adjust the volume to sound very stable throughout the entire clip then outside of a few Pro features which we're not going to talk about in this video we you could also just do a basic noise reduction which can remove some noise from the background now I'm already happy with my audio so we will skip this the only other thing we do here is adjust the color so we'll come over here click on the adjustment and again I'm happy with how this looks but let's say I wanted to you know bring the color temperature down we could do that here I'm going to hit command Z though because we don't need to do that we could boost the saturation slightly get those colors to pop we could adjust the brightness maybe turn down the brightness just a hair on this and overall all I'm pretty happy with it color correction is an entire topic all by itself I'd recommend just trying to shoot things as nicely as you can straight out of the camera so intro steps out of the way let's now actually edit this footage to make it watchable and you can see the way that I film is I usually bullet point things out and I will say one line I'll take a pause I'll relook at my script or my bullet points and I'll continue going what's the best free editing software for beginners in 20124 so here I am looking at the script for the past 10 years my go-to editing program has been premier it looks kind of funny to see it this way but it is a really easy way to just get videos out there without having to memorize an entire script but with that if we zoom in on the timeline you can see looking at the audio wave forms right these little lines represent the volume of my voice talking we have all these spaces in here that are completely blank and I need to remove those from the video now cap cut has some really easy quick shortcuts that we can use to do this the first one is split so we'll go to the part in the video where I'm done done talking and now we can come up here and hit the split button but I like to use my keyboard shortcut so I'll hit command B and then we'll go forward to when I start talking again right around here you can see the volume levels bumping then I'm going to use the next feature here which is delete left so what this does is it will delete everything from the playhead all the way to the previous cut on the left side so you'll see when I click this button it's just deleted that space and now one talking portion goes directly into the next talking portion and again just because I recommend everybody use keyboard shortcuts if I were to do that even faster I would come here hit command B and then I would go forward to the next talking point and I would hit Q on my keyboard which is the keyboard shortcut for delete left you can see that right here when I hit Q tightens that space up and now I'll just go through the entire video and remove these pauses usually only takes a minute or so okay now we're at the end of the video I've removed all the dead space and we'll see here looking at the audio levels that we stop talking and then there's this portion at the end before I hit the record button obviously I could just take the end of my clip and trim it down but in the reverse of delete left we have another shortcut which is delete right or W on the keyboard and if I hit that it will just delete everything to the right of where the playhead is and I use that all the time as well so here we have our video that is now fully cut up now the next thing that I'll do in basically all my social media and YouTube content is every other clip where we have this jump cut from one clip to another I will take the second clip and I'll just zoom in slightly to give the impression that the camera is kind of punching in on us this is something you'll see a lot of editors do and it just helps with the pacing of the video so all I'm doing is coming in here selecting the edges of these clips moving myself down slightly to make sure that the eyes line up clip to clip so we've done that throughout the whole video and if I just quickly scroll the playhead through you can see it punches out punches in punches out it might feel weird when you first start start doing this but trust me almost every editor does this nowadays now believe it or not we only have three more steps with this basic edit before we're ready to export and post online and our next step is a crucial one and that is to add b-roll to our video think of b-roll like the additional clips that we add on top of our a roll which is the talking portion that we've got here and these b-roll clips add context for the viewer it makes sure that what the viewer is actually seeing is kind of constantly changing in Dynamic so that they don't get bored and overall it just makes our video look more professional so in preparing for this I actually filmed a handful of b-roll shots and I organized them into a folder on my computer so we'll come up to our media pool here I'm just going to hit the import button go to my desktop and then select this folder and hit import now you can see here that actually imported the entire folder which I usually like to do to stay organized and now I can click into this folder and here are all of the b-roll clips now adding b-roll is a relatively simple process we would just come down navigate to whichever b-roll clip we actually want to use and then we could simply take that clip and then drag it over onto a new layer and the way video editing programs work is basically each layer on top will get priority and that will get shown so if you see here when I bring the playhead over as soon as that b-roll clip takes over on the timeline that is now being shown and will be shown until it ends at which point it will go back to the layer underneath which is our main a-roll layer now just taking that clip dragging and dropping it's not a bad approach but with a clip that's this long we're always going to have a big chunk at the beginning where I hit record go sit down and do whatever I'm doing there's a lot of empty space so I'm actually going to hit command Z remove that clip and we're going to take a better approach which is setting an inpoint and an outp point on the b-roll clip and then just dragging that specific section onto the timeline so here we have this b-roll clip and I know I only want to bring in the section that starts right here so what I'm going to do is drag this left side over to where I want The Boll clip to start so that's what we call the inpoint that's where this selection starts and then we'll take the outp point to the end of where I want the b-roll clip to be so now we have a much smaller selection and if we pull this down you can see it's a much more specific pre-selected clip now I know I want this b-roll clip to start at the portion in the script where I say for beginners in 2024 so we'll play that through what's the best free editing software for so that's right where I start to say four we'll just grab this Boll clip and align it right with the playhead so we'll play that through now free editing software for beginners in 2024 and then I want it to end at the end of this clip this is a new section so we'll take this clip drag it and trim it down to where it is at the same exact point now I like the way this b-roll clip looks but we can make things even more professional I don't like how much of the ceiling is showing here so I'm actually going to take this and zoom in and just drag the clip around to reframe it and have it be more focused no pun intended with the light there on the wall anyways we're also going to color correct this clip and bring up the exposure just a little bit I think this is kind of dark so with this clip selected we're going to come up to this right panel here and now I don't see the adjustment tab so I'm going to click on this Arrow hit adjustment and now we'll scroll down to where it says brightness we can bring up the brightness a little bit and I'll also bring up the Shadows I think that looks a lot better than how it looked before and if you want to preview what it looks like on and off you could just come up to the adjustment check right here that's before this is after I think that's a lot better now if you're editing a video and you're like oh Anthony I don't have any b-roll this is obviously where you could find a stock footage online to use as b-roll I always think having personalized b-roll is a better option but it's not possible for everyone if you're looking for a recommendation on my favorite free stock video site that would be which I'll have linked below okay let's add a little more b-roll here for the past 10 years my go-to editing program has been Premiere Pro I love this so right here I want to add a b-roll clip for Premiere Pro so I have this clip that is actually a widescreen clip but it does showcase me using Premier Pro so we'll set the endpoint to where I want the clip to start set the Endo then drag that onto the timeline now again I know I want this clip to end at the same time as the underlying a roll so we've aligned that now obviously that doesn't look good uh it's a widescreen clip in a vertical timeline so all I need to do I can grab the edges here and zoom it in but I can also with the clip selected go up to the video tab make sure we're on the basic subtab and then bring up the scale that's filling the frame and then we'll just drag the clip a little over to the left that way the computer is fully in view as well what's the best free editing software for beginners in 2024 for the past 10 years my go-to editing program has been Premiere Pro I okay so you see the process we're going through basically step by step in the video finding areas where we know we can add more value visually and then dragging Boll onto the timeline to deliver on that value just because the process is repetitive I'm going to go throughout the entire video and add my Boll in now and then we'll resume in a minute all right so you can see here we've added some more b-roll not a crazy amount because again this is just a level one edit but I'm pretty happy with it now the next step after adding our b-roll would be to see if we can add any transitions or effects to again make the video look better now I don't like using a transition every single time I use a b-roll clip I think that's a common beginner mistake but I do like doing it sometimes and I'll show you one of my favorite transitions right here so when we transition from this clip into this clip I want to use the glare transition now to find that transition we'll come up to the top left select Transitions and you can just type in glare so we can get a preview of what that transition looks like by hovering our Mouse over it now to use this the way transitions work is you put them in between two clips that are budded up against each other now if I try to drag this transition onto the beginning of this clip it's going to tell me there are no continuous Clips basically meaning that clip is on a layer all by itself there's nothing to the left of it so what I need to do here is actually take this bottom a roll clip go to where this next clip starts and we're going to put a split point right here I'm going to do this by hovering up to this button now we've selected this clip this new split clip and I can drag this one layer up to put these clips next to each other now something happens here which can really throw off your edit if you see as soon as I dragged that clip up all the other Clips on the timeline basically moved to the left to fill up that Gap if I hit command Z and do it again you'll see as soon as I drag that clip up everything else moves now we can turn this off and all we need to do is come come up here where it says turn off Main track magnet and select that option now when I bring this up that space is going to stay empty and it doesn't mess with the timing of our video now I can come up to our glare 2 transition bring it down and place it between these two clips and now check out how this looks what's the best free editing software for beginners in 2024 for the past that's a very popular transition that a lot of people use right now now I also want to add another transition at the end of this b-roll clip so we're going to have to take this a roll clip bring it up a layer in order to do that we can just very simply come here create a cut point and then drag just this section up now the next transition I want to use is another fan favorite and it is the pull in transition so we'll search for that and the preview of this is basically showing just a simple smooth zoom in so we'll grab that drag it between our Clips right here and now you can get an idea of how that looks what's the best free editing software for beginners in 2024 for the past 10 so it's just a very clean and smooth zoom in transition so from here I'll just go throughout my entire video and add any more transitions that I think will enhance the video so here we have another b-roll sequence that I'll play through for you are over cap cut is an extremely powerful free editing software that works on both your phone and your computer so nothing crazy going on here just four clips playing one after another but I want to add a transition going from this clip to this clip and because if you look at the motion of this clip and I'll mute the track so we can play through it it's basically pulling out ever so slightly so rather than using the pull in transition which Zooms in we'll do the opposite and I've already searched for it here but it's the pull out transition it's the opposite so we'll drag that on you can see this kind of like naturally Falls in motion with the movement of the clip see we've got that nice subtle zoom out which I think looks really good and now to end this little b-roll sequence here we're actually just going to use that GL glare transition again so I'll come up to glare drag it between these two clips and now we can play through it are over cap cut is an extremely powerful free editing software that works on both your phone and your computer it is built-in features for auto pretty cool so you can see from our timeline our video is getting a little more advanced the last step that we'll do now before exporting is adding autoc captions to the video cap cut has a really nice intuitive autoc caption feature we just got to come up to the top left panel select text and then you'll see the first option is autoc caption so we'll choose our language which is English we can leave everything else as is and I'll hit create so now if I mute this and play through you can see that we now have Auto captions showing in the video they're obviously pretty small and I'm going to personally change the style but it has done a good job of doing exactly that okay so to edit the style of our captions we're going to come to this new layer in our timeline you can see here these are all of our captions and I will select this first option now normally in doing that it will auto jump this top right panel to our text panel if it doesn't for some reason you can just come up hit text and now I'm going to click on the basic subtab and now here is where we can change the font size we can actually choose a different font very classic text editing features one thing I do want to point out though is that if the change you're making to the current autoc caption is something that you want to be reflected across all of the autoc captions in the video you're going to want to make sure that this box apply to all is checked on this way if I were to grab the font size and increase it you can see here it's now bigger if I scroll throughout the video now all the other captions are also much bigger and then obviously if you just wanted to edit this individual text layer right here you would uncheck apply to all and now if we moved this it's only going to move this one layer all the other layers are still going to be down there towards the bottom now I'm going to hit command Z just to go back and I will recheck apply to all because I do want to make changes to everything so with this first layer we've already increased the font size which is good I'm going to change the font to resolve here that's one of my favorites I'm going to increase the actual width of the caption that way just a little bit more can be on the screen from side to side that way they're not so squished and like stacked up on each other still centered here which is good and then I also want to add a background to make the text a little easier to read so if we come down here you see we have all these different features we could change we could add a stroke which if we come down and actually just zoom in on the player window slightly it will give you a better idea stroke here adds that line around the text which is very popular people do that all the time you could change the color and for example make it like red if that was part of your brand I'm actually going to turn stroke off and use the next effect which is background I think in making text easy to read background does a really good job of doing that our brand color is red just like YouTube and then I usually like to round the corners of the rectangle as well just slightly I think that looks good and you could also after that add a slight drop shadow to the text which I usually do like doing I'll just change the blurriness and get it a little bit more subtle awesome now if we go here and zoom back out on the player you can see if we scroll throughout the video now all of our text looks like that with the same style now we have a couple more modifications to the text here as you can see with layers like this and this one right here that's just a lot of text in one layer so I'm actually going to break these apart now to do that is actually really simple you would just come to wherever you want to break up the text so make sure you have the layer selected and just like a video file we're going to use the split tool which effectively cut our caption into two different layers and now we can come in here click on it if we scroll up here in our top right hand panel we could type in any changes we want here what I typically do instead is just double click on the actual text layer in the player window and now I can select just the text that I want to remove usually I'll hit command X to cut it that looks good then we'll go to the next layer this is the new layer that we split select everything and I'll just paste what I cut it's just something that I'll now take a minute and go throughout the entire video and do another thing that I really like to do with my captions is add some animations here and there so basically rather than having them just pop into frame we'll animate them a little bit so whenever you do want to animate a text layer you just have it selected we'll come up here to the top right and get the animation subtab and that's within the text menu and from here we have tons of really cool animations obviously a lot of them they reserve for pro but I found that some of my personal favorites are all free one animation that's really subtle but I use all the time is this zoom in animation so when I click on that we'll see how it looks what's the best so you can see if I scroll here it's just zooming in and out now I think that's kind of a slower zoom and I can change the duration if you zoom in you can actually see there's an arrow here showing where the animation is impacting the text if we come back to the animation tab you'll see there's a duration Tab and I'm going to change this to0 2 seconds and now that gave us a preview but it is much faster what's the best free editing software for beginners in 2024 now there are tons of animations that I'll let you explore for yourself but just so you know my top three those are zoom in glitch and bounce left I use those all the time now I actually misspoke earlier I know I said the auto captions were the last step of our basic edit but we have one more step and that's to add music now you can obviously pull trending audio from the platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram another option would be to come up to the audio Tab and use some of the builtin songs within cap cut all you do is select one of the tracks and then you would bring that underneath your main a-roll and now we have our music I'm not a huge fan of the built-in song though so instead I get all of my music from now they are not sponsoring this video by any means I've just been using them for years and I really love the quality and total diversity of Music they have on their platform Tiger Blood Jewel which is a really interesting name for an artist but they are my number one favorite on epidemic sound and for this video I'm going to use maybe you try it now to get some third party music actually loaded into cap cut we'll go back to our main media pool here I'll click import and then find that song file on our computer so here's our song we will drag it down to the audio layer now usually I like to start my short form reels at kind of the peak of where the Beat Drops in the song and I can see just from the waveform that's going to be right around here so we'll drag that forward and now I know because this is just a background song I also want to lower the volume we have a couple ways to do that I can select the song go up to the basic tab right here usually I'll bring the audio down like negative 16 DB the other option would be to actually come down here and you can see my mouse will change and we have this line right here I can select that and change the audio cap cut is an extremely powerful free editing software that works on both your phone and your computer it is built-in features for auto captions like this they're built-in temp all sounds pretty good to me once you're done with your music the only other thing I'd say is take the end and trim it all the way back down to where you actually want your video to end because if we left all that there and we exported the video there would basically be this long portion with no video at the end and that basically does it for our intro beginner style edit if you've never edited a video before I think this is a really good Target for you all you need to do to export that video is come up to this top right corner hit the export button once the dialog loads you'd basically title your video select where you want the video to get exported to I'll just do my desktop you can copy all of these video settings right here that's what I found to be highest quality and finally you can hit the export button all right now it's time to dive into the advanced edit really using all of the functionality that cap cut has built into it we're definitely going to cover a lot here so feel free to pause the video or rewind in certain sections and if some of it goes over your head do not worry that is the nature of learning things for the first time it will just take some practice before we dive into that though I want to take a moment and thank the sponsor of this video which is my company content if you didn't know at content we have an online course bundle called 14-day filmmaker it only costs $48 and it contains hundreds of videos that walk you through the step-by-step process of learning how to shoot and edit professional videos over 100,000 students have enrolled in this program and the number one thing they say is how surprised they are at how quickly they were able to learn these things when you enroll you get lifetime access to tons of different things but primarily you're going to get three separate programs the first is 14-day smartphone filmmaker this covers the entire process of shooting insanely professional content on the camera you always have in your pocket perfect for those fun Home Videos social media content and even commercials for your brand then after that you're going to get 14-day YouTuber which is another program that covers the start to finish process of launching and growing a successful YouTube channel and then finally you get access to 14-day filmmaker Pro Camera version which teaches you all about the professional gear how to use it all the professional editing software and so much more I also personally host a live Q&A call in our students only Community where you can hop on ask me questions and get realtime feedback if you want to learn more and the link is in the description beneath this video other than that let's dive back into it okay so diving into the advanced edit the first thing that we're going to spend a lot of time on is the intro when it comes to creating content online and trying to get views the intro has a massive impact on it so I really try to make sure we edit the crap out of it now I'm still going to use some of the autoc captions in this video but in this first section here I'm actually going to delete most of them and just manually key frame some graphics to come in what's the best free editing software for beginners so to do that we're going to come up to the text tab here we'll click on add text and then just use this default text we'll bring it down now same as before we'll increase the size move it here change the font to resolve and the script reads what's the best so we're going to create three different text layers what's and now we'll do the best now a really easy way to duplicate text layers that you've already created or really duplicate any layer in the app is to hold option if you're on a Mac or or alt if you're on a PC select the layer and then just drag it up and now you can see we've literally just duplicated that layer now with the playhead over both I can select this second text layer and change it to the we'll duplicate it again and change this new one to V okay now if you want to move multiple text layers at a time you can just drag and select them now I want to move this up here just so they're a little tighter and we'll also select all three I'm just going to decrease them in size a little bit now I want to animate all three of these and an easy way to do that with all of them selected you can see they're all highlighted we'll come over to the animation Tab and I'm going to use the bounce left animation that we talked about earlier here it is software and now if we play through it what's the best free cool so that kind of animates in exactly as they're being said now I'm going to explain this before I do it just because it is a complex edit but what I want to happen is to basically have the entire video kind of zoom in at the beginning kind of drawing the viewer in then we're to use the rotoscope or Auto cutout feature to basically do a cutout of just my body have that swipe to the left and then have a background come in behind me where new animated text Graphics can pop up this is a really popular Trend online and I like that you can do it in cap cut now before we dive into that we'll select the text layers and I want to come and trim them down so they all end at the same time now earlier in the video we added this little glare transition we're going to keep using that but for the time being I'm going to delete it Now to create that zoom in effect on this clip right here that we talked about earlier it's a really simple process but it's using a new thing that we haven't talked about yet called key frames easy way to think of a key frame is like anchoring a certain setting at a certain point in time so with this first clip we will make sure that we have it selected come up to the video Tab and basic and now if we want it to zoom in over time we'll key frame these scale parameters so to add a key frame we'll hit this little diamond right here that's essentially anchoring that setting at this point in time and you can actually see on the clip here at the very far left side we have a visual key frame on the clip now if we move forward in the video and if we change this setting it will create a new key frame so as I zoom in here on the clip right when I release it there we have a new key frame and now if I scroll in between these two key frames you can see how it's causing us to zoom in and out between those two key frames after that second key frame is done the zooming will stop now I'm actually going to zoom out just slightly so we can see a little bit more space around the playhead and I don't want to just key frame in the zoom because my head then starts to get cut off I also want to key frame the position so we'll go back to the beginning go to where the position is add a key frame by hitting this diamond and then we'll go back to wherever the zoom stops which is right here and then we will grab the actual frame and just pull it down which will create a new key frame for the position you can see just changed our y position which is up and down and now it's keeping my head in the same spot in the frame now here's where it gets really Advanced we're going to use the auto cutout feature in cap cut to just select myself in the frame allowing us to place a background behind me now to do this we're going to select this clip here hold option or alt on the keyboard and drag up one layer so you can see now we have two layers of the same exact clip this top layer is what we're going to do the auto cutout of so with that clip selected we will come to video the cutout subtab we'll scroll down and just hit Auto cutout it's going to take a second to process and then we're done now it doesn't look like anything has happened but that's because we still have this clip underneath it if I turn off this layer of the video look at that now we can't see the bottom layer and our top layer has just me cut out from it anything that looks black right now is essentially transparent so now if we we go back to our media pool we have a new background a motion background that I've imported you can find these online for free personally I downloaded this one from content creator now if I drag this motion background bring it down to our timeline and make sure that we place it in between these two layers sometimes it's hard but once you see the line pop up there that way you know it's going to add a new layer we'll place that there now drag it up to the beginning now I know we're getting pretty condensed here in our screen there isn't a ton of space but you can see because this background is placed underneath the cutout layer it's showing up behind the cutout and now if I grab this and rotate it 90° and then increase the scale we've now got a background showing behind the main subject now you'll notice because I have like a desk here normally in the frame it kind of makes the cutout look a little awkward that's fine we'll clean that up in a second but we don't want the background to come in at the very beginning we want it to come in right as the next kind of words are being said after what's the best and that is free video editing software so if we play through to find that part what's the best right there what's the best free here we can trim our clip to start right around here and now we're going to key frame the opacity now the opacity is basically like making a clip see-through or not and if you come back and it's really easy to do we'll select this clip make sure we're in the basic subtab for video scroll down and we can see opacity here now I can create a key frame where I want the transition to basically be done go back to the beginning here and then bring the opacity all the way down this is going to create another key frame which you can see down there and now we have a transition where the background essentially comes into view I do want to lengthen that transition out a little bit so we'll drag this second key frame out now you can see it takes a little longer for it to come in and that looks really good now obviously we have all this black right here and that's just because we disabled this bottom track if we come down here and hit the show track button now it's going to be back on and I'll play through how this looks what's the best free pretty cool right so we have the background coming into view which is a good starting point now we essentially want to make the what's the best text fade into nothing and then we want to swipe my subject off to the left again this is going to involve a lot of key frames which something that you're going to want to familiarize yourself with as a video editor so first let's start with the text if we want this all to fade out again that's going to be the opacity but rather than have the opacity Fade Out on each individual clip one at a time we can actually select all of these and combine them into what cap cut calls a compound clip so again we make sure all of these are selected we can right click on them and then hit create compound clip that basically just turned all three of these now into their own layer where now we can come to wherever we want this to fade out with the clip selected we'll go down to opacity create a key frame we'll go a couple frames forward by just using the arrow keys on our keyboard and then we'll bring the opacity down to zero so now you can see that text essentially Fades out what's the best free just going to reposition these slightly so the text Fades out earlier what's the best free cool now we want my frame to slide off of the screen so right here we'll come down to this cutout frame right here we'll go to video the basic subtab and then for position we we'll create a key frame right here locking that position in time we'll go forward a few frames and then all we need to do to slide it off screen is grab it move it over to the left at which point it will create a new key frame and you can see now that animation brings me off screen okay I know we have a lot going on here but we're almost done with the intro as this Frame gets swiped off screen I want the text free editing software to come onto the frame so we'll come up to the text tab bring our default text on to the timeline scale it up free duplicate it by holding option or alt editing one more time software so I know they're all jumbled up that's just because I typed them on top of each other but now we can drag software down editing down and then free up now I do want to change the way that these look so we'll select them all go over to the text and then basic tab change the font to resolve scroll down and remove the stroke and actually also want to change the color to Black so that'll looks good we just need to time it up with the script what's the best free editing software for the only other thing I'll do here cuz I do want to add one more layer of Animation we'll select all of these go to animation and then we will use the glitch animation here it is so we'll select that and now you can see how that animation looks best free editing software for beginners I think that's a little long so we'll come back here to the duration and change that to3 instead free editing software for cool now if you remember back to the previous edit this is where we have some additional b-roll come in we can't see that b-roll right now because this crumpled paper background is way too long and we also have this text so we'll select the crumpled paper here hit command B to create a split Point delete the leftover and then the same thing with the text we need to cut that here so we'll select all of them hit command B and then hit delete so now we can play through that what's the best free editing software for beginners in Okay so we've got that retimed and remember we had a transition here before it was the glare layer transition the reason we took that off is because with all these layers going on the transition just wouldn't have made sense a transition likes to go from one layer to another and so we're going to revisit something we talked about earlier and create a compound clip out of this entire intro so if we come down here and literally select every single layer normally if we rightclick we'd have the option to make a compound clip but we can't because if we go back if you remember this layer right here the what's the best has already been turned into a compound clip you can't create a compound clip out of an existing compound clip so to solve this we can literally just grab that layer and bring it down because it already ends here remember it fades out so now we can come back select all these layers all of them right click create compound clip what's the best free editing software so now literally we just condensed all those layers into this compound clip if we ever wanted to we could rightclick it and hit undo compound clip and and now we've gone back to everything that we had before but the reason I like this is now we have two clips right up against each other now we can use our transition so if I come up here to our transition tab we've got glare already selected we can bring it down and now play through it what's the best free editing software for beginners pretty cool I know that was a lot of work the intro is usually the most advanced segment of an entire video but it's out of the way now and we covered a ton there now to save some time throughout the rest of this edit if we're doing something that I've already kind of explained in detail I won't re-explain it in detail I'll just kind of do it and you can watch the process so here we just added two more text layers and gave them a glitch animation software for beginners in 2024 for the P now moving on another thing that I like to do in basically all of my edits is key frame those subtle Zoomin on Clips to add emphasis and kind of increase the intensity so for this clip right here rather than just have it sit static all I'm going to do is come to the beginning make sure we've got it selected key frame the scale and the position bring the playhead to the end of the clip or one frame before it we'll zoom out slightly and then we'll just increase the scale and bring the position down slightly then we'll grab this key frame down here on the timeline and just move it to the very end of the video this way when we play through it there will be a slight Zoom for the past 10 years see how it's zooming in now all right so here we're going to use a paper fold transition to have text come in for premier Pro so we'll come up to the effects tab make sure we have video effects selected and just type in paper so craft paper off is what we're going to use here we'll drag it down onto this clip and I'll show you what it looks like my go-to editing program has been Premiere Pro pretty cool so it kind of comes in but we're going to actually grab the beginning of the effect here and move it back so we have more time before it comes into view go to editing program has been right here so right as I say Premiere Pro it closes so we're just going to add some animated text here and to make life even easier I'm not going to start it and create the text from scratch I'm just going to grab what we've already done hold option duplicate it and bring it over here change this to Premiere change this to Pro program has been awesome I've also got this logo here in my media pool for Premiere Pro so we'll drag that over scale it down that looks pretty good now I actually want to create like a little transition animation of this clip coming into frame so with it selected we will go to animation and now one of my favorite animations here is just slide up so when I click on that Prem it's going to make that little graphic just slide up from the bottom which I think looks great has been Premiere Pro I love this software but it's not Petter friendly and the monthly subscription all right so here we have a new segment in the video where we're going to do a new effect in the script I say it's 2024 in the days of having to pay hundreds of dollars for an expensive editing program are over here we're going to use another animated motion background I use these all the time this is a cool one where it's just like little animated dots again you can get these for free online this is another one I downloaded from content creator we'll select this bring it down on the timeline we will rotate it scale it up and now we actually already had the auto captions made for this section from earlier in the video so I will drag these select them all and then drag them up it's 20 so now we'll just reposition these Graphics so that they pop up as they should go to the basic tab make sure we don't have apply to all checked turn this guy up change the background color to Black now I want all the text to actually stay on frame and add one layer at a time so I'm going to bring this up to a new layer and then we can extend this out 2024 in the days of having to pay so when I say hundreds of dollars I'm just going to have little dollar sign Graphics come up on the screen we have some little dollar clip art here that I got online we'll bring this down size it up and move it here I'm actually going to have three of them so we'll hold option duplicate option duplicate again so that looks good and now just like the Premiere Pro icon earlier that we had kind of animate onto the frame we'll select these pngs one at a time animation slide up slide up slide up to P for in the days of having to pay hundred looks good and now we'll offset them just slightly so they come up one at a time for in the days of having to pay hundreds of dollars for Quality editing program so another little SE done here we just need to trim the backs to do that I can actually just select all of them and then hit command B to split all of it and then we'll just hit delete and we also need to delete this background here and now we're good to go it's 2024 and the days of having to pay hundreds of dollars for Quality editing programs are over cap cut is we've got our little b-roll section here that we already created with some awesome transitions so at this part in the video the script reads there are built-in templates and transitions that look great we've already showed off a lot of the transitions so here I want to emphasize the templates so to do that we'll come up to the text tab right here and I actually know I want to use a little subscribe template so we'll type that in this one's cool they're built-in templates and that looks good we'll size it up got another one here I just searched name I like the way this looks so we'll bring that up Anthony G so looks pretty cool we'll offset them slightly yes they're built-in templates and transitions look good add one more for like that looks cool now this is definitely kind of going overboard but I want this one to be up here in the top corner and I want it slightly behind my head so to do that we're going to go back to a feature we've already used which is the auto cutout I'm going to take this bottom a roll layer hold option duplicate it then with that selected we'll go to cutout Auto cutout so now we have our cutout layer and then our regular layer all we need to do is take this graphic and drag it down to be between those two layers and now would you look at that it is behind my my head which looks super cool templates and transitions that look really professional okay so this next section I went ahead and did already but I'll explain it you can do auto cutouts and green screen effects and so much more you should likely recognize this already we basically just have the auto cutout so you can see we have our main a roll then we have the background layer on top of that which is this black kinetic dots background we've got the text for auto cutouts which is underneath the layer of the actual cutout that's why you can see the text is behind the cutout those have the basic glitch animations on them which we've been using and then those just cut and it says so much more and then the video basically ends exactly how the previous video did with just the auto captions now even though the video aspect is done we still have one crucial step which is to add sound design to our video sound design is definitely one of those things most beginners will forget but it adds a huge level of professionalism to the content now with edits like this I try to look for any drastic movements or actions in the video that we can associate with a sound a lot of times this is having a whip or whoo noise for graphics flying in and off screen maybe pop sound effects for graphics as they pop on screen if I mentioned dollars or lots of money I'd use a cash register sound effect this guy is really the limit with sound design but let's do a quick pass right now so just like any footage graphic or song we are just going to import the sound effects directly into cap cut I have a little folder here for for my Essential sfx and these are all things that I've downloaded from content creator they also have tons of great sound effects but you can find these for free on YouTube or other sites you just have to spend a little time looking I'll import this entire folder we'll click on it in the media pool and now we'll start finding areas to add it so right here at the very beginning when my cutout just kind of like pops in and out of the frame we can use a whoos sound effect like this one right here we'll just zoom in on the timeline find right where that happens and we'll drag the whoh down position it so it times up nicely what's the best free editing cool that sounds pretty good and now one way that I typically will soundesign my videos because I'll have a lot of wishes I will select that hit command C to copy it and then I'll just go throughout the video and hit command p and paste it every time it becomes relevant so like right here on the zoom transition that's another time so I'll just hit command V retime it for the past 10 that looks pretty good so these Graphics right here are like popping into the frame so we'll grab this pop sound effect right here drag it down and then we'll just need to time it up to make sure that it pops right in at the correct time though it's 2020 so that looks pretty good it is a little loud though so we've got that selected and I'll just bring the volume down right here we're actually talking about money so I'll grab the cash register sound effect put that right down here and I know that's already pretty loud so we'll lower it days of having to pay hundreds of for Quality editing program that looks good and I just continue that process throughout the entire video finding sounds to associate with actions and that officially does it for the super Advanced edit where we really dove into all of the advanced features that cap cut has at its disposal the last thing that you would do is just hit that export button and copy the same process that we used for the previous one I know I threw a ton at you in today's video but hopefully there was something for all skill levels the beginners all the way up to the super Advanced editors if you found this content valuable definitely check out the 14-day filmmaker bundle from contentcreator docomo you in the next one
Channel: Content Creators
Views: 198,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul xavier, filmmaking, filmmaker, cinematography, fulltime, fulltime filmmaker, tomorrows filmmaker, online film school, filmmaking basics, film basics, full time filmmaker, learn filmmaking, learn video, cinematic, camera, movement, lighting, film course, film, school, parker, walbeck
Id: gERszKkxZOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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