Canva Tutorial: Create FREE Livestream Overlays Using Canva

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hey what's up everybody this is stephanie and today i'm going to show you how to create overlays for your live streams like this or this using a free software called canva so let's get started alright so we are in canva right now and like i said canva is a free online software that you can use i actually have the paid version but all the stuff that i'm using today should be available in the free version so what you want to do is since if you're streaming in 1080 what you want to do is make sure you have a document that's 1920 by 1080 so usually what i use is desktop wallpaper so we're just going to click on that and then we have a blank canvas so let's get started so i'm going to create the one that you guys saw in the introduction and so i'm going to go into my uploads and grab this particular picture and just drag and drop it in here now there's a lot of different um photos and backgrounds you know if you search through uh your background types and different things like that uh you can see those different things but like i said i'm just gonna use this one but feel free to search through all of these different backgrounds and patterns all right so what you're going to do next is you're going to go into the elements tab and under the elements tab we're going to look at shapes so we can see all now you have an option to do any of these things but we're going to choose this one so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just drag and drop it in here and we're going to create the three person interview screen here so i'm gonna drag and drop this in here you know resize as you as you want and i am going to uh control copy and actually i'm gonna delete this i'm gonna try again hold on i'm gonna actually resize this a little bit make it a little longer here so we're gonna do that and once i get the shape that i want that i think works i'm going to copy control copy ctrl c or control paste again control v again and then we're just gonna like resize and line it up a cool thing about canvas as you can see me while i'm doing it it'll like automatically line up your boxes together and so you want to try to make sure everything is like evenly spaced which currently i'm struggling right now i'm going to get it together all right so we have things pretty well spaced um just gonna move this over just a little bit and move this over just a little bit this is kind of like a trial and error type of thing so the next thing i'm going to do is change the color of these things all right so one important thing that we have that you have to do when you're um doing this is that you're going to need a transparent background and we will get to that once it's once it's there but we're going to change the color to green i'm going to change the color of all these to green so what i'm doing is i am clicking on this you're going to see these three boxes up here the middle box right here you want to click on it it's going to take you to the color pane and you're going to click there right there all right also as you can see that the border you can change your border color and the shadow box you can change those to a different color so i'm going to [Music] uh let's go to let's make this a pink border well that blends in too much a little pink depth here and so we're just going to click on that we're going to do it all what i actually should have done you guys is just did it to one and then copied and pasted all but it's okay it's a learning experience for us all so real quick i'm going to touch the background and kind of adjust the background a little bit to pull the brightness out just so that you can see that a little bit better so all right back to these all right i'm going to change the border color to let's see what looks good let's just make it purple and i like that color i do not like that orange color you guys i'm sorry i'm gonna change it to that pink oh boy orange to pink and gray to purple and so basically you know based upon your branding and stuff you choo just you know basically base everything upon your branding what are your colors and uh what colors you're wanting but like i said i'm just laying out something very basic all right so we're gonna take another i'm gonna go back to our shapes and we are going to take a we'll take this rectangle and we'll shrink it up a little bit and what this is going to be is going to serve as a name plate so we're going to just line it up a little bit kind of align it up to there and i'm going to go and change the color to the same pink color and i'm going to copy this and on a vv so we can control v both of those and i know you guys are like wait a minute it's right in front of the thing but what we're going to do is we're going to put go up to here go to position and hit backwards position backward position backward and that doesn't that clashes as you guys can see so i'm going to change this color so it doesn't clash so much i just want to give you guys a general gist so and i'm going to let me see how that looks doesn't look we're just gonna line these up now if you guys are big time major graphic designers i just want to show you guys how to do this very very basic basic thing all right so now that we have that and it doesn't look perfect but we have that done so what we're going to do is we're going to download it just like it is we're going to download as a png so download and we're just gonna uh three person overlay um youtube we're gonna save that okay so here's the important part all right i'm gonna shrink this up a little bit we're gonna go to this online editor called pixlr and it's free editor so we're on pixlr and we're going to go to pixlr e all right so what you're going to do is you're going to open your image um we're going to open it up open and then we're going to select this um wand select so we're going to hit that and then we're going to control and we're just going to touch or shift hold click click all three and then we're gonna hit delete now there's a transparent background there and then we're gonna push ctrl d to deselect and then there you have it you have your overlay so what we're going to do is going to go to file we're going to export export this as a p in export images png we're going to save it as the same thing and then we're going to move it over into our online software okay so as you can see we have what we created what we built here in canva and but the the possibilities are endless we also have this option where you can put yourself on the side and put a desktop window or a video game or something on the other side you have another option where you just you know creating a creative or fun border around yourself you have the option where hey you're playing a game and you're putting yourself in the corner and having a little overlay on top and you know you're playing your your video game or something on the side then you also have the option where hey you want to interview for people and you can add text above it and make it more creative so there's a whole lot of different things that you can do in canva the possibilities are endless it's just based upon your creativity so as you can see uh the possibilities with canva is endless so you gotta just get in there and start creating if you guys enjoyed this video please uh give it a thumbs up comment down below if you have any questions and if you enjoy this type of content please consider subscribing and i will see you guys in the next video holla you
Channel: Stephanie A. Davison
Views: 877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0qLKly6Xig4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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