Custom Starting Soon Screen for FREE [Canva Tutorial]

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do you want to learn how to make this using canva pretty much for free does your stream need healing if so you've come to the right place my name is dr hills i am your content cleric i make videos just like this to help you up your streaming game on a budget every single week so if you enjoy this content you want to see more stuff like this be sure to subscribe and hit that bell and also i want to do a little test this week guys i want to know how many of you are actually streamers so i want to know how much my audience is canva users and how much is streamers so if you are a streamer hit the like button i want to see i want to get a count this week of how many of you guys are actually streamers and if you are a streamer feel free to leave a link to your stream down below um i will make sure that it gets approved and then gets out there i'd love to come check out your stuff and what you are creating and how these videos are helping you anyone ever hang out with me i stream every sunday tuesday wednesday and thursday over on twitch slash dr hills we'd love to see you over there but let's get into making some really cool stuff in canva let's go okay guys right here is the completed design now i want to add a quick disclaimer to do this design how i have it which is with uh this transparent gradient side over here um to do that you will need a pro account so if you want a pro account just to do this you can click down below i have a 30 day free trial to get you guys uh the pro account so that you can build this exact starting zoom screen if if this part with the camera and the transparency is not important for you don't even worry about it extend this all the way over added you know add a fortnight image in here or something like that whatever um you want but if you do want the transparent thing where your camera can show through it um it will have to be a pro account unfortunately okay i just want to throw that in there let's continue with the tutorial okay so the first thing you want to do is you want to create a whole new design i'm going to go to presentation because i want it to be 1920x1080 um you can adjust this resolution to fit whatever your stream size is i stream in 1080 so i'm going with 1080. okay so now the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start to build um our shape and so for my particular design we have a like diagonal um swoosh that goes through it and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click elements here um and i'm going to go to frames because i actually want to put an image inside of it and this is how you mask out an image is with a frame so i'm going to find one that matches uh pretty close to what i need um and you could do the same only click this one it is just a square i'm gonna zoom out a little bit cause i've gotta make it quite a bit larger than it actually is and i'm gonna bring it like this and then i'm going to grab this little wheel and i'm gonna add some rotation to it and there we go i'm actually thinking that's a little too much rotation so i may bring it back just a touch where it's a fairly subtle rotation um and this is again a frame you see it's not making it all the way to the top there um and so there we go so make sure you have it all covered um and then i'm going to go to uploads now if i hadn't already i would upload the image that i wanted to use here but i actually already have it it is sitting right here so i'm just going to drag it in and there's my image if i needed to i could click in and then from here i could resize my image alone you know if i wanted those to be bigger i could do that i don't i want it to be smaller and there we go and control plus and control minus how i'm zooming in and out if you're curious about that um and now i'm actually going to move it over and hold down shift to keep it in line i want a decent size right here um and so to put in this part what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go to elements and i'm going to click it again and now i'm going to type in gradient and in particular what i want here is a gradient square just like this one now you can see you can actually choose your gradients but for me this is pretty much already the color i use um and so i'm fine with it so i'm just going to stretch it out uh to fill this part in i'm going to maybe slide it over so i get a little more purple down here at the bottom and actually i may want to rotate it just so i can get my purple on on the top sort of like that now i have have it that way and all i'm going to do is i'm going to send that to the back just like that now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to lower the opacity um and i'll lower it to about 65 um maybe actually go a little bit lower i'm gonna go around 50 i believe i'm going to lower that opacity about 50 right there um and that's where my other webcam will be um that you can see me through it now the next thing i want to do is i actually want to i don't want this to be as um as bright as noticeable so what i'm going to do is i'm going to lower the opacity on it about 50 but as you see it's getting very light so i'm actually going to put a black square behind this so click elements again i'm going to go to my shape so i'm just going to throw a a square in there and i'm going to make it black make sure it's all the way black or actually i'm going to have it match my picture that color which is almost a dark purple i'm going to adjust this until it matches that angle maybe the best i can get it just like that i'm going to zoom back out and again all i needed to do is take up is filled in right there and i'm going to zoom back in um that seems pretty good to me i'm just going to nudge it into place and i'm going to position backwards and there you go it's right behind this one now again i can adjust my opacity for this one make it even more subtle if i want it but i think maybe right around 40 we'll go with there we go so this is kind of uh the base of the starting stream screen now i'm going to add some text in there so i'm just going to click text now you just choose whatever font you want to choose want to go with i'm going to use what it has here which is open sans extra bold which is a pretty nice font i'm going to say starting soon i'm going to type it correctly um adjust your size down make it fit in there pretty good let's say you know something like that looks pretty good now for mine in particular i have a command um that says hit exercise mark pray if you want uh if you have a prayer request we're gonna play at the beginning of stream and so i'm going to hit alt uh i'm sorry i'm gonna click off for a second now i'm gonna click here and hold down alt and drag that down that just makes a copy of it hold down shift so it stays perfectly in line i'm going to make my size quite a bit smaller we'll go with something about like 42 maybe and we want this to be a lighter font so we'll search here let's try open open sans light i do not want it to be all caps um and i'll say this is uh too big so i'm gonna drop down to maybe about 28. there we go nice and subtle all right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to select just like both of these and press ctrl g they're now grouped together and i did that so now that it'll tell me when there this group itself is perfectly centered right about there okay next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to actually grab my logo which uh if i go to my uploads over here my my dr hills logo should be here and right there it is just going to drag it in oh nope i forgot i couldn't do it that way i actually need to drag it in right here resize it down about the size i want it a little bit bigger and then because if i try to drag it you see how it wants to fill because it's an image it wants to fill this frame so what i'm going to do is i'm going to line it up about where i want it and i'm just going to move it like this holding down shift and my arrow keys and something like that looks pretty good okay now the very next thing we want to do is we want to uh put down our social handles down here so what i'm going to do is i'm actually just going to alt drag these down ungroup delete the starting zoom screen so i don't need that and now i'm going to say for my youtube you know we slash dr heels right now actually may even make this one a little bit smaller again going for subtlety i'm gonna bring in these edges just like that and now i need to find a youtube icon i'm gonna go to elements okay so i like to i chose this one because i can actually change the colors uh which i am going to do um i do not want to keep it this red color and it will group those and maybe resize them because it is looking a little bit small even to me now so from here i don't want this to be red i just want it to be white right white and this part there we go just like that and so now ctrl g group those together and then we'll resize them just a little bit there we go now that you have that one all we're going to do is we're going to alt drag select one right here in the middle and now you can put whatever other social media in here you want you want to export this now the problem that i have and and maybe i'll add a disclaimer in the beginning is you will need a pro account uh i have a link down below that will get you 30 days free you can do the design and immediately cancel the 30-day treat free trial that is completely up to you if you want to go that route okay so now you just want to export this as a transparent png click here change it to png select transparent background now to accomplish the effect that we have accomplished you are going to need one other thing you're going to need stream fx plug-in okay so you're going to need this plug-in right here and all that does if you've decided to go the right where it shows your camera this is how you'll add that slight blur to it and so you're going to click on this you're going to open up the github you'll scroll down here to the windows version so all this up here is linux you'll go to this windows version and i think i downloaded just the exe and or no maybe i did the zip file and then i drug it into my obs but if you need to know how to do this there are plenty of videos online that um that cover this so if you need that look up one of those videos if you want me to make a video on it specifically let me know and i will do so but once you have that installed in obs you should be uh pretty good to go let me show you guys what i'm actually working with over here in obs okay in obs all you're gonna do is hit your little plus sign create your scene i'm gonna say starting soon uh you know youtube click okay okay from here we have a blank background all right and so i'm gonna go and add in a display capture so you guys can see what i'm working on there we go there's blank you see there's nothing else in here at all and so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to add in um first thing i'm going to add in is i'm actually going to add in my second camera so it is a c920 and right there it is you can see i already have the filter applied but let me turn this off so okay there's that camera now what i'm going to do um is i'll eventually resize this how i want it to be something like this you guys get to see my workspace this is not the part you normally get to see so all right now you have now you have your camera in here whatever camera you want to use uh you are just going to now right click on the camera and go to filters i'm trying to make sure you see everything i'm going to add a a blur filter so you'll hit your plus sign go to blur add that on in there um and then also added a shader which is just these kind of moving lines that you can kind of see here um so first i'm going to add my blur we have those little uh i don't know i'm calling them vcr lines i don't know exactly what they are but that's what i'm calling it okay now you want to add over the image that you just made so you're gonna hit your plus sign go to image um now you're going to name it whatever you want i actually already made one ss test so i'm just going to choose that one but you would just type it out right there and click ok all right there we go now we have it added i'm just going to double click and i'm going to add in uh where it actually is so go in yours and choose um your image wherever you saved it to and just like that it now has the image added in right there's my image i'm just gonna click ok and really we're pretty much good to go that is that is done so i do hope that helped you if you have any more questions let me know and also want to say i have this right here behind me there is a tutorial video coming out on how i made this exact light i made it for like six dollars but i really think buying all the material i had a lot of stuff on and um but buying the material i think you can get out for under 25 making this so if you guys are interested in that let me know um and that way i know if that's a video i should look into if i should do some diy style stuff because pretty much everything in my backdrop from the brick wall to that that light to that shelf it's all it's all diy so if that's something you'd like to see me uh move more into in the near future you should let me know but anyway guys if you ever want to hang out with me i stream every sunday tuesday wednesday and thursday over on twitch i would really appreciate you coming out with me over there sub to this channel and let me know if these videos are helpful for you what you're making with them if you want to show off some of the stuff you've made you've just made it you're super proud of it uh be sure to join my discord down below as well and and post it in the share your art section um i would it really means a lot to see what you guys are making using these tutorials it truly does oh there we go
Channel: DrHeals
Views: 44,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, starting soon, stream starting soon, twitch starting soon, live stream, starting soon screen twitch, canva tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, canva for streamers, how to grow on twitch, how to use canva, custom starting soon screen, starting soon screen, how to make a starting soon screen, free graphic design software, graphic design, obs, design tools for streamers, free design tools, obs tutorial, obs tutorial for beginners, obs tutorial 2020
Id: Qwmo9MZpK48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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