Canva Photo Editing Tutorial | How To Edit Photos On Canva 2023 📸

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the canva photo editor is something that many people are sleeping on you may not even realize it but there are some incredible options hidden there that can make your design stand out and make you a more creative designer ready let's do this hi my lovely people it's Natalia and welcome back to my channel where I help you create better content and grow on social media in today's canva tutorial you'll learn how to use the canva photo editor not only to edit photos in canva but also to create fun effects to make your content more engaging if you learned something new in this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more canva content and to get better at Social Media Marketing alright let's jump right into it we're in a canva design and to access the canva photo editor you have to have any photo within a design it doesn't have to be presented like this it can be a part of your template or a design and you just need to click on it go to the top to edit photo in here and that opens up a whole panel one thing they want to note in here is that I am using the new photo editor you may still be on the old experience but you can just kind of decide to switch when it's available to you I'm going to be predominantly talking about the new canva photo editor in this video however at the very end I'll mention some of the crucial things that you need to keep in mind first thing I want to start with is that we have three different tabs in here we've got the effects the adjust and the crop tabs I'll start with the effects one and the first one of the different effects that we've got in here is within the tools and that's magic Edit Magic edit is absolutely incredible and it utilizes AI to actually replace some of the different parts of your image that you want you can then describe what you want to generate and AI would just replace it with the thing that you want so let's start with trying something very simple like trying these different grapefruits and I can just select them like this and I'm going to continue in here and next I'm going to say two apples I'm just going to hit generate in here and let's wait for canva to actually process that prompt and we'll see what it generates for us brilliant as you can see we always have four different images to choose from and you can just keep clicking to see what works for the image best I think these ones look the most natural then you can just click done or if you're not happy with the results you can always click generate new results which I'll show you in just a second but if you hit done you're sorted this is how your image ends up looking and you can swap out all the different things but I want to show you another way to actually edit uh with the magic tool in canva and if you click on Magic edit again I'm going to just select my hair this time and I can just go ahead and say pink hair let's see what it does for me okay we definitely have some options in here but let's say I want to go back and actually make that prompt a little bit more interesting so I'm going back and saying pink hair with curls and that's giving me a little bit of a different result as you can see it definitely understood that curls need to be there but let's say I'm not quite happy with the results it looks a little bit funky kind of around my forehead area so let's generate new results in here all right it's definitely not perfect but it's one way to test what I would look like with pink hair so let's move on to the second effect which is the Magic Eraser sometimes you've got a design with a nice flat lay or something in the photo that just doesn't look right sometimes you've got tourists maybe in your photo that you want to remove and now canva definitely delivered with the canva Magic Eraser we've got this photo in here let's say I want to actually remove this little piece of cotton so that it doesn't interfere with the text in the middle so I'm trying to just select every bit of that shadow that it creates because that's usually what kind of throws off the textures underneath but I'm just going to select it like this and wait for canva to do its magic and voila we're sorted we definitely don't have that cotton flower in here anymore but I can see some of the shadow in here so you can keep working on it so that it removes it completely let's say that I'm happy with it obviously there are some areas that it could work on better but that is something that I'm definitely happy with so this is how the Magic Eraser Works let's move on to the third effect in our tools panel and that's the background remover seems like it's everyone's favorite so I'm just going to show you what it looks like I'm just going to tap the background remover on a photo that I want to of course remove the background from here it is I can do anything I want with this little photo in here it works brilliantly within this graphic from here if you want to tweak it you can always go back and configure it and from here you can also erase or restore some of the parts that canva removed and from here at the bottom you can always reset the background to restore it now I feel like it's a great place to actually skip the filters I'll talk about the filters in a moment but I want to show you one effect from the effects tab of course that is shadows and this is a brilliant brilliant very multi-faceted effect that you can use to actually add Dimension to your designs and create some really fun effects with so if you click on shadows in here you've got three different options you've got glow drop shadow or outline now for our glow this creates a little Aura around the subject I feel like it works really brilliantly with lighter colors so I'm going to change that Darkness change that black to something wider but maybe a little bit of a yellowish color let's say just to match the background slightly let's say this is what I want from here I can increase the size I can increase the blur amount I think I'm going to stick to the white actually just so you can see it a little bit better you can adjust the angle or actually the distance from the subject as well and you can adjust the intensity so I can make her really really glowy in here the way it works in this new panel is that the sizing actually will decrease the size of the image in here but you can always make it bigger now I will move on to the drop shadow which is one of my favorite effects I need to remove the glow so let's go to drop then and I can increase the size so you can see what it does now it's quite a harsh Shadow I will blur it a little bit more and maybe angle it from kind of this side because the light is coming from the right let's increase the distance and I can change that color to maybe something slightly more brownish so that it's not as harsh again in the background I can change the intensity so I can make the shadow a little bit more intense of course I'm happy with this one I could go on to create the outline as well and the outline is something that you'll find very often that YouTubers use or people on Instagram as well I'm not going to change much in here apart from the color in here so you may know it from kind of the funky little white outline that you know from Again YouTube and Instagram and I can just make it bigger or smaller just like that you can create different kind of cutout effects with this outline so this is quite a cool option to know about alright I've returned to this Shadow because it looks quite editorial I like it for this particular design let's move on to our next photo and this is where I want to show you the autofocus effect now if you've ever wanted to create that nice blur in the background canva is actually brilliant at this so it will actually he identified the subject of your photo and then blur it nicely in the background so you've got that nice and dewy effect you can change the blur intensity in here to really make that subject stand out or actually bring back a lot of that background if you want to there's also the focus position and as you can see you can change where the focus goes to so let's say I want to create something artistic and want to make the focus for on that person obviously it's not going to be as natural because it goes against the physics of the lens so I will go back to um the front Focus I think it looks a lot better but know that you can adjust it from here and as always you can always remove that autofocus from the bottom like this the next effect in our tab is the blur effect obviously this is very straightforward you will understand what it means in just a second I can just click on it and change the intensity and that's going to blur the image that works great for any of of the kind of backgrounds that you may want to create or if you want to reduce the intensity of the photo in a design so that works great but I'm just going to remove it because I want to present you with one of the effects that's definitely slept on and that's geotone geotone is incredible because it allows you to kind of separate the highlights and the Shadows of the image to create different colors and you can actually preset those colors so now we've got the different settings that are just suggested by canva I think the classic looks really nice actually from looking at it from the distance but you can see that from here on any of those panels you can actually click on the highlights and click on the Shadows to change the color and actually adjust it to work for your specific image let me show you what you can actually do let's say I want to create a nice kind of dewy greenish tone let's say I want that for the highlight and then you can see all those different shadows in here and this is what this Shadows tab corresponds to so you can go for something kind of Darker like this or I can go to maybe something with a little bit more contrast like this from here as well you can adjust the intensity so the more you take it back the more it's going to revert to the original they can always overlay those colors slowly to get the effect that you want I like this one but of course the classic looks really nice with the different options so know that you can just use the settings from here as well if you ever want to go back to the original you can always go back to none here at the top one of the things that I really love about the new canva editor as opposed to the old one is the fact that you can always go back to your effects and actually click back on them to adjust them before you would say apply a shadow and once you hit done that would be you with this Shadow stuck you wouldn't be able to adjust it but right now you can always go back to the shadows in here and adjust them as well so that gives us a lot more power to actually have control over our designs another great thing is that you can have multiple effects on one of the photos as well so with this autofocus I can always go to duotone and kind of color it the way I like I can change the intensity in here to create almost like a filter effect now let's move on to one slightly hidden effect in our Tab and that's the app called smart mock-ups are now called mock-ups this is one that a lot of people are not aware of and they don't notice it here in the new editor but it's incredible for creating really fun mock-ups we had that before but now it's got an upgrade that I think a lot of people need to be aware of when you select your photo or your image this is my upload of course this is my um actual content marketing strategy thumbnail go watch that video next if you want to improve your content marketing strategy but for now I want to include it in one of the visuals so that I can use it on my social media post and from here I can choose a bunch bunch of different images and let's say I want to use this one I can just click on it it will pop up within my design in here I'm just going to stretch it and as you can see it works almost like a frame I can just grab my image and drag it on top of my new smart mockup and that's going to include it in there looks brilliant no fuss amazing way to create mock-ups there are so many different options for your mock-ups you've got packaging you've got frames you've got branding and despite us having some of the options within the frames in the elements tab I think this is the next level and definitely something that you can use to make your design stand out a lot okay let's go ahead to our photo filters I've mentioned that I'm going to be talking about it as well so let's go back to edit photo and from here you can click Co and you're going to have so many different options for the filters you can apply the ones that are preset so you can keep applying them for your different images to make them look slightly the same a little fun thing to add a little bit of Dimension to your images and again just like before if you want to remove that filter you can just go to none in here so I'm just going to scroll from my Fade to the top and that's none all right let's move on to our second Tab and that's the adjust tab this is very exciting and I feel like a lot of people see all the sliders and they think ah you know it's just a standard photo editor but it's hiding something really really big so I want to show you what you can do with the adjust tab first of all you've got the auto adjust that's going to make your photo prettier with just one click you can then adjust the intensity I can always reset the adjustments from here at the very bottom to go back to the original and from here I want to show you one of the things that I absolutely love about the new canva photo editor and that's the areas so as you can see in here I've got the tab the drop down menu where I can choose the whole image the foreground or the background let's say I want to choose something from the foreground I want to make that object really stand out of course that's a lady in here let's say I want to make her a little bit brighter I can do that from here I can make her a little bit more contrasty if I want to get the Highlights a little bit down I can do it from here as well I can increase the Vibrance I can make the make the image a little bit less colorful and that's only applying to the subject to the foreground such a cool feature if I want to add a little bit of sharpness to it I can do it from here as well I can increase the clarity such a cool effect let's go to the background now completely independently of the subject I can change the temperature I can change the tint if I want to make the background darker I can do it from here so as you can see in here it stands out a little bit more now and I can create those fun effects just from within the canva editor this is so incredible and I love this you've got the adjust tab covered let's go ahead to our last photo editor trick and that's crop if you go to crop you now have more power of kind of cropping and adjusting your images that we had before normally if you wanted to crop an image you would double click on it and from here you would get that panel now you get a full kind of panel from the photo editor you can always drag through the sides to adjust your crop you can make it bigger like this but you can also rotate your images and this is a cool thing because as you've seen um this particular image right here needs a little bit of rotation so let's go to the auto and see what it can do for me as you can see it just changed it just a little bit so that it matches kind of our lines our horizontal lines so that's a super cool and neat feature that we've got now one other thing that I want to let you know about the new crop capabilities is that if you have an image that's kind of within a specific template you've maybe designed something and you want to make it fit nicely you can always go to your edit photo go to crop and you can use the smart crop feature it's another one of those kind of magic tools that will analyze the image for you and again do magic with it so let's click on the smart crop and as you can see it kind of identifies what it needs to look like within the specific frame if I just hit done that's going to kind of fill the whole space and make your design match the frame so that's another cool option within the smart crop by the way this little leather texture underneath that was edited with duotone as well so as a baseline it was a little bit kind of warmer I made it a little bit more kind of grayish and dark to match the whole design again you can do so much with duotone you can actually make it match your own brand colors because you've got the capability to insert your hex codes a really great option all right let's move on to the old canva photo editor now I don't want to spend too much time in here just because a lot of the effects are kind of duplicates there were still things that weren't really moved over from the old Editor to the new editor but I fully expect them to be moved over gradually over time one thing that you definitely need to know is that one design cannot have two of the editors you cannot use the new and the old one simultaneously within the design a lot of people want to do that especially if they have multiple pages to a design but this is not possible so let me show you what I mean if you go to the photo editor this is our new one we've got the background remover in here and this is a function that is available in the old editor however if I were to then click here to revert to the old editor as you can see all the effects were removed even though if I go back to the edit image and I am in the old editor I could use the background remover so something to definitely keep in mind you need to decide beforehand what kinds of effects you need for a specific design so let's take a look at all the different effects we have the background remover we had the adjust tab although it didn't have that background foreground separation options we've got our filters and we have the tools Auto enhance is very similar to the auto um adjustments that were in the adjust tab in the new editor we have the autofocus of course but we also have the face retouch in here so let's say I want to apply a little bit of that I'll zoom in quickly for you so you can see what it does you can just up the intensity from here on the auto option and let me show you the original so as you can see it applied a little bit of that skin smoothing if this is something that you're looking for know that it's available in the old editor from here we also have the photogenic options these are kind of filters as well and we have the smart mock-ups and we've got the Shadows you know all of that from the new editor but now we've got all the other options you've got trippy which kind of separates the different layers the different channels of your image to create that fun effect you also have liquify to make it kind of smoother and make it melt into the background something that you may want to use for kind of any of the censoring effect if that makes sense you could use the pixelate in here let me show you what it looks like just like that if you're looking for something like this you can always adjust it from here just to make that fun effect if you need it I want to put you up to the Prisma effect which is something that I kind of liked using for stuff that was a little bit more maybe cartoonish a little bit more kind of organic if I wanted to use that so let's say I have something like this that looks a little bit like a Sketchbook maybe and I can just click in here on that image to edit it in Prisma and we have different effects in here so let's try storm it just kind of creates that little drawn effect a little cartoonish effect I really like the passion fruit in here for this particular design but I'm just going to show you what the different effects are okay let's see this is something that I want to use I can just apply it like this and I can just remove the background from the top and here we end up with an image like this this can be easily incorporated into Sketchbook types designs or if you want something a little bit that looks like a cartoon you can definitely use that effect again you would have to revert to the old Editor to get that but this is something that you can definitely use within canva and again you've got the sliced effect you've got all the different effects so make sure you play around with them see if this is something that you would be able to use within your designs to think a little bit more creatively but know that this is available within here as always within the old editor you can always go to restore the original here from the very top have you switched to the new photo editor in canva already let me know down below and tell me if there's anything you've learned here today but don't stop here I've got plenty more exciting camera tutorials to make you a better designer so click here and watch this playlist right now hit that subscribe button to never miss an opportunity to create captivating content thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 72,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, canva photo editing, canva photo editing tutorial, photo editing in canva, canva app photo editing, canva, how to use canva, how to use canva photo editing, how to edit photo in canva, photo editing, photo editing canva, canva design tutorial, canva editing, canva edit photo, canva photo editing tutorial for beginners, canva tips and tricks, edit photo with canva, canva video editing, magic edit, magic eraser, canva mockups
Id: mKWQJpgwHSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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