BEST Canva Photo Editing Tips and Tricks

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It's time to edit some photos. Today, I am going  to walk you through 10 easy to use Canva tips and   tricks for creating the perfect image. If you  have a photograph and you want to make edits   to specific elements of that photo, you can do  so under the Adjust tab. Canva is always going   to default to adjusting the entire image, but  by clicking on the dropdown, you can select the   foreground or the background. By clicking here  on foreground, I am isolating the little girl   in this image. If I want to go ahead and make her  and just her black and white, I could scroll down   to color and adjust this tab to a negative 100.  Same with saturation. You can see that we quickly   made the foreground of this image black and white  without adjusting the color of the background. If   I go ahead and click undo, I can do the opposite  by isolating the background. I can then make the   background of this image black and white and keep  the little girl in color. If you want to animate   your photograph, you have some options. Start  by clicking on Animate. My favorite is the photo   zoom feature. This allows you to take an image and  bring it to life. Here I want to start by having   my image large and then zoom in closer and closer  to the front of the house. After selecting photo   zoom, I want to go ahead and select in. I can then  adjust the scale to my desired level of zoom. When   you save this image, the animation will save with  it. The other photo movement options you have   under the animate tab include photo flow. This  will allow you to have your image float downwards   and the photo rise feature will have your image  rise up. With a pro subscription, you can also   have your image move left or right. This is my  favorite feature in Canva photo editing, the magic   eraser. It does require a Canva pro subscription,  but for this feature alone, it's well worth it.   If you have something in your photograph that  you'd like to be removed, in this instance, this   gentleman's head here in the ocean, you can use  the magic eraser to very quickly remove it. You   simply use the brush and drag it along the part  of the image that you would like to be removed.   Depending on how dark the area is that you want  to be erased, it might take more than one pass. In   this case, since this head's a little bit darker,  it might take two or three passes. Here you can   see there's just one small dark spot remaining,  so I'll use my brush to drag over it and we should   have a perfectly good shot. There you go, a much  better framed picture. If you want to blur the   background of an image, it's logical to think just  click on the blur button. However, the biggest tip   I can give you when wanting to blur the background  of an image is to skip the blur button and click   on autofocus. Let me show you the difference. If  you click on blur, it's going to automatically   blur the entirety of the image. However, if you  remove the blur and go back and select autofocus,   it will automatically blur just the background of  your image to make the focal point pop. You can   then adjust the blur intensity to get the image  to be exactly how you want. Once you have your   desired template chosen, you can then go ahead and  upload your photographs. On the left-hand side of   the screen, click on uploads and then upload  files. One of the great features of Canva is   it allows you to upload multiple images at one  time, which can save you a lot of clicking. Once   all your photographs are uploaded, it's as simple  as dragging and dropping them into the preselected   boxes on the collage. Canva will automatically  readjust the image in order to fit in the frame.   Once you have all of your photographs inserted,  if you're happy with it, you're done. Or if you   want to make any changes to the placement, simply  click on the image and you can move it around.   Done! Now you can go back to editing the rest of  your photos and everyone has a great sneak peek   at what you've been up to. Another great feature  of Canva Pro is the one-click background remover.   Simply select your photograph and click on edit  photo. And then look for the beach ball, that's   the background remover. And with one easy click,  your background is gone. You can then easily add   another background onto your image by clicking on  elements on the left-hand side. You can search for   a recently used image or any type of background  you're looking for. And again, with another click,   a right click, set image as background, you  have a new background for your photo and an   almost unlimited amount to choose from. This next  tip can be a lot of fun if you're looking to play   around with different colors in your photograph.  Specifically, isolating a specific color and then   changing it. Let's take a look. Clicking on the  adjust button and scrolling all the way down   to the bottom, Canva will automatically detect  the primary colors in your photograph. You can   then select what you want to change. In this  case, let's go ahead and change the color of   my blouse from a blue one to a red one. I select  the color that I want to isolate and you can then   play around with the hue. For example, I can  go down to a deep green or scroll across here   to my desired red color. A big trend right now on  social media is inserting photographs into letters   and numbers. Let's take a quick look on how to do  that. First, I'm going to delete my current image   and frame and go back to the elements tab and  search for number frames. There are different   styles for each number, or you can edit them and  create your own. Once you find one that you like,   you can simply drag and drop it onto the page  and adjust however way you want. You can then   go back to your photographs and simply drag and  drop into the number. Pretty simple. As we have   been exploring in Photo Editor today, you may have  noticed this mockups button. If you've ever wanted   to know what your image might look like on a  mobile phone or a water bottle or even a tote bag,   this is where you can easily insert your image  in a desired template. This works really well if   you want to see what a company logo might look  like. Let's say I want to see what my company   logo might look like on this woman's t-shirt. I  can drag this template across my page, go into   the uploads section, and drag and drop my company  logo directly onto her t-shirt. This can work for   any type of image. Likewise, let's say I took a  group photo and I want to jazz it up a little bit   for my presentation. I can go ahead and delete  this image, go back to edit photo and mockups.   Here I can look at some of the more popular  images and I'll select this gentleman here with   his computer. I'll drag it across my canvas and  make it my desired size. Under the uploads, I'm   then going to drag and drop my group photo that  I want to display in a slightly more appealing   manner. There you go, a mockup. This last trick  is called Magic Edit. It's currently in beta,   but it's amazing. If you want to erase something  from a photo and replace it with another object   instead or add new objects to your photograph like  they've always been there, now you can. First,   brush over the area that you want to edit. In this  case, I want to add a Christmas tree to the corner   of my photograph, just to make it pop a little  bit more for the holidays. Once you've selected   the area that you want to edit, click continue and  simply describe what you want Canva to do. In this   case, adding a Christmas tree and then watch the  magic unfold. Remember that this feature is still   in beta and sometimes it can be a little glitchy.  When it generates the changes that you requested,   it's going to give you a few options to  select from. If you don't like any of these,   you can always go ahead and click generate  new results. And it will give you some   more options for you to select from. Once  you're happy with how your new image looks,   select done. Now you've added something to your  image with magic. I hope those tips and tricks   were helpful. Please consider subscribing  to our channel for more tips and tricks.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 66,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert
Id: HF_0v4LyhyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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