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has anyone else noticed that it seems like canva is always changing and introducing new features they are constantly upping their game which is why I love canva so much and use it as my primary design platform well Cana recently made a huge announcement regarding their brand new magic Studio this is essentially the new hub for all of canvas's AI tools and features there were already some AI capabilities within canva but now we can find them all in one place within canva and they've also introduced several new AI tools with this launch I've talked about some of canvas's AI features before so in this video I'm sharing my top six picks for my favorite of the new canva AI tools within the magic Studio let's get into it so just as a reminder there are three different canva plans we've got canva free canva Pro and canva for teams so some of these features may only be available for Pro or teams users but whatever is available for you with the plan that you're on should automatically be appearing inside your canva account if you see a feature you like but don't have access to if you're on the free plan I do have a cana pro 30-day free trial Linked In the description box below if you like to try out Pro and try out some of these features that are on the Pro Plan for 30 days and see if you like it then you can click that link and get signed up for free to try that out all right so if we come to our canva homepage and go to the left side menu we'll now see where it says magic studio so we can click on that and this is the hub for all of the AI tools so if you scroll down here you can see all of the different AI tools within canva that all start with the word magic and you see something that starts with magic inside of canv this is your clue that that is something to do with artificial intelligence so we've got the three different magic design capabilities we've seen magic design itself before but now we've got magic design for presentations magic design for video we've got magic right which we've seen before but there's a few new ones they just introduced which would be these three magic switch magic animate and Magic morph also magic media which we've seen the text to image tool before but now it's called Magic media because it also has a text to video capability a couple other new AI tools are magic grab magic expand and we've got several new AI apps as well so I'm going to go ahead and jump into my first of my top six picks for these new tools and that is Magic grab so let's say we're here inside of canva we've got our blank canvas and we want to select a photo that we want to use so let's select this photo of the coffee cup and what we can do with magic grab is while we have this photo selected we can come up here to edit photo and when we click on edit photo in the top left here we see our photo editor menu with lots of different options pop up so this is where we're going to find magic grab so then we can select magic grab and it automatically selects the subject of the photo which we can then just grab and drag around as we please so we can either take this off the photo and just use the background of the photo and put something else layered on top or we could delete that background and just use the subject of the photo however we'd like so this is a really amazing feature because before we would have had to use the background remover and actually go through the process of removing that background with the background remover and then we would have this but now we can just easily grab and pull this around where we'd like it to be we can also use multiple photos to switch things around so let's say I have this other photo here of a coffee cup as well and I've got this one that I just used I can use my magic grab like I just did for this one so let's come up to edit photo magic grab I can then bring this coffee cup away and delete that let's say I like this coffee cup better but I want it to appear on this background then I can come over to this one also use my magic grab here to grab this coffee cup I'm going to drag the coffee cup over here delete this background and then I can work with this photo background and my new coffee cup to arrange it in the picture how I'd like it to be so this magic grab feature has so many different uses including creating really fun and interesting social media post images and even creating digital products to sell now if you're interested in creating digital products to sell online on a place like Etsy or creative Market I have a full length comprehensive course called digital products with canva where I use canva to walk you through stepbystep how to start and grow a profitable online digital products business if you're wanting to make some extra money then selling digital products online is an amazing way to add on a passive income stream and make some extra money without having to do a lot of extra work a lot of people like this idea but get pretty intimidated when it comes to the tech side of creating digital products which is why I created digital products with canva so if you're interested in getting some extra training to start your own digital products business then definitely check the link below and watch my free masterclass digital product Powerhouse this is a$ 45 5 minute crash course into my proven four-step system for starting a digital products business and I also talk about my full length course inside of that Master Class so after you get done watching this video definitely hop over watch that free master class and see if digital products with canva might be of value to you all right moving on to AI tool number two which is Magic morph we can find the magic morph tool by coming over to our leftand menu here and clicking on apps right now it's showing up right here because it's one of the featured apps but you can always search in the canva apps as as well for magic morph if you don't see it here but we'll click to open Magic morph so the process here is if we have a design already created here we can select an element or a piece of text in our design to use and morph it into something else but for this demo we're just going to try a test element here so let's add a star and while that is selected I'm going to come to step number two which is describe the look so here I'm going to input a prompt that I want it to morph my star into so I want my star to be filled with bright rays of sunshine so I'm going to put that and then I'm going to click magic morph and then here on the Le hand side we can see the four different images that it's given me so it's taken my star shape and actually used AI to put some bright rays of sunshine in so let's say I like this one I can add it to my design and use it however I like inside my design this also works for text as well so let's add some text here we've got an example can make this say whatever we like let's say happy birthday and then again we're going to come to step number two and describe what look we want it to have so let's try TR inflatable rose gold party balloon and see what it generates for us and here we've got our four different options if we click to add one to the canvas here we can see if we scale this up a little bit how this actually does look like an inflatable balloon in our rose gold color each of these different options is slightly different so you can click to add and see which one you like the best and go with that now let's say maybe we want our happy birthday to be in an ocean wave design I could put blue ocean waves and let's see what it comes up with for this style and here we've got four different options for an ocean wave style so if we click on it let's check out the details here so we can see it's in ocean wave colors and we can even see some little intricate details on the ends of the letters that look like little swirls or wave designs so magic morph is just so fun to play around with and try out different styles for text or for elements in shapes okay moving on to Tool number three which is called Magic expand so we can use magic expand with a photo so let's add again this coffee cup image and before if I was working with let's say an Instagram story size canvas but I had a horizontal photo like this it would be really frustrating because I can't just click to expand the photo without it being cropped off to fit the canvas size so if I'm wanting this photo to take up the whole canvas size I'm going to have to be okay with a lot of it being cropped out but with magic expand I can come again with my photo selected up to the top left where it says edit photo and then I can come over to where it says crop and now I've got an expand feature here so I switch over to expand and then I can select the size I want this photo to expand to so I can select free form I can select it to expand to the whole page or I can select a specific size here so let's just try to expand this to the whole page and see what happens and we can see how now Cana has used AI to expand an add parts to the photo on the top and the bottom and we've got four different options here so these are all slightly different we can look for the one that looks the most natural and that fits what look we're going for so I think this actually looks pretty good one thing to remember is that AI tools are constantly being being developed and made better so some areas of the photo may look a little bit interesting but it should be getting better and better over time and I think this is a really cool tool to be able to use for the purpose of expanding and taking up a whole different size canvas if we don't like the results that it gave us we can always click to generate new results again until we're happy with one of the options that it generates the next tool is really useful this is called Magic switch so we can find magic switch up here in the top left corner and if you're familiar with canva at all this is actually where the magic resize button used to be but now it's renamed to Magic switch so if we click on this we can still see all of the magic resize options that we would have had before so maybe you've used this before where you could resize whatever you're working on into a totally different size so let's say you wanted to change your slide presentation into some social media Graphics you could have easily done that with magic resize so we still have all of the resize features here but also under the new magic switch we've got the ability to translate our design into another language so that's just an easy oneclick translation for the entire design so here I have pulled up a slide presentation that I've created I could easily go to translate select the language that I'd like it to translate to and then apply to page I can apply it to one page in my design or all pages and then I can click translate and the entire thing will be translated instantly I can also go to transform into a doc so if I want to take let's say something like this slide presentation and I want to use the information that I've created inside the slide presentation to transform it into a document I would come to this option transform into Doc and then I can select the text format so I can choose summary blog post poem all text email or song lyrics so let's say I want to make this into a blog post I can select that click transform into Doc and then once it's ready I'll click open doc and here I can see the document that has all the information that was pulled from my slides so instead of having to go and manually create a document out of this information canvas magic switch tool gives it to me in one click which saves so much time all right moving on to our next AI tool which is called Magic media so when we're in canva if we come to apps again we can search for Magic media by typing that in click on Magic media and this will bring up the AI prompt to image or prompt to videos tool it used to be called text to image but now it's called Magic media and we have the capability to create an image or a video within this one app so the images area looks like what we were already familiar with but now we have the option for videos so we can click over to videos and create a video completely with AI so all we have to do here is put in our prompt to describe what we want want the video to be so I might say something like red and white race car in the desert then I can click generate video and here it's generated a video with our prompt so I can click to add this to my canvas that I'm working on and click to play and there it is so as I said before it may look a little wonky because sometimes AI tools take a little while to develop but I think for this tool still being in beta at the time of this filming and just giving it a few words of a prompt this video is actually pretty interesting if I'm not happy with it and I want to try something else I can always come back here and try a different prompt so let's say flower growing in Garden so here we've got our video of the flower and we can either use this or continue generating until we've gotten a video that we're happy with I already loved the fact that we could do this with the text to image and now I think it's really neat that they have the video capability and I'm sure it'll only get better as it continues to improve okay our next tool is Magic design for presentations we've seen magic design before but this is specifically for presentations so let's say I start a presentation on canva and just for this example let's imagine I'm someone who wants to make a presentation on how to start your own hair salon but maybe I don't really know exactly where to start with creating this presentation so I can start my project as a presentation and canva and then come over to design on the left-and menu then I can describe what I'm looking for in the search bar so I might say how to start your own hair salon now under the results that PO pop up I can see the magic design category so if I click on one of the suggested magic designs and click apply all seven pages then it instantly gives me the presentation that it created for me based on the prompt that I typed in so you can see here our title slides starting your own hair salon a step-by-step guide we can go through and see the introduction talking about market research identifying your target audience developing a business plan how to create a business plan and we' even got photos that match the topic that I typed in funding choosing a location creating an inventory list and even an ins slide thanking the audience member for considering starting their own hair salon so here we can see how the use of AI can drastically cut down on hours of work as opposed to starting a presentation like this and creating it from scratch on your own now of course you would probably want to take this and make your own changes to put in the right colors add your branding and maybe even switching out some of the wording or photos and adding specific slides that you might want in there but this is an amazing starting place place that gives you something to build off of so as you can see there are so many different new fun Tools in canva I definitely recommend you get on there and play around with it and don't forget to click the link below if you want to try out canva Pro free for 30 days and try out some of these amazing features also don't forget about my free 45 minute masterclass digital product Powerhouse that's linked below you can click through and watch that on demand to get my proven four-step system for starting your own digital products Business Online it's what I've used to bring my business to multiple six figures and what many of my students have used and found success with as well and if you're interested in my fulllength comprehensive course digital products with canva you'll learn about it in that free master class as well and there may even be a major discount available for those who watch through the class and then decide to enroll in the course so check the link below for that and happy selling
Channel: Kate Hayes
Views: 65,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva ai, canva magic studio, canva, ai tools, ai, artificial intelligence, ai news, ai video, text to video, canva tutorial, canva pro, digital products, canva magic, canva tutorial for beginners, how to use canva, ai photo editing, canva course, kate hayes, etsy digital products, digital products to sell online, ai art, digital products to sell on etsy, canva video, canva ai image generator, design with canva, canva design, tutorial canva, best ai tools, top ai tools
Id: Dr3n4uYsDp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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