Creating VIDEOS with Canva AI | Canva Tutorial for Beginners

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if you want to grow on Instagram Tik Tok or even YouTube in 2024 you know you need to create more short videos in today's tutorial I'll show you how to do just that with the help of canva AI ready let's do this hi my love you people it's Natalia and welcome back to my channel where I help you create better content and grow on social media if you want to create more video content in 2024 but you don't have the time or don't know how to edit videos for Tik Tok or Instagram then you're going to love this canva tutorial I'm covering one feature that not many people are really talking about and that's magic design for video here are the two short videos I created with it or I should probably say canva created for me and I'll show you the whole process right now to access magic design for video what you need to start off with is a design that actually is a video and it's a mobile video so you have so many different options in terms of that format in here you could go for something like an Instagram re just a simple mobile video in here there are different options in terms of like again Facebook video in here so whatever you want to start off with I'm just going to go for mobile video in here just because it gives me that versatility it doesn't really matter to be honest so instantly what you can see in here is this panel pop up from the side and that's called generate videos instantly again it's magic design for video so this is exactly what we want now when you click on it what happens is that it shows all of your uploaded videos already now I already uh pre-up loaded some of the videos that I want to use for my first project in here but if you do want to upload simply click on this icon right here and you'll be taken uh to choose your files you can do the same thing from your phone for example if you use a canva app what you can do is just to jump in there upload your videos from your phone just to make that whole workflow much easier and then jump back into um onto your laptop and work from there no matter what you should be able to get this feature okay so what I'm going to do is just to select my videos now as you can see at the very top once I select all of my videos you can see 10 out of 10 selected so this is the limitation of magic design for a video 10 out of 10 it can be videos or photos actually so if you want to incorporate photos inside of your mini Instagram reel or mini Tik Tok you can definitely do it with this one I'm just going to opt for videos because I want that effect in here now below you can see describe the kind of video you want we'll use this to generate a design and of course magic design for video is a part of magic Studio which means it is an AI feature and as so many different AI features you will be prompted to actually describe what you want in this video so I'm just going to say um a short video to show how I get ready to film my YouTube videos now there is a limit to how long your prompt has to be so you can play around with the wording of course that can give you different results U I think this should be enough for canva to generate this video for me and of course all I need to do is to just hit the generate button right here and would you look at that now what you can see in here is already a text prepared for for me canva went all out because it even added a little sticker a little animated graphic underneath with that nice kind of red tone underneath my text just to make it pop a little bit more and we have an emoji which I really do like because I do use emojis quite a lot especially in my Instagram reals for captions specifically and you can see that it kind of moved on from there so let's see what it came up [Music] with oh my [Music] God okay so first try not too bad but I do have to say that some of the text that created for me was uh was a very uh very interesting choice on the canva AI part as you can see at the very top as well H it already named my design which I really do appreciate cuz if you do want to keep your canva account organized you have to have uh every design name so that it can be pulled up very quickly and searched for so by the way if you want to know how to organize your canva account check out this video right here it will guide you through all the import steps that you need to take to finally find all of your important assets within canva much easier and therefore design much quicker so let's take a look at our video in here so how I get ready to film my YouTube videos I'm very happy about this then we have first I make sure my space is clean and organized now I don't know why this particular this particular step was actually chosen I'm just um adjusting my throat it was a part of a much larger video that I've created at that point so if I wanted to choose another part of my clip what I can do is just to um select it of course and then at the very top in here I can just click on that uh scissors panel and you can see that it will show you that it's 2.9 seconds in that case of course it can be a different timing for you and it's actually choosing that selection for me so when you take a look in here in that little um little bracket that it's chosen it actually is limited to those 2.9 seconds so what I'm going to do is to not touch the sides the purple sides which indicate obviously the start point and the end point of this clip so I'm just going to drag the middle of it and as you can see I can browse through my whole clip and see what it looks like so I'm just turning on my light in here let me find a clip that might look pretty decent for what I'm looking for of course it is about making sure that my space is clean and organized I always try to make my background look decent so um maybe just fixing my pillow in here or maybe actually grabbing that throw maybe something like this uh a part of the clip where I'm just putting my water bottle up I'm looking for something that would be kind of slightly more engaging I don't know maybe this part there's a lot more movement in here let's say this is the part that I want okay perfect so I can just hit done and this is how I adjust those Clips so the next bit is when I get dressed in something comfortable and cute well it is not what I was going for in that particular clip but actually I think it does work so you know again canva came up with an idea for me that I can use and I can just go back up in here and actually adjust it CU of course that was a part of the clip that I wasn't prepared to use maybe yep I think that bit is absolutely fine so this is exactly how I'm adjusting um all those clips now this clip was actually something that I've created initially so it's not about how I set up my camera and lighting so I'm going to go ahead and say that I review my scripts cuz it shows the laptop with my notion workspace it shows my prepared matcha and my cup of tea and this is exactly what I was going for in here so I'm going to say next I review my scripts okay let's let's say this is what I want to say in here I'm just going to bring it a little bit lower in here and this is the fun part so definitely in this clip canva did not understand my intentions it's one of the clips where I'm putting on my makeup so uh definitely not brushing my teeth although I do brush my teeth usually on the regular schedule in here and it actually put that text over my face for some reason so this is definitely something that I need to fix so I'm just going to move it up in in here and just change the text in here so what I'm going to say probably is that I'm putting on my makeup and I can actually go with the same flow with the makeup theme with the Emoji so let's say the lipstick one will be fine although I very rarely wear lipstick and the clip in here is actually of me just dabbing on some lip balms so I think um that can be a little bit more fitting and let me have a look if I can just change that clip again so I'm just going to go up in here okay let's say this is the part I want to use in here and then take a selfie for my Instagram that's definitely not something that I'm doing definitely misunderstood by canva in here but this is what happens of course it's supposed to just save a lot of time for us in terms of the editing part and for all of you guys who really don't like editing or don't know editing uh this is exactly why canva is here it just helps you trim all of those clips like this and you know pick the good audio for it as well and so let's say skin care do I have anything uh in terms of skin care let's say this balm is fine okay and then we've got also make sure to have a snack on hand well that's actually um regarding my next clip and I can just paste it in here I think this is the one that's going to go well for this and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos like this well don't forget to subscribe of course but in here um that's my matcha so I make myself a matcha so what I can do in here is actually just copy that text box and move it back in here to maybe show you how to then add another clip kind of moves on later on but for here I make myself my favorite vanilla matcha latte yeah somewhere in here should be fine although there's the place where I put my matcha great I've amended the text on the clips what I can do now is to just swap it around because I don't think canva really understood the continuity of what's been happening which again I don't blame them for it it's an AI feature so of course it may not have the best sense of time so what I'm going to do is to just move things around now how do I do it I can just quickly grab a clip from the timeline below and then move it around the whole canvas like this so this is how I'm actually making this whole clip work so I'm just going to move that in here and then my matcha next and right afterwards this is where I review my Clips then I make things cleaner in here although I would have preferred probably for this to be my setup so this is one clip that canva didn't actually use in that case so what I'm going to do is to just swap out the snack we really don't need like mukbang video or a little mukbang video in here where I just snack on a piece of bread cuz I was hungry so I'm going to go to my uploads in here and just take a look at the uploaded videos and I actually want to swap it out for this one so I'm going to add that to my script in here and I could just literally drop it like this but as you can see what happens is that it whole the whole thing just kind of stretches out completely uh you can see that there's nothing underneath so so what I'm going to do is to just get it back to what it was that was 2.4 seconds so this is the point where I'm actually setting up all of my equipment and this is what I have to say instead of the snacks so I just said each time I record I set up all my equipment in my living room and that's def definitely not my favorite step of this whole recording process so I've just added a melting uh Emoji just so I can bring all of you guys into the process and that not everything's glamorous I wish I had an extra room just to store all of that and just have that set up as it is but I'm just going to go up here and just pick the again the most engaging part of the video uh let's say maybe this part would be quite good where I'm putting up the umbrella maybe something like this can work I actually kind of like this one but maybe this one is just a bit more interesting I don't know let me know guys what you think in the comments which part I should have should have chosen in here yeah I think that part can be quite a good good show of my process so I think we're good in terms of the continuity and how the clips look so let's take a look at how the video [Music] goes [Music] so just to explain what happened at the very end as you can see canva just left an empty space but it's not actually empty it's just the reason that it used my n and my kind of semi logo let's call it just because I have it in my brand kit so canva understands that you're using your brand kit if you're a canva pro user you have those elements and important assets uploaded so it always adds your logo at the very end I don't need that logo again if you're not a user of canva pro you won't probably have that within the options in canva but if you do want to try canva Pro for free check out my link in the description box I can give you 45 days for free which is two more weeks than you'd normally get so claim that offer right now from the description box okay so let's have a look in here at the front I definitely want to adjust some of the clips so I've shown you process before I'm just going to do it quite quickly right now and we can move on to the next step which is making everything more on brand all right so I fixed my Clips what I want to do next is to actually make it on brand so what I can do is to just actually go to the design tab here in the top left panel and then I can go to Styles right in the middle what that's going to do is to pull up my own brand kit and I can just keep clicking on my own palette now if you don't have a brand cake set up or if you're a canva free user what you can utilize is all of those amazing palettes from below so I can just keep clicking on those to see if there's something that really matches my vibe and I will actually change it to my own brand fonts just like this to leag Spartan but I don't actually quite like how it turned out it's a little bit too big so I'm just going to adjust the sizing and adjust the line spacing in here just to make everything look a little bit more polished now a little tip for me to not have to do every single slide like this manually I can just copy style like this and just keep tapping on my text boxes just to apply that style to all of those elements in here amazing so we've rearranged and adjusted the frames we actually applied our own branding or my own branding in that case and what I can move on to do is to actually swap out that audio because even though it does work it is that kind of a fun vibe I don't really Vibe with it that much so I'm going to try to find something that is more suitable to like a mini Vlog something that you would know from YouTube this is something that I have Vibe with a lot more so let's go ahead to our elements Tab and then go to the audio section and I will just go ahead and search for a vlog and see what canva suggests for me all right let's say this is the one that I want to use what I could do is just to drop that music onto my timeline I'm just going to drag it to the very front of my whole reel and as you can see with the first one it was actually kind of faded in you may not notice it but there's a lighter triangle appearing at the very um start of that clip and at the very end as well which means it's faded it faded in and faded out and that's how you can do it you can just go to audio effects at the very top and you can choose your fade in to be as long or as short as you like I'm actually going to go for something that actually canva has already um adjusted for me so that's around 5 seconds and I can happily remove that first clip now what happens in here is that you can see the beats that are already pre-created by canva so all of the Assets in the canva audio library all of those beautiful sounds that are in there are actually already fixed with the beat so you can actually just manually adjust all of your Clips to the beat this is what the beat looks like you can see it in here or you can actually just select your audio and just click beat sync then sync now like this and what canva is going to do is to adjust all of your Clips to the beads so that they change on bead and that's how you can kind of beautifully tie everything together again for a more of a polished [Laughter] [Music] video now the audio starts at the very very beginning and I actually think I want to start somewhere in the middle of the song so what I can do is to just double click on that audio and as you can see two arrows appear like this which means you can just drag your audio and just adjust it to the part that you want to start off with as you can see I just made that beat uh start at the very beginning so that it still should be synced up but we can fix it in just a second and that's more like it that's more like something's already begun of course we want to make all of our short content a little bit more Snappy so this is what I'm doing in here but just to be on the safe side I will still beat syn and sync all of my clips now and that's kind of the finished look for this part now if at any point you feel like you want to trim or lengthen your videos you can actually just drag the sides of any of the clips that appear and you will notice that sometimes it snaps into place and that means that this clip is actually snapping into the place of the beach which is exactly what we want and this would be your process if you were adjusting all of your Clips manually to that beat so this is how you can kind of do it in here if you want it a little bit shorter uh you could be just kind of using it like this I'm just going to do that for those two clips right now and you can see that it's nicely trimmed you can do that for any of those clips inside at the very end it doesn't really matter now the last thing I want to show you is how to actually change the animations and the transitions that canville used for us of course I know I'm customizing this reel a lot you don't have to do that you could just use the Reel as is or just tweak it to match your branding but I want to show you how easy it is to just play around with that video once it's actually edited for you it's just a much easier process so what I could do in here that instead of kind of dissolving I could use like a circle wipe or collar wipe you know I could use match and move even though it wouldn't really work in here I actually like the dissolving but you can see in here that this is how you would normally just change those transitions so you basically just click at the very bottom then change those transitions from here you can also see that all of your text has been animated for you with this function which is a really really cool feature if you want to ever change those animations just click on that text that was animated for you and at the top you will see what normally would be an animate button but once you have it animated it actually shows what kind of an animation it is and in this case this is a merge animation so if you ever use something different for your brand because sometimes it's really nice to be very consistent with your branding in that way you could just use those instead of using the ones that canva actually got for you now the other thing that I might suggest you do this is more of an maybe Advanced tweak but just to match the vibe of your Clips as you can see the lighting in all of my Clips is slightly different CU I was filming throughout the day so I've shown uh When I Was preparing my matcha in a different type of lighting it was more kind of brighter cuz it was brighter in here and then it started raining cuz I'm in the UK so it happens all the time and everything got a little bit darker so what I can do is to just go and select my videos and then go to edit video here at the very top and then you have adjust in beta which means that you'll be able to maybe brighten your Clips a little bit and maybe change uh kind of the parameters in here so that you can see what really matches everything you can just change the warmth for example in here I made make it a little bit warmer on this one um so you can work with your videos this way as well and maybe I want to make it a little bit more bright in here just like this and add a little bit more contrast so this is another way for you to man manipulate your clips and to be able to adjust them to what you want them to look like now as you can see in here the warmth in here is a little bit too much I'm a little bit too red so maybe if I just pop that brightness a little bit up uh I could maybe drop the saturation a little bit and that can give me that effect so this is my finished [Laughter] [Music] video now I also want to show you how easy it is to use magic design for video on your phone this is a great feature to create content on the go especially if you're you know attending an event or meeting friends or you're doing something very exciting outside and you want to actually create a bit more of an impromptu piece of content and I actually think this is where canva really excels these on the-go pieces of content to allow your audience to really be taken behind the scenes of your life so let's take a look at what um I can choose from the canva app I can just use a mobile video in here at the very top and I can just create a blank mobile video from here and as I can see straight away I can see videos in an instant this is exactly the same feature so I'm going to go ahead and say try it now and upload some of the videos from my phone so I've uploaded my videos and I can just select the ones that I want to use and next of course we're moving on to our prompt I'm just going to say a mini Vlog from my trip to Australia for canva crate last year so let's move on and canva is going to generate the video for me just look at that canva went all in with this one as you can see it added some nice fun kind of elements I've got some torn paper on the side in here of course the logo part I can remove from the very back of it but it looks really cool I am actually quite happy with the results and I actually also really like the way it kind of understood what's been happening like I made so many new friends saying hi to my canva crate 2023 f it was such an amazing trip um I definitely didn't get to speak at canva crates so I will have to adjust that one but overall again you can see how simple it is I can just jump into that text from here change things up and I've got a piece of content pretty much ready for me to go now there's so much more to canva so check out this video to finally master all the Glorious features with this full canva tutorial here or learn how to design faster in canva to create even more content quickly subscribe to my channel for more canva and content marketing tips and hit that like button it really helps me continue to serve you here on YouTube thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 51,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva video editing, canva tutorial, canva, canva ai, canva pro, canva for beginners, canva tips and tricks, ai video generator, canva design, canva magic studio, easy canva tutorial, canva magic design, canva tutorial for beginners, canva video tutorial, canva video editor, canva video editor mobile, canva video, canva video editing tutorial, how to use canva video editing, video editing canva, how to edit video in canva, how to edit video with canva, how to use canva
Id: s3PGnk0XFSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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